Commit 5d221b22 authored by Alexey.Musinov's avatar Alexey.Musinov

Merge branch 'develop' of into develop

* 'develop' of
  error save xlsx with vertAlign
  RtfFormatReader - review, ...
  fixed fetch cef error
  added script to get cef
  Fixed linux build error
parents cc450851 d621873d
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
typedef enum{ mu_none, mu_Auto, mu_Percent, mu_Twips } MetricUnits;
enum _MetricUnits{ mu_none, mu_Auto, mu_Percent, mu_Twips };
class RenderParameter
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ public:
if( TYPE_RTF_PARAGRAPH == m_aArray[i]->GetType() && i != (int)m_aArray.size() - 1)
sResult += _T("\\par") ;
sResult += L"\\par";
return sResult;
......@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ class AllPictReader : public RtfAbstractReader
RtfShape& m_oShape;
AllPictReader( RtfShape& oShape ):m_oShape(oShape)
AllPictReader( RtfShape& oShape ) : m_oShape(oShape)
bool ExecuteCommand(RtfDocument& oDocument, RtfReader& oReader,CString sCommand, bool hasParameter, int parameter)
......@@ -1128,7 +1128,12 @@ public:
StartSubReader( oPictureReader, oDocument, oReader );
bool res = RtfCharPropsCommand::ExecuteCommand( oDocument, oReader, sCommand, hasParameter, parameter, &m_oShape.m_oCharProperty );
if (res) return true;
return false;
return true;
......@@ -1613,29 +1618,29 @@ public:
// bool ExecuteCommand(RtfDocument& oDocument, RtfReader& oReader,CString sCommand, bool hasParameter, int parameter)
// {
// if( _T("lsdlockedexcept") == sCommand )
// if( L"lsdlockedexcept" == sCommand )
// return true;
// else if( _T("lsdpriority") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdpriority" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// m_oCurException.m_nPriority = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdunhideused") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdunhideused" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// m_oCurException.m_nHiddenWhenUse = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdqformat") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdqformat" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// m_oCurException.m_nQFormat = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdlocked") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdlocked" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// m_oCurException.m_nLocked = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdsemihidden") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdsemihidden" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// m_oCurException.m_nSemiHidden = parameter;
......@@ -1666,39 +1671,39 @@ public:
//public: bool ExecuteCommand(RtfDocument& oDocument, RtfReader& oReader,CString sCommand, bool hasParameter, int parameter)
// {
// if( _T("latentstyles") == sCommand )
// if( L"latentstyles" == sCommand )
// return true;
// else if( _T("lsdstimax") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdstimax" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// oDocument.m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nCount = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdlockeddef") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdlockeddef" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// oDocument.m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nLocked = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdsemihiddendef") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdsemihiddendef" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// oDocument.m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nSemiHidden = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdunhideuseddef") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdunhideuseddef" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// oDocument.m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nUnHiddenWhenUse = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdqformatdef") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdqformatdef" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// oDocument.m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nQFormat = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdprioritydef") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdprioritydef" == sCommand )
// {
// if( true == hasParameter )
// oDocument.m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nPriority = parameter;
// }
// else if( _T("lsdlockedexcept") == sCommand )
// else if( L"lsdlockedexcept" == sCommand )
// {
// LockedExeceptReader oExceptionReader;
// StartSubReader( oExceptionReader, oDocument, oReader );
......@@ -2188,11 +2193,11 @@ private:
bool ExecuteCommand(RtfDocument& oDocument, RtfReader& oReader,CString sCommand, bool hasParameter, int parameter)
if( _T("lfolevel") == sCommand)
if( L"lfolevel" == sCommand)
return true;
COMMAND_RTF_INT( _T("listoverrideformat"), m_oOverrideLevel.m_nLevelIndex, sCommand, hasParameter, parameter )
COMMAND_RTF_INT( _T("listoverridestartat"), m_oOverrideLevel.m_nStart, sCommand, hasParameter, parameter )
else if( _T("listlevel") == sCommand )
COMMAND_RTF_INT( L"listoverrideformat", m_oOverrideLevel.m_nLevelIndex, sCommand, hasParameter, parameter )
COMMAND_RTF_INT( L"listoverridestartat", m_oOverrideLevel.m_nStart, sCommand, hasParameter, parameter )
else if( L"listlevel" == sCommand )
m_oOverrideLevel.m_oLevel.m_nLevel = m_oOverrideLevel.m_nLevelIndex;
ListTableReader::ListReader::ListLevelReader oListLevelReader( m_oOverrideLevel.m_oLevel );
......@@ -2211,19 +2216,19 @@ private:
bool ExecuteCommand(RtfDocument& oDocument, RtfReader& oReader,CString sCommand, bool hasParameter, int parameter)
if( _T("listoverride") == sCommand)
if( L"listoverride" == sCommand)
return true;
else if( _T("listid") == sCommand )
else if( L"listid" == sCommand )
if( true == hasParameter )
m_oProperty.m_nListID = parameter;
else if( _T("ls") == sCommand )
else if( L"ls" == sCommand )
if( true == hasParameter )
m_oProperty.m_nIndex = parameter;
else if( _T("lfolevel") == sCommand )
else if( L"lfolevel" == sCommand )
RtfListOverrideProperty::ListOverrideLevels::ListOverrideLevel oOverrideLevel;
lfolevelReader olfolevelReader( oOverrideLevel );
......@@ -2241,9 +2246,9 @@ public:
bool ExecuteCommand(RtfDocument& oDocument, RtfReader& oReader,CString sCommand, bool hasParameter, int parameter)
if( _T("listoverridetable") == sCommand )
if( L"listoverridetable" == sCommand )
return true;
else if( _T("listoverride") == sCommand)
else if( L"listoverride" == sCommand)
RtfListOverrideProperty oProperty;
ListOverrideReader oListOverrideReader( oProperty );
......@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ public:
CString Generate_rId()
CString sResult;
sResult.AppendFormat( _T("rId%d"), m_nrIdCount++ );
sResult.AppendFormat( L"rId%d", m_nrIdCount++ );
return sResult;
CString Generate_FitTextId()
CString sResult;
sResult.AppendFormat( _T("%d"), m_nFitTextIdCount++ );
sResult.AppendFormat( L"%d", m_nFitTextIdCount++ );
return sResult;
......@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ public:
