Commit 2fca14e1 authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Bug 31394 - Изменить пример для настройки Regional Settings

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 19a84754
......@@ -2208,30 +2208,23 @@ CellFormat.prototype =
return oRes;
format : function(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, bChart)
format : function(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, bChart, cultureInfo)
var res = null;
if (null == bChart)
bChart = false;
var cacheVal = this.formatCache[number];
var cacheType = null;
var cacheRes = null;
var lcid = cultureInfo ? cultureInfo.LCID : 0;
var cacheKey = number + '-' + nValType + '-' + dDigitsCount + '-' + lcid;
var cacheVal = this.formatCache[cacheKey];
if(null != cacheVal)
cacheType = cacheVal[nValType];
if (null != cacheType)
cacheRes = cacheType[dDigitsCount];
if (null != cacheRes) {
if (bChart)
res = cacheRes.chart;
res = cacheVal.chart;
res = cacheRes.nochart;
res = cacheVal.nochart;
if (null != res)
return res;
res = [{text: number.toString()}];
var dNumber = number - 0;
var oFormat = null;
......@@ -2239,7 +2232,7 @@ CellFormat.prototype =
oFormat = this.getFormatByValue(dNumber);
if(null != oFormat)
res = oFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, null, bChart);
res = oFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, cultureInfo, bChart);
else if(null != this.aComporationFormats)
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
......@@ -2252,32 +2245,23 @@ CellFormat.prototype =
if (null != this.oTextFormat) {
oFormat = this.oTextFormat;
res = oFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, null, bChart);
res = oFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, cultureInfo, bChart);
if(null == cacheVal)
cacheVal = {};
this.formatCache[number] = cacheVal;
if(null == cacheType)
cacheType = {};
cacheVal[nValType] = cacheType;
if (null == cacheRes) {
cacheRes = { chart: null, nochart: null };
cacheType[dDigitsCount] = cacheRes;
cacheVal = { chart: null, nochart: null };
this.formatCache[cacheKey] = cacheVal;
if (null != oFormat && oFormat.bGeneralChart) {
if (bChart)
cacheRes.chart = res;
cacheVal.chart = res;
cacheRes.nochart = res;
cacheVal.nochart = res;
else {
cacheRes.chart = res;
cacheRes.nochart = res;
cacheVal.chart = res;
cacheVal.nochart = res;
return res;
......@@ -2346,14 +2330,14 @@ CellFormat.prototype =
return this._formatToText(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, false);
formatToChart : function(number)
formatToChart : function(number, cultureInfo)
return this._formatToText(number, CellValueType.Number, gc_nMaxDigCount, true);
return this._formatToText(number, CellValueType.Number, gc_nMaxDigCount, true, cultureInfo);
_formatToText : function(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, bChart)
_formatToText : function(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, bChart, cultureInfo)
var result = "";
var arrFormat = this.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, null, bChart);
var arrFormat = this.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, null, bChart, cultureInfo);
for (var i = 0, item; i < arrFormat.length; ++i) {
item = arrFormat[i];
if (item.format) {
......@@ -287,16 +287,7 @@ var editor;
var res = '';
var cultureInfo = g_aCultureInfos[val];
if (cultureInfo) {
var prefixIndex = [0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 14];
var formatCurrency;
var formatCurrencyNumber = '#,##0.00';
var formatCurrencySymbol = '\"' + cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol + '\"';
if (-1 != prefixIndex.indexOf(cultureInfo.CurrencyNegativePattern)) {
formatCurrency = formatCurrencySymbol + formatCurrencyNumber;
} else {
formatCurrency = formatCurrencyNumber + formatCurrencySymbol;
var numFormatCurrency = oNumFormatCache.get(formatCurrency);
var numFormatDigit = oNumFormatCache.get('#,##0.00');
var dateElems = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.length; ++i) {
......@@ -319,9 +310,9 @@ var editor;
var numFormatDate = oNumFormatCache.get(formatDate);
res += numFormatCurrency.formatToChart(number);
res += numFormatDigit.formatToChart(number, cultureInfo);
res += '; ';
res += numFormatDate.formatToChart(date.getExcelDateWithTime());
res += numFormatDate.formatToChart(date.getExcelDateWithTime(), cultureInfo);
return res;
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