Commit 7257509d authored by Ilya Kirillov's avatar Ilya Kirillov

В апи билдера начальные прототипы теперь задаются как обычные функции, сделан...

В апи билдера начальные прототипы теперь задаются как обычные функции, сделан обычный экспорт нужных функций.
parent a0b22ada
......@@ -32,12 +32,14 @@
(function(window, builder)
* @global
var Api = window["asc_docs_api"];
* Class representing a document.
* @class
* @global
* @constructor
function ApiDocument(Document)
......@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@
* Class representing a paragraph.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiParagraph(Paragraph)
......@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
* Class representing a table.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiTable(Table)
......@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@
* Class representing a small text block calling 'run'.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiRun(Run)
......@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@
* Class representing a style.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiStyle(Style)
......@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@
* Class representing a text properties.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiTextPr(Parent, TextPr)
......@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@
* Class representing a paragraph properties.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiParaPr(Parent, ParaPr)
......@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@
* Class representing a document section.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiSection(Section)
......@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@
* Class representing a table row.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiTableRow(Row)
......@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@
* Class representing a table cell.
* @class
* @constructor
function ApiTableCell(Cell)
......@@ -174,27 +176,30 @@
* Get main document
* @method
* @returns {ApiDocument}
Api.prototype["GetDocument"] = function()
Api.prototype.GetDocument = function()
return new ApiDocument(this.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument);
* Create new paragraph
* @method
* @returns {ApiParagraph}
Api.prototype["CreateParagraph"] = function()
Api.prototype.CreateParagraph = function()
return new ApiParagraph(new Paragraph(private_GetDrawingDocument(), private_GetLogicDocument()));
* Create new table
* @method
* @param {number} [nCols]
* @param {number} [nRows]
* @returns {ApiTable}
Api.prototype["CreateTable"] = function(nCols, nRows)
Api.prototype.CreateTable = function(nCols, nRows)
if (!nRows || nRows <= 0 || !nCols || nCols <= 0)
return null;
......@@ -214,7 +219,7 @@
* Get the number of elements.
* @returns {number}
ApiDocument.prototype["GetElementsCount"] = function()
ApiDocument.prototype.GetElementsCount = function()
return this.Document.Content.length;
......@@ -222,7 +227,7 @@
* Get element by position
* @returns {?DocumentElement}
ApiDocument.prototype["GetElement"] = function(nPos)
ApiDocument.prototype.GetElement = function(nPos)
if (!this.Document.Content[nPos])
return null;
......@@ -240,7 +245,7 @@
* @param {number} nPos
* @param {DocumentElement} oElement
ApiDocument.prototype["AddElement"] = function(nPos, oElement)
ApiDocument.prototype.AddElement = function(nPos, oElement)
if (oElement instanceof ApiParagraph || oElement instanceof ApiTable)
......@@ -254,7 +259,7 @@
* Push paragraph or table
* @param {DocumentElement} oElement
ApiDocument.prototype["Push"] = function(oElement)
ApiDocument.prototype.Push = function(oElement)
if (oElement instanceof ApiParagraph || oElement instanceof ApiTable)
......@@ -267,7 +272,7 @@
* Remove all elements from the current document.
ApiDocument.prototype["RemoveAllElements"] = function()
ApiDocument.prototype.RemoveAllElements = function()
this.Document.Content = [];
......@@ -276,7 +281,7 @@
* @param {string} sStyleName
* @returns {?ApiStyle}
ApiDocument.prototype["GetStyle"] = function(sStyleName)
ApiDocument.prototype.GetStyle = function(sStyleName)
var oStyles = this.Document.Get_Styles();
var oStyleId = oStyles.Get_StyleIdByName(sStyleName);
......@@ -289,7 +294,7 @@
* @param {StyleType} [sType="paragraph"]
* @returns {ApiStyle}
ApiDocument.prototype["CreateStyle"] = function(sStyleName, sType)
ApiDocument.prototype.CreateStyle = function(sStyleName, sType)
var nStyleType = styletype_Paragraph;
if ("paragraph" === sType)
......@@ -322,7 +327,7 @@
* @param {StyleType} sStyleType
* @returns {?ApiStyle}
ApiDocument.prototype["GetDefaultStyle"] = function(sStyleType)
ApiDocument.prototype.GetDefaultStyle = function(sStyleType)
var oStyles = this.Document.Get_Styles();
......@@ -341,7 +346,7 @@
* Get document final section
* @return {ApiSection}
ApiDocument.prototype["GetFinalSection"] = function()
ApiDocument.prototype.GetFinalSection = function()
return new ApiSection(this.Document.SectPr);
......@@ -349,9 +354,8 @@
* Create a new section of the document, which ends at the specified paragraph.
