Commit 8dba3a6b authored by Sergey.Luzyanin's avatar Sergey.Luzyanin

обработка случая с нечетным количеством путей в prstTxWarp

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 8ba95865
......@@ -9238,7 +9238,7 @@ function CreatePrstTxWarpGeometry(prst)
f.AddHandlePolar('adj', '0', '21599999', undefined, '0', '0', 'x1', 'y1');
f.AddPathCommand(0, false, 'none', undefined, undefined, undefined);
f.AddPathCommand(1, 'x2', 'y2');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'wd2', 'stAng', 'swAng');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'hd2', 'stAng', 'swAng');
case 'textArchDownPour':{
......@@ -9311,7 +9311,7 @@ function CreatePrstTxWarpGeometry(prst)
f.AddHandlePolar('adj', '0', '21599999', undefined, '0', '0', 'x1', 'y1');
f.AddPathCommand(0, false, 'none', undefined, undefined, undefined);
f.AddPathCommand(1, 'x1', 'y1');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'wd2', 'adval', 'swAng');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'hd2', 'adval', 'swAng');
case 'textArchUpPour':{
......@@ -9400,13 +9400,13 @@ function CreatePrstTxWarpGeometry(prst)
f.AddHandlePolar('adj', '0', '21599999', undefined, '0', '0', 'x3', 'y3');
f.AddPathCommand(0, false, 'none', undefined, undefined, undefined);
f.AddPathCommand(1, 'x1', 'y1');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'wd2', 'stT', 'swT');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'hd2', 'stT', 'swT');
f.AddPathCommand(0, false, 'none', undefined, undefined, undefined);
f.AddPathCommand(1, 'l', 'vc');
f.AddPathCommand(2, 'r', 'vc');
f.AddPathCommand(0, false, 'none', undefined, undefined, undefined);
f.AddPathCommand(1, 'x2', 'y2');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'wd2', 'stB', 'swB');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'hd2', 'stB', 'swB');
case 'textButtonPour':{
......@@ -9620,7 +9620,7 @@ function CreatePrstTxWarpGeometry(prst)
f.AddHandlePolar('adj', '0', '21599999', undefined, '0', '0', 'x1', 'y1');
f.AddPathCommand(0, false, 'none', undefined, undefined, undefined);
f.AddPathCommand(1, 'x1', 'y1');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'wd2', 'adval', 'swAng');
f.AddPathCommand(3, 'wd2', 'hd2', 'adval', 'swAng');
case 'textCirclePour':{
......@@ -997,7 +997,6 @@ Geometry.prototype=
Recalculate: function(w, h)
this.gdLst["_3cd4"]= 16200000;
......@@ -1079,6 +1078,37 @@ Geometry.prototype=
getMaxPathPolygonLength: function()
var aByPaths = this.getArrayPolygonsByPaths(PATH_DIV_EPSILON);
var dLength = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < aByPaths.length; ++i)
var oWarpPathPolygon = new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[i]);
if(dLength < oWarpPathPolygon.dLen)
dLength = oWarpPathPolygon.dLen;
return dLength;
getMinPathPolygonLength: function()
var aByPaths = this.getArrayPolygonsByPaths(PATH_DIV_EPSILON);
var dLength = 10000000;
for(var i = 0; i < aByPaths.length; ++i)
var oWarpPathPolygon = new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[i]);
if(dLength > oWarpPathPolygon.dLen)
dLength = oWarpPathPolygon.dLen;
return dLength;
draw: function(shape_drawer)
if(shape_drawer.Graphics && shape_drawer.Graphics.bDrawSmart)
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ function Path()
this.ArrPathCommandInfo = [];
this.ArrPathCommand = [];
this.IsHidden = false;//For WordArt
this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId();
g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id);
......@@ -177,6 +176,7 @@ Path.prototype = {
this.addPathCommand({id:bezier4, X0:x0, Y0:y0, X1:x1, Y1:y1, X2:x2, Y2:y2});
close: function()
......@@ -4742,37 +4742,74 @@ CShape.prototype =
var oRet = {oTxWarpStruct: null, oTxWarpStructParamarks: null};
if((oBodyPr.prstTxWarp && oBodyPr.prstTxWarp.preset !== "textNoShape") || this.checkContentWordArt(oContent))
var oTextDrawer = new CTextDrawer(dWidth, dHeight, true, this.Get_Theme());
var bNeedRecalc = oBodyPr.prstTxWarp.pathLst.length / 2 - ((oBodyPr.prstTxWarp.pathLst.length / 2) >> 0) > 0 , dOldXLimit = oContent.XLimit, dOldYLimit = oContent.YLimit, dOneLineWidth, dMinPolygonLength = 0, dKoeff = 1;
