Commit 46560c39 authored by Alexander Trofimov's avatar Alexander Trofimov Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #65 from ONLYOFFICE/feature/selection

parents 05b4fa7c a322998e
......@@ -321,6 +321,14 @@ var c_oAscFormulaRangeBorderColor = [
new CColor(55, 127, 158)
var selectionLineType = {
Dash : 1,
RangeWithPromote: 2,
RangeWithResize : 3,
Range : 4,
RangeOut : 5
var c_oAscLockNameFrozenPane = "frozenPane";
var c_oAscLockNameTabColor = "tabColor";
......@@ -369,6 +377,7 @@ var c_oAscPopUpSelectorType = {
window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth = c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth;
window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance = c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance;
window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscFormulaRangeBorderColor = c_oAscFormulaRangeBorderColor;
window['AscCommonExcel'].selectionLineType = selectionLineType;
window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscLockNameFrozenPane = c_oAscLockNameFrozenPane;
window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscLockNameTabColor = c_oAscLockNameTabColor;
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
paddingPlusBorder: -1
this.activeCellBorderColor = new CColor(126, 152, 63);
this.activeCellBorderColor2 = new CColor(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
this.activeCellBorderColor2 = new CColor(255, 255, 255, 1);
this.activeCellBackground = new CColor(157, 185, 85, 0.2);
// Цвет заливки границы выделения области автозаполнения
......@@ -3550,7 +3550,7 @@
WorksheetView.prototype._drawSelectionElement = function (visibleRange, offsetX, offsetY, args) {
var range = args[0];
var isDashLine = args[1];
var selectionLineType = args[1];
var strokeColor = args[2];
var isAllRange = args[3];
var colorN = this.settings.activeCellBorderColor2;
......@@ -3561,7 +3561,7 @@
var ppiX = this._getPPIX(), ppiY = this._getPPIY();
if (!oIntersection) {
return true;
var width_1px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiX, 1/*px*/), width_2px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiX, 2
......@@ -3574,6 +3574,8 @@
var fHorLine, fVerLine;
var isRangeOut = AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeOut === selectionLineType;
var isDashLine = AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.Dash === selectionLineType;
if (isDashLine) {
fHorLine = ctx.dashLineCleverHor;
fVerLine = ctx.dashLineCleverVer;
......@@ -3595,9 +3597,9 @@
var y1 = r[oIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var y2 = r[oIntersection.r2].top + r[oIntersection.r2].height - offsetY;
if (!isDashLine) {
if (!isDashLine && !isRangeOut) {
var fillColor = strokeColor.Copy();
fillColor.a = 0.1;
fillColor.a = 0.15;
ctx.setFillStyle(fillColor).fillRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
......@@ -3618,17 +3620,17 @@
if (!isDashLine) {/*Отрисовка светлой полосы при выборе ячеек для формулы*/
if (!isDashLine && !isRangeOut) {/*Отрисовка светлой полосы при выборе ячеек для формулы*/
if (drawTopSide && !firstRow) {
if (drawTopSide) {
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [x1, y1 + height_1px, x2 - width_1px]);
if (drawBottomSide) {
fHorLine.apply(ctx, [x1, y2 - height_1px, x2 - width_1px]);
if (drawLeftSide && !firstCol) {
if (drawLeftSide) {
fVerLine.apply(ctx, [x1 + width_1px, y1, y2 - height_2px]);
if (drawRightSide) {
......@@ -3637,42 +3639,56 @@
// draw active cell in selection
var isPromote = AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithPromote === selectionLineType;
if (isPromote && oIntersection.contains(range.startCol, range.startRow)) {
var _x1 = c[range.startCol].left - offsetX + width_1px;
var _y1 = r[range.startRow].top - offsetY + height_1px;
var _w = c[range.startCol].width - width_2px;
var _h = r[range.startRow].height - height_2px;
if (0 < _w && 0 < _h) {
ctx.clearRect(_x1, _y1, _w, _h);
// Отрисовка квадратов для move/resize
if (fillColor && !range.isName) {
var isResize = AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithResize === selectionLineType;
if (isResize || isPromote) {
if (drawLeftSide && drawTopSide) {
if (isResize && drawLeftSide && drawTopSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x1 - width_4px, y1 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px);
if (drawRightSide && drawTopSide) {
if (isResize && drawRightSide && drawTopSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x2 - width_4px, y1 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px);
if (isResize && drawLeftSide && drawBottomSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x1 - width_4px, y2 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px);
if (drawRightSide && drawBottomSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x2 - width_4px, y2 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px);
if (drawLeftSide && drawBottomSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x1 - width_4px, y2 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px);
if (drawLeftSide && drawTopSide) {
if (isResize && drawLeftSide && drawTopSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x1 - width_3px, y1 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px);
if (drawRightSide && drawTopSide) {
if (isResize && drawRightSide && drawTopSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x2 - width_3px, y1 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px);
if (isResize && drawLeftSide && drawBottomSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x1 - width_3px, y2 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px);
if (drawRightSide && drawBottomSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x2 - width_3px, y2 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px);
if (drawLeftSide && drawBottomSide) {
ctx.fillRect(x1 - width_3px, y2 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px);
return true;
/**Отрисовывает диапазон с заданными параметрами*/
WorksheetView.prototype._drawElements = function (drawFunction) {
var cFrozen = 0, rFrozen = 0, args =,
1), c = this.cols, r = this.rows, offsetX = c[this.visibleRange.c1].left -
this.cellsLeft, offsetY = r[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
this.cellsLeft, offsetY = r[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop, res;
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
......@@ -3684,15 +3700,24 @@
rFrozen -= 1;
if (0 <= cFrozen && 0 <= rFrozen) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(0, 0, cFrozen, rFrozen);, oFrozenRange, c[0].left - this.cellsLeft, r[0].top - this.cellsTop, args);
