Commit 99e0da06 authored by Igor.Zotov's avatar Igor.Zotov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

добавил функции для вставки бинарника из ворда(для того, чтобы они работали...

добавил функции для вставки бинарника из ворда(для того, чтобы они работали нужно подключать serialize2.js(+ все скрипты, классы и функции которых там используются))

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent b2d46c0e
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
var activateLocalStorage = true;
var isOnlyLocalBufferSafari = false;
var copyPasteUseBinary = false;
var copyPasteFromWordUseBinary = false;
var Base64 = {
......@@ -1110,7 +1111,7 @@
var nBorderWidth = parseFloat(borderWidth);
if (isNaN(nBorderWidth))
return res;
if (-1 !== borderWidth.indexOf("pt"))
if (typeof borderWidth == "string" && -1 !== borderWidth.indexOf("pt"))
nBorderWidth = nBorderWidth * 96 / 72;
switch (borderStyle) {
......@@ -1474,12 +1475,13 @@
else//find class xsl
var base64 = null;
var base64FromWord = null;
var classNode;
if(node.children[0] && node.children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && node.children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("xslData;") > -1)
if(node.children[0] && node.children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && (node.children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("xslData;") > -1 || node.children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("docData;") > -1))
classNode = node.children[0].getAttribute("class");
else if(node.children[0] && node.children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("xslData;") > -1)
else if(node.children[0] && node.children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && (node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("xslData;") > -1 || node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("docData;") > -1))
classNode = node.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class");
else if(node.children[0] && node.children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("xslData;") > -1)
else if(node.children[0] && node.children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].children[0] && node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class") != null && (node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("xslData;") > -1 || node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class").indexOf("docData;") > -1))
classNode = node.children[0].children[0].children[0].getAttribute("class");
if( classNode != null ){
......@@ -1489,6 +1491,10 @@
base64 = cL[i].split('xslData;')[1];
else if(cL[i].indexOf("docData;") > -1)
base64FromWord = cL[i].split('docData;')[1];
......@@ -1525,6 +1531,16 @@
else if(base64FromWord && copyPasteFromWordUseBinary)
var pasteData = null;
var pasteData = this.ReadFromBinaryWord(base64FromWord);
var pasteFromBinaryWord = new Asc.pasteFromBinaryWord(this, worksheet);
pasteFromBinaryWord._paste(worksheet, pasteData);
window.GlobalPasteFlag = false;
window.GlobalPasteFlagCounter = 0;
......@@ -1957,6 +1973,142 @@
window.GlobalPasteFlag = false;
ReadFromBinaryWord : function(sBase64)
//надо сбросить то, что остался после открытия документа
var openParams = {checkFileSize: false, charCount: 0, parCount: 0};
var newCDocument = new CDocument2();
var oBinaryFileReader = new BinaryFileReader2(newCDocument, openParams); = oBinaryFileReader.getbase64DecodedData(sBase64);
//обрабатываем списки
/*for(var i in oReadResult.numToNumClass)
var oNumClass = oReadResult.numToNumClass[i];
var documentANum = this.oDocument.Numbering.AbstractNum;
