Commit 019ceb58 authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

order drawing points

parent 1b6f484a
......@@ -6420,6 +6420,7 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
DiffGapDepth = perspectiveDepth * (gapDepth / 2) / 100;
var cubeCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.chartProp.series.length; i++)
numCache = this.chartProp.series[i].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[i].val.numRef.numCache : this.chartProp.series[i].val.numLit;
......@@ -6559,6 +6560,19 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var arrPoints2 = [[point11, point44, point88, point55], [point11, point22, point33, point44], [point11, point22, point66, point55], [point44, point88, point77, point33], [point55, point66, point77, point88], [point66, point22, point33, point77]];
this.temp = [];
this.temp[cubeCount] = {};
this.temp[cubeCount].faces = [];
for(var k = 0; k < paths.length; k++)
......@@ -6571,7 +6585,10 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
this.sortZIndexPaths.push({seria: i, point: idx, verge: k, paths: paths[k], points: arrPoints2[k], points2: arrPoints[k], plainEquation: plainEquations[k]});
this.temp[cubeCount].faces.push({seria: i, point: idx, verge: k, paths: paths[k], points: arrPoints2[k], points2: arrPoints[k], plainEquation: plainEquations[k]});
......@@ -6596,7 +6613,8 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var cSortFaces = new CSortFaces(this.cChartDrawer);
this.sortZIndexPaths = cSortFaces.sortFaces(this.sortZIndexPaths);
//this.sortZIndexPaths = cSortFaces.sortFaces(this.sortZIndexPaths);
this.sortCubs = cSortFaces.sortCubs(this.temp, this.sortZIndexPaths);
......@@ -7034,7 +7052,7 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
_DrawBars3D: function()
_DrawBars3D1: function()
var t = this;
var processor3D = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D;
......@@ -7072,6 +7090,36 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
_DrawBars3D: function()
var t = this;
var processor3D = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D;
var drawVerges = function(i, j, paths, onlyLessNull, k)
var brush, pen, options;
options = t._getOptionsForDrawing(i, j, onlyLessNull);
if(paths !== null && options !== null)
pen = options.pen;
brush = options.brush;
t._drawBar3D(paths, pen, brush, k);
for(var i = 0; i < this.sortCubs.length; i++)
var index = this.sortCubs[i].nextIndex;
var faces = this.temp[index].faces;
for(var j = 0; j < faces.length; j++)
var face = faces[j];
drawVerges(face.seria, face.point, face.paths, null, face.verge);
_drawBar3D: function(path, pen, brush, k)
//затемнение боковых сторон
......@@ -11849,21 +11897,241 @@ CColorObj.prototype =
//sort parallalepiped faces
function CSortFaces(cChartDrawer)
function CSortFaces(cChartDrawer, centralViewPoint)
this.cChartDrawer = cChartDrawer;
this.chartProp = cChartDrawer.calcProp;
this.centralViewPoint = null;
CSortFaces.prototype =
constructor: CSortFaces,
sortFaces: function(faces, centralViewPoint)
sortCubs: function(cubs, faces)
var res = [];
var res2 = [];
var temp = [];
var usuallyIntersect = {};
for(var i = 0; i < cubs.length; i++)
var fromParallalepiped = cubs[i];
for(var m = 0; m < cubs.length; m++)
var toParallalepiped = cubs[m];
if(m === i || usuallyIntersect[i] === m)
for(var j = 0; j < fromParallalepiped.faces.length; j++)
var fromVerge = fromParallalepiped.faces[j];
for(var l = 0; l < fromVerge.points.length; l++)
var point = fromVerge.points[l];
var toParallalepiped = cubs[m];
var counter = 0;
for(var n = 0; n < toParallalepiped.faces.length; n++)
var toVerge = toParallalepiped.faces[n];
var lineEqucation = this.cChartDrawer.getLineEquation(point, this.centralViewPoint);
var test = this._isIntersectionFaceAndLine(toVerge, lineEqucation, point);
usuallyIntersect[i] = m;
temp[i] = [];
temp[i][m] = 0;
res[i] = [];
res2[m] = [];
res[i][m] = 1;
res2[m][i] = 1;
//res2[m] = i;