res =, oFrozenRange, c[0].left - this.cellsLeft, r[0].top - this.cellsTop, args);
if (!res) {
if (0 <= cFrozen) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(0, this.visibleRange.r1, cFrozen, this.visibleRange.r2);, oFrozenRange, c[0].left - this.cellsLeft, offsetY, args);
res =, oFrozenRange, c[0].left - this.cellsLeft, offsetY, args);
if (!res) {
if (0 <= rFrozen) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range(this.visibleRange.c1, 0, this.visibleRange.c2, rFrozen);, oFrozenRange, offsetX, r[0].top - this.cellsTop, args);
res =, oFrozenRange, offsetX, r[0].top - this.cellsTop, args);
if (!res) {
......@@ -3704,6 +3729,7 @@
* Рисует выделение вокруг ячеек
WorksheetView.prototype._drawSelection = function () {
var isShapeSelect = false;
if (window['IS_NATIVE_EDITOR']) {
......@@ -3725,392 +3751,63 @@
} else {
// restore canvas' original clipping range
if (!isOtherSelectionMode) {
isShapeSelect = (asc["editor"].isStartAddShape || this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists());
if (isShapeSelect) {
if (this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
WorksheetView.prototype._drawSelectionRange = function ( range, isFrozen ) {
isFrozen = !!isFrozen;
if ( asc["editor"].isStartAddShape || this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists() ) {
if ( this.isChartAreaEditMode ) {
this._drawFormulaRanges( this.arrActiveChartsRanges );
if ( c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === this.activeRange.type ) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
else if ( c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === this.activeRange.type ) {
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
else if ( c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === this.activeRange.type ) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
var diffWidth = 0, diffHeight = 0;
if ( this.topLeftFrozenCell ) {
var cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
var rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
diffWidth = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
diffHeight = this.rows[rFrozen].top - this.rows[0].top;
} else {
if ( !isFrozen ) {
var oFrozenRange;
cFrozen -= 1;
rFrozen -= 1;
if ( 0 <= cFrozen && 0 <= rFrozen ) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range( 0, 0, cFrozen, rFrozen );
this._drawSelectionRange( oFrozenRange, true );
if (this.isFormulaEditMode) {
if ( 0 <= cFrozen ) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range( 0, this.visibleRange.r1, cFrozen, this.visibleRange.r2 );
this._drawSelectionRange( oFrozenRange, true );
if (this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
if ( 0 <= rFrozen ) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range( this.visibleRange.c1, 0, this.visibleRange.c2, rFrozen );
this._drawSelectionRange( oFrozenRange, true );
if (this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
if (this.stateFormatPainter && this.handlers.trigger('isActive')) {
if (null !== this.activeMoveRange) {
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, this.activeMoveRange,
AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeOut, new CColor(0, 0, 0));
var tmpRange = range;
if ( !this.isSelectionDialogMode ) {
range = this.activeRange.intersection( range !== undefined ? range : this.visibleRange );
else {
range = this.copyActiveRange.intersection( range !== undefined ? range : this.visibleRange );
// Copy fill Handle
var aFH = null;
// Вхождение range
var aFHIntersection = null;
if ( this.activeFillHandle !== null ) {
// Мы в режиме автозаполнения
aFH = this.activeFillHandle.clone( true );
aFHIntersection = this.activeFillHandle.intersection( tmpRange !== undefined ? tmpRange : this.visibleRange );
// restore canvas' original clipping range
if ( !range && !aFHIntersection && !this.isFormulaEditMode && !this.activeMoveRange && !this.isChartAreaEditMode ) {
if ( !isFrozen ) {
if (!isOtherSelectionMode && !isShapeSelect) {
if ( this.isSelectionDialogMode ) {
this._drawSelectRange( this.activeRange.clone( true ) );
var ctx = this.overlayCtx;
var opt = this.settings;
var offsetX, offsetY;
if ( isFrozen ) {
if ( tmpRange.c1 !== this.visibleRange.c1 ) {
diffWidth = 0;
if ( tmpRange.r1 !== this.visibleRange.r1 ) {
diffHeight = 0;
offsetX = this.cols[tmpRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[tmpRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
else {
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft - diffWidth;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop - diffHeight;
var arn = (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) ? this.activeRange.clone( true ) : this.copyActiveRange.clone( true );
var x1 = (range) ? (this.cols[range.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px) : 0;
var x2 = (range) ? (this.cols[range.c2].left + this.cols[range.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px) : 0;
var y1 = (range) ? (this.rows[range.r1].top - offsetY) : 0;
var y2 = (range) ? (this.rows[range.r2].top + this.rows[range.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px) : 0;
var drawLeftSide = (range) ? (range.c1 === arn.c1) : false;
var drawRightSide = (range) ? (range.c2 === arn.c2 && y2 >= y1) : false;
var drawTopSide = (range) ? (range.r1 === arn.r1) : false;
var drawBottomSide = (range) ? (range.r2 === arn.r2 && y2 >= y1) : false;
var l, t, r, b, cr;
// Размеры "квадрата" автозаполнения
var fillHandleWidth = 2 * this.width_2px + this.width_1px;
var fillHandleHeight = 2 * this.height_2px + this.height_1px;
// Координаты выделения для автозаполнения
var xFH1 = 0;
var xFH2 = 0;
var yFH1 = 0;
var yFH2 = 0;
// Рисуем ли мы стороны автозаполнения
var drawLeftFillHandle;
var drawRightFillHandle;
var drawTopFillHandle;
var drawBottomFillHandle;
// draw frame around cells range
l = drawLeftSide ? -this.width_1px : 0;
r = drawRightSide ? this.width_1px : 0;
t = drawTopSide ? -this.height_1px : 0;
b = drawBottomSide ? this.height_2px : 0;
ctx.setStrokeStyle( opt.activeCellBorderColor )
.setLineWidth( 3 )
if ( aFHIntersection ) {
// Считаем координаты автозаполнения
xFH1 = this.cols[aFHIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
xFH2 = this.cols[aFHIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFHIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
yFH1 = this.rows[aFHIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
yFH2 = this.rows[aFHIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFHIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
drawLeftFillHandle = aFHIntersection.c1 === aFH.c1;
drawRightFillHandle = aFHIntersection.c2 === aFH.c2;