* @param {ApiParagraph} oParagraph
* @returns {ApiSection}
* @constructor
ApiDocument.prototype["CreateSection"] = function(oParagraph)
ApiDocument.prototype.CreateSection = function(oParagraph)
if (!(oParagraph instanceof ApiParagraph))
......@@ -372,7 +376,7 @@
* @param {string} [sText=""]
* @returns {ApiRun}
ApiParagraph.prototype["AddText"] = function(sText)
ApiParagraph.prototype.AddText = function(sText)
var oRun = new ParaRun(this.Paragraph, false);
......@@ -395,7 +399,7 @@
* Add page break
* @returns {ApiRun}
ApiParagraph.prototype["AddPageBreak"] = function()
ApiParagraph.prototype.AddPageBreak = function()
var oRun = new ParaRun(this.Paragraph, false);
oRun.Add_ToContent(0, new ParaNewLine(break_Page));
......@@ -406,7 +410,7 @@
* Add line break
* @returns {ApiRun}
ApiParagraph.prototype["AddLineBreak"] = function()
ApiParagraph.prototype.AddLineBreak = function()
var oRun = new ParaRun(this.Paragraph, false);
oRun.Add_ToContent(0, new ParaNewLine(break_Line));
......@@ -417,7 +421,7 @@
* Add column break
* @returns {ApiRun}
ApiParagraph.prototype["AddColumnBreak"] = function()
ApiParagraph.prototype.AddColumnBreak = function()
var oRun = new ParaRun(this.Paragraph, false);
oRun.Add_ToContent(0, new ParaNewLine(break_Column));
......@@ -428,7 +432,7 @@
* Get text properties of the paragraph mark.
* @returns {ApiTextPr}
ApiParagraph.prototype["GetParagraphMarkTextPr"] = function()
ApiParagraph.prototype.GetParagraphMarkTextPr = function()
return new ApiTextPr(this, this.Paragraph.TextPr.Value.Copy());
......@@ -437,7 +441,7 @@
* @param {ApiStyle} oStyle
* @returns {boolean}
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetStyle"] = function(oStyle)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetStyle = function(oStyle)
if (!oStyle || !(oStyle instanceof ApiStyle))
return false;
......@@ -449,7 +453,7 @@
* Get paragraph properties.
* @returns {ApiParaPr}
ApiParagraph.prototype["GetParaPr"] = function()
ApiParagraph.prototype.GetParaPr = function()
return new ApiParaPr(this, this.Paragraph.Pr.Copy());
......@@ -458,11 +462,11 @@
* or <code>"exact"</code>, then the value of <code>nLine</code> shall be interpreted as twentieths of a point. If
* the value of the <code>sLineRule</code> parameter is <code>"auto"</code>, then the value of the <code>nLine</code>
* attribute shall be interpreted as 240ths of a line.
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetSpacingLine}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetSpacingLine}.
* @param {(twips | line240)} nLine
* @param {("auto" | "atLeast" | "exact")} sLineRule
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetSpacingLine"] = function(nLine, sLineRule)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetSpacingLine = function(nLine, sLineRule)
this.Paragraph.Set_Spacing(private_GetParaSpacing(nLine, sLineRule, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined), false);
......@@ -470,11 +474,11 @@
* Set paragraph spacing before. If the value of the <code>isBeforeAuto</code> parameter is <code>true</code>, then
* any value of the <code>nBefore</code> is ignored. If <code>isBeforeAuto</code> parameter is not specified, then it
* will be interpreted as <code>false</code>.
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetSpacingBefore}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetSpacingBefore}.
* @param {twips} nBefore
* @param {boolean} [isBeforeAuto=false]
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetSpacingBefore"] = function(nBefore, isBeforeAuto)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetSpacingBefore = function(nBefore, isBeforeAuto)
this.Paragraph.Set_Spacing(private_GetParaSpacing(undefined, undefined, nBefore, undefined, isBeforeAuto === undefined ? false : isBeforeAuto, undefined), false);
......@@ -482,20 +486,20 @@
* Set paragraph spacing after. If the value of the <code>isAfterAuto</code> parameter is <code>true</code>, then
* any value of the <code>nAfter</code> is ignored. If <code>isAfterAuto</code> parameter is not specified, then it
* will be interpreted as <code>false</code>.
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetSpacingAfter}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetSpacingAfter}.
* @param {twips} nAfter
* @param {boolean} [isAfterAuto=false]
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetSpacingAfter"] = function(nAfter, isAfterAuto)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetSpacingAfter = function(nAfter, isAfterAuto)
this.Paragraph.Set_Spacing(private_GetParaSpacing(undefined, undefined, undefined, nAfter, undefined, isAfterAuto === undefined ? false : isAfterAuto), false);
* Set paragraph justification
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetJc}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetJc}.
* @param {("left" | "right" | "both" | "center")} sJc
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetJc"] = function(sJc)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetJc = function(sJc)
var nAlign = private_GetParaAlign(sJc);
if (undefined !== nAlign)
......@@ -503,68 +507,68 @@
* Set left indentation.
