Commit 0350c8e8 authored by Anna.Pavlova's avatar Anna.Pavlova

1. Прокинула свойства для элементов : fraction, degree, degreeSubSup radical,...

1. Прокинула свойства для элементов : fraction, degree, degreeSubSup radical, N-ary, accent, delimiters (для чтения)
2. Исправила баг при удалении: когда удаляли контент из начала контента, неправильно выставлялся курсор (перед RunPrp), текст из-за этого не отображался
3. Исправила баг при добавлении мат. элемента, не добавлялись RunPrp для текста 
4. Для n-арных операторов добавила возможность вместо n-арного оператора отрисовать любую букву
5. Поправила баг с расстоянием для n-арных операторов с один оператором (они не отрисовывались)

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 2db459ef
......@@ -597,6 +597,10 @@ CSign.prototype.relate = function(parent)
this.Parent = parent;
CSign.prototype.getCodeAccent = function()
return this.sign.value;
function old_CAccent()
......@@ -845,7 +849,8 @@ CAccent.prototype.draw = function()
function CAccent()
this. type = null;
this.code = null; // храним код буквы и тип здесь
this. type = null; // т.к в класах, которые вызываем, не учитываем случаи, когда элементы (стрелки/скобки) переворачиваются
this.loc = LOCATION_TOP;;
......@@ -880,6 +885,7 @@ CAccent.prototype.init = function(props)
if(code === 0x302 || type === ACCENT_CIRCUMFLEX)
this.code = 0x302;
accent = new CCircumflex();
......@@ -887,6 +893,7 @@ CAccent.prototype.init = function(props)
else if(code === 0x30C || type === ACCENT_COMB_CARON)
this.type = ACCENT_COMB_CARON;
this.code = 0x30C;
accent = new CCircumflex();
......@@ -894,24 +901,28 @@ CAccent.prototype.init = function(props)
else if(code === 0x332 || type === ACCENT_LINE)
this.type = ACCENT_LINE;
this.code = 0x332;
accent = new CLine();
else if(code === 0x333 || type === ACCENT_DOUBLE_LINE)
this.code = 0x333;
accent = new CDoubleLine();
else if(code === 0x303 || type === ACCENT_TILDE)
this.type = ACCENT_TILDE;
this.code = 0x303;
accent = new CTilde();
else if(code === 0x306 || type === ACCENT_BREVE)
this.type = ACCENT_BREVE;
this.code = 0x306;
accent = new CBreve();
......@@ -919,6 +930,7 @@ CAccent.prototype.init = function(props)
else if(code == 0x311 || type == ACCENT_INVERT_BREVE)
this.code = 0x311;
accent = new CBreve();
......@@ -926,141 +938,152 @@ CAccent.prototype.init = function(props)
else if(code === 0x20D6 || type === ACCENT_ARROW_LEFT)
this.type = ACCENT_ARROW_LEFT;
this.code = 0x20D6;
glyph = new CCombiningArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0
accent = new COperator(glyph);
else if(code === 0x20D7 || type === ACCENT_ARROW_RIGHT)
this.code = 0x20D7;
glyph = new CCombiningArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_180
accent = new COperator(glyph);
else if(code === 0x20E1 || type === ACCENT_ARROW_LR)
this.type = ACCENT_ARROW_LR;
this.code = 0x20E1;
glyph = new CCombining_LR_Arrow();
props =
var prp =
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0
accent = new COperator(glyph);
else if(code === 0x20D0 || type === ACCENT_HALF_ARROW_LEFT)
this.code = 0x20D0;
glyph = new CCombiningHalfArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0
accent = new COperator(glyph);
else if(code === 0x20D1 || type === ACCENT_HALF_ARROW_RIGHT)
this.code = 0x20D1;
glyph = new CCombiningHalfArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_180
accent = new COperator(glyph);
///// group characters /////
else if(code === 0x2190 || type === ARROW_LEFT)
this.type = ARROW_LEFT;
this.code = 0x2190;
glyph = new CSingleArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: this.loc,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x2192 || type === ARROW_RIGHT)
this.type = ARROW_RIGHT;
this.code = 0x2192;
glyph = new CSingleArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: this.loc,
turn: TURN_180
else if(code === 0x2194 || type === ARROW_LR)
this.type = ARROW_LR;
this.code = 0x2194;
glyph = new CLeftRightArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: this.loc,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x21D0 || type === DOUBLE_LEFT_ARROW)
this.type = DOUBLE_LEFT_ARROW;
this.code = 0x21D0;
glyph = new CDoubleArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: this.loc,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x21D2 || type === DOUBLE_RIGHT_ARROW)
this.code = 0x21D2;
glyph = new CDoubleArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: this.loc,
turn: TURN_180
else if(code === 0x21D4 || type === DOUBLE_ARROW_LR)
this.type = DOUBLE_ARROW_LR;
this.code = 0x21D4;
glyph = new CLR_DoubleArrow();
props =
var prp =
location: this.loc,
turn: TURN_0
else if(bCode || bType)
......@@ -1068,16 +1091,19 @@ CAccent.prototype.init = function(props)
this.type = ACCENT_SIGN;
accent = new CSign();
var props =
var prp =
type: type,
code: code
this.code = accent.getCodeAccent();
this.type = ACCENT_COMB_CARON;
this.code = 0x30C;
accent = new CCircumflex();
......@@ -1097,7 +1123,10 @@ CAccent.prototype.getCenter = function()
return center;
CAccent.prototype.getProps = function()
CAccent.prototype.getPropsForWrite = function()
var prps = {};
var props = {};
props.chr = String.fromCharCode(this.code);
return props;
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ CBar.prototype.init = function(props)
var props =
location: this.loc,
turn: TURN_0
turn: TURN_0
......@@ -11,8 +11,13 @@ CDegree.prototype.init = function(props)
CDegree.prototype.init_2 = function(props, oBase)
if( typeof(props.type)!=="undefined"|| props.type !== null)
this.type = props.type;
/*if( typeof(props.type)!=="undefined"|| props.type !== null)
this.type = props.type;*/
if(props.type === DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT)
else if(props.type === DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT)
this.setDimension(1, 2);
......@@ -37,12 +42,12 @@ CDegree.prototype.recalculateSize = function()
_width += this.dW;
if(this.type === DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT )
if(this.type === DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT)
this.shiftDegree = 0;
_center = _height - (this.elements[0][0].size.height - this.elements[0][0];
else if(this.type === DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT )
else if(this.type === DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT)
this.shiftDegree = _height - this.elements[0][1].size.height;
_center = this.elements[0][0];
......@@ -136,6 +141,13 @@ CDegree.prototype.getBase = function()
return this.elements[0][0];
CDegree.prototype.getPropsForWrite = function()
var props = {};
props.type = this.type;
return props;
function old_CDegreeOrdinary()
......@@ -372,6 +384,7 @@ CIterators.prototype.getCtrPrp = function()
function CDegreeSubSup()
this.type = DEGREE_SubSup;
this.alnScr = false; // не выровнены, итераторы идут в соответствии с наклоном буквы/мат. объекта;
extend(CDegreeSubSup, CSubMathBase);
......@@ -382,8 +395,18 @@ CDegreeSubSup.prototype.init = function(props)
CDegreeSubSup.prototype.init_2 = function(props, oBase)
if( typeof(props.type)!=="undefined"|| props.type !== null)
this.type = props.type;
/*if( typeof(props.type)!=="undefined"|| props.type !== null)
this.type = props.type;*/
if(props.type === DEGREE_SubSup)
this.type = DEGREE_SubSup;
else if(props.type === DEGREE_PreSubSup)
this.type = DEGREE_PreSubSup;
if(props.alnScr === true || props.alnScr === 1)
this.alnScr = true;
else if(props.alnScr === false || props.alnScr === 0)
this.alnScr = false;
this.setDimension(1, 2);
......@@ -404,6 +427,7 @@ CDegreeSubSup.prototype.init_2 = function(props, oBase)
oIters.alignHor(-1, 1);
this.addMCToContent(oIters, oBase);
CDegreeSubSup.prototype.recalculateSize = function()
......@@ -457,6 +481,15 @@ CDegreeSubSup.prototype.getLowerIterator = function()
return iter;
CDegreeSubSup.prototype.getPropsForWrite = function()
var props = {};
props.type = this.type;
props.alnScr = this.alnScr;
return props;
//выяcнить: почему и с этой ф-ией и без нее работает всё ok...
