Commit 24a91cd2 authored by Ilya.Kirillov's avatar Ilya.Kirillov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Сделана поддержка автозамен текста (автозамены формул не сделаны) в формулах.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent c721d56b
......@@ -169,27 +169,26 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Add = function(Item)
if (para_Math_Run !== Run.Type)
var NewElement = null;
if (para_Text === Type)
if(Item.Value == 38)
var Amper = new CMathAmp();
Run.Add(Amper, true);
NewElement = new CMathAmp();
Run.Add(NewElement, true);
var oText = new CMathText(false);
Run.Add(oText, true);
NewElement = new CMathText(false);
Run.Add(NewElement, true);
else if (para_Space === Type)
var oText = new CMathText(false);
oText.addTxt(" ");
Run.Add(oText, true);
NewElement = new CMathText(false);
NewElement.addTxt(" ");
Run.Add(NewElement, true);
else if (para_Math === Type)
......@@ -218,6 +217,12 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Add = function(Item)
if ((para_Text === Type || para_Space === Type) && null !== NewElement)
// Пробуем произвести автозамену
// Корректируем данный контент
......@@ -8084,6 +8084,26 @@ ParaRun.prototype.GetMathTextPr = function()
return {TextPr: TextPr, MathPr: this.MathPrp.Copy()};
ParaRun.prototype.Get_TextForAutoCorrect = function(AutoCorrectEngine, RunPos)
var ActionElement = AutoCorrectEngine.Get_ActionElement();
var nCount = this.Content.length;
for (var nPos = 0; nPos < nCount; nPos++)
var Item = this.Content[nPos];
if (para_Math_Text === Item.Type)
AutoCorrectEngine.Add_Text(String.fromCharCode(Item.value), this, nPos, RunPos);
if (Item === ActionElement)
function CParaRunStartState(Run)
this.Paragraph = Run.Paragraph;
......@@ -1133,6 +1133,20 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
else if(bDeleteEmptyRun)
this.Remove_FromContent(currPos, 1);
if (this.CurPos === currPos)
if (bLeftRun)
this.CurPos = currPos - 1;
else //if (bRightRun)
this.CurPos = currPos;
......@@ -4521,4 +4535,654 @@ CMathContent.prototype.Get_SelectionDirection = function()
return this.content[this.Selection.Start].Get_SelectionDirection();
CMathContent.prototype.Process_AutoCorrect = function(ActionElement)
if (false === this.private_NeedAutoCorrect(ActionElement))
var AutoCorrectEngine = new CMathAutoCorrectEngine(ActionElement);
var nCount = this.content.length;
for (var nPos = 0; nPos < nCount; nPos++)
var Element = this.content[nPos];
if (para_Math_Run === Element.Type)
Element.Get_TextForAutoCorrect(AutoCorrectEngine, nPos);
AutoCorrectEngine.Add_Element(Element, nPos);
if (false === AutoCorrectEngine.CollectText)
var bCursorStepRight = false;
// Смотрим возможно ли выполнить автозамену, если нет, тогда пробуем произвести автозамену пропуская последний символ
var CanMakeAutoCorrect = this.private_CanAutoCorrection(AutoCorrectEngine, false);
