Commit 8000580e authored by Sergey.Konovalov's avatar Sergey.Konovalov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

небольшая оптимизация для Bug 19384 - [Copy&Paste] Зависает документ при...

небольшая оптимизация для Bug 19384 - [Copy&Paste] Зависает документ при вставке в него таблицы из *xls файла.(вставка таблиц сделана через добавление строк и ячеек)

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent aabcb09b
......@@ -1070,10 +1070,10 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
var row = table.Content[nCurRow];
if(null == elems)
elems = {Start: 0, End: row.Content.length - 1};
elems = {gridStart: 0, gridEnd: table.TableGrid.length - 1, indexStart: null, indexEnd: null, after: null, before: null, cells: row.Content};
var tr = document.createElement( "tr" );
var grid = table.TableGrid;
var gridSum = table.TableSumGrid;
var trStyle = "";
var nGridBefore = 0;
var rowPr = null;
......@@ -1081,120 +1081,92 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
rowPr = row.CompiledPr.Pr;
if(null != rowPr)
if(null != rowPr.GridBefore)
if(rowPr.GridBefore > 0)
nGridBefore = rowPr.GridBefore;
var nWBefore = 0;
for(var i = 0, length = grid.length; i < nGridBefore && i < length; ++i)
nWBefore += grid[i];
//���������� margin
trStyle += "mso-row-margin-left:"+(nWBefore * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt";
//��������� td ��� ��� ��� �� �������� mso-row-margin-left
var oNewTd = document.createElement( "td" );
oNewTd.setAttribute("style", "mso-cell-special:placeholder;border:none;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm");
oNewTd.setAttribute("width", Math.round(nWBefore * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix));
if(nGridBefore > 1)
oNewTd.setAttribute("colspan", nGridBefore);
var oNewP = document.createElement( "p" );
oNewP.appendChild(document.createTextNode( '\xa0' ));
if(null == elems.before && null != rowPr.GridBefore && rowPr.GridBefore > 0)
elems.before = rowPr.GridBefore;
elems.gridStart += rowPr.GridBefore;
if(null == elems.after && null != rowPr.GridAfter && rowPr.GridAfter > 0)
elems.after = rowPr.GridAfter;
elems.gridEnd -= rowPr.GridAfter;
if(null != rowPr.Height && heightrule_Auto != rowPr.Height.HRule && null != rowPr.Height.Value)
trStyle += "height:"+(rowPr.Height.Value * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt";
trStyle += "height:"+(rowPr.Height.Value * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt;";
if(null != elems.before)
if(elems.before > 0)
nGridBefore = elems.before;
var nWBefore = gridSum[elems.gridStart - 1] - gridSum[elems.gridStart - nGridBefore - 1];
//���������� margin
trStyle += "mso-row-margin-left:"+(nWBefore * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt;";
//��������� td ��� ��� ��� �� �������� mso-row-margin-left
var oNewTd = document.createElement( "td" );
oNewTd.setAttribute("style", "mso-cell-special:placeholder;border:none;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm");
oNewTd.setAttribute("width", Math.round(nWBefore * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix));
if(nGridBefore > 1)
oNewTd.setAttribute("colspan", nGridBefore);
var oNewP = document.createElement( "p" );
oNewP.setAttribute("style", "margin:0cm");
oNewP.appendChild(document.createTextNode( '\xa0' ));
if("" != trStyle)
tr.setAttribute("style", trStyle);
var nSumGridSpan = nGridBefore;
for(var i = elems.Start; i <= elems.End; ++i)
for(var i in elems.cells)
var cell = row.Content[i];
var nGridSpan = 1;
if(null != cell.Pr && null != cell.Pr.GridSpan)
nGridSpan = cell.Pr.GridSpan;
if(null != cell.Pr && vmerge_Continue == cell.Pr.VMerge)
