Commit 6ff60e48 authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Правки стилей таблиц, когда есть скрытые строки/колонки

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent b9395855
......@@ -6168,36 +6168,36 @@ function CTableStyle()
CTableStyle.prototype =
getStyle: function(bbox, rowAbs, colAbs, rowIndex, colIndex, options, headerRowCount, totalsRowCount)
getStyle: function(bbox, rowIndex, colIndex, options, headerRowCount, totalsRowCount)
//todo есть проблемы при малых размерах таблиц
var res = null;
if(null == this.compiled)
var styles = this._getOption(options, headerRowCount, totalsRowCount);
if(headerRowCount > 0 && rowAbs == bbox.r1)
if(headerRowCount > 0 && rowIndex == bbox.r1)
if(colAbs == bbox.c1)
if(colIndex == bbox.c1)
res = styles.headerLeftTop;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c2)
else if(colIndex == bbox.c2)
res = styles.headerRightTop;
res = styles.header;
else if(totalsRowCount > 0 && rowAbs == bbox.r2)
else if(totalsRowCount > 0 && rowIndex == bbox.r2)
if(colAbs == bbox.c1)
if(colIndex == bbox.c1)
res = styles.totalLeftBottom;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c2)
else if(colIndex == bbox.c2)
res = styles.totalRightBottom;
res =;
else if(options.ShowFirstColumn && colAbs == bbox.c1)
else if(options.ShowFirstColumn && colIndex == bbox.c1)
if(rowAbs == bbox.r1 + headerRowCount)
if(rowIndex == bbox.r1 + headerRowCount)
res = styles.leftTopFC;
else if(rowAbs == bbox.r2 - totalsRowCount)
else if(rowIndex == bbox.r2 - totalsRowCount)
if(0 == (rowIndex - headerRowCount) % 2)
res = styles.leftBottomRowBand1FC;
......@@ -6212,16 +6212,16 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
res = styles.leftRowBand2FC;
else if(options.ShowLastColumn && colAbs == bbox.c2)
else if(options.ShowLastColumn && colIndex == bbox.c2)
if(rowAbs == bbox.r1 + headerRowCount)
if(rowIndex == bbox.r1 + headerRowCount)
if(0 == colIndex % 2)
res = styles.rightTopColBand1LC;
res = styles.rightTopColBand2LC;
else if(rowAbs == bbox.r2 - totalsRowCount)
else if(rowIndex == bbox.r2 - totalsRowCount)
if(0 == (rowIndex - headerRowCount) % 2)
......@@ -6258,11 +6258,11 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
else if(options.ShowRowStripes || options.ShowColumnStripes)
if(rowAbs == bbox.r1)
if(rowIndex == bbox.r1 + headerRowCount)
if(colAbs == bbox.c1)
if(colIndex == bbox.c1)
res = styles.leftTop;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c2)
else if(colIndex == bbox.c2)
if(0 == colIndex % 2)
res = styles.rightTopColBand1;
......@@ -6277,16 +6277,16 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
res = styles.topColBand2;
else if(rowAbs == bbox.r2)
else if(rowIndex == bbox.r2 - totalsRowCount)
if(colAbs == bbox.c1)
if(colIndex == bbox.c1)
if(0 == (rowIndex - headerRowCount) % 2)
res = styles.leftBottomRowBand1;
res = styles.leftBottomRowBand2;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c2)
else if(colIndex == bbox.c2)
if(0 == (rowIndex - headerRowCount) % 2)
......@@ -6321,14 +6321,14 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
else if(colAbs == bbox.c1)
else if(colIndex == bbox.c1)
if(0 == (rowIndex - headerRowCount) % 2)
res = styles.leftRowBand1;
res = styles.leftRowBand2;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c2)
else if(colIndex == bbox.c2)
if(0 == (rowIndex - headerRowCount) % 2)
......@@ -6365,31 +6365,30 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
styles = this.compiled.empty;
if(rowAbs == bbox.r1)
if(rowIndex == bbox.r1 + headerRowCount)
if(colAbs == bbox.c1)
res = styles.emptyLeftTop;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c2)
res = styles.emptyRightTop;