CString Generate_OleId()
CString sId;
sId.AppendFormat( _T("%d"), m_nOleId++ );
CString sResult = _T("_1330071130");
sId.AppendFormat( L"%d", m_nOleId++ );
CString sResult = L"_1330071130";
sResult = sResult.Left( sResult.GetLength() - sId.GetLength() );
sResult += sId;
return sResult;
......@@ -47,47 +47,47 @@ public:
//if( TRUE == oXmlReader.OpenFromXmlNode( oParam.oNode ) )
// CString sThemeColor = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(sTheme, _T("") );
// CString themeShade = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(sThemeShade, _T("0") );
// CString themeTint = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(sThemeTint, _T("255") );
// CString val = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(sColor, _T("") );
// if( _T("") != sThemeColor )
// CString sThemeColor = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(sTheme, L"" );
// CString themeShade = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(sThemeShade, L"0" );
// CString themeTint = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(sThemeTint, L"255" );
// CString val = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(sColor, L"" );
// if( !sThemeColor.IsEmpty() )
// {
// //Todo tx1 - моджет приходить text1
// RtfColor::ThemeColor oTheme = RtfColor::TC_NONE;
// if( sThemeColor == _T("accent1") )
// if( sThemeColor == L"accent1" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::caccentone;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("accent2") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"accent2" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::caccenttwo;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("accent3") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"accent3" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::caccentthree;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("accent4") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"accent4" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::caccentfour;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("accent5") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"accent5" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::caccentfive;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("accent6") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"accent6" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::caccentsix;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("bg1") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"bg1" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::cbackgroundone;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("bg2") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"bg2" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::cbackgroundtwo;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("dk1") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"dk1" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::cmaindarkone;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("dk2") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"dk2" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::cmaindarktwo;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("folHlink") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"folHlink" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::cfollowedhyperlink;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("hlink") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"hlink" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::chyperlink;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("lt1") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"lt1" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::cmainlightone;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("lt2") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"lt2" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::cmainlighttwo;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("phClr") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"phClr" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::cmainlighttwo;
// else if( sThemeColor == _T("tx1") )
// else if( sThemeColor == L"tx1" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::ctextone;
// else if( sThemeColor = _T("tx2") )
// else if( sThemeColor = L"tx2" )
// oTheme = RtfColor::ctexttwo;
// if( true == oParam.oRtf->m_oColorTable.GetColor( oTheme , oOutputColor ) )
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public:
// return false;
// }
// else if( _T("auto") != val )
// else if( L"auto" != val )
// {
// oOutputColor.SetHEXString( val );
// return true;
......@@ -98,15 +98,15 @@ public:
oNewColor.m_eTheme = RtfColor::cfollowedhyperlink;
oParam.oRtf->m_oColorTable.AddItem( oNewColor );
//else if( _T("a:bg1") == sNodeName )
//else if( L"a:bg1" == sNodeName )
// oNewColor.m_eTheme = RtfColor::cbackgroundone;
//else if( _T("a:bg2") == sNodeName )
//else if( L"a:bg2" == sNodeName )
// oNewColor.m_eTheme = RtfColor::cbackgroundtwo;
//else if( _T("a:phClr") == sNodeName )
//else if( L"a:phClr" == sNodeName )
// oNewColor.m_eTheme = RtfColor::cmainlighttwo;
//else if( _T("a:tx1") == sNodeName )
//else if( L"a:tx1" == sNodeName )
// oNewColor.m_eTheme = RtfColor::ctextone;
//else if( _T("a:tx2") == sNodeName )
//else if( L"a:tx2" == sNodeName )
// oNewColor.m_eTheme = RtfColor::ctexttwo;
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ bool OOXPictureGraphicReader::Parse( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfShape& oOutput)
OOX::Image* pImage = (OOX::Image*)oFile.operator->();
CString sImagePath = pImage->filename().GetPath();
bTryPicture = WriteDataToPicture( sImagePath, *oOutput.m_oPicture, _T("") );
bTryPicture = WriteDataToPicture( sImagePath, *oOutput.m_oPicture, L"" );
......@@ -119,25 +119,26 @@ public:
CString sFont;
CString sTempFont;
if( _T("") != sAscii )
if( !sAscii.IsEmpty() )
sFont = sAscii;
else if( _T("") != sAsciiTheme && _T("") != GetThemeFont(sAsciiTheme, *oParam.oReader) )
else if( !sAsciiTheme.IsEmpty() && !GetThemeFont(sAsciiTheme, *oParam.oReader).IsEmpty() )
sFont = GetThemeFont(sAsciiTheme, *oParam.oReader);
else if( _T("") != sHAnsi )
else if( !sHAnsi.IsEmpty() )
sFont = sHAnsi;
else if( _T("") != sHAnsiTheme && _T("") != GetThemeFont(sHAnsiTheme, *oParam.oReader) )
else if( !sHAnsiTheme.IsEmpty() && !GetThemeFont(sHAnsiTheme, *oParam.oReader).IsEmpty() )
sFont = GetThemeFont(sHAnsiTheme, *oParam.oReader);
else if( _T("") != sCs )
else if( !sCs.IsEmpty() )
sFont = sCs;
else if( _T("") != sCsTheme && _T("") != GetThemeFont(sCsTheme, *oParam.oReader) )
else if( !sCsTheme.IsEmpty() && !GetThemeFont(sCsTheme, *oParam.oReader).IsEmpty() )
sFont = GetThemeFont(sCsTheme, *oParam.oReader);
else if( _T("") != sEastAsia )
else if( !sEastAsia.IsEmpty() )
sFont = sEastAsia;
else if( _T("") != sEastAsiaTheme && _T("") != GetThemeFont(sEastAsiaTheme, *oParam.oReader) )
else if( !sEastAsiaTheme.IsEmpty() && !GetThemeFont(sEastAsiaTheme, *oParam.oReader).IsEmpty() )
sFont = GetThemeFont(sEastAsiaTheme, *oParam.oReader);
