Commit 01aebb6c authored by Alexey.Musinov's avatar Alexey.Musinov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

[ios] убрал из excel/native utils.js

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 084cc36e
......@@ -3663,6 +3663,109 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
this.offline_beforeInit = function () {
asc.asc_CStylesPainter.prototype.generateStylesAll = function (cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer) {
var pxTomm = 1.0; // 72.0 / 96.0;
this.styleThumbnailWidth = 92;// * pxTomm;
this.styleThumbnailHeight = 48;// * pxTomm;
this.styleThumbnailWidthPt = Math.floor(this.styleThumbnailWidth * pxTomm);
this.styleThumbnailHeightPt = Math.floor(this.styleThumbnailHeight * pxTomm);
this.styleThumbnailWidthWithRetina = this.styleThumbnailWidth;
this.styleThumbnailHeightWithRetina = this.styleThumbnailHeight;
this.generateDefaultStyles(cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer);
this.generateDocumentStyles(cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer);
asc.asc_CStylesPainter.prototype.generateDefaultStyles = function (cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer) {
var cellStyles = cellStylesAll.DefaultStyles;
var oGraphics = new asc.DrawingContext({canvas: null, units: 0/*pt*/, fmgrGraphics: fmgrGraphics, font: oFont});
var oStyle, oCustomStyle; var styleIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cellStyles.length; ++i) {
oStyle = cellStyles[i];
if (oStyle.Hidden) {
// ToDo Возможно стоит переписать немного, чтобы не пробегать каждый раз по массиву custom-стилей (нужно генерировать AllStyles)
oCustomStyle = cellStylesAll.getCustomStyleByBuiltinId(oStyle.BuiltinId);
window['native'].BeginDrawDefaultStyle(oStyle.Name, styleIndex);
this.drawStyle(oGraphics, stringRenderer, oCustomStyle || oStyle, oStyle.Name, styleIndex);
asc.asc_CStylesPainter.prototype.generateDocumentStyles = function (cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer) {
var cellStyles = cellStylesAll.CustomStyles;
var oGraphics = new asc.DrawingContext({canvas: null, units: 0/*pt*/, fmgrGraphics: fmgrGraphics, font: oFont});
var oStyle; var styleIndex = 10000;
for (var i = 0; i < cellStyles.length; ++i) {
oStyle = cellStyles[i];
if (oStyle.Hidden || null != oStyle.BuiltinId) {
window['native'].BeginDrawDocumentStyle(oStyle.Name, styleIndex);
this.drawStyle(oGraphics, stringRenderer, oStyle, oStyle.Name, styleIndex);
asc.asc_CStylesPainter.prototype.drawStyle = function (oGraphics, stringRenderer, oStyle, sStyleName, nIndex) {
var oColor = oStyle.getFill();
if (null !== oColor) {
oGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt);
var drawBorder = function (b, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (null != b && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== b.s) {
window["native"]["PD_PathMoveTo"](x1, y1);
window["native"]["PD_PathLineTo"](x2, y2);
var oBorders = oStyle.getBorder();
drawBorder(oBorders.l, 0, 0, 0, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt); // left
drawBorder(oBorders.r, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt - 0.25, 0, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt - 0.25, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt); // right
drawBorder(oBorders.t, 0, 0, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, 0); // up
drawBorder(oBorders.b, 0, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt - 0.25, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt - 0.25); // down
// Draw text
var fc = oStyle.getFontColor();
var oFontColor = fc !== null ? fc : new CColor(0, 0, 0);
var format = oStyle.getFont();
// Для размера шрифта делаем ограничение для превью в 16pt (у Excel 18pt, но и высота превью больше 22px)
var oFont = new asc.FontProperties(format.fn, (16 < format.fs) ? 16 : format.fs, format.b, format.i, format.u, format.s);
var width_padding = 3; // 4 * 72 / 96
var tm = stringRenderer.measureString(sStyleName);
// Текст будем рисовать по центру (в Excel чуть по другому реализовано, у них постоянный отступ снизу)
var textY = 0.5 * (this.styleThumbnailHeightPt - tm.height);
oGraphics.fillText(sStyleName, width_padding, textY + tm.baseline);
var pxToMM = 1;//72 / 96;
//var styleThumbnailWidth = 61 * pxToMM;
//var styleThumbnailHeight = 46 * pxToMM;
"use strict";
/* Utils.js
* Author:
* Date: Jan 25, 2012
* @param {jQuery} $
* @param {Window} window
* @param {undefined} undefined
function ($, window, undefined) {
var asc = window["Asc"] ? window["Asc"] : (window["Asc"] = {});
var prot;
/** @const */
var kLeftLim1 = .999999999999999;
var MAX_EXCEL_INT = 1e308;
/** @const */
var kUndefinedL = "undefined";
/** @const */
var kNullL = "null";
/** @const */
var kObjectL = "object";
/** @const */
var kFunctionL = "function";
/** @const */
var kNumberL = "number";
/** @const */
var kArrayL = "array";
function applyFunction(callback) {
if (kFunctionL === typeof callback)
callback.apply(null,, 1));
function typeOf(obj) {
if (obj === undefined) {return kUndefinedL;}
if (obj === null) {return kNullL;}
return, -1).toLowerCase();
function lastIndexOf(s, regExp, fromIndex) {
var end = fromIndex >= 0 && fromIndex <= s.length ? fromIndex : s.length;
for (var i = end - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var j = s.slice(i, end).search(regExp);
if (j >= 0) {return i + j;}
return -1;
function search(arr, fn) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
if ( fn(arr[i]) ) {return i;}
return -1;
function getUniqueRangeColor (arrRanges, curElem, tmpColors) {
var colorIndex, j, range = arrRanges[curElem];
for (j = 0; j < curElem; ++j) {
if (range.isEqual(arrRanges[j])) {
colorIndex = tmpColors[j];
return colorIndex;
function getMinValueOrNull (val1, val2) {
return null === val2 ? val1 : (null === val1 ? val2 : Math.min(val1, val2));
function round(x) {
var y = x + (x >= 0 ? .5 : -.5);
return y | y;
//return Math.round(x);
function floor(x) {
var y = x | x;
y -= x < 0 && y > x ? 1 : 0;
return y + (x - y > kLeftLim1 ? 1 : 0); // to fix float number precision caused by binary presentation
//return Math.floor(x);
function ceil(x) {
var y = x | x;
y += x > 0 && y < x ? 1 : 0;
return y - (y - x > kLeftLim1 ? 1 : 0); // to fix float number precision caused by binary presentation
//return Math.ceil(x);
function incDecFonSize (bIncrease, oValue) {
// Закон изменения размеров :
// Результатом должно быть ближайшее из отрезка [8,72] по следующим числам 8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72
// Если значение меньше или равно 8 и мы уменьшаем, то ничего не меняется
// Если значение больше или равно 72 и мы увеличиваем, то ничего не меняется
var aSizes = [8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72];
var nLength = aSizes.length;
var i;
if (true === bIncrease) {
if (oValue >= aSizes[nLength - 1])
return null;
for (i = 0; i < nLength; ++i)
if (aSizes[i] > oValue)
} else {
if (oValue <= aSizes[0])
return null;
for (i = nLength - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (aSizes[i] < oValue)
return aSizes[i];
// Определяет времени работы функции
function profileTime(fn/*[, arguments]*/) {
var start, end, arg = [], i;
if (arguments.length) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
start = new Date();
fn.apply(window, arg);
end = new Date();
} else {
start = new Date();
end = new Date();
return end.getTime() - start.getTime();
return undefined;
* Rectangle region of cells
* @constructor
* @memberOf Asc
* @param c1 {Number} Left side of range.
