Commit dc3ecb1f authored by Oleg Korshul's avatar Oleg Korshul

BigInteger as string realization

parent 266cef8c
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2017
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#include <string>
class CBigInteger
std::string m_value;
bool m_isNegative;
m_value = "0";
m_isNegative = false;
CBigInteger(unsigned char* data, int size)
m_isNegative = false;
m_value = "0";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
int val = 0;
char _c = data[i];
if (_c >= '0' && _c <= '9')
val = _c - '0';
else if (_c >= 'A' && _c <= 'F')
val = 10 + _c - 'A';
else if (_c >= 'a' && _c <= 'f')
val = 10 + _c - 'a';
CBigInteger tmp(val);
for (int j = size - 1 - i; j > 0; --j)
tmp *= 10;
*this += tmp;
CBigInteger(std::string data, int nBase = 10)
m_isNegative = false;
if (10 == nBase)
m_value = data;
m_value = "0";
int len = (int)data.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
int val = 0;
char _c = data[i];
if (_c >= '0' && _c <= '9')
val = _c - '0';
else if (_c >= 'A' && _c <= 'F')
val = 10 + _c - 'A';
else if (_c >= 'a' && _c <= 'f')
val = 10 + _c - 'a';
CBigInteger tmp(val);
for (int j = len - 1 - i; j > 0; --j)
tmp *= nBase;
*this += tmp;
CBigInteger(int value)
if (value < 0)
m_isNegative = true;
m_value = std::to_string(-value);
m_isNegative = false;
m_value = std::to_string(value);
std::string GetValue()
return m_value;
bool IsNegative()
return m_isNegative;
void operator = (CBigInteger b)
m_value = b.m_value;
m_isNegative = b.m_isNegative;
bool operator == (CBigInteger b)
return equals((*this) , b);
bool operator != (CBigInteger b)
return !equals((*this) , b);
bool operator > (CBigInteger b)
return greater((*this) , b);
bool operator < (CBigInteger b)
return less((*this) , b);
bool operator >= (CBigInteger b)
return equals((*this) , b) || greater((*this), b);
bool operator <= (CBigInteger b)
return equals((*this) , b) || less((*this) , b);
CBigInteger absolute()
return CBigInteger(m_value); // +ve by default
CBigInteger& operator ++()
// prefix
(*this) = (*this) + 1;
return (*this);
CBigInteger operator ++(int)
// postfix
CBigInteger before = (*this);
(*this) = (*this) + 1;
return before;
CBigInteger& operator --()
// prefix
(*this) = (*this) - 1;
return (*this);
CBigInteger operator --(int)
// postfix
CBigInteger before = (*this);
(*this) = (*this) - 1;
return before;
CBigInteger operator + (CBigInteger b)
CBigInteger addition;
if (m_isNegative == b.m_isNegative)
// both +ve or -ve
addition.m_value = (add(m_value, b.m_value));
addition.m_isNegative = m_isNegative;
// sign different
if (absolute() > b.absolute())
addition.m_value = subtract(m_value, b.m_value);
addition.m_isNegative = m_isNegative;
addition.m_value = subtract(b.m_value, m_value);
addition.m_isNegative = b.m_isNegative;
if (addition.m_value == "0") // avoid (-0) problem
addition.m_isNegative = false;
return addition;
CBigInteger operator - (CBigInteger b)
b.m_isNegative = !b.m_isNegative; // x - y = x + (-y)
return (*this) + b;
CBigInteger operator * (CBigInteger b)
CBigInteger mul;
mul.m_value = multiply(m_value, b.m_value);
mul.m_isNegative = (m_isNegative != b.m_isNegative);
if (mul.m_value == "0") // avoid (-0) problem
mul.m_isNegative = false;
return mul;
CBigInteger& operator += (CBigInteger b)
(*this) = (*this) + b;
return (*this);
CBigInteger& operator -= (CBigInteger b)
(*this) = (*this) - b;
return (*this);
CBigInteger& operator *= (CBigInteger b)
(*this) = (*this) * b;
return (*this);
CBigInteger operator -() { // unary minus sign
return (*this) * -1;
std::string ToString()
// for conversion from BigInteger to string
