Commit 60223ec0 authored by Sergey.Luzyanin's avatar Sergey.Luzyanin

Bug 30018 - [TextArt] Нет возможности показать комментарий, который был...

Bug 30018 - [TextArt] Нет возможности показать комментарий, который был добавлен к тексту, находящему внутри textart

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 4e291b3f
......@@ -710,7 +710,6 @@ TextArtPreviewManager.prototype.getShapeByPrst = function(prst)
oContent.Paragraph_Add(new ParaTextPr({FontSize: 36, Spacing: TextSpacing}));
//oContent.Set_ParagraphAlign(new ParaTextPr({FontSize: 16}));
var oBodypr = oShape.getBodyPr().createDuplicate();
......@@ -258,7 +258,8 @@ function checkFiniteNumber(num)
var G_O_VISITED_HLINK_COLOR = CreateUniFillSolidFillWidthTintOrShade(CreateUnifillSolidFillSchemeColorByIndex(10), 0);
var G_O_NO_ACTIVE_COMMENT_BRUSH = CreateUniFillByUniColor(CreateUniColorRGB(248, 231, 195));
var G_O_ACTIVE_COMMENT_BRUSH = CreateUniFillByUniColor(CreateUniColorRGB(240, 200, 120));
/*function addPointToMap(map, worksheet, row, col, pt)
......@@ -3659,6 +3659,10 @@ CShape.prototype =
var oContent = this.getDocContent();
var result_page_index = isRealNumber(graphics.shapePageIndex) ? graphics.shapePageIndex : (oContent ? oContent.Get_StartPage_Relative() : 0);
graphics.PageNum = result_page_index;
var bNeedRestoreState = false;
var bEditTextArt = isRealObject(oController) && (getTargetTextObject(oController) === this);
if(this.bWordShape && this.clipRect && (!this.bodyPr.prstTxWarp || this.bodyPr.prstTxWarp.preset === "textNoShape" || bEditTextArt))
......@@ -3704,6 +3708,7 @@ CShape.prototype =
this.txWarpStruct.draw(graphics, oTransform, oTheme, oColorMap);
delete graphics.PageNum;
......@@ -23,7 +23,12 @@ function CDocContentStructure()
this.m_aContent = [];
this.m_aByLines = null;
this.m_aDrawingsStruct = [];
this.m_aBackgrounds = [];
this.m_aBorders = [];
this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds = [];
this.m_oBoundsRect1 = null;
this.m_oBoundsRect2 = null;
CDocContentStructure.prototype.Recalculate = function(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape)
......@@ -46,6 +51,19 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oCol
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length; ++i)
this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBorders.length; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBackgrounds.length; ++i)
this.m_aBackgrounds[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
this.m_aContent[i].draw(graphics, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
......@@ -54,9 +72,8 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oCol
CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkByWarpStruct = function(oWarpStruct, dWidth, dHeight, oTheme, oColorMap, oShape, dOneLineWidth, XLimit, dContentHeight, dKoeff)
var i, j, t, aByPaths, aWarpedObjects = [];
var bOddPaths = oWarpStruct.pathLst.length / 2 - ((oWarpStruct.pathLst.length / 2) >> 0) > 0;
var nDivCount = bOddPaths ? oWarpStruct.pathLst.length : oWarpStruct.pathLst.length >> 1;
var nDivCount = bOddPaths ? oWarpStruct.pathLst.length : oWarpStruct.pathLst.length >> 1, oNextPointOnPolygon, oObjectToDrawNext, oMatrix = new CMatrix();
aByPaths = oWarpStruct.getArrayPolygonsByPaths(PATH_DIV_EPSILON);
var nLastIndex = 0, dTmp, oBoundsChecker, oTemp, nIndex, aWarpedObjects2 = [];
oBoundsChecker = new CSlideBoundsChecker();
......@@ -102,16 +119,349 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkByWarpStruct = function(oWarpStruct, dWidth,
oNextPointOnPolygon = null;
oObjectToDrawNext = null;
var oPolygon = new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[i]);
for(t = 0; t < aWarpedObjects.length; ++t)