drawTopFillHandle = aFHIntersection.r1 === aFH.r1;
drawBottomFillHandle = aFHIntersection.r2 === aFH.r2;
// Если мы не в нулевом состоянии, то рисуем обводку автозаполнения (толстой линией)
if ( aFHIntersection.c1 !== aFHIntersection.c2 || aFHIntersection.r1 !== aFHIntersection.r2 || 2 !== this.fillHandleArea ) {
if ( drawTopFillHandle ) {
ctx.lineHor( xFH1 + l, yFH1 - this.height_1px, xFH2 + this.width_1px + r );
if ( drawBottomFillHandle ) {
ctx.lineHor( xFH1 + l, yFH2, xFH2 + this.width_1px + r );
if ( drawLeftFillHandle ) {
ctx.lineVer( xFH1, yFH1 + t, yFH2 + b );
if ( drawRightFillHandle ) {
ctx.lineVer( xFH2, yFH1 + t, yFH2 + b );
// Для некоторых вариантов областей нужно дорисовывать обводку для выделенной области
switch ( this.fillHandleArea ) {
case 1:
switch ( this.fillHandleDirection ) {
case 0:
// Горизонтальный
if ( drawLeftSide ) {
ctx.lineVer( x1, y1 + t, y2 + b );
case 1:
// Вертикальный
if ( drawTopSide ) {
ctx.lineHor( x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r );
case 2:
// Для внутренней области нужны все обводки
if ( drawTopSide ) {
ctx.lineHor( x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r );
if ( drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.lineHor( x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r );
if ( drawLeftSide ) {
ctx.lineVer( x1, y1 + t, y2 + b );
if ( drawRightSide ) {
ctx.lineVer( x2, y1 + t, y2 + b );
case 3:
switch ( this.fillHandleDirection ) {
case 0:
// Горизонтальный
if ( range && aFH.c2 !== range.c2 ) {
if ( drawRightSide ) {
ctx.lineVer( x2, y1 + t, y2 + b );
case 1:
// Вертикальный
if ( range && aFH.r2 !== range.r2 ) {
if ( drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.lineHor( x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r );
else {
// Автозаполнения нет, просто рисуем обводку
if ( drawTopSide ) {
ctx.lineHor( x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r );
if ( drawBottomSide ) {
if ( isFrozen && !drawRightSide ) {
fillHandleWidth = 0;
ctx.lineHor( x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r - fillHandleWidth );
if ( drawLeftSide ) {
ctx.lineVer( x1, y1 + t, y2 + b );
if ( drawRightSide ) {
if ( isFrozen && !drawBottomSide ) {
fillHandleHeight = 0;
ctx.lineVer( x2, y1 + t, y2 + b - fillHandleHeight );
// draw cells overlay
if ( range ) {
if ( y2 >= y1 ) {
var lRect = x1 + (drawLeftSide ? this.width_3px : this.width_1px), rRect = x2 - (drawRightSide ? this.width_2px : 0), tRect = y1 + (drawTopSide ? this.height_2px : 0), bRect = y2 - (drawBottomSide ? this.width_2px : 0);
ctx.setFillStyle( opt.activeCellBackground )
.fillRect( lRect, tRect, rRect - lRect, bRect - tRect );
var lRect2 = x1 + (drawLeftSide ? this.width_2px : this.width_1px), rRect2 = x2 - (drawRightSide ? this.width_2px : 0), tRect2 = y1 + (drawTopSide ? this.height_1px : 0), bRect2 = y2 - (drawBottomSide ? this.width_2px : 0);
ctx.setStrokeStyle( opt.activeCellBorderColor2 ).setLineWidth( 1 ).beginPath()
.strokeRect( lRect2, tRect2, rRect2 - lRect2, bRect2 - tRect2 );
var firstCell = (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) ? this.activeRange : this.copyActiveRange;
cr = this.model.getMergedByCell( firstCell.startRow, firstCell.startCol );
// Проверяем скрыта ли ячейка выделения
// Получаем активную ячейку в выделении
cr = range.intersection( null !== cr ? cr : new asc_Range( firstCell.startCol, firstCell.startRow, firstCell.startCol, firstCell.startRow ) );
if ( cr !== null ) { lRect, tRect, rRect - lRect, bRect - tRect ).clip();
var _l = this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px, _r = this.cols[cr.c2].left + this.cols[cr.c2].width - offsetX, _t = this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_1px, _b = this.rows[cr.r2].top + this.rows[cr.r2].height - offsetY;
ctx.clearRect( _l, _t, _r - _l, _b - _t ).restore();
if ( !(isFrozen && (!drawRightSide || !drawBottomSide)) ) {
// Рисуем "квадрат" для автозаполнения (располагается "квадрат" в правом нижнем углу последней ячейки выделения)
cr = range.intersection( new asc_Range( range.c2, range.r2, range.c2, range.r2 ) );
if ( cr !== null ) {
this.fillHandleL = this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX + this.cols[cr.c1].width - this.width_1px - this.width_2px;
this.fillHandleR = this.fillHandleL + fillHandleWidth;
this.fillHandleT = this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY + this.rows[cr.r1].height - this.height_1px - this.height_2px;
this.fillHandleB = this.fillHandleT + fillHandleHeight;
ctx.setFillStyle( opt.activeCellBorderColor2 )
.fillRect( this.fillHandleL - this.width_1px, this.fillHandleT - this.height_1px, this.fillHandleR - this.fillHandleL + this.width_2px, this.fillHandleB - this.fillHandleT + this.height_2px);
ctx.setFillStyle( opt.activeCellBorderColor )
.fillRect( this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR - this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleB - this.fillHandleT );
else {
this.fillHandleL = this.fillHandleR = this.fillHandleT = this.fillHandleB = -1;
// draw fill handle select
if ( this.activeFillHandle !== null ) {
if ( 2 === this.fillHandleArea && (aFH.c1 !== aFH.c2 || aFH.r1 !== aFH.r2) ) {
// Для внутренней области мы должны "залить" еще и область автозаполнения
var lFH = xFH1 + (drawLeftFillHandle ? this.width_3px : this.width_1px), rFH = xFH2 - (drawRightFillHandle ? this.width_2px : 0), tFH = yFH1 + (drawTopFillHandle ? this.height_2px : 0), bFH = yFH2 - (drawBottomFillHandle ? this.width_2px : 0);
ctx.setFillStyle( opt.activeCellBackground )
.fillRect( lFH, tFH, rFH - lFH, bFH - tFH );
ctx.setStrokeStyle( opt.fillHandleBorderColorSelect ).setLineWidth( 1 ).beginPath();
if ( aFH.c1 !== aFH.c2 || aFH.r1 !== aFH.r2 || 2 !== this.fillHandleArea ) {
// Рисуем обводку для области автозаполнения, если мы выделили что-то
if ( drawTopFillHandle ) {
ctx.lineHor( xFH1 + l + this.width_1px, yFH1 - this.height_1px, xFH2 + r );
if ( drawBottomFillHandle ) {
ctx.lineHor( xFH1 + l + this.width_1px, yFH2, xFH2 + r );
if ( drawLeftFillHandle ) {
ctx.lineVer( xFH1, yFH1 + t + this.height_1px, yFH2 + b - this.height_1px );
if ( drawRightFillHandle ) {
ctx.lineVer( xFH2, yFH1 + t + this.height_1px, yFH2 + b - this.height_1px );
if ( 2 === this.fillHandleArea ) {
// Если мы внутри, еще рисуем обводку для выделенной области
if ( drawTopSide ) {
ctx.lineHor( x1 + l + this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + r - this.width_1px );
if ( drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.lineHor( x1 + l + this.width_1px, y2, x2 + r - this.width_1px );
if ( drawLeftSide ) {
ctx.lineVer( x1, y1 + t + this.height_1px, y2 + b - this.height_1px );
