Commit 561cfb4e authored by Ilya.Kirillov's avatar Ilya.Kirillov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Добавлен класс для работы с гиперссылками в новом варианте параграфа.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 0e0e8fc9
* Created by Ilja.Kirillov on 17.02.14.
function ParaHyperlink()
this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId();
this.Type = para_Hyperlink;
this.Value = "";
this.Visited = false;
this.ToolTip = "";
this.State = new CParaRunState();
this.Content = new Array();
this.StartLine = 0;
this.StartRange = 0;
this.Lines = []; // Массив CParaRunLine
this.Lines[0] = new CParaRunLine();
this.LinesLength = 0;
this.Range = this.Lines[0].Ranges[0];
// Добавляем данный класс в таблицу Id (обязательно в конце конструктора)
g_oTableId.Add( this, this.Id );
ParaHyperlink.prototype =
Get_Id : function()
return this.Id;
Set_Paragraph : function(Paragraph)
this.Paragraph = Paragraph;
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
for (var CurPos = 0; CurPos < ContentLen; CurPos++)
this.Content[CurPos].Set_Paragraph( Paragraph );
Is_Empty : function()
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
for ( var Index = 0; Index < ContentLen; Index++ )
if ( false === this.Content[Index].Is_Empty() )
return false;
return true;
Is_StartFromNewLine : function()
if ( this.Content.length < 0 )
return false;
return this.Content[0].Is_StartFromNewLine();
Get_CompiledTextPr : function()
var TextPr = null;
if ( true === this.State.Selection )
var StartPos = this.State.Selection.StartPos;
var EndPos = this.State.Selection.EndPos;
if ( StartPos > EndPos )
StartPos = this.State.Selection.EndPos;
EndPos = this.State.Selection.StartPos;
TextPr = this.Content[StartPos].Get_CompiledTextPr();
while ( null === TextPr && StartPos < EndPos )
TextPr = this.Content[StartPos].Get_CompiledTextPr();
for ( var CurPos = StartPos + 1; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
var CurTextPr = this.Content[CurPos].Get_CompiledPr();
if ( null !== CurTextPr )
TextPr = TextPr.Compare( CurTextPr );
var CurPos = this.State.ContentPos;
if ( CurPos >= 0 && CurPos < this.Content.length )
TextPr = this.Content[CurPos].Get_CompiledTextPr();
return TextPr;
Add_ToContent : function(Pos, Item, UpdatePosition)
History.Add( this, { Type : historyitem_Hyperlink_AddItem, Pos : Pos, EndPos : Pos, Items : [ Item ] } );
this.Content.splice( Pos, 0, Item );
if ( true === UpdatePosition )
// Обновляем текущую позицию
if ( this.State.ContentPos >= Pos )
// Обновляем начало и конец селекта
if ( true === this.State.Selection.Use )
if ( this.State.Selection.StartPos >= Pos )
if ( this.State.Selection.EndPos >= Pos )
// Также передвинем всем метки переносов страниц и строк
var LinesCount = this.Lines.length;
for ( var CurLine = 0; CurLine < LinesCount; CurLine++ )
var RangesCount = this.Lines[CurLine].RangesLength;
for ( var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++ )
var Range = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange];
if ( Range.StartPos > Pos )
if ( Range.EndPos > Pos )
// Особый случай, когда мы добавляем элемент в самый последний ран
if ( Pos === this.Content.length - 1 && LinesCount - 1 === CurLine )
this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[RangesCount - 1].EndPos++;
Remove_FromContent : function(Pos, Count, UpdatePosition)
// Получим массив удаляемых элементов
var DeletedItems = this.Content.slice( Pos, Pos + Count );
History.Add( this, { Type : historyitem_Hyperlink_RemoveItem, Pos : Pos, EndPos : Pos + Count - 1, Items : DeletedItems } );
this.Content.splice( Pos, Count );
if ( true === UpdatePosition )
// Обновим текущую позицию
if ( this.State.ContentPos > Pos + Count )
this.State.ContentPos -= Count;
else if ( this.State.ContentPos > Pos )
this.State.ContentPos = Pos;
// Обновим начало и конец селекта
if ( true === this.State.Selection.Use )