//проверка на уже существующий такой же AbstractNum
var isAlreadyContains = false;
for(var n in documentANum)
var isEqual = documentANum[n].isEqual(oNumClass);
if(isEqual == true)
isAlreadyContains = true;
oReadResult.numToNumClass[i] = documentANum[n];
for(var i = 0, length = oReadResult.paraNumPrs.length; i < length; ++i)
var numPr = oReadResult.paraNumPrs[i];
var oNumClass = oReadResult.numToNumClass[numPr.NumId];
if(null != oNumClass)
numPr.NumId = oNumClass.Get_Id();
numPr.NumId = 0;
//обрабатываем стили
var isAlreadyContainsStyle;
var api = this.api;
var oStyleTypes = {par: 1, table: 2, lvl: 3};
var addNewStyles = false;
var fParseStyle = function(aStyles, oDocumentStyles, oReadResult, nStyleType)
if(aStyles == undefined)
for(var i = 0, length = aStyles.length; i < length; ++i)
var elem = aStyles[i];
var stylePaste = oReadResult.styles[];
var isEqualName = null;
if(null != stylePaste && null !=
for(var j in oDocumentStyles.Style)
var styleDoc = oDocumentStyles.Style[j];
isAlreadyContainsStyle = styleDoc.isEqual(;
if(styleDoc.Name ==
isEqualName = j;
if(oStyleTypes.par == nStyleType)
elem.pPr.PStyle = j;
else if(oStyleTypes.table == nStyleType)
elem.pPr.PStyle = j;
if(!isAlreadyContainsStyle && isEqualName != null)//если нашли имя такого же стиля
if(nStyleType == oStyleTypes.par || nStyleType == oStyleTypes.lvl)
elem.pPr.PStyle = isEqualName;
else if (nStyleType == oStyleTypes.table)
else if(!isAlreadyContainsStyle && isEqualName == null)//нужно добавить новый стиль
//todo править и BaseOn
var nStyleId = oDocumentStyles.Add(;
if(nStyleType == oStyleTypes.par || nStyleType == oStyleTypes.lvl)
elem.pPr.PStyle = nStyleId;
else if (nStyleType == oStyleTypes.table)
addNewStyles = true;
fParseStyle(oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.paraStyles, newCDocument.Styles, oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult, oStyleTypes.par);
fParseStyle(oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.tableStyles, newCDocument.Styles, oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult, oStyleTypes.table);
fParseStyle(oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.lvlStyles, newCDocument.Styles, oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult, oStyleTypes.lvl);
return oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult;
/*var aContent = oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.DocumentContent;
for(var i = 0, length = oBinaryFileReader.oReadResult.aPostOpenStyleNumCallbacks.length; i < length; ++i)
this.bInBlock = false;
this.bInBlock = true;
//создаем список используемых шрифтов
var AllFonts = new Object();
for ( var Index = 0, Count = aContent.length; Index < Count; Index++ )
aContent[Index].Document_Get_AllFontNames( AllFonts );
var aPrepeareFonts = [];
for(var i in AllFonts)
aPrepeareFonts.push(new CFont(i, 0, "", 0));
//создаем список используемых картинок
var oPastedImagesUnique = {};
var aPastedImages = window.global_pptx_content_loader.End_UseFullUrl();
for(var i = 0, length = aPastedImages.length; i < length; ++i)
var elem = aPastedImages[i];
oPastedImagesUnique[elem.Url] = 1;
var aPrepeareImages = [];
for(var i in oPastedImagesUnique)
return {content: aContent, fonts: aPrepeareFonts, images: aPrepeareImages, bAddNewStyles: addNewStyles, aPastedImages: aPastedImages};*/
_isEqualText: function(node, table){
var t = this;
if(undefined == t.copyText || node == undefined)
......@@ -3002,11 +3154,530 @@
/** @constructor */
function pasteFromBinaryWord(clipboard, ws) {
if ( !(this instanceof pasteFromBinaryWord) ) {return new pasteFromBinaryWord();}
this.fontsNew = [];
this.aResult = [];