if(vmerge_Continue != cell.Get_VMerge())
nSumGridSpan += nGridSpan;
var width = 0;
for(var j = 0, length2 = grid.length; j < nGridSpan && nGridBefore + nSumGridSpan + j < length2; ++j)
width += grid[nGridBefore + nSumGridSpan + j];
//��������� rowspan
var nRowSpan = 1;
for(var j = nCurRow + 1; j <= nMaxRow; ++j)
var bContinue = false;
var oBottomRow = table.Content[j];
var bottomCell = null;
var nTempSumGridSpan = 0;
if(null != oBottomRow.Pr && null != oBottomRow.Pr.GridBefore)
nTempSumGridSpan = oBottomRow.Pr.GridBefore;
for(var k = 0, length3 = oBottomRow.Content.length; k < length3; ++k)
var StartGridCol = cell.Metrics.StartGridCol;
var GridSpan = cell.Get_GridSpan();
var width = gridSum[StartGridCol + GridSpan - 1] - gridSum[StartGridCol - 1];
//��������� rowspan
var nRowSpan = table.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(nCurRow, StartGridCol, GridSpan);
if(nCurRow + nRowSpan - 1 > nMaxRow)
var oTempCell = oBottomRow.Content[k];
if(nTempSumGridSpan >= nSumGridSpan)
bottomCell = oTempCell;
if(null != oTempCell.Pr && null != oTempCell.Pr.GridSpan)
nTempSumGridSpan += oTempCell.Pr.GridSpan;
nTempSumGridSpan += 1;
nRowSpan = nMaxRow - nCurRow + 1;
if(nRowSpan <= 0)
nRowSpan = 1;
if(null != bottomCell && null != bottomCell.Pr && vmerge_Continue == bottomCell.Pr.VMerge)
bContinue = true;
if(false != bContinue)
nSumGridSpan += nGridSpan;
var tablePr = null;
if(null != table.CompiledPr && null != table.CompiledPr.Pr && null != table.CompiledPr.Pr.TablePr)
tablePr = table.CompiledPr.Pr.TablePr;
this.CopyCell(tr, cell, tablePr, width, nRowSpan);
var tablePr = null;
if(null != table.CompiledPr && null != table.CompiledPr.Pr && null != table.CompiledPr.Pr.TablePr)
tablePr = table.CompiledPr.Pr.TablePr;
this.CopyCell(tr, cell, tablePr, width, nRowSpan);
if(null != rowPr)
if(null != elems.after)
if(null != rowPr.GridAfter)
if(elems.after > 0)
if(rowPr.GridAfter > 0)
var nGridAfter = rowPr.GridAfter;
var nWAfter = 0;
for(var i = 0, length = grid.length; i < nGridAfter && i < length; ++i)
nWAfter += grid[length - i - 1];
//���������� margin
trStyle += "mso-row-margin-right:"+(nWAfter * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt";
//��������� td ��� ��� ��� �� �������� mso-row-margin-left
var oNewTd = document.createElement( "td" );
oNewTd.setAttribute("style", "mso-cell-special:placeholder;border:none;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm");
oNewTd.setAttribute("width", Math.round(nWAfter * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix));
if(nGridAfter > 1)
oNewTd.setAttribute("colspan", nGridAfter);
var oNewP = document.createElement( "p" );
oNewP.appendChild(document.createTextNode( '\xa0' ));
var nGridAfter = elems.after;
var nWAfter = gridSum[elems.gridEnd + nGridAfter] - gridSum[elems.gridEnd];
//���������� margin
trStyle += "mso-row-margin-right:"+(nWAfter * g_dKoef_mm_to_pt)+"pt;";
//��������� td ��� ��� ��� �� �������� mso-row-margin-left
var oNewTd = document.createElement( "td" );
oNewTd.setAttribute("style", "mso-cell-special:placeholder;border:none;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm");
oNewTd.setAttribute("width", Math.round(nWAfter * g_dKoef_mm_to_pix));
if(nGridAfter > 1)
oNewTd.setAttribute("colspan", nGridAfter);
var oNewP = document.createElement( "p" );
oNewP.setAttribute("style", "margin:0cm");
oNewP.appendChild(document.createTextNode( '\xa0' ));
if("" != trStyle)
tr.setAttribute("style", trStyle);
CopyTable : function(oDomTarget, table, oRowElems)
......@@ -1361,6 +1333,7 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
else if(table_Selection_Cell == Item.Selection.Type)