if (false === CanMakeAutoCorrect)
// Пробуем произвести автозамену без последнего добавленного символа
if (0x20 === ActionElement.value)
CanMakeAutoCorrect = this.private_CanAutoCorrection(AutoCorrectEngine, true);
AutoCorrectEngine.Elements.splice(AutoCorrectEngine.Elements.length - 1, 1);
CanMakeAutoCorrect = this.private_CanAutoCorrection(AutoCorrectEngine, false);
bCursorStepRight = true;
if (true === CanMakeAutoCorrect)
var ElementsCount = AutoCorrectEngine.Elements.length;
var LastElement = null;
var FirstElement = AutoCorrectEngine.Elements[ElementsCount - 1];
var FirstElementPos = FirstElement.ElementPos;
for (var nPos = 0, nCount = AutoCorrectEngine.RemoveCount; nPos < nCount; nPos++)
LastElement = AutoCorrectEngine.Elements[ElementsCount - nPos - 1];
if (undefined !== LastElement.Run)
if (FirstElement.Run === LastElement.Run)
LastElement.Run.Remove_FromContent(LastElement.Pos, 1);
this.Remove_FromContent(LastElement.ElementPos, 1);
var NewRun = FirstElement.Run.Split2(FirstElement.Pos);
this.Internal_Content_Add(FirstElementPos + 1, NewRun, false);
var NewElementsCount = AutoCorrectEngine.ReplaceContent.length;
for (var nPos = 0; nPos < NewElementsCount; nPos++)
this.Internal_Content_Add(nPos + FirstElementPos + 1, AutoCorrectEngine.ReplaceContent[nPos], false);
this.CurPos = FirstElementPos + NewElementsCount + 1;
if (true === bCursorStepRight)
// TODO: Переделать через функцию в ране
if (this.content[this.CurPos].Content.length >= 1)
this.content[this.CurPos].State.ContentPos = 1;
CMathContent.prototype.private_NeedAutoCorrect = function(ActionElement)
var CharCode = ActionElement.value;
if (1 === g_aMathAutoCorrectTriggerCharCodes[CharCode])
return true;
return false;
CMathContent.prototype.private_CanAutoCorrection = function(AutoCorrectionEngine, bSkipLast)
var IndexAdd = (true === bSkipLast ? 1 : 0);
var ElementsCount = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements.length;
if (AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements.length < 2 + IndexAdd)
return false;
var Result = false;
var RemoveCount = 0;
var ReplaceChar = ' ';
var AutoCorrectCount = g_aAutoCorrectMathSymbols.length;
for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < AutoCorrectCount; nIndex++)
var AutoCorrectElement = g_aAutoCorrectMathSymbols[nIndex];
var CheckString = AutoCorrectElement[0];
var CheckStringLen = CheckString.length;
if (ElementsCount < CheckStringLen)
var Found = true;
// Начинаем проверять с конца строки
for (var nStringPos = 0; nStringPos < CheckStringLen; nStringPos++)
var LastElement = AutoCorrectionEngine.Elements[ElementsCount - nStringPos - 1 - IndexAdd];
if (undefined === LastElement.Text || LastElement.Text !== CheckString.charAt(CheckStringLen - nStringPos - 1))
Found = false;
if (true === Found)
RemoveCount = CheckStringLen + IndexAdd;
ReplaceChar = AutoCorrectElement[1];
