Commit 907d22b0 authored by Ilya.Kirillov's avatar Ilya.Kirillov

Переработана логика отрисовки границ параграфа.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent fd271229
......@@ -1381,8 +1381,9 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
var bDrawBorders = this.Is_NeedDrawBorders();
if (true === bDrawBorders && 0 === CurPage && true === this.private_IsEmptyPageWithBreak(CurPage))
bDrawBorders = false;
var PDSH = g_oPDSH;
......@@ -1739,7 +1740,7 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
var NextEl = this.Get_DocumentNext();
if ( null != NextEl && type_Paragraph === NextEl.GetType() && true === NextEl.Is_StartFromNewPage() )
TempBottom = this.Lines[CurLine].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Descent + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.LineGap;
else if ( true === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Last && ( Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Value === border_Single || shd_Clear === Pr.ParaPr.Shd.Value ) )
else if ( (true === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Last || type_Table === NextEl.Get_Type() || true === NextEl.private_IsEmptyPageWithBreak(0)) && ( Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Value === border_Single || shd_Clear === Pr.ParaPr.Shd.Value ) )
TempBottom -= Pr.ParaPr.Spacing.After;
......@@ -2164,177 +2165,201 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
var RGBA;
// Рисуем линию до параграфа
if ( true === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.First && border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value && ( ( 0 === CurPage && ( false === this.Is_StartFromNewPage() || null === this.Get_DocumentPrev() ) ) || ( 1 === CurPage && true === this.Is_StartFromNewPage() ) ) )
var bEmptyPagesWithBreakBefore = false;
var bCurEmptyPageWithBreak = false;
var bEmptyPagesBefore = true;
var bEmptyPageCurrent = true;
for (var TempCurPage = 0; TempCurPage < CurPage; ++TempCurPage)
if (false === this.private_IsEmptyPageWithBreak(TempCurPage))
bEmptyPagesWithBreakBefore = false;
bEmptyPagesWithBreakBefore = true;
bCurEmptyPageWithBreak = this.private_IsEmptyPageWithBreak(CurPage);
for (var TempCurPage = 0; TempCurPage < CurPage; ++TempCurPage)
if (false === this.Is_EmptyPage(TempCurPage))
bEmptyPagesBefore = false;
bEmptyPageCurrent = this.Is_EmptyPage(CurPage);
var bDrawTop = false;
if (border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value
&& ((true === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.First
&& false === bCurEmptyPageWithBreak
&& ((true === bEmptyPagesBefore
&& true !== bEmptyPageCurrent)
|| (true === bEmptyPagesWithBreakBefore
&& false === bCurEmptyPageWithBreak)))
|| (false === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.First
&& true === bEmptyPagesWithBreakBefore
&& false === bCurEmptyPageWithBreak)))
bDrawTop = true;
var bDrawBetween = false;
if (border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Value
&& false === bDrawTop
&& false === bEmptyPageCurrent
&& true === bEmptyPagesBefore)
bDrawBetween = true;
if (bDrawTop)
var Y_top = this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
if ( 0 === CurPage || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent() || true === Pr.ParaPr.PageBreakBefore )
if (0 === CurPage || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent() || true === Pr.ParaPr.PageBreakBefore)
Y_top += Pr.ParaPr.Spacing.Before;
RGBA = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Get_Color(this);
pGraphics.p_color( RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255 );
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
if (pGraphics.SetBorder)
// Учтем разрывы из-за обтекания
var StartLine = this.Pages[CurPage].StartLine;
if (pGraphics.Start_Command)
pGraphics.Start_Command(DRAW_COMMAND_LINE, this.Lines[StartLine], StartLine, 1);
var RangesCount = this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges.length;
for ( var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++ )
for (var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++)
var X0 = ( 0 === CurRange ? X_left : this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges[CurRange].X );
var X1 = ( RangesCount - 1 === CurRange ? X_right : this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges[CurRange].XEnd );
if ( false === this.Is_EmptyRange(StartLine, CurRange) || ( true === bEmpty && 1 === RangesCount ) )
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt( c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y_top, X0, X1, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size, LeftMW, RightMW );
if (false === this.Is_EmptyRange(StartLine, CurRange) || ( true === bEmpty && 1 === RangesCount ))