//������� �������� �����
var aSelectedRows = new Array();
var oRowElems = new Object();
if(Item.Selection.Data.length > 0)
......@@ -1370,15 +1343,97 @@ CopyProcessor.prototype =
var rowElem = oRowElems[elem.Row];
if(null == rowElem)
rowElem = {Start: elem.Cell, End: elem.Cell}
rowElem = {gridStart: null, gridEnd: null, indexStart: null, indexEnd: null, after: null, before: null, cells: {}};
oRowElems[elem.Row] = rowElem;
if(elem.Cell < rowElem.Start)
rowElem.Start = elem.Cell;
if(elem.Cell > rowElem.End)
rowElem.End = elem.Cell;
if(null == rowElem.indexEnd || elem.Cell > rowElem.indexEnd)
rowElem.indexEnd = elem.Cell;
if(null == rowElem.indexStart || elem.Cell < rowElem.indexStart)
rowElem.indexStart = elem.Cell;
rowElem.cells[elem.Cell] = 1;
this.CopyTable(oDomTarget, Item, oRowElems);
var nMinGrid = null;
var nMaxGrid = null;
var nPrevStartGrid = null;
var nPrevEndGrid = null
var nPrevRowIndex = null;
for(var i = 0, length = aSelectedRows.length; i < length; ++i)
var nRowIndex = aSelectedRows[i];
if(null != nPrevRowIndex)
if(nPrevRowIndex + 1 != nRowIndex)
nMinGrid = null;
nMaxGrid = null;
nPrevRowIndex = nRowIndex;
var elem = oRowElems[nRowIndex];
var row = Item.Content[nRowIndex];
var cellFirst = row.Get_Cell(elem.indexStart);
var cellLast = row.Get_Cell(elem.indexEnd);
var nCurStartGrid = cellFirst.Metrics.StartGridCol;
var nCurEndGrid = cellLast.Metrics.StartGridCol + cellLast.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if(null != nPrevStartGrid && null != nPrevEndGrid)
//учитываем вертикальный merge, раздвигаем границы
if(nCurStartGrid > nPrevStartGrid)
for(var j = elem.indexStart - 1; j >= 0; --j)
var cellCur = row.Get_Cell(j);
if(vmerge_Continue == cellCur.Get_VMerge())
var nCurGridCol = cellCur.Metrics.StartGridCol;
if(nCurGridCol >= nPrevStartGrid)
nCurStartGrid = nCurGridCol;
if(nCurEndGrid < nPrevEndGrid)
for(var j = elem.indexEnd + 1; j < row.Get_CellsCount(); ++j)
var cellCur = row.Get_Cell(j);
if(vmerge_Continue == cellCur.Get_VMerge())
var nCurGridCol = cellCur.Metrics.StartGridCol + cellCur.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if(nCurGridCol <= nPrevEndGrid)
nCurEndGrid = nCurGridCol;
elem.gridStart = nPrevStartGrid = nCurStartGrid;
elem.gridEnd = nPrevEndGrid = nCurEndGrid;
if(null == nMinGrid || nMinGrid > nCurStartGrid)
nMinGrid = nCurStartGrid;
if(null == nMaxGrid || nMaxGrid < nCurEndGrid)
nMaxGrid = nCurEndGrid;
if(null != nMinGrid && null != nMaxGrid)
//выставляем after, before
for(var i in oRowElems)
var elem = oRowElems[i];
elem.before = elem.gridStart - nMinGrid;
elem.after = nMaxGrid - elem.gridEnd;
this.CopyTable(oDomTarget, Item, oRowElems);
......@@ -3419,15 +3474,18 @@ PasteProcessor.prototype =
nPrevIndex = nCurIndex;
var CurPage = 0;
var table = new CTable(oDocument.DrawingDocument, oDocument, true, 0, 0, 0, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field, nRowCount, nMaxColCount, aGrid);
var RecalcResult = table.Recalculate_Page(CurPage);
while ( recalcresult_NextPage == RecalcResult )
var table = new CTable(oDocument.DrawingDocument, oDocument, true, 0, 0, 0, X_Right_Field, Y_Bottom_Field, 0, 0, aGrid);
//считаем aSumGrid
var aSumGrid = new Array();
aSumGrid[-1] = 0;
var nSum = 0;
for(var i = 0, length = aGrid.length; i < length; ++i)
RecalcResult = table.Recalculate_Page( CurPage );
nSum += aGrid[i];
aSumGrid[i] = nSum;
//�������� content
this._ExecuteTable(tableNode, node, table, nMaxColCount != nMinColCount ? aColsCountByRow : null, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef);