if (RemoveCount > 0)
var ReplaceText = new CMathText();
var MathRun = new ParaRun(this.ParaMath.Paragraph, true);
MathRun.Add(ReplaceText, true);
AutoCorrectionEngine.RemoveCount = RemoveCount;
Result = true;
return Result;
function CMathAutoCorrectEngine(Element)
this.ActionElement = Element; // Элемент на которотом срабатывает автодополнение
this.Elements = [];
this.CollectText = true;
this.RemoveCount = 0;
this.ReplaceContent = [];
CMathAutoCorrectEngine.prototype.Add_Element = function(Element, ElementPos)
this.Elements.push({Element : Element, ElementPos : ElementPos});
CMathAutoCorrectEngine.prototype.Add_Text = function(Text, Run, Pos, ElementPos)
this.Elements.push({Text : Text, Run : Run, Pos : Pos, ElementPos : ElementPos});
CMathAutoCorrectEngine.prototype.Get_ActionElement = function()
return this.ActionElement;
CMathAutoCorrectEngine.prototype.Stop_CollectText = function()
this.CollectText = false;
var g_aAutoCorrectMathSymbols =
['!!', 0x203C],
['...', 0x2026],
['::', 0x2237],
[':=', 0x2254],
['\\above', 0x2534],
['\\acute', 0x0301],
['\\aleph', 0x2135],
['\\alpha', 0x03B1],
['\\Alpha', 0x0391],
['\\amalg', 0x2210],
['\\angle', 0x2220],
['\\aoint', 0x2233],
['\\approx', 0x2248],
['\\asmash', 0x2B06],
['\\ast', 0x2217],
['\\asymp', 0x224D],
['\\atop', 0x00A6],
['\\bar', 0x0305],
['\\Bar', 0x033F],
['\\because', 0x2235],
['\\begin', 0x3016],
['\\below', 0x252C],
['\\bet', 0x2136],
['\\beta', 0x03B2],
['\\Beta', 0x0392],
['\\beth', 0x2136],
['\\bigcap', 0x22C2],
['\\bigcup', 0x22C3],
['\\bigodot', 0x2A00],
['\\bigoplus', 0x2A01],
['\\bigotimes', 0x2A02],
['\\bigsqcup', 0x2A06],
['\\biguplus', 0x2A04],
['\\bigvee', 0x22C1],
['\\bigwedge', 0x22C0],
['\\bot', 0x22A5],
['\\bowtie', 0x22C8],
['\\box', 0x25A1],
['\\bra', 0x27E8],
['\\breve', 0x0306],
['\\bullet', 0x2219],
['\\cap', 0x2229],
['\\cbrt', 0x221B],
['\\cdot', 0x22C5],
['\\cdots', 0x22EF],
['\\check', 0x030C],
['\\chi', 0x03C7],
['\\Chi', 0x03A7],
['\\circ', 0x2218],
['\\close', 0x2524],
['\\clubsuit', 0x2663],
['\\coint', 0x2232],
['\\cong', 0x2245],
['\\coprod', 0x2210],
['\\cup', 0x222A],
['\\dalet', 0x2138],
['\\daleth', 0x2138],
['\\dashv', 0x22A3],
['\\dd', 0x2146],
['\\Dd', 0x2145],
['\\ddddot', 0x20DC],
['\\dddot', 0x20DB],
['\\ddot', 0x0308],
['\\ddots', 0x22F1],
['\\degree', 0x00B0],
['\\delta', 0x03B4],
['\\Delta', 0x0394],
['\\diamond', 0x22C4],
['\\diamondsuit', 0x2662],
['\\div', 0x00F7],
['\\dot', 0x0307],
['\\doteq', 0x2250],
['\\dots', 0x2026],
['\\doublea', 0x1D552],
['\\doubleA', 0x1D538],
['\\doubleb', 0x1D553],
['\\doubleB', 0x1D539],
['\\doublec', 0x1D554],
['\\doubleC', 0x2102],
['\\doubled', 0x1D555],
['\\doubleD', 0x1D53B],
['\\doublee', 0x1D556],
['\\doubleE', 0x1D53C],
['\\doublef', 0x1D557],
['\\doubleF', 0x1D53D],
['\\doubleg', 0x1D558],
['\\doubleG', 0x1D53E],
['\\doubleh', 0x1D559],