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y_top, X0, X1, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
if (pGraphics.End_Command)
else if ( false === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.First )
if (true === bDrawBetween)
var bDraw = false;
var Size = 0;
var Y = 0;
if ( 1 === CurPage && true === this.Is_StartFromNewPage() && border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value )
RGBA = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Get_Color(this);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
if (pGraphics.SetBorder)
RGBA = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Get_Color(this);
pGraphics.p_color( RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255 );
Size = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size;
Y = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + this.Lines[this.Pages[CurPage].FirstLine].Top + Pr.ParaPr.Spacing.Before;
bDraw = true;
else if ( 0 === CurPage && false === this.Is_StartFromNewPage() && border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Value )
var Size = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Size;
var Y = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + Pr.ParaPr.Spacing.Before;
// Учтем разрывы из-за обтекания
var StartLine = this.Pages[CurPage].StartLine;
var RangesCount = this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges.length;
if (pGraphics.Start_Command)
RGBA = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Get_Color(this);
pGraphics.p_color( RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255 );
Size = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Between.Size;
Y = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + Pr.ParaPr.Spacing.Before;
bDraw = true;
pGraphics.Start_Command(DRAW_COMMAND_LINE, this.Lines[StartLine], StartLine, 1);
if ( true === bDraw )
for (var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++)
// Учтем разрывы из-за обтекания
var StartLine = this.Pages[CurPage].StartLine;
var RangesCount = this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges.length;
pGraphics.Start_Command(DRAW_COMMAND_LINE, this.Lines[StartLine], StartLine, 1);
for ( var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++ )
var X0 = ( 0 === CurRange ? X_left : this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges[CurRange].X );
var X1 = ( RangesCount - 1 === CurRange ? X_right : this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges[CurRange].XEnd );
var X0 = ( 0 === CurRange ? X_left : this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges[CurRange].X );
var X1 = ( RangesCount - 1 === CurRange ? X_right : this.Lines[StartLine].Ranges[CurRange].XEnd );
if ( false === this.Is_EmptyRange(StartLine, CurRange) || ( true === bEmpty && 1 === RangesCount ) )
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt( c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y, X0, X1, Size, LeftMW, RightMW );
if (false === this.Is_EmptyRange(StartLine, CurRange) || ( true === bEmpty && 1 === RangesCount ))
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y, X0, X1, Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
if (pGraphics.End_Command)
var CurLine = this.Pages[CurPage].EndLine;
var bEnd = (this.Lines[CurLine].Info & paralineinfo_End ? true : false);
// Рисуем линию после параграфа
if ( true === bEnd && true === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Last && border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Value )
var bDrawBottom = false;
var NextEl = this.Get_DocumentNext();
if (border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Value
&& true === bEnd
&& (true === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Last
|| type_Table === NextEl.Get_Type()
|| true === NextEl.private_IsEmptyPageWithBreak(0)))
var TempY = this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
var NextEl = this.Get_DocumentNext();
bDrawBottom = true;
if (true === bDrawBottom)
var TempY = this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
var NextEl = this.Get_DocumentNext();
var DrawLineRule = c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Bottom;
if ( null != NextEl && type_Paragraph === NextEl.GetType() && true === NextEl.Is_StartFromNewPage() )
if (null != NextEl && type_Paragraph === NextEl.GetType() && true === NextEl.Is_StartFromNewPage())
TempY = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Descent + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.LineGap;
TempY = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Descent + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.LineGap;