if ( this.State.Selection.StartPos <= this.State.Selection.EndPos )
if ( this.State.Selection.StartPos > Pos + Count )
this.State.Selection.StartPos -= Count;
else if ( this.State.Selection.StartPos > Pos )
this.State.Selection.StartPos = Pos;
if ( this.State.Selection.EndPos >= Pos + Count )
this.State.Selection.EndPos -= Count;
else if ( this.State.Selection.EndPos > Pos )
this.State.Selection.EndPos = Math.max( 0, Pos - 1 );
if ( this.State.Selection.StartPos >= Pos + Count )
this.State.Selection.StartPos -= Count;
else if ( this.State.Selection.StartPos > Pos )
this.State.Selection.StartPos = Math.max( 0, Pos - 1 );
if ( this.State.Selection.EndPos > Pos + Count )
this.State.Selection.EndPos -= Count;
else if ( this.State.Selection.EndPos > Pos )
this.State.Selection.EndPos = Pos;
// Также передвинем всем метки переносов страниц и строк
var LinesCount = this.Lines.length;
for ( var CurLine = 0; CurLine < LinesCount; CurLine++ )
var RangesCount = this.Lines[CurLine].RangesLength;
for ( var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++ )
var Range = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange];
if ( Range.StartPos > Pos + Count )
Range.StartPos -= Count;
else if ( Range.StartPos > Pos )
Range.StartPos = Math.max( 0 , Pos );
if ( Range.EndPos >= Pos + Count )
Range.EndPos -= Count;
else if ( Range.EndPos >= Pos )
Range.EndPos = Math.max( 0 , Pos );
Add : function(Item)
this.Content[this.State.ContentPos].Add( Item );
Remove : function(Direction, bOnAddText)
var Selection = this.State.Selection;
if ( true === Selection.Use )
var StartPos = Selection.StartPos;
var EndPos = Selection.EndPos;
if ( StartPos > EndPos )
StartPos = Selection.EndPos;
EndPos = Selection.StartPos;
if ( StartPos === EndPos )
this.Content[StartPos].Remove(Direction, bOnAddText);
if ( StartPos !== this.Content.length - 1 && true === this.Content[StartPos].Is_Empty() )
this.Remove_FromContent( StartPos, true );
this.Content[EndPos].Remove(Direction, bOnAddText);
if ( EndPos !== this.Content.length - 1 && true === this.Content[EndPos].Is_Empty() )
this.Remove_FromContent( EndPos, true );
for ( var CurPos = EndPos - 1; CurPos > StartPos; CurPos-- )
this.Remove_FromContent( EndPos, true );
this.Content[StartPos].Remove(Direction, bOnAddText);
if ( true === this.Content[StartPos].Is_Empty() )
this.Remove_FromContent( StartPos, true );
var ContentPos = this.State.ContentPos;
if ( true === this.Cursor_Is_Start() || true === this.Cursor_Is_End() )
while ( false === this.Content[ContentPos].Remove( Direction, bOnAddText ) )
if ( Direction < 0 )
if ( ContentPos < 0 || ContentPos >= this.Content.length )
if ( Direction < 0 )
if ( ContentPos < 0 || ContentPos >= this.Content.length )
return false;
if ( ContentPos !== this.Content.length - 1 && true === this.Content[ContentPos].Is_Empty() )
this.Remove_FromContent( ContentPos, true );
this.State.ContentPos = ContentPos;
return true;
Get_CurrentParaPos : function()
var CurPos = this.State.ContentPos;
if ( CurPos >= 0 && CurPos < this.Content.length )
return this.Content[CurPos].Get_CurrentParaPos();
return new CParaPos( this.StartRange, this.StartLine, 0, 0 );
Apply_TextPr : function(TextPr, IncFontSize)
var Selection = this.State.Selection;
if ( true === Selection.Use )
var StartPos = Selection.StartPos;
var EndPos = Selection.EndPos;
if ( StartPos === EndPos )
var NewElements = this.Content[EndPos].Apply_TextPr( TextPr, IncFontSize );
if ( para_Run === this.Content[EndPos].Type )
var CenterRunPos = this.Internal_ReplaceRun( EndPos, NewElements );
if ( StartPos === this.State.ContentPos )
this.State.ContentPos = CenterRunPos;
// Подправим метки селекта
Selection.StartPos = CenterRunPos;
Selection.EndPos = CenterRunPos;
var Direction = 1;
if ( StartPos > EndPos )
var Temp = StartPos;
StartPos = EndPos;
EndPos = Temp;
Direction = -1;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos + 1; CurPos < EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Apply_TextPr( TextPr, IncFontSize );
