Commit 07dc2444 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

add find in selection

bug 35003
parent 00af61e4
......@@ -2177,7 +2177,8 @@
this.isReplaceAll = false; // заменить все (если у нас замена)
// внутренние переменные
this.activeCell = null;
this.findInSelection = false;
this.selectionRange = null;
this.indexInArray = 0;
this.countFind = 0;
this.countReplace = 0;
......@@ -2199,7 +2200,8 @@
result.replaceWith = this.replaceWith;
result.isReplaceAll = this.isReplaceAll;
result.activeCell = this.activeCell ? this.activeCell.clone() : null;
result.findInSelection = this.findInSelection;
result.selectionRange = this.selectionRange ? this.selectionRange.clone() : null;
result.indexInArray = this.indexInArray;
result.countFind = this.countFind;
result.countReplace = this.countReplace;
......@@ -2210,7 +2212,7 @@
return result;
asc_CFindOptions.prototype.isEqual = function (obj) {
return null != obj && this.findWhat === obj.findWhat && this.scanByRows === obj.scanByRows &&
return obj && this.findWhat === obj.findWhat && this.scanByRows === obj.scanByRows &&
this.scanForward === obj.scanForward && this.isMatchCase === obj.isMatchCase &&
this.isWholeCell === obj.isWholeCell && this.scanOnOnlySheet === obj.scanOnOnlySheet &&
this.lookIn === obj.lookIn;
......@@ -2228,7 +2228,7 @@
// Поиск текста в листе
WorkbookView.prototype.findCellText = function(options) {
// Для поиска эта переменная не нужна (но она может остаться от replace)
options.activeCell = null;
options.selectionRange = null;
var ws = this.getWorksheet();
// Останавливаем ввод данных в редакторе ввода
......@@ -2290,7 +2290,9 @@
if (result) {
return ws.setSelection(result);
var ac = ws.model.selectionRange.activeCell;
return options.findInSelection ? ws.changeSelectionActivePoint(result.c1 - ac.col, result.r1 - ac.row) :
return null;
......@@ -10952,235 +10952,246 @@
// ----- Search -----
WorksheetView.prototype._isCellEqual = function (c, r, options) {
var cell, cellText;
// Не пользуемся RegExp, чтобы не возиться со спец.символами
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
cell = mc ? this._getVisibleCell(mc.c1, mc.r1) : this._getVisibleCell(c, r);
cellText = (options.lookIn === Asc.c_oAscFindLookIn.Formulas) ? cell.getValueForEdit() : cell.getValue();
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
cellText = cellText.toLowerCase();
if ((cellText.indexOf(options.findWhat) >= 0) &&
(true !== options.isWholeCell || options.findWhat.length === cellText.length)) {
return (mc ? new asc_Range(mc.c1, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.r1) : new asc_Range(c, r, c, r));
return null;
WorksheetView.prototype.findCellText = function (options) {
var self = this;
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
options.findWhat = options.findWhat.toLowerCase();
var ar = options.activeCell ? options.activeCell : this.model.selectionRange.activeCell;
var c = ar.col;
var r = ar.row;
var minC = 0;
var minR = 0;
var maxC = this.cols.length - 1;
var maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
var inc = options.scanForward ? +1 : -1;
var isEqual;
// ToDo стоит переделать это место, т.к. для поиска не нужны измерения, а нужен только сам текст (
this._prepareCellTextMetricsCache(new Asc.Range(0, 0, this.model.getColsCount(), this.model.getRowsCount()));
function findNextCell() {
var ct = undefined;
do {
if (options.scanByRows) {
c += inc;
if (c < minC || c > maxC) {
c = options.scanForward ? minC : maxC;
r += inc;
} else {
r += inc;
if (r < minR || r > maxR) {
r = options.scanForward ? minR : maxR;
c += inc;
if (c < minC || c > maxC || r < minR || r > maxR) {
return undefined;
ct = self._getCellTextCache(c, r, true);
} while (!ct);
return ct;
