Commit 0b8a3a47 authored by Alexey.Musinov's avatar Alexey.Musinov

[mobile] убрал cell/native/WorksheetView.js

parent 4ab11663
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
* This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (
* In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that
* Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display
* Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7  3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains
* relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic
* form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE"
* in every copy of the program you distribute.
* Pursuant to Section 7  3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
* This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (
* In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that
* Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display
* Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7  3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains
* relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic
* form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE"
* in every copy of the program you distribute.
* Pursuant to Section 7  3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
"use strict";
var g_dDpiX = 96.0;
......@@ -3186,18 +3186,18 @@ function CDrawingDocument(drawingObjects)
this.SelectEnabled = function(bIsEnabled)
// this.m_bIsSelection = bIsEnabled;
// if (false === this.m_bIsSelection)
// {
// this.SelectClear();
this.m_bIsSelection = bIsEnabled;
if (false === this.m_bIsSelection)
// //this.m_oWordControl.CheckUnShowOverlay();
// //this.drawingObjects.OnUpdateOverlay();
// this.drawingObjects.getOverlay().m_oContext.globalAlpha = 1.0;
// }
this.SelectClear = function()
this.SearchClear = function()
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2016
* This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (
* In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that
* Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display
* Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7  3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains
* relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic
* form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE"
* in every copy of the program you distribute.
* Pursuant to Section 7  3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
window["Asc"].WorksheetView = WorksheetView;
WorksheetView.prototype.__drawColumnHeaders = function (drawingCtx, start, end, style, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders())
var range = new asc_Range(start, 0, end, 1);
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var c = this.cols;
var offsetX = (undefined !== offsetXForDraw) ? offsetXForDraw : c[vr.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = (undefined !== offsetYForDraw) ? offsetYForDraw : this.headersTop;
if (undefined === drawingCtx && this.topLeftFrozenCell && undefined === offsetXForDraw) {
var cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
if (start < vr.c1)
offsetX = c[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
offsetX -= c[cFrozen].left - c[0].left;
if (asc_typeof(start) !== "number") {start = vr.c1;}
if (asc_typeof(end) !== "number") {end = vr.c2;}
if (style === undefined) {style = kHeaderDefault;}
this._setFont(drawingCtx, this.model.getDefaultFontName(), this.model.getDefaultFontSize());
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
.fillRect( - offsetX, offsetY, c[end].left - c[start].left, this.headersHeight * 2);
// draw column headers
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
this.__drawHeader(drawingCtx, c[i].left - c[start].left - offsetX, offsetY,
c[i].width, this.headersHeight, style, true, i);
WorksheetView.prototype.__drawHeader = function (drawingCtx, x, y, w, h, style, isColHeader, index) {
// Для отрисовки невидимого столбца/строки
var isZeroHeader = false;
if (-1 !== index) {
if (isColHeader) {
if (w < this.width_1px) {
// Это невидимый столбец
isZeroHeader = true;
// Отрисуем только границу
w = this.width_1px;
// Возможно мы уже рисовали границу невидимого столбца (для последовательности невидимых)
if (0 < index && 0 === this.cols[index - 1].width) {
// Мы уже нарисовали border для невидимой границы
} else if (0 < index && 0 === this.cols[index - 1].width) {
// Мы уже нарисовали border для невидимой границы (поэтому нужно чуть меньше рисовать для соседнего столбца)
w -= this.width_1px;
x += this.width_1px;
} else {
if (h < this.height_1px) {
// Это невидимая строка
isZeroHeader = true;
// Отрисуем только границу
h = this.height_1px;
// Возможно мы уже рисовали границу невидимой строки (для последовательности невидимых)
if (0 < index && 0 === this.rows[index - 1].height) {
// Мы уже нарисовали border для невидимой границы
} else if (0 < index && 0 === this.rows[index - 1].height) {
// Мы уже нарисовали border для невидимой границы (поэтому нужно чуть меньше рисовать для соседней строки)
h -= this.height_1px;
y += this.height_1px;
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
var x2 = x + w;
var y2 = y + h;
var x2WithoutBorder = x2 - this.width_1px;
var y2WithoutBorder = y2 - this.height_1px;
// background только для видимых
if (!isZeroHeader) {
// draw background
.fillRect(x, y, w + 20, h + 20);
// draw border
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && !isColHeader) {
// Select row (top border)
ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y, x2);
// Right border
if (isColHeader) ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x2, y, y2);
// Bottom border
if (!isColHeader)ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y2, x2);
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && isColHeader) {
// Select col (left border)
//ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x, y, y2);
// Для невидимых кроме border-а ничего не рисуем
if (isZeroHeader || -1 === index)
// draw text
var text = isColHeader ? this._getColumnTitle(index) : this._getRowTitle(index);
var sr = this.stringRender;
var tm = this._roundTextMetrics( sr.measureString(text) );
var bl = y2WithoutBorder - (isColHeader ? this.defaultRowDescender : this.rows[index].descender);
var textX = this._calcTextHorizPos(x, x2WithoutBorder, tm, tm.width < w ? khaCenter : khaLeft);
var textY = this._calcTextVertPos(y, y2WithoutBorder, bl, tm, kvaBottom);
if (drawingCtx) {
ctx.AddClipRect(x, y, w, h);
.fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths);
} else {
.rect(x, y, w, h)
.fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths)
WorksheetView.prototype.__drawRowHeaders = function (drawingCtx, start, end, style, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders())
var range = new asc_Range(0, start, 1, end);
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var r = this.rows;
var offsetX = (undefined !== offsetXForDraw) ? offsetXForDraw : this.headersLeft;
var offsetY = (undefined !== offsetYForDraw) ? offsetYForDraw : r[vr.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
if (undefined === drawingCtx && this.topLeftFrozenCell && undefined === offsetYForDraw) {
var rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
if (start < vr.r1)
offsetY = r[0].top - this.cellsTop;
offsetY -= r[rFrozen].top - r[0].top;
if (asc_typeof(start) !== "number") {start = vr.r1;}
