Commit 0da29985 authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

ускорена сборка функций

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 606209b2
......@@ -1210,6 +1210,7 @@ function cRef3D( val, _wsFrom, wb ) {/*Ref means Sheat1!A1 for example*/
this.isAbsolute = false;
this.type = cElementType.cell; = this._wb.getWorksheetByName( _wsFrom );
this.range = null;
cRef3D.prototype = Object.create( cBaseType.prototype );
......@@ -1225,10 +1226,13 @@ cRef3D.prototype.getWsId = function () {
cRef3D.prototype.getRange = function () {
if ( ) {
return this._cells );
if( this.range ){
return this.range;
return this.range = this._cells );
else {
return null;
return this.range = null;
cRef3D.prototype.isValid = function () {
......@@ -1591,6 +1595,16 @@ cBaseOperator.prototype = {
str = + "" + arg[0];
return new cString( str );
Assemble2:function ( arg, start, count ) {
var str = "";
if ( this.argumentsCurrent === 2 ){
str += arg[start + count - 2] + + arg[start + count - 1];
str += + arg[start];
return new cString( str );
......@@ -1652,6 +1666,26 @@ cBaseFunction.prototype = {
return new cString( + "(" + str + ")" );
Assemble2:function ( arg, start, count ) {
var str = "", c = start+count-1
for ( var i = start; i <= c; i++ ) {
str += arg[i].toString();
if ( i !== c ) {
str += ",";
return new cString( + "(" + str + ")" );
/* var str = "";
if ( this.argumentsCurrent === 2 ){
str += arg[start + count - 1] + + arg[start + count - 2];
str += + arg[start];
return new cString( str );*/
toString:function () {
......@@ -1692,6 +1726,9 @@ parentLeft.prototype.getArguments = function () {
parentLeft.prototype.Assemble = function ( arg ) {
return new cString( "(" + arg + ")" );
parentLeft.prototype.Assemble2 = function ( arg, start, count ) {
return new cString( "(" + arg[start + count - 1] + ")" );
function parentRight() { = ")";
......@@ -1732,6 +1769,9 @@ cUnarMinusOperator.prototype.toString = function () { // toString functio
cUnarMinusOperator.prototype.Assemble = function ( arg ) {
return new cString( "-" + arg[0] );
cUnarMinusOperator.prototype.Assemble2 = function ( arg, start, count ) {
return new cString( "-" + arg[start + count - 1] );
function cUnarPlusOperator() {
cBaseOperator.apply( this, ['un_plus', 50, 1] );
......@@ -1753,6 +1793,9 @@ cUnarPlusOperator.prototype.toString = function () {
cUnarPlusOperator.prototype.Assemble = function ( arg ) {
return new cString( "+" + arg[0] );
cUnarPlusOperator.prototype.Assemble2 = function ( arg, start, count ) {
return new cString( "+" + arg[start + count - 1] );
function cAddOperator() {
cBaseOperator.apply( this, ['+', 20] );
......@@ -1803,6 +1846,9 @@ cPercentOperator.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
cPercentOperator.prototype.Assemble = function ( arg ) {
return new cString( arg[0] + );
cPercentOperator.prototype.Assemble2 = function ( arg, start, count ) {
return new cString( arg[start + count - 1] + );
function cPowOperator() {
cBaseOperator.apply( this, ['^', 40] );
......@@ -2930,6 +2976,7 @@ function parserFormula( formula, _cellId, _ws ) {
this.RefPos = [];
this.operand_str = null;
this.parenthesesNotEnough = false;
this.f = [];
parserFormula.prototype = {
......@@ -3048,7 +3095,7 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
this.outStack.push( this.elemArr.pop() );
this.elemArr.push( found_operator );
this.f.push( found_operator );
found_operand = null;
......@@ -3062,9 +3109,11 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
wasRigthParentheses = false;
found_operand = null;
this.elemArr.push( new cFormulaOperators[this.operand_str]() );
this.f.push( new cFormulaOperators[this.operand_str]() );
else if ( this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos ) ) {
this.f.push( new cFormulaOperators[this.operand_str]() );
wasRigthParentheses = true;
var top_elem = null;
if ( this.elemArr.length != 0 && ( (top_elem = this.elemArr[this.elemArr.length - 1]).name == "(" ) && operand_expected ) {
......@@ -3270,9 +3319,10 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
if ( this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos ) ) {
this.RefPos.push( {start:this.pCurrPos - this.operand_str.length, end:this.pCurrPos, index:this.outStack.length} );
