Commit 73ce60b2 authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov

дополнительно для "Bug 21905 - Некорректно форматируется результат вычисления...

дополнительно для "Bug 21905 - Некорректно форматируется результат вычисления в функции ADDRESS при наличии пробелов и спецсимволов"

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 97ebcb7f
var g_sMainServiceLocalUrl = "/CanvasService.ashx";var g_sResourceServiceLocalUrl = "/ResourceService.ashx?path=";var g_sUploadServiceLocalUrl = "/UploadService.ashx";var g_sSpellCheckServiceLocalUrl = "/SpellChecker.ashx";var g_sTrackingServiceLocalUrl = "/TrackingService.ashx";var g_nMaxJsonLength = 2097152;var g_nMaxJsonLengthChecked = g_nMaxJsonLength / 1000; function fSortAscending(a, b){return a - b;}function fSortDescending(a, b){return b - a;} var c_oEditorId = { Word : 0, Speadsheet : 1, Presentation : 2}; var PostMessageType = { UploadImage : 0, ExtensionExist :1}; var c_oAscServerError = { NoError : 0, Unknown : -1, ReadRequestStream : -3, TaskQueue : -20, TaskResult : -40, Storage : -60, StorageFileNoFound : -61, StorageRead : -62, StorageWrite : -63, StorageRemoveDir : -64, StorageCreateDir : -65, StorageGetInfo : -66, Convert : -80, ConvertDownload : -81, ConvertUnknownFormat : -82, ConvertTimeout : -83, ConvertReadFile : -84, ConvertMS_OFFCRYPTO : -85, Upload : -100, UploadContentLength : -101, UploadExtension : -102, UploadCountFiles : -103, VKey : -120, VKeyEncrypt : -121, VKeyKeyExpire : -122, VKeyUserCountExceed : -123} var c_oAscImageUploadProp = {//Не все браузеры позволяют получить информацию о файле до загрузки(например ie9), меняя параметры здесь надо поменять аналогичные параметры в web.common MaxFileSize:25000000, //25 mb SupportedFormats:[ "jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "png", "gif", "bmp"] }; function ValidateUploadImage(files){ var nRes = c_oAscServerError.NoError; if(1 === files.length ) { var file = files[0]; //проверяем расширение файла var sName = file.fileName ||; if(sName) { var bSupported = false; var nIndex = sName.lastIndexOf("."); if(-1 != nIndex) { var ext = sName.substring(nIndex + 1).toLowerCase(); for(var i = 0, length = c_oAscImageUploadProp.SupportedFormats.length; i < length; i++) { if(c_oAscImageUploadProp.SupportedFormats[i] == ext) { bSupported = true; break; } } } if(false == bSupported) nRes = c_oAscServerError.UploadExtension; } if(c_oAscError.ID.No == nRes) { var nSize = file.fileSize || file.size; if(nSize && c_oAscImageUploadProp.MaxFileSize < nSize) nRes = c_oAscServerError.UploadContentLength; } } else nRes = c_oAscServerError.UploadCountFiles; return nRes; } function CanDropFiles(event) { var bRes = false; if (event.dataTransfer.types) { for(var i = 0, length = event.dataTransfer.types.length; i < length; ++i) { var type = event.dataTransfer.types[i]; if(type == "Files") { if(event.dataTransfer.items) { var item = event.dataTransfer.items[0]; for(var j = 0, length2 = c_oAscImageUploadProp.SupportedFormats.length; j < length2; j++) { if(item.type && -1 != item.type.indexOf(c_oAscImageUploadProp.SupportedFormats[j])) { bRes = true; break; } } } else bRes = true; break; } } } return bRes; } function GetUploadIFrame(){ var sIFrameName = "apiImageUpload"; var oImageUploader = document.getElementById(sIFrameName); if(!oImageUploader) { var frame = document.createElement("iframe"); = sIFrameName; = sIFrameName; frame.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;left:-2px;top:-2px;width:1px;height:1px;z-index:-1000;"); document.body.appendChild(frame); } return window.frames[sIFrameName]; } /*Functions that checks of an element in formula*/ var rx_operators = new RegExp( "^ *[-+*/^&%<=>:] *" ), rx_LG = new RegExp( "^ *[<=>]+ *" ), rx_Lt = new RegExp( "^ *< *" ), rx_Le = new RegExp( "^ *<= *" ), rx_Gt = new RegExp( "^ *> *" ), rx_Ge = new RegExp( "^ *>= *" ), rx_Ne = new RegExp( "^ *<> *" ), rg = new RegExp( "^([\\w\\d.]+ *)[-+*/^&%<=>:;\\(\\)]" ), rgRange = new RegExp( "^\\$?[A-Za-z]+\\$?\\d+:\\$?[A-Za-z]+\\$?\\d+" ), rgCols = new RegExp( "^\\$?[A-Za-z]+:\\$?[A-Za-z]+" ), rgRows = new RegExp( "^\\$?\\d+:\\$?