if ( drawRightSide ) {
ctx.lineVer( x2, y1 + t + this.height_1px, y2 + b - this.height_1px );
if ( !isFrozen && this.isFormulaEditMode ) {
this._drawFormulaRanges( this.arrActiveFormulaRanges );
if ( !isFrozen && this.isChartAreaEditMode ) {
this._drawFormulaRanges( this.arrActiveChartsRanges );
if ( !isFrozen && this.isSelectionDialogMode ) {
this._drawSelectRange( this.activeRange.clone( true ) );
if ( !isFrozen && this.stateFormatPainter && this.handlers.trigger('isActive') ) {
WorksheetView.prototype._drawSelectionRange = function (range) {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
} else if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
} else if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
if ( null !== this.activeMoveRange ) {
ctx.setStrokeStyle( new CColor( 0, 0, 0 ) )
.setLineWidth( 1 )
var aActiveMoveRangeIntersection = this.activeMoveRange.intersection( tmpRange !== undefined ? tmpRange : this.visibleRange );
if ( aActiveMoveRangeIntersection ) {
var drawLeftSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c1 === this.activeMoveRange.c1;
var drawRightSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2 === this.activeMoveRange.c2;
var drawTopSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r1 === this.activeMoveRange.r1;
var drawBottomSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2 === this.activeMoveRange.r2;
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, this.activeRange,
AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithPromote, this.settings.activeCellBorderColor);
var xMoveRange1 = this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var xMoveRange2 = this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var yMoveRange1 = this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var yMoveRange2 = this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
if ( drawTopSideMoveRange ) {
ctx.lineHor( xMoveRange1, yMoveRange1 - this.height_1px, xMoveRange2 + this.width_1px );
if ( drawBottomSideMoveRange ) {
ctx.lineHor( xMoveRange1, yMoveRange2, xMoveRange2 + this.width_1px );
if ( drawLeftSideMoveRange ) {
ctx.lineVer( xMoveRange1, yMoveRange1, yMoveRange2 );
if ( drawRightSideMoveRange ) {
ctx.lineVer( xMoveRange2, yMoveRange1, yMoveRange2 );
if (this.activeFillHandle) {
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, this.activeFillHandle.clone(true),
AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeOut, this.settings.activeCellBorderColor);
WorksheetView.prototype._drawFormatPainterRange = function () {
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, this.copyActiveRange, true, new CColor(0, 0, 0));
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, this.copyActiveRange, AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.Dash,
new CColor(0, 0, 0));
WorksheetView.prototype._drawFormulaRanges = function (arrRanges) {
......@@ -4118,9 +3815,6 @@
var strokeColor, colorIndex, uniqueColorIndex = 0, tmpColors = [];
for (i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i) {
var oFormulaRange = arrRanges[i].clone(true);
if (arrRanges[i].isName) {
oFormulaRange.isName = true;
colorIndex = asc.getUniqueRangeColor(arrRanges, i, tmpColors);
if (null == colorIndex) {
colorIndex = uniqueColorIndex++;
......@@ -4128,12 +3822,14 @@
strokeColor = AscCommonExcel.c_oAscFormulaRangeBorderColor[colorIndex % length];
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, oFormulaRange, false, strokeColor);
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, oFormulaRange,
arrRanges[i].isName ? AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.Range :
AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithResize, strokeColor);
WorksheetView.prototype._drawSelectRange = function (oSelectRange) {
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, oSelectRange, true,
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, oSelectRange, AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.Dash,
......@@ -4152,7 +3848,8 @@
var isAllRange = true, strokeColor = (Asc.c_oAscMouseMoveLockedObjectType.TableProperties ===
nLockAllType) ? AscCommonExcel.c_oAscCoAuthoringLockTablePropertiesBorderColor :
AscCommonExcel.c_oAscCoAuthoringOtherBorderColor, oAllRange = new asc_Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0);
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, oAllRange, true, strokeColor, isAllRange);
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, oAllRange, AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.Dash,
strokeColor, isAllRange);
......@@ -4171,7 +3868,8 @@
for (i = 0; i < arrayCells.length; ++i) {
oCellTmp = new asc_Range(arrayCells[i].c1, arrayCells[i].r1, arrayCells[i].c2, arrayCells[i].r2);
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, oCellTmp, true, strokeColor);
this._drawElements(this._drawSelectionElement, oCellTmp, AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.Dash,
......@@ -6231,90 +5929,114 @@
return null;
WorksheetView.prototype._getCursorFormulaOrChart = function ( vr, x, y, offsetX, offsetY ) {
var i, l;
var cursor, oFormulaRange, oFormulaRangeIn, xFormula1, xFormula2, yFormula1, yFormula2;
WorksheetView.prototype._hitResizeCorner = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var wEps = this.width_1px, hEps = this.height_1px;
return Math.abs(x2 - x1) <= wEps + this.width_2px && Math.abs(y2 - y1) <= hEps + this.height_2px;
WorksheetView.prototype._hitInRange = function (range, rangeType, vr, x, y, offsetX, offsetY) {
var wEps = this.width_2px, hEps = this.height_2px;
var cursor, x1, x2, y1, y2, isResize;
var col = -1, row = -1;
var arrRanges = this.isFormulaEditMode ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges : this.arrActiveChartsRanges, targetArr = this.isFormulaEditMode ? 0 : -1;
var ppiX = this._getPPIX(), ppiY = this._getPPIY();
var width_1px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 1/*px*/ ),
width_2px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 2/*px*/ ),
width_3px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 3/*px*/ ),
width_4px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 4/*px*/ ),
width_5px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 5/*px*/ ),
width_7px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 7/*px*/ ),
height_1px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 1/*px*/ ),
height_2px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 2/*px*/ ),
height_3px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 3/*px*/ ),
height_4px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 4/*px*/ ),