if(colIndex == bbox.c1)
res = styles.leftTop;
else if(colIndex == bbox.c2)
res = styles.rightTopColBand1;
res = styles.emptyTop;
res = styles.topColBand1;
else if(rowAbs == bbox.r2)
else if(rowIndex == bbox.r2 - totalsRowCount)
if(colAbs == bbox.c1)
res = styles.emptyLeftBottom;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c2)
res = styles.emptyRightBottom;
if(colIndex == bbox.c1)
res = styles.leftBottomRowBand1;
else if(colIndex == bbox.c2)
res = styles.rightBottomRowBand1ColBand1;
res = styles.emptyBottom;
res = styles.bottomRowBand1ColBand1;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c1)
res = styles.emptyLeft;
else if(colAbs == bbox.c2)
res = styles.emptyRight;
else if(colIndex == bbox.c1)
res = styles.leftRowBand1;
else if(colIndex == bbox.c2)
res = styles.rightRowBand1ColBand1;
res = styles.emptyInner;
res = styles.innerRowBand1ColBand1;
return res;
......@@ -6467,22 +6466,6 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
this._compileOption(options, headerRowCount, totalsRowCount, styles, configs);
this.compiled.options[nBitMask] = styles;
if(null == this.compiled.empty)
var empty = {
emptyLeftTop: new CellXfs(),
emptyTop: new CellXfs(),
emptyRightTop: new CellXfs(),
emptyRight: new CellXfs(),
emptyRightBottom: new CellXfs(),
emptyBottom: new CellXfs(),
emptyLeftBottom: new CellXfs(),
emptyLeft: new CellXfs(),
emptyInner: new CellXfs()
this.compiled.empty = empty;
return styles;
_compileSetBorder : function(inputDxf, outputDxf, bLeft, bTop, bRight, bBottom, bInnerHor, bInnerVer)
......@@ -6514,37 +6497,20 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
outputDxf.border = outputDxf.border.merge(oNewBorder);
_compileEmpty : function(styles)
_compileSetHeaderBorder : function(inputDxf, outputDxf, bHeader)
for(var i in styles)
if(null != this.wholeTable)
if(null != inputDxf && null != inputDxf.border)
var elem = styles[i];
var xfs = elem;
xfs = xfs.merge(this.compiled.wholeTable.dxf);
//применяем бордер
if(elem == styles.emptyLeftTop)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, true, true, false, false, true, true);
else if(elem == styles.emptyTop)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, false, true, false, false, true, true);
else if(elem == styles.emptyRightTop)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, false, true, true, false, true, true);
else if(elem == styles.emptyRight)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, false, false, true, false, true, true);
else if(elem == styles.emptyRightBottom)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, false, false, true, true, true, true);
else if(elem == styles.emptyBottom)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, false, false, false, true, true, true);
else if(elem == styles.emptyLeftBottom)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, true, false, false, true, true, true);
else if(elem == styles.emptyLeft)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, true, false, false, false, true, true);
else if(elem == styles.emptyInner)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, false, false, false, false, true, true);
styles[i] = xfs;
var oCurBorder = inputDxf.border;
var oNewBorder = new Border();
oNewBorder.t = oCurBorder.b;
oNewBorder.b = oCurBorder.t;
if(null == outputDxf.border)
outputDxf.border = oNewBorder;
outputDxf.border = outputDxf.border.merge(oNewBorder);
_compileOption : function(options, headerRowCount, totalsRowCount, styles, configs)
......@@ -6553,6 +6519,25 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
var xfs = styles[i];
var config = configs[i];
//заглушка для бордеров, чтобы при конфликте нижние бордеры не перекрывали бордеры заголовка
