Commit 39dc02c2 authored by Sergey Luzyanin's avatar Sergey Luzyanin Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Добавил возможность добавлять заголовки серий и названия категори диаграмм.

Добавлены обертки дял цветов.
parent 8df08834
......@@ -8743,6 +8743,18 @@ function getAbsoluteRectBoundsArr(aDrawings)
return {arrBounds: arrBounds, minX: minX, maxX: maxX, minY: minY, maxY: maxY};
function CalcLiterByLength(aAlphaBet, nLength)
var modulo = nLength;
var sResultLiter = '';
while(modulo > 0)
sResultLiter = aAlphaBet[modulo%aAlphaBet.length] + sResultLiter;
modulo = (modulo/aAlphaBet.length) >> 0;
return sResultLiter;
window['AscFormat'] = window['AscFormat'] || {};
......@@ -8789,4 +8801,5 @@ function getAbsoluteRectBoundsArr(aDrawings)
window['AscFormat'].GetMinSnapDistanceYObject = GetMinSnapDistanceYObject;
window['AscFormat'].GetMinSnapDistanceXObjectByArrays = GetMinSnapDistanceXObjectByArrays;
window['AscFormat'].GetMinSnapDistanceYObjectByArrays = GetMinSnapDistanceYObjectByArrays;
window['AscFormat'].CalcLiterByLength = CalcLiterByLength;
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