Commit b5154a42 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander.Trofimov


git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent b83b2f85
 function CDrawingDocument()
\ No newline at end of file {
this.Native = null;
this.Api = null;
this.IsLockObjectsEnable = false;
this.LogicDocument = null;
this.m_dTargetSize = 0;
this.m_lCurrentPage = -1;
this.Frame = null;
this.Table = null;
this.AutoShapesTrack = null;
this.m_arrPages = new Array();
this.m_lPagesCount = 0;
this.m_lDrawingFirst = -1;
this.m_lDrawingEnd = -1;
this.m_lCurrentPage = -1;
this.FrameRect = { IsActive : false, Rect : { X : 0, Y : 0, R : 0, B : 0 }, Frame : null,
Track : { X : 0, Y : 0, L : 0, T : 0, R : 0, B : 0, PageIndex : 0, Type : -1 }, IsTracked : false, PageIndex : 0 };
this.m_oCacheManager = new CCacheManager();
this.m_lCountCalculatePages = 0;
this.m_lTimerTargetId = -1;
this.m_dTargetX = -1;
this.m_dTargetY = -1;
this.m_lTargetPage = -1;
this.m_dTargetSize = 1;
this.NeedScrollToTarget = true;
this.NeedScrollToTargetFlag = false;
this.TargetHtmlElement = null;
this.TargetHtmlElementLeft = 0;
this.TargetHtmlElementTop = 0;
this.m_bIsBreakRecalculate = false;
this.m_bIsUpdateDocSize = false;
this.m_bIsSelection = false;
this.m_bIsSearching = false;
this.m_lCountRect = 0;
this.CurrentSearchNavi = null;
this.SearchTransform = null;
this.m_lTimerUpdateTargetID = -1;
this.m_tempX = 0;
this.m_tempY = 0;
this.m_tempPageIndex = 0;
var oThis = this;
this.m_sLockedCursorType = "";
this.TableOutlineDr = new CTableOutlineDr();
this.m_lCurrentRendererPage = -1;
this.m_oDocRenderer = null;
this.m_bOldShowMarks = false;
this.UpdateTargetFromPaint = false;
this.UpdateTargetCheck = false;
this.NeedTarget = true;
this.TextMatrix = null;
this.TargetShowFlag = false;
this.TargetShowNeedFlag = false;
this.CanvasHit = document.createElement('canvas');
this.CanvasHit.width = 10;
this.CanvasHit.height = 10;
this.CanvasHitContext = this.CanvasHit.getContext('2d');
this.TargetCursorColor = {R: 0, G: 0, B: 0};
this.GuiControlColorsMap = null;
this.IsSendStandartColors = false;
this.GuiCanvasFillTextureParentId = "";
this.GuiCanvasFillTexture = null;
this.GuiCanvasFillTextureCtx = null;
this.LastDrawingUrl = "";
this.GuiCanvasTextProps = null;
this.GuiCanvasTextPropsId = "gui_textprops_canvas_id";
this.GuiLastTextProps = null;
this.TableStylesLastLook = null;
this.LastParagraphMargins = null;
this.TableStylesSheckLook = null;
this.TableStylesSheckLookFlag = false;
// параметры для SelectShow
this.min_PageAddSelection = 100000;
this.max_PageAddSelection = -1;
this.IsShowSelectAttack = false;
this.InlineTextTrackEnabled = false;
this.InlineTextTrack = null;
this.InlineTextTrackPage = -1;
this.AutoShapesTrack = null;
this.AutoShapesTrackLockPageNum = -1;
this.Overlay = null;
this.IsTextMatrixUse = false;
this.HorVerAnchors = [];
CDrawingDocument.prototype =
// init lock objects draw
Start_CollaborationEditing : function()
this.IsLockObjectsEnable = true;
// cursor types
SetCursorType : function(sType, Data)
this.m_sLockedCursorType = sType;
this.Native["SetCursorType"](sType, Data);
LockCursorType : function(sType)
this.m_sLockedCursorType = sType;
LockCursorTypeCur : function()
this.m_sLockedCursorType = this.Native["get_LockCursorType"]();
UnlockCursorType : function()
this.m_sLockedCursorType = "";
// calculatePages
OnStartRecalculate : function(pageCount)
OnRecalculatePage : function(index, pageObject)
this.Native["OnRecalculatePage"](index, pageObject.Width, pageObject.Height,
pageObject.Margins.Left, pageObject.Margins.Top, pageObject.Margins.Right, pageObject.Margins.Bottom);
OnEndRecalculate : function(isFull, isBreak)
this.Native["OnEndRecalculate"](isFull, isBreak);
// repaint pages
OnRepaintPage : function(index)
ChangePageAttack : function(pageIndex)
// unused function
ClearCachePages : function()
// is freeze
IsFreezePage : function(pageIndex)
return this.Native["IsFreezePage"](pageIndex);
RenderPageToMemory : function(pageIndex)
var _stream = new CDrawingStream();
_stream.Native = this.Native["GetPageStream"]();
this.LogicDocument.DrawPage(pageIndex, _stream);
return _stream.Native;
CheckRasterImageOnScreen : function(src, pageIndex)
if (!this.LogicDocument || !this.LogicDocument.DrawingObjects)