this.clipboard = clipboard; = ws;
return this;
pasteFromBinaryWord.prototype = {
_paste : function(worksheet, pasteData)
var documentContent = pasteData.DocumentContent;
var value2;
var activeRange = worksheet.activeRange.clone(true);
if(documentContent && documentContent.length)
var documentContentBounds = new Asc.DocumentContentBounds();
var coverDocument = documentContentBounds.getBounds(0,0, documentContent);
this._parseChildren(coverDocument, activeRange);
//this.parseDocumentContent(documentContent, activeRange);
this.aResult.fontsNew = this.fontsNew;
aResult = this.aResult;
worksheet.setSelectionInfo('paste', aResult, this);
_parseChildren: function(children, activeRange)
var childrens = children.children;
for(var i = 0; i < childrens.length; i++)
if(childrens[i].type == c_oAscBoundsElementType.Cell)
for(var row = childrens[i].top; row < childrens[i].top + childrens[i].height; row++)
if(!this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1])
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1] = [];
for(var col = childrens[i].left; col < childrens[i].left + childrens[i].width; col++)
if(!this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1])
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1] = [];
if(!this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0])
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0] = [];
var isCtable = false;
var tempChildren = childrens[i].children[0].children;
var colSpan = null;
var rowSpan = null;
for(var temp = 0; temp < tempChildren.length; temp++)
if(tempChildren[temp].type == c_oAscBoundsElementType.Table)
isCtable = true;
if(childrens[i].width > 1 && isCtable && col == childrens[i].left)
colSpan = childrens[i].width;
rowSpan = 1;
else if(!isCtable && tempChildren.length == 1)
rowSpan = childrens[i].height;
colSpan = childrens[i].width;
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].rowSpan = rowSpan;
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].colSpan = colSpan;
this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].borders = this._getBorders(childrens[i], row, col, this.aResult[row + activeRange.r1][col + activeRange.c1][0].borders);
if(childrens[i].children.length == 0)
//if parent - cell of table
var colSpan = null;
var rowSpan = null;
this._parseParagraph(childrens[i].elem, activeRange, childrens[i].top + activeRange.r1, childrens[i].left + activeRange.c1);
this._parseChildren(childrens[i], activeRange);
_getBorders: function(cellTable, top, left, oldBorders)
var borders = cellTable.elem.Get_Borders();
var widthCell = cellTable.width;
var heigthCell = cellTable.height;
var defaultStyle = "solid";
var formatBorders = oldBorders ? oldBorders : new Border();
//top border for cell
if(top == && !formatBorders.t.s)
borderStyleName = this.clipboard._getBorderStyleName(defaultStyle,,3,1));
if (null !== borderStyleName) {
formatBorders.t.c = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + borders.Top.Color.r + "," + borders.Top.Color.g + "," + borders.Top.Color.b + ")"));
//left border for cell
if(left == cellTable.left && !formatBorders.l.s)
borderStyleName = this.clipboard._getBorderStyleName(defaultStyle,,3,1));
if (null !== borderStyleName) {
formatBorders.l.c = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + borders.Left.Color.r + "," + borders.Left.Color.g + "," + borders.Left.Color.b + ")"));
//bottom border for cell
if(top == + heigthCell - 1 && !formatBorders.b.s)
borderStyleName = this.clipboard._getBorderStyleName(defaultStyle,,3,1));
if (null !== borderStyleName) {