var oTheme = this.Get_Theme(), oColorMap = this.Get_ColorMap();
var oTextDrawer = new CTextDrawer(dWidth, dHeight, true, oTheme, bNeedRecalc);
var warpGeometry = oBodyPr.prstTxWarp;
warpGeometry && warpGeometry.Recalculate(dWidth, dHeight);
var oContentToDraw = oContent;
oContentToDraw = oContent.Copy(oContent.Parent, oContent.DrawingDocument);
var bNeedTurnOn = false;
if(this.bWordShape && editor && editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument)
bNeedTurnOn = true;
oContentToDraw.Set_ParagraphSpacing({Before: 0, After: 0});
dMinPolygonLength = warpGeometry.getMinPathPolygonLength();
dOneLineWidth = GetRectContentWidth(oContentToDraw);
if(dOneLineWidth > dMinPolygonLength)
dKoeff = dMinPolygonLength/dOneLineWidth;
oContentToDraw.Reset(0, 0, dOneLineWidth, 20000);
oContentToDraw.Reset(0, 0, dMinPolygonLength, 20000);
oContentToDraw.Recalculate_Page(0, true);
var dContentHeight = oContentToDraw.Get_SummaryHeight();
var OldShowParaMarks;
OldShowParaMarks = editor.ShowParaMarks;
editor.ShowParaMarks = true;
oContent.Draw(oContent.StartPage, oTextDrawer);
oContentToDraw.Draw(oContentToDraw.StartPage, oTextDrawer);
editor.ShowParaMarks = OldShowParaMarks;
oRet.oTxWarpStructParamarks = oTextDrawer.m_oDocContentStructure;
oRet.oTxWarpStructParamarks.Recalculate(this.Get_Theme(), this.Get_ColorMap(), dWidth, dHeight, this);
warpGeometry && oRet.oTxWarpStructParamarks.checkByWarpStruct(warpGeometry);
oRet.oTxWarpStructParamarks.Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth*dKoeff, dHeight*dKoeff, this);
warpGeometry && oRet.oTxWarpStructParamarks.checkByWarpStruct(warpGeometry, dWidth, dHeight, oTheme, oColorMap, this, dOneLineWidth, oContentToDraw.XLimit, dContentHeight, dKoeff);
OldShowParaMarks = editor.ShowParaMarks;
editor.ShowParaMarks = false;
oContent.Draw(oContent.StartPage, oTextDrawer);
oContentToDraw.Draw(oContentToDraw.StartPage, oTextDrawer);
editor.ShowParaMarks = OldShowParaMarks;
oRet.oTxWarpStruct = oTextDrawer.m_oDocContentStructure;
oRet.oTxWarpStruct.Recalculate(this.Get_Theme(), this.Get_ColorMap(), dWidth, dHeight, this);
warpGeometry && oRet.oTxWarpStruct.checkByWarpStruct(warpGeometry);
oRet.oTxWarpStruct.Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth*dKoeff, dHeight*dKoeff, this);
warpGeometry && oRet.oTxWarpStruct.checkByWarpStruct(warpGeometry, dWidth, dHeight, oTheme, oColorMap, this, dOneLineWidth, oContentToDraw.XLimit, dContentHeight, dKoeff);
this.recalcInfo.warpGeometry = warpGeometry;
"use strict";
......@@ -30,6 +32,13 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.Recalculate = function(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth,
this.m_aContent[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape);
CDocContentStructure.prototype.CheckContentStructs = function(aContentStructs)
for(var i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
CDocContentStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oColorMap)
var i;
......@@ -42,43 +51,162 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oCol
this.m_aContent[i].draw(graphics, transform, oTheme, oColorMap);
CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkByWarpStruct = function(oWarpStruct)
CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkByWarpStruct = function(oWarpStruct, dWidth, dHeight, oTheme, oColorMap, oShape, dOneLineWidth, XLimit, dContentHeight, dKoeff)
var i, j, t;
var i, j, t, aByPaths, aWarpedObjects = [];
// case 1:
// {
// aByPaths = oWarpStruct.getArrayPolygonsByPaths(PATH_DIV_EPSILON);
// var oWarpPathPolygon = new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[0]);
// var dLength = oWarpPathPolygon.dLen;
// if(dLength === 0)
// {
// return;
// }
// // var oContentToDraw = [];
// // this.CheckContentStructs(oContentToDraw);
// // var x0, y0, x0t, y0t, x1, y1, x1t, y1t, oObjectToDraw, cX, oPointOnPolygon, dX, dY, dNorm, oMatrix = new CMatrix(), cX2, dX2, dY2;
// // var oNextPointOnPolygon = null;
// switch(oWarpStruct.preset)
// {
// //case "textArchDown":
