Commit acf84ab6 authored by Ilya Kirillov's avatar Ilya Kirillov

Рефакторинг и частичная реализация для сносок функции выделения.

parent a73ed133
......@@ -5211,24 +5211,14 @@ CDocument.prototype.Selection_SetEnd = function(X, Y, MouseEvent)
CDocument.prototype.Selection_Is_OneElement = function()
if (true === this.Selection.Use && this.CurPos.Type === docpostype_Content && this.Selection.Flag === selectionflag_Common && this.Selection.StartPos === this.Selection.EndPos)
if (true === this.Selection.Use && docpostype_Content === this.Get_DocPosType() && this.Selection.Flag === selectionflag_Common && this.Selection.StartPos === this.Selection.EndPos)
return 0;
return (this.Selection.StartPos < this.Selection.EndPos ? 1 : -1);
CDocument.prototype.Selection_Is_TableBorderMove = function()
if (docpostype_HdrFtr === this.CurPos.Type)
return this.HdrFtr.Selection_Is_TableBorderMove();
else if (docpostype_DrawingObjects === this.CurPos.Type)
return this.DrawingObjects.selectionIsTableBorder();
else //if ( docpostype_Content === this.CurPos.Type )
if (null != this.Selection.Data && true === this.Selection.Data.TableBorder && type_Table == this.Content[this.Selection.Data.Pos].GetType())
return true;
return false;
return this.Controller.IsMovingTableBorder();
* Проверяем попали ли мы в селект.
......@@ -5238,69 +5228,9 @@ CDocument.prototype.Selection_Is_TableBorderMove = function()
* @param NearPos
* @returns {boolean}
CDocument.prototype.Selection_Check = function(X, Y, Page_Abs, NearPos)
CDocument.prototype.Selection_Check = function(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos)
// Работаем с колонтитулом
if (docpostype_HdrFtr === this.CurPos.Type)
return this.HdrFtr.Selection_Check(X, Y, Page_Abs, NearPos);
else if (docpostype_DrawingObjects === this.CurPos.Type)
return this.DrawingObjects.selectionCheck(X, Y, Page_Abs, NearPos);
else //if ( docpostype_Content === this.CurPos.Type )
if (true === this.Selection.Use)
switch (this.Selection.Flag)
case selectionflag_Common:
var Start = this.Selection.StartPos;
var End = this.Selection.EndPos;
if (Start > End)
Start = this.Selection.EndPos;
End = this.Selection.StartPos;
if (undefined !== NearPos)
for (var Index = Start; Index <= End; Index++)
if (true === this.Content[Index].Selection_Check(0, 0, 0, NearPos))
return true;
return false;
var ContentPos = this.Internal_GetContentPosByXY(X, Y, Page_Abs, NearPos);
if (ContentPos > Start && ContentPos < End)
return true;
else if (ContentPos < Start || ContentPos > End)
return false;
var ElementPageIndex = this.private_GetElementPageIndexByXY(ContentPos, X, Y, Page_Abs);
return this.Content[ContentPos].Selection_Check(X, Y, ElementPageIndex, undefined);
case selectionflag_Numbering:
return false;
return false;
return false;
return this.Controller.CheckPosInSelection(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos);
* Выделяем все содержимое, в зависимости от текущего положения курсора.
