Commit 1774119b authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

formatting forecast_ets calculation

parent d1cbe925
......@@ -1661,8 +1661,7 @@
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.initData = function()
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.initData = function() {
// give various vectors size and initial value
this.mpBase = [];
fillArray(this.mpBase, 0, this.mnCount);
......@@ -1670,104 +1669,50 @@
this.mpTrend = [];
fillArray(this.mpTrend, 0, this.mnCount);
if ( !this.bEDS ){
if (!this.bEDS) {
this.mpPerIdx = [];
fillArray(this.mpPerIdx, 0, this.mnCount);
this.mpForecast = [];
fillArray(this.mpForecast, 0, this.mnCount);
this.mpForecast[ 0 ] = this.maRange[ 0 ].Y;
this.mpForecast[0] = this.maRange[0].Y;
if ( this.prefillTrendData() )
if ( this.prefillPerIdx() )
if ( this.prefillBaseData() )
if (this.prefillTrendData()) {
if (this.prefillPerIdx()) {
if (this.prefillBaseData()) {
return true;
return false;
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.prefillTrendData = function()
if ( this.bEDS )
this.mpTrend[ 0 ] = ( this.maRange[ this.mnCount - 1 ].Y - this.maRange[ 0 ].Y ) / ( this.mnCount - 1 );
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.prefillTrendData = function() {
if (this.bEDS) {
this.mpTrend[0] = ( this.maRange[this.mnCount - 1].Y - this.maRange[0].Y ) / ( this.mnCount - 1 );
} else {
// we need at least 2 periods in the data range
if ( this.mnCount < 2 * this.mnSmplInPrd )
if (this.mnCount < 2 * this.mnSmplInPrd) {
return new cError(cErrorType.wrong_value_type);
var fSum = 0.0;
for ( var i = 0; i < this.mnSmplInPrd; i++ )
fSum += this.maRange[ i + this.mnSmplInPrd ].Y - this.maRange[ i ].Y;
for (var i = 0; i < this.mnSmplInPrd; i++) {
fSum += this.maRange[i + this.mnSmplInPrd].Y - this.maRange[i].Y;
var fTrend = fSum / ( this.mnSmplInPrd * this.mnSmplInPrd );
this.mpTrend[ 0 ] = fTrend;
this.mpTrend[0] = fTrend;
return true;
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.prefillPerIdx2 = function()
/*if ( !this.bEDS )
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.prefillPerIdx = function () {
if (!this.bEDS) {
// use as many complete periods as available
if ( this.mnSmplInPrd == 0 )
// should never happen; if mnSmplInPrd equals 0, bEDS is true
mnErrorValue = FormulaError::UnknownState;
return false;
var nPeriods = this.mnCount / this.mnSmplInPrd;
std::vector< double > aPeriodAverage( nPeriods, 0.0 );
for ( SCSIZE i = 0; i < nPeriods ; i++ )
for ( SCSIZE j = 0; j < mnSmplInPrd; j++ )
aPeriodAverage[ i ] += maRange[ i * mnSmplInPrd + j ].Y;
aPeriodAverage[ i ] /= static_cast< double >( mnSmplInPrd );
if ( aPeriodAverage[ i ] == 0.0 )
SAL_WARN( "sc.core", "prefillPerIdx(), average of 0 will cause divide by zero error, quitting calculation" );
mnErrorValue = FormulaError::DivisionByZero;
return false;
for ( SCSIZE j = 0; j < mnSmplInPrd; j++ )
double fI = 0.0;
for ( SCSIZE i = 0; i < nPeriods ; i++ )
// adjust average value for position within period
if ( bAdditive )
fI += ( maRange[ i * mnSmplInPrd + j ].Y -
( aPeriodAverage[ i ] + ( static_cast< double >( j ) - 0.5 * ( mnSmplInPrd - 1 ) ) *
mpTrend[ 0 ] ) );
fI += ( maRange[ i * mnSmplInPrd + j ].Y /
( aPeriodAverage[ i ] + ( static_cast< double >( j ) - 0.5 * ( mnSmplInPrd - 1 ) ) *