formatBorders.b.c = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + borders.Bottom.Color.r + "," + borders.Bottom.Color.g + "," + borders.Bottom.Color.b + ")"));
//right border for cell
if(left == cellTable.left + widthCell - 1 && !formatBorders.r.s)
borderStyleName = this.clipboard._getBorderStyleName(defaultStyle,,3,1));
if (null !== borderStyleName) {
formatBorders.r.c = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + borders.Right.Color.r + "," + borders.Right.Color.g + "," + borders.Right.Color.b + ")"));
return formatBorders;
_parseParagraph: function(paragraph, activeRange, row, col, rowSpan, colSpan)
var content = paragraph.Content;
var row;
var text = null;
var oNewItem = [];
aResult = this.aResult;
if(row === undefined)
if(aResult.length == 0)
row = activeRange.r1;
row = aResult.length;
if(this.aResult[row] && this.aResult[row][col] && this.aResult[row][col][0] && this.aResult[row][col][0].length === 0 && (this.aResult[row][col][0].borders || this.aResult[row][col][0].rowSpan != null))
oNewItem.borders = this.aResult[row][col][0].borders;
if(this.aResult[row][col][0].rowSpan != null)
oNewItem.rowSpan = this.aResult[row][col][0].rowSpan;
oNewItem.colSpan = this.aResult[row][col][0].colSpan;
delete this.aResult[row][col];
aResult[row] = [];
var s = 0;
var c1 = col !== undefined ? col : activeRange.c1;
var backgroundColor = null;
if(paragraph.Parent && paragraph.Parent.Parent && paragraph.Parent.Parent instanceof CTableCell2 && paragraph.Parent.Parent.CompiledPr && paragraph.Parent.Parent.CompiledPr.Pr.Shd && paragraph.Parent.Parent.CompiledPr.Pr.Shd.Color)
var color = paragraph.Parent.Parent.CompiledPr.Pr.Shd.Color;
backgroundColor = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + ")"));
oNewItem.bc = backgroundColor;
paragraph.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = true;
var paraPr = paragraph.Get_CompiledPr();
var paragraphFontFamily = paraPr.TextPr.FontFamily.Name;
var paragraphFontSize = paraPr.TextPr.FontSize;
var paragraphBold = paraPr.TextPr.Bold;
var paragraphItalic = paraPr.TextPr.Italic;
var paragraphStrikeout = paraPr.TextPr.Strikeout;
var paragraphUnderline = paraPr.TextPr.Underline;
var paragraphVertAlign = "none";
if(paraPr.TextPr.VertAlign == 1)
paragraphVertAlign = "superscript";
else if(paraPr.TextPr.VertAlign == 2)
paragraphVertAlign = "subscript";
var colorParagraph = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + paraPr.TextPr.Color.r + "," + paraPr.TextPr.Color.g + "," + paraPr.TextPr.Color.b + ")"));
//проходимся по контенту paragraph
for(var n = 0; n < content.length; n++)
//s - меняется в зависимости от табуляции
if(!aResult[row][s + c1])
aResult[row][s + c1] = [];
if(text == null)
text = "";
if(content[n] instanceof ParaTextPr2)//settings for text
if(text !== null && oNewItem[oNewItem.length - 1])//oNewItem - массив, аналогичный value2
oNewItem[oNewItem.length - 1].text = text;
else if(text !== null && oNewItem.length == 0)
fontFamily = "Arial";
this.fontsNew[this.fontsNew.length] = [];
this.fontsNew[this.fontsNew.length - 1][0] = fontFamily;
colorText = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(0, 0, 0)"));
var calcValue = content[n].CalcValue;
format: {
fn: calcValue.FontFamily && calcValue.FontFamily.Name ? calcValue.FontFamily.Name : paragraphFontFamily,
fs: calcValue.FontSize ? calcValue.FontSize : paragraphFontSize,
c: colorParagraph ? colorParagraph : colorText,
b: paragraphBold,
i: paragraphItalic,
u: paragraphUnderline,
s: paragraphStrikeout,
va: "none"
oNewItem[oNewItem.length - 1].text = text;
text = "";
cTextPr = content[n].CalcValue;
colorText = new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(" + cTextPr.Color.r + "," + cTextPr.Color.g + "," + cTextPr.Color.b + ")"));