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetIndLeft}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetIndLeft}.
* @param {twips} nValue
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetIndLeft"] = function(nValue)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetIndLeft = function(nValue)
this.Paragraph.Set_Ind(private_GetParaInd(nValue, undefined, undefined));
* Set right indentation
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetIndRight}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetIndRight}.
* @param {twips} nValue
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetIndRight"] = function(nValue)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetIndRight = function(nValue)
this.Paragraph.Set_Ind(private_GetParaInd(undefined, nValue, undefined));
* Set first line indentation
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetIndFirstLine}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetIndFirstLine}.
* @param {twips} nValue
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetIndFirstLine"] = function(nValue)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetIndFirstLine = function(nValue)
this.Paragraph.Set_Ind(private_GetParaInd(undefined, undefined, nValue));
* This element specifies that when rendering this document in a paginated view, the contents of this paragraph
* are at least partly rendered on the same page as the following paragraph whenever possible.
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetKeepNext}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetKeepNext}.
* @param {boolean} isKeepNext
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetKeepNext"] = function(isKeepNext)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetKeepNext = function(isKeepNext)
* This element specifies that when rendering this document in a page view, all lines of this paragraph are
* maintained on a single page whenever possible.
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetKeepLines}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetKeepLines}.
* @param {boolean} isKeepLines
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetKeepLines"] = function(isKeepLines)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetKeepLines = function(isKeepLines)
* This element specifies that when rendering this document in a paginated view, the contents of this paragraph
* are rendered on the start of a new page in the document.
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetPageBreakBefore}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetPageBreakBefore}.
* @param {boolean} isPageBreakBefore
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetPageBreakBefore"] = function(isPageBreakBefore)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetPageBreakBefore = function(isPageBreakBefore)
* This element specifies whether a consumer shall prevent a single line of this paragraph from being displayed on
* a separate page from the remaining content at display time by moving the line onto the following page.
* See also {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetWidowControl}.
* @see {@link ApiParagraph#GetParaPr} and {@link ApiParaPr#SetWidowControl}.
* @param {boolean} isWidowControl
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetWidowControl"] = function(isWidowControl)
ApiParagraph.prototype.SetWidowControl = function(isWidowControl)
......@@ -579,27 +583,27 @@
* Get the text properties of the current run.
* @returns {ApiTextPr}
ApiRun.prototype["GetTextPr"] = function()
ApiRun.prototype.GetTextPr = function()
return this.private_GetTextPr();
return new ApiTextPr(this, this.Run.Pr.Copy());
* Set the bold property.
* See also {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetBold}.
* @see {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetBold}.
* @param {boolean} isBold
ApiRun.prototype["SetBold"] = function(isBold)
ApiRun.prototype.SetBold = function(isBold)
* Set the italic property.
* See also {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetItalic}.
* @see {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetItalic}.
* @param {boolean} isItalic
ApiRun.prototype["SetItalic"] = function(isItalic)
ApiRun.prototype.SetItalic = function(isItalic)
* Specify that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a single horizontal line through the center of
......@@ -607,48 +611,57 @@
See also {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetStrikeout}.
* @param {boolean} isStrikeout
ApiRun.prototype["SetStrikeout"] = function(isStrikeout)
ApiRun.prototype.SetStrikeout = function(isStrikeout)
* Set the underline property.
* See also {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetUnderline}.
* @see {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetUnderline}.
* @param {boolean} isUnderline
ApiRun.prototype["SetUnderline"] = function(isUnderline)
ApiRun.prototype.SetUnderline = function(isUnderline)
* Set all 4 font slots with the specified font family.
* @see {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetFontFamily}
* @param {string} sFontFamily
ApiRun.prototype.SetFontFamily = function(sFontFamily)
* Set the font size.
* See also {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetFontSize}.
* @see {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetFontSize}.
* @param {hps} nSize
ApiRun.prototype["SetFontSize"] = function(nSize)
ApiRun.prototype.SetFontSize = function(nSize)
* Set text color in the rgb format.
* See also {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetColor}.
* @see {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetColor}.
* @param {byte} r
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
* @param {boolean} [isAuto=false]
ApiRun.prototype["SetColor"] = function(r, g, b, isAuto)
ApiRun.prototype.SetColor = function(r, g, b, isAuto)
this.private_GetTextPr().SetColor(r, g, b, isAuto);
this.GetTextPr().SetColor(r, g, b, isAuto);
* Set the text spacing.
* See also {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetSpacing}.
* @see {@link ApiRun#GetTextPr} and {@link ApiTextPr#SetSpacing}.
* @param {twips} nSpacing
ApiRun.prototype["SetSpacing"] = function(nSpacing)
ApiRun.prototype.SetSpacing = function(nSpacing)
......@@ -660,19 +673,19 @@
* Specify the section type of the current section. The section type specifies how the contents of the current
* section shall be placed relative to the previous section.