var NewElements = this.Content[EndPos].Apply_TextPr( TextPr, IncFontSize );
if ( para_Run === this.Content[EndPos].Type )
this.Internal_ReplaceRun( EndPos, NewElements );
var NewElements = this.Content[StartPos].Apply_TextPr( TextPr, IncFontSize );
if ( para_Run === this.Content[StartPos].Type )
this.Internal_ReplaceRun( StartPos, NewElements );
// Заметим, что здесь не нужно подправлять метки выделения, за счет того, что EndPos - StartPos > 1 и
// сами метки подправляются в функциях Add_ToContent.
var Pos = this.State.ContentPos;
var Element = this.Content[Pos];
var NewElements = Element.Apply_TextPr( TextPr, IncFontSize );
if ( para_Run === Element.Type )
var CenterRunPos = this.Internal_ReplaceRun( Pos, NewElements );
this.State.ContentPos = CenterRunPos;
Internal_ReplaceRun : function(Pos, NewRuns)
// По логике, можно удалить Run, стоящий в позиции Pos и добавить все раны, которые не null в массиве NewRuns.
// Но, согласно работе ParaRun.Apply_TextPr, в массиве всегда идет ровно 3 рана (возможно null). Второй ран
// всегда не null. Первый не null ран и есть ран, идущий в позиции Pos.
var LRun = NewRuns[0];
var CRun = NewRuns[1];
var RRun = NewRuns[2];
// CRun - всегда не null
var CenterRunPos = Pos;
if ( null !== LRun )
this.Add_ToContent( Pos + 1, CRun, true );
CenterRunPos = Pos + 1;
// Если LRun - null, значит CRun - это и есть тот ран который стоит уже в позиции Pos
if ( null !== RRun )
this.Add_ToContent( CenterRunPos + 1, RRun, true );
return CenterRunPos;
// Функции пересчета
Recalculate_Reset : function(StartRange, StartLine)
this.StartLine = StartLine;
this.StartRange = StartRange;
this.LinesLength = 0;
Recalculate_Range : function(ParaPr, Depth)
var PRS = g_oPRSW;
var CurLine = PRS.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PRS.Range - this.StartRange : PRS.Range );
// Если это первый отрезок в данной строке, тогда нам надо добавить строку (первую строку не добавляем,
// т.к. она всегда есть)
if ( 0 === CurRange )
if ( 0 !== CurLine )
this.Lines[CurLine] = new CParaRunLine();
this.LinesLength = CurLine + 1;
this.LinesLength = CurLine + 1;
var RangeStartPos = 0;
var RangeEndPos = 0;
// Вычислим RangeStartPos
if ( 0 === CurLine )
if ( 0 !== CurRange )
RangeStartPos = this.Lines[0].Ranges[CurRange - 1].EndPos;
RangeStartPos = 0;
else if ( 0 === CurRange )
var _Line = this.Lines[CurLine - 1];
RangeStartPos = _Line.Ranges[_Line.Ranges.length - 1].EndPos;
var _Line = this.Lines[CurLine];
RangeStartPos = _Line.Ranges[CurRange - 1].EndPos;
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
var Pos = RangeStartPos;
for ( ; Pos < ContentLen; Pos++ )
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
if ( ( 0 === Pos && 0 === CurLine && 0 === CurRange ) || Pos !== RangeStartPos )
Item.Recalculate_Reset( PRS.Range, PRS.Line );
PRS.Update_CurPos( Pos, Depth );
Item.Recalculate_Range( ParaPr, Depth + 1 );
if ( true === PRS.NewRange )
if ( Pos >= ContentLen )
RangeEndPos = Pos - 1;
// Удаляем лишние строки, оставшиеся после предыдущего пересчета в самом конце
if ( this.Lines.length > this.LinesLength )
this.Lines.length = this.LinesLength;
if ( 0 === CurLine && 0 === CurRange )
this.Range.StartPos = RangeStartPos;
this.Range.EndPos = RangeEndPos;
this.Lines[0].RangesLength = 1;
if ( this.Lines[0].Ranges.length > 1 )
this.Lines[0].Ranges.length = 1;
this.Lines[CurLine].Add_Range( CurRange, RangeStartPos, RangeEndPos );
Recalculate_Set_RangeEndPos : function(PRS, PRP, Depth)
var CurLine = PRS.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PRS.Range - this.StartRange : PRS.Range );
var CurPos = PRP.Get(Depth);
this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos = CurPos;
this.Content[CurPos].Recalculate_Set_RangeEndPos( PRS, PRP, Depth + 1 );
Recalculate_Range_Width : function(PRSC, _CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Recalculate_Range_Width( PRSC, _CurLine, _CurRange );
