Commit 929f0aab authored by konovalovsergey's avatar konovalovsergey


parent 36ababec
......@@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ var editor;
AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoRow = new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoRowCol(wbModel, true);
AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoComment = new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoComment(wbModel);
AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoAutoFilters = new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoAutoFilters(wbModel);
AscCommonExcel.g_DefNameWorksheet = new AscCommonExcel.Woorksheet(wbModel, -1);
spreadsheet_api.prototype.asc_DownloadAs = function(typeFile, bIsDownloadEvent) {//передаем число соответствующее своему формату. например c_oAscFileType.XLSX
......@@ -3584,6 +3584,13 @@ function parserFormula( formula, parent, _ws ) {
this.isDirty = isDirty;
parserFormula.prototype.notify = function(data) {
var eventData = {notifyData: data, assembleType: AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Normal, isRebuild: false};
if (this.parent && this.parent.onFormulaEvent) {
var checkCanDo = this.parent.onFormulaEvent(AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.CanDo, eventData);
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Dirty === data.type) {
if (!this.isDirty) {
this.isDirty = true;
......@@ -3600,10 +3607,19 @@ function parserFormula( formula, parent, _ws ) {
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Shift === data.type || AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Move === data.type ||
AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Delete === data.type) {
this.shiftCells(data.type, data.sheetId, data.bbox, data.offset);
eventData.assembleType = AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Flag;
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.ChangeDefName === data.type) {
if (! {
} else if (data.from.Name != {
} else if (data.from.isTable) {
eventData.assembleType = AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Current;
eventData.isRebuild = true;
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Rebuild === data.type) {
eventData.assembleType = AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Assemble;
eventData.isRebuild = true;
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.ChangeSheet === data.type) {
if (this.is3D) {
var changeData =;
......@@ -3619,7 +3635,7 @@ function parserFormula( formula, parent, _ws ) {
if (this.parent && this.parent.onFormulaEvent) {
this.parent.onFormulaEvent(AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.ChangeFormula, eventData);
......@@ -4400,14 +4416,20 @@ parserFormula.prototype.getRef = function() {
parserFormula.prototype.shiftCells = function(notifyType, sheetId, bbox, offset) {
var isHor = 0 != offset.offsetCol;
var oShiftGetBBox;
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Shift == notifyType) {
oShiftGetBBox = AscCommonExcel.shiftGetBBox(bbox, isHor);
} else {
oShiftGetBBox = bbox;
parserFormula.prototype.removeTableName = function(defName) {
var i, elem, LocalSheetId;
for (i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) {
elem = this.outStack[i];
if (elem.type == cElementType.table) {
LocalSheetId = ? : null;
if (elem.tableName == defName.Name && (null == defName.LocalSheetId || LocalSheetId == defName.LocalSheetId )) {
this.outStack[i] = elem.toRef();
parserFormula.prototype.shiftCells = function(notifyType, sheetId, bbox, offset) {
var isHor = offset && 0 != offset.offsetCol;
var elem;
for (var i = 0; i < this.outStack.length; i++) {
elem = this.outStack[i];
......@@ -4429,9 +4451,12 @@ parserFormula.prototype.getRef = function() {
var _cellsBbox = AscCommonExcel.g_oRangeCache.getAscRange(_cells.replace(this.regSpace, ""));
var isIntersect;
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Shift == notifyType) {
isIntersect = oShiftGetBBox.isIntersectForShift(_cellsBbox, isHor);
} else {
isIntersect = oShiftGetBBox.containsRange(_cellsBbox);
isIntersect = bbox.isIntersectForShift(_cellsBbox, offset);