//всё ok, т.к. в контенте 2 элемента, и их center сравниваем
......@@ -7,8 +7,17 @@ function CFraction()
extend(CFraction, CMathBase);
CFraction.prototype.init = function(props)
if( typeof(props.type) !== "undefined" && props.type !== null )
this.type = props.type;
var bValid = typeof(props.type) !== "undefined" && props.type !== null;
var bBar = props.type === BAR_FRACTION || props.type === NO_BAR_FRACTION,
bSkew = props.type === SKEWED_FRACTION,
bLin = props.type === LINEAR_FRACTION;
if(bBar || bSkew || bLin) // на всякий случай
this.type = props.type;
if(this.type == BAR_FRACTION || this.type == NO_BAR_FRACTION)
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ CLimit.prototype.init = function(props)
this.setDimension(2, 1);
var oBase = new CMathContent();
//oBase.setOwnTPrp({Italic: false});
var oIter = new CMathContent();
......@@ -148,14 +147,6 @@ CMathFunc.prototype.init = function()
this.setDimension(1, 2);
//var runPrp = new CTextPr();
//runPrp.Italic = false;
//this.elements[0][0].setOwnTPrp({Italic: false}); // trigonometrical function
//this.elements[0][0].mergeTxtPrp({Italic: false}); // trigonometrical function
CMathFunc.prototype.setDistance = function()
......@@ -18,17 +18,16 @@
/// TODO (tomorrow)
// !!! Проверить типы для groupCharacter, delimiters и accent
// 1. Посмотреть стрелки и прочее для delimiters (которые используются для accent), при необходимости привести к одному типу
// 2. Посмотреть дефолтовые значения для остальных мат. объектов
// 2. Убрать ненужные(!!) setTxtPrp и getTxtPrp
// 3. Проверить что будет, если какие-то настройки убрать/добавить из ctrPrp, влияют ли они на отрисовку управляющих элементов (например, Italic, Bold)
// 4. Протестировать n-арные операторы, когда добавляется текст вместо оператора (mouseDown не работает, выровнено как alignTop)
var historyitem_Math_AddItem = 1; // Добавляем элемент
var historyitem_Math_RemoveItem = 2; // Удаляем элемент
var Test_Time = null;
var bool_Test_Shift = false;
var bool_Test_Ctr = false;
var bool_Test_V = false;
var TEST = true;
var TEST_2 = true;
......@@ -67,18 +66,19 @@ function mathElem(val)
function CMathRunPrp()
this.typeObj = MATH_RUN_PRP;
this.runPrp = new CTextPr();
this.textPrp = new CTextPr();
this.mathRunPrp = null;
this.size = {width: 0, height: 0, center: 0, ascent: 0};
CMathRunPrp.prototype =
Merge: function(rPrp)
getRunPrp: function()
getTextPrp: function()
return this.runPrp;
return this.textPrp;
getMathRunPrp: function()
......@@ -518,7 +518,6 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
if(obj.typeObj === MATH_COMP)
this.addElementToContent( new CEmpty() );
// = false;
......@@ -536,9 +535,6 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
if(!(bDef || bNum || bCont))
shift = 0;
/*var runPrp = this.getRunPrp(this.CurPos);
element.setTxtPrp( runPrp );*/
var tmp = this.content.splice(0, this.CurPos + 1 + shift );
tmp = tmp.concat( this.content.splice(0, this.content.length) );
......@@ -3579,7 +3575,6 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
this.content.push( new mathElem( placeholder ) );
///////// перемещение //////////
......@@ -4183,7 +4178,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
else if(type == MATH_RUN_PRP)
var runPrp = this.content[i].value.getRunPrp();
var runPrp = this.content[i].value.getTextPrp();
var txtPrp = new CMathTextPrp();
......@@ -4228,7 +4223,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
var rPrp = new CMathTextPrp();
rPrp.Merge( this.content[i].value.getRunPrp() );
rPrp.Merge( this.content[i].value.getTextPrp() );
rPrp.Italic = false;
......@@ -4444,16 +4439,16 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
next2_Type = this.CurPos + 2 < this.content.length ? this.content[this.CurPos + 2].value.typeObj : null,
next3_Type = this.CurPos + 3 < this.content.length ? this.content[this.CurPos + 3].value.typeObj : null;
var bDirectlyBegin = this.CurPos == 0 || (currType == MATH_EMPTY && this.CurPos == 1) && bMEDirect,
bReverseEnd = this.CurPos == this.content.length - 1 && bMEReverse;
var bNotRemove = bDirectlyBegin || bReverseEnd;
var bMEDirect = order == 1,
bMEReverse = order == -1;
var bDirectlyBegin = this.CurPos == 0 || (currType == MATH_RUN_PRP && this.CurPos == 1) && bMEDirect, // Empty или RunPrp в начале, значит курсор в начале контента
bReverseEnd = this.CurPos == this.content.length - 1 && bMEReverse;
var bNotRemove = bDirectlyBegin || bReverseEnd && !bSelect;
// directly
var bDirectly_CurrComp = bMEDirect && currType == MATH_EMPTY && prevType == MATH_COMP ,
var bDirectly_CurrComp = bMEDirect && currType == MATH_EMPTY && prevType == MATH_COMP,
bDirectly_RPrpComp = bMEDirect && currType == MATH_RUN_PRP && prevType == MATH_EMPTY && prev2_Type == MATH_COMP;
// reverse
......@@ -4566,17 +4561,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
var bDirRPrp = currType === MATH_RUN_PRP && bMEDirect,
bRevRPrp = nextType === MATH_RUN_PRP && bMEReverse;
if(bDirRPrp) // проверку на начало прошли
start = this.CurPos - 1;
end = this.CurPos;
else if(bRevRPrp) // на всякий случай, может получится, что после удаления элемента, стоим после RunPrp
start = this.CurPos + 2;
end = this.CurPos + 3;
else if(bSelect)
start = this.selection.startPos;
end = this.selection.endPos;
......@@ -4589,6 +4574,17 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
end = tmp;
else if(bDirRPrp) // проверку на начало прошли, не формула (иначе бы зашли в ветку с bRemoveFormula)
{ // то есть стоим перед RunPrp, а слева текст и нет селекта
start = this.CurPos - 1;
end = this.CurPos;
else if(bRevRPrp) // на всякий случай, может получится, что после удаления элемента, стоим после RunPrp
start = this.CurPos + 2;
end = this.CurPos + 3;
else if(bMEReverse)
if(nextType == MATH_RUN_PRP && next3_Type !== MATH_TEXT) //единственная буква в Run
......@@ -4627,7 +4623,12 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
this.CurPos = this.selection.startPos - 1;
if(!this.IsEmpty() && this.CurPos == 0 && this.content[this.CurPos+1].value.typeObj === MATH_RUN_PRP) // если удалили мат. объект и стоим в начале, то поизиция курсор будет перед RunPrp, нужно после
else if(bMEDirect)
this.CurPos -= end - start;
......@@ -4850,7 +4851,8 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
var bAfterRPrp = next2_Type == MATH_RUN_PRP,
bPrevTxt = prevType == MATH_TEXT;
var bRemoveRPrp = bAfterRPrp && bPrevTxt;
var bRemoveRPrp = bAfterRPrp && bPrevTxt; // удалить RunPrp нужно только в одном случае, если справо и слево текст, к которому применяются одни и те же RunPrp
// здесь делаем только проверку, находится ли текст перед формулой, и идут ли RunPrp после формулы
......@@ -4863,9 +4865,9 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
if(this.content[i].value.typeObj === MATH_RUN_PRP)
currRPrp = this.content[pos+2].value;
prevRPrp = this.content[i].value;
bSelectRunPrp = currRPrp.isEqual(currRPrp, prevRPrp);
var currTPrp = this.content[pos+2].value.getTextPrp();
var prevTPrp = this.content[i].value.getTextPrp();
bSelectRunPrp = currTPrp.isEqual(currTPrp, prevTPrp);
......@@ -5303,7 +5305,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
var run = new CRun();
while(this.content[i + 1].value.typeObj === MATH_TEXT)
......@@ -5344,7 +5346,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
if(obj.typeObj == MATH_RUN_PRP)
else if(obj.typeObj == MATH_COMP)
......@@ -5372,7 +5374,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
if(this.content[1].value.typeObj === MATH_RUN_PRP) // если первый объект - буква
var runPrp = this.content[1].value.getRunPrp();
var runPrp = this.content[1].value.getTextPrp();
else if(this.content[1].value.typeObj === MATH_COMP)
......@@ -5464,7 +5466,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
verifyRPrp_MC: function(rPrp)
// добавляем RunPrp для текста, они будут такие же как и ctrPrp
if(this.CurPos !== this.content.length - 1 && this.content[this.CurPos].value.typeObj == MATH_TEXT) // после того как добавили мат. объект, текущий объект не RunPrp, а текст
if(this.CurPos !== this.content.length - 1 && this.content[this.CurPos].value.typeObj !== MATH_RUN_PRP) // после того как добавили мат. объект, текущий объект не RunPrp, а текст
var runPrp = Common_CopyObj(rPrp);
......@@ -6550,7 +6552,7 @@ function CEmpty()
function CRun()
this.text = "";
this.runPrp = null;
this.txtPrp = null;
this.mathRunPrp = null;
CRun.prototype =
......@@ -6561,7 +6563,7 @@ CRun.prototype =
getRunPrp: function()
return this.runPrp;
return this.txtPrp;
getMathRunPrp: function()
......@@ -6573,9 +6575,9 @@ CRun.prototype =
setRunPrp: function(oRunPrp)
setTxtPrp: function(oRunPrp)
this.runPrp = oRunPrp.getRunPrp();
this.txtPrp = oRunPrp.getTextPrp();
addLetter: function(oMText)
......@@ -394,7 +394,12 @@ CMathText.prototype =
setMText: function(flag)
this.bMText = flag;
// заглушка для текста (для n-арных операторов, когда выставляется текст вместо оператора)
setComposition: function() // заглушка
setReferenceComposition: function() // заглушка
/*draw2: function()
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ var NARY_UNION = 9;
var NARY_TEXT_OPER = 13;
var NARY_UndOvr = 0;
var NARY_SubSup = 1;
......@@ -80,6 +81,9 @@ var DOUBLE_LEFT_ARROW = 21;
var TURN_0 = 0;
var TURN_180 = 1;
......@@ -112,6 +116,7 @@ var ACCENT_ARROW_LR = 16;
var ACCENT_SIGN = 19;
var ACCENT_TEXT = 20;
var BASEJC_TOP = 1;
......@@ -36,11 +36,6 @@ function CMathMatrix();
extend(CMathMatrix, CMathBase);
CMathMatrix.prototype.old_init = function(countRow, countCol)
this.setDimension(countRow, countCol);
CMathMatrix.prototype.init = function(props)
if(typeof(props.row) === "undefined" || props.row === null)
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
function CNary()
this.type = null;
this.code = null; // for "read"
this.grow = false;
this.supHide = false;
this.subHide = false;
this.limLoc = NARY_SubSup;
......@@ -21,13 +24,6 @@ function CNary()
extend(CNary, CSubMathBase);
CNary.prototype.init = function(props)
/*if(props.limLoc == "undOvr" || props.limLocType == NARY_UndOvr)
this.limLoc = 0;
else if(props.limLoc === "subSup"|| props.limLocType == NARY_SubSup)
this.limLoc = 1;
this.limLoc = 1;*/
if(props.limLoc == NARY_UndOvr)
this.limLoc = NARY_UndOvr;
else if(props.limLoc == NARY_SubSup)
......@@ -39,41 +35,112 @@ CNary.prototype.init = function(props)
if(props.subHide === true || props.subHide === 1)
this.subHide = true;
if(props.grow === true || props.grow === 1)
this.grow = true;