* WordprocessingML supports five distinct types of section breaks:
* WordprocessingML supports five distinct types of section breaks:<br/>
* <b>Next page</b> section breaks (the default if type is not specified), which begin the new section on the
* following page.
* <b>Odd</b> page section breaks, which begin the new section on the next odd-numbered page.
* <b>Even</b> page section breaks, which begin the new section on the next even-numbered page.
* following page.<br/>
* <b>Odd</b> page section breaks, which begin the new section on the next odd-numbered page.<br/>
* <b>Even</b> page section breaks, which begin the new section on the next even-numbered page.<br/>
* <b>Continuous</b> section breaks, which begin the new section on the following paragraph. This means that
* continuous section breaks might not specify certain page-level section properties, since they shall be
* inherited from the following section. These breaks, however, can specify other section properties, such
* as line numbering and footnote/endnote settings.
* as line numbering and footnote/endnote settings.<br/>
* <b>Column</b> section breaks, which begin the new section on the next column on the page.
* @param {("nextPage" | "oddPage" | "evenPage" | "continuous" | "nextColumn")} sType - Type of the section break
ApiSection.prototype["SetType"] = function(sType)
ApiSection.prototype.SetType = function(sType)
if ("oddPage" === sType)
......@@ -690,7 +703,7 @@
* @param {number} nCount - Number of columns
* @param {twips} nSpace - Distance between columns
ApiSection.prototype["SetEqualColumns"] = function(nCount, nSpace)
ApiSection.prototype.SetEqualColumns = function(nCount, nSpace)
......@@ -702,7 +715,7 @@
* @param {twips[]} aWidths - An array of column width
* @param {twips[]} aSpaces - An array of distances between the columns
ApiSection.prototype["SetNotEqualColumns"] = function(aWidths, aSpaces)
ApiSection.prototype.SetNotEqualColumns = function(aWidths, aSpaces)
if (!aWidths || !aWidths.length || aWidths.length <= 1 || aSpaces.length !== aWidths.length - 1)
return false;
......@@ -726,7 +739,7 @@
* @param {twips} nHeight - height
* @param {boolean} [isPortrait=false] - Specifies the orientation of all pages in this section.
ApiSection.prototype["SetPageSize"] = function(nWidth, nHeight, isPortrait)
ApiSection.prototype.SetPageSize = function(nWidth, nHeight, isPortrait)
this.Section.Set_PageSize(private_Twips2MM(nWidth), private_Twips2MM(nHeight));
this.Section.Set_Orientation(false === isPortrait ? orientation_Landscape : orientation_Portrait, false);
......@@ -738,7 +751,7 @@
* @param {twips} nRight - Right margin
* @param {twips} nBottom - Bottom margin
ApiSection.prototype["SetPageMargins"] = function(nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom)
ApiSection.prototype.SetPageMargins = function(nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom)
this.Section.Set_PageMargins(private_Twips2MM(nLeft), private_Twips2MM(nTop), private_Twips2MM(nRight), private_Twips2MM(nBottom));
......@@ -746,7 +759,7 @@
* Specifies the distance (in twentieths of a point) from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the header.
* @param {twips} nDistance
ApiSection.prototype["SetHeaderDistance"] = function(nDistance)
ApiSection.prototype.SetHeaderDistance = function(nDistance)
......@@ -754,7 +767,7 @@
* Specifies the distance (in twentieths of a point) from the bottom edge of the page to the bottom edge of the footer.
* @param {twips} nDistance
ApiSection.prototype["SetFooterDistance"] = function(nDistance)
ApiSection.prototype.SetFooterDistance = function(nDistance)
......@@ -768,7 +781,7 @@
* Get the number of rows in the current table.
ApiTable.prototype["GetRowsCount"] = function()
ApiTable.prototype.GetRowsCount = function()
return this.Table.Content.length;
......@@ -777,7 +790,7 @@
* @param {number} nPos
* @returns {ApiTableRow}
ApiTable.prototype["GetRow"] = function(nPos)
ApiTable.prototype.GetRow = function(nPos)
if (nPos < 0 || nPos >= this.Table.Content.length)
return null;
......@@ -790,7 +803,7 @@
* @param {ApiTableCell[]} aCells
* @returns {?ApiTableCell}
ApiTable.prototype["MergeCells"] = function(aCells)
ApiTable.prototype.MergeCells = function(aCells)
var oTable = this.Table;
oTable.Selection.Use = true;
......@@ -842,7 +855,7 @@
* @param {ApiStyle} oStyle
* @return {boolean}
ApiTable.prototype["SetStyle"] = function(oStyle)
ApiTable.prototype.SetStyle = function(oStyle)
if (!oStyle || !(oStyle instanceof ApiStyle) || styletype_Table !== oStyle.Style.Get_Type())
return false;
......@@ -855,7 +868,7 @@
* @param {("auto" | "twips" | "percent" | "nil")} sType - Type of the width value
* @param {number} nValue
ApiTable.prototype["SetWidth"] = function(sType, nValue)
ApiTable.prototype.SetWidth = function(sType, nValue)
if ("auto" === sType)
this.Table.Set_Props({TableWidth : null});
......@@ -879,7 +892,7 @@
* @param {boolean} isHorBand - Specifies that the horizontal banding conditional formatting shall not be applied to the table.
