Commit ab5bd2d9 authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

+ previous revision

parent 8991e0dd
......@@ -8510,259 +8510,11 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
var yC3D = pointCenter1.y;
var angles = this._calculateAngles3D(xCenter, yCenter + depth/2, radius11, radius12, radius3D1, center3D1);
var angles1 = this._calculateAngles3D(xCenter, yCenter + depth/2, radius21, radius22, radius3D2, center3D2);
//radiusUp1, radiusUp2, radiusDown1, radiusDown2, startAngle1, swapAngle1, startAngle2, swapAngle2, depth, xCenter, yCenter
/*for(var i = 0; i < angles1.length; i++)
var path = new Path();
path.pathH = pathH;
path.pathW = pathW;
var start = angles1[i].start;
var swap = angles1[i].swap;
if(i === angles1.length - 1)
var end = angles1[0].start + 2 * Math.PI;
swap = end - start;
var radiusSpec = (radius11 * radius12) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius12, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(start)), 2) + Math.pow(radius11, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(start),2));
//var radiusSpec2 = (radius11 * radius2) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius2, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(endAng)), 2) + Math.pow(radius11, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(endAng),2));
var x1 = (xCenter + radiusSpec*Math.cos(start));
var y1 = (yCenter - radiusSpec*Math.sin(start));
path.moveTo(xC3D / pxToMm * pathW, yC3D / pxToMm * pathH);
path.lnTo(x1 / pxToMm * pathW, y1 / pxToMm * pathH);
path.arcTo(Math.abs(radius11) / pxToMm * pathW, Math.abs(radius12) / pxToMm * pathH, -1 * start*cToDeg, -1 * swap*cToDeg);
path.lnTo(xC3D / pxToMm * pathW, yC3D / pxToMm * pathH);
if(!this.paths.series[angles1.length - i - 1])
this.paths.series[angles1.length - i - 1] = [];
this.paths.series[angles1.length - i - 1].push({frontPath: [], upPath: path, insidePath: null, downPath: null});
var angles = [];
var x22, y22;
/*for (var i = numCache.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var val = numCache[i].val;
var partOfSum = numCache[i].val / sumData;
var swapAngle = Math.abs((parseFloat(partOfSum)) * (Math.PI * 2));
this.paths.series = [];
this.paths.series[i] = [];
//this.paths.series[i].push(this._calculateArc3DPerspective(radius, startAngle, swapAngle, xCenter, yCenter, Math.abs(depth), Math.abs(radius11), Math.abs(radius12), Math.abs(radius21), Math.abs(radius22), pointCenter1, pointCenter2));
var point1 = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(center3D1.x + radius3D1 * Math.cos(startAngle), center3D1.y, center3D1.z + radius3D1 * Math.sin(startAngle));
var point2 = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(center3D1.x + radius3D1 * Math.cos(startAngle + swapAngle), center3D1.y, center3D1.z + radius3D1 * Math.sin(startAngle + swapAngle));
var xC = xCenter;
var yC = yCenter + depth/2;
if(x22 !== undefined)
x1 = x22;
y1 = y22;
var y1 = point1.y;
var x1 = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.pow(radius11, 2)*(1 - (Math.pow(y1 - (yC), 2) / Math.pow(radius12, 2)))));
if(newStartAngle <= 3*Math.PI/2)
x1 = xCenter - x1;
x1 = widthCanvas - (xCenter - x1)
var y2 = point2.y;
var x2 = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.pow(radius11, 2)*(1 - (Math.pow(y2 - (yC), 2) / Math.pow(radius12, 2)))));
if(newStartAngle + swapAngle <= 3*Math.PI/2)
x2 = xCenter - x2;
x2 = widthCanvas - (xCenter - x2)
var a = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
var b = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xC - x1, 2) + Math.pow(yC - y1, 2));
var c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xC - x2, 2) + Math.pow(yC - y2, 2));
//var newSwapAngle1 = Math.acos((Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2) - Math.pow(c, 2)) / (2 * a * b));
//var newSwapAngle2 = Math.acos((Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(b, 2)) / (2 * a * c));
var tempSwap = Math.acos((Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(a, 2)) / (2 * b * c));
//рассчитываем угол
var tempSwapAngle = 0;
var tempStartAngle = startAngle;
var tempAngle3d;
var newSwapAngle3 = 0;
if(tempStartAngle + Math.PI / 2 < startAngle + swapAngle)
tempSwapAngle = Math.PI / 2;
var point1 = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(center3D1.x + radius3D1 * Math.cos(tempStartAngle), center3D1.y, center3D1.z + radius3D1 * Math.sin(tempStartAngle));
var point2 = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(center3D1.x + radius3D1 * Math.cos(tempStartAngle + tempSwapAngle), center3D1.y, center3D1.z + radius3D1 * Math.sin(tempStartAngle + tempSwapAngle));
var y11 = point1.y;
var x11 = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.pow(radius11, 2)*(1 - (Math.pow(y11 - (yC), 2) / Math.pow(radius12, 2)))));