this.setDimension(1, 2);
var signChr, sign;
var signCode, sign;
var bChr = false;
if(typeof(props.chr) === "string")
signChr = props.chr.charCodeAt(0);
signCode = props.chr.charCodeAt(0);
bChr = true;
if(signChr == 0x222B || props.signType == NARY_INTEGRAL)
if(signCode == 0x222B || props.signType == NARY_INTEGRAL)
this.code = 0x222B;
this.type = NARY_INTEGRAL;
sign = new CIntegral();
else if(signChr == 0x222C || props.signType == NARY_DOUBLE_INTEGRAL)
else if(signCode == 0x222C || props.signType == NARY_DOUBLE_INTEGRAL)
this.code = 0x222C;
sign = new CDoubleIntegral();
else if(signChr == 0x222D || props.signType == NARY_TRIPLE_INTEGRAL)
else if(signCode == 0x222D || props.signType == NARY_TRIPLE_INTEGRAL)
this.code = 0x222D;
sign = new CTripleIntegral();
else if(signChr == 0x222E || props.signType == NARY_CONTOUR_INTEGRAL )
else if(signCode == 0x222E || props.signType == NARY_CONTOUR_INTEGRAL )
this.code = 0x222E;
sign = new CContourIntegral();
else if(signChr == 0x222F || props.signType == NARY_SURFACE_INTEGRAL )
else if(signCode == 0x222F || props.signType == NARY_SURFACE_INTEGRAL )
this.code = 0x222F;
sign = new CSurfaceIntegral();
else if(signChr == 0x2230 || props.signType == NARY_VOLUME_INTEGRAL)
else if(signCode == 0x2230 || props.signType == NARY_VOLUME_INTEGRAL)
this.code = 0x2230;
sign = new CVolumeIntegral();
else if(signChr ==0x2211 || props.signType == NARY_SIGMA)
else if(signCode == 0x2211 || props.signType == NARY_SIGMA)
this.code = 0x2211;
this.type = NARY_SIGMA;
sign = new CSigma();
else if(signChr == 0x220F || props.signType == NARY_PRODUCT)
else if(signCode == 0x220F || props.signType == NARY_PRODUCT)
this.code = 0x220F;
this.type = NARY_PRODUCT;
sign = new CProduct();
else if(signChr ==0x2210 || props.signType == NARY_COPRODUCT)
else if(signCode == 0x2210 || props.signType == NARY_COPRODUCT)
this.code = 0x2210;
this.type = NARY_COPRODUCT;
sign = new CProduct(-1);
else if(signChr == 0x22C3 || props.signType == NARY_UNION)
else if(signCode == 0x22C3 || props.signType == NARY_UNION)
this.code = 0x22C3;
this.type = NARY_UNION;
sign = new CUnion();
else if(signChr == 0x22C2 || props.signType == NARY_INTERSECTION)
else if(signCode == 0x22C2 || props.signType == NARY_INTERSECTION)
this.code = 0x22C2;
sign = new CUnion(-1);
else if(signChr == 0x22C1 || props.signType == NARY_LOGICAL_OR)
else if(signCode == 0x22C1 || props.signType == NARY_LOGICAL_OR)
this.code = 0x22C1;
this.type = NARY_LOGICAL_OR;
sign = new CLogicalOr();
else if(signChr == 0x22C0 || props.signType == NARY_LOGICAL_AND)
else if(signCode == 0x22C0 || props.signType == NARY_LOGICAL_AND)
this.code = 0x22C0;
this.type = NARY_LOGICAL_AND;
sign = new CLogicalOr(-1);
else if(bChr)
this.code = signCode;
this.type = NARY_TEXT_OPER;
sign = new CMathText();
this.code = 0x222B;
this.type = NARY_INTEGRAL;
sign = new CIntegral();
var arg = new CMathContent(),
......@@ -105,25 +172,25 @@ CNary.prototype.init = function(props)
if( this.supHide && !this.subHide )
base = new CDegree();
props = {type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT};
base.init_2(props, sign);
var prp = {type: DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT};
base.init_2(prp, sign);
else if( !this.supHide && this.subHide )
base = new CDegree();
props = {type: DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT};
base.init_2(props, sign);
var prp = {type: DEGREE_SUBSCRIPT};
base.init_2(prp, sign);
base = new CDegreeSubSup();
props = {type: DEGREE_SubSup};
base.init_2(props, sign);
var prp = {type: DEGREE_SubSup};
base.init_2(prp, sign);
if(!this.supHide && !this.subHide)
base.setCtrPrp(this.CtrPrp); // выставляем аналогично как в CMathContent при добавлении элемента в addMComponent
/*if(!this.supHide && !this.subHide)
base.setCtrPrp(this.CtrPrp);*/ // выставляем аналогично как в CMathContent при добавлении элемента в addMComponent
this.addMCToContent(base, arg);
......@@ -143,6 +210,18 @@ CNary.prototype.getLowerIterator = function()
return this.elements[0][0].getLowerIterator();
CNary.prototype.getPropsForWhite = function()
var props = {};
props.limLoc = (this.limLoc == NARY_UndOvr) ? NARY_UndOvr : NARY_SubSup;
props.chr = String.fromCharCode(this.code);
props.supHide = this.supHide === true ? 1: 0;
props.subHide = this.subHide === true ? 1: 0;
props.grow = this.grow === true ? 1 : 0;
return props;
function old_CNary()
......@@ -260,7 +339,7 @@ CNaryUnd.prototype.init = function(sign)
CNaryUnd.prototype.setDistance = function()
var zetta = this.getTxtPrp().FontSize* 25.4/96;
var zetta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize* 25.4/96;
this.dH = zetta*0.25;
CNaryUnd.prototype.getCenter = function()
......@@ -289,7 +368,7 @@ CNaryOvr.prototype.init = function(sign)
CNaryOvr.prototype.setDistance = function()
var zetta = this.getTxtPrp().FontSize* 25.4/96;
var zetta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize* 25.4/96;
this.dH = zetta*0.1;
CNaryOvr.prototype.getCenter = function()
......@@ -322,7 +401,6 @@ CNaryUndOvr.prototype.init = function(sign)
CNaryUndOvr.prototype.recalculateSize = function()
//var zetta = this.getTxtPrp().FontSize* 25.4/96;
var zetta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize* 25.4/96;
this.gapTop = zetta*0.25;
this.gapBottom = zetta*0.1;
......@@ -413,7 +491,6 @@ CNaryUndOvr.prototype.getUpperIterator = function()
function CNaryOperator(flip)
this.Composition = null;
......@@ -421,6 +498,13 @@ function CNaryOperator(flip)
this.sizeGlyph = null;
CNaryOperator.prototype.draw = function(pGraphics)
if(this.typeObj == MATH_TEXT)
CNaryOperator.prototype.drawGlyph = function(pGraphics)
var coord = this.getCoord();
......@@ -466,7 +550,18 @@ CNaryOperator.prototype.draw = function(pGraphics)
CNaryOperator.prototype.drawTextElem = function(pGraphics)
var rPrp = new CTextPr();
rPrp.Merge( this.getCtrPrp() );
rPrp.Italic = false;
rPrp.Bold = false;
pGraphics.SetFont(rPrp);, pGraphics);
CNaryOperator.prototype.IsJustDraw = function()
......@@ -1003,34 +1098,34 @@ CLogicalOr.prototype.old_getCoord = function()
/* var w1 = X[7] - X[6],
w2 = X[1] - X[2],
w3 = X[4],
w4 = X[1];
w2 = X[1] - X[2],
w3 = X[4],
w4 = X[1];
var textScale = this.params.font.FontSize/850, // 1000 pt
alpha = textScale*25.4/96 /64;
var textScale = this.params.font.FontSize/850, // 1000 pt
alpha = textScale*25.4/96 /64;
var Height = this.size.height/alpha,
Width = (this.size.width - - w2;
var Height = this.size.height/alpha,
Width = (this.size.width - - w2;
var k1 = X[2]/(X[0] - w2);
var k1 = X[2]/(X[0] - w2);
var ww1 = Width*k1 - X[2],
ww2 = Width*(1- k1) - w1,
hh = Height - Y[2];
var ww1 = Width*k1 - X[2],
ww2 = Width*(1- k1) - w1,
hh = Height - Y[2];
X[1] += ww1;
X[2] += ww1;
X[5] += ww1;
X[1] += ww1;
X[2] += ww1;
X[5] += ww1;
X[6] += ww2 + X[1] - w4;
X[7] += ww2 + X[1] - w4;
X[0] += ww2 + X[1] - w4;
X[6] += ww2 + X[1] - w4;
X[7] += ww2 + X[1] - w4;
X[0] += ww2 + X[1] - w4;
Y[1] += hh;
Y[2] += hh;
Y[5] += hh;*/
Y[1] += hh;
Y[2] += hh;
Y[5] += hh;*/
return {X: X, Y: Y};
......@@ -1169,11 +1264,11 @@ CIntegral.prototype.getCoord = function()
X[43] = (X[42] + X[44])/2; Y[43] = (Y[44] + Y[42])/2;
/*for(var i = 0; i < X.length; i++)
var k = i + 34;
var str = "X[" + k + "] = " + X[i] + "; Y[" + k + "] = " + Y[i] + ";";
var k = i + 34;
var str = "X[" + k + "] = " + X[i] + "; Y[" + k + "] = " + Y[i] + ";";
var W = X[9],
H = Y[27];
......@@ -1185,49 +1280,49 @@ CIntegral.prototype.old_getCoord = function()
var X = new Array(),
Y = new Array();
X[0] = 20407; Y[0] = 65723;
X[1] = 20407; Y[1] = 60840;
X[2] = 20407; Y[2] = 37013;
X[3] = 24333; Y[3] = 18507;
X[4] = 28260; Y[4] = 0;
X[5] = 40590; Y[5] = 0;
X[6] = 42142; Y[6] = 0;
X[7] = 43604; Y[7] = 383;
X[8] = 45067; Y[8] = 765;
X[9] = 46215; Y[9] = 1305;
X[10] = 45180; Y[10] = 9225;
X[11] = 41760; Y[11] = 9225;
X[12] = 41512; Y[12] = 7335;
X[13] = 40724; Y[13] = 6064;
X[14] = 39937; Y[14] = 4793;
X[15] = 37935; Y[15] = 4793;
X[16] = 30465; Y[16] = 4793;
X[17] = 28406; Y[17] = 23086;
X[18] = 26347; Y[18] = 41378;
X[19] = 26347; Y[19] = 60840;
X[20] = 26347; Y[20] = 65723;
X[21] = 26325; Y[21] = 65723;
X[22] = 26325; Y[22] = 99091;
X[23] = 21622; Y[23] = 115404;
X[24] = 16920; Y[24] = 131716;
X[25] = 5467; Y[25] = 131716;
X[26] = 4387; Y[26] = 131716;
X[27] = 2947; Y[27] = 131356;
X[28] = 1507; Y[28] = 130996;
X[29] = 0; Y[29] = 130276;
X[30] = 1147; Y[30] = 121388;
X[31] = 4770; Y[31] = 121388;
X[32] = 4927; Y[32] = 123773;
X[33] = 5782; Y[33] = 125135;
X[34] = 6637; Y[34] = 126496;
X[35] = 8775; Y[35] = 126496;
X[36] = 13365; Y[36] = 126496;
X[37] = 16886; Y[37] = 116506;
X[38] = 20407; Y[38] = 106516;
X[39] = 20407; Y[39] = 70606;
X[40] = 20407; Y[40] = 65723;
X[0] = 20407; Y[0] = 65723;
X[1] = 20407; Y[1] = 60840;
X[2] = 20407; Y[2] = 37013;
X[3] = 24333; Y[3] = 18507;
X[4] = 28260; Y[4] = 0;
X[5] = 40590; Y[5] = 0;
X[6] = 42142; Y[6] = 0;
X[7] = 43604; Y[7] = 383;
X[8] = 45067; Y[8] = 765;
X[9] = 46215; Y[9] = 1305;
X[10] = 45180; Y[10] = 9225;
X[11] = 41760; Y[11] = 9225;
X[12] = 41512; Y[12] = 7335;
X[13] = 40724; Y[13] = 6064;
X[14] = 39937; Y[14] = 4793;
X[15] = 37935; Y[15] = 4793;
X[16] = 30465; Y[16] = 4793;
X[17] = 28406; Y[17] = 23086;
X[18] = 26347; Y[18] = 41378;
X[19] = 26347; Y[19] = 60840;
X[20] = 26347; Y[20] = 65723;
X[21] = 26325; Y[21] = 65723;
X[22] = 26325; Y[22] = 99091;
X[23] = 21622; Y[23] = 115404;
X[24] = 16920; Y[24] = 131716;
X[25] = 5467; Y[25] = 131716;
X[26] = 4387; Y[26] = 131716;
X[27] = 2947; Y[27] = 131356;
X[28] = 1507; Y[28] = 130996;
X[29] = 0; Y[29] = 130276;
X[30] = 1147; Y[30] = 121388;
X[31] = 4770; Y[31] = 121388;
X[32] = 4927; Y[32] = 123773;
X[33] = 5782; Y[33] = 125135;
X[34] = 6637; Y[34] = 126496;
X[35] = 8775; Y[35] = 126496;
X[36] = 13365; Y[36] = 126496;
X[37] = 16886; Y[37] = 116506;
X[38] = 20407; Y[38] = 106516;
X[39] = 20407; Y[39] = 70606;
X[40] = 20407; Y[40] = 65723;
var shX = X[9]*0.025;
for(var i = 0; i < 21; i++)
......@@ -1431,48 +1526,48 @@ old_CContourIntegral.prototype.getCoord = function()
var X = coord.X,
Y = coord.Y;
/* X[41] = 35826; Y[41] = 44627;
X[42] = 39393; Y[42] = 42564;
X[43] = 41895; Y[43] = 39408;
X[44] = 44398; Y[44] = 36252;
X[45] = 45743; Y[45] = 32158;
X[46] = 47088; Y[46] = 28063;
X[47] = 47088; Y[47] = 23188;
X[48] = 47088; Y[48] = 19063;
X[49] = 45899; Y[49] = 15469;
X[50] = 44710; Y[50] = 11875;
X[51] = 42645; Y[51] = 8969;
X[52] = 40581; Y[52] = 6062;
X[53] = 37734; Y[53] = 3937;
X[54] = 34887; Y[54] = 1812;