return false;
var _imgs = this.LogicDocument.DrawingObject.getAllRasterImagesOnPage(i);
var _len = _imgs.length;
for (var j = 0; j < _len; j++)
if (_imgs[j] == src)
return true;
return false;
FirePaint : function()
IsCursorInTableCur : function(x, y, page)
return this.Native["IsCursorInTable"](x, y, page);
// convert coords
ConvertCoordsToCursorWR : function(x, y, pageIndex, transform)
var _return = this.Native["ConvertCoordsToCursor"](x, y, pageIndex, transform);
return { X : _return[0], Y : _return[1], Error: _return[2] };
ConvertCoordsToAnotherPage : function(x, y, pageCoord, pageNeed)
var _return = this.Native["ConvertCoordsToAnotherPage"](x, y, pageCoord, pageNeed);
return { X : _return[0], Y : _return[1], Error: _return[2] };
// targer
TargetStart : function()
TargetEnd : function()
SetTargetColor : function(r, g, b)
this.Native["SetTargetColor"](r, g, b);
UpdateTargetTransform : function(matrix)
if (matrix)
this.Native["UpdateTargetTransform"](, matrix.shy, matrix.shx,, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
UpdateTarget : function(x, y, pageIndex)
this.LogicDocument.Set_TargetPos( x, y, pageIndex );
this.Native["UpdateTarget"](x, y, pageIndex);
SetTargetSize : function(size)
this.m_dTargetSize = size;
TargetShow : function()
// track images
StartTrackImage : function(obj, x, y, w, h, type, pagenum)
// unused function
// track tables
StartTrackTable : function(obj, transform)
// TODO:
EndTrackTable : function(pointer, bIsAttack)
// TODO:
// current page
SetCurrentPage : function(PageIndex)
this.m_lCurrentPage = this.Native["SetCurrentPage"](PageIndex);
// select
SelectEnabled : function(bIsEnabled)
SelectClear : function()
AddPageSelection : function(pageIndex, x, y, w, h)
this.Native["AddPageSelection"](pageIndex, x, y, w, h);
OnSelectEnd : function()
// none
SelectShow : function()
// search
StartSearch : function()
EndSearch : function(bIsChange)
// ruler states
Set_RulerState_Table : function(markup, transform)
this.Frame = null;
this.Table = markup.Table;
// TODO:
this.Native["Set_RulerState_Table"](markup, transform);
Set_RulerState_Paragraph : function(margins)
this.Table = null;
if (margins && margins.Frame)
this.Native["Set_RulerState_Paragraph"](margins.L, margins.T, margins.R, margins.B, true, margins.PageIndex);
this.Frame = margins.Frame;
else if (margins)
this.Frame = null;
this.Native["Set_RulerState_Paragraph"](margins.L, margins.T, margins.R, margins.B);
this.Frame = null;
Set_RulerState_HdrFtr : function(bHeader, Y0, Y1)
this.Frame = null;
this.Table = null;
this.Native["Set_RulerState_HdrFtr"](bHeader, Y0, Y1);
Update_ParaTab : function(Default_Tab, ParaTabs)
var _arr_pos = [];
var _arr_types = [];
var __tabs = ParaTabs.Tabs;
if (undefined === __tabs)
__tabs = ParaTabs;
var _len = __tabs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < _len; i++)
if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Left)
else if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Center)
else if (__tabs[i].Value == tab_Right)
this.Native["Update_ParaTab"](Default_Tab, _arr_pos, _arr_types);
CorrectRulerPosition : function(pos)
if (global_keyboardEvent.AltKey)
return pos;
return ((pos / 2.5 + 0.5) >> 0) * 2.5;
UpdateTableRuler : function(isCols, index, position)
this.Native["UpdateTableRuler"](isCols, index, position);
// convert pixels
GetDotsPerMM : function(value)
return value * this.Native["GetDotsPerMM"]();
GetMMPerDot : function(value)
return value / this.GetDotsPerMM( 1 );
GetVisibleMMHeight : function()
return this.Native["GetVisibleMMHeight"]();
// вот оооочень важная функция. она выкидывает из кэша неиспользуемые шрифты
CheckFontCache : function()
var map_used = this.LogicDocument.Document_CreateFontMap();
for (var i in map_used)
this.Native["CheckFontCacheAdd"](map_used[i].Name, map_used[i].Style, map_used[i].Size);
// при загрузке документа - нужно понять какие шрифты используются
CheckFontNeeds : function()
// треки
DrawTrack : function(type, matrix, left, top, width, height, isLine, canRotate)
if (matrix)
this.AutoShapesTrack["TrackMatrix"](, matrix.shy, matrix.shx,, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
this.AutoShapesTrack["DrawTrack"](type, left, top, width, height, isLine, canRotate);