colorText = null;
fontFamily = cTextPr.fontFamily ? fontFamily : cTextPr.RFonts.CS ? cTextPr.RFonts.CS.Name : paragraphFontFamily;
this.fontsNew[this.fontsNew.length] = [];
this.fontsNew[this.fontsNew.length - 1][0] = fontFamily;
var verticalAlign;
if(cTextPr.VertAlign == 2)
verticalAlign = "subscript";
else if(cTextPr.VertAlign == 1)
verticalAlign = "superscript";
format: {
fn: fontFamily,
fs: cTextPr.FontSize ? cTextPr.FontSize : paragraphFontSize,
c: colorText ? colorText : colorParagraph,
b: cTextPr.Bold ? cTextPr.Bold : paragraphBold,
i: cTextPr.Italic ? cTextPr.Italic : paragraphItalic,
u: cTextPr.Underline ? cTextPr.Underline : paragraphUnderline,
s: cTextPr.Strikeout ? cTextPr.Strikeout : paragraphStrikeout,
va: verticalAlign ? verticalAlign : paragraphVertAlign
else if(content[n] instanceof ParaText2)//text
text += content[n].Value;
else if(content[n] instanceof ParaSpace2)
text += " ";
else if(content[n] instanceof ParaTab2)//tab
fontFamily = paragraphFontFamily;
this.fontsNew[this.fontsNew.length] = [];
this.fontsNew[this.fontsNew.length - 1][0] = fontFamily;
colorText = colorParagraph ? colorParagraph : new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(0, 0, 0)"));
format: {
fn: fontFamily,
fs: paragraphFontSize,
c: colorText,
b: paragraphBold,
i: paragraphItalic,
u: paragraphUnderline,
s: paragraphStrikeout,
va: paragraphVertAlign
if(text !== null)
oNewItem[oNewItem.length - 1].text = text;
//переходим в следующую ячейку
if(typeof aResult[row][s + c1] == "object")
aResult[row][s + c1][aResult[row][s + c1].length] = oNewItem
aResult[row][s + c1] = [];
aResult[row][s + c1][0] = oNewItem;
text = "";
oNewItem = [];
else if(content[n] instanceof ParaEnd2)//end
fontFamily = paragraphFontFamily;
this.fontsNew[this.fontsNew.length] = [];
this.fontsNew[this.fontsNew.length - 1][0] = fontFamily;
colorText = colorParagraph ? colorParagraph : new RgbColor(this.clipboard._getBinaryColor("rgb(0, 0, 0)"));
format: {
fn: fontFamily,
fs: paragraphFontSize,
c: colorText,
b: paragraphBold,
i: paragraphItalic,
u: paragraphUnderline,
s: paragraphStrikeout,
va: paragraphVertAlign
if(text !== null)
oNewItem[oNewItem.length - 1].text = text;
text = "";
if(typeof aResult[row][s + c1] == "object")
aResult[row][s + c1][aResult[row][s + c1].length] = oNewItem
aResult[row][s + c1] = [];
aResult[row][s + c1][0] = oNewItem;
else if(n == content.length - 1)//end of row
text = "";
oNewItem = [];
var c_oAscBoundsElementType = {
Content : 0,
Paragraph : 1,
Table : 2,
Row : 3,
Cell : 4
function DocumentContentBoundsElement(elem, type, parent){
this.elem = elem;
this.type = type;
this.parent = parent;
this.children = [];
this.left = 0; = 0;
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
function DocumentContentBounds(){
DocumentContentBounds.prototype = {
getBounds: function(nLeft, nTop, aDocumentContent){
//в первный проход заполняем размеры
//и могут заноситься относительные сдвиги при небходимости
var oRes = this._getMeasure(aDocumentContent, null);
//заполняем абсолютные сдвиги
this._getOffset(nLeft, nTop, oRes);
return oRes;
_getOffset: function(nLeft, nTop, elem){
elem.left += nLeft; += nTop;
var nCurLeft = elem.left;
var nCurTop =;
var bIsRow = elem.elem instanceof CTableRow;
for(var i = 0, length = elem.children.length; i < length; i++)
var child = elem.children[i];
this._getOffset(nCurLeft, nCurTop, child);
nCurLeft += child.width;
nCurTop += child.height;
_getMeasure: function(aDocumentContent, oParent){
var oRes = new DocumentContentBoundsElement(aDocumentContent, c_oAscBoundsElementType.Content, oParent);