std::string signedString = ( m_isNegative ) ? "-" : ""; // if +ve, don't print + sign
signedString += m_value;
return signedString;
bool equals(CBigInteger n1, CBigInteger n2)
return ((n1.m_value == n2.m_value) && (n1.m_isNegative == n2.m_isNegative));
bool less(CBigInteger n1, CBigInteger n2)
bool sign1 = n1.m_isNegative;
bool sign2 = n2.m_isNegative;
if (sign1 && !sign2)
return true;
else if (!sign1 && sign2)
return false;
else if (!sign1)
std::string::size_type _size1 = n1.m_value.length();
std::string::size_type _size2 = n2.m_value.length();
if (_size1 < _size2)
return true;
if (_size1 > _size2)
return false;
return n1.m_value < n2.m_value;
std::string::size_type _size1 = n1.m_value.length();
std::string::size_type _size2 = n2.m_value.length();
if (_size1 > _size2)
return true;
if (_size1 < _size2)
return false;
return > 0;
bool greater(CBigInteger n1, CBigInteger n2)
return !equals(n1, n2) && !less(n1, n2);
std::string add(std::string number1, std::string number2)
std::string add = (number1.length() > number2.length()) ? number1 : number2;
char carry = '0';
int differenceInLength = (int)(number1.size() - number2.size());
if (differenceInLength > 0)
number2.insert(0, differenceInLength, '0');
number1.insert(0, -differenceInLength, '0');
if (differenceInLength < 0)
differenceInLength = -differenceInLength;
for (int i = number1.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
add[i] = ((carry-'0')+(number1[i]-'0')+(number2[i]-'0')) + '0';
if(i != 0)
if(add[i] > '9')
add[i] -= 10;
carry = '1';
carry = '0';
if (add[0] > '9')
add[0] -= 10;
add.insert(0, 1, '1');
return add;
std::string subtract(std::string number1, std::string number2)
std::string sub = (number1.length() > number2.length()) ? number1 : number2;
int differenceInLength = (int)(number1.size() - number2.size());
if (differenceInLength > 0)
number2.insert(0, differenceInLength, '0');
number1.insert(0, -differenceInLength, '0');
if (differenceInLength < 0)
differenceInLength = -differenceInLength;
for (int i = number1.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (number1[i] < number2[i])
number1[i] += 10;
sub[i] = ((number1[i]-'0')-(number2[i]-'0')) + '0';
while (sub[0]=='0' && sub.length() != 1) // erase leading zeros
sub.erase(0, 1);
return sub;
std::string multiply(std::string n1, std::string n2)
if (n1.length() > n2.length())
std::string res = "0";
for (int i = n1.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
std::string temp = n2;
int currentDigit = n1[i] - '0';
int carry = 0;
for (int j = temp.length() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
temp[j] = ((temp[j]-'0') * currentDigit) + carry;
if (temp[j] > 9)
carry = (temp[j] / 10);
temp[j] -= (carry * 10);
carry = 0;
temp[j] += '0'; // back to string mood
if (carry > 0)
temp.insert(0, 1, (carry+'0'));
temp.append((n1.length() - i - 1), '0'); // as like mult by 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and so on
res = add(res, temp); // O(n)
while (res[0] == '0' && res.length() != 1) // erase leading zeros
return res;
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <string>
#include "../../../common/File.h"
#include "../../../common/BigInteger.h"
#pragma comment (lib, "crypt32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "cryptui.lib")
......@@ -28,6 +29,18 @@ void ConvertEndian(const BYTE* src, BYTE* dst, DWORD size)
void main(void)
if (false)
CBigInteger int1("345097");
CBigInteger int2("87960324");
CBigInteger val1 = int1 + int2;
CBigInteger val2 = int1 - int2;
CBigInteger val3 = int1 * int2;
CBigInteger int3("66A1F302407647974D18D489855371B5", 16);
std::string sValue = int3.ToString();
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