if (asc_typeof(end) !== "number") {end = vr.r2;}
if (style === undefined) {style = kHeaderDefault;}
this._setFont(drawingCtx, this.model.getDefaultFontName(), this.model.getDefaultFontSize());
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
.fillRect(offsetX, -offsetY, this.headersWidth * 2, r[end].top - r[start].top);
// draw row headers
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
this.__drawHeader(drawingCtx, offsetX, r[i].top - r[start].top - offsetY,
this.headersWidth, r[i].height, style, false, i);
WorksheetView.prototype.__drawGrid = function (drawingCtx, c1, r1, c2, r2, leftFieldInPt, topFieldInPt, width, height) {
var range = new asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
this._drawGrid(drawingCtx, range, leftFieldInPt, topFieldInPt, width, height);
WorksheetView.prototype.__drawCellsAndBorders = function (drawingCtx, c1, r1, c2, r2, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
var range = new asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
this._drawCellsAndBorders(drawingCtx, range, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw);
var oldrange = this.visibleRange;
this.visibleRange = range;
var cellsLeft_Local = this.cellsLeft;
var cellsTop_Local = this.cellsTop;
this.cellsLeft = -(offsetXForDraw - this.cols[c1].left);
this.cellsTop = -(offsetYForDraw - this.rows[r1].top);
// TODO: frozen places implementation native only
if (this.drawingArea.frozenPlaces.length) {
this.drawingArea.frozenPlaces[0].range = range;
g_oTextMeasurer.m_oFont = null;
g_oTextMeasurer.m_oTextPr = null;
g_oTextMeasurer.m_oGrFonts = new CGrRFonts();
g_oTextMeasurer.m_oLastFont = new CFontSetup();
g_oTextMeasurer.LastFontOriginInfo = { Name : "", Replace : null };
g_oTextMeasurer.Ascender = 0;
g_oTextMeasurer.Descender = 0;
g_oTextMeasurer.Height = 0;
g_oTextMeasurer.UnitsPerEm = 0;
this.cellsLeft = cellsLeft_Local;
this.cellsTop = cellsTop_Local;
this.visibleRange = oldrange;
WorksheetView.prototype.__selection = function (c1, r1, c2, r2, isFrozen) {
var native_selection = [];
var range = undefined;
this.visibleRange = new asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
isFrozen = !!isFrozen;
if (asc["editor"].isStartAddShape || this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
//if (this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
// this._drawFormulaRanges(this.arrActiveChartsRanges);
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
} else if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
} else if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
var diffWidth = 0, diffHeight = 0;
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
//var cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
//var rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
//diffWidth = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
//diffHeight = this.rows[rFrozen].top - this.rows[0].top;
//if (!isFrozen) {
// var oFrozenRange;
// cFrozen -= 1; rFrozen -= 1;
// if (0 <= cFrozen && 0 <= rFrozen) {
// oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(0, 0, cFrozen, rFrozen);
// this._drawSelectionRange(oFrozenRange, true);
// }
// if (0 <= cFrozen) {
// oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(0, this.visibleRange.r1, cFrozen, this.visibleRange.r2);
// this._drawSelectionRange(oFrozenRange, true);
// }
// if (0 <= rFrozen) {
// oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(this.visibleRange.c1, 0, this.visibleRange.c2, rFrozen);
// this._drawSelectionRange(oFrozenRange, true);
// }
//console.log('this.visibleRange c1: ' + this.visibleRange.c1 + ' r1: ' + this.visibleRange.r1 + ' c2: ' + this.visibleRange.c2 + ' r2: ' + this.visibleRange.r2);
//console.log('this.activeRange c1: ' + this.activeRange.c1 + ' r1: ' + this.activeRange.r1 + ' c2: ' + this.activeRange.c2 + ' r2: ' + this.activeRange.r2);
var tmpRange = range;
if (!this.isSelectionDialogMode)
range = this.activeRange.intersection(range !== undefined ? range : this.visibleRange);
range = this.copyActiveRange.intersection(range !== undefined ? range : this.visibleRange);
// Copy fill Handle
var aFH = null;
// Вхождение range
var aFHIntersection = null;
if (this.activeFillHandle !== null) {
// Мы в режиме автозаполнения
aFH = this.activeFillHandle.clone(true);
aFHIntersection = this.activeFillHandle.intersection(tmpRange !== undefined ? tmpRange : this.visibleRange);
//if (!range && !aFHIntersection && !this.isFormulaEditMode && !this.activeMoveRange && !this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
// if (!isFrozen) {
// //this._drawActiveHeaders();
// if (this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
// this._drawSelectRange(this.activeRange.clone(true));
// }
// }
// return;
var ctx = this.overlayCtx;
var opt = this.settings;
var offsetX, offsetY;
if (isFrozen) {
if (tmpRange.c1 !== this.visibleRange.c1)
diffWidth = 0;
if (tmpRange.r1 !== this.visibleRange.r1)
diffHeight = 0;
offsetX = this.cols[tmpRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[tmpRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
} else {
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
//console.log('range c1: ' + range.c1 + ' r1: ' + range.r1 + ' c2: ' + range.c2 + ' r2: ' + range.r2);
var arn = (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) ? this.activeRange.clone(true) : this.copyActiveRange.clone(true);
// var x1 = (range) ? (this.cols[range.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px* 0) : 0;
// var x2 = (range) ? (this.cols[range.c2].left + this.cols[range.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px * 0) : 0;
// var y1 = (range) ? (this.rows[range.r1].top - offsetY) : 0;
// var y2 = (range) ? (this.rows[range.r2].top + this.rows[range.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px * 0) : 0;
// var drawLeftSide = (range) ? (range.c1 === arn.c1) : false;
// var drawRightSide = (range) ? (range.c2 === arn.c2) : false;
// var drawTopSide = (range) ? (range.r1 === arn.r1) : false;
// var drawBottomSide = (range) ? (range.r2 === arn.r2) : false;
var l, t, r, b, cr;
// Размеры "квадрата" автозаполнения
//var fillHandleWidth = 2 * this.width_2px + this.width_1px;
//var fillHandleHeight = 2 * this.height_2px + this.height_1px;
// active range
native_selection.push(this.cols[range.c1].left - offsetX);
native_selection.push(this.rows[range.r1].top - offsetY);
native_selection.push(this.cols[range.c2].left + this.cols[range.c2].width - this.cols[range.c1].left);
native_selection.push(this.rows[range.r2].top + this.rows[range.r2].height - this.rows[range.r1].top);
// Координаты выделения для автозаполнения
var xFH1 = 0;
var xFH2 = 0;
var yFH1 = 0;
var yFH2 = 0;
// Рисуем ли мы стороны автозаполнения
var drawLeftFillHandle;
var drawRightFillHandle;
var drawTopFillHandle;
var drawBottomFillHandle;
// set clipping rect to cells area
// .beginPath()
// .rect(this.cellsLeft, this.cellsTop, ctx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft, ctx.getHeight() - this.cellsTop)
// .clip();
// draw frame around cells range
// l = drawLeftSide ? -this.width_1px* 0 : 0;
// r = drawRightSide ? this.width_1px* 0 : 0;
// t = drawTopSide ? -this.height_1px* 0 : 0;
// b = drawBottomSide ? this.height_2px* 0 : 0;
// .setLineWidth(3)
// .beginPath();
if (aFHIntersection) {
//// Считаем координаты автозаполнения
