Commit 233dc9fc authored by Anna.Pavlova's avatar Anna.Pavlova

select for Editor

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent a2401b90
......@@ -30,9 +30,8 @@
var historyitem_Math_AddItem = 1; // Добавляем элемент
var historyitem_Math_RemoveItem = 2; // Удаляем элемент
var TEST = true;
var TEST_2 = true;
......@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ CMathRunPrp.prototype =
// смержить c MRunPrp
return this.textPrp;
setTxtPrp: function()
setTxtPrp: function(oWPrp)
......@@ -3986,7 +3985,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
mouseDown: function(mouseCoord, inside_flag)
mouseDown: function(mouseCoord, inside_flag) // mouseDown идем сверху вниз по иерархии
var result = null;
......@@ -4021,7 +4020,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
return result;
mouseMove: function(mouseCoord)
mouseMove: function(mouseCoord) // mouseMove идем сверху вниз по иерархии
var state = true;
var SelectContent = null;
......@@ -4070,9 +4069,9 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
if( this.content[pos].value.typeObj === MATH_COMP )
if( direction == 1 )
this.setEnd_Selection( pos + 1);
this.setEnd_Selection(pos + 1);
else if( direction == -1 )
this.setEnd_Selection( pos - 1);
this.setEnd_Selection(pos - 1);
this.setEnd_Selection( pos );
......@@ -4957,10 +4956,6 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
StartIndSelect++; // start+1 ... end
this.selection.startPos = StartIndSelect;
this.selection.endPos = StartIndSelect;
if(this.selection.startPos === 3)
var temp;
else // один CEmpty
......@@ -5702,12 +5697,99 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
/////// selection for Edit ////////
selection_SetStart: function(x,y)
selection_Start: function(x, y)
return this.getSelectContent(x, y);
selection_End: function(x, y, MouseEvent)
// реализовано через две ф-ии, т.к. впоследствии нужно будет учитывать MouseEvent
return this.getSelectContent(x, y);
getSelectContent: function(x, y)
var state = true; // вышли / не вышли за переделы контента
var SelectContent = null;
SelectContent = this;
var msCoord = this.coordWOGaps({x: x, y: y});
var pos = this.findPosition( msCoord );
//селект внутри элемента (дроби и пр.)
if(this.CurPos === pos && this.content[pos].value.typeObj === MATH_COMP)
this.setStartPos_Selection(pos - 1);
var coord = this.getCoordElem(this.CurPos, msCoord );
var movement = this.content[pos].value.getPosSelect(coord.x, coord.y);
if( ! movement.state )
this.setEnd_Selection( pos + 1 );
SelectContent = this;
SelectContent = movement.SelectContent;
//селект элементов контента
SelectContent = this;
var direction = ( this.CurPos < pos ) ? 1 : -1;
if ( this.content[this.CurPos].value.typeObj === MATH_COMP )
if( direction == 1 )
this.setStartPos_Selection( this.CurPos - 1);
else if( direction == -1 )
this.setStartPos_Selection( this.CurPos + 1);
this.setStartPos_Selection( this.CurPos );
if( this.content[pos].value.typeObj === MATH_COMP )
if( direction == 1 )
this.setEndPos_Selection(pos + 1);
else if( direction == -1 )
this.setEndPos_Selection(pos - 1);
this.setEndPos_Selection( pos );
return {state: state, SelectContent: SelectContent }; //для CMathContent state всегда true
selection_SetEnd: function(x,y, MouseEvent)
setStartPos_Selection: function( StartIndSelect )
if( this.content.length != 1)
// = true;
StartIndSelect++; // start+1 ... end
this.selection.startPos = StartIndSelect;
this.selection.endPos = StartIndSelect;
else // один CEmpty
this.selection.startPos = 0;
this.selection.endPos = 0; = false;
setEndPos_Selection: function( EndIndSelect )
this.selection.endPos = EndIndSelect + 1;
......@@ -6401,15 +6483,18 @@ CMathComposition.prototype =
Selection_SetStart: function(X, Y, PageNum)
this.Root.selection_SetStart(X, Y);
var result = this.Root.selection_Start(X, Y);
this.SelectContent = result.SelectContent;
Selection_SetEnd: function(X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent)
this.Root.selection_SetEnd(X, Y, MouseEvent);
var result = this.Root.selection_End(X, Y, MouseEvent);
this.SelectContent = result.SelectContent;
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