if(newStartAngle <= 3*Math.PI/2)
x11 = xCenter - x11;
x11 = widthCanvas - (xCenter - x11)
y22 = point2.y;
x22 = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.pow(radius11, 2)*(1 - (Math.pow(y22 - (yC), 2) / Math.pow(radius12, 2)))));
if(tempStartAngle + tempSwapAngle <= 3*Math.PI/2)
x22 = xCenter - x22;
x22 = widthCanvas - (xCenter - x22)
var a = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x22 - x11, 2) + Math.pow(y22 - y11, 2));
var b = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xC - x11, 2) + Math.pow(yC - y11, 2));
var c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xC - x22, 2) + Math.pow(yC - y22, 2));
//var newSwapAngle1 = Math.acos((Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2) - Math.pow(c, 2)) / (2 * a * b));
//var newSwapAngle2 = Math.acos((Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(b, 2)) / (2 * a * c));
tempStartAngle += Math.PI / 2;
newSwapAngle3 += Math.acos((Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(a, 2)) / (2 * b * c));
tempSwapAngle = (startAngle + swapAngle) - tempStartAngle;
var point1 = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(center3D1.x + radius3D1 * Math.cos(tempStartAngle), center3D1.y, center3D1.z + radius3D1 * Math.sin(tempStartAngle));
var point2 = this.cChartDrawer._convertAndTurnPoint(center3D1.x + radius3D1 * Math.cos(tempStartAngle + tempSwapAngle), center3D1.y, center3D1.z + radius3D1 * Math.sin(tempStartAngle + tempSwapAngle));
var y11 = point1.y;
var x11 = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.pow(radius11, 2)*(1 - (Math.pow(y11 - (yC), 2) / Math.pow(radius12, 2)))));
if(tempStartAngle <= 3*Math.PI/2)
x11 = xCenter - x11;
x11 = widthCanvas - (xCenter - x11)
y22 = point2.y;
x22 = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(Math.pow(radius11, 2)*(1 - (Math.pow(y22 - (yC), 2) / Math.pow(radius12, 2)))));
if(tempStartAngle + tempSwapAngle <= 3*Math.PI/2)
x22 = xCenter - x22;
x22 = widthCanvas - (xCenter - x22)
var a = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x22 - x11, 2) + Math.pow(y22 - y11, 2));
var b = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xC - x11, 2) + Math.pow(yC - y11, 2));
var c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xC - x22, 2) + Math.pow(yC - y22, 2));
//var newSwapAngle1 = Math.acos((Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2) - Math.pow(c, 2)) / (2 * a * b));
//var newSwapAngle2 = Math.acos((Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(b, 2)) / (2 * a * c));
newSwapAngle3 += Math.acos((Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) - Math.pow(a, 2)) / (2 * b * c));
var path = new Path();
path.pathH = pathH;
path.pathW = pathW;
path.moveTo(xC3D / pxToMm * pathW, yC3D / pxToMm * pathH);
path.lnTo(x1 / pxToMm * pathW, y1 / pxToMm * pathH);
path.arcTo(Math.abs(radius11) / pxToMm * pathW, Math.abs(radius12) / pxToMm * pathH, -1 * newStartAngle*cToDeg, -1 * newSwapAngle3*cToDeg);
path.lnTo(xC3D / pxToMm * pathW, yC3D / pxToMm * pathH);
var path2 = new Path();
path2.pathH = pathH;
path2.pathW = pathW;
path2.moveTo(xC3D / pxToMm * pathW, yC3D / pxToMm * pathH);
path2.lnTo(x1 / pxToMm * pathW, y1 / pxToMm * pathH);
path2.lnTo(x2 / pxToMm * pathW, y2 / pxToMm * pathH);
path2.lnTo(xC3D /pxToMm * pathW, yC3D / pxToMm * pathH);
angles.push({start: newStartAngle, swap: newSwapAngle3, end: newStartAngle + newSwapAngle3});
startAngle += swapAngle;
newStartAngle += newSwapAngle3;
//if(i !== 0)
//this.paths.series[i].push({frontPath: [], upPath: path, insidePath: null, downPath: null});
var angles = this._calculateAngles3D(xCenter, yCenter + depth/2, radius11, radius12, radius3D1, center3D1);
//var angles2 = this._calculateAngles3D();
......@@ -8784,7 +8536,21 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
swap = end - start;
var radiusSpec = (radius11 * radius12) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius12, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(start)), 2) + Math.pow(radius11, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(start),2));
var start1 = angles1[i].start;
var swap1 = angles1[i].swap;
if(i === angles1.length - 1)
var end1 = angles1[0].start + 2 * Math.PI;
swap1 = end1 - start1;
var xC = xCenter;
var yC = yCenter + depth/2;
var paths = this._calculateSegment3D2(radius11, radius12, radius21, radius22, start, swap, start1, swap1, depth, xC, yC, xC3D, yC3D);
/*var radiusSpec = (radius11 * radius12) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius12, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(start)), 2) + Math.pow(radius11, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(start),2));
