Commit 88c77c1a authored by Anna.Pavlova's avatar Anna.Pavlova Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

1. Перенесла ф-ию setPosition из Draw_Elements в Recalculate_Range_Spaces, так...

1. Перенесла ф-ию setPosition из Draw_Elements в Recalculate_Range_Spaces, так как поиск позиции Get_ParaContentPosByXY (на котором запрашивается позиция конкретной строки), может прийти раньше, чем отрисовка (документ полностью не загрузился, не отрисовался, пересчиталась часть формул, поэтому на PageDown, скролле может прийти поиск позиции для формул, которые еще не были отрисованы)
2. Переделала ф-ии Get_ParaPosByContentPos (возникала ошибка при нажатии клавиши End в формуле)
3. Клавиши Home, End не работали: переделала работу функций Get_StartRangePos, Get_EndRangePos, Get_StartRangePos2
4. Передалала алгоритм работы Home, End
5. Поправила баг : если после многострочной не inline формулы добавляли текст, то не вызывалась ф-ия PreRecalc(могло  получиться так, что пересчет для первой строки не приходил), из-за этого некорректно рассчитывались позиции и размеры букв

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent e2fb23e6
......@@ -463,7 +463,6 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Get_AlignToLine = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, Page, _X, _XL
W = MaxW;
......@@ -845,10 +844,6 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
var RecalCurrentMath = PRS.PrevLineRecalcInfo.Object == null || PRS.PrevLineRecalcInfo.Object == this;
var bFirstLine = this.Root.IsFirstLine(ParaLine);
var RecalcResult = PRS.RecalcResult,
RecalcInfoObject = PRS.PrevLineRecalcInfo.Object;
var MathSettings = Get_WordDocumentDefaultMathSettings();
// первый пересчет
......@@ -862,6 +857,10 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
this.FirstPage = Page;
this.CurPageInfo.Page = -1;
this.LinesWidths.length = 0;
// пока будем каждый раз обновлять информацию (т.к. когда не inline формула становиться inline может получиться так, что пересчет для первой строки не придет)
// когда пересчет всегда будет приходить для первой строки, эта часть будет выполняться только при первом пересчете первой строки
// информация о пересчете
var RPI = new CRPI();
......@@ -871,7 +870,8 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
this.Root.Set_ParaMath(this, null);
this.Root.PreRecalc(null, this, ArgSize, RPI);
var CurrentPage = Page - this.FirstPage;
......@@ -965,10 +965,28 @@ ParaMath.prototype.UpdateWidthLine = function(PRS, Width)
ParaMath.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Spaces = function(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange, _CurPage)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.Root.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.Root.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var Pos = new CMathPosition();
Pos.x = PRSA.X;
Pos.y = PRSA.Y;
this.LinesPositions[CurLine] = Pos;
var pos = new CMathPosition();
this.Root.setPosition(pos, _CurLine, _CurRange);
this.Root.Recalculate_Range_Spaces(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange, _CurPage);
// Позиция в документе для формулы
//this.Math.absPos = {x: PRSA.X, y: PRSA.Y - this.Root.size.ascent};
this.X = PRSA.X;
this.Y = PRSA.Y - this.Root.size.ascent;
/*var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if (EndPos >= 1)
......@@ -981,14 +999,11 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Spaces = function(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange
this.WidthVisible = this.Width + PRSA.JustifyWord;
// Позиция в документе для формулы
//this.Math.absPos = {x: PRSA.X, y: PRSA.Y - this.Root.size.ascent};
this.X = PRSA.X;
this.Y = PRSA.Y - this.Root.size.ascent;
PRSA.X += this.WidthVisible;
PRSA.LastW = this.WidthVisible;
ParaMath.prototype.Recalculate_PageEndInfo = function(PRSI, _CurLine, _CurRange)
......@@ -1040,31 +1055,10 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Check_BreakPageEnd = function(PBChecker)
return true;
ParaMath.prototype.Get_ParaPosByContentPos = function(ContentPos, Depth)
var Pos = ContentPos.Get(Depth);
var CurLine = 0;
var CurRange = 0;
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
for ( ; CurLine < LinesCount; CurLine++ )
var RangesCount = this.protected_GetRangesCount(CurLine);
for ( CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++ )
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if (Pos < EndPos && Pos >= StartPos)
return new CParaPos((CurLine === 0 ? CurRange + this.StartRange : CurRange), CurLine + this.StartLine, 0, 0);
return new CParaPos((LinesCount === 1 ? this.protected_GetRangesCount(0) - 1 + this.StartRange : this.protected_GetRangesCount(0) - 1), LinesCount - 1 + this.StartLine, 0, 0);
return this.Root.Get_ParaPosByContentPos(ContentPos, Depth);