mpTrend[ 0 ] ) );
mpPerIdx[ j ] = fI / nPeriods;
return true;*/
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.prefillPerIdx = function()
if ( !this.bEDS )
// use as many complete periods as available
if ( this.mnSmplInPrd == 0 )
if (this.mnSmplInPrd == 0) {
// should never happen; if mnSmplInPrd equals 0, bEDS is true
//mnErrorValue = FormulaError::UnknownState;
return false;
......@@ -1776,36 +1721,32 @@
var nPeriods = parseInt(this.mnCount / this.mnSmplInPrd);//scsize
var aPeriodAverage = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < nPeriods ; i++ )
aPeriodAverage[ i ] = 0;
for ( var j = 0; j < this.mnSmplInPrd; j++ )
aPeriodAverage[ i ] += this.maRange[ i * this.mnSmplInPrd + j ].Y;
aPeriodAverage[ i ] /= this.mnSmplInPrd;
if ( aPeriodAverage[ i ] == 0.0 )
for (var i = 0; i < nPeriods; i++) {
aPeriodAverage[i] = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < this.mnSmplInPrd; j++) {
aPeriodAverage[i] += this.maRange[i * this.mnSmplInPrd + j].Y;
aPeriodAverage[i] /= this.mnSmplInPrd;
if (aPeriodAverage[i] === 0.0) {
//SAL_WARN( "sc.core", "prefillPerIdx(), average of 0 will cause divide by zero error, quitting calculation" );
//mnErrorValue = FormulaError::DivisionByZero;
return false;
for ( var j = 0; j < this.mnSmplInPrd; j++ )
for (var j = 0; j < this.mnSmplInPrd; j++) {
var fI = 0.0;
for ( var i = 0; i < nPeriods ; i++ )
for (var i = 0; i < nPeriods; i++) {
// adjust average value for position within period
if ( this.bAdditive )
fI += ( this.maRange[ i * this.mnSmplInPrd + j ].Y -
( aPeriodAverage[ i ] + ( j - 0.5 * ( this.mnSmplInPrd - 1 ) ) *
this.mpTrend[ 0 ] ) );
fI += ( this.maRange[ i * this.mnSmplInPrd + j ].Y /
( aPeriodAverage[ i ] + ( j - 0.5 * ( this.mnSmplInPrd - 1 ) ) *
this.mpTrend[ 0 ] ) );
if (this.bAdditive) {
fI += ( this.maRange[i * this.mnSmplInPrd + j].Y -
( aPeriodAverage[i] + ( j - 0.5 * ( this.mnSmplInPrd - 1 ) ) * this.mpTrend[0] ) );
} else {
fI += ( this.maRange[i * this.mnSmplInPrd + j].Y /
( aPeriodAverage[i] + ( j - 0.5 * ( this.mnSmplInPrd - 1 ) ) * this.mpTrend[0] ) );
this.mpPerIdx[ j ] = fI / nPeriods;
this.mpPerIdx[j] = fI / nPeriods;
return true;
......@@ -1814,17 +1755,17 @@
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.prefillBaseData = function()
if ( this.bEDS )
if ( this.bEDS ){
this.mpBase[ 0 ] = this.maRange[ 0 ].Y;
this.mpBase[ 0 ] = this.maRange[ 0 ].Y / this.mpPerIdx[ 0 ];
return true;
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.initCalc = function()
if ( !this.mbInitialised )
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.initCalc = function () {
if (!this.mbInitialised) {
this.mbInitialised = true;
......@@ -1834,54 +1775,48 @@
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.calcAccuracyIndicators = function()
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.calcAccuracyIndicators = function () {
var fSumAbsErr = 0.0;
var fSumDivisor = 0.0;
var fSumErrSq = 0.0;
var fSumAbsPercErr = 0.0;
for ( var i = 1; i < this.mnCount; i++ )
var fError = this.mpForecast[ i ] - this.maRange[ i ].Y;
fSumAbsErr += Math.abs( fError );
for (var i = 1; i < this.mnCount; i++) {
var fError = this.mpForecast[i] - this.maRange[i].Y;
fSumAbsErr += Math.abs(fError);