var oWarpedObject = aWarpedObjects[t];
var bArcDown = "textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset && i < 1;
if(!isRealNumber(oWarpedObject.x) || !isRealNumber(oWarpedObject.y) )
CheckGeometryByPolygon(oWarpedObject, oPolygon, bArcDown, XLimit*dKoeff, dContentHeight, dKoeff, nDivCount > 1 ? oBoundsChecker.Bounds : null);
oNextPointOnPolygon = this.checkTransformByOddPath(oMatrix, oWarpedObject, aWarpedObjects[t+1], oNextPointOnPolygon, dContentHeight, dKoeff, bArcDown, oPolygon, XLimit);
TransformGeometry(oWarpedObject, oMatrix);
nLastIndex = nIndex;
CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkContentReduct = function(oWarpStruct, dWidth, dHeight, oTheme, oColorMap, oShape, dOneLineWidth, XLimit, dContentHeight, dKoeff)
var i, j, t, aByPaths, aWarpedObjects = [];
var bOddPaths = oWarpStruct.pathLst.length / 2 - ((oWarpStruct.pathLst.length / 2) >> 0) > 0;
var nDivCount = bOddPaths ? oWarpStruct.pathLst.length : oWarpStruct.pathLst.length >> 1, oNextPointOnPolygon, oObjectToDrawNext, oMatrix;
aByPaths = oWarpStruct.getArrayPolygonsByPaths(PATH_DIV_EPSILON);
var nLastIndex = 0, dTmp, oBoundsChecker, oTemp, nIndex, aWarpedObjects2 = [];
oBoundsChecker = new CSlideBoundsChecker();
oBoundsChecker.init(100, 100, 100, 100);
for(j = 0; j < this.m_aByLines.length; ++j)
oTemp = this.m_aByLines[j];
for(t = 0; t < oTemp.length; ++t)
var aBounds = [];
var oRet = {maxDx: 0, maxDy: 0};
for( i = 0; i < nDivCount; ++i)
dTmp = (this.m_aByLines.length - nLastIndex)/(nDivCount - i);
nIndex = nLastIndex + (dTmp >> 0) + ((dTmp - (dTmp >> 0)) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
aWarpedObjects.length = 0;
for(j = nLastIndex; j < nIndex; ++j)
oTemp = this.m_aByLines[j];
for(t = 0; t < oTemp.length; ++t)
var bArcDown = "textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset && i < 1;
oNextPointOnPolygon = null;
oObjectToDrawNext = null;
var oPolygon = new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[i]);
for(t = 0; t < aWarpedObjects.length; ++t)
CheckGeometryByPolygon(aWarpedObjects[t], oPolygon, "textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset && i < 1, XLimit*dKoeff, dContentHeight, dKoeff, nDivCount > 1 ? oBoundsChecker.Bounds : null);
var oWarpedObject = aWarpedObjects[t];
if(isRealNumber(oWarpedObject.x) && isRealNumber(oWarpedObject.y) )
oMatrix = new CMatrix();
oNextPointOnPolygon = this.checkTransformByOddPath(oMatrix, oWarpedObject, aWarpedObjects[t+1], oNextPointOnPolygon, dContentHeight, dKoeff, bArcDown, oPolygon, XLimit);
var oBounds = new CBoundsController();
// oBounds.fromBounds(oBoundsChecker.Bounds);
for(var k = 0; k < aBounds.length; ++k)
var oIntersection = this.checkIntersectionBounds( aBounds[k].Bounds, aBounds[k].Transform, oBounds, oMatrix, aBounds.length - k);
if(oIntersection.DX > oRet.maxDx)
oRet.maxDx = oIntersection.DX;
if(oIntersection.DY < oRet.maxDy)
oRet.maxDy = oIntersection.DY;
aBounds.push({Bounds: oBounds, Transform: oMatrix});
nLastIndex = nIndex;
return oRet;
CDocContentStructure.prototype.getAllBackgroundsBorders = function(aParaBackgrounds, aBackgrounds, aBorders)
for(var i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
this.m_aContent[i].getAllBackgroundsBorders(aParaBackgrounds, aBackgrounds, aBorders);
function CheckIntervalIntersection(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4)
return (((X3-X1)*(Y2-Y1) - (Y3-Y1)*(X2-X1)) *
((X4-X1)*(Y2-Y1) - (Y4-Y1)*(X2-X1)) >= 0)&&
(((X1-X3)*(Y4-Y3) - (Y1-Y3)*(X4-X3)) *
((X2-X3)*(Y4-Y3) - (Y2-Y3)*(X4-X3)) >= 0);
function BoundsRect()
this.arrBounds = [
{X0:0, Y0: 0, X1: 0, Y1:0},
{X0:0, Y0: 0, X1: 0, Y1:0},
{X0:0, Y0: 0, X1: 0, Y1:0},
