Commit 61f8f368 authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

- подсветка таблиц в формулах;

- более жирная подсветка выбранных диапазонов в формулах;
- штрих-линия 4 через 2, убран 0.5, для точности, посмотреть будут ли смазываться линии.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent da2f57ad
......@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ var c_oAscAutoFilterTypes = {
var c_oAscCoAuthoringMeBorderColor = new window["CColor"](22, 156, 0);
var c_oAscCoAuthoringOtherBorderColor = new window["CColor"](238, 53, 37);
var c_oAscCoAuthoringLockTablePropertiesBorderColor = new window["CColor"](255, 144, 0);
var c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth = 2;
var c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth = 4;
var c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance = 2;
var c_oAscFormulaRangeBorderColor = [
......@@ -1032,9 +1032,9 @@
var _x2 = this._mct.transformPointX(x2, y);
var ctx = this.ctx;
_x1 = (_x1 >> 0) + 0.5;
_x1 = (_x1 >> 0);
_y = (_y >> 0) + 0.5;
_x2 = (_x2 >> 0) + 0.5;
_x2 = (_x2 >> 0);
for (; _x1 < _x2; _x1 += w_dist) {
ctx.moveTo(_x1, _y);
......@@ -1053,9 +1053,9 @@
var _y2 = this._mct.transformPointY(x, y2);
var ctx = this.ctx;
_y1 = (_y1 >> 0) + 0.5;
_y1 = (_y1 >> 0);
_x = (_x >> 0) + 0.5;
_y2 = (_y2 >> 0) + 0.5;
_y2 = (_y2 >> 0);
for (; _y1 < _y2; _y1 += w_dist) {
ctx.moveTo(_x, _y1);
......@@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ cName.prototype.Calculate = function () {
/** @constructor */
function cStrucTable( val, wb, ws, cell ) { this, val[0], cElementType.table ); this, val[0].replace("[]",""), cElementType.table );
this.wb = wb; = ws;
this.tableName = val['tableName'];
......@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ cStrucTable.prototype.toString = function () {
return tblStr.replace( "%1", data );
return tblStr.replace( "%1", "" );
return tblStr.replace( "%1", "" ).replace("[]","");
cStrucTable.prototype.toLocaleString = function () {
var tblStr, columns_1, columns_2;
......@@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ cStrucTable.prototype.toLocaleString = function () {
return tblStr.replace( "%1", data );
return tblStr.replace( "%1", "" );
return tblStr.replace( "%1", "" ).replace("[]","");
cStrucTable.prototype.changeArea = function ( offset ) {
return this.area;
......@@ -872,6 +872,7 @@
_s = _e - r.oper.value.length;
case cElementType.table :
case :
var nameRef = r.oper.toRef();
......@@ -879,7 +880,7 @@
switch ( nameRef.type ) {
case cElementType.cellsRange3D :{
if ( !r.oper.isSingleSheet() ) {
if ( !nameRef.isSingleSheet() ) {
......@@ -987,16 +988,16 @@
_s = _e - r.oper.value.length + 1;
case cElementType.table :
case :
// continue;
var nameRef = r.oper.toRef();
if ( nameRef instanceof cError ) continue;
switch ( nameRef.type ) {
case cElementType.cellsRange3D :
if ( !r.oper.isSingleSheet() ) {
if ( !nameRef.isSingleSheet() ) {
......@@ -3494,13 +3494,32 @@
/** */
WorksheetView.prototype._drawSelectionElement = function ( visibleRange, offsetX, offsetY, args ) {
var range = args[0], isDashLine = args[1], lineWidth = args[2], strokeColor = args[3], fillColor = args[4], isAllRange = args[5];
var ctx = this.overlayCtx, c = this.cols, r = this.rows;
var oIntersection = range.intersectionSimple( visibleRange );
var range = args[0], isDashLine = args[1], lineWidth = args[2],
strokeColor = args[3], fillColor = args[4], isAllRange = args[5],
colorN = this.settings.activeCellBorderColor2,
ctx = this.overlayCtx, c = this.cols, r = this.rows,
oIntersection = range.intersectionSimple( visibleRange ),
ppiX = this._getPPIX(), ppiY = this._getPPIY();
if ( !oIntersection ) {
var width_1px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 1/*px*/ ),
width_2px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 2/*px*/ ),
width_3px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 3/*px*/ ),
width_4px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 4/*px*/ ),
width_5px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 5/*px*/ ),
width_7px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 7/*px*/ ),
height_1px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 1/*px*/ ),
height_2px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 2/*px*/ ),
height_3px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 3/*px*/ ),
height_4px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 4/*px*/ ),
height_5px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 5/*px*/ ),
height_7px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 7/*px*/ );
var fHorLine, fVerLine;
if ( isDashLine ) {
fHorLine = ctx.dashLineCleverHor;
......@@ -3524,42 +3543,75 @@
var y1 = r[oIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var y2 = r[oIntersection.r2].top + r[oIntersection.r2].height - offsetY;
ctx.setLineWidth( lineWidth ).setStrokeStyle( strokeColor );