height_5px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 5/*px*/ ),
height_7px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 7/*px*/ );
for ( i = 0, l = arrRanges.length; i < l; ++i ) {
oFormulaRange = arrRanges[i].clone( true );
oFormulaRange.isName = arrRanges[i].isName;
oFormulaRangeIn = oFormulaRange.intersectionSimple( vr );
if ( oFormulaRangeIn && !oFormulaRange.isName ) {
xFormula1 = this.cols[oFormulaRangeIn.c1].left - offsetX;
xFormula2 = this.cols[oFormulaRangeIn.c2].left + this.cols[oFormulaRangeIn.c2].width - offsetX;
yFormula1 = this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r1].top - offsetY;
yFormula2 = this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r2].top + this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r2].height - offsetY;
if ( (x >= xFormula1 + width_3px && x <= xFormula2 - width_5px) &&
((y >= yFormula1 - height_2px && y <= yFormula1 + height_2px) || (y >= yFormula2 - height_2px && y <= yFormula2 + height_2px)) ||
(y >= yFormula1 + height_3px && y <= yFormula2 - height_5px) &&
((x >= xFormula1 - width_2px && x <= xFormula1 + width_2px) || (x >= xFormula2 - width_2px && x <= xFormula2 + width_2px)) ) {
cursor = kCurMove;
else if ( x >= xFormula1 - width_3px && x < xFormula1 + width_2px && y >= yFormula1 - height_3px && y < yFormula1 + height_2px ) {/*TOP-LEFT*/
var oFormulaRangeIn = range.intersectionSimple(vr);
if (oFormulaRangeIn) {
x1 = this.cols[oFormulaRangeIn.c1].left - offsetX;
x2 = this.cols[oFormulaRangeIn.c2].left + this.cols[oFormulaRangeIn.c2].width - offsetX;
y1 = this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r1].top - offsetY;
y2 = this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r2].top + this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r2].height - offsetY;
isResize = AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithResize === rangeType;
if (isResize && this._hitResizeCorner(x1 - this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, x, y)) {
cursor = kCurSEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c2;
row = oFormulaRange.r2;
else if ( x > xFormula2 - width_3px && x <= xFormula2 + width_2px && y >= yFormula1 - height_3px && y < yFormula1 + height_2px ) {/*TOP-RIGHT*/
col = range.c2;
row = range.r2;
} else if (isResize && this._hitResizeCorner(x2, y1 - this.height_1px, x, y)) {
cursor = kCurNEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c1;
row = oFormulaRange.r2;
else if ( x > xFormula2 - width_3px && x <= xFormula2 + width_2px && y > yFormula2 - height_3px && y <= yFormula2 + height_2px ) {/*BOTTOM-RIGHT*/
col = range.c1;
row = range.r2;
} else if (isResize && this._hitResizeCorner(x1 - this.width_1px, y2, x, y)) {
cursor = kCurNEResize;
col = range.c2;
row = range.r1;
} else if (this._hitResizeCorner(x2, y2, x, y)) {
cursor = kCurSEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c1;
row = oFormulaRange.r1;
col = range.c1;
row = range.r1;
} else if ((((range.c1 === oFormulaRangeIn.c1 && Math.abs(x - x1) <= wEps) ||
(range.c2 === oFormulaRangeIn.c2 && Math.abs(x - x2) <= wEps)) && hEps <= y - y1 &&
y - y2 <= hEps) || (((range.r1 === oFormulaRangeIn.r1 && Math.abs(y - y1) <= hEps) ||
(range.r2 === oFormulaRangeIn.r2 && Math.abs(y - y2) <= hEps)) && wEps <= x - x1 &&
x - x2 <= wEps)) {
cursor = kCurMove;
else if ( x >= xFormula1 - width_3px && x < xFormula1 + width_2px && y > yFormula2 - height_3px && y <= yFormula2 + height_2px ) {/*BOTTOM-LEFT*/
cursor = kCurNEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c2;
row = oFormulaRange.r1;
return cursor ? {
cursor: cursor,
col: col,
row: row
} : null;
WorksheetView.prototype._hitCursorSelectionRange = function (vr, x, y, offsetX, offsetY) {
var res = this._hitInRange(this.activeRange, AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithPromote, vr, x, y,
offsetX, offsetY);
return res ? {
cursor: kCurMove === res.cursor ? kCurMove : kCurFillHandle,
target: kCurMove === res.cursor ? c_oTargetType.MoveRange : c_oTargetType.FillHandle,
col: -1,
row: -1
} : null;
WorksheetView.prototype._hitCursorFormulaOrChart = function (vr, x, y, offsetX, offsetY) {
var i, l, res;
var oFormulaRange;
var arrRanges = this.isFormulaEditMode ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges : this.arrActiveChartsRanges;
var targetArr = this.isFormulaEditMode ? 0 : -1;
for (i = 0, l = arrRanges.length; i < l; ++i) {
oFormulaRange = arrRanges[i].clone(true);
oFormulaRange.isName = arrRanges[i].isName;
res = !oFormulaRange.isName &&
this._hitInRange(oFormulaRange, AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithResize, vr, x, y, offsetX,
if (res) {
return cursor ? {
cursor : cursor,
target : c_oTargetType.MoveResizeRange,
col : col,
row : row,
formulaRange : oFormulaRange,
return res ? {
cursor: res.cursor,
target: c_oTargetType.MoveResizeRange,
col: res.col,
row: res.row,
formulaRange: oFormulaRange,
indexFormulaRange: i,
targetArr : targetArr
targetArr: targetArr
} : null;
WorksheetView.prototype._isCursorOnSelectionBorder = function ( ar, vr, x, y ) {
var arIntersection = ar.intersectionSimple( vr );
WorksheetView.prototype._isCursorOnSelectionBorder = function (ar, vr, x, y) {
var arIntersection = ar.intersectionSimple(vr);
var left, top, right, bottom, wEps = this.width_2px, hEps = this.height_2px;
if ( arIntersection ) {
if (arIntersection) {
left = ar.c1 === arIntersection.c1 ? this.cols[ar.c1].left : null;
right = ar.c2 === arIntersection.c2 ? this.cols[ar.c2].left + this.cols[ar.c2].width : null;
top = ar.r1 === arIntersection.r1 ? this.rows[ar.r1].top : null;
bottom = ar.r2 === arIntersection.r2 ? this.rows[ar.r2].top + this.rows[ar.r2].height : null;
var isLeft = (null !== left && x >= left - wEps && x <= left + wEps), isRight = (null !== right && x >= right - wEps && x <= right + wEps), isTop = (null !== top && y >= top - hEps && y <= top + hEps), isBottom = (null !== bottom && y >= bottom - hEps && y <= bottom + hEps), isHorMiddle = ((null === left || x >= left - wEps) && (null === right || x <= right + wEps)), isVerMiddle = ((null === top || y >= top - hEps) && (null === bottom || y <= bottom + hEps));
if ( ((isLeft || isRight) && isVerMiddle) || ((isTop || isBottom) && isHorMiddle) ) {
var isLeft = (null !== left && x >= left - wEps && x <= left + wEps), isRight = (null !== right &&
x >= right - wEps && x <= right + wEps), isTop = (null !== top && y >= top - hEps &&
y <= top + hEps), isBottom = (null !== bottom && y >= bottom - hEps &&
y <= bottom + hEps), isHorMiddle = ((null === left || x >= left - wEps) &&
(null === right || x <= right + wEps)), isVerMiddle = ((null === top || y >= top - hEps) &&