console.log("fromParallalepiped: " + i + " toParallalepiped " + m + " x: " + test.x + " y: " + test.y + " z: " + test.z);
l = fromVerge.points.length;
j = fromParallalepiped.faces.length;
var startIndexs = [];
var test = [];
for(var i = 0; i < cubs.length; i++)
if(res[i] === undefined)
startIndexs.push({index: parseInt(i)});
var getAfter = function(index)
if(res2[index] !== undefined)
for(var i in res2[index])
test.push({nextIndex: parseInt(i)});
if(test.length >= cubs.length)
return true;
return false;
for(var i = 0; i < startIndexs.length; i++)
test.push({nextIndex: startIndexs[i].index});
/*var getFirst = function()
var result = null;
for(var i = 0; i < cubs.length; i++)
if((res[i] === undefined || res[i].length === 0) && !firstArr[i])
result = parseInt(i);
return result;
var getLast = function()
var result = null;
for(var i = 0; i < cubs.length; i++)
if((res2[i] === undefined || res2[i].length === 0) && !firstArr[i])
result = parseInt(i);
return result;
var cleanStartIndex = function(startIndex)
res2.splice(startIndex, 1);
for(var i = 0; i < res.length; i++)
if(res[i] && res[i][startIndex])
res[i].splice(startIndex, 1);
var cleanLastIndex = function(lastIndex)
res.splice(lastIndex, 1);
for(var i = 0; i < res2.length; i++)
if(res2[i] && res2[i][lastIndex])
res2[i].splice(lastIndex, 1);
var firstMainArray = [];
var lastMainArray = [];
var firstArr = {};
var lastArr = {};
var arr1 = [];
var arr2 = [];
var startIndex = getFirst();
var lastIndex = getLast();
if(null !== startIndex)
firstMainArray.push({nextIndex: startIndex});
if(null !== lastIndex)
lastMainArray.push({nextIndex: lastIndex});
firstArr[startIndex] = 1;
firstArr[lastIndex] = 1;
if(res.length === 0 && res2.length === 0)
lastMainArray = lastMainArray.reverse()
var mainTest = lastMainArray.concat(firstMainArray);*/
//return mainTest;
return test.reverse();
sortFaces: function(faces)
var firstVerges = [];
var lastVerges = [];
var t = this;
......@@ -11880,28 +12148,33 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
lastFaces = lastFaces1;
if(iterCount > 100)
if(iterCount > 50)
newArr = lastFaces.concat(newArr);
return newArr;
/*var firstFaces1 = [], lastFaces1 = [];
getFirstLastVerges(lastVerges, firstFaces1, lastFaces1);
this.sortZIndexPaths = lastFaces1.concat(firstFaces1);
this.sortZIndexPaths = this.sortZIndexPaths.concat(firstVerges);*/
t._getFirstLastFaces(faces, firstFaces1, lastFaces1);
newArr = lastFaces1.concat(firstFaces1);
newArr = newArr.concat(firstVerges);*/
return newArr;
_initProperties: function(centralViewPoint)
var diffY = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.cameraDiffY;
var diffX = 0/*-this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.cameraDiffX*/;
this.centralViewPoint = {x: this.chartProp.widthCanvas / 2 - diffX, y: this.chartProp.heightCanvas / 2 - diffY, z: -500};
var diffY = this.chartProp.heightCanvas / 2 - this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.cameraDiffY;
var diffX = this.chartProp.widthCanvas / 2 - this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.cameraDiffX;
var diffZ = -1 / this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.rPerspective/*- 1 / this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.rPerspective + this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.cameraDiffZ*/;
this.centralViewPoint = {x: diffX, y: diffY, z: diffZ};
......@@ -12003,26 +12276,69 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
var iSY = nIntersectionPlainAndLine.y;
var iSZ = nIntersectionPlainAndLine.z;
if(iSZ < pointFromVerge.z /*&& t._isBetweenPoint(iSZ, minZ, maxZ)*/ && t._isBetweenPoint(iSX, minX, maxX) && t._isBetweenPoint(iSY, minY, maxY))
if(/*parseInt(iSZ) < parseInt(pointFromVerge.z)*/ Math.round(iSZ * 1000) / 1000 < Math.round(pointFromVerge.z * 1000) / 1000)
var point0 = plain.points2[0];
var point1 = plain.points2[1];
var point2 = plain.points2[2];
var point3 = plain.points2[3];
var isBeetwenX = t._isBetweenPoint(iSX, minX, maxX);