['\\doubleH', 0x210D],
['\\doublei', 0x1D55A],
['\\doubleI', 0x1D540],
['\\doublej', 0x1D55B],
['\\doubleJ', 0x1D541],
['\\doublek', 0x1D55C],
['\\doubleK', 0x1D542],
['\\doublel', 0x1D55D],
['\\doubleL', 0x1D543],
['\\doublem', 0x1D55E],
['\\doubleM', 0x1D544],
['\\doublen', 0x1D55F],
['\\doubleN', 0x2115],
['\\doubleo', 0x1D560],
['\\doubleO', 0x1D546],
['\\doublep', 0x1D561],
['\\doubleP', 0x2119],
['\\doubleq', 0x1D562],
['\\doubleQ', 0x211A],
['\\doubler', 0x1D563],
['\\doubleR', 0x211D],
['\\doubles', 0x1D564],
['\\doubleS', 0x1D54A],
['\\doublet', 0x1D565],
['\\doubleT', 0x1D54B],
['\\doubleu', 0x1D566],
['\\doubleU', 0x1D54C],
['\\doublev', 0x1D567],
['\\doubleV', 0x1D54D],
['\\doublew', 0x1D568],
['\\doubleW', 0x1D54E],
['\\doublex', 0x1D569],
['\\doubleX', 0x1D54F],
['\\doubley', 0x1D56A],
['\\doubleY', 0x1D550],
['\\doublez', 0x1D56B],
['\\doubleZ', 0x2124],
['\\downarrow', 0x2193],
['\\Downarrow', 0x21D3],
['\\dsmash', 0x2B07],
['\\ee', 0x2147],
['\\ell', 0x2113],
['\\emptyset', 0x2205],
['\\end', 0x3017],
['\\ensp', 0x2002],
['\\epsilon', 0x03F5],
['\\Epsilon', 0x0395],
['\\eqarray', 0x2588],
['\\equiv', 0x2261],
['\\eta', 0x03B7],
['\\Eta', 0x0397],
['\\exists', 0x2203],
['\\forall', 0x2200],
['\\fraktura', 0x1D51E],
['\\frakturA', 0x1D504],
['\\frakturb', 0x1D51F],
['\\frakturB', 0x1D505],
['\\frakturc', 0x1D520],
['\\frakturC', 0x212D],
['\\frakturd', 0x1D521],
['\\frakturD', 0x1D507],
['\\frakture', 0x1D522],
['\\frakturE', 0x1D508],
['\\frakturf', 0x1D523],
['\\frakturF', 0x1D509],
['\\frakturg', 0x1D524],
['\\frakturG', 0x1D50A],
['\\frakturh', 0x1D525],
['\\frakturH', 0x210C],
['\\frakturi', 0x1D526],
['\\frakturI', 0x2111],
['\\frakturj', 0x1D527],
['\\frakturJ', 0x1D50D],
['\\frakturk', 0x1D528],
['\\frakturK', 0x1D50E],
['\\frakturl', 0x1D529],
['\\frakturL', 0x1D50F],
['\\frakturm', 0x1D52A],
['\\frakturM', 0x1D510],
['\\frakturn', 0x1D52B],
['\\frakturN', 0x1D511],
['\\frakturo', 0x1D52C],
['\\frakturO', 0x1D512],
['\\frakturp', 0x1D52D],
['\\frakturP', 0x1D513],
['\\frakturq', 0x1D52E],
['\\frakturQ', 0x1D514],
['\\frakturr', 0x1D52F],
['\\frakturR', 0x211C],
['\\frakturs', 0x1D530],
['\\frakturS', 0x1D516],
['\\frakturt', 0x1D531],
['\\frakturT', 0x1D517],
['\\frakturu', 0x1D532],
['\\frakturU', 0x1D518],
['\\frakturv', 0x1D533],
['\\frakturV', 0x1D519],
['\\frakturw', 0x1D534],
['\\frakturW', 0x1D51A],
['\\frakturx', 0x1D535],
['\\frakturX', 0x1D51B],
['\\fraktury', 0x1D536],
['\\frakturY', 0x1D51C],
['\\frakturz', 0x1D537],
['\\frakturZ', 0x2128],
['\\funcapply', 0x2061],
['\\gamma', 0x03B3],
['\\Gamma', 0x0393],
['\\ge', 0x2265],
['\\geq', 0x2265],
['\\gets', 0x2190],
['\\gg', 0x226B],
['\\gimel', 0x2137],
['\\grave', 0x0300],
['\\hairsp', 0x200A],
['\\hat', 0x0302],
['\\hbar', 0x210F],
['\\heartsuit', 0x2661],
['\\hookleftarrow', 0x21A9],
['\\hookrightarrow', 0x21AA],