ParaMath.prototype.old_Recalculate_CurPos = function(_X, Y, CurrentRun, _CurRange, _CurLine, _CurPage, UpdateCurPos, UpdateTarget, ReturnTarget)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
......@@ -1520,17 +1514,6 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Draw_Elements = function(PDSE)
/*PDSE.Graphics.p_color(255,0,0, 255);
PDSE.Graphics.drawHorLine(0, PDSE.Y - this.Ascent, PDSE.X - 30, PDSE.X + this.Width + 30 , 1);*/
var CurLine = PDSE.Line - this.Root.StartLine;
var Pos = new CMathPosition();
Pos.x = PDSE.X;
Pos.y = PDSE.Y;
this.LinesPositions[CurLine] = Pos;
var pos = new CMathPosition();
this.Root.setPosition(pos, PDSE);
......@@ -1744,55 +1727,18 @@ ParaMath.prototype.Get_WordEndPos = function(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseCo
this.Root.Get_WordEndPos(SearchPos, ContentPos, Depth, UseContentPos, StepEnd, false);
ParaMath.prototype.Get_EndRangePos = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if (EndPos >= 1)
// TODO: ParaMath.Get_EndRangePos Сделать для случая, когда формула будет занимать несколько строк
this.Root.Get_EndPos(false, SearchPos.Pos, Depth);
return true;
return false;
return this.Root.Get_EndRangePos(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth);
ParaMath.prototype.Get_StartRangePos = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if (EndPos >= 1)
// TODO: ParaMath.Get_StartRangePos Сделать для случая, когда формула будет занимать несколько строк
this.Root.Get_StartPos(SearchPos.Pos, Depth);
return true;
return false;
return this.Root.Get_StartRangePos(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth);
ParaMath.prototype.Get_StartRangePos2 = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, ContentPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if (EndPos >= 1)
// TODO: ParaMath.Get_StartRangePos2 Сделать для случая, когда формула будет занимать несколько строк
return this.Root.Get_StartPos(ContentPos, Depth);
return false;};
return this.Root.Get_StartRangePos(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth);
ParaMath.prototype.Get_StartPos = function(ContentPos, Depth)
......@@ -946,7 +946,9 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Get_ParaPosByContentPos = function(ContentPos, Depth)
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if (Pos < EndPos && Pos >= StartPos)
var bUpdateMathRun = Pos == EndPos && StartPos == EndPos && EndPos == this.Content.length && this.Type == para_Math_Run; // для para_Run позиция может быть после последнего элемента (пример: Run, за ним идет мат объект)
if (Pos < EndPos && Pos >= StartPos || bUpdateMathRun)
return new CParaPos((CurLine === 0 ? CurRange + this.StartRange : CurRange), CurLine + this.StartLine, 0, 0);
......@@ -990,7 +992,7 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Recalculate_CurPos = function(X, Y, CurrentRun, _CurRange, _Cu
X += loc.x;
Y += loc.y;
else if(!(StartPos == EndPos)) // исключаем этот случай StartPos == EndPos && EndPos == Pos, это возможно когда конец Run находится в начале строки, при этом ни одна из букв этого Run не входит в эту строку
var Letter = this.Content[Pos - 1];
loc = Letter.GetLocationOfLetter();
......@@ -2814,6 +2816,8 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Spaces = function(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange,
case para_Sym:
case para_Text:
case para_Math_Text:
case para_Math_BreakOperator:
var WidthVisible = 0;
......@@ -3145,7 +3149,6 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Refresh_RecalcData = function(Data)
ParaRun.prototype.Save_RecalculateObject = function(Copy)
var RecalcObj = new CRunRecalculateObject(this.StartLine, this.StartRange);
......@@ -3153,13 +3156,11 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Save_RecalculateObject = function(Copy)
RecalcObj.Save_RunContent( this, Copy );
return RecalcObj;
ParaRun.prototype.Load_RecalculateObject = function(RecalcObj)
ParaRun.prototype.Prepare_RecalculateObject = function()
......@@ -3174,7 +3175,6 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Prepare_RecalculateObject = function()
ParaRun.prototype.Is_EmptyRange = function(_CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
......@@ -3188,7 +3188,6 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Is_EmptyRange = function(_CurLine, _CurRange)
return false;
ParaRun.prototype.Check_Range_OnlyMath = function(Checker, _CurRange, _CurLine)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
......@@ -4688,11 +4687,6 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Get_StartRangePos = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, D
SearchPos.Pos.Update( FirstPos, Depth );
return true;
else if(this.Type == para_Math_Run && this.Parent.Is_FirstComposition())
SearchPos.Pos.Update( 0, Depth );
return true;
return false;
......@@ -8353,10 +8347,10 @@ function CRunCollaborativeRange(PosS, PosE, Color)