Recalculate_Range_Spaces : function(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange, _CurPage)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Recalculate_Range_Spaces( PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange, _CurPage );
Recalculate_PageEndInfo : function(PRSI, _CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Recalculate_PageEndInfo( PRSI, _CurLine, _CurRange );
Save_Lines : function()
// TODO: Реализовать Save_Lines
Restore_Lines : function(SL)
// TODO: Реализовать Restore_Lines
Is_EmptyRange : function(_CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
if ( false === this.Content[CurPos].Is_EmptyRange(_CurLine, _CurRange) )
return false;
return true;
Check_BreakPageInRange : function(_CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
if ( true === this.Content[CurPos].Check_BreakPageInRange(_CurLine, _CurRange) )
return true;
return false;
Check_BreakPageEnd : function(PBChecker)
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
for ( var CurPos = 0; CurPos < ContentLen; CurPos++ )
var Element = this.Content[CurPos];
if ( true !== Element.Check_BreakPageEnd(PBChecker) )
return false;
return true;
Recalculate_CurPos : function(_X, Y, CurrentRun, _CurRange, _CurLine, _CurPage, UpdateCurPos, UpdateTarget, ReturnTarget)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var X = _X;
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
var Item = this.Content[CurPos];
var Res = Item.Recalculate_CurPos( X, Y, (true === CurrentRun && CurPos === this.State.ContentPos ? true : false), _CurRange, _CurLine, _CurPage, UpdateCurPos, UpdateTarget, ReturnTarget );
if ( true === CurrentRun && CurPos === this.State.ContentPos )
return Res;
X = Res.X;
return { X : X };
Refresh_RecalcData : function(Data)
// Функции отрисовки
Draw_HighLights : function(PDSH)
var CurLine = PDSH.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PDSH.Range - this.StartRange : PDSH.Range );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Draw_HighLights( PDSH );
Draw_Elements : function(PDSE)
var CurLine = PDSE.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PDSE.Range - this.StartRange : PDSE.Range );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Draw_Elements( PDSE );
Draw_Lines : function(PDSL)
var CurLine = PDSL.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PDSL.Range - this.StartRange : PDSL.Range );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Draw_Lines( PDSL );
// Функции для работы с курсором
Is_CursorPlaceable : function()
return true;
Cursor_Is_Start : function()
if ( 0 === this.State.ContentPos && this.Content.length > 0 )
return this.Content[0].Cursor_Is_Start();
return false;
Cursor_Is_NeededCorrectPos : function()
return false;
Cursor_Is_End : function()
if ( this.Content.length - 1 === this.State.ContentPos && this.Content.length > 0 )
return this.Content[this.Content.length - 1].Cursor_Is_End();
return false;
Cursor_MoveToStartPos : function()
this.State.ContentPos = 0;
if ( this.Content.length > 0 )
Cursor_MoveToEndPos : function(SelectFromEnd)
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
if ( ContentLen > 0 )
this.State.ContentPos = ContentLen - 1;
this.Content[ContentLen - 1].Cursor_MoveToEndPos( SelectFromEnd );
Get_ParaContentPosByXY : function(SearchPos, Depth, _CurLine, _CurRange, StepEnd)
var Result = false;
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
var Item = this.Content[CurPos];
if ( true === Item.Get_ParaContentPosByXY( SearchPos, Depth + 1, _CurLine, _CurRange, StepEnd ) )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
Result = true;
return Result;
Get_ParaContentPos : function(bSelection, bStart, ContentPos)
var Pos = ( true === bSelection ? ( true === bStart ? this.State.Selection.StartPos : this.State.Selection.EndPos ) : this.State.ContentPos );
ContentPos.Add( Pos );