if( _T("") != sFont )
if( !sFont.IsEmpty() )
RtfFont oCurFont;
if( true == oParam.oRtf->m_oFontTable.GetFont( sFont, oCurFont ) )
......@@ -156,22 +157,15 @@ private:
CString GetThemeFont( CString sTheme, OOXReader & oReader )
CString sFont;
if( _T("majorAscii") == sTheme )
sFont = oReader.m_smajorAscii;
else if( _T("majorBidi") == sTheme )
sFont = oReader.m_smajorBidi;
else if( _T("majorEastAsia") == sTheme )
sFont = oReader.m_smajorEastAsia;
else if( _T("majorHAnsi") == sTheme )
sFont = oReader.m_smajorHAnsi;
else if( _T("minorAscii") == sTheme )
sFont = oReader.m_sminorAscii;
else if( _T("minorBidi") == sTheme )
sFont = oReader.m_sminorBidi;
else if( _T("minorEastAsia") == sTheme )
sFont = oReader.m_sminorEastAsia;
else if( _T("minorHAnsi") == sTheme )
sFont = oReader.m_sminorHAnsi;
if ( L"majorAscii" == sTheme ) sFont = oReader.m_smajorAscii;
else if ( L"majorBidi" == sTheme ) sFont = oReader.m_smajorBidi;
else if ( L"majorEastAsia" == sTheme ) sFont = oReader.m_smajorEastAsia;
else if ( L"majorHAnsi" == sTheme ) sFont = oReader.m_smajorHAnsi;
else if ( L"minorAscii" == sTheme ) sFont = oReader.m_sminorAscii;
else if ( L"minorBidi" == sTheme ) sFont = oReader.m_sminorBidi;
else if ( L"minorEastAsia" == sTheme ) sFont = oReader.m_sminorEastAsia;
else if ( L"minorHAnsi" == sTheme ) sFont = oReader.m_sminorHAnsi;
return sFont;
......@@ -45,44 +45,45 @@ public:
XmlUtils::CXmlLiteReader oXmlReader;
if( TRUE == oXmlReader.OpenFromXmlNode(oParam.oNode) )
CString nCount = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:count") );
if( _T("") != nCount )
CString nCount = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:count" );
if( !nCount.IsEmpty() )
oParam.oRtf->m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nCount = Strings::ToInteger( nCount );
CString nLocked = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:defLockedState") );
if( _T("") != nLocked )
CString nLocked = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:defLockedState" );
if( !nLocked.IsEmpty() )
oParam.oRtf->m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nLocked= Strings::ToInteger( nLocked );
CString nSemiHid = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:defSemiHidden") );
if( _T("") != nSemiHid )
CString nSemiHid = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:defSemiHidden" );
if( !nSemiHid.IsEmpty() )
oParam.oRtf->m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nSemiHidden= Strings::ToInteger( nSemiHid );
CString nUNhidWU = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:defUnhideWhenUsed") );
if( _T("") != nUNhidWU )
CString nUNhidWU = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:defUnhideWhenUsed" );
if( !nUNhidWU.IsEmpty() )
oParam.oRtf->m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nUnHiddenWhenUse= Strings::ToInteger( nUNhidWU );
CString nQFormat = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:defQFormat") );
if( _T("") != nQFormat )
CString nQFormat = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:defQFormat" );
if( !nQFormat.IsEmpty() )
oParam.oRtf->m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nQFormat= Strings::ToInteger( nQFormat );
CString nUIPriority = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:defUIPriority") );
if( _T("") != nUIPriority )
CString nUIPriority = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:defUIPriority" );
if( !nUIPriority.IsEmpty() )
oParam.oRtf->m_oLatentStyleTable.m_nPriority= Strings::ToInteger( nUIPriority );
oXmlReader.ReadNodeList( _T("w:lsdException") );
oXmlReader.ReadNodeList( L"w:lsdException" );
for( int i = 0; i < oXmlReader.GetLengthList(); i++ )
RtfStyleException oNewException;
oNewException.m_sName = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:name"), _T("") );
CString nPriority = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:uiPriority"));
if( _T("") != nPriority )
oNewException.m_sName = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:name", L"" );
CString nPriority = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:uiPriority");
if( !nPriority.IsEmpty() )
oNewException.m_nPriority = Strings::ToInteger( nPriority );
CString nHiddenWhenUse = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:unhideWhenUsed") );
if( _T("") != nHiddenWhenUse )
CString nHiddenWhenUse = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:unhideWhenUsed");
if( !nHiddenWhenUse.IsEmpty() )
oNewException.m_nHiddenWhenUse = Strings::ToInteger( nHiddenWhenUse );
CString nQFormat = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:qFormat") );
if( _T("") != nQFormat )
CString nQFormat = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:qFormat" );
if( !nQFormat.IsEmpty() )
oNewException.m_nQFormat = Strings::ToInteger( nQFormat );
CString nLocked = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:locked") );
if( _T("") != nLocked )
CString nLocked = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:locked" );
if( !nLocked.IsEmpty() )
oNewException.m_nLocked = Strings::ToInteger( nLocked );
CString nSemiHidden = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( _T("w:semiHidden") );
if( _T("") != nSemiHidden )
CString nSemiHidden = oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute( L"w:semiHidden");
if( !nSemiHidden.IsEmpty() )
oNewException.m_nSemiHidden = Strings::ToInteger( nSemiHidden );
if( true == oNewException.IsValid() )
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ bool OOXMathReader::ParseElement(ReaderParameter oParam , OOX::WritingElement *
rtfMath->m_bIsVal = true;
RtfCharPtr oChar = RtfCharPtr(new RtfChar);
CString s; s.AppendFormat( _T("%d"), oFont.m_nID );
CString s; s.AppendFormat( L"%d", oFont.m_nID );
oChar->setText( s );
rtfMath->m_oVal.AddItem( oChar );
......@@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ bool OOXParagraphReader::Parse2( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfParagraph& oOutputP
sTarget = pH->Uri().GetPath();
if( _T("") != sTarget )
if( !sTarget.IsEmpty() )
//заменяем пробелы на %20
sTarget.Replace( _T(" "), _T("%20") );
CString sFileUrl = _T("file:///");
sTarget.Replace( L" ", L"%20" );
CString sFileUrl = L"file:///";
if( 0 == sTarget.Find( sFileUrl ) )
int nFirstDDot = sTarget.Find( ':', sFileUrl.GetLength() );
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ bool OOXParagraphReader::Parse2( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfParagraph& oOutputP
RtfCharPtr oNewChar( new RtfChar() );
oNewChar->m_bRtfEncode = true;// false;
CString sFieldText;
sFieldText += _T("HYPERLINK \"") + sTarget + _T("\"");
sFieldText += L"HYPERLINK \"" + sTarget + L"\"";
oNewChar->setText( sFieldText );
RtfParagraphPtr oNewInsertParagraph( new RtfParagraph() );
oNewInsertParagraph->AddItem( oNewChar );
......@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ bool OOXParagraphReader::Parse2( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfParagraph& oOutputP
//добавляем свойства
//pHyperlink->m_arrItems todoooo
//BOOL bLock = Strings::ToBoolean(oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(i,_T("w:fldLock"),_T("false")));
