Commit 625e6899 authored by Anna.Pavlova's avatar Anna.Pavlova Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

1. Gaps для объектов (коэффициенты)

2. Добавила Remove на AddComposition
3. Поправила, в случае удаления, когда мат. объект становится первым/последним в контенте выставлялись "нулевые gaps"

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 9c8b48a1
......@@ -1139,5 +1139,19 @@ CMathBase.prototype =
content = this.elements[this.CurPos_X][this.CurPos_Y].goToRightSelect(bParent);
return content;
getGapsInside: function()
var kind = this.kind;
var gaps = {left: 0, right: 0};
var checkBase = kind == MATH_DEGREE || kind == MATH_DEGREESubSup || kind == MATH_ACCENT || kind == MATH_RADICAL|| kind == MATH_BOX || kind == MATH_BORDER_BOX;
var base = this.getBase();
gaps = base.getGapsInside();
return gaps;
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ CIterators.prototype.setDistanceIters = function(oMeasure)
var shCenter = this.Composition.GetShiftCenter(oMeasure, mgCtrPrp);
var upDesc = upIter.height - upIter.ascent + shCenter,
lowAsc = lowIter.ascent - shCenter;
lowAsc = 1.2*(lowIter.ascent - shCenter);
var up = 0;
var down = 0;
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ CIterators.prototype.setDistanceIters = function(oMeasure)
if( this.lD > lowAsc )
down = this.lD - lowAsc;
var minGap = 1.2*shCenter;
var minGap = 1.1*shCenter;
if( up + down < minGap)
......@@ -447,7 +447,8 @@ CDegreeSubSup.prototype.recalculateSize = function(oMeasure)
//var ctrPrp = this.getCtrPrp();
var mgCtrPrp = this.mergeCtrTPrp();
var shCenter = this.Composition.GetShiftCenter(oMeasure, mgCtrPrp) /0.6;
var shCenter = this.Composition.GetShiftCenter(oMeasure, mgCtrPrp);
shCenter *= 1.2;
var width = 0, height = 0,
ascent = 0;
......@@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ CDegreeSubSup.prototype.recalculateSize = function(oMeasure)
this.dW = 0.2*shCenter;
this.dW = 0.18*shCenter;
width = iters.size.width + base.size.width + this.dW;
//height = shCenter + iters.lUp;
......@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@
// 1. CAccent ~> COperator
// 2. COperator : объединить все классы связанные с отрисовкой и пересчетом операторов в один
var TEST_VAL = 0;
/// TODO
......@@ -4678,7 +4676,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
Resize: function(oMeasure) // пересчитываем всю формулу
var bItalic = true;
var posPrev = -1;
//var posPrev = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < this.content.length; i++)
......@@ -4689,16 +4687,16 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
this.checkGapsSign(oMeasure, posPrev, i);
this.checkGapsSign(oMeasure, i);
posPrev = i;
//posPrev = i;
else if(type == MATH_COMP)
this.checkGapsSign(oMeasure, posPrev, i);
posPrev = i;
this.checkGapsSign(oMeasure, i);
//posPrev = i;
else if(type == MATH_RUN_PRP)
......@@ -4735,7 +4733,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
checkGapsSign: function(oMeasure, posLeft, posCurr)
old_checkGapsSign: function(oMeasure, posLeft, posCurr)
if(posLeft > 0 && posLeft < this.content.length)
......@@ -4748,26 +4746,52 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
var bPrevComp = typePrev === MATH_COMP,
bCurrComp = typeCurr === MATH_COMP;
var prevKind = bPrevComp ? this.content[posLeft].value.kind : null,
currKind = bCurrComp ? this.content[posCurr].value.kind : null;
var gapSign = 0;
var bNeedGap = bPrevSign || bPrevComp || bCurrSign || bCurrComp;
if(bPrevComp || bPrevSign)
var coeff = 0;
var txtPrp = this.getTxtPrp(posLeft);
/*var txtPrp = new CMathTextPrp();
var wTextRPrp = this.mergeTxtPrp(txtPrp);
gapSign = this.Composition.GetGapSign(oMeasure, wTextRPrp);
var coeff = 0;
if(prevKind == MATH_DEGREE)
coeff = 0.15;
else if(prevKind == MATH_ACCENT || prevKind == MATH_DELIMITER || prevKind == MATH_MATRIX || prevKind == MATH_RADICAL)
coeff = 0;
else if(prevKind == MATH_BOX)
/*var txtPrp = this.getTxtPrp(posLeft);
var wTextRPrp = this.mergeTxtPrp(txtPrp);
oMeasure.SetFont ( wTextRPrp );
var height = g_oTextMeasurer.GetHeight();*/
var txtHeight = 2.3622*gapSign;
if(this.content[posLeft].value.size.height < txtHeight)