X[55] = 30069; Y[55] = 125;
X[56] = 29882; Y[56] = 9937;
X[57] = 29882; Y[57] = 22938;
X[58] = 29882; Y[58] = 36252;
X[59] = 28882; Y[59] = 47314;
X[60] = 32698; Y[60] = 46502;
X[61] = 35826; Y[61] = 44627;
X[62] = 11504; Y[62] = 2625;
X[63] = 8003; Y[63] = 4625;
X[64] = 5439; Y[64] = 7750;
X[65] = 2876; Y[65] = 10875;
X[66] = 1438; Y[66] = 14938;
X[67] = 0; Y[67] = 19001;
X[68] = 0; Y[68] = 23813;
X[69] = 0; Y[69] = 27751;
X[70] = 1094; Y[70] = 31345;
X[71] = 2188; Y[71] = 34938;
X[72] = 4158; Y[72] = 37939;
X[73] = 6128; Y[73] = 40939;
X[74] = 9066; Y[74] = 43377;
X[75] = 11942; Y[75] = 45689;
X[76] = 16882; Y[76] = 46939;
X[77] = 17069; Y[77] = 40189;
X[78] = 17069; Y[78] = 32251;
X[79] = 17069; Y[79] = 13876;
X[80] = 18319; Y[80] = 0;
X[81] = 14631; Y[81] = 812;
X[82] = 11504; Y[82] = 2625;*/
/* X[41] = 35826; Y[41] = 44627;
X[42] = 39393; Y[42] = 42564;
X[43] = 41895; Y[43] = 39408;
X[44] = 44398; Y[44] = 36252;
X[45] = 45743; Y[45] = 32158;
X[46] = 47088; Y[46] = 28063;
X[47] = 47088; Y[47] = 23188;
X[48] = 47088; Y[48] = 19063;
X[49] = 45899; Y[49] = 15469;
X[50] = 44710; Y[50] = 11875;
X[51] = 42645; Y[51] = 8969;
X[52] = 40581; Y[52] = 6062;
X[53] = 37734; Y[53] = 3937;
X[54] = 34887; Y[54] = 1812;
X[55] = 30069; Y[55] = 125;
X[56] = 29882; Y[56] = 9937;
X[57] = 29882; Y[57] = 22938;
X[58] = 29882; Y[58] = 36252;
X[59] = 28882; Y[59] = 47314;
X[60] = 32698; Y[60] = 46502;
X[61] = 35826; Y[61] = 44627;
X[62] = 11504; Y[62] = 2625;
X[63] = 8003; Y[63] = 4625;
X[64] = 5439; Y[64] = 7750;
X[65] = 2876; Y[65] = 10875;
X[66] = 1438; Y[66] = 14938;
X[67] = 0; Y[67] = 19001;
X[68] = 0; Y[68] = 23813;
X[69] = 0; Y[69] = 27751;
X[70] = 1094; Y[70] = 31345;
X[71] = 2188; Y[71] = 34938;
X[72] = 4158; Y[72] = 37939;
X[73] = 6128; Y[73] = 40939;
X[74] = 9066; Y[74] = 43377;
X[75] = 11942; Y[75] = 45689;
X[76] = 16882; Y[76] = 46939;
X[77] = 17069; Y[77] = 40189;
X[78] = 17069; Y[78] = 32251;
X[79] = 17069; Y[79] = 13876;
X[80] = 18319; Y[80] = 0;
X[81] = 14631; Y[81] = 812;
X[82] = 11504; Y[82] = 2625;*/
X[41] = 23876; Y[41] = 29743;
X[42] = 26245; Y[42] = 28368;
......@@ -1689,11 +1784,11 @@ CCircle.prototype.getCoord = function()
for(var i = 0; i < 34; i++)
var str = "X[" + i + "] = " + Math.round(X[i]*85)/100 + "; Y[" + i + "] = " + Math.round(Y[i]*85)/100 + ";";
for(var i = 0; i < 34; i++)
var str = "X[" + i + "] = " + Math.round(X[i]*85)/100 + "; Y[" + i + "] = " + Math.round(Y[i]*85)/100 + ";";
var W = X[7],
H = Y[16];
......@@ -2054,17 +2149,17 @@ CSurface.prototype.getCoord = function()
/*for(var i = 0; i < X.length; i++)
X[i] *= 1.03;
Y[i] *= 0.97;
X[i] *= 1.03;
Y[i] *= 0.97;
var xx = Math.round(X[i]*100)/100;
var yy = Math.round(Y[i]*100)/100;
var xx = Math.round(X[i]*100)/100;
var yy = Math.round(Y[i]*100)/100;
var str = "X[" + i + "] = " + xx + "; Y[" + i + "] = " + yy + ";";
var str = "X[" + i + "] = " + xx + "; Y[" + i + "] = " + yy + ";";
return {X: X, Y: Y, W: W, H: H};
......@@ -2160,34 +2255,34 @@ CVolume.prototype.getCoord = function()
X[50] = 24086.6; Y[50] = 1584.99;
/*var min_y = 23530,
for(var i = 0; i < X.length; i++)
for(var i = 0; i < X.length; i++)
if(Y[i] < min_y)
ind_y = i;
min_y = Y[i];
if(Y[i] < min_y)
ind_y = i;
min_y = Y[i];
for(var i = 0; i < 51; i++)
X[i] *= 1.074;
Y[i] *= 0.99;
var t = Y[ind_y];
for(var i = 0; i < 51; i++)
X[i] *= 1.074;
Y[i] *= 0.99;
var t = Y[ind_y];
for(var i = 0; i < 51; i++)
var yy = Math.round((Y[i] - t)*100)/100;
var xx = Math.round(X[i]*100)/100;
for(var i = 0; i < 51; i++)
var yy = Math.round((Y[i] - t)*100)/100;
var xx = Math.round(X[i]*100)/100;
var str = "X["+i+"] = " + xx + "; Y["+i+ "] = "+ yy + ";";
var str = "X["+i+"] = " + xx + "; Y["+i+ "] = "+ yy + ";";
var W = X[15],
......@@ -2367,14 +2462,14 @@ _old_CContourIntegral.prototype.calculate_getCoord = function()
Y = new Array();
/*X[0] = 40566; Y[0] = 9456;
X[1] = 36276; Y[1] = 9456;
X[2] = 35944; Y[2] = 7623;
X[3] = 34946; Y[3] = 6436;
X[4] = 33948; Y[4] = 5249;
X[5] = 32285; Y[5] = 5249;
X[6] = 27837; Y[6] = 5249;
X[7] = 26423; Y[7] = 12497;
X[8] = 25674; Y[8] = 16370;*/
X[1] = 36276; Y[1] = 9456;
X[2] = 35944; Y[2] = 7623;
X[3] = 34946; Y[3] = 6436;
X[4] = 33948; Y[4] = 5249;
X[5] = 32285; Y[5] = 5249;
X[6] = 27837; Y[6] = 5249;
X[7] = 26423; Y[7] = 12497;
X[8] = 25674; Y[8] = 16370;*/
X[9] = 25341; Y[9] = 25660;
X[10] = 29751; Y[10] = 26784;
......@@ -2395,22 +2490,22 @@ _old_CContourIntegral.prototype.calculate_getCoord = function()
X[25] = 23824; Y[25] = 66650;
/*X[26] = 22865; Y[26] = 74065;
X[27] = 21074; Y[27] = 79730;
X[28] = 17160; Y[28] = 92352;
X[29] = 7205; Y[29] = 92352;
X[30] = 5205; Y[30] = 92352;
X[31] = 3706; Y[31] = 92019;
X[32] = 2207; Y[32] = 91686;
X[33] = 791; Y[33] = 90936;
X[34] = 1332; Y[34] = 82730;
X[35] = 5249; Y[35] = 82730;
X[36] = 5791; Y[36] = 84729;
X[37] = 6854; Y[37] = 86020;
X[38] = 7918; Y[38] = 87312;
X[39] = 9879; Y[39] = 87312;
X[40] = 14259; Y[40] = 87312;
X[41] = 15384; Y[41] = 78231;
X[42] = 15969; Y[42] = 73482;*/
X[27] = 21074; Y[27] = 79730;
X[28] = 17160; Y[28] = 92352;
X[29] = 7205; Y[29] = 92352;
X[30] = 5205; Y[30] = 92352;
X[31] = 3706; Y[31] = 92019;
X[32] = 2207; Y[32] = 91686;
X[33] = 791; Y[33] = 90936;
X[34] = 1332; Y[34] = 82730;
X[35] = 5249; Y[35] = 82730;
X[36] = 5791; Y[36] = 84729;
X[37] = 6854; Y[37] = 86020;
X[38] = 7918; Y[38] = 87312;
X[39] = 9879; Y[39] = 87312;
X[40] = 14259; Y[40] = 87312;
X[41] = 15384; Y[41] = 78231;
X[42] = 15969; Y[42] = 73482;*/
X[43] = 16260; Y[43] = 66359;
X[44] = 11799; Y[44] = 65401;
......@@ -2481,58 +2576,58 @@ _old_CContourIntegral.prototype.calculate_getCoord = function()
/* X[60] = 18826; Y[60] = 17621;
X[61] = 20574; Y[61] = 12372;
X[62] = 24698; Y[62] = 0;
X[63] = 34819; Y[63] = 0;
X[64] = 36277; Y[64] = 0;
X[65] = 38047; Y[65] = 396;
X[66] = 39817; Y[66] = 792;
X[67] = 41066; Y[67] = 1375;
X[68] = 40566; Y[68] = 9456;
X[69] = 29000; Y[69] = 60069;
X[70] = 31369; Y[70] = 58694;
X[71] = 33032; Y[71] = 56591;
X[72] = 34696; Y[72] = 54487;
X[73] = 35590; Y[73] = 51759;
X[74] = 36484; Y[74] = 49030;
X[75] = 36484; Y[75] = 45781;
X[76] = 36484; Y[76] = 43031;
X[77] = 35694; Y[77] = 40636;
X[78] = 34904; Y[78] = 38241;
X[79] = 33532; Y[79] = 36304;
X[80] = 32160; Y[80] = 34367;
X[81] = 30268; Y[81] = 32951;
X[82] = 28377; Y[82] = 31534;
X[83] = 25176; Y[83] = 30409;
X[84] = 25051; Y[84] = 36949;
X[85] = 25051; Y[85] = 45614;
X[86] = 25051; Y[86] = 54487;
X[87] = 24384; Y[87] = 61860;
X[88] = 26920; Y[88] = 61318;
X[89] = 29000; Y[89] = 60069;
X[90] = 12798; Y[90] = 32076;
X[91] = 10463; Y[91] = 33409;
X[92] = 8752; Y[92] = 35492;
X[93] = 7042; Y[93] = 37574;
X[94] = 6083; Y[94] = 40282;
X[95] = 5124; Y[95] = 42990;
X[96] = 5124; Y[96] = 46197;
X[97] = 5124; Y[97] = 48821;
X[98] = 5854; Y[98] = 51217;
X[99] = 6584; Y[99] = 53612;
X[100] = 7897; Y[100] = 55612;
X[101] = 9211; Y[101] = 57611;
X[102] = 11172; Y[102] = 59236;
X[103] = 13091; Y[103] = 60777;
X[104] = 16386; Y[104] = 61610;
X[105] = 16511; Y[105] = 57111;
X[106] = 16511; Y[106] = 51821;
X[107] = 16511; Y[107] = 39574;
X[108] = 17344; Y[108] = 30326;
X[109] = 14883; Y[109] = 30868;
X[110] = 12798; Y[110] = 32076;*/
X[61] = 20574; Y[61] = 12372;
X[62] = 24698; Y[62] = 0;
X[63] = 34819; Y[63] = 0;
X[64] = 36277; Y[64] = 0;
X[65] = 38047; Y[65] = 396;
X[66] = 39817; Y[66] = 792;
X[67] = 41066; Y[67] = 1375;
X[68] = 40566; Y[68] = 9456;
X[69] = 29000; Y[69] = 60069;
X[70] = 31369; Y[70] = 58694;
X[71] = 33032; Y[71] = 56591;
X[72] = 34696; Y[72] = 54487;
X[73] = 35590; Y[73] = 51759;
X[74] = 36484; Y[74] = 49030;
X[75] = 36484; Y[75] = 45781;
X[76] = 36484; Y[76] = 43031;
X[77] = 35694; Y[77] = 40636;
X[78] = 34904; Y[78] = 38241;
X[79] = 33532; Y[79] = 36304;
X[80] = 32160; Y[80] = 34367;
X[81] = 30268; Y[81] = 32951;
X[82] = 28377; Y[82] = 31534;
X[83] = 25176; Y[83] = 30409;
X[84] = 25051; Y[84] = 36949;
X[85] = 25051; Y[85] = 45614;
X[86] = 25051; Y[86] = 54487;
X[87] = 24384; Y[87] = 61860;
X[88] = 26920; Y[88] = 61318;
X[89] = 29000; Y[89] = 60069;
X[90] = 12798; Y[90] = 32076;
X[91] = 10463; Y[91] = 33409;
X[92] = 8752; Y[92] = 35492;
X[93] = 7042; Y[93] = 37574;
X[94] = 6083; Y[94] = 40282;
X[95] = 5124; Y[95] = 42990;
X[96] = 5124; Y[96] = 46197;
X[97] = 5124; Y[97] = 48821;
X[98] = 5854; Y[98] = 51217;
X[99] = 6584; Y[99] = 53612;
X[100] = 7897; Y[100] = 55612;
X[101] = 9211; Y[101] = 57611;
X[102] = 11172; Y[102] = 59236;
X[103] = 13091; Y[103] = 60777;
X[104] = 16386; Y[104] = 61610;
X[105] = 16511; Y[105] = 57111;
X[106] = 16511; Y[106] = 51821;
X[107] = 16511; Y[107] = 39574;
X[108] = 17344; Y[108] = 30326;
X[109] = 14883; Y[109] = 30868;
X[110] = 12798; Y[110] = 32076;*/
//return {X: X, Y: Y};
......@@ -2633,11 +2728,11 @@ _old_CContourIntegral.prototype.getCoord = function()
_old_CContourIntegral.prototype.old_drawPath = function(XX, YY)
/*MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[1], YY[1], XX[2], YY[2], XX[3], YY[3] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[3], YY[3], XX[4], YY[4], XX[5], YY[5] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[5], YY[5], XX[6], YY[6], XX[7], YY[7] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[7], YY[7], XX[8], YY[8], XX[9], YY[9] );*/
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[1], YY[1], XX[2], YY[2], XX[3], YY[3] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[3], YY[3], XX[4], YY[4], XX[5], YY[5] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[5], YY[5], XX[6], YY[6], XX[7], YY[7] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[7], YY[7], XX[8], YY[8], XX[9], YY[9] );*/
XX[9] = XX[59] = (XX[9] + XX[59])/2;
YY[9] = YY[59] = (YY[9] + YY[59])/2;
......@@ -2656,15 +2751,15 @@ _old_CContourIntegral.prototype.old_drawPath = function(XX, YY)
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[23], YY[23], XX[24], YY[24], XX[25], YY[25] );