//BOOL bLock = Strings::ToBoolean(oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(i, L"w:fldLock", L"false)));
//if( TRUE == bLock )
// oCurField->m_eMode = RtfField::fm_fldlock;
//BOOL bDirty = Strings::ToBoolean(oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(i,_T("w:dirty"),_T("false")));
//BOOL bDirty = Strings::ToBoolean(oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(i, L"w:dirty", L"false"));
//if( TRUE == bDirty )
// oCurField->m_eMode = RtfField::fm_flddirty;
......@@ -238,17 +238,17 @@ bool OOXParagraphReader::Parse2( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfParagraph& oOutputP
//добавляем insert
RtfCharPtr oNewCharHYPER( new RtfChar() );
oNewCharHYPER->m_bRtfEncode = false;
oNewCharHYPER->setText( _T("HYPERLINK \\l \"") + pHyperlink->m_sAnchor.get() +_T("\"") );
oNewCharHYPER->setText( L"HYPERLINK \\l \"" + pHyperlink->m_sAnchor.get() +L"\"");
RtfParagraphPtr oNewInsertParagraph( new RtfParagraph() );
oNewInsertParagraph->AddItem( oNewCharHYPER );
oCurField->m_oInsert->AddItem( oNewInsertParagraph );
////добаляем свойства
//BOOL bLock = Strings::ToBoolean(oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(i,_T("w:fldLock"),_T("false")));
//BOOL bLock = Strings::ToBoolean(oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(i, L"w:fldLock" ,L"false"));
//if( TRUE == bLock )
// oCurField->m_eMode = RtfField::fm_fldlock;
//BOOL bDirty = Strings::ToBoolean(oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(i,_T("w:dirty"),_T("false")));
//BOOL bDirty = Strings::ToBoolean(oXmlReader.ReadNodeAttribute(i, L"w:dirty", L"false"));
//if( TRUE == bDirty )
// oCurField->m_eMode = RtfField::fm_flddirty;
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ bool OOXParagraphReader::Parse2( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfParagraph& oOutputP
OOX::Logic::CBookmarkStart * pBookmarkStart = dynamic_cast<OOX::Logic::CBookmarkStart*>(m_ooxElement->m_arrItems[i]);
RtfBookmarkStartPtr oNewBookmark( new RtfBookmarkStart() );
oNewBookmark->m_sName = pBookmarkStart->m_sName.IsInit() ? pBookmarkStart->m_sName.get2() : _T("");
oNewBookmark->m_sName = pBookmarkStart->m_sName.IsInit() ? pBookmarkStart->m_sName.get2() : L"";
if (pBookmarkStart->m_oColFirst.IsInit())
oNewBookmark->nFirstColumn = pBookmarkStart->m_oColFirst->GetValue();
......@@ -771,9 +771,10 @@ bool OOXRunReader::Parse( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfParagraph& oOutputParagrap
if( PROP_DEF != oNewProperty.m_nFontSize )
nFontSize = oNewProperty.m_nFontSize / 2;
sFieldText.AppendFormat(_T("SYMBOL %d \\\\f \""), nChar);
sFieldText += sFont;
sFieldText.AppendFormat(_T("\" \\\\s %d"), nFontSize );
sFieldText = L"SYMBOL";
sFieldText.AppendFormat(L"%d", nChar);
sFieldText += L" \\\\f \"" + sFont + L"\" \\\\s ";
sFieldText.AppendFormat(L"%d", nFontSize );
oNewChar->setText( sFieldText );
RtfParagraphPtr oNewInsertParagraph( new RtfParagraph() );
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
oOutput.m_nWidthGoal = image.get_Width();
oOutput.m_nHeightGoal = image.get_Height();
CString sTargetFile = FileSystem::Directory::CreateTempFileWithUniqueName(ooxPath.GetDirectory(), _T("img"));
CString sTargetFile = FileSystem::Directory::CreateTempFileWithUniqueName(ooxPath.GetDirectory(), L"img");
if (image.SaveFile(string2std_string(sTargetFile), 4 /*_CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG*/) )
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public:
CFile file_inp; //mpa
CFile file_out;//wmf
CString sTargetFile = FileSystem::Directory::CreateTempFileWithUniqueName(ooxPath.GetDirectory(), _T("img"));
CString sTargetFile = FileSystem::Directory::CreateTempFileWithUniqueName(ooxPath.GetDirectory(), L"img");
int res = file_inp.OpenFile(sPath);
if (res != S_OK) return false;
......@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ public:
// todooo - реализовать в DocxFormat
//if( _T("w:doNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing") == sNodeName )
//if( L"w:doNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing" == sNodeName )
// oParam.oRtf->m_oProperty.m_bHtmlAutoSpace = 0;
//else if( _T("w:forgetLastTabAlignment") == sNodeName )
//else if( L"w:forgetLastTabAlignment" == sNodeName )
// oParam.oRtf->m_oProperty.m_bUseTabAlignment = 0;
if (m_ooxSettings->m_oFootnotePr.IsInit())
......@@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ bool OOXShapeReader::Parse2( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfShapePtr& oOutput)
OOX::Vml::CFill* fill = dynamic_cast<OOX::Vml::CFill*>(m_arrElement->m_arrItems[i]);
if (!fill) break;
CString srId = fill->m_sId.IsInit() ? fill->m_sId.get2() : _T("") ;
CString srId = fill->m_sId.IsInit() ? fill->m_sId.get2() : L"" ;
if (srId.IsEmpty())
srId = fill->m_rId.IsInit() ? fill->m_rId->GetValue() : _T("") ;
srId = fill->m_rId.IsInit() ? fill->m_rId->GetValue() : L"" ;
if (!srId.IsEmpty() && oParam.oReader->m_currentContainer)
......@@ -361,10 +361,10 @@ bool OOXShapeReader::Parse2( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfShapePtr& oOutput)
OOX::Vml::CImageData* image_data = dynamic_cast<OOX::Vml::CImageData*>(m_arrElement->m_arrItems[i]);
if (!image_data) break;
CString srId = image_data->m_oId.IsInit() ? image_data->m_oId.get2() : _T("") ;
CString srId = image_data->m_oId.IsInit() ? image_data->m_oId.get2() : L"" ;
if (srId.IsEmpty())
srId = image_data->m_rId.IsInit() ? image_data->m_rId->GetValue() : _T("") ;
srId = image_data->m_rId.IsInit() ? image_data->m_rId->GetValue() : L"" ;
if (oParam.oReader->m_currentContainer)
......@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ bool OOXShapeReader::Parse( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfShapePtr& oOutput)
if (oOutput->m_nShapeType == PROP_DEF)
int pos = shape->m_sType->Find(_T("#_x0000_t"));
int pos = shape->m_sType->Find( L"#_x0000_t" );
if (pos >= 0)
oOutput->m_nShapeType = _wtoi(shape->m_sType->Mid(pos + 9, shape->m_sType->GetLength() - pos - 9).GetString());
......@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ bool OOXShapeReader::Parse( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfShapePtr& oOutput)
oOutput->m_nWrapType = 2;
int nPosition = 0;
CString sPoint = _T("start");
CString sPoint = L"start";
for (long i =0 ;i < m_vmlElement->m_oWrapCoords->GetSize(); i++)
oOutput->m_aWrapPoints.push_back( std::pair<int,int>( m_vmlElement->m_oWrapCoords->GetX(i),
......@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ bool OOXShapeGroupReader::Parse( ReaderParameter oParam , RtfShapeGroupPtr& oOut
if (oOutput->m_nWrapType == 3 && oOutput->m_nZOrderRelative == PROP_DEF) oOutput->m_nWrapType =2;
int nPosition = 0;
CString sPoint = _T("start");
CString sPoint = L"start";
for (long i =0 ;i < m_vmlGroup->m_oWrapCoords->GetSize(); i++)
oOutput->m_aWrapPoints.push_back( std::pair<int,int>( m_vmlGroup->m_oWrapCoords->GetX(i),
......@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ public:
if (oNewStyle == NULL) return true;
RtfStyle::StyleType eStyleType = oNewStyle->m_eType;
RtfStyle::_StyleType eStyleType = oNewStyle->m_eType;
