Commit 97d11689 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

delete _outofbounds

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 6ddd502b
......@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ OfficeExcel.OtherProps = function()
this._ymin = 0;
this._ymax = 0;
this._outofbounds = false;
this._noaxes = false;
this._noxaxis = false;
this._noyaxis = false;
......@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
for (i=0; i<key.length; ++i) {
width = Math.max(width, context.measureText(key[i]).width);
var textWidth = width;
width += 5;
width += blob_size;
......@@ -78,40 +78,16 @@
this.max = this._otherProps._ymax;
this.min = this._otherProps._ymin ? this._otherProps._ymin : 0;
/*this.scale = [
(((this.max - this.min) * (1/5)) + this.min).toFixed(this._otherProps._scale_decimals),
(((this.max - this.min) * (2/5)) + this.min).toFixed(this._otherProps._scale_decimals),
(((this.max - this.min) * (3/5)) + this.min).toFixed(this._otherProps._scale_decimals),
(((this.max - this.min) * (4/5)) + this.min).toFixed(this._otherProps._scale_decimals),
// Check for negative values
if (!this._otherProps._outofbounds) {
for (var dataset = 0; dataset <; ++dataset) {
for (var datapoint = 0; datapoint <[dataset].length; ++datapoint) {
// Check for negative values
this.hasnegativevalues = ([dataset][datapoint] < 0) || this.hasnegativevalues;
} else {
this.min = this._otherProps._ymin ? this._otherProps._ymin : 0;
// Work out the max Y value
//for (var dataset = 0; dataset <; ++dataset) {
//for (var datapoint = 0; datapoint <[dataset].length; ++datapoint) {
this.max = max;
// Check for negative values
/*if (!this._otherProps._outofbounds)
this.hasnegativevalues = ([dataset][datapoint] < 0) || this.hasnegativevalues;*/
// }
this.scale = OfficeExcel.getScale(Math.abs(parseFloat(this.max)),this,min,max);
//this.max = this.scale[4] ? this.scale[4] : 0;
if('auto' == this._otherProps._ylabels_count)
......@@ -958,8 +934,8 @@
if ( lineData[i] == null
|| (this._otherProps._xaxispos == 'bottom' && lineData[i] < this.min && !this._otherProps._outofbounds)
|| (this._otherProps._xaxispos == 'center' && lineData[i] < (-1 * this.max) && !this._otherProps._outofbounds)) {
|| (this._otherProps._xaxispos == 'bottom' && lineData[i] < this.min)
|| (this._otherProps._xaxispos == 'center' && lineData[i] < (-1 * this.max))) {
yPos = null;
......@@ -1072,7 +1048,7 @@
this.context.lineTo(xPos, lineCoords[i - 1][1]);
if ((yPos >= this._chartGutter._top && yPos <= (this.canvas.height - this._chartGutter._bottom)) || this._otherProps._outofbounds ) {
if (yPos >= this._chartGutter._top && yPos <= (this.canvas.height - this._chartGutter._bottom)) {
if (isLast && this._otherProps._filled && !this._otherProps._filled_range && this._otherProps._yaxispos == 'right') {
xPos -= 1;
......@@ -1177,7 +1153,7 @@
OfficeExcel.Line.prototype.DrawTick = function (lineData, xPos, yPos, color, prevX, prevY, tickmarks, index)
// If the yPos is null - no tick
if ((yPos == null || yPos > (this.canvas.height - this._chartGutter._bottom) || yPos < this._chartGutter._top) && !this._otherProps._outofbounds)
if (yPos == null || yPos > (this.canvas.height - this._chartGutter._bottom) || yPos < this._chartGutter._top)
......@@ -1417,8 +1393,7 @@
if ((
(i == 0 && coords[i])
if ((i == 0 && coords[i])
/*|| (yPos < this._chartGutter._top)
|| (prevY < this._chartGutter._top)*/
|| yPos == ''
......@@ -1428,7 +1403,7 @@
|| (i > 0 && prevY > (height - this._chartGutter._bottom))
|| prevY == null
|| penUp == true
) && (!this._otherProps._outofbounds || yPos == null || prevY == null) ) {
) {
if (OfficeExcel.isOld() && yPos == null) {
// ...?
......@@ -1294,8 +1294,6 @@
var context = this.context;
var size = this._otherProps._labels_above_size;
var font = this._otherProps._text_font;
var units_pre = this._otherProps._units_pre;
var units_post = this._otherProps._units_post;
var bold = this._otherProps._labels_above_bold;
var textOptions =
......@@ -1310,7 +1308,6 @@
for (var _set=0; _set<this.coords.length; ++_set) {
for (var point=0; point<this.coords[_set].length; ++point) {
var x_val =[_set][point][0];
var y_val =[_set][point][1];
var formatTrue = format;
if(this.arrFormatAdobeLabels && this.arrFormatAdobeLabels[_set] && this.arrFormatAdobeLabels[_set][point] && this.arrFormatAdobeLabels[_set][point][1])
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