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Move == notifyType) {
isIntersect = bbox.containsRange(_cellsBbox);
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Delete == notifyType) {
//isIntersect = bbox.isIntersect(_cellsBbox);
isIntersect = bbox.containsRange(_cellsBbox);
if (isIntersect) {
var isNoDelete;
......@@ -4439,9 +4464,32 @@ parserFormula.prototype.getRef = function() {
_cellsBbox = _cellsBbox.clone();
isNoDelete = _cellsBbox.forShift(bbox, offset);
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Move == notifyType) {
_cellsBbox = _cellsBbox.clone();
isNoDelete = true;
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Delete == notifyType) {
isNoDelete = false;
// if (bbox.containsRange(_cellsBbox)) {
// isNoDelete = false;
// } else {
// isNoDelete = true;
// if (!_cellsBbox.containsRange(bbox)) {
// var ltIn = bbox.contains(_cellsBbox.c1, _cellsBbox.r1);
// var rtIn = bbox.contains(_cellsBbox.c2, _cellsBbox.r1);
// var lbIn = bbox.contains(_cellsBbox.c1, _cellsBbox.r2);
// var rbIn = bbox.contains(_cellsBbox.c2, _cellsBbox.r2);
// _cellsBbox = _cellsBbox.clone();
// if (ltIn && rtIn) {
// _cellsBbox.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: 0, offsetRow: bbox.r2 - _cellsBbox.r1 + 1});
// } else if (rtIn && rbIn) {
// _cellsBbox.setOffsetLast({offsetCol: bbox.c1 - _cellsBbox.c2 - 1, offsetRow: 0});
// } else if (rbIn && lbIn) {
// _cellsBbox.setOffsetLast({offsetCol: 0, offsetRow: bbox.r1 - _cellsBbox.r2 - 1});
// } else if (lbIn && ltIn) {
// _cellsBbox.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: bbox.c2 - _cellsBbox.c1 + 1, offsetRow: 0});
// }
// }
// }
if (isNoDelete) {
elem.value = elem._cells =
......@@ -188,9 +188,7 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
this.isLock = null;
this.parsedRef = null;
if (this.ref) {
//все ссылки должны быть 3d поэтому без разницы какой sheet предавать
this.parsedRef = new parserFormula(this.ref, this, this.wb.getWorksheet(0));
this.setRef(this.ref, true);
......@@ -198,7 +196,17 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
removeDependencies: function() {
if (this.parsedRef) {
this.parsedRef = null;
setRef: function(ref, opt_noRemoveDependencies) {
this.ref = ref;
//all ref should be 3d, so worksheet can be anyone
this.parsedRef = new parserFormula(ref, this, AscCommonExcel.g_DefNameWorksheet);
getNodeId: function() {
return getDefNameId(this.sheetId,;
......@@ -211,19 +219,49 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
return new Asc.asc_CDefName(, this.ref, index, this.isTable, this.hidden, this.isLock);
onFormulaEvent: function(type, data) {
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.Change === type) {
setAscCDefName: function(newAscName) { = newAscName.Name;
this.sheetId = this.wb.getSheetIdByIndex(newAscName.LocalSheetId);
this.hidden = newAscName.Hidden;
this.isTable = newAscName.isTable;
if(this.ref != newAscName.Ref){
onFormulaEvent: function(type, eventData) {
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.CanDo === type) {
var type = eventData.notifyData.type;
return !(this.isTable &&
(AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Shift === type || AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Move === type ||
AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Delete === type));
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.Change === type) {
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.ChangeFormula === type) {
var oldAscName = this.getAscCDefName();
var assemb;
switch (eventData.assembleType) {
case AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Normal:
assemb = this.parsedRef.assemble();
case AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Flag:
assemb = this.parsedRef.assemble(true);
case AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Current:
assemb = this.parsedRef.Formula;
if (eventData.isRebuild) {
this.setRef(assemb, true);
} else {
this.ref = this.parsedRef.Formula = assemb;
this.parsedRef.Formula = this.parsedRef.assemble();
this.ref = this.parsedRef.Formula;
var newAscName = this.getAscCDefName();
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorkbook, AscCH.historyitem_Workbook_DefinedNamesChangeUndo, null,