oNewStyle->m_nID = oParam.oRtf->m_oStyleTable.GetCount() + 1;
oNewStyle->m_sID = m_ooxStyle->m_sStyleId.IsInit() ? m_ooxStyle->m_sStyleId.get2() : _T("");
oNewStyle->m_sID = m_ooxStyle->m_sStyleId.IsInit() ? m_ooxStyle->m_sStyleId.get2() : L"";
if(m_ooxStyle->m_oName.IsInit() && m_ooxStyle->m_oName->m_sVal.IsInit())
oNewStyle->m_sName = m_ooxStyle->m_oName->m_sVal.get2();
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public:
oOutputStyle = RtfStylePtr( new RtfTableStyle() );
oOutputStyle->m_nID = oParam.oRtf->m_oStyleTable.GetCount() + 1;
RtfStyle::StyleType eStyleType = oOutputStyle->m_eType;//todooo проверить
RtfStyle::_StyleType eStyleType = oOutputStyle->m_eType;//todooo проверить
if (oox_tableStyle->m_oRunPr.IsInit() &&
( RtfStyle::stCharacter == eStyleType || RtfStyle::stParagraph == eStyleType || RtfStyle::stTable == eStyleType ))//todo с rtf стилями
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public:
if( m_ooxTableProps->m_oTblCellMar.IsInit() )
MetricUnits eMetric = mu_none;
_MetricUnits eMetric = mu_none;
int nValue = PROP_DEF;
//if( mu_Twips == eMetric && PROP_DEF != nValue )
//todooo сделать вариант с процентми
......@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ public:
if( m_ooxTableRowProps->m_oWBefore.IsInit() && m_ooxTableRowProps->m_oWBefore->m_oW.IsInit())
oOutputProperty.m_nWidthStartInvCell = m_ooxTableRowProps->m_oWBefore->m_oW->GetValue();
oOutputProperty.m_eMUStartInvCell = MetricUnits::mu_Twips;
oOutputProperty.m_eMUStartInvCell = _MetricUnits::mu_Twips;
if( m_ooxTableRowProps->m_oWAfter.IsInit() && m_ooxTableRowProps->m_oWAfter->m_oW.IsInit())
oOutputProperty.m_nWidthEndInvCell = m_ooxTableRowProps->m_oWAfter->m_oW->GetValue();
oOutputProperty.m_eMUEndInvCell = MetricUnits::mu_Twips;
oOutputProperty.m_eMUEndInvCell = _MetricUnits::mu_Twips;
if( m_ooxTableRowProps->m_oGridBefore.IsInit() && m_ooxTableRowProps->m_oGridBefore->m_oVal.IsInit())
......@@ -32,8 +32,13 @@
#include "RtfChar.h"
#include "RtfDocument.h"
#include "Writer/OOXWriter.h"
CString RtfChar::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
RtfDocument* poRtfDocument = static_cast<RtfDocument*> (oRenderParameter.poDocument);
OOXWriter* poOOXWriter = static_cast<OOXWriter*> (oRenderParameter.poWriter);
CString sResult;
if(RENDER_TO_OOX_PARAM_RUN == oRenderParameter.nType)
......@@ -43,13 +48,21 @@ CString RtfChar::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
if (m_oProperty.m_nDeleted != PROP_DEF)
bDelete = true;
sResult += L"<w:del>";
CString sAuthor = m_oProperty.m_nRevauthDel != PROP_DEF ? poRtfDocument->m_oRevisionTable[ m_oProperty.m_nRevauthDel ] : L"";
CString sDate(RtfUtility::convertDateTime(m_oProperty.m_nRevdttmDel).c_str());
sResult += L"<w:del w:date=\"" + sDate + L"\" w:author=\"" + sAuthor + L"\" w:id=\"" + std::to_wstring(poOOXWriter->m_nCurTrackChangesId++).c_str() + L"\">";
m_oProperty.m_nDeleted = PROP_DEF;
if (m_oProperty.m_nRevised != PROP_DEF)
else if (m_oProperty.m_nRevised != PROP_DEF)
bInsert = true;
sResult += L"<w:ins>";
CString sAuthor = m_oProperty.m_nRevauth != PROP_DEF ? poRtfDocument->m_oRevisionTable[ m_oProperty.m_nRevauth] : L"";
CString sDate(RtfUtility::convertDateTime(m_oProperty.m_nRevdttm).c_str());
sResult += L"<w:ins w:date=\"" + sDate + L"\" w:author=\"" + sAuthor + L"\" w:id=\"" + std::to_wstring(poOOXWriter->m_nCurTrackChangesId++).c_str() + L"\">";
m_oProperty.m_nRevised = PROP_DEF;
......@@ -60,8 +73,8 @@ CString RtfChar::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
sResult += renderTextToXML(L"Text", bDelete );
sResult += L"</w:r>";
if (bDelete)sResult += L"</w:del>";
if (bInsert)sResult += L"</w:ins>";
if (bDelete)sResult += L"</w:del>";
else if(RENDER_TO_OOX_PARAM_TEXT == oRenderParameter.nType)
......@@ -105,6 +118,7 @@ CString RtfChar::renderTextToXML( CString sParam, bool bDelete )
return sResult;
CString RtfChar::renderRtfText( CString& sText, void* poDocument, RtfCharProperty* oCharProperty )
RtfDocument* oDocument = static_cast<RtfDocument*>(poDocument);
......@@ -179,18 +193,18 @@ CString RtfChar::renderRtfText( CString& sText, void* poDocument, RtfCharPropert
if (nCharCode == 0x5c || nCharCode == 0x7b || nCharCode == 0x7d)
sResult.AppendFormat( _T("\\'%x"), nCharCode );
sResult.AppendFormat( L"\\'%x", nCharCode );
} else if (0x00 <= nCharCode && nCharCode - 1 < 0x10)
sResult.AppendFormat(_T("\\'0%x"), nCharCode - 1 );
sResult.AppendFormat( L"\\'0%x", nCharCode - 1 );
} else if (0x10 <= nCharCode - 1 && nCharCode < 0x20)
sResult.AppendFormat(_T("\\'%x"), nCharCode - 1 );
sResult.AppendFormat( L"\\'%x", nCharCode - 1 );
} else if ( 0x20 <= nCharCode && nCharCode < 0x80 )
sResult.AppendChar( nCharCode );
} else { // 0x80 <= nUnicode <= 0xff
sResult.AppendFormat( _T("\\'%x"), nCharCode );
sResult.AppendFormat( L"\\'%x", nCharCode );
......@@ -200,14 +214,50 @@ CString RtfChar::renderRtfText( CString& sText, void* poDocument, RtfCharPropert
if (0 < nUnicode && nUnicode <= 0x8000)
sResult.AppendFormat( L"\\u%d*",nUnicode);
} else if (0x8000 < nUnicode && nUnicode <= 0xffff) {
sResult.AppendFormat(_T("\\u%d*"), nUnicode - 0x10000); //??? font alt name china ALL FONTS NEW.docx (Mekanik LET)
sResult.AppendFormat( L"\\u%d*", nUnicode - 0x10000); //??? font alt name china ALL FONTS NEW.docx (Mekanik LET)
} else {
sResult += _T("\\u9633*");
sResult += L"\\u9633*";
return sResult;
CString RtfChar::RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
CString result;
if( RENDER_TO_RTF_PARAM_CHAR == oRenderParameter.nType )
if( true == m_bRtfEncode )
result += renderRtfText( m_sChars, oRenderParameter.poDocument, &m_oProperty );
result += m_sChars;
CString sText;
if( true == m_bRtfEncode )
sText = renderRtfText( m_sChars, oRenderParameter.poDocument, &m_oProperty );
sText = m_sChars;
CString sTextProp = m_oProperty.RenderToRtf( oRenderParameter ) ;
if( !sText.IsEmpty() || !sTextProp.IsEmpty())
if (oRenderParameter.nType != RENDER_TO_RTF_PARAM_NESTED)
result += L"{";
result += sTextProp;
result += L" ";
result += sText;
if (oRenderParameter.nType != RENDER_TO_RTF_PARAM_NESTED)
result += L"}";
return result;
......@@ -317,41 +317,7 @@ public:
CString RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
static CString renderRtfText( CString& sText, void* poDocument, RtfCharProperty* oCharProperty = NULL );
CString RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
CString result;
if( RENDER_TO_RTF_PARAM_CHAR == oRenderParameter.nType )
if( true == m_bRtfEncode )
result += renderRtfText( m_sChars, oRenderParameter.poDocument, &m_oProperty );
result += m_sChars;
CString sText;
if( true == m_bRtfEncode )
sText = renderRtfText( m_sChars, oRenderParameter.poDocument, &m_oProperty );
sText = m_sChars;
CString sTextProp = m_oProperty.RenderToRtf( oRenderParameter ) ;
if( !sText.IsEmpty() || !sTextProp.IsEmpty())
if (oRenderParameter.nType != RENDER_TO_RTF_PARAM_NESTED)
result += L"{";
result += sTextProp;
result += L" ";
result += sText;
if (oRenderParameter.nType != RENDER_TO_RTF_PARAM_NESTED)
result += L"}";
return result;
CString RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
