Commit 8f44b9bf authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

draw down faces in stacked area charts

parent 362195a5
......@@ -4267,6 +4267,7 @@ function drawAreaChart()
this.points = null;
this.paths = {};
this.upFaces = [];
this.downFaces = [];
this.sortZIndexPaths = [];
this.sortZIndexPathsFront = [];
......@@ -4295,12 +4296,11 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
this.chartProp = chartsDrawer.calcProp;
this.cChartDrawer = chartsDrawer;
this.cChartSpace = chartsDrawer.cChartSpace;
if(this.cChartDrawer.nDimensionCount === 3)
recalculate : function(chartsDrawer)
......@@ -4391,10 +4391,19 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
return a.seria - b.seria;
return b.midY - a.midY;
/*this.downFaces.sort (function sortArr(a, b)
if(b.midY === a.midY)
return b.seria - a.seria;
return a.midY - b.midY;
var anotherFaces = this.sortZIndexPathsFront.concat(this.sortZIndexPathsBack).concat(this.sortZIndexPathsLeft).concat(this.sortZIndexPathsRight);
this.sortZIndexPaths = this.upFaces.concat(anotherFaces)
this.sortZIndexPaths = this.upFaces.concat(anotherFaces);
this.sortZIndexPaths = this.downFaces.concat(this.sortZIndexPaths)
this.sortZIndexPaths = cSortFaces.sortFaces(this.sortZIndexPaths);
......@@ -4975,7 +4984,7 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
//рассчитываем все грани, кроме верхних и нижних
this._calculateSimpleRect(arrPoints, arrPointsProject, point, seria);
//находим пересечение грани с предыдущими гранями. если есть, что делим грани
//находим пересечение грани с предыдущими гранями. если есть, то делим грани
var breakFaces = this.intersections[point] && this.intersections[point][seria] ? this.intersections[point][seria] : null;
if(breakFaces && breakFaces.up && breakFaces.up.length)
......@@ -5016,8 +5025,49 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
if(breakFaces && breakFaces.down && breakFaces.down.length)
//сортируем грани одной точки
breakFaces.down = breakFaces.down.sort (function sortArr(a, b)
return a.x - b.x;
for(var i = 0; i < breakFaces.down.length - 1; i++)
var prevNear, prevFar, prevNearProject, prevFarProject, prevNotRotateNear, prevNotRotateFar;
var prevPoint = breakFaces.down[i];
prevNearProject = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(prevPoint.x, prevPoint.y, this.gapDepth /*+ DiffGapDepth*/);
prevFarProject = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(prevPoint.x, prevPoint.y, this.gapDepth + this.perspectiveDepth);
prevNear = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(prevPoint.x, prevPoint.y, this.gapDepth /*+ DiffGapDepth*/, null, null, true);
prevFar = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(prevPoint.x, prevPoint.y, this.gapDepth + this.perspectiveDepth, null, null, true);
prevNotRotateNear = {x: prevPoint.x, y: prevPoint.y, z: this.gapDepth};
prevNotRotateFar = {x: prevPoint.x, y: prevPoint.y, z: this.gapDepth + this.perspectiveDepth};
var near, far, nearProject, farProject, notRotateNear, notRotateFar;
var point = breakFaces.down[i + 1];
nearProject = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(point.x, point.y, this.gapDepth /*+ DiffGapDepth*/);
farProject = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(point.x, point.y, this.gapDepth + this.perspectiveDepth);
near = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(point.x, point.y, this.gapDepth /*+ DiffGapDepth*/, null, null, true);
far = t.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(point.x, point.y, this.gapDepth + this.perspectiveDepth, null, null, true);
notRotateNear = {x: point.x, y: point.y, z: this.gapDepth};
notRotateFar = {x: point.x, y: point.y, z: this.gapDepth + this.perspectiveDepth};
var face = generateFace(prevNearProject, prevFarProject, farProject, nearProject, prevNear, prevFar, far, near, prevNotRotateNear, prevNotRotateFar, notRotateNear, notRotateFar, 1);
//TODO проверить и убрать
var face = generateFace(point1, point2, point3, point4, point11, point22, point33, point44, p1, p2, p3, p4, 1);
......@@ -5082,24 +5132,6 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
curPoint4 = curRect.point2;