null, new UndoRedoData_DefinedNamesChange(oldAscName, newAscName), true);
return true;
......@@ -373,16 +411,21 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
//обязательно, формула не в зависимостях не сдвинутся
this._shiftMoveDelete(AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Delete, sheetId, bbox, null);
this.addToChangedRange(sheetId, bbox);
shift: function(sheetId, bbox, offset) {
//обязательно, формула не в зависимостях не сдвинутся
this._shiftMoveDelete(AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Shift, sheetId, bbox, offset);
var bHor = 0 != offset.offsetCol;
var bboxShift = AscCommonExcel.shiftGetBBox(bbox, bHor);
this.addToChangedRange(sheetId, bboxShift);
move: function(sheetId, bboxFrom, offset) {
//обязательно, формула не в зависимостях не сдвинутся
this._shiftMoveDelete(AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Move, sheetId, bboxFrom, offset);
this.addToChangedRange(sheetId, bboxFrom);
changeSheet: function(sheetId, data) {
......@@ -396,7 +439,7 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
for (var vertexIndex in sheetContainer.areaMap) {
var areaSheetElem = sheetContainer.cellMap[vertexIndex];
var areaSheetElem = sheetContainer.areaMap[vertexIndex];
for (var listenerId in areaSheetElem.listeners) {
listeners[listenerId] = areaSheetElem.listeners[listenerId];
......@@ -498,23 +541,9 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
return names.sort(sort);
addDefNameOpen: function(name, ref, sheetIndex, hidden, isTable) {
var nameIndex = getDefNameIndex(name);
var container;
var sheetId = this.wb.getSheetIdByIndex(sheetIndex);
if (sheetId) {
container = this.defNames.sheet[sheetId];
if (!container) {
container = {};
this.defNames.sheet[sheetId] = container;
} else {
container = this.defNames.wb;
var res = container[nameIndex];
if (!res) {
res = new DefName(this.wb, name, ref, sheetId, hidden, isTable);
container[nameIndex] = res;
var res = new DefName(this.wb, name, ref, sheetId, hidden, isTable);
return res;
removeDefName: function(sheetIndex, name) {
......@@ -527,7 +556,6 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
editDefinesNames: function(oldAscName, newAscName) {
......@@ -543,27 +571,27 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
if (res) {
if (res && oldAscName) {
this._delDefName(, res.sheetId);
res = this.addDefNameOpen(newAscName.Name, newAscName.Ref, newAscName.LocalSheetId, newAscName.Hidden,
if (oldAscName && oldAscName.Name != newAscName.Name) {
if (oldAscName.Name != newAscName.Name) {
res = this._delDefName(, res.sheetId);
var notifyData = {type: AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.ChangeDefName, from: oldAscName, to: newAscName};
this._broadcastDefName(oldAscName.Name, notifyData);
} else {
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorkbook, AscCH.historyitem_Workbook_DefinedNamesChange, null,
null, new UndoRedoData_DefinedNamesChange(oldAscName, newAscName));
return res;
checkDefName: function (name, sheetIndex) {
......@@ -617,20 +645,20 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
saveDefName: function() {
var list = [];
this._foreachDefName(function(defName, container) {
if (!defName.isTable && defName.Ref) {
this._foreachDefName(function(defName) {
if (!defName.isTable && defName.ref) {
return list;
unlockDefName: function() {
this._foreachDefName(function(defName, container) {
this._foreachDefName(function(defName) {
defName.isLock = null;
checkDefNameLock: function() {
return this._foreachDefName(function(defName, container) {
return this._foreachDefName(function(defName) {
return defName.isLock;
......@@ -668,19 +696,21 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
var defNameRef = parserHelp.get3DRef(ws.getName(), refClone.getAbsName());
this.addDefNameOpen(sName, defNameRef, null, null, true);
} else {
defName.Ref = defNameRef;
defName.ref = defNameRef;
changeTableRef: function(tableName, newRef) {
var defName = this.getDefNameByName(tableName, null);
if (defName) {
var oldAscName = defName.getAscCDefName();
var newAscName = defName.getAscCDefName();