CString renderTextToXML( CString sParam, bool bDelete = false );
......@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ int RtfDocument::GetType()
CString RtfDocument::RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
return _T("");
return L"";
CString RtfDocument::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
return _T("");
return L"";
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public:
RtfStylePtr GetStyleResulting( RtfStylePtr oInputStyle )
RtfStylePtr oResultStyle;
RtfStyle::StyleType eStyleType = RtfStyle::st_none;
RtfStyle::_StyleType eStyleType = RtfStyle::st_none;
int nStyleId = oInputStyle->m_nID;
int nLinked = PROP_DEF;
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
void Clear()
//m_sBuffer = _T("");
m_nSizeAbs = 0;
m_nPosAbs = -1;
......@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ CString RtfMath::RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
CString sResult;
if( RENDER_TO_RTF_PARAM_NESTED != oRenderParameter.nType )
sResult += _T("{\\mmath");
sResult += L"{\\mmath";
sResult += _T("{\\") + m_sRtfName;
sResult += L"{\\" + m_sRtfName;
RenderParameter oNewParameter = oRenderParameter;
CString sVal;
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ CString RtfMath::RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
for( int i = 0; i < m_oVal.GetCount(); i++ )
sVal += _T(" ") + m_oVal[i]->RenderToRtf( oNewParameter );
sVal += L" " + m_oVal[i]->RenderToRtf( oNewParameter );
if (!sVal.IsEmpty())
......@@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ CString RtfMath::RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
for( int i = 0; i < (int)m_aArray.size(); i++ )
sResult += m_aArray[i]->RenderToRtf( oNewParameter );
sResult += _T("}");
sResult += L"}";
if( RENDER_TO_RTF_PARAM_NESTED != oRenderParameter.nType )
sResult += _T("}");// m_sRtfName
sResult += L"}";// m_sRtfName
return sResult;
CString RtfMath::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ CString RtfMath::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
sResult += _T("<");
sResult += L"<";
sResult += m_sOOXName;
if( false == sVal.IsEmpty() )
......@@ -170,19 +170,19 @@ CString RtfMath::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
if (sVal == L"on") sVal = L"1";
else sVal = L"0";
sResult += _T(" m:val=\"");
sResult += L" m:val=\"";
sResult += sVal;
sResult += _T("\"");
sResult += L"\"";
sResult += _T(">");
sResult += L">";
sResult += sProp;
sResult += sContent;
sResult += _T("</");
sResult += L"</";
sResult += m_sOOXName;
sResult += _T(">");
sResult += L">";
//альтернативная картинка
// if( NULL != m_oPicture )
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public:
m_sRtfName = sName;
m_sOOXName = sName;
m_sOOXName.Insert(1, _T(":"));
m_sOOXName.Insert(1, L":");
void SetOOXType (int type);
......@@ -37,17 +37,57 @@
CString RtfOle::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
if( false == IsValid() )
return _T("");
if( false == IsValid() ) return L"";
CString sResult;
RtfDocument* poRtfDocument = static_cast<RtfDocument*> (oRenderParameter.poDocument);
OOXWriter* poOOXWriter = static_cast<OOXWriter*> (oRenderParameter.poWriter);
if( RENDER_TO_OOX_PARAM_OLE_ONLY == oRenderParameter.nType )
sResult += RenderToOOXOnlyOle(oRenderParameter);
RtfCharProperty * pCharProps = m_oResultPic ? &m_oResultPic->m_oCharProperty : &m_oCharProperty;
// todooo общая часть с RtfChar
bool bInsert = false;
bool bDelete = false;
if (pCharProps->m_nDeleted != PROP_DEF)
bDelete = true;
CString sAuthor = pCharProps->m_nRevauthDel != PROP_DEF ? poRtfDocument->m_oRevisionTable[ pCharProps->m_nRevauthDel ] : L"";
CString sDate(RtfUtility::convertDateTime(pCharProps->m_nRevdttmDel).c_str());
sResult += L"<w:del w:date=\"" + sDate + L"\" w:author=\"" + sAuthor + L"\" w:id=\"" + std::to_wstring(poOOXWriter->m_nCurTrackChangesId++).c_str() + L"\">";
pCharProps->m_nDeleted = PROP_DEF;
else if (pCharProps->m_nRevised != PROP_DEF)
bInsert = true;
CString sAuthor = pCharProps->m_nRevauth != PROP_DEF ? poRtfDocument->m_oRevisionTable[ pCharProps->m_nRevauth] : L"";
CString sDate(RtfUtility::convertDateTime(pCharProps->m_nRevdttm).c_str());
sResult += L"<w:ins w:date=\"" + sDate + L"\" w:author=\"" + sAuthor + L"\" w:id=\"" + std::to_wstring(poOOXWriter->m_nCurTrackChangesId++).c_str() + L"\">";
pCharProps->m_nRevised = PROP_DEF;
sResult += _T("<w:r>");
CString sCharProp = pCharProps->RenderToOOX(oRenderParameter);
if (!sCharProp .IsEmpty())
sResult += _T("<w:rPr>");
sResult += sCharProp;
sResult += _T("</w:rPr>");
sResult.AppendFormat( _T("<w:object w:dxaOrig=\"%d\" w:dyaOrig=\"%d\">"), m_nWidth, m_nHeight );
RenderParameter oNewRenderParameter = oRenderParameter;
......@@ -60,6 +100,9 @@ CString RtfOle::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
sResult += _T("</w:object>");
sResult += _T("</w:r>");
if (bInsert)sResult += L"</w:ins>";
if (bDelete)sResult += L"</w:del>";
return sResult;
......@@ -67,9 +110,9 @@ CString RtfOle::RenderToOOXOnlyOle(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
CString sResult;
OOXWriter* poOOXWriter = static_cast<OOXWriter*>(oRenderParameter.poWriter);
OOXRelsWriter* poRelsWriter = static_cast<OOXRelsWriter*>(oRenderParameter.poRels);
RtfDocument* poDocument = static_cast<RtfDocument*>(oRenderParameter.poDocument);
OOXWriter * poOOXWriter = static_cast<OOXWriter*> (oRenderParameter.poWriter);
OOXRelsWriter * poRelsWriter = static_cast<OOXRelsWriter*> (oRenderParameter.poRels);
RtfDocument * poDocument = static_cast<RtfDocument*> (oRenderParameter.poDocument);
sResult += _T("<o:OLEObject");
switch ( m_eOleType )
......@@ -105,6 +148,40 @@ CString RtfOle::RenderToOOXOnlyOle(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
return sResult;
CString RtfOle::RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
if( !IsValid() ) return _T("");
CString sResult = _T("{\\object");
if( PROP_DEF != m_eOleType )
switch( m_eOleType )
case ot_emb: sResult += _T("\\objemb"); break;
case ot_link: sResult += _T("\\objlink"); break;
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidth, sResult, _T("objw") );
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeight, sResult, _T("objh") );
if( !m_sOleClass.IsEmpty() )
sResult += _T("{\\*\\objclass ") + m_sOleClass + _T("}");
if( !m_sOleFilename.IsEmpty() )
CString str = RtfUtility::RtfInternalEncoder::Encode( m_sOleFilename );
sResult += _T("{\\*\\objdata ") + str + _T("}");
if( NULL != m_oResultPic )
CString str = m_oResultPic->RenderToRtf( oRenderParameter );
sResult += _T("{\\result \\pard\\plain") + str + _T("}");
sResult += _T("}");
return sResult;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
DWORD CALLBACK OlePut1(LPOLESTREAM oStream, const void FAR* pTarget, DWORD dwRead)
......@@ -36,15 +36,16 @@
class RtfOle : public IDocumentElement
typedef enum{ ot_none, ot_emb, ot_link } OleType;
enum _OleType{ ot_none, ot_emb, ot_link };
OleType m_eOleType;
_OleType m_eOleType;
int m_nShapeId;
int m_nWidth;
int m_nHeight;
CString m_sOleClass;
RtfShapePtr m_oResultPic;
RtfCharProperty m_oCharProperty; // тут могут быть track changes ....