this.Content[Pos].Get_ParaContentPos( bSelection, bStart, ContentPos );
Set_ParaContentPos : function(ContentPos, Depth)
var Pos = ContentPos.Get(Depth);
this.State.ContentPos = Pos;
this.Content[Pos].Set_ParaContentPos( ContentPos, Depth + 1 );
Get_RunElementByPos : function(ContentPos, Depth)
var Pos = ContentPos.Get(Depth);
return this.Content[Pos].Get_RunElementByPos( ContentPos, Depth + 1 );
Get_LeftPos : function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos)
var CurPos = ( true === UseContentPos ? this.Content.length - 1 : ContentPos.Get(Depth) );
this.Content[CurPos].Get_LeftPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, UseContentPos);
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
if ( true === SearchPos.Found )
return true;
while ( CurPos >= 0 )
this.Content[CurPos].Get_LeftPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, false);
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
if ( true === SearchPos.Found )
return true;
return false;
Get_RightPos : function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos, StepEnd)
var CurPos = ( true === UseContentPos ? ContentPos.Get(Depth) : 0 );
this.Content[CurPos].Get_RightPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, UseContentPos, StepEnd);
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
if ( true === SearchPos.Found )
return true;
var Count = this.Content.length;
while ( CurPos < this.Content.length )
this.Content[CurPos].Get_RightPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, false, StepEnd);
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
if ( true === SearchPos.Found )
return true;
return false;
Get_WordStartPos : function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos)
var CurPos = ( true === UseContentPos ? ContentPos.Get(Depth) : this.Content.lenght - 1 );
this.Content[CurPos].Get_WordStartPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, UseContentPos);
if ( true === SearchPos.UpdatePos )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
if ( true === SearchPos.Found )
var Count = this.Content.length;
while ( CurPos >= 0 )
this.Content[CurPos].Get_WordStartPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, false);
if ( true === SearchPos.UpdatePos )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
if ( true === SearchPos.Found )
Get_WordEndPos : function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos, StepEnd)
var CurPos = ( true === UseContentPos ? ContentPos.Get(Depth) : 0 );
this.Content[CurPos].Get_WordEndPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, UseContentPos, StepEnd);
if ( true === SearchPos.UpdatePos )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
if ( true === SearchPos.Found )
var Count = this.Content.length;
while ( CurPos < Count )
this.Content[CurPos].Get_WordEndPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth + 1, false, StepEnd);
if ( true === SearchPos.UpdatePos )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
if ( true === SearchPos.Found )
Get_EndRangePos : function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
if ( EndPos >= this.Content.length || EndPos < 0 )
return false;
var Result = this.Content[EndPos].Get_EndRangePos( _CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth + 1 );
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( EndPos, Depth );
return Result;
Get_StartRangePos : function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
if ( StartPos >= this.Content.length || StartPos < 0 )
return false;
var Result = this.Content[StartPos].Get_EndRangePos( _CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth + 1 );
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( StartPos, Depth );
return Result;
Get_StartPos : function(ContentPos, Depth)
if ( this.Content.length > 0 )
ContentPos.Update( 0, Depth );
this.Content[0].Get_StartPos( ContentPos, Depth + 1 );
