Commit 7c3b2939 authored by Igor.Zotov's avatar Igor.Zotov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

изменения для логарифмической шкалы(BAr)

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 8c82c740
......@@ -685,7 +685,11 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
if(this.calcProp.type != "Scatter")
this.calcProp.nullPositionOX = this._getNullPosition();
this.calcProp.nullPositionOXLog = this._getNullPositionLog();
var scatterNullPos = this._getScatterNullPosition();
......@@ -2549,18 +2553,53 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
_getLogArray: function(yMin, yMax, logBase)
var result = [];
var temp = Math.pow(logBase, 0);
var temp;
var pow = 0;
var tempPow = yMin;
if(yMin < 1 && yMin > 0)
temp = this._getFirstDegree(yMin).numPow;
tempPow = temp;
while(tempPow < 1)
pow --;
tempPow = tempPow * 10;
temp = Math.pow(logBase, 0);
if(logBase < 1)
logBase = 2;
var step = 0;
var lMax = 1;
if(yMin < 1 && yMin > 0)
if(lMax < yMax)
lMax = yMax;
while(temp < lMax)
temp = Math.pow(logBase, pow);
result[step] = temp;
while(temp <= yMax)
temp = Math.pow(logBase, pow);
result[pow] = temp;
pow ++;
result[step] = temp;
return result;
......@@ -2731,6 +2770,30 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
return result;
//****get null position****
_getNullPositionLog: function()
var valPoints, result;
if(this.calcProp.type == "HBar")
valPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.xPoints;
valPoints = this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.yPoints;
for (var i = 0; i < valPoints.length; i++)
if(valPoints[i].val == 1)
result = valPoints[i].pos * this.calcProp.pxToMM;
return result;
_getScatterNullPosition: function()
var x, y;
......@@ -2994,8 +3057,13 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
return result;
getYPosition: function(val, yPoints, isOx)
getYPosition: function(val, yPoints, isOx, logBase)
return this._getYPositionLogBase(val, yPoints, isOx, logBase);
//позиция в заисимости от положения точек на оси OY
var result;
var resPos;
......@@ -3065,23 +3133,85 @@ CChartsDrawer.prototype =
return result;
getLogarithmicValue: function(val, logBase, yPoints, stackedValues)
_getYPositionLogBase: function(val, yPoints, isOx, logBase)
if(val < 0)
return 0;
var logVal = Math.log(val) / Math.log(logBase);
var parseLogVal = logVal.toString().split(".");
var result;
return val;
if(logVal < 0)
var parseVal = logVal.toString().split(".");
var maxVal = Math.pow(logBase, parseVal[0]);
var minVal = Math.pow(logBase, parseFloat(parseVal[0]) - 1);
var startPos = 0;
var diffPos;
for(var i = 0; i < yPoints.length; i++)
if(yPoints[i].val < maxVal && yPoints[i].val > minVal)
startPos = yPoints[i + 1].pos;
diffPos = yPoints[i].pos - yPoints[i + 1].pos
result = startPos + parseFloat("0." + parseVal[1]) * diffPos;
var parseVal = logVal.toString().split(".");
var minVal = Math.pow(logBase, parseVal[0]);
var maxVal = Math.pow(logBase, parseFloat(parseVal[0]) + 1);
var startPos = 0;
var diffPos;
for(var i = 0; i < yPoints.length; i++)
if(yPoints[i].val < maxVal && yPoints[i].val >= minVal)
startPos = yPoints[i].pos;
diffPos = yPoints[i].pos - yPoints[i + 1].pos
result = startPos - parseFloat("0." + parseVal[1]) * diffPos;
var multiplier = yPoints[parseFloat(parseLogVal[0]) + 1].val;
var result = multiplier * (parseFloat("0." + parseLogVal[1]));
return result;
getLogarithmicValue: function(val, logBase, yPoints)
if(val < 0)
return 0;
return result;
var logVal = Math.log(val) / Math.log(logBase);
var temp = 0;
if(logVal > 0)
for(var l = 0; l < logVal; l++)
if(l != 0)
temp += Math.pow(logBase, l);
if(l + 1 > logVal)
temp += (logVal - l) * Math.pow(logBase, l + 1);
var parseTemp = logVal.toString().split(".");
var nextTemp = Math.pow(logBase, parseFloat(parseTemp[0]) - 1);
temp = Math.pow(logBase, parseFloat(parseTemp[0]));
temp = temp - temp * parseFloat("0." + parseTemp[1]);
return temp;
//****for 3D****
......@@ -3372,7 +3502,7 @@ drawBarChart.prototype =
var widthOverLap = individualBarWidth * (overlap / 100);
var hmargin = (this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.chart.gapWidth / 100 * individualBarWidth) / 2;
var height, startX, startY, diffYVal, val, paths, seriesHeight = [], seria, startYColumnPosition, startXPosition, newStartX, newStartY;
var height, startX, startY, diffYVal, val, paths, seriesHeight = [], tempValues = [], seria, startYColumnPosition, startXPosition, newStartX, newStartY, prevVal;
......@@ -3381,16 +3511,27 @@ drawBarChart.prototype =
numCache = this.chartProp.series[i].val.numRef ? this.chartProp.series[i].val.numRef.numCache : this.chartProp.series[i].val.numLit;
seria = numCache.pts;
seriesHeight[i] = [];
tempValues[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < seria.length; j++) {
//стартовая позиция колонки Y(+ высота с учётом поправок на накопительные диаграммы)
val = parseFloat(seria[j].val);
if(this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
val = this.cChartDrawer.getLogarithmicValue(val, this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase, yPoints, tempValues);
prevVal = 0;
if(this.chartProp.subType == "stacked" || this.chartProp.subType == "stackedPer")
for(var k = 0; k < tempValues.length; k++)