{X0:0, Y0: 0, X1: 0, Y1:0}
BoundsRect.prototype.fromBoundsAndTransform = function(oBounds, oTransform)
this.arrBounds[0].X0 = oTransform.TransformPointX(oBounds.min_x, oBounds.min_y);
this.arrBounds[0].Y0 = oTransform.TransformPointY(oBounds.min_x, oBounds.min_y);
this.arrBounds[0].X1 = oTransform.TransformPointX(oBounds.max_x, oBounds.min_y);
this.arrBounds[0].Y1 = oTransform.TransformPointY(oBounds.max_x, oBounds.min_y);
this.arrBounds[1].X0 = oTransform.TransformPointX(oBounds.max_x, oBounds.max_y);
this.arrBounds[1].Y0 = oTransform.TransformPointY(oBounds.max_x, oBounds.max_y);
this.arrBounds[1].X1 = oTransform.TransformPointX(oBounds.max_x, oBounds.min_y);
this.arrBounds[1].Y1 = oTransform.TransformPointY(oBounds.max_x, oBounds.min_y);
this.arrBounds[2].X0 = oTransform.TransformPointX(oBounds.max_x, oBounds.max_y);
this.arrBounds[2].Y0 = oTransform.TransformPointY(oBounds.max_x, oBounds.max_y);
this.arrBounds[2].X1 = oTransform.TransformPointX(oBounds.min_x, oBounds.max_y);
this.arrBounds[2].Y1 = oTransform.TransformPointY(oBounds.min_x, oBounds.max_y);
this.arrBounds[3].X0 = oTransform.TransformPointX(oBounds.min_x, oBounds.max_y);
this.arrBounds[3].Y0 = oTransform.TransformPointY(oBounds.min_x, oBounds.max_y);
this.arrBounds[3].X1 = oTransform.TransformPointX(oBounds.min_x, oBounds.min_y);
this.arrBounds[3].Y1 = oTransform.TransformPointY(oBounds.min_x, oBounds.min_y);
BoundsRect.prototype.checkIntersection = function(oBoundsRect)
var i, j, oCurBound1, oCurBound2;
for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
oCurBound1 = this.arrBounds[i];
for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
oCurBound2 = oBoundsRect[j];
if(CheckIntervalIntersection(oCurBound1.X0, oCurBound1.Y0, oCurBound1.X1, oCurBound1.Y1, oCurBound2.X0, oCurBound2.Y0, oCurBound2.X1, oCurBound2.Y1))
return true;
return false;
BoundsRect.prototype.getParamValueProjection = function(x0, y0, x1, y1, x, y)
var dX = (x1-x0), dY = (y1 - y0);
if(Math.abs(dX) > 0 )
var dXSq = dX*dX;
var xi = (x*dXSq + dX*dY*y - dY*(x1*y0-x0*y1))/(dXSq + dY*dY);
return (xi - x1)/dX;
else if(Math.abs(dY) > 0)
var dYSq = dY*dY;
var yi = (y*dYSq + dX*dY*x + dX*(x1*y0 - x0*y1))/(dX*dX + dYSq);
return (yi - y1)/dY;
return -1;
BoundsRect.prototype.checkIntervalProjection = function(oInterval1, oInterval2)
var param0 = this.getParamValueProjection(oInterval1.X0, oInterval1.Y0, oInterval1.X1, oInterval1.Y1, oInterval2.X0, oInterval2.Y0);
var param1 = this.getParamValueProjection(oInterval1.X0, oInterval1.Y0, oInterval1.X1, oInterval1.Y1, oInterval2.X1, oInterval2.Y1);
if(Math.abs(param0 - 0.5) <= 0.5 || Math.abs(param1 - 0.5) <= 0.5)
var dX = (oInterval1.X0 - oInterval1.X1), dY = (oInterval1.Y0 - oInterval1.Y1);
var dLen = Math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY);
return ((param1 > 1 ? 1 : (param1 < 0 ? 0 : param1)) - (param0 > 1 ? 1 : (param0 < 0 ? 0 : param0)))*dLen;
return 0;
BoundsRect.prototype.checkBoundsRectProjection = function(oBoundsRect)
var dX = 0, dY = 0, dLTemp;
dLTemp = this.checkIntervalProjection(this.arrBounds[1], oBoundsRect.arrBounds[1]);
if(dLTemp < dY)
dY = dLTemp;
dLTemp = this.checkIntervalProjection(this.arrBounds[1], oBoundsRect.arrBounds[3]);
if(dLTemp < dY)
dY = dLTemp;
dLTemp = this.checkIntervalProjection(this.arrBounds[3], oBoundsRect.arrBounds[1]);
if(dLTemp < dY)
dY = dLTemp;
dLTemp = this.checkIntervalProjection(this.arrBounds[3], oBoundsRect.arrBounds[3]);
if(dLTemp < dY)
dY = dLTemp;
dLTemp = this.checkIntervalProjection(this.arrBounds[2], oBoundsRect.arrBounds[1]);
if(Math.abs(dLTemp) > dX)
dX = Math.abs(dLTemp);
dLTemp = this.checkIntervalProjection(this.arrBounds[2], oBoundsRect.arrBounds[3]);