coeff = 0;
coeff = 0.2;
coeff = 0.2;
else if(bCurrSign)
coeff = 0.4;
coeff = 0.33;
coeff = 0.4;
......@@ -4776,29 +4800,275 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
if(bCurrSign || bCurrComp)
var txtPrp = this.getTxtPrp(posCurr);
/*var txtPrp = new CMathTextPrp();
var wTextRPrp = this.mergeTxtPrp(txtPrp);
gapSign = this.Composition.GetGapSign(oMeasure, wTextRPrp);
var coeff = 0;
if(currKind == MATH_DEGREE)
coeff = 0.15;
else if(prevKind == MATH_ACCENT || prevKind == MATH_DELIMITER || prevKind == MATH_MATRIX || prevKind == MATH_RADICAL)
coeff = 0;
else if(prevKind == MATH_BOX)
var txtHeight = 2.3622*gapSign;
if(this.content[posLeft].value.size.height < txtHeight)
coeff = 0;
coeff = 0.2;
coeff = 0.3;
else if(bCurrSign)
coeff = 0.5;
coeff = 0.45;
coeff = 0.45;
var txtPrp = this.getTxtPrp(posCurr);
var wTextRPrp = this.mergeTxtPrp(txtPrp);
gapSign = this.Composition.GetGapSign(oMeasure, wTextRPrp);
this.content[posCurr].gaps.left = coeff*gapSign;
checkGapsSign: function(oMeasure, posCurr)
var left = null,
right = null;
var curr = this.content[posCurr].value;
var t = posCurr - 1;
while( t > 0 )
if(this.content[t].value.typeObj == MATH_TEXT || this.content[t].value.typeObj == MATH_COMP)
left = this.content[t].value;
t = posCurr + 1;
while( t < this.content.length )
if(this.content[t].value.typeObj == MATH_TEXT || this.content[t].value.typeObj == MATH_COMP)
right = this.content[t].value;
var coeffLeft = 0,
coeffRight = 0;
var txtPrp = this.getTxtPrp(posCurr);
var wTextRPrp = this.mergeTxtPrp(txtPrp);
if(curr.typeObj == MATH_TEXT)
//var gapSign = this.Composition.GetGapSign(oMeasure, wTextRPrp);
var code = this.content[posCurr].value.getCodeChr();
var bSign = false;
if(code === 0x2B || code === 0x2212) // plus, minus
bSign = true;
if(left !== null)
coeffLeft = 0.52;
if(right !== null)
//var a = FontSize/8*0.1;
//var a = wTextRPrp.FontSize*wTextRPrp.FontSize/36*0.001;
coeffRight = 0.49;
else if(code === 0x2217) // multiplication
bSign = true;
if(left !== null)
coeffLeft = 0.5;
if(right !== null)
coeffRight = 0.49;
else if(code === 0x3D) // equal
bSign = true;
if(left !== null)
coeffLeft = 0.7;
if(right !== null)
coeffRight = 0.5;
var bLeftComp = left !== null ? left.typeObj == MATH_COMP : false,
bRightComp = right !== null ? right.typeObj == MATH_COMP : false;
if(bSign && bLeftComp)
coeffLeft = coeffLeft - this.getGapsMComp(left).right;
if(bSign && bRightComp)
coeffRight = coeffRight - this.getGapsMComp(right).left;
else if(curr.typeObj == MATH_COMP)
var gapsMComp = this.getGapsMComp(curr);
if(left !== null)
coeffLeft = gapsMComp.left;
if(right !== null)
coeffRight = gapsMComp.right;
/*var checkGap = this.checkGapKind(curr);
if(left !== null)
coeffLeft = 0.1;
else if(checkGap.bChildGaps)
var gaps = curr.getGapsInside();
if(left !== null)
coeffLeft = gaps.left;
if(right !== null)
coeffRight = gaps.right;
if(left !== null)
coeffLeft = 0.4;
if(right !== null)
coeffRight = 0.26;
coeffLeft = Math.ceil(coeffLeft*10)/10;
coeffRight = Math.ceil(coeffRight*10)/10;
var gapSign = 0.1513*wTextRPrp.FontSize;
this.content[posCurr].gaps.left = Math.ceil(coeffLeft*gapSign*10)/10; // если ни один случай не выполнился, выставляем "нулевые" gaps (default): необходимо, если что-то удалили и объект стал первый или последним в контенте
this.content[posCurr].gaps.right = Math.ceil(coeffRight*gapSign*10)/10;
var code = this.content[posCurr].value.getCodeChr();
console.log(" " + String.fromCharCode(code));
else if(curr.typeObj == MATH_COMP)
console.log( + " :")
if(bSign || curr.typeObj == MATH_COMP)
console.log("coeff left " + coeffLeft + ", coeff right " + coeffRight );
console.log("gap left : " + this.content[posCurr].gaps.left + ", gap right : " + this.content[posCurr].gaps.right);
getGapsMComp: function(MComp)
var kind = MComp.kind;
var checkGap = this.checkGapKind(kind);
var coeffLeft = 0,
coeffRight = 0;
coeffLeft = 0.05;
else if(checkGap.bChildGaps)
var gaps = MComp.getGapsInside();
coeffLeft = gaps.left;
coeffRight = gaps.right;
coeffLeft = 0.4;
coeffRight = 0.26;
return {left: coeffLeft, right: coeffRight};
getGapsInside: function()