fSumErrSq += fError * fError;
fSumAbsPercErr += Math.abs( fError ) / ( Math.abs( this.mpForecast[ i ] ) + Math.abs( this.maRange[ i ].Y ) );
fSumAbsPercErr += Math.abs(fError) / ( Math.abs(this.mpForecast[i]) + Math.abs(this.maRange[i].Y) );
for ( var i = 2; i < this.mnCount; i++ ){
fSumDivisor += Math.abs( this.maRange[ i ].Y - this.maRange[ i - 1 ].Y );
for (var i = 2; i < this.mnCount; i++) {
fSumDivisor += Math.abs(this.maRange[i].Y - this.maRange[i - 1].Y);
var nCalcCount = this.mnCount - 1;
this.mfMAE = fSumAbsErr / nCalcCount;
this.mfMASE = fSumAbsErr / ( nCalcCount * fSumDivisor / ( nCalcCount - 1 ) );
this.mfMSE = fSumErrSq / nCalcCount;
this.mfRMSE = Math.sqrt( this.mfMSE );
this.mfRMSE = Math.sqrt(this.mfMSE);
this.mfSMAPE = fSumAbsPercErr * 2.0 / nCalcCount;
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.CalcPeriodLen = function()
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.CalcPeriodLen = function () {
var nBestVal = this.mnCount;
var fBestME = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var maRange = this.maRange;
for ( var nPeriodLen = parseInt(this.mnCount / 2); nPeriodLen >= 1; nPeriodLen-- )
for (var nPeriodLen = parseInt(this.mnCount / 2); nPeriodLen >= 1; nPeriodLen--) {
var fMeanError = 0.0;
var nPeriods = parseInt(this.mnCount / nPeriodLen);
var nStart = parseInt(this.mnCount - ( nPeriods * nPeriodLen ) + 1);
for ( var i = nStart; i < ( this.mnCount - nPeriodLen ); i++ )
fMeanError += Math.abs( ( maRange[ i ].Y - maRange[ i - 1 ].Y ) -
( maRange[ nPeriodLen + i ].Y - maRange[ nPeriodLen + i - 1 ].Y ) );
for (var i = nStart; i < ( this.mnCount - nPeriodLen ); i++) {
fMeanError += Math.abs(( maRange[i].Y - maRange[i - 1].Y ) -
( maRange[nPeriodLen + i].Y - maRange[nPeriodLen + i - 1].Y ));
fMeanError /= ( nPeriods - 1 ) * nPeriodLen - 1 ;
fMeanError /= ( nPeriods - 1 ) * nPeriodLen - 1;
if ( fMeanError <= fBestME || fMeanError == 0.0 )
if (fMeanError <= fBestME || fMeanError === 0.0) {
nBestVal = nPeriodLen;
fBestME = fMeanError;
......@@ -1890,100 +1825,92 @@
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.CalcAlphaBetaGamma = function()
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.CalcAlphaBetaGamma = function () {
var f0 = 0.0;
this.mfAlpha = f0;
if ( this.bEDS )
if (this.bEDS) {
this.mfBeta = 0.0; // beta is not used with EDS
} else {
var fE0 = this.mfMSE;
var f2 = 1.0;
this.mfAlpha = f2;
if ( this.bEDS )
if (this.bEDS) {
} else {
var fE2 = this.mfMSE;
var f1 = 0.5;
this.mfAlpha = f1;
if ( this.bEDS )
if (this.bEDS) {
} else {
if ( fE0 == this.mfMSE && this.mfMSE == fE2 )
if (fE0 === this.mfMSE && this.mfMSE === fE2) {
this.mfAlpha = 0;
if ( this.bEDS )
if (this.bEDS) {
} else {
while ( ( f2 - f1 ) > this.cfMinABCResolution )
if ( fE2 > fE0 )
while (( f2 - f1 ) > this.cfMinABCResolution) {
if (fE2 > fE0) {
f2 = f1;
fE2 = this.mfMSE;
f1 = ( f0 + f1 ) / 2;
} else {
f0 = f1;
fE0 = this.mfMSE;
f1 = ( f1 + f2 ) / 2;
this.mfAlpha = f1;
if ( this.bEDS )
if (this.bEDS) {
} else {
if ( fE2 > fE0 )
if ( fE0 < this.mfMSE )
if (fE2 > fE0) {
if (fE0 < this.mfMSE) {
this.mfAlpha = f0;
if ( this.bEDS )
if (this.bEDS) {
} else {
if ( fE2 < this.mfMSE )
} else {
if (fE2 < this.mfMSE) {
this.mfAlpha = f2;
if ( this.bEDS )
if (this.bEDS) {
} else {