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[25], YY[25], XX[26], YY[26], XX[27], YY[27] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[27], YY[27], XX[28], YY[28], XX[29], YY[29] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[29], YY[29], XX[30], YY[30], XX[31], YY[31] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[31], YY[31], XX[32], YY[32], XX[33], YY[33] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[34], YY[34]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[35], YY[35]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[35], YY[35], XX[36], YY[36], XX[37], YY[37] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[37], YY[37], XX[38], YY[38], XX[39], YY[39] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[39], YY[39], XX[40], YY[40], XX[41], YY[41] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[41], YY[41], XX[42], YY[42], XX[43], YY[43] );*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[27], YY[27], XX[28], YY[28], XX[29], YY[29] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[29], YY[29], XX[30], YY[30], XX[31], YY[31] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[31], YY[31], XX[32], YY[32], XX[33], YY[33] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[34], YY[34]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[35], YY[35]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[35], YY[35], XX[36], YY[36], XX[37], YY[37] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[37], YY[37], XX[38], YY[38], XX[39], YY[39] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[39], YY[39], XX[40], YY[40], XX[41], YY[41] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[41], YY[41], XX[42], YY[42], XX[43], YY[43] );*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[43], YY[43], XX[44], YY[44], XX[45], YY[45] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[45], YY[45], XX[46], YY[46], XX[47], YY[47] );
......@@ -2676,10 +2771,10 @@ _old_CContourIntegral.prototype.old_drawPath = function(XX, YY)
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[57], YY[57], XX[58], YY[58], XX[59], YY[59] );
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[59], YY[59], XX[60], YY[60], XX[61], YY[61] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[61], YY[61], XX[62], YY[62], XX[63], YY[63] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[63], YY[63], XX[64], YY[64], XX[65], YY[65] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[65], YY[65], XX[66], YY[66], XX[67], YY[67] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[68], YY[68]);*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[61], YY[61], XX[62], YY[62], XX[63], YY[63] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[63], YY[63], XX[64], YY[64], XX[65], YY[65] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[65], YY[65], XX[66], YY[66], XX[67], YY[67] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[68], YY[68]);*/
//MathControl.pGraph.b_color1(255, 255, 255, 255);
......@@ -2707,8 +2802,8 @@ _old_CContourIntegral.prototype.old_drawPath = function(XX, YY)
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[100], YY[100], XX[101], YY[101], XX[102], YY[102] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[102], YY[102], XX[103], YY[103], XX[104], YY[104] );
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[104], YY[104], XX[105], YY[105], XX[106], YY[106] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[106], YY[106], XX[107], YY[107], XX[108], YY[108] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[108], YY[108], XX[109], YY[109], XX[110], YY[110] );*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[106], YY[106], XX[107], YY[107], XX[108], YY[108] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[108], YY[108], XX[109], YY[109], XX[110], YY[110] );*/
......@@ -3100,7 +3195,7 @@ old_CSurfaceIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// верхний значок интеграла (начало)
/*MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
/*MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[1], YY[1], XX[2], YY[2], XX[3], YY[3] );
......@@ -3109,7 +3204,7 @@ old_CSurfaceIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[5], YY[5], XX[6], YY[6], XX[7], YY[7] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[7], YY[7], XX[8], YY[8], XX[9], YY[9] );*/
// колечко начинается
// колечко начинается
for(var i = 0; i < 42; i = i+2)
......@@ -3123,12 +3218,12 @@ old_CSurfaceIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[10], YY[10]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[10], YY[10], XX[11], YY[11], XX[12], YY[12] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[12], YY[12], XX[13], YY[13], XX[14], YY[14] );
MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[10], YY[10]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[10], YY[10], XX[11], YY[11], XX[12], YY[12] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[12], YY[12], XX[13], YY[13], XX[14], YY[14] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[14], YY[14], XX[15], YY[15], XX[33], YY[33] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[14], YY[14], XX[15], YY[15], XX[33], YY[33] );
for(var i = 10; i < 16; i++)
......@@ -3140,11 +3235,11 @@ old_CSurfaceIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// верхний значок интеграла
//MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[14], YY[14]);
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[14], YY[14], XX[15], YY[15], XX[16], YY[16] );
// верхний значок интеграла
//MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[14], YY[14]);
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[14], YY[14], XX[15], YY[15], XX[16], YY[16] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[16], YY[16], XX[17], YY[17], XX[18], YY[18] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[18], YY[18], XX[19], YY[19], XX[20], YY[20] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[20], YY[20], XX[21], YY[21], XX[22], YY[22] );
......@@ -3159,18 +3254,18 @@ old_CSurfaceIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[14], YY[14]);*/
// колечко продолжается
// колечко продолжается
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[33], YY[33], XX[34], YY[34], XX[35], YY[35] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[35], YY[35], XX[36], YY[36], XX[37], YY[37] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[37], YY[37], XX[38], YY[38], XX[39], YY[39] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[39], YY[39], XX[40], YY[40], XX[41], YY[41] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[41], YY[41], XX[42], YY[42], XX[43], YY[43] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[43], YY[43], XX[44], YY[44], XX[45], YY[45] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[33], YY[33], XX[34], YY[34], XX[35], YY[35] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[35], YY[35], XX[36], YY[36], XX[37], YY[37] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[37], YY[37], XX[38], YY[38], XX[39], YY[39] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[39], YY[39], XX[40], YY[40], XX[41], YY[41] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[41], YY[41], XX[42], YY[42], XX[43], YY[43] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[43], YY[43], XX[44], YY[44], XX[45], YY[45] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[45], YY[45], XX[46], YY[46], XX[63], YY[63] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[45], YY[45], XX[46], YY[46], XX[63], YY[63] );
for(var i = 33; i < 47; i++)
......@@ -3185,18 +3280,18 @@ old_CSurfaceIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// нижний значок интеграла
/*MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[45], YY[45]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[45], YY[45], XX[46], YY[46], XX[47], YY[47] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[47], YY[47], XX[48], YY[48], XX[49], YY[49] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[49], YY[49], XX[50], YY[50], XX[51], YY[51] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[51], YY[51], XX[52], YY[52], XX[53], YY[53] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[54], YY[54]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[55], YY[55]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[55], YY[55], XX[56], YY[56], XX[57], YY[57] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[57], YY[57], XX[58], YY[58], XX[59], YY[59] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[59], YY[59], XX[60], YY[60], XX[61], YY[61] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[61], YY[61], XX[62], YY[62], XX[63], YY[63] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[45], YY[45]);*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[45], YY[45], XX[46], YY[46], XX[47], YY[47] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[47], YY[47], XX[48], YY[48], XX[49], YY[49] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[49], YY[49], XX[50], YY[50], XX[51], YY[51] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[51], YY[51], XX[52], YY[52], XX[53], YY[53] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[54], YY[54]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[55], YY[55]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[55], YY[55], XX[56], YY[56], XX[57], YY[57] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[57], YY[57], XX[58], YY[58], XX[59], YY[59] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[59], YY[59], XX[60], YY[60], XX[61], YY[61] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[61], YY[61], XX[62], YY[62], XX[63], YY[63] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[45], YY[45]);*/
......@@ -3221,16 +3316,16 @@ old_CSurfaceIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// нижний значок интеграла
/*MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[67], YY[67]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[67], YY[67], XX[68], YY[68], XX[69], YY[69] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[69], YY[69], XX[70], YY[70], XX[71], YY[71] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[71], YY[71], XX[72], YY[72], XX[73], YY[73] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[73], YY[73], XX[74], YY[74], XX[75], YY[75] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[76], YY[76]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[77], YY[77]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[77], YY[77], XX[78], YY[78], XX[79], YY[79] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[79], YY[79], XX[80], YY[80], XX[81], YY[81] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[81], YY[81], XX[82], YY[82], XX[83], YY[83] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[83], YY[83], XX[84], YY[84], XX[85], YY[85] );*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[67], YY[67], XX[68], YY[68], XX[69], YY[69] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[69], YY[69], XX[70], YY[70], XX[71], YY[71] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[71], YY[71], XX[72], YY[72], XX[73], YY[73] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[73], YY[73], XX[74], YY[74], XX[75], YY[75] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[76], YY[76]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[77], YY[77]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[77], YY[77], XX[78], YY[78], XX[79], YY[79] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[79], YY[79], XX[80], YY[80], XX[81], YY[81] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[81], YY[81], XX[82], YY[82], XX[83], YY[83] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[83], YY[83], XX[84], YY[84], XX[85], YY[85] );*/