* @param r1 {Number} Top side of range.
* @param c2 {Number} Right side of range (inclusively).
* @param r2 {Number} Bottom side of range (inclusively).
* @param normalize {Boolean=} Optional. If true, range will be converted to form (left,top) - (right,bottom).
* @return {Range}
function Range(c1, r1, c2, r2, normalize) {
if ( !(this instanceof Range) ) {return new Range(c1, r1, c2, r2, normalize);}
/** @type Number */
this.c1 = c1;
/** @type Number */
this.r1 = r1;
/** @type Number */
this.c2 = c2;
/** @type Number */
this.r2 = r2;
this.r1Abs = false;
this.c1Abs = false;
this.r2Abs = false;
this.c2Abs = false;
return normalize ? this.normalize() : this;
Range.prototype = {
constructor: Range,
assign: function (c1, r1, c2, r2, normalize) {
if (typeOf(c1) !== kNumberL || typeOf(c2) !== kNumberL ||
typeOf(r1) !== kNumberL || typeOf(r2) !== kNumberL) {
throw "Error: range.assign("+c1+","+r1+","+c2+","+r2+") - numerical args are expected";
this.c1 = c1;
this.r1 = r1;
this.c2 = c2;
this.r2 = r2;
return normalize ? this.normalize() : this;
assign2: function (range) {
return this.assign(range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);
clone: function (normalize) {
var oRes = new Range(this.c1, this.r1, this.c2, this.r2, normalize);
oRes.r1Abs = this.r1Abs;
oRes.c1Abs = this.c1Abs;
oRes.r2Abs = this.r2Abs;
oRes.c2Abs = this.c2Abs;
return oRes;
normalize: function () {
var tmp;
if (this.c1 > this.c2){
tmp = this.c1;
this.c1 = this.c2;
this.c2 = tmp;
if (this.r1 > this.r2){
tmp = this.r1;
this.r1 = this.r2;
this.r2 = tmp;
return this;
isEqual: function (range) {
return range && this.c1 === range.c1 && this.r1 === range.r1 && this.c2 === range.c2 && this.r2 === range.r2;
isEqualAll: function (range) {
return this.isEqual(range) && this.r1Abs === range.r1Abs && this.r2Abs === range.r2Abs && this.c1Abs === range.c1Abs && this.c2Abs === range.c2Abs;
contains: function (c, r) {
return this.c1 <= c && c <= this.c2 && this.r1 <= r && r <= this.r2;
containsRange: function (range) {
return this.contains(range.c1, range.r1) && this.contains(range.c2, range.r2);
containsFirstLineRange: function (range) {
return this.contains(range.c1, range.r1) && this.contains(range.c2, range.r1);
intersection: function (range) {
var s1 = this.clone(true),
s2 = range instanceof Range ? range.clone(true) :
new Range(range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2, true);
if (s2.c1 > s1.c2 || s2.c2 < s1.c1 || s2.r1 > s1.r2 || s2.r2 < s1.r1) {return null;}
return new Range(
s2.c1 >= s1.c1 && s2.c1 <= s1.c2 ? s2.c1 : s1.c1,
s2.r1 >= s1.r1 && s2.r1 <= s1.r2 ? s2.r1 : s1.r1,
Math.min(s1.c2, s2.c2),
Math.min(s1.r2, s2.r2));
intersectionSimple: function (range) {
var oRes = null;
var r1 = Math.max(this.r1, range.r1);
var c1 = Math.max(this.c1, range.c1);
var r2 = Math.min(this.r2, range.r2);
var c2 = Math.min(this.c2, range.c2);
if(r1 <= r2 && c1 <= c2)
oRes = new Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
return oRes;
isIntersect: function (range) {
var bRes = true;
if(range.r2 < this.r1 || this.r2 < range.r1)
bRes = false;
else if(range.c2 < this.c1 || this.c2 < range.c1)
bRes = false;
return bRes;
isOneCell : function(){
return this.r1 == this.r2 && this.c1 == this.c2;
union: function (range) {
var s1 = this.clone(true),
s2 = range instanceof Range ? range.clone(true) :
new Range(range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2, true);
return new Range(
Math.min(s1.c1, s2.c1), Math.min(s1.r1, s2.r1),
Math.max(s1.c2, s2.c2), Math.max(s1.r2, s2.r2));
union2: function (range) {
this.c1 = Math.min(this.c1, range.c1);
this.c2 = Math.max(this.c2, range.c2);
this.r1 = Math.min(this.r1, range.r1);
this.r2 = Math.max(this.r2, range.r2);
setOffset : function(offset){
setOffsetFirst : function(offset){
this.c1 += offset.offsetCol;
if( this.c1 < 0 )
this.c1 = 0;
this.r1 += offset.offsetRow;
if( this.r1 < 0 )
this.r1 = 0;
setOffsetLast : function(offset){
this.c2 += offset.offsetCol;
if( this.c2 < 0 )
this.c2 = 0;
this.r2 += offset.offsetRow;
if( this.r2 < 0 )
this.r2 = 0;
getName : function() {
var sRes = "";
if (0 == this.c1 && gc_nMaxCol0 == this.c2 && false == this.c1Abs && false == this.c2Abs) {
if (this.r1Abs)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r1 + 1) + ":";
if (this.r2Abs)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r2 + 1);
else if (0 == this.r1 && gc_nMaxRow0 == this.r2 && false == this.r1Abs && false == this.r2Abs) {
if (this.c1Abs)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c1 + 1) + ":";
if (this.c2Abs)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c2 + 1);
else {
if (this.c1Abs)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c1 + 1);
if (this.r1Abs)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r1 + 1);
if (!this.isOneCell()) {
sRes += ":";
if (this.c2Abs)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c2 + 1);
if (this.r2Abs)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r2 + 1);
return sRes;
getAbsName : function() {
var sRes = "";
if (0 == this.c1 && gc_nMaxCol0 == this.c2 && false == this.c1Abs && false == this.c2Abs) {
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r1 + 1) + ":";
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r2 + 1);
else if (0 == this.r1 && gc_nMaxRow0 == this.r2 && false == this.r1Abs && false == this.r2Abs) {
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c1 + 1) + ":";
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c2 + 1);
else {
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c1 + 1);
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r1 + 1);
if (!this.isOneCell()) {
sRes += ":";
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c2 + 1);
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r2 + 1);
return sRes;
getAbsName2 : function(absCol1,absRow1,absCol2,absRow2) {
var sRes = "";
if (0 == this.c1 && gc_nMaxCol0 == this.c2 && false == this.c1Abs && false == this.c2Abs) {
if (absRow1)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r1 + 1) + ":";
if (absRow2)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r2 + 1);
else if (0 == this.r1 && gc_nMaxRow0 == this.r2 && false == this.r1Abs && false == this.r2Abs) {
if (absCol1)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c1 + 1) + ":";
if (absCol2)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c2 + 1);
else {
if (absCol1)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c1 + 1);
if (absRow1)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r1 + 1);
if (!this.isOneCell()) {
sRes += ":";
if (absCol2)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c2 + 1);
if (absRow2)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r2 + 1);
return sRes;
getAllRange: function () {
var result;
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === this.type)
result = new Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0);
else if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === this.type)
result = new Range(this.c1, 0, this.c2, gc_nMaxRow0);
else if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === this.type)
result = new Range(0, this.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, this.r2);
result = this.clone();
return result;
* @constructor
* @extends {Range}
function ActiveRange(){
if(1 == arguments.length)
var range = arguments[0];, range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);
// ToDo стоит пересмотреть конструкторы.
