Commit 1b9cb0ff authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Необходимо очищать canvas для графических объектов при scroll

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 0fc251c7
......@@ -5262,13 +5262,12 @@
if (moveHeight > 0) {
ctx.drawImage(ctx.getCanvas(), x, y, oldW, moveHeight, x + dx, y - dy, oldW, moveHeight);
this.drawingGraphicCtx.moveImageData(x, y, oldW, moveHeight, x + dx, y - dy);
} else {
// Scroll на весь экран
var clearTop = y + (scrollDown ? moveHeight - dy : 0);
moveHeight = Math.abs(dy) + lastRowHeight;
.fillRect(this.headersLeft, y + (scrollDown ? oldH - dy - lastRowHeight : 0),
ctxW, Math.abs(dy) + lastRowHeight);
.fillRect(this.headersLeft, clearTop, ctxW, moveHeight);
this.drawingGraphicCtx.clearRect(this.headersLeft, clearTop, ctxW, moveHeight);
if(this.objectRender && this.objectRender.drawingArea)
......@@ -5390,12 +5389,13 @@
if (moveWidth > 0) {
ctx.drawImage(ctx.getCanvas(), x, y, moveWidth, ctxH, x - dx, y, moveWidth, ctxH);
this.drawingGraphicCtx.moveImageData(x, y, moveWidth, ctxH, x - dx, y);
} else {
// Scroll на весь экран
var clearLeft = x + (scrollRight > 0 ? moveWidth - dx : 0);
moveWidth = Math.abs(dx) + lastColWidth;
.fillRect(x + (scrollRight > 0 ? oldW - dx - lastColWidth : 0), y, Math.abs(dx) + lastColWidth, ctxH);
.fillRect(clearLeft, y, moveWidth, ctxH);
this.drawingGraphicCtx.clearRect(clearLeft, y, moveWidth, ctxH);
if(this.objectRender && this.objectRender.drawingArea)
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