var curLine1 = this.cChartDrawer.getLineEquation(curPoint1, curPoint2);
var curLine2 = this.cChartDrawer.getLineEquation(curPoint3, curPoint4);
var curTempIntersection = this.cChartDrawer.isIntersectionLineAndLine(curLine1, curLine2);
var curUp = [{start: curPoint1, end: curPoint2, eq: curLine1}];
var curIntersection = null;
if(curTempIntersection && curTempIntersection.x > curPoint1.x && curTempIntersection.x < curPoint2.x)
curIntersection = curTempIntersection;
curUp[0] = {start: curPoint1, end: curIntersection, eq: curLine1};
curUp[1] = {start: curIntersection, end: curPoint2, eq: curLine2};
var addToArr = function(point, seria, isDown, elem)
......@@ -5121,31 +5153,99 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
t.intersections[point][seria].up = [];
//var arr = isDown ? t.intersections[point][seria].down : t.intersections[point][seria].up;
var arr = isDown ? t.intersections[point][seria].down : t.intersections[point][seria].up;
//текущая верхняя и нижняя прямая и их пересечение
var curLine1 = this.cChartDrawer.getLineEquation(curPoint1, curPoint2);
var curLine2 = this.cChartDrawer.getLineEquation(curPoint3, curPoint4);
var curTempIntersection = this.cChartDrawer.isIntersectionLineAndLine(curLine1, curLine2);
var curDown = [{start: curPoint3, end: curPoint4, eq: curLine2}];
//если пересечения текущих прямых вписывается в границы диаграммы
var curIntersection = null;
if(curTempIntersection && curTempIntersection.x > curPoint3.x && curTempIntersection.x < curPoint4.x)
curIntersection = curTempIntersection;
curDown[0] = {start: curPoint3, end: curIntersection, eq: curLine2};
curDown[1] = {start: curIntersection, end: curPoint4, eq: curLine1};
var curUp = [{start: curPoint1, end: curPoint2, eq: curLine1}];
//если пересечения текущих прямых вписывается в границы диаграммы
var curIntersection = null;
if(curTempIntersection && curTempIntersection.x > curPoint1.x && curTempIntersection.x < curPoint2.x)
curIntersection = curTempIntersection;
curUp[0] = {start: curPoint1, end: curIntersection, eq: curLine1};
curUp[1] = {start: curIntersection, end: curPoint2, eq: curLine2};
//первая/последняя точка текущей грани, пересечение текущей грани
if(!this.prevPoints[pointIndex].length || (this.prevPoints[pointIndex].length && !this.prevPoints[pointIndex][seriaIndex]))
//заносим первую точку грани - ПЕРЕПРОВеРИТЬ
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, true, curPoint3);
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, null, curPoint1);
//заносим текущее пересечение
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, true, curIntersection);
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, null, curIntersection);
//сразу заносим последнюю точку грани
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, true, curPoint2);
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, null, curPoint4);
//сразу заносим последнюю точку грани
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, true, curPoint4);
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, null, curPoint2);
//пересечения с прямыми предыдущих серий
if(this.prevDown && this.prevDown[pointIndex])
for(var i = 0; i < this.prevDown[pointIndex].length; i++)
var prevDown = this.prevDown[pointIndex][i];
for(var j = 0; j < this.prevDown[pointIndex][i].length; j++)
for(var k = 0; k < curDown.length; k++)
var line1 = this.prevDown[pointIndex][i][j];
var line2 = curDown[k];
var intersection = this.cChartDrawer.isIntersectionLineAndLine(line1.eq, line2.eq);
//предыдущая - i
if(intersection.x > line1.start.x && intersection.x < line1.end.x)
addToArr(pointIndex, i, true, intersection);
//текущая серия
if(intersection.x > line2.start.x && intersection.x < line2.end.x)
addToArr(pointIndex, seriaIndex, true, intersection);
//пересечения с прямыми предыдущих серий
if(this.prevUp && this.prevUp[pointIndex])
for(var i = 0; i < this.prevUp[pointIndex].length; i++)
......@@ -5180,6 +5280,17 @@ drawAreaChart.prototype =
this.prevDown = [];
this.prevDown[pointIndex] = [];
this.prevDown[pointIndex][seriaIndex] = curDown;
this.prevUp = [];
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