this.PosE = PosE;
this.Color = Color;
ParaRun.prototype.Math_SetPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
ParaRun.prototype.Math_SetPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
var CurLine = PDSE.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PDSE.Range - this.StartRange : PDSE.Range );
var CurLine = Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? Range - this.StartRange : Range );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
......@@ -8367,11 +8361,6 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Math_SetPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
for(var i = StartPos; i < EndPos; i++)
//var NewPos = new CMathPosition();
//NewPos.x = pos.x + w;
//NewPos.y = pos.y - this.size.ascent;
pos.x += this.Content[i].size.width;
......@@ -8502,6 +8491,48 @@ ParaRun.prototype.Math_GetWidth = function(_CurLine, _CurRange)
return W;
ParaRun.prototype.Math_Get_StartRangePos = function(bStartLine, _CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var Pos = this.State.ContentPos;
var Result = true;
if(bStartLine || StartPos < Pos)
SearchPos.Pos.Update(StartPos, Depth);
Result = false;
return Result;
ParaRun.prototype.Math_Get_EndRangePos = function(bEndLine, _CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var Pos = this.State.ContentPos;
var Result = true;
if(bEndLine || Pos < EndPos)
SearchPos.Pos.Update(EndPos, Depth);
Result = false;
return Result;
ParaRun.prototype.Recalculate_Range_OneLine = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
// данная функция используется только для мат объектов, которые на строки не разбиваются
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ CAccent.prototype.IsAccent = function()
return true;
CAccent.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CAccent.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
this.pos.y = pos.y - this.size.ascent;
......@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ CAccent.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
PosBase.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + alignCnt;
PosBase.y = this.pos.y + this.operator.size.height + oBase.size.ascent;
oBase.setPosition(PosBase, PDSE);
oBase.setPosition(PosBase, Line, Range);
pos.x += this.size.width;
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ CMathBase.prototype.align = function(pos_x, pos_y)
return PosAlign;
CMathBase.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CMathBase.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ CMathBase.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
if(this.elements[i][j].Type == para_Math_Content) // прибавим ascent только для контентов, для вложенных мат объектов не добавляем !
NewPos.y += this.elements[i][j].size.ascent;
this.elements[i][j].setPosition(NewPos, PDSE);
this.elements[i][j].setPosition(NewPos, Line, Range);
w += Widths[j];
h += Heights[i];
......@@ -1002,8 +1002,35 @@ CMathBase.prototype.SelectToParent = function(bCorrect)
this.bSelectionUse = true;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_StartRangePos = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var Result = this.Content[this.CurPos].Get_StartRangePos(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth+1);
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( this.CurPos, Depth );
return Result;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_EndRangePos = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var Result = this.Content[this.CurPos].Get_EndRangePos(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth+1);
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( this.CurPos, Depth );
return Result;
CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Spaces = function(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange, _CurPage)
PRSA.X += this.size.width;
PRSA.LastW = this.size.width;
CMathBase.prototype.Set_Paragraph = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Set_Paragraph;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_ElementByPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_ElementByPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_ParaPosByContentPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_ParaPosByContentPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Set_ParaMath = CMathContent.prototype.Set_ParaMath;
CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Reset = function(StartRange, StartLine)
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ CBorderBox.prototype.Draw_Elements = function(PDSE)
PDSE.X = _X + this.size.width;
CBorderBox.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CBorderBox.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
this.pos.y = pos.y - this.size.ascent;