......@@ -3265,43 +3360,43 @@ old_CSurfaceIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
//MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
// верхний значок интеграла (продолжение)
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[99], YY[99], XX[100], YY[100], XX[101], YY[101] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[101], YY[101], XX[102], YY[102], XX[103], YY[103] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[103], YY[103], XX[104], YY[104], XX[105], YY[105] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[105], YY[105], XX[106], YY[106], XX[107], YY[107] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[108], YY[108]);*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[101], YY[101], XX[102], YY[102], XX[103], YY[103] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[103], YY[103], XX[104], YY[104], XX[105], YY[105] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[105], YY[105], XX[106], YY[106], XX[107], YY[107] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[108], YY[108]);*/
/*MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[109], YY[109]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[109], YY[109], XX[110], YY[110], XX[111], YY[111] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[111], YY[111], XX[112], YY[112], XX[113], YY[113] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[113], YY[113], XX[114], YY[114], XX[115], YY[115] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[115], YY[115], XX[116], YY[116], XX[117], YY[117] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[117], YY[117], XX[118], YY[118], XX[119], YY[119] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[119], YY[119], XX[120], YY[120], XX[121], YY[121] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[121], YY[121], XX[122], YY[122], XX[123], YY[123] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[123], YY[123], XX[124], YY[124], XX[125], YY[125] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[125], YY[125], XX[126], YY[126], XX[127], YY[127] );
MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[128], YY[128]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[128], YY[128], XX[129], YY[129], XX[130], YY[130] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[130], YY[130], XX[131], YY[131], XX[132], YY[132] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[132], YY[132], XX[133], YY[133], XX[134], YY[134] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[134], YY[134], XX[135], YY[135], XX[136], YY[136] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[136], YY[136], XX[137], YY[137], XX[138], YY[138] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[138], YY[138], XX[139], YY[139], XX[140], YY[140] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[140], YY[140], XX[141], YY[141], XX[142], YY[142] );
MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[143], YY[143]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[143], YY[143], XX[144], YY[144], XX[145], YY[145] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[145], YY[145], XX[146], YY[146], XX[147], YY[147] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[147], YY[147], XX[148], YY[148], XX[149], YY[149] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[149], YY[149], XX[150], YY[150], XX[151], YY[151] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[151], YY[151], XX[152], YY[152], XX[153], YY[153] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[153], YY[153], XX[154], YY[154], XX[155], YY[155] );*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[109], YY[109], XX[110], YY[110], XX[111], YY[111] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[111], YY[111], XX[112], YY[112], XX[113], YY[113] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[113], YY[113], XX[114], YY[114], XX[115], YY[115] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[115], YY[115], XX[116], YY[116], XX[117], YY[117] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[117], YY[117], XX[118], YY[118], XX[119], YY[119] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[119], YY[119], XX[120], YY[120], XX[121], YY[121] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[121], YY[121], XX[122], YY[122], XX[123], YY[123] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[123], YY[123], XX[124], YY[124], XX[125], YY[125] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[125], YY[125], XX[126], YY[126], XX[127], YY[127] );
MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[128], YY[128]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[128], YY[128], XX[129], YY[129], XX[130], YY[130] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[130], YY[130], XX[131], YY[131], XX[132], YY[132] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[132], YY[132], XX[133], YY[133], XX[134], YY[134] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[134], YY[134], XX[135], YY[135], XX[136], YY[136] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[136], YY[136], XX[137], YY[137], XX[138], YY[138] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[138], YY[138], XX[139], YY[139], XX[140], YY[140] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[140], YY[140], XX[141], YY[141], XX[142], YY[142] );
MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[143], YY[143]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[143], YY[143], XX[144], YY[144], XX[145], YY[145] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[145], YY[145], XX[146], YY[146], XX[147], YY[147] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[147], YY[147], XX[148], YY[148], XX[149], YY[149] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[149], YY[149], XX[150], YY[150], XX[151], YY[151] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[151], YY[151], XX[152], YY[152], XX[153], YY[153] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[153], YY[153], XX[154], YY[154], XX[155], YY[155] );*/
......@@ -3644,7 +3739,7 @@ old_CVolumeIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
for(var i = 0 ; i < X.length; i++)
/*XX[i] = this.pos.x + X[i]*alpha;
YY[i] = this.pos.y + Y[i]*alpha;*/
YY[i] = this.pos.y + Y[i]*alpha;*/
XX[i] = X[i];
YY[i] = Y[i];
......@@ -3662,12 +3757,12 @@ old_CVolumeIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// integral
/*MathControl.pGraph._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[1], YY[1], XX[2], YY[2], XX[3], YY[3] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[3], YY[3], XX[4], YY[4], XX[5], YY[5] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[5], YY[5], XX[6], YY[6], XX[7], YY[7] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[7], YY[7], XX[8], YY[8], XX[9], YY[9] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[10], YY[10]);*/
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[1], YY[1], XX[2], YY[2], XX[3], YY[3] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[3], YY[3], XX[4], YY[4], XX[5], YY[5] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[5], YY[5], XX[6], YY[6], XX[7], YY[7] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[7], YY[7], XX[8], YY[8], XX[9], YY[9] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[10], YY[10]);*/
// кольцо
......@@ -3692,18 +3787,18 @@ old_CVolumeIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// integral
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[14], YY[14], XX[15], YY[15], XX[16], YY[16] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[16], YY[16], XX[17], YY[17], XX[18], YY[18] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[18], YY[18], XX[19], YY[19], XX[20], YY[20] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[20], YY[20], XX[21], YY[21], XX[22], YY[22] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[23], YY[23]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[24], YY[24]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[24], YY[24], XX[25], YY[25], XX[26], YY[26] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[26], YY[26], XX[27], YY[27], XX[28], YY[28] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[28], YY[28], XX[29], YY[29], XX[30], YY[30] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[30], YY[30], XX[31], YY[31], XX[32], YY[32] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[33], YY[33]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[14], YY[14], XX[15], YY[15], XX[16], YY[16] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[16], YY[16], XX[17], YY[17], XX[18], YY[18] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[18], YY[18], XX[19], YY[19], XX[20], YY[20] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[20], YY[20], XX[21], YY[21], XX[22], YY[22] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[23], YY[23]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[24], YY[24]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[24], YY[24], XX[25], YY[25], XX[26], YY[26] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[26], YY[26], XX[27], YY[27], XX[28], YY[28] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[28], YY[28], XX[29], YY[29], XX[30], YY[30] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[30], YY[30], XX[31], YY[31], XX[32], YY[32] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[33], YY[33]);
// кольцо
......@@ -3725,17 +3820,17 @@ old_CVolumeIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// integral
