Commit 309c67fb authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent ed6e8c22
......@@ -2833,56 +2833,56 @@
/** Рисует закрепленные области областей */
WorksheetView.prototype._drawFrozenPane = function () {
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
var row = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
var col = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
var tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY;
if (0 < row && 0 < col) {
offsetX = this.cols[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
offsetY = this.rows[0].top - this.cellsTop;
tmpRange = asc_Range(0, 0, col - 1, row - 1);
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
if (0 < row) {
row -= 1;
offsetX = undefined;
offsetY = this.rows[0].top - this.cellsTop;
tmpRange = asc_Range(this.visibleRange.c1, 0, this.visibleRange.c2, row);
this._drawRowHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, 0, row, kHeaderDefault, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
if (0 < col) {
col -= 1;
offsetX = this.cols[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
offsetY = undefined;
tmpRange = asc_Range(0, this.visibleRange.r1, col, this.visibleRange.r2);
this._drawColumnHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, 0, col, kHeaderDefault, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
var row = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
var col = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
var tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY;
if (0 < row && 0 < col) {
offsetX = this.cols[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
offsetY = this.rows[0].top - this.cellsTop;
tmpRange = asc_Range(0, 0, col - 1, row - 1);
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
if (0 < row) {
row -= 1;
offsetX = undefined;
offsetY = this.rows[0].top - this.cellsTop;
tmpRange = asc_Range(this.visibleRange.c1, 0, this.visibleRange.c2, row);
this._drawRowHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, 0, row, kHeaderDefault, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
if (0 < col) {
col -= 1;
offsetX = this.cols[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
offsetY = undefined;
tmpRange = asc_Range(0, this.visibleRange.r1, col, this.visibleRange.r2);
this._drawColumnHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, 0, col, kHeaderDefault, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, tmpRange, offsetX, offsetY);
/** Рисует закрепление областей */
WorksheetView.prototype._drawFrozenPaneLines = function () {
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
var ctx = this.drawingCtx;
var row = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
var col = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
if (0 < row) {
ctx.lineHor(0, this.rows[row].top - this.height_1px, ctx.getWidth());
if (0 < col) {
ctx.lineVer(this.cols[col].left - this.width_1px, 0, ctx.getHeight());
var ctx = this.drawingCtx;
var row = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
var col = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
if (0 < row) {
ctx.lineHor(0, this.rows[row].top - this.height_1px, ctx.getWidth());
if (0 < col) {
ctx.lineVer(this.cols[col].left - this.width_1px, 0, ctx.getHeight());
WorksheetView.prototype._drawSelectionElement = function (visibleRange, offsetX, offsetY, args) {
......@@ -4935,14 +4935,14 @@
var y = this.cellsTop + (dy > 0 && oldH > 0 ? dy : 0);
var oldW, x, dx, cFrozen, rFrozen;
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
diffWidth = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
diffHeight = this.rows[rFrozen].top - this.rows[0].top;
y += diffHeight;
if (dy > 0)
oldH -= diffHeight;
cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
diffWidth = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
diffHeight = this.rows[rFrozen].top - this.rows[0].top;
y += diffHeight;
if (dy > 0)
oldH -= diffHeight;
oldVRE_isPartial = this._isRowDrawnPartially(vr.r2, vr.r1, diffHeight);
if (this.isCellEditMode && editor) {editor.move(0, -dy);}
......@@ -4954,77 +4954,77 @@
var widthChanged = Math.max(calcDecades(vr.r2 + 1), 3) !== oldDec;
if (widthChanged) {
x = this.cellsLeft;
this._drawColumnHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined);
dx = this.cellsLeft - x;
oldW = ctxW - x - Math.abs(dx);
} else {
dx = 0;
x = this.headersLeft;
oldW = ctxW;
x = this.cellsLeft;
this._drawColumnHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined);
dx = this.cellsLeft - x;
oldW = ctxW - x - Math.abs(dx);
} else {
dx = 0;
x = this.headersLeft;
oldW = ctxW;
if (oldH > 0) {
ctx.drawImage(ctx.getCanvas(), x, y, oldW, oldH, x + dx, y - dy, oldW, oldH);