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ CBorderBox.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
NewPos.y = this.pos.y + Base.size.ascent;
Base.setPosition(NewPos, PDSE); // base
Base.setPosition(NewPos, Line, Range); // base
pos.x += this.size.width;
......@@ -85,19 +85,11 @@ CDegreeBase.prototype.PreRecalc = function(Parent, ParaMath, ArgSize, RPI, GapsI
this.bNaryInline = RPI.bNaryInline;
this.iterContent.PreRecalc(this, ParaMath, ArgSzDegr, RPIDegr);
CDegreeBase.prototype.Resize = function(oMeasure, RPI)
//this.Parent = Parent;
//this.ParaMath = ParaMath;
this.baseContent.Resize(oMeasure, RPI);
//var ArgSzDegr = ArgSize.Copy();
this.iterContent.Resize(oMeasure, RPI);
if(this.Pr.type === DEGREE_SUPERSCRIPT)
......@@ -114,11 +106,10 @@ CDegreeBase.prototype.recalculateSize = function(oMeasure)
CDegreeBase.prototype.recalculateSup = function(oMeasure)
var base = this.elements[0][0].size,
iter = this.elements[0][1].size;
var base = this.baseContent.size,
iter = this.iterContent.size;
var mgCtrPrp = this.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
//var shCenter = this.ParaMath.GetShiftCenter(oMeasure, mgCtrPrp);
this.upBase = 0;
this.upIter = 0;
......@@ -271,7 +262,7 @@ CDegreeBase.prototype.recalculateSubScript = function(oMeasure)
this.size = {width: width, height: height, ascent: ascent};
CDegreeBase.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CDegreeBase.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
......@@ -296,34 +287,11 @@ CDegreeBase.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
PosIter.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + oBase.size.width + this.dW;
PosIter.y = this.pos.y + this.upIter + oIter.size.ascent;
oBase.setPosition(PosBase, PDSE);
oIter.setPosition(PosIter, PDSE);
oBase.setPosition(PosBase, Line, Range);
oIter.setPosition(PosIter, Line, Range);
pos.x += this.size.width;
CDegreeBase.prototype.old_setPosition = function(pos, PosInfo)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
if(this.bInside === true)
this.pos.y = pos.y;
this.pos.y = pos.y - this.size.ascent;
var PosBase = new CMathPosition();
PosBase.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft;
PosBase.y = this.pos.y + this.upBase;
var PosIter = new CMathPosition();
PosIter.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + this.elements[0][0].size.width + this.dW;
PosIter.y = this.pos.y + this.upIter;
this.elements[0][0].setPosition(PosBase, PosInfo);
this.elements[0][1].setPosition(PosIter, PosInfo);
CDegreeBase.prototype.getIterator = function()
return this.iterContent;
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ CFraction.prototype.recalculateLinear = function()
this.size = {height: height, width: width, ascent: ascent};
CFraction.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CFraction.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
if(this.Pr.type == SKEWED_FRACTION)
......@@ -401,13 +401,13 @@ CFraction.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
PosDen.x = X + Numerator.size.width + this.dW;
PosDen.y = Y + Numerator.size.height + Denominator.size.ascent;
Numerator.setPosition(PosNum, PDSE);
Denominator.setPosition(PosDen, PDSE);
Numerator.setPosition(PosNum, Line, Range);
Denominator.setPosition(PosDen, Line, Range);
pos.x += this.size.width;
else, pos, PDSE);, pos, Line, Range);
CFraction.prototype.fillContent = function()
......@@ -559,10 +559,10 @@ CDenominator.prototype.recalculateSize = function()
this.size = {width : width, height: height, ascent: ascent};
CDenominator.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CDenominator.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
pos.y +=;, pos, PDSE);, pos, Line, Range);
......@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ function CMathContent()
this.plhHide = false;
this.bRoot = false;
this.bMath_OneLine = false;
this.bOneLine = false;
......@@ -991,14 +991,14 @@ CMathContent.prototype.ApplyPoints = function(WidthsPoints, Points, MaxDimWidths
CMathContent.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CMathContent.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
this.pos.y = pos.y;
var StartPos, EndPos;
var CurLine = PDSE.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PDSE.Range - this.StartRange : PDSE.Range );
var CurLine = Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? Range - this.StartRange : Range );
StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
......@@ -1015,9 +1015,9 @@ CMathContent.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
for(var i = StartPos; i <= EndPos; i++)
if(this.Content[i].Type == para_Math_Run)
this.Content[i].Math_SetPosition(pos, PDSE);
this.Content[i].Math_SetPosition(pos, Line, Range);
this.Content[i].setPosition(pos, PDSE);
this.Content[i].setPosition(pos, Line, Range);
CMathContent.prototype.old_setPosition = function(pos)