// default:
// {
// /*for(i = 0; i < oContentToDraw.length; ++i)
// {
// oObjectToDraw = oContentToDraw[i];
// var oObjectToDrawNext = oContentToDraw[i+1];
// if(isRealNumber(oObjectToDraw.x) && isRealNumber(oObjectToDraw.y))
// {
// x0 = oObjectToDraw.x*dKoeff;
// y0 = oObjectToDraw.y*dKoeff;
// x1 = x0;
// if("textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset)
// {
// y1 = 0;
// }
// else
// {
// y1 = dContentHeight*dKoeff;
// }
// cX = oObjectToDraw.x/XLimit;
// if(oNextPointOnPolygon)
// {
// oPointOnPolygon = oNextPointOnPolygon;
// }
// else
// {
// oPointOnPolygon = oWarpPathPolygon.getPointOnPolygon(cX, true);
// }
// x1t = oPointOnPolygon.x;
// y1t = oPointOnPolygon.y;
// dX = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.x - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.x;
// dY = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.y - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.y;
// if("textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset)
// {
// dX = -dX;
// dY = -dY;
// }
// if(oObjectToDrawNext && isRealNumber(oObjectToDrawNext.x) && isRealNumber(oObjectToDrawNext.y) && oObjectToDrawNext.x > oObjectToDraw.x)
// {
// cX2 = (oObjectToDrawNext.x)/XLimit;
// oNextPointOnPolygon = oWarpPathPolygon.getPointOnPolygon(cX2, true);
// dX2 = oNextPointOnPolygon.oP2.x - oNextPointOnPolygon.oP1.x;
// dY2 = oNextPointOnPolygon.oP2.y - oNextPointOnPolygon.oP1.y;
// if("textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset)
// {
// dX2 = -dX2;
// dY2 = -dY2;
// }
// dX = dX + dX2;
// dY = dY + dY2;
// }
// else
// {
// oNextPointOnPolygon = null;
// }
// dNorm = Math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY);
// if("textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset)
// {
// x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(y0);
// y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(y0);
// }
// else
// {
// x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(dContentHeight*dKoeff - y0);
// y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(dContentHeight*dKoeff - y0);
// }
// oMatrix.shx = (x1t - x0t)/(y1 - y0);
// = (y1t - y0t)/(y1 - y0);
// =;
// oMatrix.shy = -oMatrix.shx;
// oMatrix.tx = x0t - x0* - y0*oMatrix.shx;
// oMatrix.ty = y0t - x0*oMatrix.shy - y0*;
// TransformGeometry(oObjectToDraw, oMatrix);
// }
// else
// {
// oNextPointOnPolygon = null;
// }
// }*/
// for(j = 0; j < this.m_aByLines.length; ++j)
// {
// oTemp = this.m_aByLines[j];
// for(t = 0; t < oTemp.length; ++t)
// {
// oTemp[t].GetAllWarped(aWarpedObjects);
// }
// }
// for(i = 0; i < aWarpedObjects.length; ++i)
// {
// var oWarpedObject = aWarpedObjects[i];
// // if(!isRealNumber(oWarpedObject.x) || !isRealNumber(oWarpedObject.y))
// {
// CheckGeometryByPolygon(oWarpedObject, oWarpPathPolygon, "textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset, XLimit*dKoeff, dContentHeight, dKoeff);
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// case 3:
// {
// break;
// }
case 1:
case 3:
case 2:
case 4:
case 6:
var nDivCount = oWarpStruct.pathLst.length >> 1;
var aByPaths = oWarpStruct.getArrayPolygonsByPaths(PATH_DIV_EPSILON);
var nLastIndex = 0, aIndex = [], aWarpedObjects = [], dTmp, oBoundsChecker, oTemp, nIndex, aWarpedObjects2 = [];
var bOddPaths = oWarpStruct.pathLst.length / 2 - ((oWarpStruct.pathLst.length / 2) >> 0) > 0;
var nDivCount = bOddPaths ? oWarpStruct.pathLst.length : oWarpStruct.pathLst.length >> 1;
aByPaths = oWarpStruct.getArrayPolygonsByPaths(PATH_DIV_EPSILON);
var nLastIndex = 0, dTmp, oBoundsChecker, oTemp, nIndex, aWarpedObjects2 = [];
oBoundsChecker = new CSlideBoundsChecker();
oBoundsChecker.init(100, 100, 100, 100);
var bCheckBounds = false, dMinX, dMaxX;
//if(oWarpStruct.pathLst.length > 2)
var dMinX, dMaxX;
for(j = 0; j < this.m_aByLines.length; ++j)
bCheckBounds = true;
for(j = 0; j < this.m_aByLines.length; ++j)
oTemp = this.m_aByLines[j];
for(t = 0; t < oTemp.length; ++t)
oTemp = this.m_aByLines[j];
for(t = 0; t < oTemp.length; ++t)
dMinX = oBoundsChecker.Bounds.min_x;