if(Math.abs(dLTemp) > dX)
dX = Math.abs(dLTemp);
dLTemp = this.checkIntervalProjection(this.arrBounds[0], oBoundsRect.arrBounds[1]);
if(Math.abs(dLTemp) > dX)
dX = Math.abs(dLTemp);
dLTemp = this.checkIntervalProjection(this.arrBounds[0], oBoundsRect.arrBounds[3]);
if(Math.abs(dLTemp) > dX)
dX = Math.abs(dLTemp);
return {DX: dX, DY: dY};
CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkIntersectionBounds = function(oBounds1, oTransform1, oBounds2, oTransform2, nDist)
this.m_oBoundsRect1 = new BoundsRect();
this.m_oBoundsRect2 = new BoundsRect();
this.m_oBoundsRect1.fromBoundsAndTransform(oBounds1, oTransform1);
this.m_oBoundsRect2.fromBoundsAndTransform(oBounds2, oTransform2);
var oBounds = this.m_oBoundsRect1.checkBoundsRectProjection(this.m_oBoundsRect2);
return oBounds;
return {DX: 0, DY: 0};
CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkTransformByOddPath = function(oMatrix, oWarpedObject, oObjectToDrawNext, oNextPointOnPolygon, dContentHeight, dKoeff, bArcDown, oPolygon, XLimit)
var x0, y0, x1, y1, x0t, y0t, x1t, y1t, cX, cX2, dX, dY, dX2, dY2, dNorm, oPointOnPolygon;
x0 = oWarpedObject.x*dKoeff;
y0 = oWarpedObject.y*dKoeff;
x1 = x0;
y1 = 0;
y1 = dContentHeight*dKoeff;
cX = oWarpedObject.x/XLimit;
var oRet = null;
oPointOnPolygon = oNextPointOnPolygon;
oPointOnPolygon = oPolygon.getPointOnPolygon(cX, true);
x1t = oPointOnPolygon.x;
y1t = oPointOnPolygon.y;
dX = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.x - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.x;
dY = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.y - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.y;
dX = -dX;
dY = -dY;
if(oObjectToDrawNext && isRealNumber(oObjectToDrawNext.x) && isRealNumber(oObjectToDrawNext.y) && oObjectToDrawNext.x > oWarpedObject.x)
cX2 = (oObjectToDrawNext.x)/XLimit;
oRet = oPolygon.getPointOnPolygon(cX2, true);
dX2 = oRet.oP2.x - oRet.oP1.x;
dY2 = oRet.oP2.y - oRet.oP1.y;
dX2 = -dX2;
dY2 = -dY2;
dX = dX + dX2;
dY = dY + dY2;
oRet = null;
dNorm = Math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY);
this.checkUnionPaths(aWarpedObjects2, typeof oWarpStruct.preset.length === "string" && oWarpStruct.preset.length.length > 0 && oWarpStruct.preset.length.length !== "textNoShape");
x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(y0);
y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(y0);
x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(dContentHeight*dKoeff - y0);
y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(dContentHeight*dKoeff - y0);
oMatrix.shx = (x1t - x0t)/(y1 - y0); = (y1t - y0t)/(y1 - y0); =;
oMatrix.shy = -oMatrix.shx;
oMatrix.tx = x0t - x0* - y0*oMatrix.shx;
oMatrix.ty = y0t - x0*oMatrix.shy - y0*;
return oRet;
CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkUnionPaths = function(aWarpedObjects)
......@@ -141,12 +491,11 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkUnionPaths = function(aWarpedObjects)
aWarpedObjects2 = aToCheck[j];
for(i = 0; i < aWarpedObjects2.length; ++i)
oCurObjectToDraw = aWarpedObjects2[i];
for(k = 0; k < aByProps.length; ++k)
var oObjToDraw = aByProps[k];
if(CompareBrushes(oObjToDraw.brush, oCurObjectToDraw.brush) && ComparePens(oObjToDraw.pen, oCurObjectToDraw.pen))
if(CompareBrushes(oObjToDraw.brush, oCurObjectToDraw.brush) && ComparePens(oObjToDraw.pen, oCurObjectToDraw.pen) && !oCurObjectToDraw.Comment && !oObjToDraw.Comment)
oObjToDraw.geometry.pathLst = oObjToDraw.geometry.pathLst.concat(oCurObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst);
oCurObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length = 0;
......@@ -159,8 +508,17 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkUnionPaths = function(aWarpedObjects)