......@@ -5309,37 +5239,7 @@ CDocument.prototype.Select_All = function()
// Работаем с колонтитулом
if (docpostype_HdrFtr === this.CurPos.Type)
else if (docpostype_DrawingObjects === this.CurPos.Type && true === this.DrawingObjects.isSelectedText())
if (true === this.Selection.Use)
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Flag = selectionflag_Common;
this.Selection.StartPos = 0;
this.Selection.EndPos = this.Content.length - 1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++)
// TODO: Пока делаем Start = true, чтобы при Ctrl+A не происходил переход к концу селекта, надо будет
// сделать по нормальному
......@@ -15876,6 +15776,93 @@ CDocument.prototype.controller_GetSelectionBounds = function()
return null;
CDocument.prototype.controller_IsMovingTableBorder = function()
if (null != this.Selection.Data && true === this.Selection.Data.TableBorder && type_Table == this.Content[this.Selection.Data.Pos].GetType())
return true;
return false;
CDocument.prototype.controller_CheckPosInSelection = function(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos)
if (true === this.Selection.Use)
switch (this.Selection.Flag)
case selectionflag_Common:
var Start = this.Selection.StartPos;
var End = this.Selection.EndPos;
if (Start > End)
Start = this.Selection.EndPos;
End = this.Selection.StartPos;
if (undefined !== NearPos)
for (var Index = Start; Index <= End; Index++)
if (true === this.Content[Index].Selection_Check(0, 0, 0, NearPos))
return true;
return false;
var ContentPos = this.Internal_GetContentPosByXY(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos);
if (ContentPos > Start && ContentPos < End)
return true;
else if (ContentPos < Start || ContentPos > End)
return false;
var ElementPageIndex = this.private_GetElementPageIndexByXY(ContentPos, X, Y, PageAbs);
return this.Content[ContentPos].Selection_Check(X, Y, ElementPageIndex, undefined);
case selectionflag_Numbering:
return false;
return false;
return false;
CDocument.prototype.controller_SelectAll = function()
if (true === this.Selection.Use)
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Flag = selectionflag_Common;
this.Selection.StartPos = 0;
this.Selection.EndPos = this.Content.length - 1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++)
CDocument.prototype.controller_AddToParagraph = function(ParaItem, bRecalculate)
......@@ -491,6 +491,24 @@ CDocumentControllerBase.prototype.DrawSelectionOnPage = function(PageAbs){};
* @returns {*}
CDocumentControllerBase.prototype.GetSelectionBounds = function(){return null;};
* Проверяем осуществляется ли сейчас движение таблицы.
* @returns {boolean}
CDocumentControllerBase.prototype.IsMovingTableBorder = function(){return false;};
* Проверяем попадает ли заданная позиция в селект.
* @param X
* @param Y
* @param PageAbs
* @param NearPos
* @returns {boolean}
CDocumentControllerBase.prototype.CheckPosInSelection = function(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos){return false;};
* Выделяем все содержимое.
CDocumentControllerBase.prototype.SelectAll = function(){};
* Добавляем элемент в параграф.
* @param oItem
......@@ -283,6 +283,18 @@ CDrawingsController.prototype.GetSelectionBounds = function()
return this.DrawingObjects.Get_SelectionBounds();
CDrawingsController.prototype.IsMovingTableBorder = function()
return this.DrawingObjects.selectionIsTableBorder();
CDrawingsController.prototype.CheckPosInSelection = function(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos)
return this.DrawingObjects.selectionCheck(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos);
CDrawingsController.prototype.SelectAll = function()
CDrawingsController.prototype.AddToParagraph = function(oItem, bRecalculate)
......@@ -813,6 +813,47 @@ CFootnotesController.prototype.GetSelectionBounds = function()
// TODO: Доделать селект и курсор
return null;
CFootnotesController.prototype.IsMovingTableBorder = function()
// TODO: Доделать селект и курсор
if (true === this.Selection.Use)
if (null !== this.CurFootnote)
return this.CurFootnote.Selection_Is_TableBorderMove();
return false;
CFootnotesController.prototype.CheckPosInSelection = function(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos)
// TODO: Доделать селект и курсор
if (true === this.Selection.Use)
if (null !== this.CurFootnote)
return this.CurFootnote.Selection_Check(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos);
return false;
CFootnotesController.prototype.SelectAll = function()
// TODO: Доделать селект и курсор
if (true === this.Selection.Use)
if (null !== this.CurFootnote)
CFootnotesController.prototype.AddToParagraph = function(oItem, bRecalculate)
......@@ -233,6 +233,18 @@ CHdrFtrController.prototype.GetSelectionBounds = function()
return this.HdrFtr.Get_SelectionBounds();
CHdrFtrController.prototype.IsMovingTableBorder = function()
return this.HdrFtr.Selection_Is_TableBorderMove();
CHdrFtrController.prototype.CheckPosInSelection = function(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos)
return this.HdrFtr.Selection_Check(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos);
CHdrFtrController.prototype.SelectAll = function()
CHdrFtrController.prototype.AddToParagraph = function(oItem, bRecalculate)
......@@ -209,6 +209,18 @@ CLogicDocumentController.prototype.GetSelectionBounds = function()
return this.LogicDocument.controller_GetSelectionBounds();
CLogicDocumentController.prototype.IsMovingTableBorder = function()
return this.LogicDocument.controller_IsMovingTableBorder();
CLogicDocumentController.prototype.CheckPosInSelection = function(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos)
return this.LogicDocument.controller_CheckPosInSelection(X, Y, PageAbs, NearPos);
CLogicDocumentController.prototype.SelectAll = function()
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