dMaxX = oBoundsChecker.Bounds.max_x;
dMinX = oBoundsChecker.Bounds.min_x;
dMaxX = oBoundsChecker.Bounds.max_x;
for( i = 0; i < nDivCount; ++i)
dTmp = (this.m_aByLines.length - nLastIndex)/(nDivCount - i);
......@@ -94,18 +222,26 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkByWarpStruct = function(oWarpStruct)
if(oBoundsChecker.Bounds.min_x > dMinX)
if(oBoundsChecker.Bounds.min_x > dMinX)
oBoundsChecker.Bounds.min_x = dMinX;
if(oBoundsChecker.Bounds.max_x < dMaxX)
oBoundsChecker.Bounds.min_x = dMinX;
if(oBoundsChecker.Bounds.max_x < dMaxX)
oBoundsChecker.Bounds.max_x = dMaxX;
ObjectsToDrawBetweenTwoPolygons(aWarpedObjects, oBoundsChecker.Bounds, new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[i << 1]), new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[(i << 1) + 1]));
var oPolygon = new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[i]);
for(t = 0; t < aWarpedObjects.length; ++t)
oBoundsChecker.Bounds.max_x = dMaxX;
CheckGeometryByPolygon(aWarpedObjects[t], oPolygon, "textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset && i < 1, XLimit*dKoeff, dContentHeight, dKoeff, nDivCount > 1 ? oBoundsChecker.Bounds : null);
ObjectsToDrawBetweenTwoPolygons(aWarpedObjects, oBoundsChecker.Bounds, new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[i << 1]), new PolygonWrapper(aByPaths[(i << 1) + 1]));
nLastIndex = nIndex;
......@@ -130,10 +266,6 @@ CDocContentStructure.prototype.checkByWarpStruct = function(oWarpStruct)
case 3:
default://без формы
......@@ -157,6 +289,15 @@ CParagraphStructure.prototype.Recalculate = function(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth,
this.m_aContent[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape);
CParagraphStructure.prototype.CheckContentStructs = function(aContentStructs)
var i;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
CParagraphStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oColorMap)
var i;
......@@ -187,6 +328,14 @@ CTableStructure.prototype.Recalculate = function(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHei
this.m_aBorders[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape);
CTableStructure.prototype.CheckContentStructs = function(aContentStructs)
var i;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
CTableStructure.prototype.draw = function(graphics, transform, oTheme, oColorMap)
var i;
......@@ -220,23 +369,32 @@ CLineStructure.prototype.Recalculate = function(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeig
var i;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
this.m_aContent[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape, this.m_oLine);
this.m_aContent[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBorders.length; ++i)
this.m_aBorders[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape, this.m_oLine);
this.m_aBorders[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aBackgrounds.length; ++i)
this.m_aBackgrounds[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape, this.m_oLine);
this.m_aBackgrounds[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.length; ++i)
this.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape, this.m_oLine);
this.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape);
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length; ++i)
this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape, this.m_oLine);
this.m_aParagraphBackgrounds[i].Recalculate(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape);
CLineStructure.prototype.CheckContentStructs = function(aContentStructs)
var i;
for(i = 0; i < this.m_aContent.length; ++i)
CLineStructure.prototype.GetAllWarped = function(aWarpedObjects)
......@@ -368,7 +526,7 @@ function CreatePenFromParams(oUnifill, nStyle, nLineCap, nLineJoin, dLineWidth,
return oLine;
function CTextDrawer(dWidth, dHeight, bDivByLInes, oTheme)
function CTextDrawer(dWidth, dHeight, bDivByLInes, oTheme, bDivGlyphs)
this.m_oFont =
......@@ -415,6 +573,7 @@ function CTextDrawer(dWidth, dHeight, bDivByLInes, oTheme)
this.GrState.Parent = this;