this.m_aBackgrounds.length = 0;
this.m_aBorders.length = 0;
this.getAllBackgroundsBorders(this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds, this.m_aBackgrounds, this.m_aBorders);
function CParagraphStructure()
......@@ -193,6 +551,15 @@ CParagraphStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oColo
CParagraphStructure.prototype.getAllBackgroundsBorders = function(aParaBackgrounds, aBackgrounds, aBorders)
var i;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
this.m_aContent[i].getAllBackgroundsBorders(aParaBackgrounds, aBackgrounds, aBorders);
function CTableStructure()
......@@ -236,6 +603,15 @@ CTableStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oColorMap
CTableStructure.prototype.getAllBackgroundsBorders = function(aParaBackgrounds, aBackgrounds, aBorders)
var i;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
this.m_aContent[i].getAllBackgroundsBorders(aParaBackgrounds, aBackgrounds, aBorders);
function CLineStructure(oLine)
......@@ -318,30 +694,46 @@ CLineStructure.prototype.CheckBoundsWarped = function(graphics)
CLineStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oColorMap)
var i;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length; ++i)
// for(i = 0; i < this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length; ++i)
// {
// this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
// }
// for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBorders.length; ++i)
// {
// this.m_aBorders[i].draw(graphics);
// }
// for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBackgrounds.length; ++i)
// {
// this.m_aBackgrounds[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
// }
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
this.m_aContent[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBorders.length; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.length; ++i)
this.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBackgrounds.length; ++i)
CLineStructure.prototype.getAllBackgroundsBorders = function(aParaBackgrounds, aBackgrounds, aBorders)
var i;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length; ++i)
this.m_aBackgrounds[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBackgrounds.length; ++i)
this.m_aContent[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.length; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBorders.length; ++i)
this.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts[i].draw(graphics, undefined, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
......@@ -438,6 +830,7 @@ function CTextDrawer(dWidth, dHeight, bDivByLInes, oTheme, bDivGlyphs)
// RFonts
this.m_oTextPr = null;
this.m_oGrFonts = new CGrRFonts();
this.m_oCurComment = null;
this.m_oPen = new CPen();
this.m_oBrush = new CBrush();
......@@ -496,7 +889,6 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
this.m_oPen.Color.A = a;
this.Get_PathToDraw(false, true);
AddSmartRect: function()
......@@ -508,7 +900,6 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
this.m_oPen.Size = val;
this.Get_PathToDraw(false, true);
// brush methods
......@@ -524,9 +915,15 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
this.m_oBrush.Color1.A = a;
this.Get_PathToDraw(false, true);
set_fillColor: function(R, G, B)
this.m_oFill = CreateUniFillByUniColor(CreateUniColorRGB(R, G, B));
this.Get_PathToDraw(false, true);
b_color2 : function(r,g,b,a)
if (this.m_oBrush.Color2.R != r || this.m_oBrush.Color2.G != g || this.m_oBrush.Color2.B != b)
......@@ -539,7 +936,6 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
this.m_oBrush.Color2.A = a;
this.Get_PathToDraw(false, true);