found_operand = new cArea3D( this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), _wsFrom, _wsTo, this.wb );
if ( this.operand_str.indexOf( "$" ) > -1 )
if ( this.operand_str.indexOf( "$" ) > -1 ){
found_operand.isAbsolute = true;
else if ( this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos ) ) {
this.RefPos.push( {start:this.pCurrPos - this.operand_str.length, end:this.pCurrPos, index:this.outStack.length} );
if ( _wsTo != _wsFrom ) {
......@@ -3281,10 +3331,11 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
else {
found_operand = new cRef3D( this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), _wsFrom, this.wb );
if ( this.operand_str.indexOf( "$" ) > -1 )
if ( this.operand_str.indexOf( "$" ) > -1 ){
found_operand.isAbsolute = true;
/* Referens to DefinesNames */
else if ( this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos, this.wb, )[0] ) { // Shall be placed strongly before Area and Ref
found_operand = new cName( this.operand_str, this.wb );
......@@ -3293,17 +3344,19 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
else if ( this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos ) ) {
this.RefPos.push( {start:this.pCurrPos - this.operand_str.length, end:this.pCurrPos, index:this.outStack.length} );
found_operand = new cArea( this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), );
if ( this.operand_str.indexOf( "$" ) > -1 )
if ( this.operand_str.indexOf( "$" ) > -1 ){
found_operand.isAbsolute = true;
/* Referens to cell A4 */
else if ( this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos, true ) ) {
// else if ( this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos, true ) ) {
this.RefPos.push( {start:this.pCurrPos - this.operand_str.length, end:this.pCurrPos, index:this.outStack.length} );
found_operand = new cRef( this.operand_str.toUpperCase(), );
if ( this.operand_str.indexOf( "$" ) > -1 )
if ( this.operand_str.indexOf( "$" ) > -1 ){
found_operand.isAbsolute = true;
/* Numbers*/
else if ( this, this.Formula, this.pCurrPos ) ) {
......@@ -3359,8 +3412,10 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
else if ( this.operand_str.toUpperCase() in cFormulaFunction.LookupAndReference )//Lookup and reference
found_operator = new cFormulaFunction.LookupAndReference[this.operand_str.toUpperCase()]();
if ( found_operator !== null && found_operator !== undefined )
if ( found_operator !== null && found_operator !== undefined ){
this.elemArr.push( found_operator );
this.f.push( found_operator );
else {
this.error.push( c_oAscError.ID.FrmlWrongFunctionName );
this.outStack = [];
......@@ -3374,6 +3429,7 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
if ( found_operand != null && found_operand != undefined ) {
this.outStack.push( found_operand );
this.f.push( found_operand );
operand_expected = false;
found_operand = null
......@@ -3428,10 +3484,12 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
return this.isParsed = false;
if ( this.outStack.length != 0 )
if ( this.outStack.length != 0 ){
return this.isParsed = true;
return this.isParsed = false;
calculate:function () {
......@@ -3640,7 +3698,7 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
/* Сборка функции в инфиксную форму */
assemble:function (rFormula) {/*При сборке формул вида A1+A2+A3 формула получает вид (A1+A2)+A3. Добавить проверку приоритета операций.*/
/*assemble:function (rFormula) {*//*При сборке формул вида A1+A2+A3 формула получает вид (A1+A2)+A3. Добавить проверку приоритета операций.*//*
if ( !rFormula && this.outStack.length == 1 && this.outStack[this.outStack.length-1] instanceof cError ) {
return this.Formula;
......@@ -3670,6 +3728,39 @@ parserFormula.prototype = {
return res.toString();
return this.Formula;
assemble:function ( rFormula ) {
if ( !rFormula && this.outStack.length == 1 && this.outStack[this.outStack.length - 1] instanceof cError ) {
return this.Formula;
var currentElement = null,
_count = this.outStack.length,
elemArr = new Array( _count ),
res = undefined;
for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < _count; i++,j++ ) {
currentElement = this.outStack[i];
if ( currentElement.type == cElementType.operator || currentElement.type == cElementType.func ) {