for(var i = 0, length = aDocumentContent.length; i < length; i++)
var elem = aDocumentContent[i];
var oNewElem = null;
if(type_Paragraph == elem.GetType())
oNewElem = new DocumentContentBoundsElement(elem, c_oAscBoundsElementType.Paragraph, oRes);
oNewElem.width = 1;
oNewElem.height = 1;
else if(type_Table == elem.GetType())
oNewElem = this._getTableMeasure(elem, oRes);
if(null != oNewElem)
if(oNewElem.width && oNewElem.width > oRes.width)
oRes.width = oNewElem.width;
oRes.height += oNewElem.height;
return oRes;
_getTableMeasure: function(table, oParent){
var oRes = new DocumentContentBoundsElement(table, c_oAscBoundsElementType.Table, oParent);
//надо рассчитать сколько ячеек приходится на tableGrid, по умолчанию по одной
//todo надо оптимизировать размер
var aGridWidth = [];
for(var i = 0, length = table.TableGrid.length; i < length; i++)
//заполняем aGridWidth
for(var i = 0, length = table.Content.length; i < length; i++)
var row = table.Content[i];
var oNewElem = this._setRowGridWidth(row, oRes, aGridWidth);
if(null != oNewElem)
var aSumGridWidth = [];
var nTempSum = 0;
for(var i = 0, length = aGridWidth.length; i < length + 1; i++)
aSumGridWidth[i] = nTempSum;
var nCurValue = aGridWidth[i];
nTempSum += nCurValue;
//заполняем размеры
for(var i = 0, length = oRes.children.length; i < length; i++)
var rowWrapped = oRes.children[i];
this._getRowMeasure(rowWrapped, aSumGridWidth);
oRes.height += rowWrapped.height;
//в left временно занесен относительный сдвиг
if(rowWrapped.width + rowWrapped.left > oRes.width)
oRes.width = rowWrapped.width + rowWrapped.left;
return oRes;
_setRowGridWidth: function(row, oParent, aGridWidth){
var oRes = new DocumentContentBoundsElement(row, c_oAscBoundsElementType.Row, oParent);
var nSumGrid = 0;
var BeforeInfo = row.Get_Before();
if(BeforeInfo && BeforeInfo.GridBefore)
nSumGrid += BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
for(var i = 0, length = row.Content.length; i < length; i++)
var cell = row.Content[i];
var oNewCell = new DocumentContentBoundsElement(cell, c_oAscBoundsElementType.Cell, oRes);
var oNewElem = this._getMeasure(cell.Content.Content, oNewCell);
oNewCell.width = oNewElem.width;
oNewCell.height = oNewElem.height;
if(oNewCell.height > oRes.height)
oRes.height = oNewCell.height;
var nCellGrid = cell.Get_GridSpan();
if(oNewElem.width > nCellGrid)
var nFirstGridWidth = oNewElem.width - nCellGrid + 1;
var nCurValue = aGridWidth[nSumGrid];
if(null != nCurValue && nCurValue < nFirstGridWidth)
aGridWidth[nSumGrid] = nFirstGridWidth;
nSumGrid += nCellGrid;
return oRes;
_getRowMeasure: function(rowWrapped, aSumGridWidth){
var nSumGrid = 0;
var BeforeInfo = rowWrapped.elem.Get_Before();
if(BeforeInfo && BeforeInfo.GridBefore)
//временно заносим относительный сдвиг
rowWrapped.left = aSumGridWidth[nSumGrid + BeforeInfo.GridBefore] - aSumGridWidth[nSumGrid];
nSumGrid += BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
for(var i = 0, length = rowWrapped.children.length; i < length; i++)
var cellWrapped = rowWrapped.children[i];
var nCellGrid = cellWrapped.elem.Get_GridSpan();
cellWrapped.width = aSumGridWidth[nSumGrid + nCellGrid] - aSumGridWidth[nSumGrid];
//выравниваем высоту ячеек по-максимому
cellWrapped.height = rowWrapped.height;
rowWrapped.width += cellWrapped.width;
nSumGrid += nCellGrid;
* Export
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
window["Asc"].Clipboard = Clipboard;
window["Asc"].pasteFromBinaryWord = pasteFromBinaryWord;
window["Asc"].DocumentContentBounds = DocumentContentBounds;
)(jQuery, window);
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