this.m_bDivByLines = bDivByLInes === true;
this.m_bDivGlyphs = bDivGlyphs === true;
this.m_aByLines = null;
this.m_nCurLineIndex = -1;
this.m_aStackLineIndex = null;
......@@ -575,10 +734,6 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
Start_Command : function(commandId, param, index, nType)
//console.log(GetConstDescription(commandId) + " Start ");
//console.log("CurLineIndex " + this.m_nCurLineIndex);
var oNewStructure = null;
......@@ -653,9 +808,6 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
//console.log("CurLineIndex " + this.m_nCurLineIndex);
if(this.m_aStack[this.m_aStack.length - 1])
......@@ -669,7 +821,6 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
End_Command : function()
var nCommandId = this.m_aCommands.pop();
//console.log(GetConstDescription(nCommandId) + " End");
......@@ -726,7 +877,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
Get_PathToDraw : function(bStart, bStart2)
Get_PathToDraw : function(bStart, bStart2, x, y)
var oPath = null;
var oLastCommand = this.m_aStack[this.m_aStack.length - 1];
......@@ -743,7 +894,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastCommand.m_aContent.length === 0)
oLastCommand.m_aContent.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this));
oLastCommand.m_aContent.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y));
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aContent[oLastCommand.m_aContent.length - 1];
......@@ -751,11 +902,11 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 0 || (oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 1 && oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst[0].ArrPathCommandInfo.length === 0))
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr))
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), x, y)
oLastCommand.m_aContent.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this));
oLastCommand.m_aContent.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y));
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aContent[oLastCommand.m_aContent.length - 1];
......@@ -765,7 +916,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastCommand.m_aBorders.length === 0)
oLastCommand.m_aBorders.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this))
oLastCommand.m_aBorders.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y))
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aBorders[oLastCommand.m_aBorders.length - 1];
......@@ -773,11 +924,11 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 0 || (oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 1 && oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst[0].ArrPathCommandInfo.length === 0))
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine);
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, x, y);
oLastCommand.m_aBorders.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this));
oLastCommand.m_aBorders.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y));
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aBorders[oLastCommand.m_aBorders.length - 1];
......@@ -787,7 +938,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds.length === 0)
oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this))
oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y))
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds[oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds.length - 1];
......@@ -795,11 +946,11 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 0 || (oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 1 && oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst[0].ArrPathCommandInfo.length === 0))
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine);
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, x, y);
oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this));
oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y));
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds[oLastCommand.m_aBackgrounds.length - 1];
......@@ -811,7 +962,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
oBrushColor = this.m_oBrush.Color1;