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[37], YY[37], XX[38], YY[38], XX[39], YY[39] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[39], YY[39], XX[40], YY[40], XX[41], YY[41] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[41], YY[41], XX[42], YY[42], XX[43], YY[43] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[43], YY[43], XX[44], YY[44], XX[45], YY[45] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[46], YY[46]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[47], YY[47]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[47], YY[47], XX[48], YY[48], XX[49], YY[49] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[49], YY[49], XX[50], YY[50], XX[51], YY[51] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[51], YY[51], XX[52], YY[52], XX[53], YY[53] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[53], YY[53], XX[54], YY[54], XX[55], YY[55] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[56], YY[56]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[56], YY[56], XX[57], YY[57], XX[58], YY[58] );*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[39], YY[39], XX[40], YY[40], XX[41], YY[41] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[41], YY[41], XX[42], YY[42], XX[43], YY[43] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[43], YY[43], XX[44], YY[44], XX[45], YY[45] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[46], YY[46]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[47], YY[47]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[47], YY[47], XX[48], YY[48], XX[49], YY[49] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[49], YY[49], XX[50], YY[50], XX[51], YY[51] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[51], YY[51], XX[52], YY[52], XX[53], YY[53] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[53], YY[53], XX[54], YY[54], XX[55], YY[55] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[56], YY[56]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[56], YY[56], XX[57], YY[57], XX[58], YY[58] );*/
......@@ -3761,16 +3856,16 @@ old_CVolumeIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[68], YY[68], XX[69], YY[69], XX[70], YY[70] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[70], YY[70], XX[71], YY[71], XX[72], YY[72] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[72], YY[72], XX[73], YY[73], XX[74], YY[74] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[74], YY[74], XX[75], YY[75], XX[76], YY[76] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[77], YY[77]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[78], YY[78]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[78], YY[78], XX[79], YY[79], XX[80], YY[80] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[80], YY[80], XX[81], YY[81], XX[82], YY[82] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[82], YY[82], XX[83], YY[83], XX[84], YY[84] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[84], YY[84], XX[85], YY[85], XX[86], YY[86] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[87], YY[87]);*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[70], YY[70], XX[71], YY[71], XX[72], YY[72] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[72], YY[72], XX[73], YY[73], XX[74], YY[74] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[74], YY[74], XX[75], YY[75], XX[76], YY[76] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[77], YY[77]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[78], YY[78]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[78], YY[78], XX[79], YY[79], XX[80], YY[80] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[80], YY[80], XX[81], YY[81], XX[82], YY[82] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[82], YY[82], XX[83], YY[83], XX[84], YY[84] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[84], YY[84], XX[85], YY[85], XX[86], YY[86] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[87], YY[87]);*/
......@@ -3791,17 +3886,17 @@ old_CVolumeIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// integral
/* MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[91], YY[91], XX[92], YY[92], XX[93], YY[93] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[93], YY[93], XX[94], YY[94], XX[95], YY[95] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[95], YY[95], XX[96], YY[96], XX[97], YY[97] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[97], YY[97], XX[98], YY[98], XX[99], YY[99] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[100], YY[100]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[101], YY[101]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[101], YY[101], XX[102], YY[102], XX[103], YY[103] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[103], YY[103], XX[104], YY[104], XX[105], YY[105] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[105], YY[105], XX[106], YY[106], XX[107], YY[107] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[107], YY[107], XX[108], YY[108], XX[109], YY[109] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[110], YY[110]);*/
/* MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[91], YY[91], XX[92], YY[92], XX[93], YY[93] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[93], YY[93], XX[94], YY[94], XX[95], YY[95] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[95], YY[95], XX[96], YY[96], XX[97], YY[97] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[97], YY[97], XX[98], YY[98], XX[99], YY[99] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[100], YY[100]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[101], YY[101]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[101], YY[101], XX[102], YY[102], XX[103], YY[103] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[103], YY[103], XX[104], YY[104], XX[105], YY[105] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[105], YY[105], XX[106], YY[106], XX[107], YY[107] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[107], YY[107], XX[108], YY[108], XX[109], YY[109] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[110], YY[110]);*/
......@@ -3824,16 +3919,16 @@ old_CVolumeIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// integral
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[114], YY[114], XX[115], YY[115], XX[116], YY[116] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[116], YY[116], XX[117], YY[117], XX[118], YY[118] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[118], YY[118], XX[119], YY[119], XX[120], YY[120] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[120], YY[120], XX[121], YY[121], XX[122], YY[122] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[123], YY[123]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[124], YY[124]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[124], YY[124], XX[125], YY[125], XX[126], YY[126] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[126], YY[126], XX[127], YY[127], XX[128], YY[128] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[128], YY[128], XX[129], YY[129], XX[130], YY[130] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[130], YY[130], XX[131], YY[131], XX[132], YY[132] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[133], YY[133]);*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[116], YY[116], XX[117], YY[117], XX[118], YY[118] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[118], YY[118], XX[119], YY[119], XX[120], YY[120] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[120], YY[120], XX[121], YY[121], XX[122], YY[122] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[123], YY[123]);
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[124], YY[124]);
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[124], YY[124], XX[125], YY[125], XX[126], YY[126] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[126], YY[126], XX[127], YY[127], XX[128], YY[128] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[128], YY[128], XX[129], YY[129], XX[130], YY[130] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[130], YY[130], XX[131], YY[131], XX[132], YY[132] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[133], YY[133]);*/
......@@ -3875,11 +3970,11 @@ old_CVolumeIntegral.prototype.draw = function()
// integral
/*MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[145], YY[145], XX[146], YY[146], XX[147], YY[147] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[147], YY[147], XX[148], YY[148], XX[149], YY[149] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[149], YY[149], XX[150], YY[150], XX[151], YY[151] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[151], YY[151], XX[152], YY[152], XX[153], YY[153] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[153], YY[153], XX[154], YY[154], XX[155], YY[155] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[156], YY[156]);*/
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[147], YY[147], XX[148], YY[148], XX[149], YY[149] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[149], YY[149], XX[150], YY[150], XX[151], YY[151] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[151], YY[151], XX[152], YY[152], XX[153], YY[153] );
MathControl.pGraph._c(XX[153], YY[153], XX[154], YY[154], XX[155], YY[155] );
MathControl.pGraph._l(XX[156], YY[156]);*/
......@@ -3623,13 +3623,13 @@ old_CSeparatorDelimiter.prototype.mouseMove = function(mCoord)
function old_CSeparator()
function old_old_CSeparator()
this.sepChr = 0x7C; // default;
extend(old_CSeparator, CMathBase);
old_CSeparator.prototype.init = function(sepChr, column)
extend(old_old_CSeparator, CMathBase);
old_old_CSeparator.prototype.init = function(sepChr, column)
if(sepChr !== "undefined" && sepChr !== null)
this.sepChr = sepChr.charCodeAt(0);
......@@ -3637,17 +3637,17 @@ old_CSeparator.prototype.init = function(sepChr, column)
this.setDimension(1, column);
old_CSeparator.prototype.setDistance = function()
old_old_CSeparator.prototype.setDistance = function()
this.dW = this.getTxtPrp().FontSize/3*g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
old_CSeparator.prototype.draw = function()
old_old_CSeparator.prototype.draw = function()
//if(this.sepChr == );;
old_CSeparator.prototype.drawHorLine = function()
old_old_CSeparator.prototype.drawHorLine = function()
var x = this.pos.x,
y = this.pos.y;
......@@ -3685,15 +3685,269 @@ old_CSeparator.prototype.drawHorLine = function()
function COperator(glyph)
function COperator(type)
this.glyph = glyph;
this.type = type;
this.glyph = -1;
this.code = null;
this.typeOper = null;
this.pos = null;
this.coordGlyph = null;
this.size = {width: 0, height: 0};
COperator.prototype.init = function(chr, type, location)
var operator;
var code = typeof(chr) === "string" && chr.length > 0 ? chr.charCodeAt(0) : null;
var typeOper = null,
codeChr = null;
if( code === 0x28 || type === PARENTHESIS_LEFT)