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.CalcBetaGamma = function()
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.CalcBetaGamma = function () {
var f0 = 0.0;
this.mfBeta = f0;
......@@ -2001,23 +1928,18 @@
if ( fE0 == this.mfMSE && this.mfMSE == fE2 )
if (fE0 === this.mfMSE && this.mfMSE === fE2) {
this.mfBeta = 0;
while ( ( f2 - f1 ) > this.cfMinABCResolution )
if ( fE2 > fE0 )
while (( f2 - f1 ) > this.cfMinABCResolution) {
if (fE2 > fE0) {
f2 = f1;
fE2 =this. mfMSE;
fE2 = this.mfMSE;
f1 = ( f0 + f1 ) / 2;
} else {
f0 = f1;
fE0 = this.mfMSE;
f1 = ( f1 + f2 ) / 2;
......@@ -2026,19 +1948,14 @@
if ( fE2 > fE0 )
if ( fE0 < this.mfMSE )
if (fE2 > fE0) {
if (fE0 < this.mfMSE) {
this.mfBeta = f0;
if ( fE2 < this.mfMSE )
} else {
if (fE2 < this.mfMSE) {
this.mfBeta = f2;
......@@ -2046,8 +1963,7 @@
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.CalcGamma = function()
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.CalcGamma = function () {
var f0 = 0.0;
this.mfGamma = f0;
......@@ -2062,22 +1978,17 @@
this.mfGamma = f1;
if ( fE0 == this.mfMSE && this.mfMSE == fE2 )
if (fE0 === this.mfMSE && this.mfMSE === fE2) {
this.mfGamma = 0;
while ( ( f2 - f1 ) > this.cfMinABCResolution )
if ( fE2 > fE0 )
while (( f2 - f1 ) > this.cfMinABCResolution) {
if (fE2 > fE0) {
f2 = f1;
fE2 = this.mfMSE;
f1 = ( f0 + f1 ) / 2;
} else {
f0 = f1;
fE0 = this.mfMSE;
f1 = ( f1 + f2 ) / 2;
......@@ -2085,18 +1996,13 @@
this.mfGamma = f1;
if ( fE2 > fE0 )
if ( fE0 < this.mfMSE )
if (fE2 > fE0) {
if (fE0 < this.mfMSE) {
this.mfGamma = f0;
if ( fE2 < this.mfMSE )
} else {
if (fE2 < this.mfMSE) {
this.mfGamma = f2;
......@@ -2104,62 +2010,53 @@
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.refill = function()
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.refill = function () {
// refill mpBase, mpTrend, mpPerIdx and mpForecast with values
// using the calculated mfAlpha, (mfBeta), mfGamma
// forecast 1 step ahead
for ( var i = 1; i < this.mnCount; i++ )
if ( this.bEDS )
this.mpBase[ i ] = this.mfAlpha * this.maRange[ i ].Y +
( 1 - this.mfAlpha ) * ( this.mpBase[ i - 1 ] + this.mpTrend[ i - 1 ] );
this.mpTrend[ i ] = this.mfGamma * ( this.mpBase[ i ] - this.mpBase[ i - 1 ] ) +
( 1 - this.mfGamma ) * this.mpTrend[ i - 1 ];
this.mpForecast[ i ] = this.mpBase[ i - 1 ] + this.mpTrend[ i - 1 ];
for (var i = 1; i < this.mnCount; i++) {
if (this.bEDS) {
this.mpBase[i] = this.mfAlpha * this.maRange[i].Y +
( 1 - this.mfAlpha ) * ( this.mpBase[i - 1] + this.mpTrend[i - 1] );
this.mpTrend[i] =
this.mfGamma * ( this.mpBase[i] - this.mpBase[i - 1] ) + ( 1 - this.mfGamma ) * this.mpTrend[i - 1];
this.mpForecast[i] = this.mpBase[i - 1] + this.mpTrend[i - 1];
} else {
var nIdx;
if ( this.bAdditive )
if (this.bAdditive) {
nIdx = ( i > this.mnSmplInPrd ? i - this.mnSmplInPrd : i );
this.mpBase[ i ] = this.mfAlpha * ( this.maRange[ i ].Y - this.mpPerIdx[ nIdx ] ) +
( 1 - this.mfAlpha ) * ( this.mpBase[ i - 1 ] + this.mpTrend[ i - 1 ] );
this.mpPerIdx[ i ] = this.mfBeta * ( this.maRange[ i ].Y - this.mpBase[ i ] ) +
( 1 - this.mfBeta ) * this.mpPerIdx[ nIdx ];
this.mpBase[i] = this.mfAlpha * ( this.maRange[i].Y - this.mpPerIdx[nIdx] ) +
( 1 - this.mfAlpha ) * ( this.mpBase[i - 1] + this.mpTrend[i - 1] );