this.r1Abs = range.r1Abs;
this.c1Abs = range.c1Abs;
this.r2Abs = range.r2Abs;
this.c2Abs = range.c2Abs;
else if(arguments.length > 1)
ActiveRange.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
else, 0, 0, 0, 0);
this.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
this.startCol = 0; // Активная ячейка в выделении
this.startRow = 0; // Активная ячейка в выделении
asc.extendClass(ActiveRange, Range);
ActiveRange.prototype.assign = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.assign.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.assign2 = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.assign2.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.clone = function(){
var oRes = new ActiveRange(ActiveRange.superclass.clone.apply(this, arguments));
oRes.type = this.type;
oRes.startCol = this.startCol;
oRes.startRow = this.startRow;
return oRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.normalize = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.normalize.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.isEqualAll = function () {
var bRes = ActiveRange.superclass.isEqual.apply(this, arguments);
if(bRes && arguments.length > 0)
var range = arguments[0];
bRes = this.type == range.type && this.startCol == range.startCol && this.startRow == range.startRow;
return bRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.contains = function () {
return ActiveRange.superclass.contains.apply(this, arguments);
ActiveRange.prototype.containsRange = function () {
return ActiveRange.superclass.containsRange.apply(this, arguments);
ActiveRange.prototype.containsFirstLineRange = function () {
return ActiveRange.superclass.containsFirstLineRange.apply(this, arguments);
ActiveRange.prototype.intersection = function () {
var oRes = ActiveRange.superclass.intersection.apply(this, arguments);
if(null != oRes)
oRes = new ActiveRange(oRes);
return oRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.intersectionSimple = function () {
var oRes = ActiveRange.superclass.intersectionSimple.apply(this, arguments);
if(null != oRes)
oRes = new ActiveRange(oRes);
return oRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.union = function () {
var oRes = new ActiveRange(ActiveRange.superclass.union.apply(this, arguments));
return oRes;
ActiveRange.prototype.union2 = function () {
ActiveRange.superclass.union2.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.setOffset = function(offset){
ActiveRange.prototype.setOffsetFirst = function(offset){
ActiveRange.superclass.setOffsetFirst.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype.setOffsetLast = function(offset){
ActiveRange.superclass.setOffsetLast.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
ActiveRange.prototype._updateAdditionalData = function(){
//меняем выделеную ячейку, если она не входит в диапазон
//возможно, в будующем придется пределать логику, пока нет примеров, когда это работает плохо
if(!this.contains(this.startCol, this.startRow))
this.startCol = this.c1;
this.startRow = this.r1;
//не меняем тип выделения, если это не выделение ячееек
// if(this.type == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells || this.type == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol ||
// this.type == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow || this.type == c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax)
// {
// if(0 == this.r1 && 0 == this.c1 && gc_nMaxRow0 == this.r2 && gc_nMaxCol0 == this.c2)
// this.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax;
// else if(0 == this.r1 && gc_nMaxRow0 == this.r2)
// this.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol;
// else if(0 == this.c1 && gc_nMaxCol0 == this.c2)
// this.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow;
// else
// this.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
// }
* @constructor
* @extends {Range}
function FormulaRange(){
if(1 == arguments.length)
var range = arguments[0];, range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);
else if(arguments.length > 1)
FormulaRange.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
else, 0, 0, 0, 0);
this.r1Abs = false;
this.c1Abs = false;
this.r2Abs = false;
this.c2Abs = false;
asc.extendClass(FormulaRange, Range);
FormulaRange.prototype.clone = function(){
var oRes = new FormulaRange(FormulaRange.superclass.clone.apply(this, arguments));
oRes.r1Abs = this.r1Abs;
oRes.c1Abs = this.c1Abs;
oRes.r2Abs = this.r2Abs;
oRes.c2Abs = this.c2Abs;
return oRes;
FormulaRange.prototype.intersection = function () {
var oRes = FormulaRange.superclass.intersection.apply(this, arguments);
if(null != oRes)
oRes = new FormulaRange(oRes);
return oRes;
FormulaRange.prototype.intersectionSimple = function () {
var oRes = FormulaRange.superclass.intersectionSimple.apply(this, arguments);
if(null != oRes)
oRes = new FormulaRange(oRes);
return oRes;
FormulaRange.prototype.union = function () {
return new FormulaRange(FormulaRange.superclass.union.apply(this, arguments));
FormulaRange.prototype.getName = function () {
var sRes = "";
if(0 == this.c1 && gc_nMaxCol0 == this.c2)
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r1 + 1) + ":";
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r2 + 1);
else if(0 == this.r1 && gc_nMaxRow0 == this.r2)
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c1 + 1) + ":";
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c2 + 1);
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c1 + 1);
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r1 + 1);
sRes += ":";
sRes += "$";
sRes += g_oCellAddressUtils.colnumToColstr(this.c2 + 1);
sRes += "$";
sRes += (this.r2 + 1);
return sRes;
function VisibleRange(visibleRange, offsetX, offsetY) {
this.visibleRange = visibleRange;
this.offsetX = offsetX;
this.offsetY = offsetY;
function RangeCache()
this.oCache = {};
RangeCache.prototype = {
getAscRange : function(sRange)
return this._getRange(sRange, 1);
getActiveRange : function(sRange)
return this._getRange(sRange, 2);
getFormulaRange : function(sRange)
return this._getRange(sRange, 3);
_getRange : function(sRange, type)
var oRes = null;
var oCacheVal = this.oCache[sRange];
if(null == oCacheVal)
var oFirstAddr, oLastAddr;
var bIsSingle = true;
var nIndex = sRange.indexOf(":");
if(-1 != nIndex)
bIsSingle = false;
oFirstAddr = g_oCellAddressUtils.getCellAddress(sRange.substring(0, nIndex));
oLastAddr = g_oCellAddressUtils.getCellAddress(sRange.substring(nIndex + 1));
oFirstAddr = oLastAddr = g_oCellAddressUtils.getCellAddress(sRange);
oCacheVal = { first: null, last: null, ascRange: null, formulaRange: null, activeRange: null };
//последнее условие, чтобы не распознавалось "A", "1"(должно быть "A:A", "1:1")
if (oFirstAddr.isValid() && oLastAddr.isValid() && (!bIsSingle || (!oFirstAddr.getIsRow() && !oFirstAddr.getIsCol())))
oCacheVal.first = oFirstAddr;
oCacheVal.last = oLastAddr;
this.oCache[sRange] = oCacheVal;
if (1 == type)
oRes = oCacheVal.ascRange;
else if (2 == type)
oRes = oCacheVal.activeRange;
oRes = oCacheVal.formulaRange;
if (null == oRes && null != oCacheVal.first && null != oCacheVal.last) {
var r1 = oCacheVal.first.getRow0(), r2 = oCacheVal.last.getRow0(), c1 = oCacheVal.first.getCol0(), c2 = oCacheVal.last.getCol0();
if (oCacheVal.first.getIsRow() && oCacheVal.last.getIsRow()) {
c1 = 0;
c2 = gc_nMaxCol0;
if (oCacheVal.first.getIsCol() && oCacheVal.last.getIsCol()) {
r1 = 0;
r2 = gc_nMaxRow0;
if (r1 > r2) {
var temp = r1;
r1 = r2;
r2 = temp;
if (c1 > c2) {
var temp = c1;
c1 = c2;
c2 = temp;
if (1 == type) {
if (null == oCacheVal.ascRange) {
var oAscRange = new Asc.Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