codeChr = 0x28;
operator = new COperatorParenthesis();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if( code === 0x29 || type === PARENTHESIS_RIGHT)
codeChr = 0x29;
operator = new COperatorParenthesis();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if( code == 0x7B || type === BRACKET_CURLY_LEFT)
codeChr = 0x7B;
operator = new COperatorBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if( code === 0x7D || type === BRACKET_CURLY_RIGHT)
codeChr = 0x7D;
operator = new COperatorBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if( code === 0x5B || type === BRACKET_SQUARE_LEFT)
codeChr = 0x5B;
operator = new CSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if( code === 0x5D || type === BRACKET_SQUARE_RIGHT)
codeChr = 0x5D;
operator = new CSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if( code === 0x3C || type === BRACKET_ANGLE_LEFT)
codeChr = 0x3C;
operator = new COperatorAngleBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if( code === 0x3E || type === BRACKET_ANGLE_RIGHT)
codeChr = 0x3E;
operator = new COperatorAngleBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if(code === 0x7C || type === DELIMITER_LINE)
codeChr = 0x7C;
operator = new COperatorLine();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x230A || type === HALF_SQUARE_LEFT)
codeChr = 0x230A;
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x230B || type == HALF_SQUARE_RIGHT)
codeChr = 0x230B;
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if(code === 0x2308 || type == HALF_SQUARE_LEFT_UPPER)
codeChr = 0x2308;
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
else if(code === 0x2309 || type == HALF_SQUARE_RIGHT_UPPER)
codeChr = 0x2309;
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_MIRROR_180
else if(code === 0x2016 || type == DELIMITER_DOUBLE_LINE)
codeChr = 0x2016;
operator = new COperatorDoubleLine();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x27E6 || type == WHITE_SQUARE_LEFT)
codeChr = 0x27E6;
operator = new CWhiteSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x27E7 || type == WHITE_SQUARE_RIGHT)
codeChr = 0x27E7;
operator = new CWhiteSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if(type === BRACKET_EMPTY)
operator = -1;
else if(code !== null)
operator = new CMathText();
operator = -1;
this.glyph = operator;
this.code = codeChr;
this.typeOper = typeOper;
COperator.prototype.draw = function(pGraphics)
if(this.type === DELIM_OPERATOR)
else if(this.type === DELIM_SEPARATOR)
COperator.prototype.drawOperator = function(pGraphics)
if(this.glyph !== -1)
......@@ -3710,6 +3964,26 @@ COperator.prototype.draw = function(pGraphics)
this.glyph.draw(pGraphics, X, Y);
COperator.prototype.drawSeparator = function(pGraphics)
if(this.glyph !== -1)
var lng = this.coordGlyph.XX.length;
for(var i = 0; i < this.positions.length; i++)
var X = new Array(),
Y = new Array();
for(var j = 0; j < lng; j++)
X.push(this.positions[i].x + this.coordGlyph.XX[j]);
Y.push(this.positions[i].y + this.coordGlyph.YY[j]);
this.glyph.draw(pGraphics, X, Y);
COperator.prototype.fixSize = function(measure)
if(this.glyph !== -1)
......@@ -3742,7 +4016,8 @@ COperator.prototype.fixSize = function(measure)
COperator.prototype.setPosition = function(pos)
this.pos = pos;
this.pos = pos; // для оператора, это будет просто позиция
// для сепаратора - массив позиций
COperator.prototype.IsJustDraw = function()
......@@ -3770,13 +4045,22 @@ COperator.prototype.getCtrPrp = function()
return this.Parent.getCtrPrp();
COperator.prototype.getChr = function(defaultCode)
var chr = null; //если glyph не определен, то this.code = null
function CSeparator(glyph)
if(this.code !== null)
chr = this.code == defaultCode ? "" : String.fromCharCode(this.code);
return chr;
function old_CSeparator(glyph)
{, glyph);
extend(CSeparator, COperator);
CSeparator.prototype.draw = function(pGraphics)
extend(old_CSeparator, COperator);
old_CSeparator.prototype.draw = function(pGraphics)
if(this.glyph !== -1)
......@@ -3796,19 +4080,23 @@ CSeparator.prototype.draw = function(pGraphics)
CSeparator.prototype.setPosition = function(pos)
old_CSeparator.prototype.setPosition = function(pos)
this.positions = pos;
function CDelimiter()
this.begOper = new COperator (-1);
this.endOper = new COperator (-1);
this.sepOper = new COperator (-1);
this.begOper = new COperator (DELIM_OPERATOR);
this.endOper = new COperator (DELIM_OPERATOR);
this.sepOper = new COperator (DELIM_SEPARATOR);
this.grow = true;
this.code = null;
this.typeOper = null;
//// special for "read" ////
this.column = 0;
......@@ -3832,16 +4120,14 @@ CDelimiter.prototype.init = function(props)
if(typeof(props.endChr) === "string" && props.endChr.length == 0)
props.sepChrType = DELIMITER_LINE;
var begGlyph = this.getGlyph(props.begChr, props.begChrType, LOCATION_LEFT);
this.begOper = new COperator (begGlyph);
this.begOper.init(props.begChr, props.begChrType, LOCATION_LEFT);
var endGlyph = this.getGlyph(props.endChr, props.endChrType, LOCATION_RIGHT);
this.endOper = new COperator (endGlyph);
this.endOper.init(props.endChr, props.endChrType, LOCATION_RIGHT);
var sepGlyph = this.getGlyph(props.sepChr, props.sepChrType, LOCATION_SEP);
this.sepOper = new CSeparator (sepGlyph);
this.endOper.init(props.sepChr, props.sepChrType, LOCATION_SEP);
if(props.shape == DELIMITER_SHAPE_MATH || props.shp == DELIMITER_SHAPE_MATH)
......@@ -4127,19 +4413,6 @@ CDelimiter.prototype.draw = function(pGraphics)
for(var j = 0; j < this.nCol; j++)
CDelimiter.prototype.drawOperator = function(pos, coord, glyph)
var X = new Array(),
Y = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < coord.XX.length; i++)
X[i] = pos.x + coord.XX[i];
Y[i] = pos.y + coord.YY[i];
glyph.drawGlyph(X, Y);
CDelimiter.prototype.align = function(element)
var align = 0;
......@@ -4160,193 +4433,19 @@ CDelimiter.prototype.getBase = function(numb)
return this.elements[0][numb];
CDelimiter.prototype.getGlyph = function(chr, type, location)
CDelimiter.prototype.getPropsForWrite = function()
var operator;
var code = typeof(chr) === "string" && chr.length > 0 ? chr.charCodeAt(0) : null;
var props = {};
if( code === 0x28 || type === PARENTHESIS_LEFT)
operator = new COperatorParenthesis();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if( code === 0x29 || type === PARENTHESIS_RIGHT)
operator = new COperatorParenthesis();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if( code == 0x7B || type === BRACKET_CURLY_LEFT)
operator = new COperatorBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if( code === 0x7D || type === BRACKET_CURLY_RIGHT)
operator = new COperatorBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if( code === 0x5B || type === BRACKET_SQUARE_LEFT)
operator = new CSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if( code === 0x5D || type === BRACKET_SQUARE_RIGHT)
operator = new CSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if( code === 0x3C || type === BRACKET_ANGLE_LEFT)
operator = new COperatorAngleBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if( code === 0x3E || type === BRACKET_ANGLE_RIGHT)
operator = new COperatorAngleBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if(code === 0x7C || type === DELIMITER_LINE)
operator = new COperatorLine();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x230A || type === HALF_SQUARE_LEFT)
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x230B || type == HALF_SQUARE_RIGHT)
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if(code === 0x2308 || type == HALF_SQUARE_LEFT_UPPER)
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
else if(code === 0x2309 || type == HALF_SQUARE_RIGHT_UPPER)
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_MIRROR_180
else if(code === 0x2016 || type == DELIMITER_DOUBLE_LINE)
operator = new COperatorDoubleLine();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x27E6 || type == WHITE_SQUARE_LEFT)
operator = new CWhiteSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
else if(code === 0x27E7 || type == WHITE_SQUARE_RIGHT)
operator = new CWhiteSquareBracket();
var props =
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
else if(type === BRACKET_EMPTY)
operator = -1;
else if(code !== null)
operator = new CMathText();
operator = -1;
props.grow = this.grow == true ? 1 : 0;
props.column = this.nCol;
props.shp = this.shape;
props.begChr = this.begOper.getChr(0x28); // PARENTHESIS_LEFT
props.endChr = this.endOper.getChr(0x29); // PARENTHESIS_RIGHT
props.sepChr = this.sepOper.getChr(0x7C); // DELIMITER_LINE
return operator;
return props;
......@@ -168,14 +168,25 @@ CSignRadical.prototype.relate = function(parent)
function CRadical()
this.type = SQUARE_RADICAL; // default
this.degHide = false;
this.signRadical = null;;
extend(CRadical, CMathBase);
CRadical.prototype.init = function(props)
if(typeof(props.type) !== "undefined" && props.type !== null)
this.type = props.type;
/*if(typeof(props.type) !== "undefined" && props.type !== null)
this.type = props.type;*/
/*if(props.type === SQUARE_RADICAL)
this.type = SQUARE_RADICAL;
else if(props.type === DEGREE_RADICAL)
this.type = DEGREE_RADICAL;*/
if(props.degHide === true && props.degHide === 1)
this.type = SQUARE_RADICAL;
else if(props.degHide == false && props.degHide === 0)
this.type = DEGREE_RADICAL;
this.setDimension(1, 1);
......@@ -416,11 +427,23 @@ CRadical.prototype.getBase = function()
CRadical.prototype.getDegree = function()
var degree = null;
/*var degree = null;
if(this.type == DEGREE_RADICAL)
degree = this.elements[0][0];
else if(this.type = SQUARE_RADICAL)
degree = this.elements[0][0];*/
// для стремной ситуации, когда руками в xml выставили в degHide true, а объект со степенью имеется. Возвращаем основание
return this.elements[0][0];
CRadical.prototype.getPropsForWhite = function()
var props = {};
props.degHide = this.type == SQUARE_RADICAL ? 1 : 0;
return degree;
return props;
function old_CRadical()
......@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ function simulatorRead()
props =
endChr: ")",
column: 2
......@@ -109,7 +110,8 @@ function simulatorRead()
var integral = new CNary();
props =
//signType: NARY_INTEGRAL,
chr: "B",
limLoc: NARY_SubSup
......@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src = "Math/drawingUnion.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "Math/borderBox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "Math/test_for_read.js"></script>
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