//xFH1 = this.cols[aFHIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
//xFH2 = this.cols[aFHIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFHIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
//yFH1 = this.rows[aFHIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
//yFH2 = this.rows[aFHIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFHIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
//drawLeftFillHandle = aFHIntersection.c1 === aFH.c1;
//drawRightFillHandle = aFHIntersection.c2 === aFH.c2;
//drawTopFillHandle = aFHIntersection.r1 === aFH.r1;
//drawBottomFillHandle = aFHIntersection.r2 === aFH.r2;
//// Если мы не в нулевом состоянии, то рисуем обводку автозаполнения (толстой линией)
//if (aFHIntersection.c1 !== aFHIntersection.c2 || aFHIntersection.r1 !== aFHIntersection.r2 || 2 !== this.fillHandleArea) {
// if (drawTopFillHandle) {ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l, yFH1 - this.height_1px, xFH2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// if (drawBottomFillHandle) {ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l, yFH2, xFH2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// if (drawLeftFillHandle) {ctx.lineVer(xFH1, yFH1 + t, yFH2 + b);}
// if (drawRightFillHandle) {ctx.lineVer(xFH2, yFH1 + t, yFH2 + b);}
//// Для некоторых вариантов областей нужно дорисовывать обводку для выделенной области
//switch (this.fillHandleArea){
// case 1:
// switch(this.fillHandleDirection){
// case 0:
// // Горизонтальный
// if (drawLeftSide) {ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
// break;
// case 1:
// // Вертикальный
// if (drawTopSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// break;
// }
// break;
// case 2:
// // Для внутренней области нужны все обводки
// if (drawTopSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// if (drawBottomSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// if (drawLeftSide) {ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
// if (drawRightSide) {ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
// break;
// case 3:
// switch(this.fillHandleDirection){
// case 0:
// // Горизонтальный
// if (range && aFH.c2 !== range.c2){
// if (drawRightSide) {ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
// }
// break;
// case 1:
// // Вертикальный
// if (range && aFH.r2 !== range.r2){
// if (drawBottomSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// }
// break;
// }
// break;
} else {
// Автозаполнения нет, просто рисуем обводку
//if (drawTopSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
//if (drawBottomSide) {
// if (isFrozen && !drawRightSide)
// fillHandleWidth = 0;
// ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r - fillHandleWidth);
//if (drawLeftSide) {ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
//if (drawRightSide) {
// if (isFrozen && !drawBottomSide)
// fillHandleHeight = 0;
// //ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b - fillHandleHeight);
// native_selection = [x1, y1, x2, y2, this.activeRange.type];
//return [x1, y1, x2, y2, this.activeRange.type ];
// draw cells overlay
if (range) {
// var lRect = x1 + (drawLeftSide ? this.width_3px* 0 : this.width_1px* 0),
// rRect = x2 - (drawRightSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : 0),
// tRect = y1 + (drawTopSide ? this.height_2px* 0 : 0),
// bRect = y2 - (drawBottomSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : 0);
// var lRect2 = x1 + (drawLeftSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : this.width_1px* 0),
// rRect2 = x2 - (drawRightSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : 0),
// tRect2 = y1 + (drawTopSide ? this.height_1px* 0 : 0),
// bRect2 = y2 - (drawBottomSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : 0);
// .strokeRect(lRect2, tRect2, rRect2 - lRect2, bRect2 - tRect2);
var firstCell = (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) ? this.activeRange : this.copyActiveRange;
cr = this.model.getMergedByCell(firstCell.startRow, firstCell.startCol);
// Получаем активную ячейку в выделении
cr = range.intersection(null !== cr ? cr : new asc_Range(firstCell.startCol, firstCell.startRow, firstCell.startCol, firstCell.startRow));
if (cr !== null) {
var _l = this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX,
_r = this.cols[cr.c2].left + this.cols[cr.c2].width - offsetX,
_t = this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY,
_b = this.rows[cr.r2].top + this.rows[cr.r2].height - offsetY;
native_selection.push(this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX);
native_selection.push(this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY);
native_selection.push(this.cols[cr.c2].left + this.cols[cr.c2].width - this.cols[cr.c1].left);
native_selection.push(this.rows[cr.r2].top + this.rows[cr.r2].height - this.rows[cr.r1].top);
//if (!(isFrozen && (!drawRightSide || !drawBottomSide))) {
// Рисуем "квадрат" для автозаполнения (располагается "квадрат" в правом нижнем углу последней ячейки выделения)
//cr = range.intersection(new asc_Range(range.c2, range.r2, range.c2, range.r2));
//if (cr !== null) {
// this.fillHandleL = this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX + this.cols[cr.c1].width - this.width_1px - this.width_2px;
// this.fillHandleR = this.fillHandleL + fillHandleWidth;
// this.fillHandleT = this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY + this.rows[cr.r1].height - this.height_1px - this.height_2px;
// this.fillHandleB = this.fillHandleT + fillHandleHeight;
// ctx.setFillStyle(opt.activeCellBorderColor).fillRect(this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR - this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleB - this.fillHandleT);
// ctx.setStrokeStyle(opt.activeCellBorderColor2).setLineWidth(1).beginPath();
// ctx.lineHorPrevPx(this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR);
// ctx.lineVerPrevPx(this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleB);
// ctx.stroke();
// draw fill handle select
if (this.activeFillHandle !== null) {
//if (2 === this.fillHandleArea && (aFH.c1 !== aFH.c2 || aFH.r1 !== aFH.r2)){
// // Для внутренней области мы должны "залить" еще и область автозаполнения
// var lFH = xFH1 + (drawLeftFillHandle ? this.width_3px : this.width_1px),
// rFH = xFH2 - (drawRightFillHandle ? this.width_2px : 0),
// tFH = yFH1 + (drawTopFillHandle ? this.height_2px : 0),
// bFH = yFH2 - (drawBottomFillHandle ? this.width_2px : 0);
// ctx.setFillStyle( opt.activeCellBackground )
// .fillRect(lFH, tFH, rFH - lFH, bFH - tFH);
//if (aFH.c1 !== aFH.c2 || aFH.r1 !== aFH.r2 || 2 !== this.fillHandleArea) {
// // Рисуем обводку для области автозаполнения, если мы выделили что-то
// if (drawTopFillHandle) {ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l + this.width_1px, yFH1 - this.height_1px, xFH2 + r);}
// if (drawBottomFillHandle) {ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l + this.width_1px, yFH2, xFH2 + r);}
// if (drawLeftFillHandle) {ctx.lineVer(xFH1, yFH1 + t + this.height_1px, yFH2 + b - this.height_1px);}
// if (drawRightFillHandle) {ctx.lineVer(xFH2, yFH1 + t + this.height_1px, yFH2 + b - this.height_1px);}
//if (2 === this.fillHandleArea){
// // Если мы внутри, еще рисуем обводку для выделенной области
// if (drawTopSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l + this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + r - this.width_1px);}
