Commit 38a3de02 authored by Sergey Luzyanin's avatar Sergey Luzyanin

3d-transformation track

parent 21ef948d
......@@ -643,8 +643,16 @@ function Chart3dAdjustTrack(oChartSpace, numHandle, startX, startY)
var dOldAlpha = null;
if(AscFormat.isRealNumber(overlay.globalAlpha) && overlay.put_GlobalAlpha){
dOldAlpha = overlay.globalAlpha;
overlay.put_GlobalAlpha(false, 1);
this.objectToDraw.draw(overlay, transform);
this.objectToDraw2.draw(overlay, transform);
if(AscFormat.isRealNumber(dOldAlpha) && overlay.put_GlobalAlpha){
overlay.put_GlobalAlpha(true, dOldAlpha);
......@@ -752,17 +760,17 @@ function Chart3dAdjustTrack(oChartSpace, numHandle, startX, startY)
deltaAng = 90*(ty - this.startY)/(this.chartSizes.h/2);
this.view3D.rotX = StratRotX + deltaAng;
while(this.view3D.rotX < 0){
this.view3D.rotX += 360;
while(this.view3D.rotX > 360){
this.view3D.rotX -= 360;
if(this.view3D.rotX < -90){
this.view3D.rotX = -90;
if(this.view3D.rotX > 90){
this.view3D.rotX = 90;
this.processor3D.angleOx = this.view3D && this.view3D.rotX ? (- this.view3D.rotX / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
this.processor3D.angleOy = this.view3D && this.view3D.rotY ? (- this.view3D.rotY / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
this.processor3D.angleOz = this.view3D && this.view3D.rotZ ? (- this.view3D.rotZ / 360) * (Math.PI * 2) : 0;
this.processor3D.angleOz = 0;
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