var _count_arg = currentElement.getArguments();
res = currentElement.Assemble2( elemArr, j - _count_arg, _count_arg );
j -= _count_arg;
elemArr[j] = res;
else {
if ( currentElement instanceof cString ) {
currentElement = new cString( "\"" + currentElement.toString() + "\"" );
res = currentElement;
elemArr[j] = res;
if ( res != undefined && res != null ){
// console.log( this.Formula + " === " + res.toString() );
return res.toString();
return this.Formula;
_changeOffsetHelper:function ( ref, offset ) {
......@@ -4135,9 +4226,9 @@ function lcl_Erf0065( x ) {
/** Approximation algorithm for erfc for 0.65 < x < 6.0. */
function lcl_Erfc0600( x ) {
var pSum = 0.0,
qSum = 0.0,
xPow = 1.0, pn, qn;
var pSum = 0,
qSum = 0,
xPow = 1, pn, qn;
if ( x < 2.2 ) {
pn = [
......@@ -4184,7 +4275,7 @@ function lcl_Erfc0600( x ) {
xPow *= x;
qSum += qn[6] * xPow;
return Math.exp( -1.0 * x * x ) * pSum / qSum;
return Math.exp( -1 * x * x ) * pSum / qSum;
/** Approximation algorithm for erfc for 6.0 < x < 26.54 (but used for all x > 6.0). */
......@@ -4204,62 +4295,62 @@ function lcl_Erfc2654( x ) {
var pSum = 0.0, qSum = 0.0, xPow = 1.0;
var pSum = 0, qSum = 0, xPow = 1;
for ( var i = 0; i <= 4; ++i ) {
pSum += pn[i] * xPow;
qSum += qn[i] * xPow;
xPow /= x * x;
return Math.exp( -1.0 * x * x ) * pSum / (x * qSum);
return Math.exp( -1 * x * x ) * pSum / (x * qSum);
function rtl_math_erf( x ) {
if ( x == 0.0 )
return 0.0;
if ( x == 0 )
return 0;
var bNegative = false;
if ( x < 0.0 ) {
if ( x < 0 ) {
x = Math.abs( x );
bNegative = true;
var res = 1.0;
var res = 1;
if ( x < 1.0e-10 )
res = parseFloat( x * 1.1283791670955125738961589031215452 );
else if ( x < 0.65 )
res = lcl_Erf0065( x );
res = 1.0 - rtl_math_erfc( x );
res = 1 - rtl_math_erfc( x );
if ( bNegative )
res *= -1.0;
res *= -1;
return res;
function rtl_math_erfc( x ) {
if ( x == 0.0 )
return 1.0;
if ( x == 0 )
return 1;
var bNegative = false;
if ( x < 0.0 ) {
if ( x < 0 ) {
x = Math.abs( x );
bNegative = true;
var fErfc = 0.0;
var fErfc = 0;
if ( x >= 0.65 ) {
if ( x < 6.0 )
if ( x < 6 )
fErfc = lcl_Erfc0600( x );
fErfc = lcl_Erfc2654( x );
fErfc = 1.0 - rtl_math_erf( x );
fErfc = 1 - rtl_math_erf( x );
if ( bNegative )
fErfc = 2.0 - fErfc;
fErfc = 2 - fErfc;
return fErfc;
......@@ -4269,7 +4360,7 @@ function integralPhi( x ) { // Using gauss(x)+0.5 has severe cancellation errors
function phi( x ) {
return 0.39894228040143268 * Math.exp( -(x * x) / 2.0 );
return 0.39894228040143268 * Math.exp( -(x * x) / 2 );
function taylor( pPolynom, nMax, x ) {
......@@ -4303,19 +4394,19 @@ function gauss( x ) {
0.00000000909595465, 0.00000000944943118, -0.00000000329957075,
0.00000000029492075, 0.00000000011874477, -0.00000000004420396,
0.00000000000361422, 0.00000000000143638, -0.00000000000045848 ];
var asympt = [ -1.0, 1.0, -3.0, 15.0, -105.0 ],
var asympt = [ -1, 1, -3, 15, -105 ],
xabs = Math.abs( x ),
xshort = Math.floor( xabs ),
nval = 0.0;
nval = 0;
if ( xshort == 0 )
nval = taylor( t0, 11, (xabs * xabs) ) * xabs;
else if ( (xshort >= 1) && (xshort <= 2) )
nval = taylor( t2, 23, (xabs - 2.0) );
nval = taylor( t2, 23, (xabs - 2) );
else if ( (xshort >= 3) && (xshort <= 4) )
nval = taylor( t4, 20, (xabs - 4.0) );
nval = taylor( t4, 20, (xabs - 4) );
nval = 0.5 + phi( xabs ) * taylor( asympt, 4, 1.0 / (xabs * xabs) ) / xabs;
if ( x < 0.0 )
nval = 0.5 + phi( xabs ) * taylor( asympt, 4, 1 / (xabs * xabs) ) / xabs;
if ( x < 0 )
return -nval;
return nval;
......@@ -4371,7 +4462,7 @@ function gaussinv( x ) {
* t + 42.313330701600911252
* t + 1.0
* t + 1
else {
......@@ -4382,7 +4473,7 @@ function gaussinv( x ) {
t = Math.sqrt( -Math.log( t ) );
if ( t <= 5.0 ) {
if ( t <= 5 ) {
t += -1.6;
z =
......@@ -4426,11 +4517,11 @@ function gaussinv( x ) {
* t + 2.05319162663775882187
* t + 1.0
* t + 1
else {
t += -5.0;
t += -5;
z =
......@@ -4473,11 +4564,11 @@ function gaussinv( x ) {
* t + 0.59983220655588793769
* t + 1.0
* t + 1
if ( q < 0.0 ) z = -z;
if ( q < 0 ) z = -z;
return z;
......@@ -4516,7 +4607,7 @@ function lcl_getLanczosSum( fZ ) {
// Horner scheme
var sumNum, sumDenom, i, zInv;
if ( fZ <= 1.0 ) {
if ( fZ <= 1 ) {
sumNum = num[12];
sumDenom = denom[12];
for ( i = 11; i >= 0; --i ) {
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