oAscRange.r1Abs = oCacheVal.first.getRowAbs();
oAscRange.c1Abs = oCacheVal.first.getColAbs();
oAscRange.r2Abs = oCacheVal.last.getRowAbs();
oAscRange.c2Abs = oCacheVal.last.getColAbs();
oCacheVal.ascRange = oAscRange;
oRes = oCacheVal.ascRange;
else if (2 == type) {
if (null == oCacheVal.activeRange) {
var oActiveRange = new Asc.ActiveRange(c1, r1, c2, r2);
oActiveRange.r1Abs = oCacheVal.first.getRowAbs();
oActiveRange.c1Abs = oCacheVal.first.getColAbs();
oActiveRange.r2Abs = oCacheVal.last.getRowAbs();
oActiveRange.c2Abs = oCacheVal.last.getColAbs();
var bCol = 0 == r1 && gc_nMaxRow0 == r2;
var bRow = 0 == c1 && gc_nMaxCol0 == c2;
if (bCol && bRow)
oActiveRange.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax;
else if (bCol)
oActiveRange.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol;
else if (bRow)
oActiveRange.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow;
oActiveRange.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
oActiveRange.startCol = oActiveRange.c1;
oActiveRange.startRow = oActiveRange.r1;
oCacheVal.activeRange = oActiveRange;
oRes = oCacheVal.activeRange;
else {
if (null == oCacheVal.formulaRange) {
var oFormulaRange = new Asc.FormulaRange(c1, r1, c2, r2);
oFormulaRange.r1Abs = oCacheVal.first.getRowAbs();
oFormulaRange.c1Abs = oCacheVal.first.getColAbs();
oFormulaRange.r2Abs = oCacheVal.last.getRowAbs();
oFormulaRange.c2Abs = oCacheVal.last.getColAbs();
oCacheVal.formulaRange = oFormulaRange;
oRes = oCacheVal.formulaRange;
return oRes;
var g_oRangeCache = new RangeCache();
* @constructor
* @memberOf Asc
function HandlersList(handlers) {
if ( !(this instanceof HandlersList) ) {return new HandlersList(handlers);}
this.handlers = handlers || {};
return this;
HandlersList.prototype = {
constructor: HandlersList,
trigger: function (eventName) {
var h = this.handlers[eventName], t = typeOf(h), a =, 1), i;
if (t === kFunctionL) {
return h.apply(this, a);
if (t === kArrayL) {
for (i = 0; i < h.length; i += 1) {
if (typeOf(h[i]) === kFunctionL) {h[i].apply(this, a);}
return true;
return false;
add: function (eventName, eventHandler, replaceOldHandler) {
var th = this.handlers, h, old, t;
if (replaceOldHandler || !th.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
th[eventName] = eventHandler;
} else {
old = h = th[eventName];
t = typeOf(old);
if (t !== kArrayL) {
h = th[eventName] = [];
if (t === kFunctionL) {h.push(old);}
remove: function (eventName, eventHandler) {
var th = this.handlers, h = th[eventName], i;
if (th.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
if (typeOf(h) !== kArrayL || typeOf(eventHandler) !== kFunctionL) {
delete th[eventName];
return true;
for (i = h.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if (h[i] === eventHandler) {
delete h[i];
return true;
return false;
function outputDebugStr(channel) {
var c = window.console;
if (asc.g_debug_mode && c && c[channel] && c[channel].apply) {
c[channel].apply(this,, 1));
function trim(val)
return val.trim();
return val.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
function isNumber(val) {
var valTrim = trim(val);
return (valTrim - 0) == valTrim && valTrim.length > 0;
function isNumberInfinity(val) {
var valTrim = trim(val);
var valInt = valTrim - 0;
return valInt == valTrim && valTrim.length > 0 && MIN_EXCEL_INT < valInt && valInt < MAX_EXCEL_INT;//
function arrayToLowerCase(array) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; ++i)
return result;
function isFixedWidthCell(frag) {
for (var i = 0; i < frag.length; ++i) {
var f = frag[i].format;
if (f && f.repeat) {return true;}
return false;
function truncFracPart(frag) {
var s = frag.reduce(function (prev,val) {return prev + val.text;}, "");
// Проверка scientific format
if ( >= 0) {
return frag;
// Поиск десятичной точки
var pos =[,\.]/);
if (pos >= 0) {
frag[0].text = s.slice(0, pos);
frag.splice(1, frag.length - 1);
return frag;
function getEndValueRange (dx, start, v1, v2) {
var x1, x2;
if (0 !== dx) {
if (start === v1) {
x1 = v1;
x2 = v2;
} else if (start === v2) {
x1 = v2;
x2 = v1;
} else {
if (0 > dx) {
x1 = v2;
x2 = v1;
} else {
x1 = v1;
x2 = v2;
} else {
x1 = v1;
x2 = v2;
return {x1: x1, x2: x2};
// События движения мыши
/** @constructor */
function asc_CMouseMoveData (obj) {
if ( !(this instanceof asc_CMouseMoveData) ) {
return new asc_CMouseMoveData(obj);
if (obj) {
this.type = obj.type;
this.x = obj.x;
this.reverseX = obj.reverseX; // Отображать комментарий слева от ячейки
this.y = obj.y;
this.hyperlink = obj.hyperlink;
this.aCommentIndexes = obj.aCommentIndexes;
this.userId = obj.userId;
this.lockedObjectType = obj.lockedObjectType;
// Для resize
this.sizeCCOrPt = obj.sizeCCOrPt;
this.sizePx = obj.sizePx;
return this;
asc_CMouseMoveData.prototype = {
constructor: asc_CMouseMoveData,
asc_getType: function () { return this.type; },
asc_getX: function () { return this.x; },
asc_getReverseX: function () { return this.reverseX; },
asc_getY: function () { return this.y; },
asc_getHyperlink: function () { return this.hyperlink; },
asc_getCommentIndexes: function () { return this.aCommentIndexes; },
asc_getUserId: function () { return this.userId; },
asc_getLockedObjectType: function () { return this.lockedObjectType; },
asc_getSizeCCOrPt: function () { return this.sizeCCOrPt; },
asc_getSizePx: function () { return this.sizePx; }
// Гиперссылка
/** @constructor */
function asc_CHyperlink (obj) {
if (!(this instanceof asc_CHyperlink)) {
return new asc_CHyperlink(obj);
// Класс Hyperlink из модели
this.hyperlinkModel = null != obj ? obj : new Hyperlink();
// Используется только для выдачи наружу и выставлении обратно
this.text = null;
return this;
asc_CHyperlink.prototype = {
constructor: asc_CHyperlink,
asc_getType: function () { return this.hyperlinkModel.getHyperlinkType(); },
asc_getHyperlinkUrl: function () { return this.hyperlinkModel.Hyperlink; },
asc_getTooltip: function () { return this.hyperlinkModel.Tooltip; },
asc_getLocation: function () { return this.hyperlinkModel.getLocation(); },
asc_getSheet: function () { return this.hyperlinkModel.LocationSheet; },
asc_getRange: function () { return this.hyperlinkModel.LocationRange; },
asc_getText: function () { return this.text; },
asc_setType: function (val) {
// В принципе эта функция избыточна
switch (val) {
case c_oAscHyperlinkType.WebLink:
case c_oAscHyperlinkType.RangeLink:
this.hyperlinkModel.Hyperlink = null;
asc_setHyperlinkUrl: function (val) { this.hyperlinkModel.Hyperlink = val; },
asc_setTooltip: function (val) { this.hyperlinkModel.Tooltip = val ? val.slice(0, c_oAscMaxTooltipLength) : val; },
asc_setLocation: function (val) { this.hyperlinkModel.setLocation(val); },
asc_setSheet: function (val) { this.hyperlinkModel.setLocationSheet(val); },
asc_setRange: function (val) { this.hyperlinkModel.setLocationRange(val); },
asc_setText: function (val) { this.text = val; }
/** @constructor */
function asc_CPageMargins (obj) {
if ( !(this instanceof asc_CPageMargins) ) {
return new asc_CPageMargins(obj);
if (obj) {
this.left = obj.left;
this.right = obj.right; =;
this.bottom = obj.bottom;
return this;
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.init = function () {
if (null == this.left)
this.left = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageLeftField;
if (null == = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageTopField;
if (null == this.right)
this.right = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageRightField;
if (null == this.bottom)
this.bottom = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageBottomField;
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.asc_getLeft = function () { return this.left; };
