Commit 6179e1d5 authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

change functions

parent 914d8c81
......@@ -2717,10 +2717,11 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
var intersection = this.isIntersectionPlainAndLine(plainEquation, lineEquation);
var convertResult = this._convertAndTurnPoint(intersection.x, intersection.y, intersection.z);
var isBetween = (convertResult.x >= projPoint1.x && convertResult.x <= projPoint2.x) || (convertResult.x <= projPoint1.x && convertResult.x >= projPoint2.x);
var isBetweenX = (convertResult.x >= projPoint1.x && convertResult.x <= projPoint2.x) || (convertResult.x <= projPoint1.x && convertResult.x >= projPoint2.x);
var isBetweenY = (convertResult.y >= projPoint1.y && convertResult.y <= projPoint2.y) || (convertResult.y <= projPoint1.y && convertResult.y >= projPoint2.y);
//принадлежит ли даная точка отрезку
if(isBetweenX && isBetweenY)
var vectorMultiplication = ((convertResult.x - projPoint1.x) * (projPoint2.y - projPoint1.y)) - ((convertResult.y - projPoint1.y) * (projPoint2.x - projPoint1.x));
if(Math.round(vectorMultiplication) === 0)
......@@ -10940,6 +10941,8 @@ drawSurfaceChart.prototype =
this.test(points, points3d);
test: function(points, points3d)
var t = this;
......@@ -10965,7 +10968,7 @@ drawSurfaceChart.prototype =
for(var p = 0; p < arr.length; p++)
if(arr[p] && point.x === arr[p].x && point.y === arr[p].y)
if(arr[p] && parseInt(point.x) === parseInt(arr[p].x) && parseInt(point.y) === parseInt(arr[p].y))
res = p;
......@@ -10989,53 +10992,328 @@ drawSurfaceChart.prototype =
var gridPlain = getGridPlain(k);
var tempPoints = [];
var isFacePoint = null;
if(pointsValue[0].val === yPoints[k].val)
var clearIntersectionPoints = [];
var segmentIntersectionPoints = [];
//n --> lines --> 0 - down, 1 - up, 2 - left, 3 - right, 4 - diagonal
for(var n = 0; n < lines.length; n++)
tempPoints[0] = pointsValue[0];
isFacePoint = pointsValue[0];
var convertResult = t.cChartDrawer.isIntersectionPlainAndLineSegment(gridPlain, lines[n].p1, lines[n].p2, lines[n].p111, lines[n].p222);
if(null === isEqualPoints(pointsValue, convertResult))
if(null === isEqualPoints(segmentIntersectionPoints, convertResult))
else if(pointsValue[1].val === yPoints[k].val)
tempPoints[0] = pointsValue[1];
isFacePoint = pointsValue[1];
if(clearIntersectionPoints.length === 2)//две точки, не равняющиеся ни одной точке сегмента
var p1 = clearIntersectionPoints[0];
var p2 = clearIntersectionPoints[1];
t.paths.test2[k] = [];
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y));
if(clearIntersectionPoints.length > 2)
else if(pointsValue[2].val === yPoints[k].val)
else if(segmentIntersectionPoints.length && clearIntersectionPoints.length)
tempPoints[1] = pointsValue[2];
isFacePoint = pointsValue[2];
if(1 === segmentIntersectionPoints.length && 1 === clearIntersectionPoints.length)
var p1 = segmentIntersectionPoints[0];
var p2 = clearIntersectionPoints[0];
t.paths.test2[k] = [];
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y));
else if(pointsValue[3].val === yPoints[k].val)
var getIntersectionPlanesAndLines2 = function(lines, pointsValue)
var minVal = Math.min(pointsValue[0].val, pointsValue[1].val, pointsValue[2].val);
var maxVal = Math.max(pointsValue[0].val, pointsValue[1].val, pointsValue[2].val);
//находим пересечение даннного сегмента с плоскостями сетки
for(var k = 0; k < yPoints.length; k++)
if(!(yPoints[k].val >= minVal && yPoints[k].val <= maxVal))
tempPoints[1] = pointsValue[3];