......@@ -785,7 +1181,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastCommand.m_aContent.length === 0)
oLastCommand.m_aContent.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y));
oLastCommand.m_aContent.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y, this.m_oCurComment));
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aContent[oLastCommand.m_aContent.length - 1];
......@@ -871,7 +1267,6 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
case 4:
if(oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length === 0)
......@@ -929,6 +1324,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastObjectToDraw && oLastObjectToDraw.geometry)
oLastObjectToDraw.Comment = this.m_oCurComment;
if(oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 0 || bStart)
oPath = new Path();
......@@ -1406,12 +1802,20 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
this.drawHorLine(align, y, x + leftMW, r + rightMW, penW);
DrawTextArtComment : function(Element)
this.m_oCurComment = Element;
this.rect(Element.x0, Element.y0, Element.x1 - Element.x0, Element.y1 - Element.y0);
this.m_oCurComment = null;
rect : function(x,y,w,h)
var oLastCommand = this.m_aStack[this.m_aStack.length - 1];
if(oLastCommand && (oLastCommand.m_nDrawType === 2 || oLastCommand.m_nDrawType === 4))
this.Get_PathToDraw(true, true);
this._m(x, y);
this.checkCurveBezier(x, y, x + (w/3), y, x + (2/3) *w, y, x+w, y);// this._l(r, y);
......@@ -1427,7 +1831,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
var _r = (x + w);
var _b = (y + h);
this.Get_PathToDraw(true, true);
this._m(_x, _y);
this._l(_r, _y);
this._l(_r, _b);
......@@ -1619,8 +2023,6 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
return null;
GetTextPr : function()
return this.m_oTextPr;
......@@ -1754,7 +2156,6 @@ function ObjectsToDrawBetweenTwoPolygons(aObjectsToDraw, oBoundsController, oPol
var oCommand, oPoint, oPath;
for(i = 0; i < aObjectsToDraw.length; ++i)
aPathLst = aObjectsToDraw[i].geometry.pathLst;
for(t = 0; t < aPathLst.length; ++t)
......@@ -1806,7 +2207,6 @@ function ObjectsToDrawBetweenTwoPolygons(aObjectsToDraw, oBoundsController, oPol
......@@ -1818,58 +2218,8 @@ function TransformPointGeometry(x, y, oTransform)
oRet.y = oTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
return oRet;
function TransformPointPolygon(x, y, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds)
var oRet = {x: 0, y: 0}, x0, y0, x1, y1, cX, oPointOnPolygon, x1t, y1t, dX, dY, x0t, y0t;
x0 = x;//dKoeff;
y0 = y;//dKoeff;
x1 = x0;
y1 = 0;
y0 -= oBounds.min_y;
y1 = ContentHeight*dKoeff;
y1 = (oBounds.max_y - oBounds.min_y);
y0 -= oBounds.min_y;
cX = x/XLimit;
oPointOnPolygon = oPolygon.getPointOnPolygon(cX, true);
x1t = oPointOnPolygon.x;
y1t = oPointOnPolygon.y;
dX = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.x - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.x;
dY = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.y - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.y;
if(/*"textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset*/bFlag)
dX = -dX;
dY = -dY;
var dNorm = Math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY);
x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(y0);
y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(y0);
x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(y1 - y0);
y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(y1 - y0);
oRet.x = x0t;
oRet.y = y0t;
return oRet;
function TransformGeometry(oObjectToDraw, oTransform)
var oCommand, oPoint, oPath, t, j, aPathLst;
......@@ -1927,6 +2277,58 @@ function TransformGeometry(oObjectToDraw, oTransform)