newAscName.Ref = newRef;
newAscName.Ref = defName.ref.split('!')[0] + '!' + newRef.getAbsName();
this.editDefinesNames(oldAscName, newAscName);
var notifyData = {type: AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.ChangeDefName, from: oldAscName, to: newAscName};
this._broadcastDefName(, notifyData);
changeTableName: function(tableName, newName) {
var defName = this.getDefNameByName(tableName, null);
......@@ -695,6 +725,9 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
delTableName: function(tableName) {
this._delDefName(tableName, null);
//todo make ref
// var notifyData = {type: AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.ChangeDefName, from: defName.getAscCDefName(), to: null};
// this._broadcastDefName(tableName, notifyData);
rebuildTable: function(tableName) {
var defName = this.getDefNameByName(tableName, null);
......@@ -857,6 +890,25 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
_addDefName: function(defName) {
var nameIndex = getDefNameIndex(;
var container;
var sheetId = defName.sheetId;
if (sheetId) {
container = this.defNames.sheet[sheetId];
if (!container) {
container = {};
this.defNames.sheet[sheetId] = container;
} else {
container = this.defNames.wb;
var cur = container[nameIndex];
if (cur) {
container[nameIndex] = defName;
_delDefName: function(name, sheetId) {
var res = null;
var nameIndex = getDefNameIndex(name);
......@@ -996,19 +1048,18 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
this.tempGetByCells = [];
_shiftMoveDelete: function(notifyType, sheetId, bbox, offset) {
var isHor = offset && 0 != offset.offsetCol;
var oShiftGetBBox;
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Shift == notifyType) {
oShiftGetBBox = AscCommonExcel.shiftGetBBox(bbox, isHor);
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Move == notifyType || AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Delete == notifyType) {
oShiftGetBBox = bbox;
var sheetContainer = this.sheetListeners[sheetId];
if (sheetContainer) {
var listeners = {};
var isIntersect;
for (var cellIndex in sheetContainer.cellMap) {
if (oShiftGetBBox.contains(g_FCI.col, g_FCI.row)) {
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Shift == notifyType) {
isIntersect = bbox.isIntersectForShiftCell(g_FCI.col, g_FCI.row, offset);
} else {
isIntersect = bbox.contains(g_FCI.col, g_FCI.row);
if (isIntersect) {
var cellMapElem = sheetContainer.cellMap[cellIndex];
for (var listenerId in cellMapElem.listeners) {
listeners[listenerId] = cellMapElem.listeners[listenerId];
......@@ -1017,11 +1068,13 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
for (var areaIndex in sheetContainer.areaMap) {
var areaMapElem = sheetContainer.areaMap[areaIndex];
var isIntersect;
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Shift == notifyType) {
isIntersect = oShiftGetBBox.isIntersectForShift(areaMapElem.bbox, isHor)
} else {
isIntersect = oShiftGetBBox.containsRange(areaMapElem.bbox);
isIntersect = bbox.isIntersectForShift(areaMapElem.bbox, offset);
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Move == notifyType) {
isIntersect = bbox.containsRange(areaMapElem.bbox);
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyType.Delete == notifyType) {
//isIntersect = bbox.isIntersect(areaMapElem.bbox);
isIntersect = bbox.containsRange(areaMapElem.bbox);
if (isIntersect) {
for (var listenerId in areaMapElem.listeners) {
......@@ -1044,14 +1097,18 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
RangeTree.prototype = {
add: function(bbox, data) {
var top = this.yTree.insertOrGet(new Asc.TreeRBNode(bbox.r1, {count: 0, vals: {}}));
var bottom = this.yTree.insertOrGet(new Asc.TreeRBNode(bbox.r2, {count: 0, vals: {}})); =;
var startFlag = bbox.r1 !== bbox.r2 ? 1 : 3;
var dataWrap = {bbox: bbox, data: data, isOutput: false};
top.storedValue.vals[] = {isStart: true, dataWrap: dataWrap};
var top = this.yTree.insertOrGet(new Asc.TreeRBNode(bbox.r1, {count: 0, vals: {}}));
top.storedValue.vals[] = {startFlag: startFlag, dataWrap: dataWrap};
bottom.storedValue.vals[] = {isStart: false, dataWrap: dataWrap};
if (bbox.r1 != bbox.r2) {
startFlag = 2;