// if (drawBottomSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l + this.width_1px, y2, x2 + r - this.width_1px);}
// if (drawLeftSide) {ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t + this.height_1px, y2 + b - this.height_1px);}
// if (drawRightSide) {ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t + this.height_1px, y2 + b - this.height_1px);}
var formulaRanges = [];
if (!isFrozen && this.isFormulaEditMode) {
formulaRanges = this.__drawFormulaRanges(this.arrActiveFormulaRanges, offsetX, offsetY);
return {'selection': native_selection, 'formulaRanges': formulaRanges};
//if (!isFrozen && this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
// this._drawFormulaRanges(this.arrActiveChartsRanges);
//if (!isFrozen && this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
// this._drawSelectRange(this.activeRange.clone(true));
//if (!isFrozen && this.stateFormatPainter) {
// this._drawFormatPainterRange();
//if (null !== this.activeMoveRange) {
// ctx.setStrokeStyle(new CColor(0, 0, 0))
// .setLineWidth(1)
// .beginPath();
// var aActiveMoveRangeIntersection = this.activeMoveRange.intersection(tmpRange !== undefined ? tmpRange : this.visibleRange);
// if (aActiveMoveRangeIntersection) {
// var drawLeftSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c1 === this.activeMoveRange.c1;
// var drawRightSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2 === this.activeMoveRange.c2;
// var drawTopSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r1 === this.activeMoveRange.r1;
// var drawBottomSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2 === this.activeMoveRange.r2;
// var xMoveRange1 = this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
// var xMoveRange2 = this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
// var yMoveRange1 = this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
// var yMoveRange2 = this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
// if (drawTopSideMoveRange) {ctx.lineHor(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange1 - this.height_1px, xMoveRange2 + this.width_1px);}
// if (drawBottomSideMoveRange) {ctx.lineHor(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange2, xMoveRange2 + this.width_1px);}
// if (drawLeftSideMoveRange) {ctx.lineVer(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange1, yMoveRange2);}
// if (drawRightSideMoveRange) {ctx.lineVer(xMoveRange2, yMoveRange1, yMoveRange2);}
// }
// ctx.stroke();
// restore canvas' original clipping range
//if (!isFrozen) {
// this._drawActiveHeaders();
WorksheetView.prototype.__changeSelectionTopLeft = function (x, y, isCoord, isSelectMode, isTopLeft) {
//var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
var isMoveActiveCellToLeftTop = false;
var ar = this.activeRange;
var copy = this.activeRange.clone();
var col = ar.startCol;
var row = ar.startRow;
if (isTopLeft) {
this.activeRange.startCol = this.leftTopRange.c2;
this.activeRange.startRow = this.leftTopRange.r2;
} else {
this.activeRange.startCol = this.leftTopRange.c1;
this.activeRange.startRow = this.leftTopRange.r1;
var newRange = isCoord ? this._calcSelectionEndPointByXY(x, y) : this._calcSelectionEndPointByOffset(x, y);
var isEqual = newRange.isEqual(ar);
if (!isEqual) {
if (newRange.c1 > col) {
col = newRange.c1;
isMoveActiveCellToLeftTop = true;
if (newRange.r1 > row) {
row = newRange.r1;
isMoveActiveCellToLeftTop = true;
this.activeRange.startCol = col;
this.activeRange.startRow = row;
if (isMoveActiveCellToLeftTop) {
this.activeRange.startCol = newRange.c1;
this.activeRange.startRow = newRange.r1;
//ToDo this.drawDepCells();
if (!this.isCellEditMode) {
if (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
this.handlers.trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(/*bRangeText*/true));
if (!isSelectMode) {
this.handlers.trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo(false));
this.handlers.trigger("selectionMathInfoChanged", this.getSelectionMathInfo());
} else {
// Смена диапазона
this.handlers.trigger("selectionRangeChanged", this.getSelectionRangeValue());
} else {
this.activeRange.startCol = col;
this.activeRange.startRow = row;
return this._calcActiveRangeOffset(x,y);
WorksheetView.prototype.__chartsRanges = function(ranges) {
if (ranges) {
return this.__drawFormulaRanges(ranges, 0, 0, c_oAscSelectionType.RangeChart);
if (asc["editor"].isStartAddShape || this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
if (this.isChartAreaEditMode && this.arrActiveChartsRanges.length) {
return this.__drawFormulaRanges(this.arrActiveChartsRanges, 0, 0, c_oAscSelectionType.RangeChart);
return null;
WorksheetView.prototype.__drawFormulaRanges = function (arrRanges, offsetX, offsetY, rangetype) {
var ranges = [],i = 0, type = 0, left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0;
var addt, addl, addr, addb, colsCount = this.cols.length - 1, rowsCount = this.rows.length - 1;
var defaultWidth = this.model.getDefaultWidth();
defaultWidth = (typeof defaultWidth === "number" && defaultWidth >= 0) ? defaultWidth : -1;
for (i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i) {
ranges.push(undefined !== rangetype ? rangetype : arrRanges[i].type);
type = arrRanges[i].type;
addl = Math.max(arrRanges[i].c1 - colsCount,0);
addt = Math.max(arrRanges[i].r1 - rowsCount,0);
addr = Math.max(arrRanges[i].c2 - colsCount,0);
addb = Math.max(arrRanges[i].r2 - rowsCount,0);
if (1 === type) { // cells or chart
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c1].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r1].top - offsetY;
if (addr > 0)
right = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addr - offsetX;
right = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c2].left + this.cols[arrRanges[i].c2].width - offsetX;
if (addb > 0)
bottom = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addb * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
bottom = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r2].top + this.rows[arrRanges[i].r2].height - offsetY;
else if (2 === type) { // column range
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c1].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r1].top - offsetY;
if (addr > 0)
right = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addr - offsetX;
right = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c2].left + this.cols[arrRanges[i].c2].width - offsetX;
bottom = 0;
else if (3 === type) { // row range
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c1].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r1].top - offsetY;
right = 0;
if (addb > 0)
bottom = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addb * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
bottom = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r2].top + this.rows[arrRanges[i].r2].height - offsetY;
else if (4 === type) { // max
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c1].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r1].top - offsetY;
right = 0;
bottom = 0;
} else {
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].c1)].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].r1)].top - offsetY;
if (addr > 0)
right = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addr - offsetX;