isFacePoint = pointsValue[3];
//n --> lines --> 0 - down, 1 - up, 2 - left, 3 - right, 4 - diagonal
var gridPlain = getGridPlain(k);
var clearIntersectionPoints = [];
var segmentIntersectionPoints = [];
var diagonalIntersection = null;
//n --> lines --> 0 - down, 1 - up, 2 - left, 3 - right, 4 - diagonal
for(var n = 0; n < lines.length; n++)
var convertResult = t.cChartDrawer.isIntersectionPlainAndLineSegment(gridPlain, lines[n].p1, lines[n].p2, lines[n].p111, lines[n].p222);
if(isFacePoint && convertResult.x === isFacePoint.x && convertResult.y === isFacePoint.y)
if(null === isEqualPoints(pointsValue, convertResult))
if(null !== isEqualPoints(pointsValue, convertResult))
if(null === isEqualPoints(segmentIntersectionPoints, convertResult))
//две точки, не равняющиеся ни одной точке сегмента, проходящие через диагональ
if(clearIntersectionPoints.length === 2)//две точки, не равняющиеся ни одной точке сегмента
var p1 = clearIntersectionPoints[0];
var p2 = clearIntersectionPoints[1];
t.paths.test2[k] = [];
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y))
tempPoints[n] = convertResult;
if(clearIntersectionPoints.length > 2)
else if(segmentIntersectionPoints.length && clearIntersectionPoints.length)
if(1 === segmentIntersectionPoints.length && 1 === clearIntersectionPoints.length)
var p1 = segmentIntersectionPoints[0];
var p2 = clearIntersectionPoints[0];
t.paths.test2[k] = [];
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y));
this.paths.test = [];
this.paths.test2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++)
for(var j = 0; j < points[i].length - 1; j++)
var p = points[i][j];
var p1 = points[i + 1][j];
var p2 = points[i][j + 1];
var p21 = points[i + 1][j + 1];
this.paths.test.push(this.cChartDrawer._calculatePathFace(p, p2, p21, p1, true));
var p1 = null, p2 = null;
var p3d = points3d[i][j];
var p13d = points3d[i + 1][j];
var p23d = points3d[i][j + 1];
var p213d = points3d[i + 1][j + 1];
var lines = [{p1: p3d, p2: p23d, p111: p, p222: p2}, {p1: p13d, p2: p213d, p111: p1, p222: p21}, {p1: p3d, p2: p13d, p111: p, p222: p1}, {p1: p23d, p2: p213d, p111: p2, p222: p21}];
if(tempPoints[0] && tempPoints[1])
var isDiagonalLine = null;
if(!this.cChartDrawer.isPointsLieIntoOnePlane(p3d, p13d, p213d, p23d))
var max = p.val;
var maxIndex = 0;
var arrVal = [p, p1, p2, p21];
for(var m = 0; m < arrVal.length; m++)
if(arrVal[m].val > max)
max = arrVal[m].val;
maxIndex = m;
if(maxIndex === 0 || maxIndex === 3)
lines.push({p1: p213d, p2: p3d, p111: p21, p222: p});
this.paths.test.push(this._calculatePath(p21.x, p21.y, p.x, p.y));
isDiagonalLine = 1;
lines.push({p1: p13d, p2: p23d, p111: p1, p222: p2});
this.paths.test.push(this._calculatePath(p2.x, p2.y, p1.x, p1.y));
isDiagonalLine = 2;
//p, p2, p21, p1 - точки данного сегмента
// p1-----p21
// | |
// | |
// p-------p2
var pointsValue = [p1, p2, p21, p];
if(null === isDiagonalLine)
getIntersectionPlanesAndLines(lines, pointsValue);
if(1 === isDiagonalLine)
var lines1 = [lines[0], lines[3], lines[4]];
var pointsValue1 = [p, p21, p2];
var lines2 = [lines[2], lines[1], lines[4]];
var pointsValue2 = [p, p1, p21];
var lines1 = [lines[2], lines[0], lines[4]];
var pointsValue1 = [p, p1, p2];
var lines2 = [lines[4], lines[1], lines[3]];
var pointsValue2 = [p1, p21, p2];
getIntersectionPlanesAndLines2(lines1, pointsValue1);
getIntersectionPlanesAndLines2(lines2, pointsValue2);
test2: function(points, points3d)
var t = this;
var yPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.yPoints;
var xPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.catAx.xPoints;
var perspectiveDepth = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.depthPerspective;
var getGridPlain = function(index)
var gridX1 = xPoints[0].pos * t.chartProp.pxToMM;
var gridX2 = xPoints[xPoints.length - 1].pos * t.chartProp.pxToMM;
var gridY1 = yPoints[index].pos * t.chartProp.pxToMM;
var gridY2 = yPoints[index].pos * t.chartProp.pxToMM;
var gridPlain = t.cChartDrawer.getPlainEquation({x: gridX1,y: gridY1, z: 0}, {x: gridX2, y: gridY2, z: 0}, {x: gridX2, y: gridY2, z: perspectiveDepth});
return gridPlain;
var isEqualPoints = function(arr, point)
var res = null;
for(var p = 0; p < arr.length; p++)
if(arr[p] && parseInt(point.x) === parseInt(arr[p].x) && parseInt(point.y) === parseInt(arr[p].y))
res = p;
return res;
var getIntersectionPlanesAndLines = function(lines, pointsValue)
var minVal = Math.min(pointsValue[0].val, pointsValue[1].val, pointsValue[2].val, pointsValue[3].val);
var maxVal = Math.max(pointsValue[0].val, pointsValue[1].val, pointsValue[2].val, pointsValue[3].val);
//находим пересечение даннного сегмента с плоскостями сетки
for(var k = 0; k < yPoints.length; k++)
/*if(!(yPoints[k].val >= minVal && yPoints[k].val <= maxVal))
var gridPlain = getGridPlain(k);
var tempPoints = [];
//n --> lines --> 0 - down, 1 - up, 2 - left, 3 - right, 4 - diagonal
for(var n = 0; n < lines.length; n++)
var convertResult = t.cChartDrawer.isIntersectionPlainAndLineSegment(gridPlain, lines[n].p1, lines[n].p2, lines[n].p111, lines[n].p222);
if(null === isEqualPoints(tempPoints, convertResult))
tempPoints[n] = convertResult;
var p1 = null, p2 = null, p3 = null;
if(tempPoints[0] && tempPoints[2] && tempPoints[1])
p1 = tempPoints[0];
p2 = tempPoints[1];
p3 = tempPoints[2];
else if(tempPoints[2] && tempPoints[1] && tempPoints[3])
p1 = tempPoints[2];
p2 = tempPoints[3];
p3 = tempPoints[1];
else if(tempPoints[1] && tempPoints[3] && tempPoints[0])
p1 = tempPoints[1];
p2 = tempPoints[0];
p3 = tempPoints[3];
else if(tempPoints[2] && tempPoints[3])
p1 = tempPoints[2];
p2 = tempPoints[3];
else if(tempPoints[0] && tempPoints[1])
p1 = tempPoints[0];
p2 = tempPoints[1];
......@@ -11067,17 +11345,55 @@ drawSurfaceChart.prototype =
if(p1 && p2)
if(p1 && p2 && p3)
t.paths.test2[k] = [];
var isSegmentPoint1 = isEqualPoints(pointsValue, p1);
var isSegmentPoint2 = isEqualPoints(pointsValue, p2);
var isSegmentPoint3 = isEqualPoints(pointsValue, p3);
if(null !== isSegmentPoint1 && null !== isSegmentPoint2 && null !== isSegmentPoint3)
else if(null !== isSegmentPoint1)
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p2.x, p2.y, p1.x, p1.y))
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p1.x, p1.y, p3.x, p3.y))
else if(null !== isSegmentPoint2)
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y))
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y))
else if(null !== isSegmentPoint3)
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p1.x, p1.y, p3.x, p3.y))
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p3.x, p3.y, p2.x, p2.y))
else if(p1 && p2)
t.paths.test2[k] = [];
var isSegmentPoint1 = isEqualPoints(pointsValue, p1);
var isSegmentPoint2 = isEqualPoints(pointsValue, p2);
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(p1.x, p1.y, tempPoints[4].x, tempPoints[4].y))
t.paths.test2[k].push(t._calculatePath(tempPoints[4].x, tempPoints[4].y, p2.x, p2.y))
else if(null !== isSegmentPoint1 && null !== isSegmentPoint2)
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