ctx.setLineWidth( isDashLine ? lineWidth : 2 ).setStrokeStyle( strokeColor );/*2px для селекта ячеек в формулах*/
if ( fillColor ) {
ctx.setFillStyle( fillColor );
if ( drawTopSide && !firstRow ) {
fHorLine.apply( ctx, [x1, y1, x2] );
if ( drawBottomSide ) {
fHorLine.apply( ctx, [x1, y2, x2] );
if ( drawLeftSide && !firstCol ) {
fVerLine.apply( ctx, [x1, y1, y2] );
if ( drawRightSide ) {
fVerLine.apply( ctx, [x2, y1, y2] );
if ( drawTopSide && !firstRow ) {
fHorLine.apply( ctx, [x1 - !isDashLine * width_2px, y1, x2 + !isDashLine * width_1px] );
if ( drawBottomSide ) {
fHorLine.apply( ctx, [x1, y2 + !isDashLine * height_1px, x2] );
if ( drawLeftSide && !firstCol ) {
fVerLine.apply( ctx, [x1, y1, y2 + !isDashLine * height_1px] );
if ( drawRightSide ) {
fVerLine.apply( ctx, [x2 + !isDashLine * width_1px, y1, y2 + !isDashLine * height_1px] );
if ( !isDashLine ) {/*Отрисовка светлой полосы при выборе ячеек для формулы*/
ctx.setLineWidth( 1 );
ctx.setStrokeStyle( colorN );
if ( drawTopSide && !firstRow ) {
fHorLine.apply( ctx, [x1, y1 + height_1px, x2 - width_1px] );
if ( drawBottomSide ) {
fHorLine.apply( ctx, [x1, y2 - height_1px, x2 - width_1px] );
if ( drawLeftSide && !firstCol ) {
fVerLine.apply( ctx, [x1 + width_1px, y1, y2 - height_2px] );
if ( drawRightSide ) {
fVerLine.apply( ctx, [x2 - width_1px, y1, y2 - height_2px] );
// Отрисовка квадратов для move/resize
if ( fillColor && !range.isName ) {
if ( drawLeftSide && drawTopSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x1 - this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px );
if ( drawRightSide && drawTopSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x2 - this.width_4px, y1 - this.height_1px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px );
if ( drawRightSide && drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x2 - this.width_4px, y2 - this.height_4px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px );
if ( drawLeftSide && drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x1 - this.width_1px, y2 - this.height_4px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px );
ctx.setFillStyle( colorN );
if ( drawLeftSide && drawTopSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x1 - width_4px, y1 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px );
if ( drawRightSide && drawTopSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x2 - width_4px, y1 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px );
if ( drawRightSide && drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x2 - width_4px, y2 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px );
if ( drawLeftSide && drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x1 - width_4px, y2 - height_4px, width_7px, height_7px );
ctx.setFillStyle( strokeColor );
if ( drawLeftSide && drawTopSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x1 - width_3px, y1 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px );
if ( drawRightSide && drawTopSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x2 - width_3px, y1 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px );
if ( drawRightSide && drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x2 - width_3px, y2 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px );
if ( drawLeftSide && drawBottomSide ) {
ctx.fillRect( x1 - width_3px, y2 - height_3px, width_5px, height_5px );
/**Отрисовывает диапазон с заданными параметрами*/
WorksheetView.prototype._drawElements = function ( thisArg, drawFunction ) {
......@@ -3888,8 +3940,16 @@
ctx.setFillStyle( opt.activeCellBorderColor ).fillRect( this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR - this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleB - this.fillHandleT );
ctx.setStrokeStyle( opt.activeCellBorderColor2 ).setLineWidth( 1 ).beginPath();
ctx.lineHorPrevPx( this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR );
ctx.lineVerPrevPx( this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleB );
ctx.lineHorPrevPx( this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR + this.width_1px );
ctx.lineHorPrevPx( this.fillHandleL - this.width_1px, this.fillHandleB + this.height_1px, this.fillHandleR + this.width_1px );
ctx.lineVerPrevPx( this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleB );
ctx.lineVerPrevPx( this.fillHandleR + this.width_1px, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleB );
......@@ -4010,7 +4070,7 @@
var strokeColor, fillColor, colorIndex, uniqueColorIndex = 0, tmpColors = [];
for ( i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i ) {
var oFormulaRange = arrRanges[i].clone( true );
if ( arrRanges[i].isName )oFormulaRange.isName = true;
colorIndex = asc.getUniqueRangeColor( arrRanges, i, tmpColors );
if ( null == colorIndex ) {
colorIndex = uniqueColorIndex++;
......@@ -4211,10 +4271,10 @@
// Координаты для range формулы
var xF1 = this.cols[activeFormula.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_2px;