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.asc_getRight = function () { return this.right; };
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.asc_getTop = function () { return; };
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.asc_getBottom = function () { return this.bottom; };
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.asc_setLeft = function (val) { this.left = val; };
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.asc_setRight = function (val) { this.right = val; };
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.asc_setTop = function (val) { = val; };
asc_CPageMargins.prototype.asc_setBottom = function (val) { this.bottom = val; };
/** @constructor */
function asc_CPageSetup (obj) {
if ( !(this instanceof asc_CPageSetup) ) {
return new asc_CPageSetup(obj);
if (obj) {
this.orientation = obj.orientation;
this.width = obj.width;
this.height = obj.height;
return this;
asc_CPageSetup.prototype.init = function () {
if (null == this.orientation)
this.orientation = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageOrientation;
if (null == this.width)
this.width = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageWidth;
if (null == this.height)
this.height = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageHeight;
asc_CPageSetup.prototype.asc_getOrientation = function () { return this.orientation; };
asc_CPageSetup.prototype.asc_getWidth = function () { return this.width; };
asc_CPageSetup.prototype.asc_getHeight = function () { return this.height; };
asc_CPageSetup.prototype.asc_setOrientation = function (val) { this.orientation = val; };
asc_CPageSetup.prototype.asc_setWidth = function (val) { this.width = val; };
asc_CPageSetup.prototype.asc_setHeight = function (val) { this.height = val; };
/** @constructor */
function asc_CPageOptions (obj) {
if ( !(this instanceof asc_CPageOptions) ) {
return new asc_CPageOptions(obj);
if (obj) {
this.pageMargins = obj.pageMargins;
this.pageSetup = obj.pageSetup;
this.gridLines = obj.gridLines;
this.headings = obj.headings;
return this;
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.init = function () {
if (!this.pageMargins)
this.pageMargins = new asc_CPageMargins();
if (!this.pageSetup)
this.pageSetup = new asc_CPageSetup();
if (null == this.gridLines)
this.gridLines = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageGridLines;
if (null == this.headings)
this.headings = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageHeadings;
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.asc_getPageMargins = function () { return this.pageMargins; };
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.asc_getPageSetup = function () { return this.pageSetup; };
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.asc_getGridLines = function () { return this.gridLines; };
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.asc_getHeadings = function () { return this.headings; };
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.asc_setPageMargins = function (val) { this.pageMargins = val; };
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.asc_setPageSetup = function (val) { this.pageSetup = val; };
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.asc_setGridLines = function (val) { this.gridLines = val; };
asc_CPageOptions.prototype.asc_setHeadings = function (val) { this.headings = val; };
function CPagePrint () {
if ( !(this instanceof CPagePrint) ) {
return new CPagePrint();
this.pageWidth = 0;
this.pageHeight = 0;
this.pageClipRectLeft = 0;
this.pageClipRectTop = 0;
this.pageClipRectWidth = 0;
this.pageClipRectHeight = 0;
this.pageRange = null;
this.leftFieldInPt = 0;
this.topFieldInPt = 0;
this.rightFieldInPt = 0;
this.bottomFieldInPt = 0;
this.pageGridLines = false;
this.pageHeadings = false;
this.indexWorksheet = -1;
this.startOffset = 0;
this.startOffsetPt = 0;
return this;
function CPrintPagesData () {
if ( !(this instanceof CPrintPagesData) ) {
return new CPrintPagesData();
this.arrPages = null;
this.currentIndex = 0;
return this;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CAdjustPrint () {
if ( !(this instanceof asc_CAdjustPrint) ) {
return new asc_CAdjustPrint();
// Вид печати
this.printType = c_oAscPrintType.ActiveSheets;
// Вид печати
this.layoutPageType = c_oAscLayoutPageType.ActualSize;
return this;
asc_CAdjustPrint.prototype.asc_getPrintType = function () { return this.printType; };
asc_CAdjustPrint.prototype.asc_getLayoutPageType = function () { return this.layoutPageType; };
asc_CAdjustPrint.prototype.asc_setPrintType = function (val) { this.printType = val; };
asc_CAdjustPrint.prototype.asc_setLayoutPageType = function (val) { this.layoutPageType = val; };
/** @constructor */
function asc_CLockInfo () {
this["sheetId"] = null;
this["type"] = null;
this["subType"] = null;
this["guid"] = null;
this["rangeOrObjectId"] = null;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CCollaborativeRange (c1, r1, c2, r2) {
this["c1"] = c1;
this["r1"] = r1;
this["c2"] = c2;
this["r2"] = r2;
var g_oCSheetViewSettingsProperties = {
showGridLines : 0,
showRowColHeaders : 1
/** @constructor */
function asc_CSheetViewSettings () {
if (!(this instanceof asc_CSheetViewSettings)) {
return new asc_CSheetViewSettings();
this.Properties = g_oCSheetViewSettingsProperties;
// Показывать ли сетку
this.showGridLines = null;
// Показывать обозначения строк и столбцов
this.showRowColHeaders = null;
// Закрепление области
this.pane = null;
return this;
asc_CSheetViewSettings.prototype = {
constructor: asc_CSheetViewSettings,
clone: function () {
var result = new asc_CSheetViewSettings();
result.showGridLines = this.showGridLines;
result.showRowColHeaders = this.showRowColHeaders;
if (this.pane)
result.pane = this.pane.clone();
return result;
isEqual: function (settings) {
return this.asc_getShowGridLines() === settings.asc_getShowGridLines() &&
this.asc_getShowRowColHeaders() === settings.asc_getShowRowColHeaders();
setSettings: function (settings) {
this.showGridLines = settings.showGridLines;
this.showRowColHeaders = settings.showRowColHeaders;
asc_getShowGridLines: function () { return false !== this.showGridLines; },
asc_getShowRowColHeaders: function () { return false !== this.showRowColHeaders; },
asc_getIsFreezePane: function () { return null !== this.pane && this.pane.isInit(); },
asc_setShowGridLines: function (val) { this.showGridLines = val; },
asc_setShowRowColHeaders: function (val) { this.showRowColHeaders = val; },
getType : function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.SheetViewSettings;
getProperties : function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty : function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.showGridLines: return this.showGridLines;break;
case this.Properties.showRowColHeaders: return this.showRowColHeaders;break;
setProperty : function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.showGridLines: this.showGridLines = value;break;
case this.Properties.showRowColHeaders: this.showRowColHeaders = value;break;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CPane () {
if (!(this instanceof asc_CPane)) {
return new asc_CPane();
this.state = null;
this.topLeftCell = null;
this.xSplit = 0;
this.ySplit = 0;
// CellAddress для удобства
this.topLeftFrozenCell = null;
return this;
asc_CPane.prototype.isInit = function () {
return null !== this.topLeftFrozenCell;
asc_CPane.prototype.clone = function() {
var res = new asc_CPane();
res.state = this.state;
res.topLeftCell = this.topLeftCell;
res.xSplit = this.xSplit;
res.ySplit = this.ySplit;
res.topLeftFrozenCell = this.topLeftFrozenCell ?