(null === bottom || y <= bottom + hEps));
if (((isLeft || isRight) && isVerMiddle) || ((isTop || isBottom) && isHorMiddle)) {
// Мы навели на границу выделения
return true;
......@@ -6322,92 +6044,94 @@
return false;
WorksheetView.prototype.getCursorTypeFromXY = function ( x, y, isViewerMode ) {
var c, r, f, i, offsetX, offsetY, cellCursor, sheetId = this.model.getId(), userId, lockRangePosLeft, lockRangePosTop, lockInfo, oHyperlink, widthDiff = 0, heightDiff = 0, isLocked = false, ar = this.activeRange, target = c_oTargetType.Cells, row = -1, col = -1, isSelGraphicObject, isNotFirst;
WorksheetView.prototype.getCursorTypeFromXY = function (x, y, isViewerMode) {
var res, c, r, f, i, offsetX, offsetY, cellCursor, sheetId = this.model.getId(), userId, lockRangePosLeft, lockRangePosTop, lockInfo, oHyperlink, widthDiff = 0, heightDiff = 0, isLocked = false, ar = this.activeRange, target = c_oTargetType.Cells, row = -1, col = -1, isSelGraphicObject, isNotFirst;
var frozenCursor = this._isFrozenAnchor( x, y );
if ( !isViewerMode && frozenCursor.result ) {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo( c_oAscLockTypeElem.Object, null, sheetId, AscCommonExcel.c_oAscLockNameFrozenPane );
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection( lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, false );
if ( false !== isLocked ) {
var frozenCursor = this._isFrozenAnchor(x, y);
if (!isViewerMode && frozenCursor.result) {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Object, null, sheetId,
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, false);
if (false !== isLocked) {
// Кто-то сделал lock
var frozenCell = this.topLeftFrozenCell ? this.topLeftFrozenCell : new AscCommon.CellAddress( 0, 0, 0 );
var frozenCell = this.topLeftFrozenCell ? this.topLeftFrozenCell : new AscCommon.CellAddress(0, 0, 0);
userId = isLocked.UserId;
lockRangePosLeft = this.getCellLeft( frozenCell.getCol0(), 0 );
lockRangePosTop = this.getCellTop( frozenCell.getRow0(), 0 );
lockRangePosLeft = this.getCellLeft(frozenCell.getCol0(), 0);
lockRangePosTop = this.getCellTop(frozenCell.getRow0(), 0);
return {
cursor : frozenCursor.cursor,
target :,
col : -1,
row : -1,
userId : userId,
cursor: frozenCursor.cursor,
col: -1,
row: -1,
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: lockRangePosLeft,
lockRangePosTop : lockRangePosTop
lockRangePosTop: lockRangePosTop
var drawingInfo = this.objectRender.checkCursorDrawingObject( x, y );
if ( asc["editor"].isStartAddShape && AscCommonExcel.CheckIdSatetShapeAdd( this.objectRender.controller.curState ) ) {
var drawingInfo = this.objectRender.checkCursorDrawingObject(x, y);
if (asc["editor"].isStartAddShape &&
AscCommonExcel.CheckIdSatetShapeAdd(this.objectRender.controller.curState)) {
return {cursor: kCurFillHandle, target: c_oTargetType.Shape, col: -1, row: -1};
if ( drawingInfo && ) {
if (drawingInfo && {
// Возможно картинка с lock
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo( c_oAscLockTypeElem.Object, null, sheetId, );
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection( lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, false );
if ( false !== isLocked ) {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Object, null, sheetId,;
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, false);
if (false !== isLocked) {
// Кто-то сделал lock
userId = isLocked.UserId;
lockRangePosLeft = drawingInfo.object.getVisibleLeftOffset( true );
lockRangePosTop = drawingInfo.object.getVisibleTopOffset( true );
lockRangePosLeft = drawingInfo.object.getVisibleLeftOffset(true);
lockRangePosTop = drawingInfo.object.getVisibleTopOffset(true);
if ( drawingInfo.hyperlink instanceof ParaHyperlink ) {
if (drawingInfo.hyperlink instanceof ParaHyperlink) {
oHyperlink = new AscCommonExcel.Hyperlink();
oHyperlink.Tooltip = drawingInfo.hyperlink.ToolTip;
var spl = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value.split( "!" );
if ( spl.length === 2 ) {
oHyperlink.setLocation( drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value );
else {
var spl = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value.split("!");
if (spl.length === 2) {
} else {
oHyperlink.Hyperlink = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value;
cellCursor = {cursor: drawingInfo.cursor, target: c_oTargetType.Cells, col: -1, row: -1, userId: userId};
cellCursor =
{cursor: drawingInfo.cursor, target: c_oTargetType.Cells, col: -1, row: -1, userId: userId};
return {
cursor : kCurHyperlink,
target : c_oTargetType.Hyperlink,
hyperlink : new asc_CHyperlink( oHyperlink ),
cursor: kCurHyperlink,
target: c_oTargetType.Hyperlink,
hyperlink: new asc_CHyperlink(oHyperlink),
cellCursor: cellCursor,
userId : userId
userId: userId
return {
cursor : drawingInfo.cursor,
target : c_oTargetType.Shape,
drawingId :,
col : -1,
row : -1,
userId : userId,
cursor: drawingInfo.cursor,
target: c_oTargetType.Shape,
col: -1,
row: -1,
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: lockRangePosLeft,
lockRangePosTop : lockRangePosTop
lockRangePosTop: lockRangePosTop
x *= asc_getcvt( 0/*px*/, 1/*pt*/, this._getPPIX() );
y *= asc_getcvt( 0/*px*/, 1/*pt*/, this._getPPIY() );
x *= asc_getcvt(0/*px*/, 1/*pt*/, this._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0/*px*/, 1/*pt*/, this._getPPIY());
var oResDefault = {cursor: kCurDefault, target: c_oTargetType.None, col: -1, row: -1};
if ( x < this.cellsLeft && y < this.cellsTop ) {
if (x < this.cellsLeft && y < this.cellsTop) {
return {cursor: kCurCorner, target: c_oTargetType.Corner, col: -1, row: -1};
var cFrozen = -1, rFrozen = -1;
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
if ( this.topLeftFrozenCell ) {
if (this.topLeftFrozenCell) {
cFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getCol0();
rFrozen = this.topLeftFrozenCell.getRow0();
widthDiff = this.cols[cFrozen].left - this.cols[0].left;
......@@ -6417,9 +6141,9 @@
offsetY = (y < this.cellsTop + heightDiff) ? 0 : offsetY - heightDiff;
if ( x <= this.cellsLeft && y >= this.cellsTop ) {
r = this._findRowUnderCursor( y, true );
if ( r === null ) {
if (x <= this.cellsLeft && y >= this.cellsTop) {
r = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, true);
if (r === null) {
return oResDefault;
isNotFirst = (r.row !== (-1 !== rFrozen ? 0 : this.visibleRange.r1));
......@@ -6428,14 +6152,14 @@
return {
cursor: f ? kCurRowResize : kCurRowSelect,
target: f ? c_oTargetType.RowResize : c_oTargetType.RowHeader,
col : -1,
row : r.row + (isNotFirst && f && y < + 3 ? -1 : 0),
col: -1,
row: r.row + (isNotFirst && f && y < + 3 ? -1 : 0),