\\d+" ), rx_ref = new RegExp( "^ *(\\$?[A-Za-z]{1,3}\\$?(\\d{1,7}))([-+*/^&%<=>: ;),]|$)" ), rx_refAll = new RegExp( "^(\\$?[A-Za-z]+\\$?(\\d+))([-+*/^&%<=>: ;),]|$)" ), rx_ref3D_non_quoted = new XRegExp( "^(?<name_from>[\\p{L}\\d.]+)(:(?<name_to>[\\p{L}\\d.]+))?!" ), rx_ref3D_quoted = new XRegExp( "^'(?<name_from>(?:''|[^\\[\\]'\\/*?:])*)(?::(?<name_to>(?:''|[^\\[\\]'\\/*?:])*))?'!" ), rx_ref3D = new RegExp( "^\\D*[\\D\\d]*\\!" ), rx_before_operators = new RegExp( "^ *[,()]" ), rx_space = new RegExp( " " ), rx_number = new RegExp( "^[+-]?\\d*(\\d|\\.)\\d*([eE][+-]?\\d+)?" ), rx_LeftParentheses = new RegExp( "^ *\\( *" ), rx_RightParentheses = new RegExp( "^ *\\)" ), rx_Comma = new RegExp( "^ *[,;] *" ), rx_error = new RegExp( "^(#NULL!|#DIV\\/0!|#VALUE!|#REF!|#NAME\\?|#NUM!|#UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION!|#N\\/A|#GETTING_DATA)" ), rx_bool = new RegExp( "^(TRUE|FALSE|true|false)([-+*/^&%<=>: ;),]|$)" ), rx_string = new RegExp( "^\"((\"\"|[^\"])*)\"" ), rx_name = new XRegExp( "^(?<name>\\w[\\w\\d.]*)([-+*/^&%<=>: ;),]|$)" ), rx_test_ws_name = new XRegExp( "^[\\]_\\[\\p{L}\\d.]*$" ), rx_LeftBrace = new RegExp( "^ *\\{ *" ), rx_RightBrace = new RegExp( "^ *\\}" ), rx_array = new RegExp( "^\\{(([+-]?\\d*(\\d|\\.)\\d*([eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?(\"((\"\"|[^\"])*)\")?(#NULL!|#DIV\\/0!|#VALUE!|#REF!|#NAME\\?|#NUM!|#UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION!|#N\\A|#GETTING_DATA|FALSE|TRUE|true|false)?[,;]?)*\\}" ); //вспомогательный объект для парсинга формул и проверки строки по регуляркам указанным выше. function parserHelper() { } parserHelper.prototype = { _reset:function () { delete this.operand_str; delete this.pCurrPos; }, isOperator:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var str = formula.substring( start_pos ) var match = str.match( rx_operators ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { var mt = str.match( rx_LG ) if ( mt ) match = mt; this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/g, "", "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isFunc:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var frml = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = (frml).match( rg ); if ( match != null && match != undefined ) { if ( match.length == 2 ) { this.pCurrPos += match[1].length; this.operand_str = match[1]; return true; } } this.operand_str = null; return false; }, isArea:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = subSTR.match( rgRange ) || subSTR.match( rgCols ) || subSTR.match( rgRows ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; this.operand_str = match[0]; return true; } this.operand_str = null; return false; }, isRef:function ( formula, start_pos, allRef ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_ref ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { if ( match.length >= 3 && g_oCellAddressUtils.colstrToColnum( match[1].substr( 0, (match[1].length - match[2].length) ) ) <= g_oCellAddressUtils.colstrToColnum( "XFD" ) && parseInt( match[2] ) <= 1048576 ) { this.pCurrPos += match[0].indexOf(" ")>-1 ? match[0].length-1 : match[1].length; this.operand_str = match[1]; return true; } else if ( allRef ) { match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_refAll ); if ( (match != null || match != undefined) && match.length >= 3 ) { this.pCurrPos += match[1].length; this.operand_str = match[1]; return true; } } } this.operand_str = null; return false; }, is3DRef:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = rx_ref3D_quoted.xexec( subSTR ) || rx_ref3D_non_quoted.xexec( subSTR ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; this.operand_str = match[1]; return [ true, match["name_from"] ? match["name_from"].replace( /''/g, "'" ) : null, match["name_to"] ? match["name_to"].replace( /''/g, "'" ) : null ]; } this.operand_str = null; return [false, null, null]; }, isNextPtg:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); return ( ( subSTR.match( rx_before_operators ) != null || subSTR.match( rx_before_operators ) != undefined ) && ( subSTR.match( rx_space ) != null || subSTR.match( rx_space ) != undefined ) ) }, isNumber:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_number ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0]; this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isLeftParentheses:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_LeftParentheses ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/, "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isRightParentheses:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_RightParentheses ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/, "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isComma:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_Comma ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0]; this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isError:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_error ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0]; this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isBoolean:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_bool ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[1]; this.pCurrPos += match[1].length; return true; } return false; }, isString:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_string ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { this.operand_str = match[1].replace( "\"\"", "\"" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isName:function ( formula, start_pos, wb ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = rx_name.xexec( subSTR ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { var name = match["name"]; if ( name && name.length != 0 && wb.DefinedNames && wb.isDefinedNamesExists( name ) ) { this.pCurrPos += name.length; this.operand_str = name; return [ true, name ]; } } return [false]; }, isArray:function ( formula, start_pos, wb ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_array ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { this.operand_str = match[0].substring( 1, match[0].length - 1 ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isLeftBrace:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_LeftBrace ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/, "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isRightBrace:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_RightBrace ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/, "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, // Парсим ссылку на диапазон в листе parse3DRef:function ( formula ) { // Сначала получаем лист var is3DRefResult = this.is3DRef( formula, 0 ); if ( is3DRefResult && true === is3DRefResult[0] ) { // Имя листа в ссылке var sheetName = is3DRefResult[1]; // Ищем начало range var indexStartRange = formula.indexOf( "!" ) + 1; if ( this.isArea( formula, indexStartRange ) ) { if ( this.operand_str.length == formula.substring( indexStartRange ).length ) return {sheet:sheetName, range:this.operand_str}; else return null; } else if ( this.isRef( formula, indexStartRange ) ) { if ( this.operand_str.length == formula.substring( indexStartRange ).length ) return {sheet:sheetName, range:this.operand_str}; else return null; } } // Возвращаем ошибку return null; } } var parserHelp = new parserHelper(); var g_sMainServiceLocalUrl = "/CanvasService.ashx";var g_sResourceServiceLocalUrl = "/ResourceService.ashx?path=";var g_sUploadServiceLocalUrl = "/UploadService.ashx";var g_sSpellCheckServiceLocalUrl = "/SpellChecker.ashx";var g_sTrackingServiceLocalUrl = "/TrackingService.ashx";var g_nMaxJsonLength = 2097152;var g_nMaxJsonLengthChecked = g_nMaxJsonLength / 1000; function fSortAscending(a, b){return a - b;}function fSortDescending(a, b){return b - a;} function test_ws_name(){ var self = new XRegExp( "[^\\p{L}(\\p{L}\\d._)*]" ); self.regexp_letter = new XRegExp( "^\\p{L}[\\p{L}\\d.]*$" ); self.regexp_left_bracket = new XRegExp("\\["); self.regexp_right_bracket = new XRegExp("\\]"); self.regexp_left_brace = new XRegExp("\\{"); self.regexp_right_brace = new XRegExp("\\}"); self.regexp_number_mark = new XRegExp(""); self.regexp_special_letters = new XRegExp("[\\'\\*\\[\\]\\\\:\\/]"); self.sheet_name_character_special = new XRegExp("('')|[^\\'\\*\\[\\]\\:/\\?]"); self.sheet_name_start_character_special = new XRegExp("^[^\\'\\*\\[\\]\\:/\\?]"); self.sheet_name_end_character_special = new XRegExp("[^\\'\\*\\[\\]\\:/\\?]