// ----- Search -----
WorksheetView.prototype._isCellEqual = function (c, r, options) {
var cell, cellText;
// Не пользуемся RegExp, чтобы не возиться со спец.символами
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
cell = mc ? this._getVisibleCell(mc.c1, mc.r1) : this._getVisibleCell(c, r);
cellText = (options.lookIn === Asc.c_oAscFindLookIn.Formulas) ? cell.getValueForEdit() : cell.getValue();
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
cellText = cellText.toLowerCase();
if ((cellText.indexOf(options.findWhat) >= 0) &&
(true !== options.isWholeCell || options.findWhat.length === cellText.length)) {
return (mc ? new asc_Range(mc.c1, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.r1) : new asc_Range(c, r, c, r));
return null;
WorksheetView.prototype.findCellText = function (options) {
var self = this;
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
options.findWhat = options.findWhat.toLowerCase();
var selectionRange = options.selectionRange || this.model.selectionRange;
var lastRange = selectionRange.getLast();
var ar = selectionRange.activeCell;
var c = ar.col;
var r = ar.row;
var merge = this.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
options.findInSelection = options.scanOnOnlySheet &&
!(selectionRange.isSingleRange() && (lastRange.isOneCell() || lastRange.isEqual(merge)));
var minC, minR, maxC, maxR;
if (options.findInSelection) {
minC = lastRange.c1;
minR = lastRange.r1;
maxC = lastRange.c2;
maxR = lastRange.r2;
} else {
minC = 0;
minR = 0;
maxC = this.cols.length - 1;
maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
while (findNextCell()) {
isEqual = this._isCellEqual(c, r, options);
if (null !== isEqual) {
return isEqual;
var inc = options.scanForward ? +1 : -1;
var isEqual;
// Продолжаем циклический поиск
if (options.scanForward) {
// Идем вперед с первой ячейки
minC = 0;
minR = 0;
if (options.scanByRows) {
c = -1;
r = 0;
// ToDo стоит переделать это место, т.к. для поиска не нужны измерения, а нужен только сам текст (
this._prepareCellTextMetricsCache(new Asc.Range(0, 0, this.model.getColsCount(), this.model.getRowsCount()));
maxC = this.cols.length - 1;
maxR = ar.row;
} else {
c = 0;
r = -1;
function findNextCell() {
var ct = undefined;
do {
if (options.scanByRows) {
c += inc;
if (c < minC || c > maxC) {
c = options.scanForward ? minC : maxC;
r += inc;
} else {
r += inc;
if (r < minR || r > maxR) {
r = options.scanForward ? minR : maxR;
c += inc;
if (c < minC || c > maxC || r < minR || r > maxR) {
return undefined;
ct = self._getCellTextCache(c, r, true);
} while (!ct);
return ct;
maxC = ar.col;
maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
} else {
// Идем назад с последней
c = this.cols.length - 1;
r = this.rows.length - 1;
if (options.scanByRows) {
minC = 0;
minR = ar.row;
} else {
minC = ar.col;
minR = 0;
maxC = this.cols.length - 1;
maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
while (findNextCell()) {
isEqual = this._isCellEqual(c, r, options);
if (null !== isEqual) {
return isEqual;
return null;
while (findNextCell()) {
isEqual = this._isCellEqual(c, r, options);
if (null !== isEqual) {
return isEqual;
WorksheetView.prototype.replaceCellText = function (options, lockDraw, callback) {
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
options.findWhat = options.findWhat.toLowerCase();
// Продолжаем циклический поиск
if (options.scanForward) {
// Идем вперед с первой ячейки
if (options.scanByRows) {
c = minC - 1;
r = minR;
maxR = ar.row;
} else {
c = minC;
r = minR - 1;
maxC = ar.col;
} else {
// Идем назад с последней
c = maxC;
r = maxR;
if (options.scanByRows) {
c = maxC + 1;
r = maxR;
minR = ar.row;
} else {
c = maxC;
r = maxR + 1;
minC = ar.col;
while (findNextCell()) {