......@@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype.private_SetNeedResize = function()
CMathContent.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
this.bMath_OneLine = PRS.bMath_OneLine;
this.bOneLine = PRS.bMath_OneLine;
var CurLine = PRS.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PRS.Range - this.StartRange : PRS.Range );
......@@ -3978,7 +3978,7 @@ CMathContent.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
var RangeStartPos = this.protected_AddRange(CurLine, CurRange);
var RangeEndPos = this.bMath_OneLine ? ContentLen - 1 : 0;
var RangeEndPos = this.bOneLine ? ContentLen - 1 : 0;
......@@ -4011,12 +4011,12 @@ CMathContent.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
Type = Item.Type;
// для однострочных мат объектов обновляем CurLine и CurRange, Run в этом случае не могут разбиваться на несколько строк
if (this.bMath_OneLine || (0 === Pos && 0 === CurLine && 0 === CurRange ) || Pos !== RangeStartPos)
if (this.bOneLine || (0 === Pos && 0 === CurLine && 0 === CurRange ) || Pos !== RangeStartPos)
Item.Recalculate_Reset( PRS.Range, PRS.Line );
PRS.Update_CurPos( Pos, Depth );
if(this.bMath_OneLine) // контент занимает всегда(!) одну строку
if(this.bOneLine) // контент занимает всегда(!) одну строку
Item.Recalculate_Range_OneLine(PRS, ParaPr, Depth + 1);
......@@ -4147,6 +4147,85 @@ CMathContent.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
this.protected_FillRange(CurLine, CurRange, RangeStartPos, RangeEndPos);
CMathContent.prototype.Get_StartRangePos = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var CurPos = this.CurPos;
var Result;
if(this.Content[CurPos].Type == para_Math_Composition)
Result = this.Content[CurPos].Get_StartRangePos(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth + 1);
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
else if(this.bRoot)
Result = this.Content[StartPos].Math_Get_StartRangePos(true, _CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth + 1);
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update(StartPos, Depth);
// в начале контента может стоять пустой Run перед мат объектом, поэтому здесь важно различать две ситуации: мы стоим в начале контента или нет(когда нажата клавиша Home). В последнем случае нужно встать в пустой Run в начале контента, если в начале стоит мат объект.
var bUpdStartLine = StartPos < CurPos;
var bUpdNotFirstLine = this.bRoot && CurLine !== 0;
Result = this.Content[StartPos].Math_Get_StartRangePos(bUpdStartLine || bUpdNotFirstLine, _CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth + 1);
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update(StartPos, Depth );
return Result;
CMathContent.prototype.Get_EndRangePos = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var CurPos = this.CurPos;
var Result;
if(this.Content[CurPos].Type == para_Math_Composition)
Result = this.Content[CurPos].Get_EndRangePos(_CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth + 1);
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update( CurPos, Depth );
else if(this.bRoot)
Result = this.Content[EndPos].Math_Get_EndRangePos(true, _CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth + 1);
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update(EndPos, Depth );
var bUpdEndLine = CurPos < EndPos;
var bUpdNotLastLine = this.bRoot && CurLine !== this.protected_GetLinesCount() - 1;
Result = this.Content[EndPos].Math_Get_EndRangePos(bUpdEndLine || bUpdNotLastLine, _CurLine, _CurRange, SearchPos, Depth + 1);
if ( true === Result )
SearchPos.Pos.Update(EndPos, Depth );
return Result;
CMathContent.prototype.IsFirstLine = function(Line)
var CurLine = Line - this.StartLine;
......@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ CMathMatrix.prototype.init = function(props)
CMathMatrix.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CMathMatrix.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
......@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ CMathMatrix.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
NewPos.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + al.x + w;
NewPos.y = this.pos.y + al.y + h + Item.size.ascent;
Item.setPosition(NewPos, PDSE);
Item.setPosition(NewPos, Line, Range);
w += Widths[j] + this.gaps.column[j];
h += Heights[i] + this.gaps.row[i];
......@@ -838,27 +838,9 @@ CEqArray.prototype.getMetrics = function()
DescentsMetrics[i] = size.height - size.ascent;
/*for(var tt = 0; tt < this.nCol; tt++ )
Widths[tt] = 0;
for(var i=0; i < this.nRow; i++)
Ascents[i] = 0;
Descents[i] = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < this.nCol ; j++)
var size = this.elements[i][j].size;
Widths[j] = i > 0 && ( Widths[j] > size.width ) ? Widths[j] : size.width;
Ascents[i] = (Ascents[i] > size.ascent ) ? Ascents[i] : size.ascent;