oPenColor = this.m_oPen.Color;
oLastCommand.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this))
oLastCommand.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y))
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts[oLastCommand.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.length - 1];
......@@ -819,11 +970,11 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 0 || (oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 1 && oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst[0].ArrPathCommandInfo.length === 0))
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr));
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), x, y);
oLastCommand.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this));
oLastCommand.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.GetFillFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.GetPenFromTextPr(this.m_oTextPr), this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y));
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts[oLastCommand.m_aUnderlinesStrikeouts.length - 1];
......@@ -834,7 +985,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length === 0)
oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this))
oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y))
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds[oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length - 1];
......@@ -842,11 +993,11 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 0 || (oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 1 && oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst[0].ArrPathCommandInfo.length === 0))
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine);
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, x, y);
oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this));
oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y));
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds[oLastCommand.m_aParagraphBackgrounds.length - 1];
......@@ -861,7 +1012,7 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
oBrushColor = this.m_oBrush.Color1;
oPenColor = this.m_oPen.Color;
oLastCommand.m_aBorders.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this))
oLastCommand.m_aBorders.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y))
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aBorders[oLastCommand.m_aBorders.length - 1];
......@@ -869,11 +1020,11 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
if(oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 0 || (oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst.length === 1 && oLastObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst[0].ArrPathCommandInfo.length === 0))
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine);
oLastObjectToDraw.resetBrushPen(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, x, y);
oLastCommand.m_aBorders.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, this));
oLastCommand.m_aBorders.push(new ObjectToDraw(this.m_oFill, this.m_oLine, this.Width, this.Height, new Geometry(), this.m_oTransform, x, y));
oLastObjectToDraw = oLastCommand.m_aBorders[oLastCommand.m_aBorders.length - 1];
......@@ -1036,6 +1187,10 @@ CTextDrawer.prototype =
//if (code < 0xFFFF && (_is_face_index_no_0 || window["native"] !== undefined))
// return;
if(this.m_bDivGlyphs === true)
this.Get_PathToDraw(false, true, x, y);
g_oTextMeasurer.SetFontInternal(this.m_oFont.Name, this.m_oFont.FontSize, Math.max(this.m_oFont.Style, 0));
if (null != this.LastFontOriginInfo.Replace)
......@@ -1603,7 +1758,7 @@ function PolygonWrapper(oPolygon)
this.nPointsCount = this.aLength.length;
PolygonWrapper.prototype.getPointOnPolygon = function(dCT)
PolygonWrapper.prototype.getPointOnPolygon = function(dCT, bNeedPoints)
var dFindLen = this.dLen * dCT;
var nIndex = this.nPointsCount >> 1;
......@@ -1636,8 +1791,38 @@ PolygonWrapper.prototype.getPointOnPolygon = function(dCT)
t = 0;
var oPoint1 = this.oPolygon[nIndex], oPoint2 = this.oPolygon[nTempIndex];