var bottom = this.yTree.insertOrGet(new Asc.TreeRBNode(bbox.r2, {count: 0, vals: {}}));
bottom.storedValue.vals[] = {startFlag: startFlag, dataWrap: dataWrap};
remove: function(bbox, data) {
var top = this.yTree.getElem(bbox.r1);
......@@ -1082,7 +1139,7 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
var cellArr = [];
for (var cellIndex in cells) {
cellArr.push(cellIndex - 0);
......@@ -1106,7 +1163,7 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
curY = curNodeY.key;
for (var id in curNodeY.storedValue.vals) {
var elem = curNodeY.storedValue.vals[id];
if (elem.isStart && !elem.dataWrap.isOutput) {
if (0 !== (1 & elem.startFlag) && !elem.dataWrap.isOutput) {
curNodes[id] = elem;
......@@ -1132,7 +1189,7 @@ function getRangeType(oBBox){
} else {
for (var id in curNodeY.storedValue.vals) {
var elem = curNodeY.storedValue.vals[id];
if (!elem.isStart && !elem.dataWrap.isOutput) {
if (0 !== (2 & elem.startFlag) && !elem.dataWrap.isOutput) {
delete curNodes[id];
......@@ -1199,7 +1256,6 @@ function getUniqueKeys(array) {
function Workbook(eventsHandlers, oApi){
this.oApi = oApi;
this.handlers = eventsHandlers;
this.needRecalc = {nodes: {}, length:0};
this.dependencyFormulas = new DependencyGraph(this);
this.nActive = 0;
......@@ -1630,9 +1686,12 @@ Workbook.prototype.getDefinesNames = function ( name, sheetId ) {
Workbook.prototype.delDefinesNames = function ( defName ) {
this.dependencyFormulas.removeDefName( defName.LocalSheetId, defName.Name );
Workbook.prototype.editDefinesNames = function ( oldName, newName, bUndo ) {
return this.dependencyFormulas.editDefinesNames( oldName, newName, bUndo );
Workbook.prototype.editDefinesNames = function ( oldName, newName ) {
var res = this.dependencyFormulas.editDefinesNames( oldName, newName );
return res;
Workbook.prototype.findDefinesNames = function ( ref, sheetId ) {
return this.dependencyFormulas.getDefNameByRef( ref, sheetId );
......@@ -2698,9 +2757,7 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._removeRows=function(start, stop){
//start, stop 0 based
var nDif = -(stop - start + 1);
var oActualRange = {r1: start, c1: 0, r2: stop, c2: gc_nMaxCol0};
var oActualRange = new Asc.Range(0, start, gc_nMaxCol0, stop);
this.renameDependencyNodes({offsetRow:nDif,offsetCol:0}, oActualRange);
var i, j, length, nIndex, aIndexes = [];
for(i in this.aGCells)
......@@ -2740,7 +2797,8 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._removeRows=function(start, stop){
delete this.aGCells[nIndex];
//renameDependencyNodes after move cells because addToChanged has to add new locations
this.renameDependencyNodes({offsetRow:nDif,offsetCol:0}, oActualRange);
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_RemoveRows, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, start, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_FromToRowCol(true, start, stop));
this.autoFilters.insertRows( "delCell", new Asc.Range(0, start, gc_nMaxCol0, stop), c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteRows );
......@@ -2757,8 +2815,6 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._insertRowsBefore=function(index, count){
var oActualRange = {r1: index, c1: 0, r2: index + count - 1, c2: gc_nMaxCol0};
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_AddRows, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, index, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_FromToRowCol(true, index, index + count - 1));
//index 0 based
var aIndexes = [];
for(var i in this.aGCells)
......@@ -2796,6 +2852,10 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._insertRowsBefore=function(index, count){
History.LocalChange = false;
//renameDependencyNodes after move cells because addToChanged has to add new locations
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_AddRows, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, index, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_FromToRowCol(true, index, index + count - 1));
this.autoFilters.insertRows( "insCell", new Asc.Range(0, index, gc_nMaxCol0, index + count - 1), c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertColumns );
......@@ -2826,7 +2886,6 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._removeCols=function(start, stop){
//start, stop 0 based
var nDif = -(stop - start + 1), i, j, length, nIndex;
var oActualRange = { r1: 0, c1: start, r2: gc_nMaxRow0, c2: stop };
this.renameDependencyNodes({ offsetRow: 0, offsetCol: nDif }, oActualRange);
for(i in this.aGCells)
var nRowIndex = i - 0;
......@@ -2854,7 +2913,6 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._removeCols=function(start, stop){
var oDefColPr = new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoData_ColProp();
for(i = start; i <= stop; ++i)
......@@ -2874,7 +2932,8 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._removeCols=function(start, stop){
if(null != elem)
//renameDependencyNodes after move cells because addToChanged has to add new locations
this.renameDependencyNodes({ offsetRow: 0, offsetCol: nDif }, oActualRange);
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_RemoveCols, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(start, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_FromToRowCol(false, start, stop));
......@@ -2891,8 +2950,6 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._insertColsBefore=function(index, count){
var oActualRange = {r1: 0, c1: index, r2: gc_nMaxRow0, c2: index + count - 1};
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_AddCols, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(index, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_FromToRowCol(false, index, index + count - 1));
//index 0 based
for(var i in this.aGCells)
......@@ -2913,6 +2970,10 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._insertColsBefore=function(index, count){
this._moveCellHor(nRowIndex, nIndex, count, oActualRange);
//renameDependencyNodes after move cells because addToChanged has to add new locations
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_AddCols, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(index, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_FromToRowCol(false, index, index + count - 1));
this.autoFilters.insertColumn( "insCells", new Asc.Range(index, 0, index + count - 1, gc_nMaxRow0), c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertColumns );
......@@ -3756,12 +3817,8 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._moveRange=function(oBBoxFrom, oBBoxTo, copyRange){
var sBBoxFromName = oBBoxFrom.getName();
this.workbook.needRecalc.nodes[getVertexId(this.getId(), sBBoxFromName)] = [this.getId(), sBBoxFromName];
var sBBoxToName = oBBoxTo.getName();
this.workbook.needRecalc.nodes[getVertexId(this.getId(), sBBoxToName)] = [this.getId(), sBBoxToName];
if(true == this.workbook.bUndoChanges || true == this.workbook.bRedoChanges)
......@@ -3781,7 +3838,6 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._shiftCellsLeft=function(oBBox){
var nLeft = oBBox.c1;
var nRight = oBBox.c2;
var dif = nLeft - nRight - 1;
this.renameDependencyNodes( {offsetRow:0,offsetCol:dif}, oBBox );
for(var i = oBBox.r1; i <= oBBox.r2; i++){
var row = this.aGCells[i];
......@@ -3807,6 +3863,8 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._shiftCellsLeft=function(oBBox){
//renameDependencyNodes after move cells because addToChanged has to add new locations
this.renameDependencyNodes( {offsetRow:0,offsetCol:dif}, oBBox );
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_ShiftCellsLeft, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(nLeft, oBBox.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, oBBox.r2), new UndoRedoData_BBox(oBBox));
this.autoFilters.insertColumn( "delCell", oBBox, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteCellsAndShiftLeft );
......@@ -3816,7 +3874,6 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._shiftCellsUp=function(oBBox){
var nTop = oBBox.r1;
var nBottom = oBBox.r2;
var dif = nTop - nBottom - 1;
this.renameDependencyNodes({offsetRow:dif,offsetCol:0}, oBBox );
var aIndexes = [];
for(var i in this.aGCells)
......@@ -3846,6 +3903,8 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._shiftCellsUp=function(oBBox){
//renameDependencyNodes after move cells because addToChanged has to add new locations