ctx.drawImage(ctx.getCanvas(), x, y, oldW, oldH, x + dx, y - dy, oldW, oldH);
.fillRect(this.headersLeft, y + (dy > 0 && oldH > 0 ? oldH - dy : 0),
ctxW, ctxH - this.cellsTop - (oldH > 0 ? oldH : 0));
.fillRect(this.headersLeft, y + (dy > 0 && oldH > 0 ? oldH - dy : 0),
ctxW, ctxH - this.cellsTop - (oldH > 0 ? oldH : 0));
var rangeGraphic = null;
if ( !(dy > 0 && vr.r2 === oldEnd && !oldVRE_isPartial && dx === 0) ) {
var c1 = vr.c1;
var r1 = dy > 0 && oldH > 0 ? oldEnd + (oldVRE_isPartial ? 0 : 1) : vr.r1;
var c2 = vr.c2;
var r2 = dy > 0 || oldH <= 0 ? vr.r2 : vr.r1 - 1 - delta; /* delta < 0 here */
var range = asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
rangeGraphic = range.clone();
// Это необходимо для того, чтобы строки, у которых высота по тексту рассчитались (баг http://bugzserver/show_bug.cgi?id=21552)
if (dx === 0) {
this._drawRowHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, r1, r2);
} else {
// redraw all headres, because number of decades in row index has been changed
this._drawRowHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined);
if (dx < 0) {
// draw last column
var r1_ = dy > 0 ? vr.r1 : r2 + 1;
var r2_ = dy > 0 ? r1 - 1 : vr.r2;
var r_ = asc_Range(c2, r1_, c2, r2_);
if (r2_ >= r1_) {
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, r_);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, r_);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, r_);
var c1 = vr.c1;
var r1 = dy > 0 && oldH > 0 ? oldEnd + (oldVRE_isPartial ? 0 : 1) : vr.r1;
var c2 = vr.c2;
var r2 = dy > 0 || oldH <= 0 ? vr.r2 : vr.r1 - 1 - delta; /* delta < 0 here */
var range = asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
rangeGraphic = range.clone();
// Это необходимо для того, чтобы строки, у которых высота по тексту рассчитались (баг http://bugzserver/show_bug.cgi?id=21552)
if (dx === 0) {
this._drawRowHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, r1, r2);
} else {
// redraw all headres, because number of decades in row index has been changed
this._drawRowHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined);
if (dx < 0) {
// draw last column
var r1_ = dy > 0 ? vr.r1 : r2 + 1;
var r2_ = dy > 0 ? r1 - 1 : vr.r2;
var r_ = asc_Range(c2, r1_, c2, r2_);
if (r2_ >= r1_) {
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, r_);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, r_);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, r_);
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, range);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range);
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, range);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range);
this._drawGraphic(range, offsetX, offsetY);
if (0 < cFrozen) {
range.c1 = 0;
range.c2 = cFrozen - 1;
offsetX = this.cols[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, range, offsetX);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range, offsetX);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range, offsetX);
this._drawGraphic(range, offsetX, offsetY);
if (0 < cFrozen) {
range.c1 = 0;
range.c2 = cFrozen - 1;
offsetX = this.cols[0].left - this.cellsLeft;
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, range, offsetX);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range, offsetX);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range, offsetX);
this._drawGraphic(range, offsetX, offsetY);
// Отрисовывать нужно всегда, вдруг бордеры
if (widthChanged) {this.handlers.trigger("reinitializeScrollX");}
// Отрисовывать нужно всегда, вдруг бордеры
if (widthChanged) {this.handlers.trigger("reinitializeScrollX");}
if (reinitScrollY)
......@@ -5063,14 +5063,14 @@
var y = this.headersTop;
var cFrozen, rFrozen;
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
diffWidth = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
diffHeight = this.rows[rFrozen].top - this.rows[0].top;
x += diffWidth;
if (dx > 0)
oldW -= diffWidth;
rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
diffWidth = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
diffHeight = this.rows[rFrozen].top - this.rows[0].top;
x += diffWidth;
if (dx > 0)
oldW -= diffWidth;
var oldVCE_isPartial = this._isColDrawnPartially(vr.c2, vr.c1, diffWidth);
if (this.isCellEditMode && editor) {editor.move(-dx, 0);}
......@@ -5081,41 +5081,41 @@
if (oldW > 0) {
ctx.drawImage(ctx.getCanvas(), x, y, oldW, ctxH, x - dx, y, oldW, ctxH);
ctx.drawImage(ctx.getCanvas(), x, y, oldW, ctxH, x - dx, y, oldW, ctxH);
.fillRect(x + (dx > 0 && oldW > 0 ? oldW - dx : 0), y,
ctxW - this.cellsLeft - (oldW > 0 ? oldW : 0), ctxH);
.fillRect(x + (dx > 0 && oldW > 0 ? oldW - dx : 0), y,