new CellAddress(this.topLeftFrozenCell.row, this.topLeftFrozenCell.col) : null;
return res;
asc_CPane.prototype.init = function() {
// ToDo Обрабатываем пока только frozen и frozenSplit
if ((c_oAscPaneState.Frozen === this.state || c_oAscPaneState.FrozenSplit === this.state) &&
(0 < this.xSplit || 0 < this.ySplit)) {
this.topLeftFrozenCell = new CellAddress(this.ySplit, this.xSplit, 0);
if (!this.topLeftFrozenCell.isValid())
this.topLeftFrozenCell = null;
function RedoObjectParam () {
if (!(this instanceof RedoObjectParam)) {
return new RedoObjectParam();
this.bIsOn = false;
this.bIsReInit = false;
this.oChangeWorksheetUpdate = {};
this.bUpdateWorksheetByModel = false;
this.bOnSheetsChanged = false;
this.oOnUpdateTabColor = {};
this.oOnUpdateSheetViewSettings = {};
this.bAddRemoveRowCol = false;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CStylesPainter() {
this.native = window["native"];
// base64 defaultStyles image
this.defaultStylesImage = "";
this.defaultStyles = null;
// base64 docStyles image
this.docStylesImage = "";
this.docStyles = null;
var pxTomm = 1.0; // 72.0 / 96.0;
this.styleThumbnailWidth = 92;// * pxTomm;
this.styleThumbnailHeight = 48;// * pxTomm;
this.styleThumbnailWidthPt = Math.floor(this.styleThumbnailWidth * pxTomm);
this.styleThumbnailHeightPt = Math.floor(this.styleThumbnailHeight * pxTomm);
this.styleThumbnailWidthWithRetina = this.styleThumbnailWidth;
this.styleThumbnailHeightWithRetina = this.styleThumbnailHeight;
asc_CStylesPainter.prototype = {
constructor: asc_CStylesPainter,
asc_getStyleThumbnailWidth: function () { return this.styleThumbnailWidthWithRetina; },
asc_getStyleThumbnailHeight: function () { return this.styleThumbnailHeightWithRetina; },
asc_getDefaultStyles: function () { return this.defaultStyles; },
asc_getDocStyles: function () { return this.docStyles; },
asc_getDefaultStylesImage: function () { return this.defaultStylesImage; },
asc_getDocStylesImage: function () { return this.docStylesImage; },
generateStylesAll: function (cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer) {
this.generateDefaultStyles(cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer);
this.generateDocumentStyles(cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer);
generateDefaultStyles: function (cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer) {
var nDefaultStylesCount = cellStylesAll.getDefaultStylesCount();
var cellStyles = cellStylesAll.DefaultStyles;
var nLength = cellStyles.length;
//var oCanvas = {}; //document.createElement('canvas');
//oCanvas.width = this.styleThumbnailWidthWithRetina;
//oCanvas.height = nDefaultStylesCount * this.styleThumbnailHeightWithRetina;
var oGraphics = new asc.DrawingContext({canvas: null, units: 0/*pt*/, fmgrGraphics: fmgrGraphics, font: oFont});
var oStyle, oCustomStyle;
this.defaultStyles = [];
for (var i = 0, styleIndex = 0; i < nLength; ++i) {
oStyle = cellStyles[i];
if (oStyle.Hidden)
// ToDo Возможно стоит переписать немного, чтобы не пробегать каждый раз по массиву custom-стилей (нужно генерировать AllStyles)
oCustomStyle = cellStylesAll.getCustomStyleByBuiltinId(oStyle.BuiltinId);
this.defaultStyles[i] = new CStyleImage(oStyle.Name, c_oAscStyleImage.Default);
this.native.BeginDrawDefaultStyle(oStyle.Name, styleIndex);
this.drawStyle(oGraphics, stringRenderer, oCustomStyle || oStyle, oStyle.Name, styleIndex);
//this.defaultStylesImage = (0 === styleIndex) ? "" : oCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
generateDocumentStyles: function (cellStylesAll, fmgrGraphics, oFont, stringRenderer) {
var nDocumentStylesCount = cellStylesAll.getCustomStylesCount();
var cellStyles = cellStylesAll.CustomStyles;
var nLength = cellStyles.length;
//var oCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
//oCanvas.width = this.styleThumbnailWidthWithRetina;
//oCanvas.height = nDocumentStylesCount * this.styleThumbnailHeightWithRetina;
var oGraphics = new asc.DrawingContext({canvas: null, units: 0/*pt*/, fmgrGraphics: fmgrGraphics, font: oFont});
var oStyle;
this.docStyles = [];
for (var i = 0, styleIndex = 0; i < nLength; ++i) {
oStyle = cellStyles[i];
if (oStyle.Hidden || null != oStyle.BuiltinId)
this.docStyles[styleIndex] = new CStyleImage(oStyle.Name, c_oAscStyleImage.Document);
this.native.BeginDrawDocumentStyle(oStyle.Name, styleIndex);
this.drawStyle(oGraphics, stringRenderer, oStyle, oStyle.Name, styleIndex);
//this.docStylesImage = (0 === styleIndex) ? "" : oCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
drawStyle: function (oGraphics, stringRenderer, oStyle, sStyleName, nIndex) {
var nOffsetY = 0;//nIndex * this.styleThumbnailHeightPt;
// Fill cell
var oColor = oStyle.getFill();;
if (null !== oColor)
oGraphics.rect(0, nOffsetY, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt).clip();
if (null !== oColor)
var drawBorder = function (b, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (null != b && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== b.s) {
// ToDo поправить
oGraphics.setLineWidth(b.w).beginPath();//.moveTo(x1, y1).lineTo(x2, y2).stroke();
window["native"]["PD_PathMoveTo"](x1, y1);
window["native"]["PD_PathLineTo"](x2, y2);
// borders
var oBorders = oStyle.getBorder();
drawBorder(oBorders.l, 0, 0, 0, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt); // left
drawBorder(oBorders.r, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt - 0.25, 0, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt - 0.25, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt); // right
drawBorder(oBorders.t, 0, 0, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, 0); // up
drawBorder(oBorders.b, 0, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt - 0.25, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt - 0.25); // down
//oGraphics.rect(0, nOffsetY, this.styleThumbnailWidthPt, this.styleThumbnailHeightPt).clip();
// Draw text
var fc = oStyle.getFontColor();
var oFontColor = fc !== null ? fc : new CColor(0, 0, 0);
