Commit 832f50fd authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

fix: Bug 21237 - Быстрый процесс Drag'n'Drop`a в сторону, противоположную перемещению ячеек

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 213e0791
......@@ -5955,7 +5955,7 @@
if (!done) { continue; }
// Обработка движения через срытые столбцы/строки
// Обработка движения через скрытые столбцы/строки
while (ar.startCol >= arn.c1 && ar.startCol <= arn.c2 && this.cols[ar.startCol].width < 0.000001) {
ar.startCol += dc || (dr > 0 ? +1 : -1);
done = false;
......@@ -7285,14 +7285,27 @@
// Перерисовываем
var d = {
var d = {}
/*var d = {
deltaX : this.activeMoveRange.c1 < this.visibleRange.c1 ? this.activeMoveRange.c1-this.visibleRange.c1 :
this.activeMoveRange.c2>this.visibleRange.c2 ? this.activeMoveRange.c2-this.visibleRange.c2 : 0,
deltaY : this.activeMoveRange.r1 < this.visibleRange.r1 ? this.activeMoveRange.r1-this.visibleRange.r1 :
this.activeMoveRange.r2>this.visibleRange.r2 ? this.activeMoveRange.r2-this.visibleRange.r2 : 0
while ( this._isColDrawnPartially( this.activeMoveRange.c2, this.visibleRange.c1 + d.deltaX) ) {++d.deltaX;}
while ( this._isRowDrawnPartially( this.activeMoveRange.r2, this.visibleRange.r1 + d.deltaY) ) {++d.deltaY;}
while ( this._isRowDrawnPartially( this.activeMoveRange.r2, this.visibleRange.r1 + d.deltaY) ) {++d.deltaY;}*/
if ( y <= this.cellsTop + this.height_2px ){
d.deltaY = -1;
}else if ( y >= this.drawingCtx.getHeight() - this.height_2px ){
d.deltaY = 1;
if ( x <= this.cellsLeft + this.width_2px ){
d.deltaX = -1;
}else if ( x >= this.drawingCtx.getWidth() - this.width_2px ){
d.deltaX = 1;
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