Get_EndPos : function(BehindEnd, ContentPos, Depth)
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
if ( ContentLen > 0 )
ContentPos.Update( ContentLen - 1, Depth );
this.Content[ContentLen - 1].Get_EndPos( BehindEnd, ContentPos, Depth + 1 );
// Функции для работы с селектом
Set_SelectionContentPos : function(StartContentPos, EndContentPos, Depth, StartFlag, EndFlag)
var StartPos = 0;
switch (StartFlag)
case 1: StartPos = 0; break;
case -1: StartPos = this.Content.length - 1; break;
case 0: StartPos = StartContentPos.Get(Depth); break;
var EndPos = 0;
switch (EndFlag)
case 1: EndPos = 0; break;
case -1: EndPos = this.Content.length - 1; break;
case 0: EndPos = EndContentPos.Get(Depth); break;
var Selection = this.State.Selection;
Selection.StartPos = StartPos;
Selection.EndPos = EndPos;
Selection.Use = true;
if ( StartPos != EndPos )
this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( StartContentPos, null, Depth + 1, StartFlag, StartPos > EndPos ? 1 : -1 );
this.Content[EndPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( null, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, StartPos > EndPos ? -1 : 1, EndFlag );
this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( StartContentPos, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, StartFlag, EndFlag );
Selection_IsUse : function()
return this.State.Selection.Use;
Selection_Stop : function()
Selection_Remove : function()
var Selection = this.State.Selection;
if ( true === Selection.Use )
var StartPos = Selection.StartPos;
var EndPos = Selection.EndPos;
if ( StartPos > EndPos )
StartPos = Selection.EndPos;
EndPos = Selection.StartPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
Selection.Use = false;
Selection.StartPos = 0;
Selection.EndPos = 0;
Select_All : function(Direction)
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
var Selection = this.State.Selection;
Selection.Use = true;
if ( -1 === Direction )
Selection.StartPos = this.Content.length - 1;
Selection.EndPos = 0;
Selection.StartPos = 0;
Selection.EndPos = this.Content.length - 1;
for ( var CurPos = 0; CurPos < this.Content.length; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Select_All( Direction );
Selection_DrawRange : function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].StartPos;
var EndPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].EndPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Selection_DrawRange( _CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw );
Selection_IsEmpty : function(CheckEnd)
var StartPos = this.State.Selection.StartPos;
var EndPos = this.State.Selection.StartPos;
if ( StartPos > EndPos )
StartPos = this.State.Selection.EndPos;
EndPos = this.State.Selection.StartPos;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
if ( false === this.Content[CurPos].Selection_IsEmpty(CheckEnd) )
return false;
return true;
Selection_CheckParaEnd : function()
// В гиперссылку не должен попадать ParaEnd
return false;
// Функции совместного редактирования
Write_ToBinary : function(Writer)
Read_FromBinary : function(Reader)
Write_ToBinary2 : function(Writer)
Read_FromBinary2 : function(Reader)
Save_Changes : function(Data, Writer)
Load_Changes : function(Reader)
...@@ -7861,6 +7861,23 @@ Paragraph.prototype = ...@@ -7861,6 +7861,23 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
if ( true === this.Content[StartPos].Is_Empty() ) if ( true === this.Content[StartPos].Is_Empty() )
this.Internal_Content_Remove( StartPos ); this.Internal_Content_Remove( StartPos );
} }
if ( true !== this.Content[this.CurPos.ContentPos].Selection_IsUse() )
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Flag = selectionflag_Common;
this.Selection.StartPos = this.CurPos.ContentPos;
this.Selection.EndPos = this.CurPos.ContentPos;
return true;
} }
else else
{ {
...@@ -7883,6 +7900,19 @@ Paragraph.prototype = ...@@ -7883,6 +7900,19 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