this.mpPerIdx[i] = this.mfBeta * ( this.maRange[i].Y - this.mpBase[i] ) +
( 1 - this.mfBeta ) * this.mpPerIdx[nIdx];
} else {
nIdx = ( i >= this.mnSmplInPrd ? i - this.mnSmplInPrd : i );
this.mpBase[ i ] = this.mfAlpha * ( this.maRange[ i ].Y / this.mpPerIdx[ nIdx ] ) +
( 1 - this.mfAlpha ) * ( this.mpBase[ i - 1 ] + this.mpTrend[ i - 1 ] );
this.mpPerIdx[ i ] = this.mfBeta * ( this.maRange[ i ].Y / this.mpBase[ i ] ) +
( 1 - this.mfBeta ) * this.mpPerIdx[ this.nIdx ];
this.mpBase[i] = this.mfAlpha * ( this.maRange[i].Y / this.mpPerIdx[nIdx] ) +
( 1 - this.mfAlpha ) * ( this.mpBase[i - 1] + this.mpTrend[i - 1] );
this.mpPerIdx[i] = this.mfBeta * ( this.maRange[i].Y / this.mpBase[i] ) +
( 1 - this.mfBeta ) * this.mpPerIdx[this.nIdx];
this.mpTrend[ i ] = this.mfGamma * ( this.mpBase[ i ] - this.mpBase[ i - 1 ] ) +
( 1 - this.mfGamma ) * this.mpTrend[ i - 1 ];
this.mpTrend[i] =
this.mfGamma * ( this.mpBase[i] - this.mpBase[i - 1] ) + ( 1 - this.mfGamma ) * this.mpTrend[i - 1];
if ( this.bAdditive )
this.mpForecast[ i ] = this.mpBase[ i - 1 ] + this.mpTrend[ i - 1 ] + this.mpPerIdx[ nIdx ];
this.mpForecast[ i ] = ( this.mpBase[ i - 1 ] + this.mpTrend[ i - 1 ] ) * this.mpPerIdx[ nIdx ];
if (this.bAdditive) {
this.mpForecast[i] = this.mpBase[i - 1] + this.mpTrend[i - 1] + this.mpPerIdx[nIdx];
} else {
this.mpForecast[i] = ( this.mpBase[i - 1] + this.mpTrend[i - 1] ) * this.mpPerIdx[nIdx];
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.convertXtoMonths = function( x )
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.convertXtoMonths = function (x) {
//Date aNullDate = *( mpFormatter->GetNullDate() );
var aDate = Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel(x);
var nYear = aDate.getUTCFullYear();
var nMonth = aDate.getMonth();
var fMonthLength;
switch ( nMonth )
switch (nMonth) {
case 1 :
case 3 :
case 5 :
......@@ -2179,78 +2076,73 @@
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.GetForecast = function( fTarget, rForecast )
if ( !this.initCalc() )
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.GetForecast = function (fTarget, rForecast) {
if (!this.initCalc()) {
return false;
if ( fTarget <= this.maRange[ this.mnCount - 1 ].X )
var n = ( fTarget - this.maRange[ 0 ].X ) / this.mfStepSize;
var fInterpolate = Math.fmod( fTarget - this.maRange[ 0 ].X, this.mfStepSize );
rForecast = this.maRange[ n ].Y;
if (fTarget <= this.maRange[this.mnCount - 1].X) {
var n = ( fTarget - this.maRange[0].X ) / this.mfStepSize;
var fInterpolate = Math.fmod(fTarget - this.maRange[0].X, this.mfStepSize);
rForecast = this.maRange[n].Y;
if ( fInterpolate >= this.cfMinABCResolution )
if (fInterpolate >= this.cfMinABCResolution) {
var fInterpolateFactor = fInterpolate / this.mfStepSize;
var fFc_1 = this.mpForecast[ n + 1 ];
var fFc_1 = this.mpForecast[n + 1];
rForecast = rForecast + fInterpolateFactor * ( fFc_1 - rForecast );
} else {
var n = Math.round(( fTarget - this.maRange[this.mnCount - 1].X ) / this.mfStepSize);
var fInterpolate = parseInt(Math.fmod(fTarget - this.maRange[this.mnCount - 1].X, this.mfStepSize));
if (this.bEDS) {
rForecast = this.mpBase[this.mnCount - 1] + n * this.mpTrend[this.mnCount - 1];
} else if (this.bAdditive) {
rForecast = this.mpBase[this.mnCount - 1] + n * this.mpTrend[this.mnCount - 1] +