m_piStorage = NULL;
......@@ -63,40 +64,7 @@ public:
return PROP_DEF != m_nWidth && PROP_DEF != m_nHeight && _T("") != m_sOleFilename;
/*&& ::GetFileAttributes( m_sOleFilename ) != DWORD( -1 )*/
CString RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
if( !IsValid() ) return _T("");
CString sResult = _T("{\\object");
if( PROP_DEF != m_eOleType )
switch( m_eOleType )
case ot_emb: sResult += _T("\\objemb"); break;
case ot_link: sResult += _T("\\objlink"); break;
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidth, sResult, _T("objw") );
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeight, sResult, _T("objh") );
if( !m_sOleClass.IsEmpty() )
sResult += _T("{\\*\\objclass ") + m_sOleClass + _T("}");
if( !m_sOleFilename.IsEmpty() )
CString str = RtfUtility::RtfInternalEncoder::Encode( m_sOleFilename );
sResult += _T("{\\*\\objdata ") + str + _T("}");
if( NULL != m_oResultPic )
CString str = m_oResultPic->RenderToRtf( oRenderParameter );
sResult += _T("{\\result \\pard\\plain") + str + _T("}");
sResult += _T("}");
return sResult;
CString RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
CString RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
void SetFilename( CString sFilename )
......@@ -119,6 +87,8 @@ public:
RELEASEOBJECT( m_piStorage );
Utils::RemoveDirOrFile( m_sOleFilename );
m_sOleFilename = _T("");
POLE::Storage* m_piStorage;
......@@ -41,28 +41,34 @@ typedef boost::shared_ptr<RtfParagraph> RtfParagraphPtr;
class RtfOldList : IRenderableProperty
typedef enum{ lt_none, lt_blt, lt_level, lt_body, lt_cont }LevelType;
typedef enum{ lj_none, lj_left, lj_center, lj_right }LevelJust;
enum _LevelType { lt_none, lt_blt, lt_level, lt_body, lt_cont };
enum _LevelJust { lj_none, lj_left, lj_center, lj_right };
LevelType m_eLevelType;
_LevelType m_eLevelType;
int m_nLevelType;
LevelJust m_eLevelJust;
RtfParagraphPtr m_oLevelText;//фомат текста списка
_LevelJust m_eLevelJust;
RtfParagraphPtr m_oLevelText; //фомат текста списка
int m_nLs;
int m_nIlvl;
RtfParagraphPtr m_oText;//замещающий текст
RtfParagraphPtr m_oText; //замещающий текст
bool CanConvertToNumbering();
void SetDefault();
CString RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
CString RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
bool operator==( const RtfOldList& oOldList );
typedef boost::shared_ptr<RtfOldList> RtfOldListPtr;
class RtfParagraph : public ITextItem, public ItemContainer< IDocumentElementPtr >
......@@ -36,24 +36,24 @@
CString RtfPicture::GenerateWMF(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
CString sResult;
sResult += _T("{\\pict");
sResult += L"{\\pict";
RENDER_RTF_INT( 100, sResult, _T("picscalex") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( 100, sResult, _T("picscaley") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( 100, sResult, L"picscalex" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( 100, sResult, L"picscaley" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropL, sResult, _T("piccropl") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropT, sResult, _T("piccropt") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropR, sResult, _T("piccropr") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropB, sResult, _T("piccropb") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropL, sResult, L"piccropl" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropT, sResult, L"piccropt" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropR, sResult, L"piccropr" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropB, sResult, L"piccropb" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidth, sResult, _T("picw") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeight, sResult, _T("pich") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidthGoal, sResult, _T("picwgoal") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeightGoal, sResult, _T("pichgoal") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidth, sResult, L"picw" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeight, sResult, L"pich" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidthGoal, sResult, L"picwgoal" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeightGoal, sResult, L"pichgoal" )
sResult += _T("\\wmetafile8");
sResult += L"\\wmetafile8";
sResult += _T(" ");
sResult += L" ";
//сохраняем в темповую директорию и загружаем файл как текст
RtfWriter * poWriter = static_cast<RtfWriter*>( oRenderParameter.poWriter );
......@@ -71,53 +71,52 @@ CString RtfPicture::GenerateWMF(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
sResult += _T("}");
sResult += L"}";
return sResult;
CString RtfPicture::RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
if( !IsValid() )return _T("");
if( !IsValid() )return L"";
CString sResult = _T("{\\pict");
CString sResult = L"{\\pict";
//if(-1 != m_nShapeId)
// sResult.AppendFormat(_T("{\\*\\picprop\\shplid%d"), m_nShapeId);
// sResult += m_oShapeProp.RenderToRtf( oRenderParameter ) + _T("}");
// sResult.AppendFormat(L"{\\*\\picprop\\shplid%d", m_nShapeId);
// sResult += m_oShapeProp.RenderToRtf( oRenderParameter ) + L"}";
// sResult.AppendFormat(_T("{\\*\\picprop") + m_oShapeProp.RenderToRtf( oRenderParameter ) + _T("}");
RENDER_RTF_INT( (int)m_dScaleX, sResult, _T("picscalex") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( (int)m_dScaleY, sResult, _T("picscaley") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropL, sResult, _T("piccropl") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropT, sResult, _T("piccropt") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropR, sResult, _T("piccropr") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropB, sResult, _T("piccropb") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidth, sResult, _T("picw") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeight, sResult, _T("pich") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidthGoal, sResult, _T("picwgoal") )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeightGoal, sResult, _T("pichgoal") )
// sResult.AppendFormat(L"{\\*\\picprop" + m_oShapeProp.RenderToRtf( oRenderParameter ) + L"}";
RENDER_RTF_INT( (int)m_dScaleX, sResult, L"picscalex" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( (int)m_dScaleY, sResult, L"picscaley" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropL, sResult, L"piccropl" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropT, sResult, L"piccropt" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropR, sResult, L"piccropr" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nCropB, sResult, L"piccropb" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidth, sResult, L"picw" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeight, sResult, L"pich" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nWidthGoal, sResult, L"picwgoal" )