var format = oStyle.getFont();
// Для размера шрифта делаем ограничение для превью в 16pt (у Excel 18pt, но и высота превью больше 22px)
var oFont = new asc.FontProperties(format.fn, (16 < format.fs) ? 16 : format.fs,
format.b, format.i, format.u, format.s);
var width_padding = 3; // 4 * 72 / 96
var tm = stringRenderer.measureString(sStyleName);
// Текст будем рисовать по центру (в Excel чуть по другому реализовано, у них постоянный отступ снизу)
var textY = 0.5 * (nOffsetY + (nOffsetY + this.styleThumbnailHeightPt) - tm.height);
oGraphics.fillText(sStyleName, width_padding, textY + tm.baseline);
/** @constructor */
function asc_CSheetPr() {
if (!(this instanceof asc_CSheetPr)) {
return new asc_CSheetPr();
this.CodeName = null;
this.EnableFormatConditionsCalculation = null;
this.FilterMode = null;
this.Published = null;
this.SyncHorizontal = null;
this.SyncRef = null;
this.SyncVertical = null;
this.TransitionEntry = null;
this.TransitionEvaluation = null;
this.TabColor = null;
return this;
asc_CSheetPr.prototype.clone = function() {
var res = new asc_CSheetPr();
res.CodeName = this.CodeName;
res.EnableFormatConditionsCalculation = this.EnableFormatConditionsCalculation;
res.FilterMode = this.FilterMode;
res.Published = this.Published;
res.SyncHorizontal = this.SyncHorizontal;
res.SyncRef = this.SyncRef;
res.SyncVertical = this.SyncVertical;
res.TransitionEntry = this.TransitionEntry;
res.TransitionEvaluation = this.TransitionEvaluation;
if (this.TabColor)
res.TabColor = this.TabColor.clone();
return res;
// Математическая информация о выделении
/** @constructor */
function asc_CSelectionMathInfo() {
this.count = 0;
this.countNumbers = 0;
this.sum = null;
this.average = null;
this.min = null;
this.max = null;
asc_CSelectionMathInfo.prototype = {
constructor: asc_CSelectionMathInfo,
asc_getCount: function () { return this.count; },
asc_getCountNumbers: function () { return this.countNumbers; },
asc_getSum: function () { return this.sum; },
asc_getAverage: function () { return this.average; },
asc_getMin: function () { return this.min; },
asc_getMax: function () { return this.max; }
/** @constructor */
function asc_CFindOptions() {
this.findWhat = ""; // текст, который ищем
this.scanByRows = true; // просмотр по строкам/столбцам
this.scanForward = true; // поиск вперед/назад
this.isMatchCase = false; // учитывать регистр
this.isWholeCell = false; // ячейка целиком
this.scanOnOnlySheet = true; // искать только на листе/в книге
this.lookIn = c_oAscFindLookIn.Formulas; // искать в формулах/значениях/примечаниях
this.replaceWith = ""; // текст, на который заменяем (если у нас замена)
this.isReplaceAll = false; // заменить все (если у нас замена)
// внутренние переменные
this.activeRange = null;
this.indexInArray = 0;
this.countFind = 0;
this.countReplace = 0;
this.countFindAll = 0;
this.countReplaceAll = 0;
this.sheetIndex = -1;
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.clone = function () {
var result = new asc_CFindOptions();
result.findWhat = this.findWhat;
result.scanByRows = this.scanByRows;
result.scanForward = this.scanForward;
result.isMatchCase = this.isMatchCase;
result.isWholeCell = this.isWholeCell;
result.scanOnOnlySheet = this.scanOnOnlySheet;
result.lookIn = this.lookIn;
result.replaceWith = this.replaceWith;
result.isReplaceAll = this.isReplaceAll;
result.activeRange = this.activeRange ? this.activeRange.clone() : null;
result.indexInArray = this.indexInArray;
result.countFind = this.countFind;
result.countReplace = this.countReplace;
result.countFindAll = this.countFindAll;
result.countReplaceAll = this.countReplaceAll;
result.sheetIndex = this.sheetIndex;
return result;
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.isEqual = function (obj) {
return null != obj && this.findWhat === obj.findWhat && this.scanByRows === obj.scanByRows &&
this.scanForward === obj.scanForward && this.isMatchCase === obj.isMatchCase &&
this.isWholeCell === obj.isWholeCell && this.scanOnOnlySheet === obj.scanOnOnlySheet &&
this.lookIn === obj.lookIn;
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.clearFindAll = function () {
this.countFindAll = 0;
this.countReplaceAll = 0;
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.updateFindAll = function () {
this.countFindAll += this.countFind;
this.countReplaceAll += this.countReplace;
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setFindWhat = function (val) {this.findWhat = val;};
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setScanByRows = function (val) {this.scanByRows = val;};
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setScanForward = function (val) {this.scanForward = val;};
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setIsMatchCase = function (val) {this.isMatchCase = val;};
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setIsWholeCell = function (val) {this.isWholeCell = val;};
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setScanOnOnlySheet = function (val) {this.scanOnOnlySheet = val;};
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setLookIn = function (val) {this.lookIn = val;};
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setReplaceWith = function (val) {this.replaceWith = val;};
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.asc_setIsReplaceAll = function (val) {this.isReplaceAll = val;};
* Export
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window["Asc"].applyFunction = applyFunction;
window["Asc"].typeOf = typeOf;
window["Asc"].lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf;
window["Asc"].search = search;
window["Asc"].getUniqueRangeColor = getUniqueRangeColor;
window["Asc"].getMinValueOrNull = getMinValueOrNull;
window["Asc"].round = round;
window["Asc"].floor = floor;
window["Asc"].ceil = ceil;
window["Asc"].incDecFonSize = incDecFonSize;
window["Asc"].outputDebugStr = outputDebugStr;
window["Asc"].profileTime = profileTime;
window["Asc"].isNumber = isNumber;
window["Asc"].isNumberInfinity = isNumberInfinity;
