Commit 1a1d8d8c authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

changes for wireframe surface charts

parent 0cd8f202
......@@ -1958,7 +1958,7 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
this.calcProp.scale = this._roundValues(this._getAxisData2(false, this.calcProp.min, this.calcProp.max, chartProp));
if(this.calcProp.scale && this.calcProp.scale.length > 2)
if(this.calcProp.scale && this.calcProp.scale.length >= 2)
this.calcProp.axisStep = Math.abs(this.calcProp.scale[1] - this.calcProp.scale[0]);
......@@ -11162,10 +11162,51 @@ drawSurfaceChart.prototype =
var pointsValue2 = [p2, p1, p21];
//для поверхностных диаграмм без заливки
var bIsWireframeChart = false;
//находим пересечение двух сегментов с плоскостями сетки
var pointsFace1 = this._getIntersectionPlanesAndLines(lines1, pointsValue1, true);
var pointsFace2 = this._getIntersectionPlanesAndLines(lines2, pointsValue2, true);
var pointsFace1 = this._getIntersectionPlanesAndLines(lines1, pointsValue1, !bIsWireframeChart);
var pointsFace2 = this._getIntersectionPlanesAndLines(lines2, pointsValue2, !bIsWireframeChart);
var lengthFaces = Math.max(pointsFace1.length, pointsFace2.length);
for(var l = 0; l < lengthFaces; l++)
var newPath = null;
if(pointsFace1[l] && pointsFace2[l])
var cleanPoints1 = this._getArrayWithoutRepeatePoints(pointsFace1[l]);
var cleanPoints2 = this._getArrayWithoutRepeatePoints(pointsFace2[l]);
if(cleanPoints1.length >= 3 && cleanPoints2.length >= 3)
newPath = cleanPoints1.concat(cleanPoints2);
else if(pointsFace1[l])
newPath = pointsFace1[l];
else if(pointsFace2[l])
newPath = pointsFace2[l];
t.paths.test2[l] = [];
var path2 = t._calculateTempFace(newPath);
//TODO временно убираю. если будут проблемы в отрисовке - раскомментировать!
/*var lengthFaces = Math.max(pointsFace1.length, pointsFace2.length);
......@@ -11510,6 +11551,21 @@ drawSurfaceChart.prototype =
return res;
_getArrayWithoutRepeatePoints: function(arr)
var newArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
if(null === this._isEqualPoints(newArray, arr[i]))
return newArray;
_calculateTempFace: function(points)
var summX = 0;
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