var bFirstComp = this.content[1].value.typeObj == MATH_COMP,
bLastComp = false;
var posLComp = -1;
if( this.content.length > 1 )
posLComp = this.content.length - 2;
bLastComp = this.content[posLComp].value.typeObj == MATH_COMP;
var gaps = {left: 0.05, right: 0};
var checkGap;
checkGap = this.checkGapKind(this.content[0].value.kind);
var gapsMComp = this.getGapsMComp(this.content[0].value);
gaps.left = gapsMComp.left;
checkGap = this.checkGapKind(this.content[posLComp].value.kind);
var gapsMComp = this.getGapsMComp(this.content[0].value);
gaps.right = gapsMComp.right;
return gaps;
checkGapKind: function(kind)
var bEmptyGaps = kind == MATH_DELIMITER || kind == MATH_MATRIX,
bChildGaps = kind == MATH_DEGREE || kind == MATH_DEGREESubSup || kind == MATH_ACCENT || kind == MATH_RADICAL|| kind == MATH_BOX || kind == MATH_BORDER_BOX;
return {bEmptyGaps: bEmptyGaps, bChildGaps: bChildGaps};
checkSignComp: function(pos)
old_checkSignComp: function(pos)
var bPlus = false, bMinus = false,
bMult = false, bDivision = false,
......@@ -4823,6 +5093,9 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
var bHidePlh = this.plhHide && this.IsPlaceholder();
//var bOnlySimpleObjs = true;
if( !bHidePlh )
for(var i=1; i < this.content.length;i++)
......@@ -4854,8 +5127,41 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
this.content[i].value.draw(x, y, pGraphics);
/*if(this.content[i].value.typeObj == MATH_COMP)
bOnlySimpleObjs = false;
/*if(this.content[i].value.typeObj == MATH_COMP)
var penW = 25.4/96;
var x1 = this.pos.x + x - penW + this.content[i-1].widthToEl,
y1 = this.pos.y + y + penW,
x2 = this.pos.x + x + penW + this.content[i].widthToEl,
y2 = this.pos.y + y + this.size.height - penW;
pGraphics.p_color(0,0,255, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(0, x1, y1, y2, penW);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(0, x2, y1, y2, penW);
/// TEST
var penW = 25.4/96;
var x1 = this.pos.x + x - penW,
y1 = this.pos.y + y + penW,
x2 = this.pos.x + x + this.size.width + penW,
y2 = this.pos.y + y + this.size.height - penW;
pGraphics.p_color(0,0,255, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(0, x1, y1, y2, penW);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(0, x2, y1, y2, penW);
update_widthContent: function()
......@@ -5619,7 +5925,8 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
for(var j= start; j < end ; j++)
widthSelect += this.content[j].widthToEl - this.content[j-1].widthToEl;
var X = this.pos.x + this.Composition.absPos.x + this.content[start-1].widthToEl,
var startPos = start > 0 ? start-1 : start;
var X = this.pos.x + this.Composition.absPos.x + this.content[startPos].widthToEl,
Y = this.pos.y + this.Composition.absPos.y;
if( widthSelect != 0)
......@@ -5770,9 +6077,11 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
if(this.argSize == -1)
//tPrp.FontSize *= 0.8;
tPrp.FontSize *= 0.728;
//tPrp.FontSize *= 0.65;
else if(this.argSize == -2)
//tPrp.FontSize *= 0.65;
tPrp.FontSize *= 0.53;
//tPrp.FontSize *= 0.473;
return tPrp;
......@@ -6008,6 +6317,10 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
apply_TextPr: function(TextPr)
//////// /////////
......@@ -6547,8 +6860,6 @@ CMathContent.prototype =
//////////////* end of test functions *//////////////////
//разобраться с gaps
function CMathComposition()
......@@ -7220,8 +7531,6 @@ CMathComposition.prototype =
Remove: function(order, bOnAdd)
// test
////* History */////
......@@ -7297,7 +7606,6 @@ CMathComposition.prototype =
Refresh_RecalcData2: function()
......@@ -7360,6 +7668,10 @@ CMathComposition.prototype =
return this.Root.IsEmpty();
Apply_TextPr: function(TextPr)
///////// for Undo/Redo ////////
Get_SelectionState : function()
......@@ -7400,9 +7712,14 @@ CMathComposition.prototype =
this.Remove(1, true);
var Pos = this.CurrentContent.CurPos + 1;
var items = this.CurrentContent.addToContent_2(content);
this.CurrentContent = this.SelectContent;
var PosEnd = Pos + items.length;
History.Add(this.CurrentContent, {Type: historyitem_Math_AddItem, Items: items, Pos: Pos, PosEnd: PosEnd});
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