Commit 6be442e2 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

add excludeHiddenRows attribute in _foreachNoEmpty function

parent 6053ee47
......@@ -6430,11 +6430,14 @@ Range.prototype._foreach2=function(action){
Range.prototype._foreachNoEmpty=function(action, excludeHiddenRows){
if(null != action)
var oBBox = this.bbox, minC = Math.min( this.worksheet.getColsCount(), oBBox.c2 ), minR = Math.min( this.worksheet.getRowsCount(), oBBox.r2 );
for(var i = oBBox.r1; i <= minR; i++){
if (excludeHiddenRows && this.worksheet.getRowHidden(i)) {
for(var j = oBBox.c1; j <= minC; j++){
var oCurCell = this.worksheet._getCellNoEmpty(i, j);
if(null != oCurCell)
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