right = this.cols[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].c2)].left + this.cols[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].c2)].width - offsetX;
if (addb > 0)
bottom = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addb * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
bottom = this.rows[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].r2)].top + this.rows[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].r2)].height - offsetY;
// else if (5 === type) { // range image
// }
// else if (6 === type) { // range chart
// }
return ranges;
......@@ -2936,6 +2936,7 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
//if (null == trackOverlay.m_oContext)
// trackOverlay.m_oContext = trackOverlay.m_oControl.HtmlElement.getContext('2d');
......@@ -2953,6 +2954,7 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
else {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(51,102,204,255)";
......@@ -3112,6 +3114,826 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
if (false == _old_int)
var asc_Range = asc.Range;
var asc_round = asc.round;
var asc_typeof = asc.typeOf;
* header styles
* @const
var kHeaderDefault = 0;
var kHeaderActive = 1;
var kHeaderHighlighted = 2;
* text alignment style
* @const
var khaLeft = "left";
var khaCenter = "center";
var khaRight = "right";
var khaJustify = "justify";
var kvaTop = "top";
var kvaCenter = "center";
var kvaBottom = "bottom";
var kNone = "none";
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__drawColumnHeaders = function (drawingCtx, start, end, style, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders())
var range = new asc_Range(start, 0, end, 1);
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var c = this.cols;
var offsetX = (undefined !== offsetXForDraw) ? offsetXForDraw : c[vr.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = (undefined !== offsetYForDraw) ? offsetYForDraw : this.headersTop;
if (undefined === drawingCtx && this.topLeftFrozenCell && undefined === offsetXForDraw) {
var cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
if (start < vr.c1)
offsetX = c[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
offsetX -= c[cFrozen].left - c[0].left;
if (asc_typeof(start) !== "number") {start = vr.c1;}
if (asc_typeof(end) !== "number") {end = vr.c2;}
if (style === undefined) {style = kHeaderDefault;}
this._setFont(drawingCtx, this.model.getDefaultFontName(), this.model.getDefaultFontSize());
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
.fillRect( - offsetX, offsetY, c[end].left - c[start].left, this.headersHeight * 2);
// draw column headers
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
this.__drawHeader(drawingCtx, c[i].left - c[start].left - offsetX, offsetY,
c[i].width, this.headersHeight, style, true, i);
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__drawHeader = function (drawingCtx, x, y, w, h, style, isColHeader, index) {
// Для отрисовки невидимого столбца/строки
var isZeroHeader = false;
if (-1 !== index) {
if (isColHeader) {
if (w < this.width_1px) {
// Это невидимый столбец
isZeroHeader = true;
// Отрисуем только границу
w = this.width_1px;
// Возможно мы уже рисовали границу невидимого столбца (для последовательности невидимых)
if (0 < index && 0 === this.cols[index - 1].width) {
// Мы уже нарисовали border для невидимой границы
} else if (0 < index && 0 === this.cols[index - 1].width) {
// Мы уже нарисовали border для невидимой границы (поэтому нужно чуть меньше рисовать для соседнего столбца)
w -= this.width_1px;
x += this.width_1px;
} else {
if (h < this.height_1px) {
// Это невидимая строка
isZeroHeader = true;
// Отрисуем только границу
h = this.height_1px;
// Возможно мы уже рисовали границу невидимой строки (для последовательности невидимых)
if (0 < index && 0 === this.rows[index - 1].height) {
// Мы уже нарисовали border для невидимой границы
} else if (0 < index && 0 === this.rows[index - 1].height) {
// Мы уже нарисовали border для невидимой границы (поэтому нужно чуть меньше рисовать для соседней строки)
h -= this.height_1px;
y += this.height_1px;
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
var x2 = x + w;
var y2 = y + h;
var x2WithoutBorder = x2 - this.width_1px;
var y2WithoutBorder = y2 - this.height_1px;
// background только для видимых
if (!isZeroHeader) {
// draw background
.fillRect(x, y, w + 20, h + 20);
// draw border
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && !isColHeader) {
// Select row (top border)
ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y, x2);
// Right border
if (isColHeader) ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x2, y, y2);
// Bottom border
if (!isColHeader)ctx.lineHorPrevPx(x, y2, x2);
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && isColHeader) {
// Select col (left border)
//ctx.lineVerPrevPx(x, y, y2);
// Для невидимых кроме border-а ничего не рисуем
if (isZeroHeader || -1 === index)
// draw text
var text = isColHeader ? this._getColumnTitle(index) : this._getRowTitle(index);
var sr = this.stringRender;
var tm = this._roundTextMetrics( sr.measureString(text) );
var bl = y2WithoutBorder - (isColHeader ? this.defaultRowDescender : this.rows[index].descender);
var textX = this._calcTextHorizPos(x, x2WithoutBorder, tm, tm.width < w ? khaCenter : khaLeft);
var textY = this._calcTextVertPos(y, y2WithoutBorder, bl, tm, kvaBottom);
if (drawingCtx) {
ctx.AddClipRect(x, y, w, h);
.fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths);
} else {
.rect(x, y, w, h)
.fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths)
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__drawRowHeaders = function (drawingCtx, start, end, style, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders())
var range = new asc_Range(0, start, 1, end);
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var r = this.rows;
var offsetX = (undefined !== offsetXForDraw) ? offsetXForDraw : this.headersLeft;
var offsetY = (undefined !== offsetYForDraw) ? offsetYForDraw : r[vr.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
if (undefined === drawingCtx && this.topLeftFrozenCell && undefined === offsetYForDraw) {
var rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
if (start < vr.r1)
offsetY = r[0].top - this.cellsTop;
offsetY -= r[rFrozen].top - r[0].top;
if (asc_typeof(start) !== "number") {start = vr.r1;}
if (asc_typeof(end) !== "number") {end = vr.r2;}
if (style === undefined) {style = kHeaderDefault;}
this._setFont(drawingCtx, this.model.getDefaultFontName(), this.model.getDefaultFontSize());
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st =[style];
.fillRect(offsetX, -offsetY, this.headersWidth * 2, r[end].top - r[start].top);
// draw row headers
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
this.__drawHeader(drawingCtx, offsetX, r[i].top - r[start].top - offsetY,
this.headersWidth, r[i].height, style, false, i);
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__drawGrid = function (drawingCtx, c1, r1, c2, r2, leftFieldInPt, topFieldInPt, width, height) {
var range = new asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
this._drawGrid(drawingCtx, range, leftFieldInPt, topFieldInPt, width, height);
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__drawCellsAndBorders = function (drawingCtx, c1, r1, c2, r2, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