} }
if ( true === this.Content[ContentPos].Selection_IsUse() )
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Flag = selectionflag_Common;
this.Selection.StartPos = ContentPos;
this.Selection.EndPos = ContentPos;
return true;
if ( ContentPos < 0 || ContentPos >= this.Content.length ) if ( ContentPos < 0 || ContentPos >= this.Content.length )
Result = false; Result = false;
else else
...@@ -9229,21 +9259,34 @@ Paragraph.prototype = ...@@ -9229,21 +9259,34 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
{ {
this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( StartContentPos, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, 0, 0 ); this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( StartContentPos, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, 0, 0 );
} }
else if ( StartPos > EndPos ) else
{ {
this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( StartContentPos, null, Depth + 1, 0, 1 ); if ( StartPos > EndPos )
this.Content[EndPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( null, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, -1, 0 ); {
this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( StartContentPos, null, Depth + 1, 0, 1 );
this.Content[EndPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( null, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, -1, 0 );
for ( var CurPos = EndPos + 1; CurPos < StartPos; CurPos++ ) for ( var CurPos = EndPos + 1; CurPos < StartPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Select_All( -1 ); this.Content[CurPos].Select_All( -1 );
} }
else// if ( StartPos < EndPos ) else// if ( StartPos < EndPos )
{ {
this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( StartContentPos, null, Depth + 1, 0, -1 ); this.Content[StartPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( StartContentPos, null, Depth + 1, 0, -1 );
this.Content[EndPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( null, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, 1, 0 ); this.Content[EndPos].Set_SelectionContentPos( null, EndContentPos, Depth + 1, 1, 0 );
for ( var CurPos = StartPos + 1; CurPos < EndPos; CurPos++ ) for ( var CurPos = StartPos + 1; CurPos < EndPos; CurPos++ )
this.Content[CurPos].Select_All( 1 ); this.Content[CurPos].Select_All( 1 );
// TODO: Реализовать выделение гиперссылки целиком (само выделение тут сделано, но непонятно как
// дальше обрабатывать Shift + влево/вправо)
// Делаем как в Word: гиперссылка выделяется целиком, если выделение выходит за пределы гиперссылки
// if ( para_Hyperlink === this.Content[StartPos].Type && true !== this.Content[StartPos].Selection_IsEmpty(true) )
// this.Content[StartPos].Select_All( StartPos > EndPos ? -1 : 1 );
// if ( para_Hyperlink === this.Content[EndPos].Type && true !== this.Content[EndPos].Selection_IsEmpty(true) )
// this.Content[EndPos].Select_All( StartPos > EndPos ? -1 : 1 );
} }
}, },
...@@ -11756,6 +11799,12 @@ Paragraph.prototype = ...@@ -11756,6 +11799,12 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
Remove_EmptyRuns : function() Remove_EmptyRuns : function()
{ {
// TODO: Надо переделать данную функцию. Надо удалять только спаренные пустые раны и добавлять новые пустые раны
// в места, где нет ранов, например, если параграф начинается не с рана, или заканчивается не раном, или у
// нас идут 2 гиперссылки подряд.
var ContentLen = this.Content.length; var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
for ( var CurPos = 0; CurPos < ContentLen; CurPos++ ) for ( var CurPos = 0; CurPos < ContentLen; CurPos++ )
{ {
...@@ -2851,6 +2851,11 @@ ParaRun.prototype = ...@@ -2851,6 +2851,11 @@ ParaRun.prototype =
Selection.Use = true; Selection.Use = true;
}, },
Selection_IsUse : function()
return this.State.Selection.Use;
Selection_Stop : function() Selection_Stop : function()
{ {
}, },
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