//var radiusSpec2 = (radius11 * radius2) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius2, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(endAng)), 2) + Math.pow(radius11, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(endAng),2));
var xC = xCenter;
......@@ -8798,17 +8564,15 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
path.arcTo(Math.abs(radius11) / pxToMm * pathW, Math.abs(radius12) / pxToMm * pathH, -1 * start*cToDeg, -1 * swap*cToDeg);
path.lnTo(xC3D / pxToMm * pathW, yC3D / pxToMm * pathH);
if(!this.paths.series[angles.length - i - 1])
this.paths.series[angles.length - i - 1] = [];
this.paths.series[angles.length - i - 1].push({frontPath: [], upPath: path, insidePath: null, downPath: null});
this.paths.series[angles.length - i - 1].push(paths);
_calculateAngles3D: function(xCenter, yCenter, radius1, radius2, radius3D1, center3D1)
......@@ -9406,7 +9170,7 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
return path;
_calculateSegment3D2: function(radiusUp1, radiusUp2, radiusDown1, radiusDown2, startAngle1, swapAngle1, startAngle2, swapAngle2, depth, xCenter, yCenter)
_calculateSegment3D2: function(radiusUp1, radiusUp2, radiusDown1, radiusDown2, startAngle1, swapAngle1, startAngle2, swapAngle2, depth, xCenter, yCenter, x3dCenter1, y3dCenter2)
var pxToMm = this.chartProp.pxToMM;
var pathH = this.chartProp.pathH;
......@@ -9433,8 +9197,8 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
var getSegmentPoints = function(startAng, endAng)
var radiusSpec = (radius1 * radius2) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius2, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(startAng)), 2) + Math.pow(radius1, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(startAng),2));
var radiusSpec2 = (radius1 * radius2) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radius2, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(endAng)), 2) + Math.pow(radius1, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(endAng),2));
var radiusSpec = (radiusUp1 * radiusUp2) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusUp2, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(startAng)), 2) + Math.pow(radiusUp1, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(startAng),2));
var radiusSpec2 = (radiusDown1 * radiusDown2) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusDown2, 2) * Math.pow((Math.cos(endAng)), 2) + Math.pow(radiusDown1, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(endAng),2));
var x0 = (xCenter + radiusSpec*Math.cos(startAng));
var y0 = (yCenter - radiusSpec*Math.sin(startAng));
......@@ -9544,10 +9308,10 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
var endAng = startAng + swapAng;
var p = getSegmentPoints(startAng, endAng);
path.moveTo(xCenter / pxToMm * pathW, yCenter / pxToMm * pathH);
path.moveTo(x3dCenter1 / pxToMm * pathW, y3dCenter2 / pxToMm * pathH);
path.lnTo(p.x0 / pxToMm * pathW, p.y0 / pxToMm * pathH);
path.arcTo(radius1 / pxToMm * pathW, radius2 / pxToMm * pathH, -1 * stAng*cToDeg, -1 * swapAng*cToDeg);
path.lnTo(xCenter /pxToMm * pathW, yCenter / pxToMm * pathH);
path.arcTo(radiusUp1 / pxToMm * pathW, radiusUp2 / pxToMm * pathH, -1 * startAng*cToDeg, -1 * swapAng*cToDeg);
path.lnTo(x3dCenter1 /pxToMm * pathW, y3dCenter2 / pxToMm * pathH);
......@@ -9563,7 +9327,7 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
path.moveTo(xCenter / pxToMm * pathW, (yCenter + depth) / pxToMm * pathH);
path.lnTo(p.x0 / pxToMm * pathW, (p.y0 + depth) / pxToMm * pathH);
path.arcTo(radius1 / pxToMm * pathW, radius2 / pxToMm * pathH, -1 * stAng*cToDeg, -1 * swapAng*cToDeg);
path.arcTo(radiusDown1 / pxToMm * pathW, radiusDown2 / pxToMm * pathH, -1 * startAng*cToDeg, -1 * swapAng*cToDeg);
path.lnTo(xCenter /pxToMm * pathW, (yCenter + depth) / pxToMm * pathH);
......@@ -9573,9 +9337,9 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
//break front faces
var arrAngles = breakAng(stAng, swAng);
//var arrAngles = breakAng(stAng, swAng);
var frontPath = [];
for(var i = 1; i < arrAngles.length; i++)
/*for(var i = 1; i < arrAngles.length; i++)
var start = arrAngles[i - 1].angle;
var end = arrAngles[i].angle;
......@@ -9585,18 +9349,20 @@ drawPieChart.prototype =
frontPath.push(calculateFrontFace(start, swap));
var insidePath = calculateInsideFaces(stAng, swAng);
var insidePath = null;
//var insidePath = calculateInsideFaces(stAng, swAng);
var upPath = calculateUpFace(stAng, swAng);
var upPath = calculateUpFace(startAngle1, swapAngle1);
var downPath = calculateDownFace(stAng, swAng);
var downPath = null;
//var downPath = calculateDownFace(startAngle2, swapAngle2);
this.angleFor3D += swAng;
//this.angleFor3D += swAng;
return {frontPath: frontPath, upPath: upPath, insidePath: insidePath, downPath: downPath};
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