isEqual = this._isCellEqual(c, r, options);
if (null !== isEqual) {
return isEqual;
return null;
// Очищаем результаты
options.countFind = 0;
options.countReplace = 0;
WorksheetView.prototype.replaceCellText = function (options, lockDraw, callback) {
if (!options.isMatchCase) {
options.findWhat = options.findWhat.toLowerCase();
var t = this;
var activeCell = this.model.selectionRange.activeCell.clone();
var aReplaceCells = [];
if (options.isReplaceAll) {
var aReplaceCellsIndex = {};
options.activeCell = activeCell;
var findResult, index;
while (true) {
findResult = t.findCellText(options);
if (null === findResult) {
index = findResult.c1 + '-' + findResult.r1;
if (aReplaceCellsIndex[index]) {
aReplaceCellsIndex[index] = true;
activeCell.col = findResult.c1;
activeCell.row = findResult.r1;
} else {
// Попробуем сначала найти
var isEqual = this._isCellEqual(activeCell.col, activeCell.row, options);
if (null === isEqual) {
return callback(options);
// Очищаем результаты
options.countFind = 0;
options.countReplace = 0;
var t = this;
var activeCell;
var aReplaceCells = [];
if (options.isReplaceAll) {
var selectionRange = this.model.selectionRange.clone();
activeCell = selectionRange.activeCell;
var aReplaceCellsIndex = {};
options.selectionRange = selectionRange;
var findResult, index;
while (true) {
findResult = t.findCellText(options);
if (null === findResult) {
index = findResult.c1 + '-' + findResult.r1;
if (aReplaceCellsIndex[index]) {
aReplaceCellsIndex[index] = true;
activeCell.col = findResult.c1;
activeCell.row = findResult.r1;
} else {
activeCell = this.model.selectionRange.activeCell;
// Попробуем сначала найти
var isEqual = this._isCellEqual(activeCell.col, activeCell.row, options);
if (isEqual) {
if (0 > aReplaceCells.length) {
return callback(options);
if (0 > aReplaceCells.length) {
return callback(options);
return this._replaceCellsText(aReplaceCells, options, lockDraw, callback);
return this._replaceCellsText(aReplaceCells, options, lockDraw, callback);
WorksheetView.prototype._replaceCellsText = function (aReplaceCells, options, lockDraw, callback) {
var t = this;
var findFlags = "g"; // Заменяем все вхождения
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
findFlags += "i";
} // Не чувствителен к регистру
var valueForSearching = options.findWhat
.replace(/(\\)/g, "\\\\").replace(/(\^)/g, "\\^")
.replace(/(\()/g, "\\(").replace(/(\))/g, "\\)")
.replace(/(\+)/g, "\\+").replace(/(\[)/g, "\\[")
.replace(/(\])/g, "\\]").replace(/(\{)/g, "\\{")
.replace(/(\})/g, "\\}").replace(/(\$)/g, "\\$")
.replace(/(~)?\*/g, function ($0, $1) {
return $1 ? $0 : '(.*)';
.replace(/(~)?\?/g, function ($0, $1) {
return $1 ? $0 : '.';
.replace(/(~\*)/g, "\\*").replace(/(~\?)/g, "\\?").replace(/(\.)/g, "\\.");
valueForSearching = new RegExp(valueForSearching, findFlags);
options.indexInArray = 0;
options.countFind = aReplaceCells.length;
options.countReplace = 0;
if (options.isReplaceAll && false === this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing()) {
this._isLockedCells(aReplaceCells, /*subType*/null, function () {
t._replaceCellText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options, lockDraw, callback, true);
} else {
this._replaceCellText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options, lockDraw, callback, false);
WorksheetView.prototype._replaceCellsText = function (aReplaceCells, options, lockDraw, callback) {
var t = this;
var findFlags = "g"; // Заменяем все вхождения
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
findFlags += "i";
} // Не чувствителен к регистру
var valueForSearching = options.findWhat
.replace(/(\\)/g, "\\\\").replace(/(\^)/g, "\\^")
.replace(/(\()/g, "\\(").replace(/(\))/g, "\\)")
