Commit 31266398 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Читаем закрепленную область по xSplit и ySplit

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 46d0a725
......@@ -6118,11 +6118,15 @@
this.ReadPane = function (type, length, oPane) {
var res = c_oSerConstants.ReadOk;
if (c_oSer_Pane.State === type) {
if (c_oSer_Pane.State === type)
oPane.state =;
} else if (c_oSer_Pane.TopLeftCell === type) {
else if (c_oSer_Pane.TopLeftCell === type)
oPane.topLeftCell =;
} else
else if (c_oSer_Pane.XSplit === type)
oPane.xSplit =;
else if (c_oSer_Pane.YSplit === type)
oPane.ySplit =;
res = c_oSerConstants.ReadUnknown;
return res;
......@@ -1031,6 +1031,8 @@
this.state = null;
this.topLeftCell = null;
this.xSplit = 0;
this.ySplit = 0;
// CellAddress для удобства
this.topLeftFrozenCell = null;
......@@ -1040,14 +1042,17 @@
var res = new asc_CPane();
res.state = this.state;
res.topLeftCell = this.topLeftCell;
res.xSplit = this.xSplit;
res.ySplit = this.ySplit;
res.topLeftFrozenCell = this.topLeftFrozenCell ?
new CellAddress(this.topLeftFrozenCell.row, this.topLeftFrozenCell.col) : null;
return res;
asc_CPane.prototype.init = function() {
// ToDo Обрабатываем пока только frozen и frozenSplit
if (c_oAscPaneState.Frozen === this.state || c_oAscPaneState.FrozenSplit === this.state) {
this.topLeftFrozenCell = new CellAddress(this.topLeftCell);
if ((c_oAscPaneState.Frozen === this.state || c_oAscPaneState.FrozenSplit === this.state) &&
(0 < this.xSplit || 0 < this.ySplit)) {
this.topLeftFrozenCell = new CellAddress(this.ySplit, this.xSplit, 0);
if (!this.topLeftFrozenCell.isValid())
this.topLeftFrozenCell = null;
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