var isBeetwenY = t._isBetweenPoint(iSY, minY, maxY);
var isBeetwenZ = t._isBetweenPoint(iSZ, minZ, maxZ);
var isAllBetween = false;
if(isBeetwenX && isBeetwenY && isBeetwenZ)
isAllBetween = true;
/*else if(isBeetwenX && isBeetwenY)
if(parseInt(iSZ) === parseInt(minZ) || parseInt(iSZ) === parseInt(maxZ))
isAllBetween = true;
else if(isBeetwenX && isBeetwenZ)
if(parseInt(iSY) === parseInt(minY) || parseInt(iSY) === parseInt(maxY))
isAllBetween = true;
else if(isBeetwenY && isBeetwenZ)
if(parseInt(iSX) === parseInt(minX) || parseInt(iSX) === parseInt(maxX))
isAllBetween = true;
var areaQuadrilateral = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaQuadrilateral(point0, point1, point2, point3);
var areaTriangle1 = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaTriangle(point0, projectIntersection, point1);
var areaTriangle2 = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaTriangle(point1, projectIntersection, point2);
var areaTriangle3 = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaTriangle(point2, projectIntersection, point3);
var areaTriangle4 = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaTriangle(point3, projectIntersection, point0);
if(parseInt(areaQuadrilateral) === parseInt(areaTriangle1 + areaTriangle2 + areaTriangle3 + areaTriangle4))
//var pointFromVergeProject = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(pointFromVerge.x, pointFromVerge.y, pointFromVerge.z, true, true);
//console.log("x: " + projectIntersection.x + " ;y: " + projectIntersection.y + " ;fromX:" + pointFromVergeProject.x + " ;fromY:" + pointFromVergeProject.y);
if(t._isEqualPoints(plain.points[0], nIntersectionPlainAndLine) || t._isEqualPoints(plain.points[1], nIntersectionPlainAndLine) || t._isEqualPoints(plain.points[2], nIntersectionPlainAndLine) || t._isEqualPoints(plain.points[3], nIntersectionPlainAndLine) || t._isEqualPoints(pointFromVerge, nIntersectionPlainAndLine))
return res;
res = true;
var point0 = plain.points2[0];
var point1 = plain.points2[1];
var point2 = plain.points2[2];
var point3 = plain.points2[3];
var areaQuadrilateral = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaQuadrilateral(point0, point1, point2, point3);
var areaTriangle1 = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaTriangle(point0, projectIntersection, point1);
var areaTriangle2 = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaTriangle(point1, projectIntersection, point2);
var areaTriangle3 = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaTriangle(point2, projectIntersection, point3);
var areaTriangle4 = t.cChartDrawer.getAreaTriangle(point3, projectIntersection, point0);
if(parseInt(areaQuadrilateral) === parseInt(areaTriangle1 + areaTriangle2 + areaTriangle3 + areaTriangle4))
//var pointFromVergeProject = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(pointFromVerge.x, pointFromVerge.y, pointFromVerge.z, true, true);
//console.log("x: " + projectIntersection.x + " ;y: " + projectIntersection.y + " ;fromX:" + pointFromVergeProject.x + " ;fromY:" + pointFromVergeProject.y);
res = nIntersectionPlainAndLine;
......@@ -12033,13 +12349,31 @@ CSortFaces.prototype =
//TODO округление пересмотреть
var res = false;
/*point = Math.round(point * 100) / 100;
start = Math.round(start * 100) / 100;
end = Math.round(end * 100) / 100;*/
//if(this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.angleOx !== 0 && this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.angleOy === 0)
point = Math.round(point * 100) / 100;
start = Math.round(start * 100) / 100;
end = Math.round(end * 100) / 100;
if(point >= start && point <= end)
res = true;
return res;
_isEqualPoints: function(point1, point2)
//TODO округление пересмотреть
var res = false;
if(parseInt(point1.x) === parseInt(point2.x) && parseInt(point1.y) === parseInt(point2.y) && parseInt(point1.y) === parseInt(point2.y))
res = true;
return res;
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