.replace(/(\+)/g, "\\+").replace(/(\[)/g, "\\[")
.replace(/(\])/g, "\\]").replace(/(\{)/g, "\\{")
.replace(/(\})/g, "\\}").replace(/(\$)/g, "\\$")
.replace(/(~)?\*/g, function ($0, $1) {
return $1 ? $0 : '(.*)';
.replace(/(~)?\?/g, function ($0, $1) {
return $1 ? $0 : '.';
.replace(/(~\*)/g, "\\*").replace(/(~\?)/g, "\\?").replace(/(\.)/g, "\\.");
valueForSearching = new RegExp(valueForSearching, findFlags);
options.indexInArray = 0;
options.countFind = aReplaceCells.length;
options.countReplace = 0;
if (options.isReplaceAll && false === this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing()) {
this._isLockedCells(aReplaceCells, /*subType*/null, function () {
t._replaceCellText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options, lockDraw, callback, true);
} else {
this._replaceCellText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options, lockDraw, callback, false);
WorksheetView.prototype._replaceCellText =
function (aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options, lockDraw, callback, oneUser) {
var t = this;
if (options.indexInArray >= aReplaceCells.length) {
return callback(options);
WorksheetView.prototype._replaceCellText =
function (aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options, lockDraw, callback, oneUser) {
var t = this;
if (options.indexInArray >= aReplaceCells.length) {
return callback(options);
var onReplaceCallback = function (isSuccess) {
var cell = aReplaceCells[options.indexInArray];
if (false !== isSuccess) {
var c = t._getVisibleCell(cell.c1, cell.r1);
var cellValue = c.getValueForEdit();
cellValue = cellValue.replace(valueForSearching, options.replaceWith);
var oCellEdit = new asc_Range(cell.c1, cell.r1, cell.c1, cell.r1);
var v, newValue;
// get first fragment and change its text
v = c.getValueForEdit2().slice(0, 1);
// Создаем новый массив, т.к. getValueForEdit2 возвращает ссылку
newValue = [];
newValue[0] = new AscCommonExcel.Fragment({text: cellValue, format: v[0].format.clone()});
if (!t._saveCellValueAfterEdit(oCellEdit, c, newValue, /*flags*/undefined, /*isNotHistory*/true,
/*lockDraw*/true)) {
options.error = true;
return callback(options);
var onReplaceCallback = function (isSuccess) {
var cell = aReplaceCells[options.indexInArray];
if (false !== isSuccess) {
var c = t._getVisibleCell(cell.c1, cell.r1);
var cellValue = c.getValueForEdit();
cellValue = cellValue.replace(valueForSearching, options.replaceWith);
var oCellEdit = new asc_Range(cell.c1, cell.r1, cell.c1, cell.r1);
var v, newValue;
// get first fragment and change its text
v = c.getValueForEdit2().slice(0, 1);
// Создаем новый массив, т.к. getValueForEdit2 возвращает ссылку
newValue = [];
newValue[0] = new AscCommonExcel.Fragment({text: cellValue, format: v[0].format.clone()});
if (!t._saveCellValueAfterEdit(oCellEdit, c, newValue, /*flags*/undefined, /*isNotHistory*/true,
/*lockDraw*/true)) {
options.error = true;
return callback(options);
window.setTimeout(function () {
t._replaceCellText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options, lockDraw, callback, oneUser);
}, 1);
window.setTimeout(function () {
t._replaceCellText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options, lockDraw, callback, oneUser);
}, 1);
return oneUser ? onReplaceCallback(true) :
this._isLockedCells(aReplaceCells[options.indexInArray], /*subType*/null, onReplaceCallback);
return oneUser ? onReplaceCallback(true) :
this._isLockedCells(aReplaceCells[options.indexInArray], /*subType*/null, onReplaceCallback);
WorksheetView.prototype.findCell = function (reference, isViewMode) {
var mc, ranges = AscCommonExcel.getRangeByRef(reference, this.model, true);
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