window["Asc"].trim = trim;
window["Asc"].arrayToLowerCase = arrayToLowerCase;
window["Asc"].isFixedWidthCell = isFixedWidthCell;
window["Asc"].truncFracPart = truncFracPart;
window["Asc"].getEndValueRange = getEndValueRange;
window["Asc"].Range = Range;
window["Asc"].ActiveRange = ActiveRange;
window["Asc"].FormulaRange = FormulaRange;
window["Asc"].VisibleRange = VisibleRange;
window["Asc"].g_oRangeCache = g_oRangeCache;
window["Asc"].HandlersList = HandlersList;
window["Asc"].RedoObjectParam = RedoObjectParam;
window["Asc"]["asc_CMouseMoveData"] = window["Asc"].asc_CMouseMoveData = asc_CMouseMoveData;
prot = asc_CMouseMoveData.prototype;
prot["asc_getType"] = prot.asc_getType;
prot["asc_getX"] = prot.asc_getX;
prot["asc_getReverseX"] = prot.asc_getReverseX;
prot["asc_getY"] = prot.asc_getY;
prot["asc_getHyperlink"] = prot.asc_getHyperlink;
prot["asc_getCommentIndexes"] = prot.asc_getCommentIndexes;
prot["asc_getUserId"] = prot.asc_getUserId;
prot["asc_getLockedObjectType"] = prot.asc_getLockedObjectType;
prot["asc_getSizeCCOrPt"] = prot.asc_getSizeCCOrPt;
prot["asc_getSizePx"] = prot.asc_getSizePx;
window["Asc"]["asc_CHyperlink"] = window["Asc"].asc_CHyperlink = asc_CHyperlink;
prot = asc_CHyperlink.prototype;
prot["asc_getType"] = prot.asc_getType;
prot["asc_getHyperlinkUrl"] = prot.asc_getHyperlinkUrl;
prot["asc_getTooltip"] = prot.asc_getTooltip;
prot["asc_getLocation"] = prot.asc_getLocation;
prot["asc_getSheet"] = prot.asc_getSheet;
prot["asc_getRange"] = prot.asc_getRange;
prot["asc_getText"] = prot.asc_getText;
prot["asc_setType"] = prot.asc_setType;
prot["asc_setHyperlinkUrl"] = prot.asc_setHyperlinkUrl;
prot["asc_setTooltip"] = prot.asc_setTooltip;
prot["asc_setLocation"] = prot.asc_setLocation;
prot["asc_setSheet"] = prot.asc_setSheet;
prot["asc_setRange"] = prot.asc_setRange;
prot["asc_setText"] = prot.asc_setText;
window["Asc"]["asc_CPageMargins"] = window["Asc"].asc_CPageMargins = asc_CPageMargins;
prot = asc_CPageMargins.prototype;
prot["asc_getLeft"] = prot.asc_getLeft;
prot["asc_getRight"] = prot.asc_getRight;
prot["asc_getTop"] = prot.asc_getTop;
prot["asc_getBottom"] = prot.asc_getBottom;
prot["asc_setLeft"] = prot.asc_setLeft;
prot["asc_setRight"] = prot.asc_setRight;
prot["asc_setTop"] = prot.asc_setTop;
prot["asc_setBottom"] = prot.asc_setBottom;
window["Asc"]["asc_CPageSetup"] = window["Asc"].asc_CPageSetup = asc_CPageSetup;
prot = asc_CPageSetup.prototype;
prot["asc_getOrientation"] = prot.asc_getOrientation;
prot["asc_getWidth"] = prot.asc_getWidth;
prot["asc_getHeight"] = prot.asc_getHeight;
prot["asc_setOrientation"] = prot.asc_setOrientation;
prot["asc_setWidth"] = prot.asc_setWidth;
prot["asc_setHeight"] = prot.asc_setHeight;
window["Asc"]["asc_CPageOptions"] = window["Asc"].asc_CPageOptions = asc_CPageOptions;
prot = asc_CPageOptions.prototype;
prot["asc_getPageMargins"] = prot.asc_getPageMargins;
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prot["asc_getGridLines"] = prot.asc_getGridLines;
prot["asc_getHeadings"] = prot.asc_getHeadings;
prot["asc_setPageMargins"] = prot.asc_setPageMargins;
prot["asc_setPageSetup"] = prot.asc_setPageSetup;
prot["asc_setGridLines"] = prot.asc_setGridLines;
prot["asc_setHeadings"] = prot.asc_setHeadings;
window["Asc"].CPagePrint = CPagePrint;
window["Asc"].CPrintPagesData = CPrintPagesData;
window["Asc"]["asc_CAdjustPrint"] = window["Asc"].asc_CAdjustPrint = asc_CAdjustPrint;
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prot["asc_getPrintType"] = prot.asc_getPrintType;
prot["asc_getLayoutPageType"] = prot.asc_getLayoutPageType;
prot["asc_setPrintType"] = prot.asc_setPrintType;
prot["asc_setLayoutPageType"] = prot.asc_setLayoutPageType;
window["Asc"].asc_CLockInfo = asc_CLockInfo;
window["Asc"].asc_CCollaborativeRange = asc_CCollaborativeRange;
window["Asc"]["asc_CSheetViewSettings"] = window["Asc"].asc_CSheetViewSettings = asc_CSheetViewSettings;
prot = asc_CSheetViewSettings.prototype;
prot["asc_getShowGridLines"] = prot.asc_getShowGridLines;
prot["asc_getShowRowColHeaders"] = prot.asc_getShowRowColHeaders;
prot["asc_getIsFreezePane"] = prot.asc_getIsFreezePane;
prot["asc_setShowGridLines"] = prot.asc_setShowGridLines;
prot["asc_setShowRowColHeaders"] = prot.asc_setShowRowColHeaders;
window["Asc"]["asc_CPane"] = window["Asc"].asc_CPane = asc_CPane;
window["Asc"]["asc_CStylesPainter"] = window["Asc"].asc_CStylesPainter = asc_CStylesPainter;
prot = asc_CStylesPainter.prototype;
prot["asc_getStyleThumbnailWidth"] = prot.asc_getStyleThumbnailWidth;
prot["asc_getStyleThumbnailHeight"] = prot.asc_getStyleThumbnailHeight;
prot["asc_getDefaultStyles"] = prot.asc_getDefaultStyles;
prot["asc_getDocStyles"] = prot.asc_getDocStyles;
prot["asc_getDefaultStylesImage"] = prot.asc_getDefaultStylesImage;
prot["asc_getDocStylesImage"] = prot.asc_getDocStylesImage;
window["Asc"]["asc_CSheetPr"] = window["Asc"].asc_CSheetPr = asc_CSheetPr;
window["Asc"]["asc_CSelectionMathInfo"] = window["Asc"].asc_CSelectionMathInfo = asc_CSelectionMathInfo;
prot = asc_CSelectionMathInfo.prototype;
prot["asc_getCount"] = prot.asc_getCount;
prot["asc_getCountNumbers"] = prot.asc_getCountNumbers;
prot["asc_getSum"] = prot.asc_getSum;
prot["asc_getAverage"] = prot.asc_getAverage;
prot["asc_getMin"] = prot.asc_getMin;
prot["asc_getMax"] = prot.asc_getMax;
window["Asc"]["asc_CFindOptions"] = window["Asc"].asc_CFindOptions = asc_CFindOptions;
prot = asc_CFindOptions.prototype;
prot["asc_setFindWhat"] = prot.asc_setFindWhat;
prot["asc_setScanByRows"] = prot.asc_setScanByRows;
prot["asc_setScanForward"] = prot.asc_setScanForward;
prot["asc_setIsMatchCase"] = prot.asc_setIsMatchCase;
prot["asc_setIsWholeCell"] = prot.asc_setIsWholeCell;
prot["asc_setScanOnOnlySheet"] = prot.asc_setScanOnOnlySheet;
prot["asc_setLookIn"] = prot.asc_setLookIn;
prot["asc_setReplaceWith"] = prot.asc_setReplaceWith;
prot["asc_setIsReplaceAll"] = prot.asc_setIsReplaceAll;
)(jQuery, window);
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