this._ExecuteTable(tableNode, node, table, aSumGrid, nMaxColCount != nMinColCount ? aColsCountByRow : null, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef);
......@@ -3482,7 +3540,7 @@ PasteProcessor.prototype =
return res;
_ExecuteTable : function(tableNode, node, table, aColsCountByRow, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef)
_ExecuteTable : function(tableNode, node, table, aSumGrid, aColsCountByRow, pPr, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef)
var Pr = table.Pr;
......@@ -3595,129 +3653,18 @@ PasteProcessor.prototype =
var nRowIndex = 0;
var oRowSpans = new Object();
var aVerticalMerge = new Array();
var aAfterBefore = new Object();
for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i)
var tr = node.childNodes[i];
if("tr" == tr.nodeName.toLowerCase())
this._ExecuteTableRow(tr, table.Content[nRowIndex], nRowIndex, aAfterBefore, spacing, oRowSpans, aVerticalMerge, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef);
for(var i = 0, length = aVerticalMerge.length; i < length; ++i)
var item = aVerticalMerge[i];
this._MergeCells(table, item.start, item.rowspan, item.colspan);
for(var i = 0; i < table.Content.length; ++i)
var Row = table.Content[i];
var nRowLength = Row.Content.length;
var nAfterCell = 0;
var nBeforeCell = 0;
var nAfterGrid = 0;
var nBeforeGrid = 0;
if(null != aColsCountByRow)
nAfterCell += aColsCountByRow[i];
nAfterGrid += aColsCountByRow[i];
var item = aAfterBefore[i];
if(null != item)
if(null != item.Before && item.Before > 0)
var oFirstcell = Row.Content[0];
if(null != oFirstcell && null != oFirstcell.Pr && null != oFirstcell.Pr.GridSpan)
nBeforeGrid += oFirstcell.Pr.GridSpan;
nBeforeGrid += 1;
nBeforeCell += 1;
if(null != item.After && item.After > 0)
var oLastcell = Row.Content[nRowLength - 1];
if(null != oLastcell && null != oLastcell.Pr && null != oLastcell.Pr.GridSpan)
nAfterGrid += oLastcell.Pr.GridSpan;
nAfterGrid += 1;
nAfterCell += 1;
if(nAfterCell >= 0 && nBeforeCell >= 0 && (nAfterCell + nBeforeCell) < nRowLength)
if(nAfterCell > 0)
for(var j = nRowLength - 1; j >= nRowLength - nAfterCell; --j )
if(nBeforeCell > 0)
var row = table.Internal_Add_Row(table.Content.length, 0);
this._ExecuteTableRow(tr, row, aSumGrid, spacing, oRowSpans, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef);
_MergeCells : function(table, StartPos, rowSpan, colSpan)
//�������� ������, ������� ���� ���������
table.Selection.Use = true;
table.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
table.Selection.StartPos.Pos = StartPos;
if(1 == rowSpan)
table.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {Row: StartPos.Row, Cell: StartPos.Cell + colSpan - 1};
table.Selection.Data = new Array();
for( var i = StartPos.Cell; i <= StartPos.Cell + colSpan - 1; ++i )
table.Selection.Data.push( {Cell : i, Row : StartPos.Row} );
table.Selection.Data = new Array();
table.Selection.Data.push( StartPos );
//������� ������ ������
var nColIndexSpan = 0;
var oFirstRow = table.Content[StartPos.Row];
for(var i = 0; i < StartPos.Cell; ++i)
var Cell = oFirstRow.Content[i];
if(null != Cell && null != Cell.Pr && null != Cell.Pr.GridSpan)
nColIndexSpan += Cell.Pr.GridSpan;
nColIndexSpan += 1;
var nCurColIndexSpan = 0;
for( var i = StartPos.Row + 1; i <= StartPos.Row + rowSpan - 1; ++i )
var oCurRow = table.Content[i];
nCurColIndexSpan = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < oCurRow.Content.length; ++j)
if(nColIndexSpan == nCurColIndexSpan)
table.Selection.Data.push( {Cell : j, Row : i} );
var Cell = oCurRow.Content[j];
if(null != Cell && null != Cell.Pr && null != Cell.Pr.GridSpan)
nCurColIndexSpan += Cell.Pr.GridSpan;
nCurColIndexSpan += 1;