$"); self.sheet_name_character = new XRegExp("[-+*/^&%<=>:\\'\\[\\]\\?\\s]"); self.book_name_character_special = self.book_name_start_character_special = new XRegExp("[^\\'\\*\\[\\]\\:\\?]"); self.apostrophe = new XRegExp("'"); self.srt_left_bracket = "["; self.srt_right_bracket = "]"; self.srt_left_brace = "{"; self.srt_right_brace = "}"; self.srt_number_letter = ""; self.matchRec = function(str,left,right){ return XRegExp.matchRecursive(str,"\\"+left,"\\"+right,"g") } self.test = function ( str ) { var matchRec, splitStr = str; if ( this.regexp_left_bracket.test( str ) || this.regexp_right_bracket.test( str ) ) { try { if ( str[0] != "[" ) return false; matchRec = this.matchRec( str, this.srt_left_bracket, this.srt_right_bracket ); if ( matchRec.length > 1 ){ return false; } else if ( matchRec[0] == "" ) { return false; } else if ( this.regexp_special_letters.test( matchRec[i] ) ) { return false; } splitStr = str.split( "[" + matchRec[0] + "]" )[1]; } catch( e ) { return false; } } return this.sheet_name_start_character_special.test(splitStr) && this.sheet_name_end_character_special.test(splitStr) && !XRegExp.test( splitStr, this ); } return self;} var c_oEditorId = { Word : 0, Speadsheet : 1, Presentation : 2}; var PostMessageType = { UploadImage : 0, ExtensionExist :1}; var c_oAscServerError = { NoError : 0, Unknown : -1, ReadRequestStream : -3, TaskQueue : -20, TaskResult : -40, Storage : -60, StorageFileNoFound : -61, StorageRead : -62, StorageWrite : -63, StorageRemoveDir : -64, StorageCreateDir : -65, StorageGetInfo : -66, Convert : -80, ConvertDownload : -81, ConvertUnknownFormat : -82, ConvertTimeout : -83, ConvertReadFile : -84, ConvertMS_OFFCRYPTO : -85, Upload : -100, UploadContentLength : -101, UploadExtension : -102, UploadCountFiles : -103, VKey : -120, VKeyEncrypt : -121, VKeyKeyExpire : -122, VKeyUserCountExceed : -123} var c_oAscImageUploadProp = {//Не все браузеры позволяют получить информацию о файле до загрузки(например ie9), меняя параметры здесь надо поменять аналогичные параметры в web.common MaxFileSize:25000000, //25 mb SupportedFormats:[ "jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "png", "gif", "bmp"] }; function ValidateUploadImage(files){ var nRes = c_oAscServerError.NoError; if(1 === files.length ) { var file = files[0]; //проверяем расширение файла var sName = file.fileName ||; if(sName) { var bSupported = false; var nIndex = sName.lastIndexOf("."); if(-1 != nIndex) { var ext = sName.substring(nIndex + 1).toLowerCase(); for(var i = 0, length = c_oAscImageUploadProp.SupportedFormats.length; i < length; i++) { if(c_oAscImageUploadProp.SupportedFormats[i] == ext) { bSupported = true; break; } } } if(false == bSupported) nRes = c_oAscServerError.UploadExtension; } if(c_oAscError.ID.No == nRes) { var nSize = file.fileSize || file.size; if(nSize && c_oAscImageUploadProp.MaxFileSize < nSize) nRes = c_oAscServerError.UploadContentLength; } } else nRes = c_oAscServerError.UploadCountFiles; return nRes; } function CanDropFiles(event) { var bRes = false; if (event.dataTransfer.types) { for(var i = 0, length = event.dataTransfer.types.length; i < length; ++i) { var type = event.dataTransfer.types[i]; if(type == "Files") { if(event.dataTransfer.items) { var item = event.dataTransfer.items[0]; for(var j = 0, length2 = c_oAscImageUploadProp.SupportedFormats.length; j < length2; j++) { if(item.type && -1 != item.type.indexOf(c_oAscImageUploadProp.SupportedFormats[j])) { bRes = true; break; } } } else bRes = true; break; } } } return bRes; } function GetUploadIFrame(){ var sIFrameName = "apiImageUpload"; var oImageUploader = document.getElementById(sIFrameName); if(!oImageUploader) { var frame = document.createElement("iframe"); = sIFrameName; = sIFrameName; frame.