this.mpPerIdx[this.mnCount - 1 - this.mnSmplInPrd + ( n % this.mnSmplInPrd )];
} else {
rForecast = ( this.mpBase[this.mnCount - 1] + n * this.mpTrend[this.mnCount - 1] ) *
this.mpPerIdx[this.mnCount - 1 - this.mnSmplInPrd + ( n % this.mnSmplInPrd )];
var n = Math.round(( fTarget - this.maRange[ this.mnCount - 1 ].X ) / this.mfStepSize);
var fInterpolate = parseInt(Math.fmod( fTarget - this.maRange[ this.mnCount - 1 ].X, this.mfStepSize ));
if ( this.bEDS )
rForecast = this.mpBase[ this.mnCount - 1 ] + n * this.mpTrend[ this.mnCount - 1 ];
else if ( this.bAdditive )
rForecast = this.mpBase[ this.mnCount - 1 ] + n * this.mpTrend[ this.mnCount - 1 ] +
this.mpPerIdx[ this.mnCount - 1 - this.mnSmplInPrd + ( n % this.mnSmplInPrd ) ];
rForecast = ( this.mpBase[ this.mnCount - 1 ] + n * this.mpTrend[ this.mnCount - 1 ] ) *
this.mpPerIdx[ this.mnCount - 1 - this.mnSmplInPrd + ( n % this.mnSmplInPrd ) ];
if ( fInterpolate >= this.cfMinABCResolution )
if (fInterpolate >= this.cfMinABCResolution) {
var fInterpolateFactor = fInterpolate / this.mfStepSize;
var fFc_1;
if ( this.bEDS )
fFc_1 = this.mpBase[ this.mnCount - 1 ] + ( n + 1 ) * this.mpTrend[ this.mnCount - 1 ];
else if ( this.bAdditive )
fFc_1 = this.mpBase[ this.mnCount - 1 ] + ( n + 1 ) * this.mpTrend[ this.mnCount - 1 ] +
this.mpPerIdx[ this.mnCount - 1 - this.mnSmplInPrd + ( ( n + 1 ) % this.mnSmplInPrd ) ];
fFc_1 = ( this.mpBase[ this.mnCount - 1 ] + ( n + 1 ) * this.mpTrend[ this.mnCount - 1 ] ) *
this.mpPerIdx[ this.mnCount - 1 - this.mnSmplInPrd + ( ( n + 1 ) % this.mnSmplInPrd ) ];
if (this.bEDS) {
fFc_1 = this.mpBase[this.mnCount - 1] + ( n + 1 ) * this.mpTrend[this.mnCount - 1];
} else if (this.bAdditive) {
fFc_1 = this.mpBase[this.mnCount - 1] + ( n + 1 ) * this.mpTrend[this.mnCount - 1] +
this.mpPerIdx[this.mnCount - 1 - this.mnSmplInPrd + ( ( n + 1 ) % this.mnSmplInPrd )];
} else {
fFc_1 = ( this.mpBase[this.mnCount - 1] + ( n + 1 ) * this.mpTrend[this.mnCount - 1] ) *
this.mpPerIdx[this.mnCount - 1 - this.mnSmplInPrd + ( ( n + 1 ) % this.mnSmplInPrd )];
rForecast = rForecast + fInterpolateFactor * ( fFc_1 - rForecast );
return rForecast;
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.GetForecastRange = function( rTMat )
ScETSForecastCalculation.prototype.GetForecastRange = function (rTMat) {
var nC = rTMat.length, nR = rTMat[0].length;
var rFcMat = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < nR; i++ )
for ( var j = 0; j < nC; j++ )
for (var i = 0; i < nR; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < nC; j++) {
var fTarget;
if ( this.mnMonthDay )
fTarget = this.convertXtoMonths( rTMat[j][i].getValue() );
if (this.mnMonthDay) {
fTarget = this.convertXtoMonths(rTMat[j][i].getValue());
} else {
fTarget = rTMat[j][i].getValue();
var fForecast;
if ( fForecast = this.GetForecast( fTarget ) ){
if (fForecast = this.GetForecast(fTarget)) {
if (!rFcMat[j]) {
rFcMat[j] = [];
rFcMat[j][i] = fForecast;
} else {
return false;
......@@ -2268,7 +2160,7 @@
var rStatMat = [];
for (var i = 0; i < nR; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < nC; j++) {
if (!rStatMat[j]) {
rStatMat[j] = [];
switch (rTypeMat[j][i].getValue()) {
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