Commit 853b7ff2 authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

draw hbar chart(OX rotation)

parent 738e7eaa
......@@ -6078,7 +6078,7 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var c = tempC;
var d = y1 * tempB - x1 * tempA - z1 * tempC;
return {a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d};
return {a: a, b: b, c: -c, d: -d};
for (var i = 0; i < this.chartProp.series.length; i++)
......@@ -6223,10 +6223,10 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
for(var k = 0; k < paths.length; k++)
if(!(k == 0 || k == 4))
/*if(!(k == 0 || k == 4))
if(null === paths[k])
......@@ -6265,8 +6265,10 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var heightGraph = this.chartProp.heightCanvas - this.chartProp.chartGutter._top - this.chartProp.chartGutter._bottom;
var widthScreen = this.chartProp.widthCanvas - this.chartProp.chartGutter._right;
var centralViewPoint = {x: this.chartProp.widthCanvas / 2, y: this.chartProp.heightCanvas / 2, z: this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.cameraDiffZ - 500};
var diffY = this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.cameraDiffY;
var diffX = 0/*-this.cChartDrawer.processor3D.cameraDiffX*/;
var centralViewPoint = {x: this.chartProp.widthCanvas / 2 - diffX, y: this.chartProp.heightCanvas / 2 - diffY, z: -500};
//centralViewPoint = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(centralViewPoint.x, centralViewPoint.y, centralViewPoint.z, true, null, true);
var firstVerges = [];
var lastVerges = [];
......@@ -6493,31 +6495,37 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var t = this;
var isNotIntersectionVergesAndLine = function(lineEqucation, pointFromVerge, i, j)
var isNotIntersectionVergesAndLine = function(lineEqucation, pointFromVerge, i, j, sortZIndexPaths)
var res = true;
for(var k = 0; k < t.sortZIndexPaths.length; k++)
for(var k = 0; k < sortZIndexPaths.length; k++)
/*if(k !== 0)
if(k === i)
var plainEqucation = t.sortZIndexPaths[k].plainEquation;
var plainEqucation = sortZIndexPaths[k].plainEquation;
var nIntersectionPlainAndLine = isIntersectionPlainAndLine(plainEqucation ,lineEqucation);
var intersectionPoint = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(nIntersectionPlainAndLine.x, nIntersectionPlainAndLine.y, nIntersectionPlainAndLine.z, true, true);
//console.log("x: " + intersectionPoint.x + " ;y: " + intersectionPoint.y);
if(null !== nIntersectionPlainAndLine && nIntersectionPlainAndLine.z < pointFromVerge.z)
var minMaxpoints = getMinMaxPoints(t.sortZIndexPaths[k].points2);
var minMaxpoints = getMinMaxPoints(sortZIndexPaths[k].points);
var minX = minMaxpoints.minX, maxX = minMaxpoints.maxX, minY = minMaxpoints.minY, maxY = minMaxpoints.maxY, minZ = minMaxpoints.minZ, maxZ = minMaxpoints.maxZ;
var pointFromVergeProject = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(pointFromVerge.x, pointFromVerge.y, pointFromVerge.z, true, true);
var point0 = t.sortZIndexPaths[k].points2[0];
var point1 = t.sortZIndexPaths[k].points2[1];
var point2 = t.sortZIndexPaths[k].points2[2];
var point3 = t.sortZIndexPaths[k].points2[3];
if(null !== nIntersectionPlainAndLine && nIntersectionPlainAndLine.z < pointFromVerge.z && nIntersectionPlainAndLine.z >= minZ && nIntersectionPlainAndLine.z <= maxZ && nIntersectionPlainAndLine.x >= minX && nIntersectionPlainAndLine.x <= maxX && nIntersectionPlainAndLine.y >= minY && nIntersectionPlainAndLine.y <= maxY)
var point0 = sortZIndexPaths[k].points2[0];
var point1 = sortZIndexPaths[k].points2[1];
var point2 = sortZIndexPaths[k].points2[2];
var point3 = sortZIndexPaths[k].points2[3];
var areaQuadrilateral = getAreaQuadrilateral(point0, point1, point2, point3);
......@@ -6528,7 +6536,7 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
if(parseInt(areaQuadrilateral) === parseInt(areaTriangle1 + areaTriangle2 + areaTriangle3 + areaTriangle4))
console.log("x: " + intersectionPoint.x + " ;y: " + intersectionPoint.y);
//console.log("x: " + intersectionPoint.x + " ;y: " + intersectionPoint.y + " ;fromX:" + pointFromVergeProject.x + " ;fromY:" + pointFromVergeProject.y);
res = false;
......@@ -6540,7 +6548,7 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var lineArray = [];
var isIntersectionVergePointsLinesWithAnotherVerges = function(plainVerge, centralViewPoint, i)
var isIntersectionVergePointsLinesWithAnotherVerges = function(plainVerge, centralViewPoint, i, sortZIndexPaths)
var res = true;
......@@ -6566,10 +6574,10 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var point2 = centralViewPoint/*t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(centralViewPoint.x, centralViewPoint.y, centralViewPoint.z)*/;
var paths = t._calculateLine(point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y);
//lineArray.push({paths: paths});
lineArray.push({paths: paths});
//пересечение грани и прямой
var isFirstVerge = isNotIntersectionVergesAndLine(lineEqucation, pointFromVerge, i, j);
var isFirstVerge = isNotIntersectionVergesAndLine(lineEqucation, pointFromVerge, i, j, sortZIndexPaths);
if(false === isFirstVerge)
......@@ -6582,37 +6590,53 @@ drawHBarChart.prototype =
var getFirstLastVerges = function(all, first, last)
//перебираем все грани
for(var i = 0; i < this.sortZIndexPaths.length; i++)
for(var i = 0; i < all.length; i++)
var plainVerge = this.sortZIndexPaths[i];
var plainVerge = all[i];
/*if(i === 3)
var isFirstVerge = isIntersectionVergePointsLinesWithAnotherVerges(plainVerge, centralViewPoint, i);
var isFirstVerge = isIntersectionVergePointsLinesWithAnotherVerges(plainVerge, centralViewPoint, i);
var isFirstVerge = isIntersectionVergePointsLinesWithAnotherVerges(plainVerge, centralViewPoint, i, all);
//push into array
var iterCount = 0;
var newArr = [];
var lastVerges = this.sortZIndexPaths;
while(lastVerges.length !== 0)
var firstVerges1 = [], lastVerges1 = [];
getFirstLastVerges(lastVerges, firstVerges1, lastVerges1);
newArr = firstVerges1.concat(newArr);
lastVerges = lastVerges1;
if(iterCount > 100)
this.sortZIndexPaths = newArr;
this.sortZIndexPaths = lastVerges.concat(firstVerges);
this.sortZIndexPaths = this.sortZIndexPaths.concat(lineArray);
/*var firstVerges1 = [], lastVerges1 = [];
getFirstLastVerges(lastVerges, firstVerges1, lastVerges1);
this.sortZIndexPaths = lastVerges1.concat(firstVerges1);
this.sortZIndexPaths = this.sortZIndexPaths.concat(firstVerges);*/
_calculateLine : function(x, y, x1, y1)
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