['\\hphantom', 0x2B04],
['\\hvec', 0x20D1],
['\\ii', 0x2148],
['\\iiint', 0x222D],
['\\iint', 0x222C],
['\\Im', 0x2111],
['\\in', 0x2208],
['\\inc', 0x2206],
['\\infty', 0x221E],
['\\int', 0x222B],
['\\iota', 0x03B9],
['\\Iota', 0x0399],
['\\jj', 0x2149],
['\\kappa', 0x03BA],
['\\Kappa', 0x039A],
['\\ket', 0x27E9],
['\\lambda', 0x03BB],
['\\Lambda', 0x039B],
['\\langle', 0x2329],
['\\lbrace', 0x007B],
['\\lbrack', 0x005B],
['\\lceil', 0x2308],
['\\ldiv', 0x2215],
['\\ldivide', 0x2215],
['\\ldots', 0x2026],
['\\le', 0x2264],
['\\left', 0x251C],
['\\leftarrow', 0x2190],
['\\Leftarrow', 0x21D0],
['\\leftharpoondown', 0x21BD],
['\\leftharpoonup', 0x21BC],
['\\leftrightarrow', 0x2194],
['\\Leftrightarrow', 0x21D4],
['\\leq', 0x2264],
['\\lfloor', 0x230A],
['\\ll', 0x226A],
['\\mapsto', 0x21A6],
['\\matrix', 0x25A0],
['\\medsp', 0x205F],
['\\mid', 0x2223],
['\\models', 0x22A8],
['\\mp', 0x2213],
['\\mu', 0x03BC],
['\\Mu', 0x039C],
['\\nabla', 0x2207],
['\\naryand', 0x2592],
['\\nbsp', 0x00A0],
['\\ne', 0x2260],
['\\nearrow', 0x2197],
['\\neq', 0x2260],
['\\ni', 0x220B],
['\\norm', 0x2016],
['\\notcontain', 0x220C],
['\\notelement', 0x2209],
['\\nu', 0x03BD],
['\\Nu', 0x039D],
['\\nwarrow', 0x2196],
['\\o', 0x03BF],
['\\O', 0x039F],
['\\odot', 0x2299],
['\\of', 0x2592],
['\\oiiint', 0x2230],
['\\oiint', 0x222F],
['\\oint', 0x222E],
['\\omega', 0x03C9],
['\\Omega', 0x03A9],
['\\ominus', 0x2296],
['\\open', 0x251C],
['\\oplus', 0x2295],
['\\otimes', 0x2297],
['\\over', 0x002F],
['\\overbar', 0x00AF],
['\\overbrace', 0x23DE],
['\\overparen', 0x23DC],
['\\parallel', 0x2225],
['\\partial', 0x2202],
['\\phantom', 0x27E1],
['\\phi', 0x03D5],
['\\Phi', 0x03A6],
['\\pi', 0x03C0],
['\\Pi', 0x03A0],
['\\pm', 0x00B1],
['\\pppprime', 0x2057],
['\\ppprime', 0x2034],
['\\pprime', 0x2033],
['\\prec', 0x227A],
['\\preceq', 0x227C],
['\\prime', 0x2032],
['\\prod', 0x220F],
['\\propto', 0x221D],
['\\psi', 0x03C8],
['\\Psi', 0x03A8],
['\\qdrt', 0x221C],
// TODO: \\quadratic
['\\rangle', 0x232A],
['\\ratio', 0x2236],
['\\rbrace', 0x007D],
['\\rbrack', 0x005D],
['\\rceil', 0x2309],
['\\rddots', 0x22F0],
['\\Re', 0x211C],
['\\rect', 0x25AD],
['\\rfloor', 0x230B],
['\\rho', 0x03C1],
['\\Rho', 0x03A1],
['\\right', 0x2524],
['\\rightarrow', 0x2192],
['\\Rightarrow', 0x21D2],
['\\rightharpoondown', 0x21C1],
['\\rightharpoonup', 0x21C0],
['\\scripta', 0x1D4B6],
['\\scriptA', 0x1D49C],
['\\scriptb', 0x1D4B7],
['\\scriptB', 0x212C],
['\\scriptc', 0x1D4B8],
['\\scriptC', 0x1D49E],
['\\scriptd', 0x1D4B9],
['\\scriptD', 0x1D49F],
['\\scripte', 0x212F],
['\\scriptE', 0x2130],
['\\scriptf', 0x1D4BB],
['\\scriptF', 0x2131],
['\\scriptg', 0x210A],
['\\scriptG', 0x1D4A2],
['\\scripth', 0x1D4BD],
['\\scriptH', 0x210B],
['\\scripti', 0x1D4BE],
['\\scriptI', 0x2110],
['\\scriptj', 0x1D4BF],
['\\scriptJ', 0x1D4A5],
['\\scriptk', 0x1D4C0],