* @param {boolean} isVerBand - Specifies that the vertical banding conditional formatting shall not be applied to the table.
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableLook"] = function(isFirstColumn, isFirstRow, isLastColumn, isLastRow, isHorBand, isVerBand)
ApiTable.prototype.SetTableLook = function(isFirstColumn, isFirstRow, isLastColumn, isLastRow, isHorBand, isVerBand)
this.Table.Set_Props({TableLook :
......@@ -900,7 +913,7 @@
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderTop"] = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderTop = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
this.Table.Set_Props({TableBorders : {Top : private_GetTableBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)}});
......@@ -913,7 +926,7 @@
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderBottom"] = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderBottom = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
this.Table.Set_Props({TableBorders : {Bottom : private_GetTableBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)}});
......@@ -926,7 +939,7 @@
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderLeft"] = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderLeft = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
this.Table.Set_Props({TableBorders : {Left : private_GetTableBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)}});
......@@ -939,7 +952,7 @@
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderRight"] = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderRight = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
this.Table.Set_Props({TableBorders : {Right : private_GetTableBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)}});
......@@ -953,7 +966,7 @@
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderInsideH"] = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderInsideH = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
this.Table.Set_Props({TableBorders : {InsideH : private_GetTableBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)}});
......@@ -967,7 +980,7 @@
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderInsideV"] = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderInsideV = function(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)
this.Table.Set_Props({TableBorders : {InsideV : private_GetTableBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)}});
......@@ -982,7 +995,7 @@
* Get the number of cells in the current row.
* @returns {number}
ApiTableRow.prototype["GetCellsCount"] = function()
ApiTableRow.prototype.GetCellsCount = function()
return this.Row.Content.length;
......@@ -991,7 +1004,7 @@
* @param {number} nPos
* @returns {ApiTableCell}
ApiTableRow.prototype["GetCell"] = function(nPos)
ApiTableRow.prototype.GetCell = function(nPos)
if (nPos < 0 || nPos >= this.Row.Content.length)
return null;
......@@ -1003,7 +1016,7 @@
* @param {("auto" | "atLeast")} sHRule - Specifies the meaning of the height specified for this table row.
* @param {twips} nValue
ApiTableRow.prototype["SetHeight"] = function(sHRule, nValue)
ApiTableRow.prototype.SetHeight = function(sHRule, nValue)
var HRule = ("auto" === sHRule ? heightrule_Auto : heightrule_AtLeast);
this.Row.Set_Height(private_Twips2MM(nValue), HRule);
......@@ -1019,7 +1032,7 @@
* Get cell content.
* @returns {ApiDocument}
ApiTableCell.prototype["GetContent"] = function()
ApiTableCell.prototype.GetContent = function()
return new ApiDocument(this.Cell.Content);
......@@ -1028,7 +1041,7 @@
* @param {("auto" | "twips" | "percent" | "nil")} sType - Specifies the meaning of the width value.
* @param {number} [nValue]
ApiTableCell.prototype["SetWidth"] = function(sType, nValue)
ApiTableCell.prototype.SetWidth = function(sType, nValue)
var CellW = null;
if ("auto" === sType)
......@@ -1045,7 +1058,7 @@
* Specify the vertical alignment for text within the current table cell.
* @param {("top" | "center" | "bottom")} sType
ApiTableCell.prototype["SetVerticalAlign"] = function(sType)
ApiTableCell.prototype.SetVerticalAlign = function(sType)
if ("top" === sType)
......@@ -1061,9 +1074,8 @@
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
* @param {boolean} [isAuto=false]
* @constructor
ApiTableCell.prototype["SetShd"] = function(sType, r, g, b, isAuto)
ApiTableCell.prototype.SetShd = function(sType, r, g, b, isAuto)
this.Cell.Set_Shd(private_GetShd(sType, r, g, b, isAuto));
......@@ -1071,7 +1083,7 @@
* Specify the direction of the text flow for this table cell.
* @param {("lrtb" | "tbrl" | "btlr")} sType
ApiTableCell.prototype["SetTextDirection"] = function(sType)
ApiTableCell.prototype.SetTextDirection = function(sType)
if ("lrtb" === sType)
......@@ -1091,7 +1103,7 @@
* Get the name of the current style.
* @returns {string}
ApiStyle.prototype["GetName"] = function()
ApiStyle.prototype.GetName = function()
return this.Style.Get_Name();
......@@ -1099,7 +1111,7 @@
* Set the name of the current style.