mouseY: f ? ((y < + 3) ? ( - y - this.height_1px) : (r.bottom - y - this.height_1px)) : null
if ( y <= this.cellsTop && x >= this.cellsLeft ) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor( x, true );
if ( c === null ) {
if (y <= this.cellsTop && x >= this.cellsLeft) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor(x, true);
if (c === null) {
return oResDefault;
isNotFirst = c.col !== (-1 !== cFrozen ? 0 : this.visibleRange.c1);
......@@ -6444,23 +6168,23 @@
return {
cursor: f ? kCurColResize : kCurColSelect,
target: f ? c_oTargetType.ColumnResize : c_oTargetType.ColumnHeader,
col : c.col + (isNotFirst && f && x < c.left + 3 ? -1 : 0),
row : -1,
col: c.col + (isNotFirst && f && x < c.left + 3 ? -1 : 0),
row: -1,
mouseX: f ? ((x < c.left + 3) ? (c.left - x - this.width_1px) : (c.right - x - this.width_1px)) : null
if ( this.stateFormatPainter ) {
if ( x <= this.cellsLeft && y >= this.cellsTop ) {
r = this._findRowUnderCursor( y, true );
if ( r !== null ) {
if (this.stateFormatPainter) {
if (x <= this.cellsLeft && y >= this.cellsTop) {
r = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, true);
if (r !== null) {
target = c_oTargetType.RowHeader;
row = r.row;
if ( y <= this.cellsTop && x >= this.cellsLeft ) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor( x, true );
if ( c !== null ) {
if (y <= this.cellsTop && x >= this.cellsLeft) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor(x, true);
if (c !== null) {
target = c_oTargetType.ColumnHeader;
col = c.col;
......@@ -6468,58 +6192,29 @@
return {cursor: kCurFormatPainterExcel, target: target, col: col, row: row};
if ( this.isFormulaEditMode || this.isChartAreaEditMode ) {
var oFormulaOrChartCursor = this._getCursorFormulaOrChart( this.visibleRange, x, y, offsetX, offsetY );
if ( oFormulaOrChartCursor ) {
return oFormulaOrChartCursor;
if (this.isFormulaEditMode || this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
this._drawElements(function (_vr, _offsetX, _offsetY) {
return (null === (res = this._hitCursorFormulaOrChart(_vr, x, y, _offsetX, _offsetY)));
if (res) {
return res;
var xWithOffset = x + offsetX;
var yWithOffset = y + offsetY;
isSelGraphicObject = this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists();
if ( !isViewerMode && !isSelGraphicObject ) {
// Эпсилон для fillHandle
var fillHandleEpsilon = this.width_1px;
if ( !this.isChartAreaEditMode && x >= (this.fillHandleL - fillHandleEpsilon) && x <= (this.fillHandleR + fillHandleEpsilon) && y >= (this.fillHandleT - fillHandleEpsilon) && y <= (this.fillHandleB + fillHandleEpsilon) ) {
// Мы на "квадрате" для автозаполнения
return {cursor: kCurFillHandle, target: c_oTargetType.FillHandle, col: -1, row: -1};
// Навели на выделение (стоит вынести в отдельный метод)
if ( this._isCursorOnSelectionBorder( ar, this.visibleRange, xWithOffset, yWithOffset ) ) {
return {cursor: kCurMove, target: c_oTargetType.MoveRange, col: -1, row: -1};
if ( this.topLeftFrozenCell ) {
var oFrozenRange;
cFrozen -= 1;
rFrozen -= 1;
if ( 0 <= cFrozen && 0 <= rFrozen ) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range( 0, 0, cFrozen, rFrozen );
if ( this._isCursorOnSelectionBorder( ar, oFrozenRange, x, y ) ) {
return {cursor: kCurMove, target: c_oTargetType.MoveRange, col: -1, row: -1};
if ( 0 <= cFrozen ) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range( 0, this.visibleRange.r1, cFrozen, this.visibleRange.r2 );
if ( this._isCursorOnSelectionBorder( ar, oFrozenRange, x, yWithOffset ) ) {
return {cursor: kCurMove, target: c_oTargetType.MoveRange, col: -1, row: -1};
if ( 0 <= rFrozen ) {
oFrozenRange = new asc_Range( this.visibleRange.c1, 0, this.visibleRange.c2, rFrozen );
if ( this._isCursorOnSelectionBorder( ar, oFrozenRange, xWithOffset, y ) ) {
return {cursor: kCurMove, target: c_oTargetType.MoveRange, col: -1, row: -1};
if (!isViewerMode && !isSelGraphicObject) {
this._drawElements(function (_vr, _offsetX, _offsetY) {
return (null === (res = this._hitCursorSelectionRange(_vr, x, y, _offsetX, _offsetY)));
if (res) {
return res;
if ( x > this.cellsLeft && y > this.cellsTop ) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor( x, true );
r = this._findRowUnderCursor( y, true );
if ( c === null || r === null ) {
if (x > this.cellsLeft && y > this.cellsTop) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor(x, true);
r = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, true);
if (c === null || r === null) {
return oResDefault;
......@@ -6529,115 +6224,126 @@
var lockAllPosTop = undefined;
var userIdAllProps = undefined;
var userIdAllSheet = undefined;
if ( !isViewerMode && this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing() ) {
if (!isViewerMode && this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing()) {
var c1Recalc = null, r1Recalc = null;
var selectRangeRecalc = new asc_Range( c.col, r.row, c.col, r.row );
var selectRangeRecalc = new asc_Range(c.col, r.row, c.col, r.row);
// Пересчет для входящих ячеек в добавленные строки/столбцы
var isIntersection = this._recalcRangeByInsertRowsAndColumns( sheetId, selectRangeRecalc );
if ( false === isIntersection ) {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo( c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, /*subType*/null, sheetId, new AscCommonExcel.asc_CCollaborativeRange( selectRangeRecalc.c1, selectRangeRecalc.r1, selectRangeRecalc.c2, selectRangeRecalc.r2 ) );
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection( lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, /*bCheckOnlyLockAll*/false );
if ( false !== isLocked ) {
var isIntersection = this._recalcRangeByInsertRowsAndColumns(sheetId, selectRangeRecalc);
if (false === isIntersection) {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, /*subType*/null, sheetId,
new AscCommonExcel.asc_CCollaborativeRange(selectRangeRecalc.c1, selectRangeRecalc.r1, selectRangeRecalc.c2, selectRangeRecalc.r2));
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther,
if (false !== isLocked) {
// Кто-то сделал lock
userId = isLocked.UserId;
lockRange = isLocked.Element["rangeOrObjectId"];
c1Recalc = this.collaborativeEditing.m_oRecalcIndexColumns[sheetId].getLockOther( lockRange["c1"], c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther );
r1Recalc = this.collaborativeEditing.m_oRecalcIndexRows[sheetId].getLockOther( lockRange["r1"], c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther );
if ( null !== c1Recalc && null !== r1Recalc ) {
lockRangePosLeft = this.getCellLeft( c1Recalc, /*pt*/1 );
lockRangePosTop = this.getCellTop( r1Recalc, /*pt*/1 );
c1Recalc =
r1Recalc = this.collaborativeEditing.m_oRecalcIndexRows[sheetId].getLockOther(lockRange["r1"],
