Commit 76cc257e authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent abfad571

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function CTextMeasurerWrapper()
this.Measurer = CreateNativeTextMeasurer();
this.m_oFont = null;
// RFonts
this.m_oTextPr = null;
this.m_oLastFont = new CFontSetup();
// font params
this.Ascender = 0;
this.Descender = 0;
this.Height = 0;
this.UnitsPerEm = 0;
CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype =
Init : function()
SetFont : function(font)
if (!font)
this.m_oFont = font;
if (-1 == font.FontFamily.Index || undefined === font.FontFamily.Index || null == font.FontFamily.Index)
font.FontFamily.Index = window.g_map_font_index[font.FontFamily.Name];
if (font.FontFamily.Index == undefined || font.FontFamily.Index == -1)
var bItalic = true === font.Italic;
var bBold = true === font.Bold;
var oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
if ( !bItalic && bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
else if ( bItalic && !bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
else if ( bItalic && bBold )
oFontStyle = FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
var _lastSetUp = this.m_oLastFont;
if (_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex != font.FontFamily.Index || _lastSetUp.SetUpSize != font.FontSize || _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle != oFontStyle)
_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex = font.FontFamily.Index;
_lastSetUp.SetUpSize = font.FontSize;
_lastSetUp.SetUpStyle = oFontStyle;
var _info = this.GetLoadInfoForMeasurer(window.g_font_infos[_lastSetUp.SetUpIndex], _lastSetUp.SetUpStyle);
var flag = 0;
if (_info.NeedBold) flag |= 0x01;
if (_info.NeedItalic) flag |= 0x02;
if (_info.SrcBold) flag |= 0x04;
if (_info.SrcItalic) flag |= 0x08;
var _bounds = this.Measurer.LoadFont(_info.Path, _info.FaceIndex, _lastSetUp.SetUpSize, flag);
this.UnitsPerEm = _bounds[3];
var dKoef = g_dKoef_pt_to_mm * _lastSetUp.SetUpSize / this.UnitsPerEm;
this.Ascender = _bounds[0] * dKoef;
this.Descender = _bounds[1] * dKoef;
this.Height = _bounds[2] * dKoef;
SetTextPr : function(textPr)
this.m_oTextPr = textPr.Copy();
SetFontSlot : function(slot, fontSizeKoef)
var _rfonts = this.m_oTextPr.RFonts;
var _lastFont = this.m_oLastFont;
switch (slot)
case fontslot_ASCII:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.Ascii.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.Ascii.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
case fontslot_CS:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.CS.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.CS.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSizeCS;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.BoldCS;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.ItalicCS;
case fontslot_EastAsia:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.EastAsia.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.EastAsia.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
case fontslot_HAnsi:
_lastFont.Name = _rfonts.HAnsi.Name;
_lastFont.Index = _rfonts.HAnsi.Index;
if (_lastFont.Index == -1 || _lastFont.Index === undefined)
_lastFont.Index = window.g_map_font_index[_lastFont.Name];
_lastFont.Size = this.m_oTextPr.FontSize;
_lastFont.Bold = this.m_oTextPr.Bold;
_lastFont.Italic = this.m_oTextPr.Italic;
if (undefined !== fontSizeKoef)
_lastFont.Size *= fontSizeKoef;
var _style = 0;
if (_lastFont.Italic)
_style += 2;
if (_lastFont.Bold)
_style += 1;
if (_lastFont.Index != _lastFont.SetUpIndex || _lastFont.Size != _lastFont.SetUpSize || _style != _lastFont.SetUpStyle)
_lastFont.SetUpIndex = _lastFont.Index;
_lastFont.SetUpSize = _lastFont.Size;
_lastFont.SetUpStyle = _style;
var _info = this.GetLoadInfoForMeasurer(window.g_font_infos[_lastFont.SetUpIndex], _lastFont.SetUpStyle);
var flag = 0;
if (_info.NeedBold) flag |= 0x01;
if (_info.NeedItalic) flag |= 0x02;
if (_info.SrcBold) flag |= 0x04;
if (_info.SrcItalic) flag |= 0x08;
var _bounds = this.Measurer.LoadFont(_info.Path, _info.FaceIndex, _lastFont.SetUpSize, flag);
this.UnitsPerEm = _bounds[3];
var dKoef = g_dKoef_pt_to_mm * _lastFont.SetUpSize / this.UnitsPerEm;
this.Ascender = _bounds[0] * dKoef;
this.Descender = _bounds[1] * dKoef;
this.Height = _bounds[2] * dKoef;
GetTextPr : function()
return this.m_oTextPr;
GetFont : function()
return this.m_oFont;
Measure : function(text)
var _width = this.Measurer.MeasureChar(text.charCodeAt(0));
return { Width : _width, Height : 0 };
Measure2 : function(text)
var _bounds = this.Measurer.GetDrawingBox(text.charCodeAt(0));
return { Width : _bounds[0], Ascent : _bounds[4], Height : (_bounds[4] - _bounds[3]), WidthG: (_bounds[2] - _bounds[1]) };
MeasureCode : function(lUnicode)
var _width = this.Measurer.MeasureChar(lUnicode);
return { Width : _width, Height : 0 };
Measure2Code : function(lUnicode)
var _bounds = this.Measurer.GetDrawingBox(lUnicode);
return { Width : _bounds[0], Ascent : _bounds[4], Height : (_bounds[4] - _bounds[3]), WidthG: (_bounds[2] - _bounds[1]) };
GetAscender : function()
return this.Ascender;
GetDescender : function()
return this.Descender;
GetHeight : function()
return this.Height;
GetLoadInfoForMeasurer : function(info, lStyle)
// подбираем шрифт по стилю
var sReturnName = info.Name;
var bNeedBold = false;
var bNeedItalic = false;
var index = -1;
var faceIndex = 0;
var bSrcItalic = false;
var bSrcBold = false;
switch (lStyle)
case FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic:
bSrcItalic = true;
bSrcBold = true;
bNeedBold = true;
bNeedItalic = true;
if (-1 != info.indexBI)
index = info.indexBI;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexBI;
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = false;
else if (-1 != info.indexB)
index = info.indexB;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexB;
bNeedBold = false;
else if (-1 != info.indexI)
index = info.indexI;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexI;
bNeedItalic = false;
index = info.indexR;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexR;
case FontStyle.FontStyleBold:
bSrcBold = true;
bNeedBold = true;
bNeedItalic = false;
if (-1 != info.indexB)
index = info.indexB;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexB;
bNeedBold = false;
else if (-1 != info.indexR)
index = info.indexR;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexR;
else if (-1 != info.indexBI)
index = info.indexBI;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexBI;
bNeedBold = false;
index = info.indexI;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexI;
case FontStyle.FontStyleItalic:
bSrcItalic = true;
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = true;
if (-1 != info.indexI)
index = info.indexI;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexI;
bNeedItalic = false;
else if (-1 != info.indexR)
index = info.indexR;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexR;
else if (-1 != info.indexBI)
index = info.indexBI;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexBI;
bNeedItalic = false;
index = info.indexB;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexB;
case FontStyle.FontStyleRegular:
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = false;
if (-1 != info.indexR)
index = info.indexR;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexR;
else if (-1 != info.indexI)
index = info.indexI;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexI;
else if (-1 != info.indexB)
index = info.indexB;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexB;
index = info.indexBI;
faceIndex = info.faceIndexBI;
return {
Path : window.g_font_files[index].Id,
FaceIndex : faceIndex,
NeedBold : bNeedBold,
NeedItalic : bNeedItalic,
SrcBold : bSrcBold,
SrcItalic : bSrcItalic
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