* @param {string} sStyleName
ApiStyle.prototype["SetName"] = function(sStyleName)
ApiStyle.prototype.SetName = function(sStyleName)
......@@ -1107,7 +1119,7 @@
* Get the type of the current style.
* @returns {StyleType}
ApiStyle.prototype["GetType"] = function()
ApiStyle.prototype.GetType = function()
var nStyleType = this.Style.Get_Type();
......@@ -1126,7 +1138,7 @@
* Get the text properties of the current style.
* @returns {ApiTextPr}
ApiStyle.prototype["GetTextPr"] = function()
ApiStyle.prototype.GetTextPr = function()
return new ApiTextPr(this, this.Style.TextPr.Copy());
......@@ -1134,7 +1146,7 @@
* Get the paragraph properties of the current style.
* @returns {ApiParaPr}
ApiStyle.prototype["GetParaPr"] = function()
ApiStyle.prototype.GetParaPr = function()
return new ApiParaPr(this, this.Style.ParaPr.Copy());
......@@ -1149,7 +1161,7 @@
* Set the bold property.
* @param {boolean} isBold
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetBold"] = function(isBold)
ApiTextPr.prototype.SetBold = function(isBold)
this.TextPr.Bold = isBold;
......@@ -1158,7 +1170,7 @@
* Set the italic property.
* @param {boolean} isItalic
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetItalic"] = function(isItalic)
ApiTextPr.prototype.SetItalic = function(isItalic)
this.TextPr.Italic = isItalic;
......@@ -1168,7 +1180,7 @@
* the line.
* @param {boolean} isStrikeout
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetStrikeout"] = function(isStrikeout)
ApiTextPr.prototype.SetStrikeout = function(isStrikeout)
this.TextPr.Strikeout = isStrikeout;
......@@ -1178,46 +1190,46 @@
* character height (less all spacing above and below the characters on the line).
* @param {boolean} isUnderline
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetUnderline"] = function(isUnderline)
ApiTextPr.prototype.SetUnderline = function(isUnderline)
this.TextPr.Underline = isUnderline;
* Set text color in the rgb format.
* @param {byte} r
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
* @param {boolean} [isAuto=false]
* Set all 4 font slots with the specified font family.
* @param {string} sFontFamily
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetColor"] = function(r, g, b, isAuto)
ApiTextPr.prototype.SetFontFamily = function(sFontFamily)
this.TextPr.Color = private_GetColor(r, g, b, isAuto);
this.TextPr.RFonts.Set_All(sFontFamily, -1);
* Set the font size.
* @param {hps} nSize
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetFontSize"] = function(nSize)
ApiTextPr.prototype.SetFontSize = function(nSize)
this.TextPr.FontSize = private_GetHps(nSize);
* Set all 4 font slots with the specified font family.
* @param {string} sFontFamily
* Set text color in the rgb format.
* @param {byte} r
* @param {byte} g
* @param {byte} b
* @param {boolean} [isAuto=false]
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetFontFamily"] = function(sFontFamily)
ApiTextPr.prototype.SetColor = function(r, g, b, isAuto)
this.TextPr.RFonts.Set_All(sFontFamily, -1);
this.TextPr.Color = private_GetColor(r, g, b, isAuto);
* Set text spacing.
* @param {twips} nSpacing
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetSpacing"] = function(nSpacing)
ApiTextPr.prototype.SetSpacing = function(nSpacing)
this.TextPr.Spacing = private_Twips2MM(nSpacing);
......@@ -1237,7 +1249,7 @@
* @param {(twips | line240)} nLine
* @param {("auto" | "atLeast" | "exact")} sLineRule
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetSpacingLine"] = function(nLine, sLineRule)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetSpacingLine = function(nLine, sLineRule)
if (undefined !== nLine && undefined !== sLineRule)
......@@ -1268,7 +1280,7 @@
* @param {twips} nBefore
* @param {boolean} [isBeforeAuto=false]
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetSpacingBefore"] = function(nBefore, isBeforeAuto)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetSpacingBefore = function(nBefore, isBeforeAuto)
if (undefined !== nBefore)
this.ParaPr.Spacing.Before = private_Twips2MM(nBefore);
......@@ -1285,7 +1297,7 @@
* @param {twips} nAfter
* @param {boolean} [isAfterAuto=false]
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetSpacingAfter"] = function(nAfter, isAfterAuto)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetSpacingAfter = function(nAfter, isAfterAuto)
if (undefined !== nAfter)
this.ParaPr.Spacing.After = private_Twips2MM(nAfter);
......@@ -1299,7 +1311,7 @@
* Set paragraph justification
* @param {("left" | "right" | "both" | "center")} sJc
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetJc"] = function(sJc)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetJc = function(sJc)
this.ParaPr.Jc = private_GetParaAlign(sJc);
......@@ -1308,7 +1320,7 @@
* Set left indentation.