if (null !== c1Recalc && null !== r1Recalc) {
lockRangePosLeft = this.getCellLeft(c1Recalc, /*pt*/1);
lockRangePosTop = this.getCellTop(r1Recalc, /*pt*/1);
// Пересчитываем X и Y относительно видимой области
lockRangePosLeft -= offsetX;
lockRangePosTop -= offsetY;
// Пересчитываем в px
lockRangePosLeft *= asc_getcvt( 1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIX() );
lockRangePosTop *= asc_getcvt( 1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIY() );
lockRangePosLeft *= asc_getcvt(1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIX());
lockRangePosTop *= asc_getcvt(1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIY());
else {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo( c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, /*subType*/null, sheetId, null );
} else {
lockInfo =
this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, /*subType*/null, sheetId, null);
// Проверим не удален ли весь лист (именно удален, т.к. если просто залочен, то не рисуем рамку вокруг)
lockInfo["type"] = c_oAscLockTypeElem.Sheet;
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection( lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, /*bCheckOnlyLockAll*/true );
if ( false !== isLocked ) {
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther,
if (false !== isLocked) {
// Кто-то сделал lock
userIdAllSheet = isLocked.UserId;
lockAllPosLeft = this.cellsLeft * asc_getcvt( 1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIX() );
lockAllPosTop = this.cellsTop * asc_getcvt( 1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIY() );
lockAllPosLeft = this.cellsLeft * asc_getcvt(1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIX());
lockAllPosTop = this.cellsTop * asc_getcvt(1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIY());
// Проверим не залочены ли все свойства листа (только если не удален весь лист)
if ( undefined === userIdAllSheet ) {
if (undefined === userIdAllSheet) {
lockInfo["type"] = c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range;
lockInfo["subType"] = c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertRows;
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection( lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, /*bCheckOnlyLockAll*/true );
if ( false !== isLocked ) {
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther,
if (false !== isLocked) {
// Кто-то сделал lock
userIdAllProps = isLocked.UserId;
lockAllPosLeft = this.cellsLeft * asc_getcvt( 1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIX() );
lockAllPosTop = this.cellsTop * asc_getcvt( 1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIY() );
lockAllPosLeft = this.cellsLeft * asc_getcvt(1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIX());
lockAllPosTop = this.cellsTop * asc_getcvt(1/*pt*/, 0/*px*/, this._getPPIY());
var autoFilterInfo = this.af_checkCursor( x, y, offsetX, offsetY, {
var autoFilterInfo = this.af_checkCursor(x, y, offsetX, offsetY, {
cFrozen: cFrozen, rFrozen: rFrozen
}, r, c );
if ( autoFilterInfo && !isViewerMode ) {
}, r, c);
if (autoFilterInfo && !isViewerMode) {
return {
cursor: kCurAutoFilter, target: c_oTargetType.FilterObject, col: -1, row: -1, idFilter:
cursor: kCurAutoFilter,
target: c_oTargetType.FilterObject,
col: -1,
row: -1,
// Проверим есть ли комменты
var comments = this.cellCommentator.getComments( c.col, r.row );
var comments = this.cellCommentator.getComments(c.col, r.row);
var coords = undefined;
var indexes = undefined;
if ( 0 < comments.length ) {
if (0 < comments.length) {
indexes = [];
for ( i = 0; i < comments.length; ++i ) {
indexes.push( comments[i].asc_getId() );
for (i = 0; i < comments.length; ++i) {
coords = this.cellCommentator.getCommentsCoords( comments );
coords = this.cellCommentator.getCommentsCoords(comments);
// Проверим, может мы в гиперлинке
oHyperlink = this.model.getHyperlinkByCell( r.row, c.col );
oHyperlink = this.model.getHyperlinkByCell(r.row, c.col);
cellCursor = {
cursor : kCurCells,
target : c_oTargetType.Cells,
col : (c ? c.col : -1),
row : (r ? r.row : -1),
userId : userId,
cursor: kCurCells,
target: c_oTargetType.Cells,
col: (c ? c.col : -1),
row: (r ? r.row : -1),
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: lockRangePosLeft,
lockRangePosTop : lockRangePosTop,
userIdAllProps : userIdAllProps,
lockAllPosLeft : lockAllPosLeft,
lockAllPosTop : lockAllPosTop,
userIdAllSheet : userIdAllSheet,
commentIndexes : indexes,
commentCoords : coords
if ( null !== oHyperlink ) {
lockRangePosTop: lockRangePosTop,
userIdAllProps: userIdAllProps,
lockAllPosLeft: lockAllPosLeft,
lockAllPosTop: lockAllPosTop,
userIdAllSheet: userIdAllSheet,
commentIndexes: indexes,
commentCoords: coords
if (null !== oHyperlink) {
return {
cursor : kCurHyperlink,
target : c_oTargetType.Hyperlink,
hyperlink : new asc_CHyperlink( oHyperlink ),
cellCursor : cellCursor,
userId : userId,
cursor: kCurHyperlink,
target: c_oTargetType.Hyperlink,
hyperlink: new asc_CHyperlink(oHyperlink),
cellCursor: cellCursor,
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: lockRangePosLeft,
lockRangePosTop : lockRangePosTop,
userIdAllProps : userIdAllProps,
userIdAllSheet : userIdAllSheet,
lockAllPosLeft : lockAllPosLeft,
lockAllPosTop : lockAllPosTop,
commentIndexes : indexes,
commentCoords : coords
lockRangePosTop: lockRangePosTop,
userIdAllProps: userIdAllProps,
userIdAllSheet: userIdAllSheet,
lockAllPosLeft: lockAllPosLeft,
lockAllPosTop: lockAllPosTop,
commentIndexes: indexes,
commentCoords: coords
return cellCursor;
......@@ -12479,7 +12185,7 @@
var m_oColor = new CColor(120, 120, 120);
if (aWs.workbook.bUndoChanges || aWs.workbook.bRedoChanges) {
return false;
var _drawFilterMark = function (x, y, height, index) {
......@@ -12665,6 +12371,8 @@
return true;
WorksheetView.prototype.af_checkCursor = function (x, y, offsetX, offsetY, frozenObj, r, c) {
......@@ -3573,13 +3573,15 @@ function DrawingObjects() {
asc.Range(drawing.bbox.serBBox.c1, drawing.bbox.serBBox.r1, drawing.bbox.serBBox.c2,
drawing.bbox.serBBox.r2, true), false, AscCommonExcel.c_oAscFormulaRangeBorderColor[1]);
drawing.bbox.serBBox.r2, true), AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithResize,
asc.Range(drawing.bbox.catBBox.c1, drawing.bbox.catBBox.r1, drawing.bbox.catBBox.c2,
drawing.bbox.catBBox.r2, true), false, AscCommonExcel.c_oAscFormulaRangeBorderColor[2]);
drawing.bbox.catBBox.r2, true), AscCommonExcel.selectionLineType.RangeWithResize,
var BB = drawing.bbox.seriesBBox;
var range = asc.Range(BB.c1, BB.r1, BB.c2, BB.r2, true);
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