Commit 1320ec21 authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

slim scroll

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 3241660f
......@@ -1449,6 +1449,7 @@ function ScrollObject( elemID, settings, dbg ) {
scrollPagePercent:1. / 8,
......@@ -1476,7 +1477,11 @@ function ScrollObject( elemID, settings, dbg ) {
arrowSizeW: 13,
arrowSizeH: 13,
cornerRadius: 0,
slimScroll: false
this.settings = extendSettings( settings, scrollSettings );
......@@ -1547,22 +1552,31 @@ function ScrollObject( elemID, settings, dbg ) {
this.piperImgVert = [document.createElement( 'canvas' ), document.createElement( 'canvas' )]
this.piperImgHor = [document.createElement( 'canvas' ), document.createElement( 'canvas' )]
this.piperImgVert[0].width = 5;
this.piperImgVert[0].height = 13;
this.piperImgVert[1].width = 5;
this.piperImgVert[1].height = 13;
this.piperImgVert[0].width = 5;
this.piperImgVert[1].width = 5;
this.piperImgHor[0].width = 13;
this.piperImgHor[0].height = 5;
this.piperImgHor[1].width = 13;
this.piperImgHor[0].height = 5;
this.piperImgHor[1].height = 5;
var r, g, b, ctx_piperImg, _data, px;
this.piperImgVert[0].width =
this.piperImgVert[1].width =
this.piperImgHor[0].height =
this.piperImgHor[1].height = 3;
var r, g, b, ctx_piperImg, _data, px, k;
r = _HEXTORGB_( this.settings.piperColor );
g = r.G;
b = r.B;
r = r.R;
k = this.piperImgVert[0].width * 4;
for ( var index = 0; index < this.piperImgVert.length; index++ ) {
ctx_piperImg = this.piperImgVert[index].getContext( '2d' );
_data = ctx_piperImg.createImageData( this.piperImgVert[index].width, this.piperImgVert[index].height );
......@@ -1573,8 +1587,8 @@ function ScrollObject( elemID, settings, dbg ) {
px[i++] = g;
px[i++] = b;
px[i++] = 255;
i = ( i % 20 === 0 ) ? i + 20 : i
i = ( i % k === 0 ) ? i + k : i
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 )
......@@ -1638,6 +1652,9 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
if ( this.settings.showArrows ){
this.arrowPosition = this.settings.arrowDim + 2;
this.arrowPosition = this.settings.marginScroller;
this._setDimension( holder.clientHeight, holder.clientWidth );
this.maxScrollY = holder.firstElementChild.clientHeight - this.settings.screenH > 0 ? holder.firstElementChild.clientHeight - this.settings.screenH : 0;
......@@ -2070,19 +2087,19 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
startColorFadeIn -= 2;
if ( that.isVerticalScroll && that.maxScrollY != 0 ) {
x = that.scroller.x + 3;
x = that.scroller.x + (that.settings.slimScroll ? 2 : 3);
y = (that.scroller.y >> 0) + Math.floor( that.scroller.h / 2 ) - 6;
ctx_piperImg = that.piperImgVert[0].getContext( '2d' );
_data = ctx_piperImg.getImageData( 0, 0, that.piperImgVert[0].width, that.piperImgVert[0].height );
px =;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgVert[0].width * that.piperImgVert[0].height * 4; ) {
px[i++] += 2;
px[i++] += 2;
px[i++] += 2;
i = ( i % 20 === 0 ) ? i + 20 : i;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgVert[0].width * that.piperImgVert[0].height * 4; i += 4 ) {
if ( px[i + 3] == 255 ) {
px[i] += 2;
px[i + 1] += 2;
px[i + 2] += 2;
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 );
......@@ -2091,18 +2108,18 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
else if ( that.isHorizontalScroll && that.maxScrollX != 0 ) {
x = (that.scroller.x >> 0) + Math.floor( that.scroller.w / 2 ) - 6;
y = that.scroller.y + 3;
y = that.scroller.y + (that.settings.slimScroll ? 2 : 3);
ctx_piperImg = that.piperImgHor[0].getContext( '2d' );
_data = ctx_piperImg.getImageData( 0, 0, that.piperImgHor[0].width, that.piperImgHor[0].height );
px =;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgHor[0].width * that.piperImgHor[0].height * 4; ) {
px[i++] += 2;
px[i++] += 2;
px[i++] += 2;
i = ( i % 4 === 0 && i % 52 !== 0 ) ? i + 4 : i;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgHor[0].width * that.piperImgHor[0].height * 4; i += 4) {
if ( px[i + 3] == 255 ) {
px[i] += 2;
px[i + 1] += 2;
px[i + 2] += 2;
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 )
......@@ -2126,12 +2143,12 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