this.renameDependencyNodes({offsetRow:dif,offsetCol:0}, oBBox );
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_ShiftCellsTop, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(oBBox.c1, oBBox.r1, oBBox.c2, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_BBox(oBBox));
this.autoFilters.insertRows( "delCell", oBBox, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteCellsAndShiftTop );
......@@ -3855,7 +3914,7 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._shiftCellsRight=function(oBBox, displayNameFormatTable){
var nLeft = oBBox.c1;
var nRight = oBBox.c2;
var dif = nRight - nLeft + 1;
this.renameDependencyNodes({offsetRow:0,offsetCol:dif}, oBBox);
for(var i = oBBox.r1; i <= oBBox.r2; i++){
var row = this.aGCells[i];
......@@ -3880,6 +3939,8 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._shiftCellsRight=function(oBBox, displayNameFormatTable){
//renameDependencyNodes after move cells because addToChanged has to add new locations
this.renameDependencyNodes({offsetRow:0,offsetCol:dif}, oBBox);
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_ShiftCellsRight, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(oBBox.c1, oBBox.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, oBBox.r2), new UndoRedoData_BBox(oBBox));
this.autoFilters.insertColumn( "insCells", oBBox, c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertCellsAndShiftRight, displayNameFormatTable );
......@@ -3889,7 +3950,6 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._shiftCellsBottom=function(oBBox, displayNameFormatTable){
var nBottom = oBBox.r2;
var dif = nBottom - nTop + 1;
var aIndexes = [];
this.renameDependencyNodes({offsetRow:dif,offsetCol:0}, oBBox);
for(var i in this.aGCells){
var rowInd = i - 0;
if(rowInd >= nTop)
......@@ -3911,6 +3971,8 @@ Woorksheet.prototype._shiftCellsBottom=function(oBBox, displayNameFormatTable){
//renameDependencyNodes after move cells because addToChanged has to add new locations
this.renameDependencyNodes({offsetRow:dif,offsetCol:0}, oBBox);
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoWorksheet, AscCH.historyitem_Worksheet_ShiftCellsBottom, this.getId(), new Asc.Range(oBBox.c1, oBBox.r1, oBBox.c2, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_BBox(oBBox));
this.autoFilters.insertRows( "insCell", oBBox, c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertCellsAndShiftDown, displayNameFormatTable );
......@@ -4697,24 +4759,43 @@ Cell.prototype.setValueData = function(Val){
Cell.prototype.onFormulaEvent = function(type, data) {
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.Change === type) {
Cell.prototype.onFormulaEvent = function(type, eventData) {
if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.CanDo === type) {
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.Change === type) {;
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.ChangeFormula === type) {
var DataOld = this.getValueData();
var assemb;
switch (eventData.assembleType) {
case AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Normal:
assemb = this.formulaParsed.assemble();
case AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Flag:
assemb = this.formulaParsed.assemble(true);
case AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentAssemble.Current:
assemb = this.formulaParsed.Formula;
if (eventData.isRebuild) {
this.setValue('=' + assemb);
} else {
this.formulaParsed.Formula = assemb;
this.formulaParsed.Formula = this.formulaParsed.assemble();;
var DataNew = this.getValueData();
if (false == DataOld.isEqual(DataNew)) {
History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoCell, AscCH.historyitem_Cell_ChangeValueUndo,,
new Asc.Range(this.nCol, this.nRow, this.nCol, this.nRow),
new UndoRedoData_CellSimpleData(this.nRow, this.nCol, DataOld, DataNew), true);
} else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.EndCalculate === type) {
return true;
Cell.prototype._calculateRefType = function(cell) {
var val = this.formulaParsed.value;
......@@ -7568,9 +7649,11 @@ Range.prototype._sortByArray=function(oBBox, aSortData, bUndo){
rowTo.c[i] = oCurCell;