var range = new asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
this._drawCellsAndBorders(drawingCtx, range, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw);
var oldrange = this.visibleRange;
this.visibleRange = range;
var cellsLeft_Local = this.cellsLeft;
var cellsTop_Local = this.cellsTop;
this.cellsLeft = -(offsetXForDraw - this.cols[c1].left);
this.cellsTop = -(offsetYForDraw - this.rows[r1].top);
// TODO: frozen places implementation native only
if (this.drawingArea.frozenPlaces.length) {
this.drawingArea.frozenPlaces[0].range = range;
g_oTextMeasurer.m_oFont = null;
g_oTextMeasurer.m_oTextPr = null;
g_oTextMeasurer.m_oGrFonts = new CGrRFonts();
g_oTextMeasurer.m_oLastFont = new CFontSetup();
g_oTextMeasurer.LastFontOriginInfo = { Name : "", Replace : null };
g_oTextMeasurer.Ascender = 0;
g_oTextMeasurer.Descender = 0;
g_oTextMeasurer.Height = 0;
g_oTextMeasurer.UnitsPerEm = 0;
this.cellsLeft = cellsLeft_Local;
this.cellsTop = cellsTop_Local;
this.visibleRange = oldrange;
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__selection = function (c1, r1, c2, r2, isFrozen) {
var native_selection = [];
var range = undefined;
this.visibleRange = new asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
isFrozen = !!isFrozen;
if (asc["editor"].isStartAddShape || this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
//if (this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
// this._drawFormulaRanges(this.arrActiveChartsRanges);
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
} else if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
} else if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
var diffWidth = 0, diffHeight = 0;
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
//var cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
//var rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
//diffWidth = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
//diffHeight = this.rows[rFrozen].top - this.rows[0].top;
//if (!isFrozen) {
// var oFrozenRange;
// cFrozen -= 1; rFrozen -= 1;
// if (0 <= cFrozen && 0 <= rFrozen) {
// oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(0, 0, cFrozen, rFrozen);
// this._drawSelectionRange(oFrozenRange, true);
// }
// if (0 <= cFrozen) {
// oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(0, this.visibleRange.r1, cFrozen, this.visibleRange.r2);
// this._drawSelectionRange(oFrozenRange, true);
// }
// if (0 <= rFrozen) {
// oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(this.visibleRange.c1, 0, this.visibleRange.c2, rFrozen);
// this._drawSelectionRange(oFrozenRange, true);
// }
//console.log('this.visibleRange c1: ' + this.visibleRange.c1 + ' r1: ' + this.visibleRange.r1 + ' c2: ' + this.visibleRange.c2 + ' r2: ' + this.visibleRange.r2);
//console.log('this.activeRange c1: ' + this.activeRange.c1 + ' r1: ' + this.activeRange.r1 + ' c2: ' + this.activeRange.c2 + ' r2: ' + this.activeRange.r2);
var tmpRange = range;
if (!this.isSelectionDialogMode)
range = this.activeRange.intersection(range !== undefined ? range : this.visibleRange);
range = this.copyActiveRange.intersection(range !== undefined ? range : this.visibleRange);
// Copy fill Handle
var aFH = null;
// Вхождение range
var aFHIntersection = null;
if (this.activeFillHandle !== null) {
// Мы в режиме автозаполнения
aFH = this.activeFillHandle.clone(true);
aFHIntersection = this.activeFillHandle.intersection(tmpRange !== undefined ? tmpRange : this.visibleRange);
//if (!range && !aFHIntersection && !this.isFormulaEditMode && !this.activeMoveRange && !this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
// if (!isFrozen) {
// //this._drawActiveHeaders();
// if (this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
// this._drawSelectRange(this.activeRange.clone(true));
// }
// }
// return;
var ctx = this.overlayCtx;
var opt = this.settings;
var offsetX, offsetY;
if (isFrozen) {
if (tmpRange.c1 !== this.visibleRange.c1)
diffWidth = 0;
if (tmpRange.r1 !== this.visibleRange.r1)
diffHeight = 0;
offsetX = this.cols[tmpRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[tmpRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
} else {
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
//console.log('range c1: ' + range.c1 + ' r1: ' + range.r1 + ' c2: ' + range.c2 + ' r2: ' + range.r2);
var arn = (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) ? this.activeRange.clone(true) : this.copyActiveRange.clone(true);
// var x1 = (range) ? (this.cols[range.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px* 0) : 0;
// var x2 = (range) ? (this.cols[range.c2].left + this.cols[range.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px * 0) : 0;
// var y1 = (range) ? (this.rows[range.r1].top - offsetY) : 0;
// var y2 = (range) ? (this.rows[range.r2].top + this.rows[range.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px * 0) : 0;
// var drawLeftSide = (range) ? (range.c1 === arn.c1) : false;
// var drawRightSide = (range) ? (range.c2 === arn.c2) : false;
// var drawTopSide = (range) ? (range.r1 === arn.r1) : false;
// var drawBottomSide = (range) ? (range.r2 === arn.r2) : false;
var l, t, r, b, cr;
// Размеры "квадрата" автозаполнения
//var fillHandleWidth = 2 * this.width_2px + this.width_1px;
//var fillHandleHeight = 2 * this.height_2px + this.height_1px;
// active range
native_selection.push(this.cols[range.c1].left - offsetX);
native_selection.push(this.rows[range.r1].top - offsetY);
native_selection.push(this.cols[range.c2].left + this.cols[range.c2].width - this.cols[range.c1].left);
native_selection.push(this.rows[range.r2].top + this.rows[range.r2].height - this.rows[range.r1].top);
// Координаты выделения для автозаполнения
var xFH1 = 0;
var xFH2 = 0;
var yFH1 = 0;
var yFH2 = 0;
// Рисуем ли мы стороны автозаполнения
var drawLeftFillHandle;
var drawRightFillHandle;
var drawTopFillHandle;
var drawBottomFillHandle;
// set clipping rect to cells area
// .beginPath()
// .rect(this.cellsLeft, this.cellsTop, ctx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft, ctx.getHeight() - this.cellsTop)
// .clip();
// draw frame around cells range
// l = drawLeftSide ? -this.width_1px* 0 : 0;
// r = drawRightSide ? this.width_1px* 0 : 0;
// t = drawTopSide ? -this.height_1px* 0 : 0;
// b = drawBottomSide ? this.height_2px* 0 : 0;
// .setLineWidth(3)
// .beginPath();
if (aFHIntersection) {
//// Считаем координаты автозаполнения
//xFH1 = this.cols[aFHIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
//xFH2 = this.cols[aFHIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFHIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
//yFH1 = this.rows[aFHIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
//yFH2 = this.rows[aFHIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFHIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
//drawLeftFillHandle = aFHIntersection.c1 === aFH.c1;
//drawRightFillHandle = aFHIntersection.c2 === aFH.c2;
//drawTopFillHandle = aFHIntersection.r1 === aFH.r1;
//drawBottomFillHandle = aFHIntersection.r2 === aFH.r2;
//// Если мы не в нулевом состоянии, то рисуем обводку автозаполнения (толстой линией)
//if (aFHIntersection.c1 !== aFHIntersection.c2 || aFHIntersection.r1 !== aFHIntersection.r2 || 2 !== this.fillHandleArea) {
