Commit 997960dd authored by Ilya Kirillov's avatar Ilya Kirillov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Написан новый класс ApiDocumentContent. Класс ApiDocument снаследован от...

Написан новый класс ApiDocumentContent. Класс ApiDocument снаследован от ApiDocumentContent. Теперь содержимое ячейки и колонтитулов возвращается в виде ApiDocumentContent, а не ApiDocument как раньше. Исправлен баг с объединением ячеек в билдере.
parent 35719a19
......@@ -14,14 +14,26 @@
var Api = window["asc_docs_api"];
* Class representing a container for paragraphs and tables.
* @param Document
* @constructor
function ApiDocumentContent(Document)
this.Document = Document;
* Class representing a document.
* @constructor
* @extends {ApiDocumentContent}
function ApiDocument(Document)
this.Document = Document;, Document);
AscCommon.extendClass(ApiDocument, ApiDocumentContent);
* Class representing a paragraph properties.
......@@ -307,22 +319,15 @@
// ApiDocument
// ApiDocumentContent
* Create new history point.
ApiDocument.prototype.CreateNewHistoryPoint = function()
* Get the number of elements.
* @returns {number}
ApiDocument.prototype.GetElementsCount = function()
ApiDocumentContent.prototype.GetElementsCount = function()
return this.Document.Content.length;
......@@ -330,7 +335,7 @@
* Get element by position
* @returns {?DocumentElement}
ApiDocument.prototype.GetElement = function(nPos)
ApiDocumentContent.prototype.GetElement = function(nPos)
if (!this.Document.Content[nPos])
return null;
......@@ -348,7 +353,7 @@
* @param {number} nPos
* @param {DocumentElement} oElement
ApiDocument.prototype.AddElement = function(nPos, oElement)
ApiDocumentContent.prototype.AddElement = function(nPos, oElement)
if (oElement instanceof ApiParagraph || oElement instanceof ApiTable)
......@@ -362,7 +367,7 @@
* Push paragraph or table
* @param {DocumentElement} oElement
ApiDocument.prototype.Push = function(oElement)
ApiDocumentContent.prototype.Push = function(oElement)
if (oElement instanceof ApiParagraph || oElement instanceof ApiTable)
......@@ -375,10 +380,24 @@
* Remove all elements from the current document.
ApiDocument.prototype.RemoveAllElements = function()
ApiDocumentContent.prototype.RemoveAllElements = function()
this.Document.Content = [];
// ApiDocument
* Create new history point.
ApiDocument.prototype.CreateNewHistoryPoint = function()
* Get style by style name
* @param {string} sStyleName
......@@ -481,7 +500,7 @@
ApiDocument.prototype.CreateSection = function(oParagraph)
if (!(oParagraph instanceof ApiParagraph))
return null;
var oSectPr = new CSectionPr(this.Document);
......@@ -751,7 +770,7 @@
* Get the content for the specified type of header.
* @param {HdrFtrType} sType - Type of header.
* @param {boolean} [isCreate=false] - Create a header or not if there is no header with specified type in the current section.
* @returns {?ApiDocument}
* @returns {?ApiDocumentContent}
ApiSection.prototype.GetHeader = function(sType, isCreate)
......@@ -778,7 +797,7 @@
return new ApiDocument(oHeader.Get_DocumentContent());
return new ApiDocumentContent(oHeader.Get_DocumentContent());
* Remove a header of the specified type from the current section. After removing the header will be inherited from
......@@ -799,7 +818,7 @@
* Get the content for the specified type of footer.
* @param {HdrFtrType} sType - Type of footer.
* @param {boolean} [isCreate=false] - Create a footer or not if there is no footer with specified type in the current section.
* @returns {?ApiDocument}
* @returns {?ApiDocumentContent}
ApiSection.prototype.GetFooter = function(sType, isCreate)
......@@ -826,7 +845,7 @@
return new ApiDocument(oFooter.Get_DocumentContent());
return new ApiDocumentContent(oFooter.Get_DocumentContent());
* Remove a footer of the specified type from the current section. After removing the footer will be inherited from
......@@ -925,12 +944,13 @@
var isMerged = this.Table.Cell_Merge(true);
var oMergedCell = this.Table.CurCell;
if (true === isMerged)
return new ApiTableCell(this.Table.CurCell);
return new ApiTableCell(oMergedCell);
return null;
......@@ -1106,11 +1126,11 @@
* Get cell content.
* @returns {ApiDocument}
* @returns {ApiDocumentContent}
ApiTableCell.prototype.GetContent = function()
return new ApiDocument(this.Cell.Content);
return new ApiDocumentContent(this.Cell.Content);
......@@ -2466,14 +2486,15 @@
Api.prototype["CreateParagraph"] = Api.prototype.CreateParagraph;
Api.prototype["CreateTable"] = Api.prototype.CreateTable;
ApiDocumentContent.prototype["GetElementsCount"] = ApiDocumentContent.prototype.GetElementsCount;
ApiDocumentContent.prototype["GetElement"] = ApiDocumentContent.prototype.GetElement;
ApiDocumentContent.prototype["AddElement"] = ApiDocumentContent.prototype.AddElement;
ApiDocumentContent.prototype["Push"] = ApiDocumentContent.prototype.Push;
ApiDocumentContent.prototype["RemoveAllElements"]= ApiDocumentContent.prototype.RemoveAllElements;
ApiDocument.prototype["Create_NewHistoryPoint"] = ApiDocument.prototype.Create_NewHistoryPoint;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetDefaultTextPr"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetDefaultTextPr;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetDefaultParaPr"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetDefaultParaPr;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetElementsCount"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetElementsCount;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetElement"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetElement;
ApiDocument.prototype["AddElement"] = ApiDocument.prototype.AddElement;
ApiDocument.prototype["Push"] = ApiDocument.prototype.Push;
ApiDocument.prototype["RemoveAllElements"] = ApiDocument.prototype.RemoveAllElements;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetStyle"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetStyle;
ApiDocument.prototype["CreateStyle"] = ApiDocument.prototype.CreateStyle;
ApiDocument.prototype["GetDefaultStyle"] = ApiDocument.prototype.GetDefaultStyle;
......@@ -3996,7 +4017,7 @@ function TEST_BUILDER2()
oTableStyle.GetConditionalTableStyle("wholeTable").GetTablePr().SetTableBorderInsideH("single", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Add column and row
// Add/Remove/Merge column and row
oTable = Api.CreateTable(3, 3);
......@@ -4024,6 +4045,13 @@ function TEST_BUILDER2()
oTable = Api.CreateTable(5, 5);
oCell = oTable.MergeCells([oTable.GetRow(1).GetCell(1), oTable.GetRow(1).GetCell(2), oTable.GetRow(2).GetCell(1), oTable.GetRow(2).GetCell(2)]);
oCell.GetContent().GetElement(0).AddText("Merged cell");
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