RENDER_RTF_INT( m_nHeightGoal, sResult, L"pichgoal" )
switch( eDataType )
case dt_emf: sResult += _T("\\emfblip"); break;
case dt_wmf: sResult += _T("\\wmetafile8"); break;
case dt_png: sResult += _T("\\pngblip"); break;
case dt_jpg: sResult += _T("\\jpegblip"); break;
//case dt_bmp: sResult += _T("wbitmap8"); break;
case dt_emf: sResult += L"\\emfblip"; break;
case dt_wmf: sResult += L"\\wmetafile8"; break;
case dt_png: sResult += L"\\pngblip"; break;
case dt_jpg: sResult += L"\\jpegblip"; break;
//case dt_bmp: sResult += L"wbitmap8"; break;
sResult += _T(" ");
sResult += L" ";
sResult += RtfUtility::RtfInternalEncoder::Encode( m_sPicFilename );
sResult += _T("}");
sResult += L"}";
return sResult;
CString RtfPicture::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
if( false == IsValid() )
return _T("");
if( false == IsValid() ) return L"";
OOXWriter * poOOXWriter = static_cast<OOXWriter*> (oRenderParameter.poWriter);
OOXRelsWriter * poRelsWriter = static_cast<OOXRelsWriter*> (oRenderParameter.poRels);
......@@ -127,23 +126,23 @@ CString RtfPicture::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
CString sMime;
switch( eDataType )
case dt_png: sExtension = _T("png"); sMime = _T("image/png"); break;
case dt_jpg: sExtension = _T("jpg"); sMime = _T("image/jpg"); break;
case dt_wmf: sExtension = _T("wmf"); sMime = _T("image/x-wmf"); break;
case dt_emf: sExtension = _T("emf"); sMime = _T("image/x-emf"); break;
case dt_macpict:sExtension = _T("pct"); sMime = _T("image/x-pict"); break;
case dt_png: sExtension = L"png"; sMime = L"image/png"; break;
case dt_jpg: sExtension = L"jpg"; sMime = L"image/jpg"; break;
case dt_wmf: sExtension = L"wmf"; sMime = L"image/x-wmf"; break;
case dt_emf: sExtension = L"emf"; sMime = L"image/x-emf"; break;
case dt_macpict:sExtension = L"pct"; sMime = L"image/x-pict"; break;
CString sFilenameRels;
sFilenameRels.AppendFormat( _T("Image%d."), poRtfDocument->m_oIdGenerator.Generate_ImageIndex());
sFilenameRels.AppendFormat( L"Image%d.", poRtfDocument->m_oIdGenerator.Generate_ImageIndex());
sFilenameRels += sExtension;
CString sFilenameFull = poOOXWriter->m_sTargetFolder + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("word") + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR +_T("media");
CString sFilenameFull = poOOXWriter->m_sTargetFolder + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"word" + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR +L"media";
FileSystem::Directory::CreateDirectory( sFilenameFull );
sFilenameFull += FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + sFilenameRels;
sFilenameRels = _T("media/") + sFilenameRels;
sFilenameRels = L"media/" + sFilenameRels;
if( m_sPicFilename != sFilenameFull )
Utils::CopyDirOrFile( m_sPicFilename, sFilenameFull );
......@@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ CString RtfPicture::RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter)
poOOXWriter->m_oContentTypes.AddExtension( sMime, sExtension);
CString srId = poRelsWriter->AddRelationship( _T(""), sFilenameRels);
CString srId = poRelsWriter->AddRelationship( L"", sFilenameRels);
return srId;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public:
bool IsValid()
return _T("") != m_sPicFilename && dt_none != eDataType;
return !m_sPicFilename.IsEmpty() && dt_none != eDataType;
void SetDefaultRtf()
......@@ -105,9 +105,12 @@ public:
if( true == m_bIsCopy && _T("") != m_sPicFilename )
if( true == m_bIsCopy && !m_sPicFilename.IsEmpty() )
Utils::RemoveDirOrFile( m_sPicFilename );
m_sPicFilename = _T("");
m_sPicFilename = L"";
CString RenderToRtf(RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
CString RenderToOOX(RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
......@@ -34,30 +34,35 @@
class RtfShape: public IRenderableProperty
bool m_bInsert;
bool m_bDelete;
bool m_bIsOle;
bool m_bInGroup; //local anchor
typedef enum{ st_none, st_inline, st_anchor }AnchorTypeShape;
typedef enum
enum _AnchorTypeShape { st_none, st_inline, st_anchor };
enum _AnchorX
//ax_ignore, //shpbxignore Ignore \shpbxpage, \shpbxmargin, and \shpbxcolumn, in favor of the posrelh property. The ignored properties will be written for backward compatibility with older readers that do not understand \posrelh.
ax_page, //shpbxpage The shape is positioned relative to the page in the x (horizontal) direction.
ax_margin, //shpbxmargin The shape is positioned relative to the margin in the x (horizontal) direction.
ax_column //shpbxcolumn The shape is positioned relative to the column in the x (horizontal) direction.
typedef enum
enum _AnchorY
//ay_ignore, //shpbyignore Ignore \shpbypage, \shpbymargin, and \shpbxpara, in favor of the posrelh property. The ignored properties will be written for backward compatibility with older readers that do not understand the posrelh property.
ay_page, //shpbypage The shape is positioned relative to the page in the y (vertical) direction.
ay_margin, //shpbymargin The shape is positioned relative to the margin in the y (vertical) direction.
ay_Para //shpbypara The shape is positioned relative to the paragraph in the y (vertical) direction.
AnchorTypeShape m_eAnchorTypeShape;
_AnchorTypeShape m_eAnchorTypeShape;
CString m_sName;
CString m_sDescription;
......@@ -74,8 +79,8 @@ public:
int m_nZOrderRelative; //shpfblwtxtN Describes relative z-ordering:
int m_bLockAnchor; //shplockanchor Lock anchor for a shape.
AnchorX m_eXAnchor;
AnchorY m_eYAnchor;
_AnchorX m_eXAnchor;
_AnchorY m_eYAnchor;
//Position absolute
......@@ -185,6 +190,7 @@ public:
int m_bGtextFShrinkFit;
int m_bGtextFBestFit;
RtfCharProperty m_oCharProperty; // тут могут быть track changes ....
//pWrapPolygonVertices Points of the text wrap polygon.
std::vector< std::pair<int, int> > m_aWrapPoints;
......@@ -210,6 +216,7 @@ public:
void SetDefault();
CString RenderToRtf (RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
CString RenderToOOX (RenderParameter oRenderParameter);
......@@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ class OOXWriter
CString nCurFitId;
int nCurFitWidth;
CString m_nCurFitId;
int m_nCurFitWidth;
int m_nCurTrackChangesId;
OOXRelsWriter m_oDocRels;
OOXRelsWriter m_oRels;
......@@ -66,8 +67,8 @@ public:
std::map<CString, int> m_aBookmarksId;
OOXWriter( RtfDocument& oDocument, std::wstring sPath );
OOXWriter ( RtfDocument& oDocument, std::wstring sPath );
~OOXWriter ();
bool Save();
bool SaveByItemStart();
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ core_windows {
core_linux {
LIBS += -lz
LIBS += -lz -pthread
SOURCES += main.cpp
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