// if (drawTopFillHandle) {ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l, yFH1 - this.height_1px, xFH2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// if (drawBottomFillHandle) {ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l, yFH2, xFH2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// if (drawLeftFillHandle) {ctx.lineVer(xFH1, yFH1 + t, yFH2 + b);}
// if (drawRightFillHandle) {ctx.lineVer(xFH2, yFH1 + t, yFH2 + b);}
//// Для некоторых вариантов областей нужно дорисовывать обводку для выделенной области
//switch (this.fillHandleArea){
// case 1:
// switch(this.fillHandleDirection){
// case 0:
// // Горизонтальный
// if (drawLeftSide) {ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
// break;
// case 1:
// // Вертикальный
// if (drawTopSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// break;
// }
// break;
// case 2:
// // Для внутренней области нужны все обводки
// if (drawTopSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// if (drawBottomSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// if (drawLeftSide) {ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
// if (drawRightSide) {ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
// break;
// case 3:
// switch(this.fillHandleDirection){
// case 0:
// // Горизонтальный
// if (range && aFH.c2 !== range.c2){
// if (drawRightSide) {ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
// }
// break;
// case 1:
// // Вертикальный
// if (range && aFH.r2 !== range.r2){
// if (drawBottomSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
// }
// break;
// }
// break;
} else {
// Автозаполнения нет, просто рисуем обводку
//if (drawTopSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);}
//if (drawBottomSide) {
// if (isFrozen && !drawRightSide)
// fillHandleWidth = 0;
// ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r - fillHandleWidth);
//if (drawLeftSide) {ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);}
//if (drawRightSide) {
// if (isFrozen && !drawBottomSide)
// fillHandleHeight = 0;
// //ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b - fillHandleHeight);
// native_selection = [x1, y1, x2, y2, this.activeRange.type];
//return [x1, y1, x2, y2, this.activeRange.type ];
// draw cells overlay
if (range) {
// var lRect = x1 + (drawLeftSide ? this.width_3px* 0 : this.width_1px* 0),
// rRect = x2 - (drawRightSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : 0),
// tRect = y1 + (drawTopSide ? this.height_2px* 0 : 0),
// bRect = y2 - (drawBottomSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : 0);
// var lRect2 = x1 + (drawLeftSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : this.width_1px* 0),
// rRect2 = x2 - (drawRightSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : 0),
// tRect2 = y1 + (drawTopSide ? this.height_1px* 0 : 0),
// bRect2 = y2 - (drawBottomSide ? this.width_2px* 0 : 0);
// .strokeRect(lRect2, tRect2, rRect2 - lRect2, bRect2 - tRect2);
var firstCell = (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) ? this.activeRange : this.copyActiveRange;
cr = this.model.getMergedByCell(firstCell.startRow, firstCell.startCol);
// Получаем активную ячейку в выделении
cr = range.intersection(null !== cr ? cr : new asc_Range(firstCell.startCol, firstCell.startRow, firstCell.startCol, firstCell.startRow));
if (cr !== null) {
var _l = this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX,
_r = this.cols[cr.c2].left + this.cols[cr.c2].width - offsetX,
_t = this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY,
_b = this.rows[cr.r2].top + this.rows[cr.r2].height - offsetY;
native_selection.push(this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX);
native_selection.push(this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY);
native_selection.push(this.cols[cr.c2].left + this.cols[cr.c2].width - this.cols[cr.c1].left);
native_selection.push(this.rows[cr.r2].top + this.rows[cr.r2].height - this.rows[cr.r1].top);
//if (!(isFrozen && (!drawRightSide || !drawBottomSide))) {
// Рисуем "квадрат" для автозаполнения (располагается "квадрат" в правом нижнем углу последней ячейки выделения)
//cr = range.intersection(new asc_Range(range.c2, range.r2, range.c2, range.r2));
//if (cr !== null) {
// this.fillHandleL = this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX + this.cols[cr.c1].width - this.width_1px - this.width_2px;
// this.fillHandleR = this.fillHandleL + fillHandleWidth;
// this.fillHandleT = this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY + this.rows[cr.r1].height - this.height_1px - this.height_2px;
// this.fillHandleB = this.fillHandleT + fillHandleHeight;
// ctx.setFillStyle(opt.activeCellBorderColor).fillRect(this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR - this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleB - this.fillHandleT);
// ctx.setStrokeStyle(opt.activeCellBorderColor2).setLineWidth(1).beginPath();
// ctx.lineHorPrevPx(this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR);
// ctx.lineVerPrevPx(this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleB);
// ctx.stroke();
// draw fill handle select
if (this.activeFillHandle !== null) {
//if (2 === this.fillHandleArea && (aFH.c1 !== aFH.c2 || aFH.r1 !== aFH.r2)){
// // Для внутренней области мы должны "залить" еще и область автозаполнения
// var lFH = xFH1 + (drawLeftFillHandle ? this.width_3px : this.width_1px),
// rFH = xFH2 - (drawRightFillHandle ? this.width_2px : 0),
// tFH = yFH1 + (drawTopFillHandle ? this.height_2px : 0),
// bFH = yFH2 - (drawBottomFillHandle ? this.width_2px : 0);
// ctx.setFillStyle( opt.activeCellBackground )
// .fillRect(lFH, tFH, rFH - lFH, bFH - tFH);
//if (aFH.c1 !== aFH.c2 || aFH.r1 !== aFH.r2 || 2 !== this.fillHandleArea) {
// // Рисуем обводку для области автозаполнения, если мы выделили что-то
// if (drawTopFillHandle) {ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l + this.width_1px, yFH1 - this.height_1px, xFH2 + r);}
// if (drawBottomFillHandle) {ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l + this.width_1px, yFH2, xFH2 + r);}
// if (drawLeftFillHandle) {ctx.lineVer(xFH1, yFH1 + t + this.height_1px, yFH2 + b - this.height_1px);}
// if (drawRightFillHandle) {ctx.lineVer(xFH2, yFH1 + t + this.height_1px, yFH2 + b - this.height_1px);}
//if (2 === this.fillHandleArea){
// // Если мы внутри, еще рисуем обводку для выделенной области
// if (drawTopSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l + this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + r - this.width_1px);}
// if (drawBottomSide) {ctx.lineHor(x1 + l + this.width_1px, y2, x2 + r - this.width_1px);}
// if (drawLeftSide) {ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t + this.height_1px, y2 + b - this.height_1px);}
// if (drawRightSide) {ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t + this.height_1px, y2 + b - this.height_1px);}
var formulaRanges = [];
if (!isFrozen && this.isFormulaEditMode) {
formulaRanges = this.__drawFormulaRanges(this.arrActiveFormulaRanges, offsetX, offsetY);
return {'selection': native_selection, 'formulaRanges': formulaRanges};
//if (!isFrozen && this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
// this._drawFormulaRanges(this.arrActiveChartsRanges);
//if (!isFrozen && this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
// this._drawSelectRange(this.activeRange.clone(true));
//if (!isFrozen && this.stateFormatPainter) {