* @param {twips} nValue
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetIndLeft"] = function(nValue)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetIndLeft = function(nValue)
this.ParaPr.Ind.Left = private_Twips2MM(nValue);
......@@ -1317,7 +1329,7 @@
* Set right indentation.
* @param {twips} nValue
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetIndRight"] = function(nValue)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetIndRight = function(nValue)
this.ParaPr.Ind.Right = private_Twips2MM(nValue);
......@@ -1326,7 +1338,7 @@
* Set first line indentation.
* @param {twips} nValue
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetIndFirstLine"] = function(nValue)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetIndFirstLine = function(nValue)
this.ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine = private_Twips2MM(nValue);
......@@ -1336,7 +1348,7 @@
* are at least partly rendered on the same page as the following paragraph whenever possible.
* @param {boolean} isKeepNext
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetKeepNext"] = function(isKeepNext)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetKeepNext = function(isKeepNext)
this.ParaPr.KeepNext = isKeepNext;
......@@ -1346,7 +1358,7 @@
* maintained on a single page whenever possible.
* @param {boolean} isKeepLines
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetKeepLines"] = function(isKeepLines)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetKeepLines = function(isKeepLines)
this.ParaPr.KeepLines = isKeepLines;
......@@ -1356,7 +1368,7 @@
* are rendered on the start of a new page in the document.
* @param {boolean} isPageBreakBefore
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetPageBreakBefore"] = function(isPageBreakBefore)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetPageBreakBefore = function(isPageBreakBefore)
this.ParaPr.PageBreakBefore = isPageBreakBefore;
......@@ -1366,12 +1378,116 @@
* a separate page from the remaining content at display time by moving the line onto the following page.
* @param {boolean} isWidowControl
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetWidowControl"] = function(isWidowControl)
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetWidowControl = function(isWidowControl)
this.ParaPr.WidowControl = isWidowControl;
// Export
Api.prototype["GetDocument"] = Api.prototype.GetDocument;
Api.prototype["CreateParagraph"] = Api.prototype.CreateParagraph;
Api.prototype["CreateTable"] = Api.prototype.CreateTable;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetElementsCount"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetElementsCount;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetElement"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetElement;
ApiDocument.prototype["AddElement"] = ApiDocument.prototype.AddElement;
ApiDocument.prototype["Push"] = ApiDocument.prototype.Push;
ApiDocument.prototype["RemoveAllElements"] = ApiDocument.prototype.RemoveAllElements;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetStyle"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetStyle;
ApiDocument.prototype["CreateStyle"] = ApiDocument.prototype.CreateStyle;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetDefaultStyle"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetDefaultStyle;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetFinalSection"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetFinalSection;
ApiDocument.prototype["CreateSection"] = ApiDocument.prototype.CreateSection;
ApiParagraph.prototype["AddText"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.AddText;
ApiParagraph.prototype["AddPageBreak"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.AddPageBreak;
ApiParagraph.prototype["AddLineBreak"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.AddLineBreak;
ApiParagraph.prototype["AddColumnBreak"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.AddColumnBreak;
ApiParagraph.prototype["GetParagraphMarkTextPr"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.GetParagraphMarkTextPr;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetStyle"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetStyle;
ApiParagraph.prototype["GetParaPr"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.GetParaPr;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetSpacingLine"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetSpacingLine;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetSpacingBefore"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetSpacingBefore;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetSpacingAfter"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetSpacingAfter;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetJc"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetJc;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetIndLeft"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetIndLeft;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetIndRight"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetIndRight;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetIndFirstLine"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetIndFirstLine;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetKeepNext"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetKeepNext;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetKeepLines"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetKeepLines;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetPageBreakBefore"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetPageBreakBefore;
ApiParagraph.prototype["SetWidowControl"] = ApiParagraph.prototype.SetWidowControl;
ApiRun.prototype["GetTextPr"] = ApiRun.prototype.GetTextPr;
ApiRun.prototype["SetBold"] = ApiRun.prototype.SetBold;
ApiRun.prototype["SetItalic"] = ApiRun.prototype.SetItalic;
ApiRun.prototype["SetStrikeout"] = ApiRun.prototype.SetStrikeout;
ApiRun.prototype["SetUnderline"] = ApiRun.prototype.SetUnderline;
ApiRun.prototype["SetFontFamily"] = ApiRun.prototype.SetFontFamily;