return {x: oPoint1.x + t*(oPoint2.x - oPoint1.x ), y: oPoint1.y + t*(oPoint2.y - oPoint1.y )};
var oRetPoint1 = oPoint1, oRetPoint2 = oPoint2;
var nRightIndex = nTempIndex, nLeftIndex = nIndex;
var oLeftPoint = oPoint1, oRightPoint = oPoint2;
var dx = oPoint1.x - oPoint2.x, dy = oPoint1.y - oPoint2.y;
while(nRightIndex < this.oPolygon.length && Math.abs(dx) < EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT && Math.abs(dy) < EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT)
dx = oRightPoint.x - oLeftPoint.x;
dy = oRightPoint.y - oLeftPoint.y;
oRightPoint = this.oPolygon[++nRightIndex]
while(nLeftIndex > -1 && Math.abs(dx) < EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT && Math.abs(dy) < EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT)
dx = oRightPoint.x - oLeftPoint.x;
dy = oRightPoint.y - oLeftPoint.y;
oLeftPoint = this.oPolygon[--nLeftIndex];
if(Math.abs(dx) < EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT && Math.abs(dy) < EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT)
oRetPoint1 = {x: oRetPoint1.x + EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT, y: oRetPoint1.y};
oRetPoint1 = oLeftPoint;
oRetPoint2 = oRightPoint;
return {x: oPoint1.x + t*(oPoint2.x - oPoint1.x ), y: oPoint1.y + t*(oPoint2.y - oPoint1.y ), oP1: oRetPoint1, oP2: oRetPoint2};
function CheckPointByPaths(dX, dY, dWidth, dHeight, dMinX, dMinY, oPolygonWrapper1, oPolygonWrapper2)
......@@ -1724,6 +1909,183 @@ function ObjectsToDrawBetweenTwoPolygons(aObjectsToDraw, oBoundsController, oPol
function TransformPointGeometry(x, y, oTransform)
var oRet = {x: 0, y: 0};
oRet.x = oTransform.TransformPointX(x,y);
oRet.y = oTransform.TransformPointY(x,y);
return oRet;
function TransformPointPolygon(x, y, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds)
var oRet = {x: 0, y: 0}, x0, y0, x1, y1, cX, oPointOnPolygon, x1t, y1t, dX, dY, x0t, y0t;
x0 = x;//dKoeff;
y0 = y;//dKoeff;
y0 -= oBounds.min_y;
x1 = x0;
y1 = 0;
y1 = oBounds.min_y*dKoeff;
y1 = ContentHeight*dKoeff;
y1 = oBounds.max_y*dKoeff;
cX = x/XLimit;
oPointOnPolygon = oPolygon.getPointOnPolygon(cX, true);
x1t = oPointOnPolygon.x;
y1t = oPointOnPolygon.y;
dX = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.x - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.x;
dY = oPointOnPolygon.oP2.y - oPointOnPolygon.oP1.y;
if(/*"textArchDown" !== oWarpStruct.preset*/bFlag)
dX = -dX;
dY = -dY;
var dNorm = Math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY);
x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(y0);
y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(y0);
x0t = x1t + (dY/dNorm)*(y1 - y0);
y0t = y1t - (dX/dNorm)*(y1 - y0);
oRet.x = x0t;
oRet.y = y0t;
return oRet;
function TransformGeometry(oObjectToDraw, oTransform)
var oCommand, oPoint, oPath, t, j, aPathLst;
aPathLst = oObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst;
for(t = 0; t < aPathLst.length; ++t)
oPath = aPathLst[t];
for(j = 0; j < oPath.ArrPathCommand.length; ++j)
oCommand = oPath.ArrPathCommand[j];
case moveTo:
case lineTo:
oPoint = TransformPointGeometry(oCommand.X, oCommand.Y, oTransform);
oCommand.X = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y = oPoint.y;
case bezier3:
oPoint = TransformPointGeometry(oCommand.X0, oCommand.Y0, oTransform);
oCommand.X0 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y0 = oPoint.y;
oPoint = TransformPointGeometry(oCommand.X1, oCommand.Y1, oTransform);
oCommand.X1 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y1 = oPoint.y;
case bezier4:
oPoint = TransformPointGeometry(oCommand.X0, oCommand.Y0, oTransform);
oCommand.X0 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y0 = oPoint.y;
oPoint = TransformPointGeometry(oCommand.X1, oCommand.Y1, oTransform);
oCommand.X1 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y1 = oPoint.y;
oPoint = TransformPointGeometry(oCommand.X2, oCommand.Y2, oTransform);
oCommand.X2 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y2 = oPoint.y;
case arcTo:
case close:
function CheckGeometryByPolygon(oObjectToDraw, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds)