_data = ctx_piperImg.getImageData( 0, 0, that.piperImgVert[0].width, that.piperImgVert[0].height );
px =;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgVert[0].width * that.piperImgVert[0].height * 4; ) {
px[i++] -= 2;
px[i++] -= 2;
px[i++] -= 2;
i = ( i % 20 === 0 ) ? i + 20 : i;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgVert[0].width * that.piperImgVert[0].height * 4; i += 4 ) {
if ( px[i + 3] == 255 ) {
px[i] -= 2;
px[i + 1] -= 2;
px[i + 2] -= 2;
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 );
......@@ -2145,12 +2162,12 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
_data = ctx_piperImg.getImageData( 0, 0, that.piperImgHor[0].width, that.piperImgHor[0].height );
px =;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgHor[0].width * that.piperImgHor[0].height * 4; ) {
px[i++] -= 2;
px[i++] -= 2;
px[i++] -= 2;
i = ( i % 4 === 0 && i % 52 !== 0 ) ? i + 4 : i;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgHor[0].width * that.piperImgHor[0].height * 4; i += 4) {
if ( px[i + 3] == 255 ) {
px[i] -= 2;
px[i + 1] -= 2;
px[i + 2] -= 2;
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 )
......@@ -2188,20 +2205,20 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
startColorFadeOut += 2;
if ( that.isVerticalScroll && that.maxScrollY != 0 ) {
x = that.scroller.x + 3;
x = that.scroller.x + (that.settings.slimScroll ? 2 : 3);
y = (that.scroller.y >> 0) + Math.floor( that.scroller.h / 2 ) - 6;
ctx_piperImg = that.piperImgVert[0].getContext( '2d' );
_data = ctx_piperImg.getImageData( 0, 0, that.piperImgVert[0].width, that.piperImgVert[0].height );
px =;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgVert[0].width * that.piperImgVert[0].height * 4; ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgVert[0].width * that.piperImgVert[0].height * 4; i += 4) {
px[i++] -= 2;
px[i++] -= 2;
px[i++] -= 2;
i = ( i % 20 === 0 ) ? i + 20 : i
if ( px[i + 3] == 255 ) {
px[i] -= 2;
px[i + 1] -= 2;
px[i + 2] -= 2;
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 );
......@@ -2211,18 +2228,18 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
else if ( that.isHorizontalScroll && that.maxScrollX != 0 ) {
x = (that.scroller.x >> 0) + Math.floor( that.scroller.w / 2 ) - 6;
y = that.scroller.y + 3;
y = that.scroller.y + (that.settings.slimScroll ? 2 : 3);
ctx_piperImg = that.piperImgHor[0].getContext( '2d' );
_data = ctx_piperImg.getImageData( 0, 0, that.piperImgHor[0].width, that.piperImgHor[0].height );
px =;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgHor[0].width * that.piperImgHor[0].height * 4; ) {
px[i++] -= 2;
px[i++] -= 2;
px[i++] -= 2;
i = ( i % 4 === 0 && i % 52 !== 0 ) ? i + 4 : i
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgHor[0].width * that.piperImgHor[0].height * 4; i+=4 ) {
if ( px[i + 3] == 255 ) {
px[i] -= 2;
px[i + 1] -= 2;
px[i + 2] -= 2;
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 )
......@@ -2246,12 +2263,12 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
_data = ctx_piperImg.getImageData( 0, 0, that.piperImgVert[0].width, that.piperImgVert[0].height );
px =;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgVert[0].width * that.piperImgVert[0].height * 4; ) {
px[i++] += 2;
px[i++] += 2;
px[i++] += 2;
i = ( i % 20 === 0 ) ? i + 20 : i
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgVert[0].width * that.piperImgVert[0].height * 4; i+= 4 ) {
if ( px[i + 3] == 255 ) {
px[i] += 2;
px[i + 1] += 2;
px[i + 2] += 2;
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 );
......@@ -2267,12 +2284,12 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
_data = ctx_piperImg.getImageData( 0, 0, that.piperImgHor[0].width, that.piperImgHor[0].height );
px =;
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgHor[0].width * that.piperImgHor[0].height * 4; ) {
px[i++] += 2;
px[i++] += 2;
px[i++] += 2;
i = ( i % 4 === 0 && i % 52 !== 0 ) ? i + 4 : i
for ( var i = 0; i < that.piperImgHor[0].width * that.piperImgHor[0].height * 4; i+=4 ) {
if ( px[i + 3] == 255 ) {
px[i] += 2;
px[i + 1] += 2;
px[i + 2] += 2;
ctx_piperImg.putImageData( _data, 0, 0 )
......@@ -2343,7 +2360,7 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
if ( _b > _y ) {
