Commit 7d08e84e authored by Ilya.Kirillov's avatar Ilya.Kirillov

Исправлен баг с рисованием границ у параграфа (баг 19338).

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 72eeb6b5
......@@ -4774,6 +4774,7 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
else if ( false === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.First )
var bDraw = true;
var Size = 0;
var Y = 0;
if ( 1 === CurPage && true === this.Is_StartFromNewPage() && border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value )
......@@ -4781,14 +4782,18 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
pGraphics.p_color( Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Color.r, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Color.g, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Color.b, 255 );
Size = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size;
Y = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + this.Lines[this.Pages[CurPage].FirstLine].Top;
bDraw = true;
else if ( 0 === CurPage && false === this.Is_StartFromNewPage() && border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Value )
pGraphics.p_color( Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Color.r, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Color.g, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Color.b, 255 );
Size = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Size;
Y = this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
bDraw = true;
if ( true === bDraw )
// Учтем разрывы из-за обтекания
var StartLine = this.Pages[CurPage].StartLine;
var RangesCount = this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges.length;
......@@ -4801,6 +4806,7 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt( c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y, X0, X1, Size, LeftMW, RightMW );
var CurLine = this.Pages[CurPage].EndLine;
var bEnd = ( this.Content.length - 2 <= this.Lines[CurLine].EndPos ? true : false );
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