var oCommand, oPoint, oPath, t, j, aPathLst;
aPathLst = oObjectToDraw.geometry.pathLst;
for(t = 0; t < aPathLst.length; ++t)
oPath = aPathLst[t];
for(j = 0; j < oPath.ArrPathCommand.length; ++j)
oCommand = oPath.ArrPathCommand[j];
case moveTo:
case lineTo:
oPoint = TransformPointPolygon(oCommand.X, oCommand.Y, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds);
oCommand.X = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y = oPoint.y;
case bezier3:
oPoint = TransformPointPolygon(oCommand.X0, oCommand.Y0, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds);
oCommand.X0 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y0 = oPoint.y;
oPoint = TransformPointPolygon(oCommand.X1, oCommand.Y1, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds);
oCommand.X1 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y1 = oPoint.y;
case bezier4:
oPoint = TransformPointPolygon(oCommand.X0, oCommand.Y0, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds);
oCommand.X0 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y0 = oPoint.y;
oPoint = TransformPointPolygon(oCommand.X1, oCommand.Y1, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds);
oCommand.X1 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y1 = oPoint.y;
oPoint = TransformPointPolygon(oCommand.X2, oCommand.Y2, oPolygon, bFlag, XLimit, ContentHeight, dKoeff, oBounds);
oCommand.X2 = oPoint.x;
oCommand.Y2 = oPoint.y;
case arcTo:
case close:
function CompareBrushes(oFill1, oFill2)
if(oFill1 && !oFill2 || !oFill1 && oFill2 || (oFill1 && oFill2 && !oFill1.IsIdentical(oFill2)))
......@@ -1735,4 +2097,30 @@ function ComparePens(oPen1, oPen2)
if(oPen1 && !oPen2 || !oPen1 && oPen2 || (oPen1 && oPen2 && !oPen1.IsIdentical(oPen2)))
return false;
return true;
\ No newline at end of file
function GetRectContentWidth(oContent, dMaxWidth)
var _maxWidth = isRealNumber(dMaxWidth) ? dMaxWidth : 100000;
oContent.Reset(0, 0, _maxWidth, 100000);
oContent.Recalculate_Page(0, true);
var max_width = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < oContent.Content.length; ++i)
var par = oContent.Content[i];
if(par instanceof Paragraph)
for(var j = 0; j < par.Lines.length; ++j)
if(par.Lines[j].Ranges[0].W > max_width)
max_width = par.Lines[j].Ranges[0].W;
return max_width + 2;
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ function OverlayObject(geometry, extX, extY, brush, pen, transform )
function ObjectToDraw(brush, pen, extX, extY, geometry, transform, oTextDrawer)
function ObjectToDraw(brush, pen, extX, extY, geometry, transform, x, y)
this.brush = brush;
this.pen = pen;
......@@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ function ObjectToDraw(brush, pen, extX, extY, geometry, transform, oTextDrawer)
this.TransformMatrix = transform;
this.geometry = geometry;
this.parentShape = null;
/* */
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
ObjectToDraw.prototype =
......@@ -178,14 +181,28 @@ ObjectToDraw.prototype =
resetBrushPen: function(brush, pen)
resetBrushPen: function(brush, pen, x, y)
this.brush = brush;
this.pen = pen;
if(isRealNumber(x) && isRealNumber(y))
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Recalculate: function(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape, oParaLine)
Recalculate: function(oTheme, oColorMap, dWidth, dHeight, oShape)
// if(isRealNumber(this.x) && isRealNumber(this.y))
// {
// if(Math.abs(dWidth - this.extX) > MOVE_DELTA || Math.abs(dHeight - this.extY))
// {
// this.x*=dWidth/this.extX;
// this.y*=dHeight/this.extY;
// }
// }
this.brush.check(oTheme, oColorMap);
......@@ -199,7 +216,6 @@ ObjectToDraw.prototype =
this.geometry.Recalculate(dWidth, dHeight);
this.parentShape = oShape;
this.oParaLine = oParaLine;
draw: function(graphics, bNoParentShapeTransform, oTransformMatrix, oTheme, oColorMap)
......@@ -240,9 +256,8 @@ ObjectToDraw.prototype =
createDuplicate: function(bNoCopyHiddeen)
createDuplicate: function()
var oCopy = new ObjectToDraw()
function RotateTrackShapeImage(originalObject)
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