if(headerRowCount > 0 && && true != config.header)
if(options.ShowFirstColumn && null != this.firstHeaderCell && config.left)
this._compileSetHeaderBorder(this.firstHeaderCell.dxf, xfs, true);
else if(options.ShowLastColumn && null != this.lastHeaderCell && config.right)
this._compileSetHeaderBorder(this.lastHeaderCell.dxf, xfs, true);
if(null != this.headerRow)
this._compileSetHeaderBorder(this.headerRow.dxf, xfs, true);
if(totalsRowCount > 0 && config.bottom && true !=
if(options.ShowFirstColumn && null != this.firstTotalCell && config.left)
this._compileSetHeaderBorder(this.firstTotalCell.dxf, xfs, false);
else if(options.ShowLastColumn && null != this.lastTotalCell && config.right)
this._compileSetHeaderBorder(this.lastTotalCell.dxf, xfs, false);
if(null != this.totalRow)
this._compileSetHeaderBorder(this.totalRow.dxf, xfs, false);
if(headerRowCount > 0 && config.header)
if(options.ShowFirstColumn && null != this.firstHeaderCell && config.left)
......@@ -6714,7 +6699,7 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
//применяем бордер
if(headerRowCount > 0 && false == config.header)
if(headerRowCount > 0 && true != config.header)
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, true, false, false, false, true, true);
......@@ -6735,7 +6720,7 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
else if(config.bottom)
if(totalsRowCount > 0 && false ==
if(totalsRowCount > 0 && true !=
this._compileSetBorder(this.wholeTable.dxf, xfs, true, false, false, false, true, true);
......@@ -6768,7 +6753,6 @@ CTableStyle.prototype =
this.compiled = {
options: new Object(),
empty: null,
blankRow: null,
firstColumn: null,
firstColumnStripe: null,
......@@ -2895,7 +2895,8 @@
var firstCellAddress = new CellAddress(id);
var endCellAddress = new CellAddress(idNext);
var bbox = {r1: firstCellAddress.getRow0(), c1: firstCellAddress.getCol0(), r2: endCellAddress.getRow0(), c2: endCellAddress.getCol0()};
var style = options.TableStyleInfo;
//todo убрать Asc.clone
var style = Asc.clone(options.TableStyleInfo);
var styleForCurTable;
//todo из файла
var headerRowCount = 1;
......@@ -2927,22 +2928,43 @@
var nRowIndex = 0;//с учетом скрытых
//если скрыт первый или последний столбец, то их не надо сдвигать и показывать
if(aNoHiddenCol.length > 0)
if(aNoHiddenCol[0] != bbox.c1)
style.ShowFirstColumn = false;
if(aNoHiddenCol[aNoHiddenCol.length - 1] != bbox.c2)
style.ShowLastColumn = false;
var aNoHiddenRow = new Array();
for(var i = bbox.r1; i <= bbox.r2; i++)
if(true == ws.model._getRow(i).hd)
var nColIndex = 0;//с учетом скрытых
for(var j = 0, length = aNoHiddenCol.length; j < length; j++)
var row = ws.model._getRowNoEmpty(i);
if(null == row || true != row.hd)
//если скрыты заголовок или итоги, то их не надо сдвигать и показывать
if(aNoHiddenRow.length > 0)
if(aNoHiddenRow[0] != bbox.r1)
headerRowCount = 0;
if(aNoHiddenRow[aNoHiddenRow.length - 1] != bbox.r2)
totalsRowCount = 0;
//изменяем bbox с учетом скрытых
bbox = {r1: 0, c1: 0, r2: aNoHiddenRow.length - 1, c2: aNoHiddenCol.length - 1};
for(var i = 0, length = aNoHiddenRow.length; i < length; i++)
var nRowIndexAbs = aNoHiddenRow[i];
for(var j = 0, length2 = aNoHiddenCol.length; j < length2; j++)
var nColIndexAbs = aNoHiddenCol[j];
var cell = ws.model._getCell(i, nColIndexAbs);
var dxf = styleForCurTable.getStyle(bbox, i, nColIndexAbs, nRowIndex, nColIndex, style, headerRowCount, totalsRowCount);
var cell = ws.model._getCell(nRowIndexAbs, nColIndexAbs);
var dxf = styleForCurTable.getStyle(bbox, i, j, style, headerRowCount, totalsRowCount);
if(null != dxf)
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