ApiRun.prototype["SetFontSize"] = ApiRun.prototype.SetFontSize;
ApiRun.prototype["SetColor"] = ApiRun.prototype.SetColor;
ApiRun.prototype["SetSpacing"] = ApiRun.prototype.SetSpacing;
ApiSection.prototype["SetType"] = ApiSection.prototype.SetType;
ApiSection.prototype["SetEqualColumns"] = ApiSection.prototype.SetEqualColumns;
ApiSection.prototype["SetNotEqualColumns"] = ApiSection.prototype.SetNotEqualColumns;
ApiSection.prototype["SetPageSize"] = ApiSection.prototype.SetPageSize;
ApiSection.prototype["SetPageMargins"] = ApiSection.prototype.SetPageMargins;
ApiSection.prototype["SetHeaderDistance"] = ApiSection.prototype.SetHeaderDistance;
ApiSection.prototype["SetFooterDistance"] = ApiSection.prototype.SetFooterDistance;
ApiTable.prototype["GetRowsCount"] = ApiTable.prototype.GetRowsCount;
ApiTable.prototype["GetRow"] = ApiTable.prototype.GetRow;
ApiTable.prototype["MergeCells"] = ApiTable.prototype.MergeCells;
ApiTable.prototype["SetStyle"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetStyle;
ApiTable.prototype["SetWidth"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetWidth;
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableLook"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetTableLook;
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderTop"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderTop;
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderBottom"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderBottom;
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderLeft"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderLeft;
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderRight"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderRight;
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderInsideH"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderInsideH;
ApiTable.prototype["SetTableBorderInsideV"] = ApiTable.prototype.SetTableBorderInsideV;
ApiTableRow.prototype["GetCellsCount"] = ApiTableRow.prototype.GetCellsCount;
ApiTableRow.prototype["GetCell"] = ApiTableRow.prototype.GetCell;
ApiTableRow.prototype["SetHeight"] = ApiTableRow.prototype.SetHeight;
ApiTableCell.prototype["GetContent"] = ApiTableCell.prototype.GetContent;
ApiTableCell.prototype["SetWidth"] = ApiTableCell.prototype.SetWidth;
ApiTableCell.prototype["SetVerticalAlign"] = ApiTableCell.prototype.SetVerticalAlign;
ApiTableCell.prototype["SetShd"] = ApiTableCell.prototype.SetShd;
ApiTableCell.prototype["SetTextDirection"] = ApiTableCell.prototype.SetTextDirection;
ApiStyle.prototype["GetName"] = ApiStyle.prototype.GetName;
ApiStyle.prototype["SetName"] = ApiStyle.prototype.SetName;
ApiStyle.prototype["GetType"] = ApiStyle.prototype.GetType;
ApiStyle.prototype["GetTextPr"] = ApiStyle.prototype.GetTextPr;
ApiStyle.prototype["GetParaPr"] = ApiStyle.prototype.GetParaPr;
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetBold"] = ApiTextPr.prototype.SetBold;
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetItalic"] = ApiTextPr.prototype.SetItalic;
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetStrikeout"] = ApiTextPr.prototype.SetStrikeout;
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetUnderline"] = ApiTextPr.prototype.SetUnderline;
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetFontFamily"] = ApiTextPr.prototype.SetFontFamily;
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetFontSize"] = ApiTextPr.prototype.SetFontSize;
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetColor"] = ApiTextPr.prototype.SetColor;
ApiTextPr.prototype["SetSpacing"] = ApiTextPr.prototype.SetSpacing;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetSpacingLine"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetSpacingLine;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetSpacingBefore"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetSpacingBefore;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetSpacingAfter"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetSpacingAfter;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetJc"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetJc;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetIndLeft"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetIndLeft;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetIndRight"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetIndRight;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetIndFirstLine"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetIndFirstLine;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetKeepNext"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetKeepNext;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetKeepLines"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetKeepLines;
ApiParaPr.prototype["SetPageBreakBefore"] = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetPageBreakBefore;
ApiParaPr.prototype.SetWidowControl = ApiParaPr.prototype.SetWidowControl;
// Private area
......@@ -1522,10 +1638,6 @@
oApiTextPr.TextPr = this.Run.Pr.Copy();
ApiRun.prototype.private_GetTextPr = function()
return new ApiTextPr(this, this.Run.Pr.Copy());
ApiTable.prototype.private_GetImpl = function()
return this.Table;
......@@ -1969,11 +2081,11 @@ function TEST_BUILDER2()
oParagraph.AddText("ColorGreen").SetColor(0, 255, 0);
//this.FontFamily = undefined;
//this.FontSize = undefined;
//this.Color = undefined;
//this.VertAlign = undefined;
//this.HighLight = undefined; // highlight_None/Color
//this.RStyle = undefined;
......@@ -1984,20 +2096,10 @@ function TEST_BUILDER2()
//this.Position = undefined; // Смещение по Y
//this.RFonts = new CRFonts();
//this.BoldCS = undefined;
//this.ItalicCS = undefined;
//this.FontSizeCS = undefined;
//this.CS = undefined;
//this.RTL = undefined;
//this.Lang = new CLang();
//this.Unifill = undefined;
//this.FontRef = undefined;
//this.Shd = undefined;
//this.Vanish = undefined;
//this.TextOutline = undefined;
//this.TextFill = undefined;
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