if (oCurCell.formulaParsed) {
var _p_ = oCurCell.formulaParsed.clone(null, oCurCell, this);
var assemb = _p_.changeOffset({offsetCol: 0, offsetRow: shift}).assemble();
oCurCell.setValue("=" + assemb);
......@@ -8615,6 +8698,7 @@ DrawingObjectsManager.prototype.rebuildCharts = function(data)
window['AscCommonExcel'].oDefaultMetrics = oDefaultMetrics;
window['AscCommonExcel'].g_nAllColIndex = g_nAllColIndex;
window['AscCommonExcel'].g_nAllRowIndex = g_nAllRowIndex;
window['AscCommonExcel'].aStandartNumFormats = aStandartNumFormats;
window['AscCommonExcel'].aStandartNumFormatsId = aStandartNumFormatsId;
window['AscCommonExcel'].oFormulaLocaleInfo = oFormulaLocaleInfo;
......@@ -305,11 +305,38 @@
return bRes;
isIntersectForShift: function(range, isHor) {
isIntersectForShift: function(range, offset) {
var isHor = offset && 0 != offset.offsetCol;
var toDelete = offset && (offset.offsetCol < 0 || offset.offsetRow < 0);
if (isHor) {
return this.r1 <= range.r1 && range.r2 <= this.r2 && this.c1 <= range.c2;
if (this.r1 <= range.r1 && range.r2 <= this.r2 && this.c1 <= range.c2) {
return true;
} else if (toDelete && this.c1 <= range.c1 && range.c2 <= this.c2) {
var topIn = this.r1 <= range.r1 && range.r1 <= this.r2;
var bottomIn = this.r1 <= range.r2 && range.r2 <= this.r2;
return topIn || bottomIn;
} else {
return this.c1 <= range.c1 && range.c2 <= this.c2 && this.r1 <= range.r2;
return false;
} else {
if (this.c1 <= range.c1 && range.c2 <= this.c2 && this.r1 <= range.r2) {
return true;
} else if (toDelete && this.r1 <= range.r1 && range.r2 <= this.r2) {
var leftIn = this.c1 <= range.c1 && range.c1 <= this.c2;
var rightIn = this.c1 <= range.c2 && range.c2 <= this.c2;
return leftIn || rightIn;
} else {
return false;
isIntersectForShiftCell: function(col, row, offset) {
var isHor = offset && 0 != offset.offsetCol;
if (isHor) {
return this.r1 <= row && row <= this.r2 && this.c1 <= col;
} else {
return this.c1 <= col && col <= this.c2 && this.r1 <= row;
......@@ -328,9 +355,18 @@
} else if (this.c1 <= bbox.c2) {
if (this.c2 <= bbox.c2) {
var topIn = bbox.r1 <= this.r1 && this.r1 <= bbox.r2;
var bottomIn = bbox.r1 <= this.r2 && this.r2 <= bbox.r2;
if (topIn && bottomIn) {
isNoDelete = false;
} else if (topIn) {
this.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: 0, offsetRow: bbox.r2 - this.r1 + 1});
} else if (bottomIn) {
this.setOffsetLast({offsetCol: 0, offsetRow: bbox.r1 - this.r2 - 1});
} else {
this.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: bbox.c2 - this.c1 + 1, offsetRow: 0});
this.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: bbox.c1 - this.c1, offsetRow: 0});
} else {
......@@ -352,9 +388,18 @@
} else if (this.r1 <= bbox.r2) {
if (this.r2 <= bbox.r2) {
var leftIn = bbox.c1 <= this.c1 && this.c1 <= bbox.c2;
var rightIn = bbox.c1 <= this.c2 && this.c2 <= bbox.c2;
if (leftIn && rightIn) {
isNoDelete = false;
} else if (leftIn) {
this.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: bbox.c2 - this.c1 + 1, offsetRow: 0});
} else if (rightIn) {
this.setOffsetLast({offsetCol: bbox.c1 - this.c2 - 1, offsetRow: 0});
} else {
this.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: 0, offsetRow: bbox.r2 - this.r1 + 1});
this.setOffsetFirst({offsetCol: 0, offsetRow: bbox.r1 - this.r1});
} else {
......@@ -823,9 +823,16 @@ var c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings = {
var c_oNotifyParentType = {
Change: 0,
ChangeFormula: 1,
EndCalculate: 2
CanDo: 0,
Change: 1,
ChangeFormula: 2,
EndCalculate: 3
var c_oNotifyParentAssemble = {
Normal: 0,
Flag: 1,
Current: 2
var c_oDashType = {
......@@ -1480,6 +1487,8 @@ window['Asc']['c_oAscMaxCellOrCommentLength'] = window['Asc'].c_oAscMaxCellOrCom
window["AscCommon"].c_oZoomType = c_oZoomType;
window["AscCommon"].c_oNotifyType = c_oNotifyType;
window["AscCommon"].c_oNotifyParentType = c_oNotifyParentType;
window["AscCommon"].c_oNotifyParentAssemble = c_oNotifyParentAssemble;
window["AscCommon"].c_oAscEncodings = c_oAscEncodings;
window["AscCommon"].c_oAscEncodingsMap = c_oAscEncodingsMap;
window["AscCommon"].c_oAscCodePageUtf8 = c_oAscCodePageUtf8;
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