Commit 155f8b8d authored by Igor.Zotov's avatar Igor.Zotov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 7e9127a6
......@@ -2054,7 +2054,8 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var max1;
var arr = [];
//находим минимальное значение
var min, max, greaterNullNum;
var min, max, greaterNullNum, lengthNum;
if('Bar' == mainObj.type)
if(mainObj.subType == 'stacked')
......@@ -5301,7 +5302,7 @@ gridChart.prototype =
var numCache = this.chartProp.series[0].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[0].val.numRef.numCache.pts : this.chartProp.series[0].val.numLit.pts;
var tempAngle = 2 * Math.PI / numCache.length;
var xDiff = ((trueHeight / 2) / yPoints.length) / this.chartProp.pxToMM;
var radius;
var radius, xFirst, yFirst;
for(var i = 0; i <= this.chartProp.numhlines; i++)
......@@ -5332,9 +5333,22 @@ gridChart.prototype =
path.stroke = true;
var pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM;
if(k == 0)
path.moveTo(x / pxToMm * pathW, y / pxToMm * pathH);
xFirst = x;
yFirst = y;
path.moveTo(x * pathW, y * pathH);
path.lnTo(x / pxToMm * pathW, y / pxToMm * pathH);
if(k == numCache.length - 1)
path.lnTo(x * pathW, y * pathH);
path.lnTo(xFirst * pathW, yFirst * pathH);
path.lnTo(x * pathW, y * pathH);
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