Commit 32c4ecc9 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Убрал $.unique из CellEditor (заменил на проверку на нулевые ширину/высоту)

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 2b2377d0
......@@ -645,10 +645,6 @@
t.kx = asc_getcvt(u, 0/*px*/, ctx.getPPIX()); = asc_getcvt(u, 0/*px*/, ctx.getPPIY());
......@@ -9768,6 +9768,7 @@
function getLeftSide(col) {
var i, res = [], offs = t.cols[vr.c1].left - t.cols[0].left - offsetFrozen.offsetX;
for (i = col; i >= vr.c1; --i) {
if (t.width_1px < t.cols[i].width)
res.push(t.cols[i].left - offs);
return res;
......@@ -9781,7 +9782,9 @@
col = vr.c2;
for (i = col; i <= vr.c2; ++i) {
res.push(t.cols[i].left + t.cols[i].width - offs);
w = t.cols[i].width;
if (t.width_1px < w)
res.push(t.cols[i].left + w - offs);
w = t.drawingCtx.getWidth();
if (res[res.length - 1] > w) {
......@@ -9798,7 +9801,9 @@
row = vr.r2;
for (i = row; i <= vr.r2; ++i) {
res.push(t.rows[i].top + t.rows[i].height - offs);
h = t.rows[i].height;
if (t.height_1px < h)
res.push(t.rows[i].top + h - offs);
h = t.drawingCtx.getHeight();
if (res[res.length - 1] > h) {
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