function TransformPointPolygon(x, y, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds)
var oRet = {x: 0, y: 0}, y0, y1, cX, oPointOnPolygon, x1t, y1t, dX, dY, x0t, y0t;
y0 = y;//dKoeff;
y1 = 0;
y0 -= oBounds.min_y;
y1 = ContentHeight*dKoeff;
y1 = (oBounds.max_y - oBounds.min_y);
y0 -= oBounds.min_y;
cX = x/XLimit;
oPointOnPolygon = oPolygon.getPointOnPolygon(cX, true);
x1t = oPointOnPolygon.x;
y1t = oPointOnPolygon.y;
dX = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.x - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.x;
dY = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.y - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.y;
dX = -dX;
dY = -dY;
var dNorm = Math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY);
x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(y0);
y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(y0);
x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(y1 - y0);
y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(y1 - y0);
oRet.x = x0t;
oRet.y = y0t;
return oRet;
function CheckGeometryByPolygon(oObjectToDraw, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds)
var oCommand, oPoint, oPath, t, j, aPathLst;
"use strict";
function OverlayObject(geometry, extX, extY, brush, pen, transform )
//({check_bounds: function(){},brush: this.originalShape.brush, pen: this.originalShape.pen, ext:{cx:this.originalShape.absExtX, cy:this.originalShape.absExtY}, geometry: this.geometry, TransformMatrix: this.originalShape.transform})
......@@ -147,17 +149,19 @@ function OverlayObject(geometry, extX, extY, brush, pen, transform )
function ObjectToDraw(brush, pen, extX, extY, geometry, transform, x, y)
function ObjectToDraw(brush, pen, extX, extY, geometry, transform, x, y, oComment)
this.brush = brush;
this.pen = pen;
this.extX = extX;
this.extY = extY;
this.transform = transform;
this.TransformMatrix = transform;
this.geometry = geometry;
this.parentShape = null;
/* */
this.Comment = oComment;
this.pen = pen;
this.brush = brush;
/*������� �������*/
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
......@@ -236,6 +240,26 @@ ObjectToDraw.prototype =
oTransform = this.TransformMatrix;
if(editor && editor.WordControl && editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument && editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Comments &&
(graphics instanceof CGraphics) && ( editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Comments.Is_Use() && true != editor.isViewMode))
if(this.Comment.Additional.CommentId === editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Comments.Get_CurrentId())
var _x0 = oTransform.TransformPointX( this.Comment.x0, this.Comment.y0 );
var _y0 = oTransform.TransformPointY( this.Comment.x0, this.Comment.y0 );
var _x1 = oTransform.TransformPointX( this.Comment.x1, this.Comment.y1 );
var _y1 = oTransform.TransformPointY( this.Comment.x1, this.Comment.y1 );
editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Comments.Add_DrawingRect(_x0, _y0, _x1 - _x0, _y1 - _y0, graphics.PageNum, this.Comment.Additional.CommentId);
if(oTheme && oColorMap)
......@@ -1783,6 +1783,8 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
var aComm = PDSH.Comm;
Element = ( pGraphics.RENDERER_PDF_FLAG === true ? null : aComm.Get_Next() );
while ( null != Element )
if ( Element.Additional.Active === true )
pGraphics.b_color1( 240, 200, 120, 255 );
......@@ -1803,7 +1805,11 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
DocumentComments.Add_DrawingRect(Element.x0, Element.y0, Element.x1 - Element.x0, Element.y1 - Element.y0, Page_abs, Element.Additional.CommentId);
Element = aComm.Get_Next();
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