DrawTrackSelectShapes : function(x, y, w, h)
this.AutoShapesTrack["DrawTrackSelectShapes"](x, y, w, h);
DrawAdjustment : function(matrix, x, y)
if (matrix)
this.AutoShapesTrack["TrackMatrix"](, matrix.shy, matrix.shx,, matrix.tx, matrix.ty);
this.AutoShapesTrack["DrawAdjustment"](x, y);
LockTrackPageNum : function(nPageNum)
UnlockTrackPageNum : function()
IsMobileVersion : function()
return false;
DrawVerAnchor : function(pageNum, xPos)
this.Native["DrawVerAnchor"](pageNum, xPos);
DrawHorAnchor : function(pageNum, yPos)
this.Native["DrawHorAnchor"](pageNum, yPos);
// track text (inline)
StartTrackText : function()
EndTrackText : function()
\ No newline at end of file
function CDrawingStream()
this.Native = null;
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype = ...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype =
{ {
Init : function() Init : function()
{ {
this.Measurer.Initialize(window.native); this.Measurer["Initialize"](window.native);
}, },
SetFont : function(font) SetFont : function(font)
...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype = ...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype =
if (_info.SrcBold) flag |= 0x04; if (_info.SrcBold) flag |= 0x04;
if (_info.SrcItalic) flag |= 0x08; if (_info.SrcItalic) flag |= 0x08;
var _bounds = this.Measurer.LoadFont(_info.Path, _info.FaceIndex, _lastSetUp.SetUpSize, flag); var _bounds = this.Measurer["LoadFont"](_info.Path, _info.FaceIndex, _lastSetUp.SetUpSize, flag);
this.UnitsPerEm = _bounds[3]; this.UnitsPerEm = _bounds[3];
var dKoef = g_dKoef_pt_to_mm * _lastSetUp.SetUpSize / this.UnitsPerEm; var dKoef = g_dKoef_pt_to_mm * _lastSetUp.SetUpSize / this.UnitsPerEm;
...@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype = ...@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype =
if (_info.SrcBold) flag |= 0x04; if (_info.SrcBold) flag |= 0x04;
if (_info.SrcItalic) flag |= 0x08; if (_info.SrcItalic) flag |= 0x08;
var _bounds = this.Measurer.LoadFont(_info.Path, _info.FaceIndex, _lastFont.SetUpSize, flag); var _bounds = this.Measurer["LoadFont"](_info.Path, _info.FaceIndex, _lastFont.SetUpSize, flag);
this.UnitsPerEm = _bounds[3]; this.UnitsPerEm = _bounds[3];
var dKoef = g_dKoef_pt_to_mm * _lastFont.SetUpSize / this.UnitsPerEm; var dKoef = g_dKoef_pt_to_mm * _lastFont.SetUpSize / this.UnitsPerEm;
...@@ -193,24 +193,24 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype = ...@@ -193,24 +193,24 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype =
Measure : function(text) Measure : function(text)
{ {
var _width = this.Measurer.MeasureChar(text.charCodeAt(0)); var _width = this.Measurer["MeasureChar"](text.charCodeAt(0));
return { Width : _width, Height : 0 }; return { Width : _width, Height : 0 };
}, },
Measure2 : function(text) Measure2 : function(text)
{ {
var _bounds = this.Measurer.GetDrawingBox(text.charCodeAt(0)); var _bounds = this.Measurer["GetDrawingBox"](text.charCodeAt(0));
return { Width : _bounds[0], Ascent : _bounds[4], Height : (_bounds[4] - _bounds[3]), WidthG: (_bounds[2] - _bounds[1]) }; return { Width : _bounds[0], Ascent : _bounds[4], Height : (_bounds[4] - _bounds[3]), WidthG: (_bounds[2] - _bounds[1]) };
}, },
MeasureCode : function(lUnicode) MeasureCode : function(lUnicode)
{ {
var _width = this.Measurer.MeasureChar(lUnicode); var _width = this.Measurer["MeasureChar"](lUnicode);
return { Width : _width, Height : 0 }; return { Width : _width, Height : 0 };
}, },
Measure2Code : function(lUnicode) Measure2Code : function(lUnicode)
{ {
var _bounds = this.Measurer.GetDrawingBox(lUnicode); var _bounds = this.Measurer["GetDrawingBox"](lUnicode);
return { Width : _bounds[0], Ascent : _bounds[4], Height : (_bounds[4] - _bounds[3]), WidthG: (_bounds[2] - _bounds[1]) }; return { Width : _bounds[0], Ascent : _bounds[4], Height : (_bounds[4] - _bounds[3]), WidthG: (_bounds[2] - _bounds[1]) };
}, },
...@@ -371,6 +371,5 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype = ...@@ -371,6 +371,5 @@ CTextMeasurerWrapper.prototype =
SrcBold : bSrcBold, SrcBold : bSrcBold,
SrcItalic : bSrcItalic SrcItalic : bSrcItalic
}; };
} }
}; };
\ No newline at end of file
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