table.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {Row: StartPos.Row + rowSpan - 1, Cell: nCurColIndexSpan};
_ExecuteTableRow : function(node, row, index, aAfterBefore, spacing, oRowSpans, aVerticalMerge, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef)
_ExecuteTableRow : function(node, row, aSumGrid, spacing, oRowSpans, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef)
var oThis = this;
var table = row.Table;
......@@ -3729,19 +3676,19 @@ PasteProcessor.prototype =
if(!("auto" == height || "inherit" == height || -1 != height.indexOf("%")) && null != (height = this._ValueToMm(height)))
row.Set_Height(height, heightrule_AtLeast);
var bBefore = false;
var bAfter = false;
var style = node.getAttribute("style");
if(null != style)
var tcPr = new Object();
this._parseCss(style, tcPr);
var margin_left = tcPr["mso-row-margin-left"];
var item = {After: null, Before: null};
if(margin_left && null != (margin_left = this._ValueToMm(margin_left)))
item.Before = margin_left;
bBefore = true;
var margin_right = tcPr["mso-row-margin-right"];
if(margin_right && null != (margin_right = this._ValueToMm(margin_right)))
item.After = margin_right;
aAfterBefore[index] = item;
bAfter = true;
......@@ -3750,16 +3697,36 @@ PasteProcessor.prototype =
var fParseSpans = function()
var spans = oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan];
while(null != spans && spans.row > 0)
while(null != spans)
var oCurCell = row.Add_Cell(row.Get_CellsCount(), row, null, false);
if(spans.col > 1)
oThis._MergeCells(table, {Row: index, Cell: nCellIndex}, 1, spans.col);
nCellIndexSpan+= spans.col;
if(spans.row <= 0)
delete oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan];
nCellIndexSpan += spans.col;
spans = oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan];
var oBeforeCell = null;
var oAfterCell = null;
if(bBefore || bAfter)
for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i)
var tc = node.childNodes[i];
var tcName = tc.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if("td" == tcName || "th" == tcName)
if(bBefore && null != oBeforeCell)
oBeforeCell = tc;
else if(bAfter)
oAfterCell = tc;
for(var i = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; i < length; ++i)
//����� ����� ���� ��� ��� ����� ����������� td, ������ ��� ����������� ���������� ������ ����������� � dom
......@@ -3774,25 +3741,26 @@ PasteProcessor.prototype =
nColSpan = nColSpan - 0;
nColSpan = 1;
var oCurCell = row.Content[nCellIndex];
var nRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan");
if(null != nRowSpan)
nRowSpan = nRowSpan - 0;
nRowSpan = 1;
if(nColSpan > 1 || nRowSpan > 1)
if(nRowSpan > 1)
oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan] = {row: nRowSpan - 1, col: nColSpan};
aVerticalMerge.push({start: {Row: index, Cell: nCellIndex}, rowspan: nRowSpan, colspan: nColSpan});
this._MergeCells(table, {Row: index, Cell: nCellIndex}, 1, nColSpan);
this._ExecuteTableCell(tc, oCurCell, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, spacing);
nCellIndex ++;
if(tc == oBeforeCell)
else if(tc == oAfterCell)
var oCurCell = row.Add_Cell(row.Get_CellsCount(), row, null, false);
if(nColSpan > 1)
var width = aSumGrid[nCellIndexSpan + nColSpan - 1] - aSumGrid[nCellIndexSpan - 1];
oCurCell.Set_W(new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, width));
var nRowSpan = tc.getAttribute("rowspan");
if(null != nRowSpan)
nRowSpan = nRowSpan - 0;
nRowSpan = 1;
if(nRowSpan > 1)
oRowSpans[nCellIndexSpan] = {row: nRowSpan - 1, col: nColSpan};
this._ExecuteTableCell(tc, oCurCell, bUseScaleKoef, dScaleKoef, spacing);
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