// this._drawFormatPainterRange();
//if (null !== this.activeMoveRange) {
// ctx.setStrokeStyle(new CColor(0, 0, 0))
// .setLineWidth(1)
// .beginPath();
// var aActiveMoveRangeIntersection = this.activeMoveRange.intersection(tmpRange !== undefined ? tmpRange : this.visibleRange);
// if (aActiveMoveRangeIntersection) {
// var drawLeftSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c1 === this.activeMoveRange.c1;
// var drawRightSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2 === this.activeMoveRange.c2;
// var drawTopSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r1 === this.activeMoveRange.r1;
// var drawBottomSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2 === this.activeMoveRange.r2;
// var xMoveRange1 = this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
// var xMoveRange2 = this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
// var yMoveRange1 = this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
// var yMoveRange2 = this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
// if (drawTopSideMoveRange) {ctx.lineHor(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange1 - this.height_1px, xMoveRange2 + this.width_1px);}
// if (drawBottomSideMoveRange) {ctx.lineHor(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange2, xMoveRange2 + this.width_1px);}
// if (drawLeftSideMoveRange) {ctx.lineVer(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange1, yMoveRange2);}
// if (drawRightSideMoveRange) {ctx.lineVer(xMoveRange2, yMoveRange1, yMoveRange2);}
// }
// ctx.stroke();
// restore canvas' original clipping range
//if (!isFrozen) {
// this._drawActiveHeaders();
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__changeSelectionTopLeft = function (x, y, isCoord, isSelectMode, isTopLeft) {
//var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
var isMoveActiveCellToLeftTop = false;
var ar = this.activeRange;
var copy = this.activeRange.clone();
var col = ar.startCol;
var row = ar.startRow;
if (isTopLeft) {
this.activeRange.startCol = this.leftTopRange.c2;
this.activeRange.startRow = this.leftTopRange.r2;
} else {
this.activeRange.startCol = this.leftTopRange.c1;
this.activeRange.startRow = this.leftTopRange.r1;
var newRange = isCoord ? this._calcSelectionEndPointByXY(x, y) : this._calcSelectionEndPointByOffset(x, y);
var isEqual = newRange.isEqual(ar);
if (!isEqual) {
if (newRange.c1 > col) {
col = newRange.c1;
isMoveActiveCellToLeftTop = true;
if (newRange.r1 > row) {
row = newRange.r1;
isMoveActiveCellToLeftTop = true;
this.activeRange.startCol = col;
this.activeRange.startRow = row;
if (isMoveActiveCellToLeftTop) {
this.activeRange.startCol = newRange.c1;
this.activeRange.startRow = newRange.r1;
//ToDo this.drawDepCells();
if (!this.isCellEditMode) {
if (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
this.handlers.trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(/*bRangeText*/true));
if (!isSelectMode) {
this.handlers.trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo(false));
this.handlers.trigger("selectionMathInfoChanged", this.getSelectionMathInfo());
} else {
// Смена диапазона
this.handlers.trigger("selectionRangeChanged", this.getSelectionRangeValue());
} else {
this.activeRange.startCol = col;
this.activeRange.startRow = row;
return this._calcActiveRangeOffset(x,y);
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__chartsRanges = function(ranges) {
if (ranges) {
return this.__drawFormulaRanges(ranges, 0, 0, c_oAscSelectionType.RangeChart);
if (asc["editor"].isStartAddShape || this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
if (this.isChartAreaEditMode && this.arrActiveChartsRanges.length) {
return this.__drawFormulaRanges(this.arrActiveChartsRanges, 0, 0, c_oAscSelectionType.RangeChart);
return null;
asc.WorksheetView.prototype.__drawFormulaRanges = function (arrRanges, offsetX, offsetY, rangetype) {
var ranges = [],i = 0, type = 0, left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0;
var addt, addl, addr, addb, colsCount = this.cols.length - 1, rowsCount = this.rows.length - 1;
var defaultWidth = this.model.getDefaultWidth();
defaultWidth = (typeof defaultWidth === "number" && defaultWidth >= 0) ? defaultWidth : -1;
for (i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i) {
ranges.push(undefined !== rangetype ? rangetype : arrRanges[i].type);
type = arrRanges[i].type;
addl = Math.max(arrRanges[i].c1 - colsCount,0);
addt = Math.max(arrRanges[i].r1 - rowsCount,0);
addr = Math.max(arrRanges[i].c2 - colsCount,0);
addb = Math.max(arrRanges[i].r2 - rowsCount,0);
if (1 === type) { // cells or chart
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c1].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r1].top - offsetY;
if (addr > 0)
right = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addr - offsetX;
right = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c2].left + this.cols[arrRanges[i].c2].width - offsetX;
if (addb > 0)
bottom = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addb * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
bottom = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r2].top + this.rows[arrRanges[i].r2].height - offsetY;
else if (2 === type) { // column range
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c1].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r1].top - offsetY;
if (addr > 0)
right = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addr - offsetX;
right = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c2].left + this.cols[arrRanges[i].c2].width - offsetX;
bottom = 0;
else if (3 === type) { // row range
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c1].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r1].top - offsetY;
right = 0;
if (addb > 0)
bottom = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addb * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
bottom = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r2].top + this.rows[arrRanges[i].r2].height - offsetY;
else if (4 === type) { // max
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[arrRanges[i].c1].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[arrRanges[i].r1].top - offsetY;
right = 0;
bottom = 0;
} else {
if (addl > 0)
left = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addl - offsetX;
left = this.cols[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].c1)].left - offsetX;
if (addt > 0)
top = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addt * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
top = this.rows[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].r1)].top - offsetY;
if (addr > 0)
right = this.cols[colsCount - 1].left + this.defaultColWidth * addr - offsetX;
right = this.cols[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].c2)].left + this.cols[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].c2)].width - offsetX;
if (addb > 0)
bottom = this.rows[rowsCount - 1].top + addb * gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute - offsetY;
bottom = this.rows[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].r2)].top + this.rows[Math.max(0,arrRanges[i].r2)].height - offsetY;
// else if (5 === type) { // range image
// }
// else if (6 === type) { // range chart
// }
return ranges;
this.openFile = function () {
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