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;left:-2px;top:-2px;width:1px;height:1px;z-index:-1000;"); document.body.appendChild(frame); } return window.frames[sIFrameName]; } /*Functions that checks of an element in formula*/ var rx_operators = new RegExp( "^ *[-+*/^&%<=>:] *" ), rx_LG = new RegExp( "^ *[<=>]+ *" ), rx_Lt = new RegExp( "^ *< *" ), rx_Le = new RegExp( "^ *<= *" ), rx_Gt = new RegExp( "^ *> *" ), rx_Ge = new RegExp( "^ *>= *" ), rx_Ne = new RegExp( "^ *<> *" ), rg = new RegExp( "^([\\w\\d.]+ *)[-+*/^&%<=>:;\\(\\)]" ), rgRange = new RegExp( "^\\$?[A-Za-z]+\\$?\\d+:\\$?[A-Za-z]+\\$?\\d+" ), rgCols = new RegExp( "^\\$?[A-Za-z]+:\\$?[A-Za-z]+" ), rgRows = new RegExp( "^\\$?\\d+:\\$?\\d+" ), rx_ref = new RegExp( "^ *(\\$?[A-Za-z]{1,3}\\$?(\\d{1,7}))([-+*/^&%<=>: ;),]|$)" ), rx_refAll = new RegExp( "^(\\$?[A-Za-z]+\\$?(\\d+))([-+*/^&%<=>: ;),]|$)" ), rx_ref3D_non_quoted = new XRegExp( "^(?<name_from>[\\p{L}\\d.]+)(:(?<name_to>[\\p{L}\\d.]+))?!" ), rx_ref3D_quoted = new XRegExp( "^'(?<name_from>(?:''|[^\\[\\]'\\/*?:])*)(?::(?<name_to>(?:''|[^\\[\\]'\\/*?:])*))?'!" ), rx_ref3D = new RegExp( "^\\D*[\\D\\d]*\\!" ), rx_before_operators = new RegExp( "^ *[,()]" ), rx_space = new RegExp( " " ), rx_number = new RegExp( "^[+-]?\\d*(\\d|\\.)\\d*([eE][+-]?\\d+)?" ), rx_LeftParentheses = new RegExp( "^ *\\( *" ), rx_RightParentheses = new RegExp( "^ *\\)" ), rx_Comma = new RegExp( "^ *[,;] *" ), rx_error = new RegExp( "^(#NULL!|#DIV\\/0!|#VALUE!|#REF!|#NAME\\?|#NUM!|#UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION!|#N\\/A|#GETTING_DATA)" ), rx_bool = new RegExp( "^(TRUE|FALSE|true|false)([-+*/^&%<=>: ;),]|$)" ), rx_string = new RegExp( "^\"((\"\"|[^\"])*)\"" ), rx_name = new XRegExp( "^(?<name>\\w[\\w\\d.]*)([-+*/^&%<=>: ;),]|$)" ), rx_test_ws_name = new test_ws_name(), rx_LeftBrace = new RegExp( "^ *\\{ *" ), rx_RightBrace = new RegExp( "^ *\\}" ), rx_array = new RegExp( "^\\{(([+-]?\\d*(\\d|\\.)\\d*([eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?(\"((\"\"|[^\"])*)\")?(#NULL!|#DIV\\/0!|#VALUE!|#REF!|#NAME\\?|#NUM!|#UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION!|#N\\A|#GETTING_DATA|FALSE|TRUE|true|false)?[,;]?)*\\}" ); //вспомогательный объект для парсинга формул и проверки строки по регуляркам указанным выше. function parserHelper() { } parserHelper.prototype = { _reset:function () { delete this.operand_str; delete this.pCurrPos; }, isOperator:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var str = formula.substring( start_pos ) var match = str.match( rx_operators ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { var mt = str.match( rx_LG ) if ( mt ) match = mt; this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/g, "", "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isFunc:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var frml = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = (frml).match( rg ); if ( match != null && match != undefined ) { if ( match.length == 2 ) { this.pCurrPos += match[1].length; this.operand_str = match[1]; return true; } } this.operand_str = null; return false; }, isArea:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = subSTR.match( rgRange ) || subSTR.match( rgCols ) || subSTR.match( rgRows ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; this.operand_str = match[0]; return true; } this.operand_str = null; return false; }, isRef:function ( formula, start_pos, allRef ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_ref ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { if ( match.length >= 3 && g_oCellAddressUtils.colstrToColnum( match[1].substr( 0, (match[1].length - match[2].length) ) ) <= g_oCellAddressUtils.colstrToColnum( "XFD" ) && parseInt( match[2] ) <= 1048576 ) { this.pCurrPos += match[0].indexOf(" ")>-1 ? match[0].length-1 : match[1].length; this.operand_str = match[1]; return true; } else if ( allRef ) { match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_refAll ); if ( (match != null || match != undefined) && match.length >= 3 ) { this.pCurrPos += match[1].length; this.operand_str = match[1]; return true; } } } this.operand_str = null; return false; }, is3DRef:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = rx_ref3D_quoted.xexec( subSTR ) || rx_ref3D_non_quoted.xexec( subSTR ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; this.operand_str = match[1]; return [ true, match["name_from"] ? match["name_from"].replace( /''/g, "'" ) : null, match["name_to"] ? match["name_to"].replace( /''/g, "'" ) : null ]; } this.operand_str = null; return [false, null, null]; }, isNextPtg:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); return ( ( subSTR.match( rx_before_operators ) != null || subSTR.match( rx_before_operators ) != undefined ) && ( subSTR.match( rx_space ) != null || subSTR.match( rx_space ) != undefined ) ) }, isNumber:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_number ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0]; this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isLeftParentheses:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_LeftParentheses ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/, "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isRightParentheses:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_RightParentheses ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/, "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isComma:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_Comma ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0]; this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isError:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_error ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0]; this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isBoolean:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_bool ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[1]; this.pCurrPos += match[1].length; return true; } return false; }, isString:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_string ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { this.operand_str = match[1].replace( "\"\"", "\"" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isName:function ( formula, start_pos, wb ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = rx_name.xexec( subSTR ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { var name = match["name"]; if ( name && name.length != 0 && wb.DefinedNames && wb.isDefinedNamesExists( name ) ) { this.pCurrPos += name.length; this.operand_str = name; return [ true, name ]; } } return [false]; }, isArray:function ( formula, start_pos, wb ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var subSTR = formula.substring( start_pos ); var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_array ); if ( match != null || match != undefined ) { this.operand_str = match[0].substring( 1, match[0].length - 1 ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isLeftBrace:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_LeftBrace ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/, "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, isRightBrace:function ( formula, start_pos ) { if ( this instanceof parserHelper ) { this._reset(); } var match = (formula.substring( start_pos )).match( rx_RightBrace ); if ( match == null || match == undefined ) return false; else { this.operand_str = match[0].replace( /\s/, "" ); this.pCurrPos += match[0].length; return true; } return false; }, // Парсим ссылку на диапазон в листе parse3DRef:function ( formula ) { // Сначала получаем лист var is3DRefResult = this.is3DRef( formula, 0 ); if ( is3DRefResult && true === is3DRefResult[0] ) { // Имя листа в ссылке var sheetName = is3DRefResult[1]; // Ищем начало range var indexStartRange = formula.indexOf( "!" ) + 1; if ( this.isArea( formula, indexStartRange ) ) { if ( this.operand_str.length == formula.substring( indexStartRange ).length ) return {sheet:sheetName, range:this.operand_str}; else return null; } else if ( this.isRef( formula, indexStartRange ) ) { if ( this.operand_str.length == formula.substring( indexStartRange ).length ) return {sheet:sheetName, range:this.operand_str}; else return null; } } // Возвращаем ошибку return null; } } var parserHelp = new parserHelper();
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