Commit 3349691c authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 4e55e366
/** @define {boolean} */
function CEmbeddedCutFontsLoader()
......@@ -198,38 +195,15 @@ var ASC_DOCS_API_USE_OPEN_SOURCE_FONTS_ONLY = false;
this.SetStandartFonts = function()
//В стандартных шрифтах закоментированы те шрифты, которые были добавлены на
var standarts = [];
var standarts = window.standarts;
if (undefined == standarts)
standarts = ["Arial","Comic Sans MS","Courier New","Georgia","Impact","Lucida Sans Unicode","Tahoma","Times New Roman","Trebuchet MS","Verdana",
"Open Sans","Open Sans Condensed","Droid Sans","Droid Serif","Oswald","PT Sans","Lobster","Lobster Two","Ubuntu","Ubuntu Condensed",
"Arvo","Dancing Script","Pacifico","Cuprum"];
standarts = [];
for (var i = 0; i < window.g_font_infos.length; i++)
standarts = ["Agency FB","Arabic Transparent","Arial","Arial Black","Arial Narrow","Arvo","Book Antiqua",
"Baskerville Old Face","Bell MT","Bernard MT Condensed","Bodoni MT Black","Bodoni MT Condensed",
"Bradley Hand ITC","Britannic Bold","Broadway","Brush Script MT","Calibri","Calisto MT",
"Cambria","Candara","Castellar","Centaur","Century Schoolbook","Century Gothic",
"Colonna MT","Comic Sans MS","Consolas","Cooper Black","Corbel","Courier New","Cuprum","Curlz MT","Dancing Script",
"Droid Sans Mono","Droid Sans","Droid Serif",
"DejaVu Sans","DejaVu Sans Condensed","DejaVu Sans Light","DejaVu Sans Mono","DejaVu Serif","DejaVu Serif Condensed","Dotum","DotumChe",
"Elephant","Engravers MT","Eras Bold ITC","Eras Demi ITC","Eras Light ITC","Eras Medium ITC",
"Felix Titling","Forte","Franklin Gothic Book","Franklin Gothic Demi","Franklin Gothic Demi Cond",
"Franklin Gothic Heavy","Franklin Gothic Medium","Franklin Gothic Medium Cond",
"Freestyle Script","French Script MT","Footlight MT Light","Garamond","Georgia",
"Gigi","Gill Sans MT","Gill Sans MT Condensed","Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold","Gill Sans Ultra Bold",
"Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed","Gloucester MT Extra Condensed","Goudy Stout",
"Harrington","Impact","Imprint MT Shadow","Jokerman","Lobster","Lobster Two","Lucida Sans Unicode","Microsoft Sans Serif","Monotype Corsiva",
"MS Gothic",
"Niagara Engraved","Niagara Solid","OCR A Extended","Old English Text MT","Onyx","Open Sans","Open Sans Condensed","Oswald",
"Pacifico","Palatino Linotype","Papyrus","Perpetua","Playbill","Pristina","PT Sans","Ravie","Rockwell",
"Segoe UI","Showcard Gothic",
"Snap ITC","Symbol","Tahoma","Times New Roman","Trebuchet MS","Ubuntu","Ubuntu Condensed",
"Verdana","Viner Hand ITC","Vladimir Script","Webdings","Wide Latin","Wingdings","Wingdings 2","Wingdings 3"];
var _count = standarts.length;
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