var xF2 = activeFormula.c2 > this.cols.length ? width : this.cols[activeFormula.c2].left + this.cols[activeFormula.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_1px;
var yF1 = this.rows[activeFormula.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_2px;
var yF2 = activeFormula.r2 > this.rows.length ? height : this.rows[activeFormula.r2].top + this.rows[activeFormula.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_1px;
var xF1 = this.cols[activeFormula.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_3px;
var xF2 = activeFormula.c2 > this.cols.length ? width : this.cols[activeFormula.c2].left + this.cols[activeFormula.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_3px;
var yF1 = this.rows[activeFormula.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_3px;
var yF2 = activeFormula.r2 > this.rows.length ? height : this.rows[activeFormula.r2].top + this.rows[activeFormula.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_3px;
// Выбираем наибольший range для очистки
x1 = Math.min( x1, xF1 );
......@@ -6143,6 +6203,21 @@
var cursor, oFormulaRange, oFormulaRangeIn, xFormula1, xFormula2, yFormula1, yFormula2;
var col = -1, row = -1;
var arrRanges = this.isFormulaEditMode ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges : this.arrActiveChartsRanges, targetArr = this.isFormulaEditMode ? 0 : -1;
var ppiX = this._getPPIX(), ppiY = this._getPPIY();
var width_1px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 1/*px*/ ),
width_2px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 2/*px*/ ),
width_3px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 3/*px*/ ),
width_4px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 4/*px*/ ),
width_5px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 5/*px*/ ),
width_7px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiX, 7/*px*/ ),
height_1px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 1/*px*/ ),
height_2px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 2/*px*/ ),
height_3px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 3/*px*/ ),
height_4px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 4/*px*/ ),
height_5px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 5/*px*/ ),
height_7px = asc_calcnpt( 0, ppiY, 7/*px*/ );
for ( i = 0, l = arrRanges.length; i < l; ++i ) {
oFormulaRange = arrRanges[i].clone( true );
oFormulaRange.isName = arrRanges[i].isName;
......@@ -6153,29 +6228,32 @@
yFormula1 = this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r1].top - offsetY;
yFormula2 = this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r2].top + this.rows[oFormulaRangeIn.r2].height - offsetY;
if ( (x >= xFormula1 + 5 && x <= xFormula2 - 5) && ((y >= yFormula1 - this.height_2px && y <= yFormula1 + this.height_2px) || (y >= yFormula2 - this.height_2px && y <= yFormula2 + this.height_2px)) || (y >= yFormula1 + 5 && y <= yFormula2 - 5) && ((x >= xFormula1 - this.width_2px && x <= xFormula1 + this.width_2px) || (x >= xFormula2 - this.width_2px && x <= xFormula2 + this.width_2px)) ) {
if ( (x >= xFormula1 + width_3px && x <= xFormula2 - width_5px) &&
((y >= yFormula1 - height_2px && y <= yFormula1 + height_2px) || (y >= yFormula2 - height_2px && y <= yFormula2 + height_2px)) ||
(y >= yFormula1 + height_3px && y <= yFormula2 - height_5px) &&
((x >= xFormula1 - width_2px && x <= xFormula1 + width_2px) || (x >= xFormula2 - width_2px && x <= xFormula2 + width_2px)) ) {
cursor = kCurMove;
else if ( x >= xFormula1 && x < xFormula1 + 5 && y >= yFormula1 && y < yFormula1 + 5 ) {
else if ( x >= xFormula1 - width_3px && x < xFormula1 + width_2px && y >= yFormula1 - height_3px && y < yFormula1 + height_2px ) {/*TOP-LEFT*/
cursor = kCurSEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c2;
row = oFormulaRange.r2;
else if ( x > xFormula2 - 5 && x <= xFormula2 && y > yFormula2 - 5 && y <= yFormula2 ) {
else if ( x > xFormula2 - width_3px && x <= xFormula2 + width_2px && y >= yFormula1 - height_3px && y < yFormula1 + height_2px ) {/*TOP-RIGHT*/
cursor = kCurNEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c1;
row = oFormulaRange.r2;
else if ( x > xFormula2 - width_3px && x <= xFormula2 + width_2px && y > yFormula2 - height_3px && y <= yFormula2 + height_2px ) {/*BOTTOM-RIGHT*/
cursor = kCurSEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c1;
row = oFormulaRange.r1;
else if ( x > xFormula2 - 5 && x <= xFormula2 && y >= yFormula1 && y < yFormula1 + 5 ) {
cursor = kCurNEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c1;
row = oFormulaRange.r2;
else if ( x >= xFormula1 && x < xFormula1 + 5 && y > yFormula2 - 5 && y <= yFormula2 ) {
else if ( x >= xFormula1 - width_3px && x < xFormula1 + width_2px && y > yFormula2 - height_3px && y <= yFormula2 + height_2px ) {/*BOTTOM-LEFT*/
cursor = kCurNEResize;
col = oFormulaRange.c2;
row = oFormulaRange.r1;
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