Descents[i] = (Descents[i] > size.height - size.ascent ) ? Descents[i] : size.height - size.ascent;
return {ascents: AscentsMetrics, descents: DescentsMetrics, widths: WidthsMetrics};
CEqArray.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CEqArray.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
......@@ -880,7 +862,7 @@ CEqArray.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
NewPos.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft;
NewPos.y = this.pos.y + h + Item.size.ascent;
Item.setPosition(NewPos, PDSE);
Item.setPosition(NewPos, Line, Range);
h += Heights[i] + this.gaps.row[i];
......@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ CNaryUndOvr.prototype.recalculateSize = function()
this.size = {width: width, height: height, ascent: ascent};
CNaryUndOvr.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CNaryUndOvr.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
this.pos.y = pos.y;
......@@ -652,9 +652,9 @@ CNaryUndOvr.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
PosLowIter.x = pos.x + this.GapLeft + this.align(2,0).x;
PosLowIter.y = PosSign.y + Sign.size.height + this.gapBottom + LowIter.size.ascent;
UpIter.setPosition(PosUpIter, PDSE);
Sign.setPosition(PosSign, PDSE);
LowIter.setPosition(PosLowIter, PDSE);
UpIter.setPosition(PosUpIter, Line, Range);
Sign.setPosition(PosSign, Line, Range);
LowIter.setPosition(PosLowIter, Line, Range);
CNaryUndOvr.prototype.setBase = function(base)
......@@ -3762,7 +3762,7 @@ CDelimiter.prototype.alignOperator = function(operator) // в качестве
return align;
CDelimiter.prototype.setPosition = function(position, PDSE)
CDelimiter.prototype.setPosition = function(position, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = position.x;
this.pos.y = position.y - this.size.ascent;
......@@ -3785,7 +3785,7 @@ CDelimiter.prototype.setPosition = function(position, PDSE)
PosContent.y = y + this.align_2(content) + content.size.ascent;
x += content.size.width;
content.setPosition(PosContent, PDSE); // CMathContent
content.setPosition(PosContent, Line, Range); // CMathContent
var Positions = [];
......@@ -3804,7 +3804,7 @@ CDelimiter.prototype.setPosition = function(position, PDSE)
NewPosContent.x = x;
NewPosContent.y = y + this.align_2(content) + content.size.ascent;
content.setPosition(NewPosContent, PDSE);
content.setPosition(NewPosContent, Line, Range);
x += content.size.width;
......@@ -3920,7 +3920,7 @@ CCharacter.prototype.recalculateSize = function(oMeasure)
this.size = {height: height, width: width, ascent: ascent};
CCharacter.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CCharacter.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
this.pos.y = pos.y - this.size.ascent;
......@@ -3945,14 +3945,14 @@ CCharacter.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
PosBase.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + alignCnt;
PosBase.y = this.pos.y + this.operator.size.height + Base.size.ascent;
Base.setPosition(PosBase, PDSE);
Base.setPosition(PosBase, Line, Range);
else if(this.Pr.pos === LOCATION_BOT)
PosBase.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + alignCnt;
PosBase.y = this.pos.y + Base.size.ascent;
Base.setPosition(PosBase, PDSE);
Base.setPosition(PosBase, Line, Range);
PosOper.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + alignOp;
PosOper.y = this.pos.y + Base.size.height;
......@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ CRadical.prototype.Resize = function(oMeasure, RPI)
CRadical.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
CRadical.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
this.pos.y = pos.y - this.size.ascent;
......@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ CRadical.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
PosBase.y = this.pos.y + gapTop + this.RealBase.size.ascent;
this.RealBase.setPosition(PosBase, PDSE);
this.RealBase.setPosition(PosBase, Line, Range);
else if(this.Pr.type == DEGREE_RADICAL)
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ CRadical.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
PosDegree.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + this.gapWidth;
PosDegree.y = this.pos.y + this.gapDegree + this.Iterator.size.ascent;
this.Iterator.setPosition(PosDegree, PDSE);
this.Iterator.setPosition(PosDegree, Line, Range);
var wDegree = this.Iterator.size.width > wTick ? this.Iterator.size.width - wTick : 0;
......@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ CRadical.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, PDSE)
PosBase.x = this.pos.x + this.size.width - this.RealBase.size.width - this.GapRight;
PosBase.y = this.pos.y + this.size.ascent;
this.RealBase.setPosition(PosBase, PDSE);
this.RealBase.setPosition(PosBase, Line, Range);
pos.x += this.size.width;
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