Commit 68f35960 authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

подправил первоначальный пересчет формлу при открытии документа баг "Bug 21503...

подправил первоначальный пересчет формлу при открытии документа баг "Bug 21503 - Длительное открытие XLSX файла из-за большого количества формул"

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 31e9a40f
......@@ -1448,83 +1448,67 @@ Workbook.prototype.init=function(){
при открытии документа если есть ячейки помеченные как пересчитываемые или есть ячейки без значения.
var nR = this.needRecalc, thas = this, timerID, calculatedCells = {}, nRLength = nR.length, timeStart, timeEnd, timeCurrent, timeCount = 0, first = true, sr, timeoutID1;
var nR = this.needRecalc, thas = this, calculatedCells = {}, nRLength = nR.length, timeStart, timeEnd, timeCount = 0, first = true, sr;
function R(){
while( nR.length > 0 ){
function R() {
for ( var id in nR ) {
var sr1, sr2;
timeStart = (new Date()).getTime();
var dep1, f = false, id;
for(var id1 in nR) {
if( id1 == "length" ){
var dep1, f = false;
if ( id == "length" ) {
id = id1;
if( id in nR){
dep1 = thas.dependencyFormulas.t_sort_master( nR[id][0], nR[id][1] );
for(var i = 0; i < dep1.badF.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < dep1.depF.length; j++){
if(dep1.badF[i] == dep1.depF[j])
for ( var i = 0; i < dep1.badF.length; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 0; j < dep1.depF.length; j++ ) {
if ( dep1.badF[i] == dep1.depF[j] )
dep1.depF.splice( j, 1 );
for(var j = 0; j < dep1.depF.length; j++){
if( dep1.depF[j].nodeId in nR){
for ( var j = 0; j < dep1.depF.length; j++ ) {
if ( dep1.depF[j].nodeId in nR ) {
nR[dep1.depF[j].nodeId] = undefined;
delete nR[dep1.depF[j].nodeId]
for(var j = 0; j < dep1.badF.length; j++){
if( dep1.badF[j].nodeId in nR){
for ( var j = 0; j < dep1.badF.length; j++ ) {
if ( dep1.badF[j].nodeId in nR ) {
nR[dep1.badF[j].nodeId] = undefined;
delete nR[dep1.badF[j].nodeId]
sr1 = thas.recalcDependency(dep1.badF,true,true);
sr1 = thas.recalcDependency( dep1.badF, true, true );
for(var k = 0; k < dep1.depF.length; k++){
if(dep1.depF[k].nodeId in calculatedCells){
for ( var k = 0; k < dep1.depF.length; k++ ) {
if ( dep1.depF[k].nodeId in calculatedCells ) {
dep1.depF.splice( k, 1 );
sr2 = thas.recalcDependency(dep1.depF,false);
sr2 = thas.recalcDependency( dep1.depF, false );
for(var k = 0; k < dep1.depF.length; k++){
for ( var k = 0; k < dep1.depF.length; k++ ) {
calculatedCells[dep1.depF[k].nodeId] = dep1.depF[k].nodeId
sr = searchCleenCacheArea( sr, searchCleenCacheArea(sr1,sr2) );
sr = searchCleenCacheArea( sr, searchCleenCacheArea( sr1, sr2 ) );
timeEnd = (new Date()).getTime();
timeCount += (timeEnd - timeStart);
thas.isNeedCacheClean = false;
first = false;
if ( thas.startActionOn ){
thas.handlers.trigger("asc_onStartAction",c_oAscAsyncActionType.BlockInteraction, c_oAscAsyncAction.Recalc);
thas.startActionOn = false;
thas.startActionOn = true;
clearTimeout( timeoutID1 );
first = false;
thas.isNeedCacheClean = true;
var ws = thas.getWorksheet(thas.getActive());
thas.handlers.trigger("cleanCellCache", ws.getId(), new Asc.Range( 0, 0, ws.getColsCount()-1, ws.getRowsCount()-1 ), c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers);
var ws = thas.getWorksheet( thas.getActive() );
thas.handlers.trigger( "cleanCellCache", ws.getId(), new Asc.Range( 0, 0, ws.getColsCount() - 1, ws.getRowsCount() - 1 ), c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers );
thas.startActionOn = false;
thas.handlers.trigger("asc_onEndAction",c_oAscAsyncActionType.BlockInteraction, c_oAscAsyncAction.Recalc);
thas.handlers.trigger( "asc_onEndAction", c_oAscAsyncActionType.BlockInteraction, c_oAscAsyncAction.Recalc );
if( nR.length > 0 ){
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