['\\scriptK', 0x1D4A6],
['\\scriptl', 0x2113],
['\\scriptL', 0x2112],
['\\scriptm', 0x1D4C2],
['\\scriptM', 0x2133],
['\\scriptn', 0x1D4C3],
['\\scriptN', 0x1D4A9],
['\\scripto', 0x2134],
['\\scriptO', 0x1D4AA],
['\\scriptp', 0x1D4C5],
['\\scriptP', 0x1D4AB],
['\\scriptq', 0x1D4C6],
['\\scriptQ', 0x1D4AC],
['\\scriptr', 0x1D4C7],
['\\scriptR', 0x211B],
['\\scripts', 0x1D4C8],
['\\scriptS', 0x1D4AE],
['\\scriptt', 0x1D4C9],
['\\scriptT', 0x1D4AF],
['\\scriptu', 0x1D4CA],
['\\scriptU', 0x1D4B0],
['\\scriptv', 0x1D4CB],
['\\scriptV', 0x1D4B1],
['\\scriptw', 0x1D4CC],
['\\scriptW', 0x1D4B2],
['\\scriptx', 0x1D4CD],
['\\scriptX', 0x1D4B3],
['\\scripty', 0x1D4CE],
['\\scriptY', 0x1D4B4],
['\\scriptz', 0x1D4CF],
['\\scriptZ', 0x1D4B5],
['\\sdiv', 0x2044],
['\\sdivide', 0x2044],
['\\searrow', 0x2198],
['\\setminus', 0x2216],
['\\sigma', 0x03C3],
['\\Sigma', 0x03A3],
['\\sim', 0x223C],
['\\simeq', 0x2243],
['\\smash', 0x2B0D],
['\\spadesuit', 0x2660],
['\\sqcap', 0x2293],
['\\sqcup', 0x2294],
['\\sqrt', 0x221A],
['\\sqsubseteq', 0x2291],
['\\sqsuperseteq', 0x2292],
['\\star', 0x22C6],
['\\subset', 0x2282],
['\\subseteq', 0x2286],
['\\succ', 0x227B],
['\\succeq', 0x227D],
['\\sum', 0x2211],
['\\superset', 0x2283],
['\\superseteq', 0x2287],
['\\swarrow', 0x2199],
['\\tau', 0x03C4],
['\\Tau', 0x03A4],
['\\therefore', 0x2234],
['\\theta', 0x03B8],
['\\Theta', 0x0398],
['\\thicksp', 0x2005],
['\\thinsp', 0x2006],
['\\tilde', 0x0303],
['\\times', 0x00D7],
['\\to', 0x2192],
['\\top', 0x22A4],
['\\tvec', 0x20E1],
['\\ubar', 0x0332],
['\\Ubar', 0x0333],
['\\underbar', 0x2581],
['\\underbrace', 0x23DF],
['\\underparen', 0x23DD],
['\\uparrow', 0x2191],
['\\Uparrow', 0x21D1],
['\\updownarrow', 0x2195],
['\\Updownarrow', 0x21D5],
['\\uplus', 0x228E],
['\\upsilon', 0x03C5],
['\\Upsilon', 0x03A5],
['\\varepsilon', 0x03B5],
['\\varphi', 0x03C6],
['\\varpi', 0x03D6],
['\\varrho', 0x03F1],
['\\varsigma', 0x03C2],
['\\vartheta', 0x03D1],
['\\vbar', 0x2502],
['\\vdash', 0x22A2],
['\\vdots', 0x22EE],
['\\vec', 0x20D7],
['\\vee', 0x2228],
['\\vert', 0x007C],
['\\Vert', 0x2016],
['\\vphantom', 0x21F3],
['\\vthicksp', 0x2004],
['\\wedge', 0x2227],
['\\wp', 0x2118],
['\\wr', 0x2240],
['\\xi', 0x03BE],
['\\Xi', 0x039E],
['\\zeta', 0x03B6],
['\\Zeta', 0x0396],
['\\zwnj', 0x200C],
['\\zwsp', 0x200B],
['~=', 0x2245],
['-+', 0x2213],
['+-', 0x00B1],
['<<', 0x226A],
['<=', 0x2264],
['->', 0x2192],
['>=', 0x2265],
['>>', 0x226B]
var g_aMathAutoCorrectTriggerCharCodes =
0x20 : 1, 0x21 : 1, 0x22 : 1, 0x23 : 1, 0x24 : 1, 0x25 : 1, 0x26 : 1,
0x27 : 1, 0x28 : 1, 0x29 : 1, 0x2A : 1, 0x2B : 1, 0x2C : 1, 0x2D : 1,
0x2E : 1, 0x2F : 1, 0x3A : 1, 0x3B : 1, 0x3C : 1, 0x3D : 1, 0x3E : 1,
0x3F : 1, 0x40 : 1, 0x5B : 1, 0x5C : 1, 0x5D : 1, 0x5E : 1, 0x5F : 1,
0x60 : 1, 0x7B : 1, 0x7C : 1, 0x7D : 1, 0x7E : 1
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