that.roundRect( that.scroller.x - 0.5, _y + 0.5, that.scroller.w - 1, that.scroller.h - 1, 0 );
that.roundRect( that.scroller.x - 0.5, _y + 0.5, that.scroller.w - 1, that.scroller.h - 1, that.settings.cornerRadius );
else if ( that.isHorizontalScroll && that.maxScrollX != 0 ) {
......@@ -2357,7 +2374,7 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
if ( _r > _x ) {
that.roundRect( _x + 0.5, that.scroller.y - 0.5, that.scroller.w - 1, that.scroller.h - 1, 0 );
that.roundRect( _x + 0.5, that.scroller.y - 0.5, that.scroller.w - 1, that.scroller.h - 1, that.settings.cornerRadius );
......@@ -2459,10 +2476,10 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
if ( this.isVerticalScroll && this.maxScrollY != 0 ) {
this.context.drawImage( this.piperImgVert[piperImgIndex], this.scroller.x + 3, (this.scroller.y >> 0) + Math.floor( this.scroller.h / 2 ) - 6 );
this.context.drawImage( this.piperImgVert[piperImgIndex], this.scroller.x + (this.settings.slimScroll ? 2 : 3), (this.scroller.y >> 0) + Math.floor( this.scroller.h / 2 ) - 6 );
else if ( this.isHorizontalScroll && this.maxScrollX != 0 ) {
this.context.drawImage( this.piperImgHor[piperImgIndex], (this.scroller.x >> 0) + Math.floor( this.scroller.w / 2 ) - 6, this.scroller.y + 3 );
this.context.drawImage( this.piperImgHor[piperImgIndex], (this.scroller.x >> 0) + Math.floor( this.scroller.w / 2 ) - 6, this.scroller.y + (this.settings.slimScroll ? 2 : 3) );
......@@ -2633,15 +2650,15 @@ ScrollObject.prototype = {
_setScrollerHW:function () {
if ( this.isVerticalScroll ) {
this.scroller.x = 1;//0;
this.scroller.w = 13;//this.canvasW - 1;
this.scroller.w = this.canvasW - 1;
if ( this.settings.showArrows )
this.ArrowDrawer.InitSize( 13, 13, this.IsRetina );
this.ArrowDrawer.InitSize( this.settings.arrowSizeW, this.settings.arrowSizeH, this.IsRetina );
else if ( this.isHorizontalScroll ) {
this.scroller.y = 1;//0;
this.scroller.h = 13;//this.canvasH - 1;
this.scroller.h = this.canvasH - 1;
if ( this.settings.showArrows )
this.ArrowDrawer.InitSize( 13, 13, this.IsRetina );
this.ArrowDrawer.InitSize( this.settings.arrowSizeH, this.settings.arrowSizeW, this.IsRetina );
_MouseHoverOnScroller:function ( mp ) {
......@@ -3803,9 +3803,9 @@ function CThumbnailsManager()
// нужен скролл
if (!this.m_bIsScrollVisible)
word_control.m_oThumbnailsBack.Bounds.R = word_control.ScrollWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
word_control.m_oThumbnails.Bounds.R = word_control.ScrollWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
word_control.m_oThumbnails_scroll.Bounds.AbsW = word_control.ScrollWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
word_control.m_oThumbnailsBack.Bounds.R = word_control.ScrollWidthPxThmbnl * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
word_control.m_oThumbnails.Bounds.R = word_control.ScrollWidthPxThmbnl * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
word_control.m_oThumbnails_scroll.Bounds.AbsW = word_control.ScrollWidthPxThmbnl * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
word_control.m_oThumbnailsContainer.Resize(__w, __h);
......@@ -3827,7 +3827,9 @@ function CThumbnailsManager()
showArrows: false,
animateScroll: false,
screenW: word_control.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.width,
screenH: word_control.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.height
screenH: word_control.m_oThumbnails.HtmlElement.height,
cornerRadius: 1,
slimScroll: true
document.getElementById('panel_right_scroll_thmbnl').style.height = parseInt(nHeightPix) + "px";
......@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ function CEditorPage(api)
this.m_oTopRuler_horRuler = null;
this.ScrollWidthPx = 14;
this.ScrollWidthPxThmbnl= 10;
// main view
this.m_oMainView = null;
......@@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ function CEditorPage(api)
this.Splitter2PosMax = 100;
var ScrollWidthMm = this.ScrollWidthPx * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
var ScrollWidthMm9 = 9 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
var ScrollWidthMm9 = 10 * g_dKoef_pix_to_mm;
this.Thumbnails.m_oWordControl = this;
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