ctxW - this.cellsLeft - (oldW > 0 ? oldW : 0), ctxH);
var rangeGraphic = null;
if ( !(dx > 0 && vr.c2 === oldEnd && !oldVCE_isPartial) ) {
var c1 = dx > 0 && oldW > 0 ? oldEnd + (oldVCE_isPartial ? 0 : 1) : vr.c1;
var r1 = vr.r1;
var c2 = dx > 0 || oldW <= 0 ? vr.c2 : vr.c1 - 1 - delta; /* delta < 0 here */
var r2 = vr.r2;
var range = asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
rangeGraphic = range.clone();
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
this._drawColumnHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, c1, c2);
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, range);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range);
var c1 = dx > 0 && oldW > 0 ? oldEnd + (oldVCE_isPartial ? 0 : 1) : vr.c1;
var r1 = vr.r1;
var c2 = dx > 0 || oldW <= 0 ? vr.c2 : vr.c1 - 1 - delta; /* delta < 0 here */
var r2 = vr.r2;
var range = asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
rangeGraphic = range.clone();
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
this._drawColumnHeaders(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, c1, c2);
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, range);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range);
this._drawGraphic(range, offsetX, offsetY);
if (rFrozen) {
range.r1 = 0;
range.r2 = rFrozen - 1;
offsetY = this.rows[0].top - this.cellsTop;
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, range, undefined, offsetY);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range, undefined, offsetY);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range, undefined, offsetY);
this._drawGraphic(range, offsetX, offsetY);
if (rFrozen) {
range.r1 = 0;
range.r2 = rFrozen - 1;
offsetY = this.rows[0].top - this.cellsTop;
this._drawGrid(/*drawingCtx*/ undefined, range, undefined, offsetY);
this._drawCells(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range, undefined, offsetY);
this._drawCellsBorders(/*drawingCtx*/undefined, range, undefined, offsetY);
this._drawGraphic(range, offsetX, offsetY);
// Отрисовывать нужно всегда, вдруг бордеры
// Отрисовывать нужно всегда, вдруг бордеры
if (reinitScrollX)
......@@ -5134,54 +5134,54 @@
offset = this.cols[c].left - this.cellsLeft,
c2, x1, x2, cFrozen, widthDiff = 0;
if (x >= this.cellsLeft) {
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
widthDiff = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
if (x < this.cellsLeft + widthDiff && 0 !== widthDiff) {
c = 0;
widthDiff = 0;
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
widthDiff = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
if (x < this.cellsLeft + widthDiff && 0 !== widthDiff) {
c = 0;
widthDiff = 0;
for (x1 = this.cellsLeft + widthDiff, c2 = this.cols.length - 1; c <= c2; ++c, x1 = x2) {
x2 = x1 + this.cols[c].width;
if (x1 <= x && x < x2) {
if (dX){
// Учитываем половину ячейки
if (x1 <= x && x < x1 + this.cols[c].width / 2.0){
// Это предыдущая ячейка
// Можем вернуть и -1 (но это только для fillHandle)
for (x1 = this.cellsLeft + widthDiff, c2 = this.cols.length - 1; c <= c2; ++c, x1 = x2) {
x2 = x1 + this.cols[c].width;
if (x1 <= x && x < x2) {
if (dX){
// Учитываем половину ячейки
if (x1 <= x && x < x1 + this.cols[c].width / 2.0){
// Это предыдущая ячейка
// Можем вернуть и -1 (но это только для fillHandle)
return {col: c, left: x1, right: x2};
return {col: c, left: x1, right: x2};
if (!canReturnNull) {return {col: c2, left: this.cols[c2].left - offset, right: x2};}
} else {
for (x2 = this.cellsLeft + this.cols[c].width, c2 = 0; c >= c2; --c, x2 = x1) {
x1 = this.cols[c].left - offset;
if (x1 <= x && x < x2) {
if (dX){
// Учитываем половину ячейки
if (x1 <= x && x < x1 + this.cols[c].width / 2.0){
// Это предыдущая ячейка
// Можем вернуть и -1 (но это только для fillHandle)
if (!canReturnNull) {return {col: c2, left: this.cols[c2].left - offset, right: x2};}
} else {
for (x2 = this.cellsLeft + this.cols[c].width, c2 = 0; c >= c2; --c, x2 = x1) {
x1 = this.cols[c].left - offset;
if (x1 <= x && x < x2) {
if (dX){
// Учитываем половину ячейки
if (x1 <= x && x < x1 + this.cols[c].width / 2.0){
// Это предыдущая ячейка
// Можем вернуть и -1 (но это только для fillHandle)
return {col: c, left: x1, right: x2};
return {col: c, left: x1, right: x2};
if (!canReturnNull) {
if (dX) {
// Это предыдущая ячейка
// Можем вернуть и -1 (но это только для fillHandle)
return {col: c2};
return {col: c2, left: x1, right: x1 + this.cols[c2].width};
if (!canReturnNull) {
if (dX) {
// Это предыдущая ячейка
// Можем вернуть и -1 (но это только для fillHandle)
return {col: c2};
return {col: c2, left: x1, right: x1 + this.cols[c2].width};
return null;
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