DrawLineRule = c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top;
TempY = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Bottom - Pr.ParaPr.Spacing.After;
TempY = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Bottom - Pr.ParaPr.Spacing.After;
DrawLineRule = c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Bottom;
RGBA = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Get_Color(this);
pGraphics.p_color( RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255 );
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
if (pGraphics.SetBorder)
// Учтем разрывы из-за обтекания
var EndLine = this.Pages[CurPage].EndLine;
var EndLine = this.Pages[CurPage].EndLine;
var RangesCount = this.Lines[EndLine].Ranges.length;
if (pGraphics.Start_Command)
pGraphics.Start_Command(DRAW_COMMAND_LINE, this.Lines[EndLine], EndLine, 1);
for ( var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++ )
for (var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++)
var X0 = ( 0 === CurRange ? X_left : this.Lines[EndLine].Ranges[CurRange].X );
var X1 = ( RangesCount - 1 === CurRange ? X_right : this.Lines[EndLine].Ranges[CurRange].XEnd );
if ( false === this.Is_EmptyRange(EndLine, CurRange) || ( true === bEmpty && 1 === RangesCount ) )
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt( DrawLineRule, TempY, X0, X1, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Size, LeftMW, RightMW );
if (false === this.Is_EmptyRange(EndLine, CurRange) || ( true === bEmpty && 1 === RangesCount ))
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(DrawLineRule, TempY, X0, X1, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
if (pGraphics.End_Command)
else if ( true === bEnd && false === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Last && border_Single === Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Value )
var NextEl = this.Get_DocumentNext();
if ( null != NextEl && type_Paragraph === NextEl.GetType() && true === NextEl.Is_StartFromNewPage() )
RGBA = Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Get_Color(this);
pGraphics.p_color( RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255 );
// Учтем разрывы из-за обтекания
var EndLine = this.Pages[CurPage].EndLine;
var RangesCount = this.Lines[EndLine].Ranges.length;
pGraphics.Start_Command(DRAW_COMMAND_LINE, this.Lines[EndLine], EndLine, 1);
* Проверяем является ли данная страница параграфа пустой страницей с разрывом колонки или страницы.
private_IsEmptyPageWithBreak : function(CurPage)
//if (true === this.Is_EmptyPage(CurPage))
// return true;
for ( var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++ )
var X0 = ( 0 === CurRange ? X_left : this.Lines[EndLine].Ranges[CurRange].X );
var X1 = ( RangesCount - 1 === CurRange ? X_right : this.Lines[EndLine].Ranges[CurRange].XEnd );
if (this.Pages[CurPage].EndLine !== this.Pages[CurPage].StartLine)
return false;
if ( false === this.Is_EmptyRange(EndLine, CurRange) || ( true === bEmpty && 1 === RangesCount ) )
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt( c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, this.Pages[CurPage].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Descent + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.LineGap, X0, X1, Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Size, LeftMW, RightMW );
var Info = this.Lines[this.Pages[CurPage].EndLine].Info;
if (Info & paralineinfo_Empty && Info & paralineinfo_BreakPage)
return true;
return false;
Is_NeedDrawBorders : function()
......@@ -7529,7 +7554,7 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
if ( false === this.Internal_Is_NullBorders(Pr.ParaPr.Brd) && true === this.Internal_CompareBrd( Prev_Pr, Pr.ParaPr ) && undefined === PrevEl.Get_SectionPr() )
if (false === this.Internal_Is_NullBorders(Pr.ParaPr.Brd) && true === this.Internal_CompareBrd(Prev_Pr, Pr.ParaPr) && undefined === PrevEl.Get_SectionPr() && true !== Pr.ParaPr.PageBreakBefore)
Pr.ParaPr.Brd.First = false;
Pr.ParaPr.Brd.First = true;
......@@ -7585,7 +7610,7 @@ Paragraph.prototype =
if ( false === this.Internal_Is_NullBorders(Pr.ParaPr.Brd) && true === this.Internal_CompareBrd( Next_Pr, Pr.ParaPr ) && undefined === this.Get_SectionPr() && (undefined === NextEl.Get_SectionPr() || true !== NextEl.IsEmpty() ) )
if (false === this.Internal_Is_NullBorders(Pr.ParaPr.Brd) && true === this.Internal_CompareBrd(Next_Pr, Pr.ParaPr) && undefined === this.Get_SectionPr() && (undefined === NextEl.Get_SectionPr() || true !== NextEl.IsEmpty()) && true !== Next_Pr.PageBreakBefore)
Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Last = false;
Pr.ParaPr.Brd.Last = true;
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