if(tempValues[k][j] && tempValues[k][j] > 0)
prevVal += tempValues[k][j];
startYColumnPosition = this._getStartYColumnPosition(seriesHeight, j, val, yPoints);
tempValues[i][j] = val;
startYColumnPosition = this._getStartYColumnPosition(seriesHeight, j, val, yPoints, prevVal);
startY = startYColumnPosition.startY;
height = startYColumnPosition.height;
......@@ -3453,10 +3594,11 @@ drawBarChart.prototype =
_getStartYColumnPosition: function (seriesHeight, j, val, yPoints, summBarVal)
_getStartYColumnPosition: function (seriesHeight, j, val, yPoints, prevVal)
var startY, diffYVal, height, numCache;
var nullPositionOX = this.chartProp.nullPositionOX/*this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.catAx.posY * this.chartProp.pxToMM*/;
var startY, diffYVal, height, numCache, tempLogVal, tempPrevLogVal;
var nullPositionOX = this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase ? this.chartProp.nullPositionOXLog : this.chartProp.nullPositionOX/*this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.catAx.posY * this.chartProp.pxToMM*/;
if(this.chartProp.subType == "stacked")
diffYVal = 0;
......@@ -3470,8 +3612,20 @@ drawBarChart.prototype =
startY = nullPositionOX - diffYVal;
//исключение для логарифмической шкалы
if(prevVal && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
tempLogVal = this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val + prevVal, yPoints, null,this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase);
tempPrevLogVal = this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(prevVal, yPoints, null,this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase);
height = (tempPrevLogVal - tempLogVal) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
else if(this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
height = nullPositionOX - this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val, yPoints, null,this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
height = nullPositionOX - this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val, yPoints) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
if(this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.orientation != ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX)
height = - height;
......@@ -3498,7 +3652,21 @@ drawBarChart.prototype =
this.summBarVal[j] = temp;
//исключение для логарифмической шкалы
if(prevVal && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
tempLogVal = this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val / this.summBarVal[j] + prevVal / this.summBarVal[j], yPoints, null,this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase);
tempPrevLogVal = this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(prevVal / this.summBarVal[j], yPoints, null,this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase);
height = (tempPrevLogVal - tempLogVal) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
else if(this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
height = nullPositionOX - this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val / this.summBarVal[j], yPoints, null,this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
height = nullPositionOX - this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition((val / this.summBarVal[j]), yPoints) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
if(this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.orientation != ORIENTATION_MIN_MAX)
height = - height;
......@@ -3509,8 +3677,15 @@ drawBarChart.prototype =
height = nullPositionOX - this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val, yPoints) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
startY = nullPositionOX;
if(this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)//исключение для логарифмической шкалы
height = nullPositionOX - this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val, yPoints, null,this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
height = nullPositionOX - this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val, yPoints) * this.chartProp.pxToMM;
return {startY : startY, height: height};
......@@ -4060,12 +4235,12 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
//рассчитываем значения
val = this._getYVal(n, i);
if(this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
val = this.cChartDrawer.getLogarithmicValue(val, this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase, yPoints);
if(this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
val = this.cChartDrawer.getLogarithmicValue(val, this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase, yPoints);
nextVal = this._getYVal(n + 1, i);
if(this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
nextVal = this.cChartDrawer.getLogarithmicValue(nextVal, this.cShapeDrawer.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase, yPoints);
if(this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx && this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase)
nextVal = this.cChartDrawer.getLogarithmicValue(nextVal, this.cChartSpace.chart.plotArea.valAx.scaling.logBase, yPoints);
y = this.cChartDrawer.getYPosition(val, yPoints);
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